Open Thread #872

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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I am ramming into my friends DM´s so that we can meet at least once during summer. and then other friends are mad I dont meet them. should I do friend speed dates like some people? but most live outside the capital and it takes whole day.
gonna have a picnic w old collegues and go camping with others. then also go bear watching. might take 3 days to see one.

hectic and busy and very hard to match plans with people
what are your strategies for that.?


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Just stay home! And make them come to you!


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First- be grateful and happy so many people want to see you! That is always a great problem to have.
Second- I never tell friends I am meeting others. Then hopefully I can have small visits with everyone eventually. If they all know each other that doesn’t work too well though.
Have a fun summer!☀️☀️☀️


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throw a party. I have a nice garden thankfully, and can put my friends and their kids there. But, you can also do it at a park.


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If you're going to the capital to meet one friend and all the other friends live nearby, I would say it's better if they just go to the capital instead of you going around everywhere.
And if some of those friends are like friends between them, it's better to just meet them as a group.
Otherwise it could get exhausting for your and your wallet.

Unless you prefer otherwise. If you think it would be cool extending your trip and doing all those activities. I would suggest for you make a group chat, send your friends your schedule for the trip, and tell them to figure out who's going to hang out with you which day.

I hope you enjoy your trip!


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Drama production company Number Three Pictures has pledged to reimburse actors for unpaid appearance fees. The Korea Broadcasting Actors’ Union recently stated, “Number Three Pictures finished filming two productions, ‘High School Return of a Gangster’ and ‘Spirit Fingers’ [working title], last year. However, even after a year, they have yet to pay appearance fees to 119 actors.” Demanding immediate payment, the union spokesperson added, “Just for our union members, the unpaid fees total approximately 90 million won [approximately $65,025] for ‘”High School Return of a Gangster’ and about 220 million won [approximately $158,996] for ‘Spirit Fingers.’ If non-union actors and staff are included, the total unpaid amount is likely even higher.”

Number Three Pictures responded and they agreed to settle all outstanding appearance fees by the end of August. The company is also said to have assured the union that they will disclose the specific source of funds for the payment of the fees in question. The union stated, “Despite the regrettable delay in payment, we recognize the challenges faced by the production company in producing the drama under difficult conditions. We have urged them to implement measures to prevent such issues from happening again in future productions.” The source of payment is interesting because the union fears the company is going to pay from other projects which will lead to the same problem later on.

The custom and practice in Korean TV industry is that actors get paid their episode fee after the episode airs on television. Payments can be made up to 30 days after the showing. The reason is that the networks only pay the production house after the episode airs. This was an OK business model when the industry was shooting episodes while the show was being aired on TV. But now, more shows are pre-produced following the Netflix model. Actors are not employees of the studio but independent contractors who are paid to be prepared, show up ready to shoot and bear the cost of their own hair, make-up and stylists. The only difference with film actors is that they get paid up front before shooting starts.

In the past, young actors and staff have been abused by lack of payment even after the show ends. Young artists are fearful that if they complain, other producers will not cast them. Since the pandemic ended, money has been tight for producers and production houses who began filming shows and films only to have them not picked up or licensed to OTTs.


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Wow. I appreciate knowing about this. I'm currently watching "high school return of a gangster" and it's mind boggling to think the actors haven't been paid! The union's fear around having to pay from other projects and creating the same issue again is warranted. This is what happens in the area of community services I work in where we rely entirely on grant funding. You borrow from other projects to stay afloat, a system I wholeheartedly disagree with. I know it's become difficult in this pre covid climate especially for artists and I wonder if these production company execs are willing to go months without pay the way their actors do.


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I'm always confused how this stuff happens. You would think the money is set aside or something. Or that new negotiations would happen since production is different.

And even when shows were filming and airing in real time, there were instances of cast and/or crew not being paid.

I don't understand how these things happen. I really can never wrap my head around this issue.

I think it was last year when an agency was sued and/or went under after not paying their talents and other employees.


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When the Korean networks stopped producing their own shows, they would only pay a portion of the outsourced production budget. The producer would have to make up the balance with investors or PPL or overseas licensing fees. The risk of all cost overruns is on the producer. In essence, actors services are treated like an interest free loan until the network begins to pay the producer for each episode.


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Still don't understand because it still seems like all those money related issues should be established in advance and the money for cast & crew set aside.

Also that seems like alot of pressure on producers.


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You would think that they have a complete budget before they begin production, wouldn't you?



(A) WTF Neil Gaiman?!

World-famous Fantasy author Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexually assaulting two women, one who was his fan and one who was his son's nanny (the article below summarises the case so far and includes the link to the original report which includes 4 podcasts that are grim listening):


He admitted to the inappropriate relationship with the nanny but insisted that he never sexually assaulted either of them.

Even if the accusations are false (which they probably aren't because victims usually do not come forward because of the torrent of victim-blaming and public excoriation they would face, especially if they are women), the facts remain that:

1.Both women were respectively over 20 years (the fan) and over 40 years (the nanny) younger than him
2. He is the older, wealthy, and famous one in the relationships

So you do the math about the horribly uneven power dynamics that leave it wide open for him to be abusive.

And judging from the grapevine buzz in the speculative fiction/fantasy community and fandom as well as various social media, it looks like these two cases - 2 decades apart - are just the tip of the iceberg.

Gaiman's fan base has been surprisingly rational, level-headed, and mindful towards victims/survivors. On the r/neilgaiman subreddit, the discussion has been civil and apropos:


The consensus in his fandom community there appears to be:

We love his art and his activism but:

1. No matter how you cut it, he did shitty stuff even if the allegations aren't true. You do NOT sleep with someone 20 - 40+ years younger than you when you hold all the power as their employer or their idol.

2. If he did it, he should be punished and not let off the hook because of his celebrity status.

(B) This Week in Korean Women's News

(a) Korea: Women lawyers lag behind male counterparts in senior roles in the profession

The International Bar Association (IBA) Legal Policy & Research Unit (LPRU) has released the Republic of Korea Results Report (the ‘Report’) that looks into gender disparity at senior levels of the legal profession in Korea. Despite there having been a rise in the number of women lawyers in Korea since the end of the last century, the data informing the report revealed that women are still vastly under-represented at all levels of the legal profession in Korea. Written by the Gender Equality Centre of the Korean Bar Association (KBA) the Report is the seventh in a series to be published by the IBA and the LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation as part of the 50:50 by 2030: A longitudinal study into gender disparity in law.



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(B) This Week in Korean Women's News

(a) Korea: Women lawyers lag behind male counterparts in senior roles in the profession

The International Bar Association (IBA) Legal Policy & Research Unit (LPRU) has released the Republic of Korea Results Report (the ‘Report’) that looks into gender disparity at senior levels of the legal profession in Korea. Despite there having been a rise in the number of women lawyers in Korea since the end of the last century, the data informing the report revealed that women are still vastly under-represented at all levels of the legal profession in Korea. Written by the Gender Equality Centre of the Korean Bar Association (KBA) the Report is the seventh in a series to be published by the IBA and the LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation as part of the 50:50 by 2030: A longitudinal study into gender disparity in law.


(b) Financially active South Korean women bear fewer children, report finds

Working women or dual-income households in South Korea have fewer children on average than households with a single breadwinner, as child care is disproportionately also done by women.


(c) Women handling the dead: More female morticians in South Korea as taboo fades

A growing number of South Korean women are training to be morticians, a field from which they had long been excluded, amid changing views on gender roles and a rising preference for women's bodies to be handled by women.

With recent deaths of female celebrities and prominent figures, as well as growing scrutiny of sex crimes against women, gender sensitivity is changing the way families of the deceased bid farewell to their grandmothers, mothers and daughters.



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I'm appreciating this thought around bringing gender sensitivity to death and mourning.


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Yes, the Neil Gaiman news was incredibly disappointing and surprising.

The Korean women's news is not surprising.


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Yup. So many people are in shock.


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Oh no. I am so sad to read this about Neil Gaiman. I agree with your framing here.


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And, the entitled and worm in his brain scumbag RFKJ about his sexual assault of the nanny: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jul/02/robert-f-kennedy-jr-sexual-assault-allegation-response?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other


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Nannies, au pairs, and (once upon a time) governesses have always been in a vulnerable position if they live-in with the family.

And the men in the family who rape and assault them are SCUM!


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weather - beautiful summer - too hot - heatwave

it was like 47 48 49 - humidity of may was 10% - good

as expected - as usual - march april may are with earlier march and with that you get to see awesome hot 15 months - each new month makes the party.

now its 30 to 35 but humidity is 75% to 85% - ahh rain - more rain.

Overall - beautiful and cute summer.


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monsoon as expected good - but i am expecting powerful one - that is still to come - i expect so.

POLITICS - haha - busy but now hv time for real entertainment - what fun - i was calling for elections - except no german election so far.
UK - as expected - this i said few months back
FRANCE - i wanted - i got - outcome as expected
GERMANY - need one as earlier as possible
EU - as expected.
G7 - meloni did good with usa visit. from there macron was huffing n there is no german - so all space for meloni to get whatever is in sight

India - moody didn't won, but still a pm. hv lot of memes with meloni - then who haven't.

USA - two idiots - foolish public - XI enjoying the game.


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Happy Friday, Beanies! I've gotten over my cold – not in the least thanks to microwave-hot weather – now it's LYN's turn, because based on his livestream last week he's still nowhere near healthy. Oh well, maybe he'll finally get some obviously direly needed rest after wrapping ADWAD – presumably next month... If he survives filming in +37 (current temperature in Hengdian, according to reports) outdoors in full armor first. The roast a la royale:

Being sick didn't stop him from singing a bit there though – just a few songs, since he said he needs to preserve the remnants of his voice for 4 (!) OSTs he's about to record. As expected, we've got live version of “Heart's longing” and from his vibing hard in process I can tell he likes it a lot. Lol at him addressing that he indirectly collabed with LYX a few times already – I'm waiting to hear you in SHUI LONG YIN OST too, did you hear me, boy?

Another track he choose to perform – for reasons I'd like to know, maybe it's just less straining vocally? - is his own emo ballad “Staying up all night”. You'd never guess from him making a circus out of it tho))) Guess it's hard to stay serious while wearing a shirt with a cartoon fox...

Turns out I shared this song before, but yall probably forgot already – it's not that memorable, honestly. As I said, it's wonderfully emo – those lyrics, omg! 11/10 on self-pity scale. Sorry, the mental image of him wallowing in a heartbreak at night over wine – when he cannot drink at all – is just too funny for me to take it any seriously. Insomnia? As if - he'd be blissfully snoring after two glasses max!

Just when I started wondering which direction I should go next with this particular entry, YT recommends sent me bits of his online concert during AJTL era – the one he did to thank old and new fans for supporting him back then. Somehow I didn't spend enough time covering that live – big, big mistake, since he created a particularly impressive set-list and was on fire singing it. Even slower, mellower songs slap hard – for example, “Falling as white” (it's about snow... and petals... and idk, I found lyrics quite all over the place even fully translated):

This probably would've work great as tragic wuxia OST, yunno, the one that plays while hero dramatically laments his harsh fate, probably under the rain snow for full cinematic angst moment... I'd totally believe it if you told me that was the case:


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My personal favorite from that time – and today overall - is this song, “Rite of passion”. As you can guess, such title and his unapologetically moan-y delivery gave me an intrigued pause, so I went to search for lyrics... Yep, this is exactly what it says on the tin – and how! There's no subbed version, sadly, but the text sums up to: two people locked themselves inside a room in some remote place and “found heaven in each other's arms” (direct quote). Even with subpar machine translation it's obviously very nicely worded - just the right balance of pretty metaphors and blunt spiciness. As someone who once wrote papers on erotic poetry (if yall ever wondered what exactly killed my sense of shame...), I wholeheartedly approve. Him singing lines such as “wo shi ni de/I am yours” like he 200% means it doesn't hurt either *fans herself*

That was not the first time he sang it. Nor second. History goes back as far as his predebut days, and every single time he's having the shameless blast with this barely censored track, ahaha. Once again I was lost which version to share with you – between one where he sounds the most sexy or where he looks extra hot, with neck veins in full HD and all, it was a real challenge... In the end, to prove that I still have some marbles left, I picked the former. Don't worry, we'll get to neck veins feast (that... sounded wrong somehow, but when my narrations did not?) next time for sure – no way I'll skip THAT)))

How about a breakup ballad for wrapper? To prevent everyone here from overheating if I kept the sexy theme going on^^ A literal breeze of cool freshness - “Ask the wind”. This time he's sincerely dedicated to act the song's tearjerker mood, heh – guess being dumped without an explanation is an universal experience everyone can relate to, even our Mr I-was-always-popular-with-ladies (for all clearly influenced by haters BS he says about his looks these days, he never denied being a charmer at least – not that anyone in their right mind would believe him even if he tried to):

Older version with lyrics. Textbook example of things like “cold shoulder” and “harsh rejection”:

Bonus: THE TRUTHS2 ended and I'm still nowhere near close to finishing it, and while I think this season was less engaging plot-wise (why, why the change of rules? and they never gave him a proper break from villain-dome!), fashion show was A+! I loved nearly all his looks there, but latest was truly above anything else. And it wasn't just for the pretty – he was playing futuristic genius detective, how neo-noir! In all neon cyberpunk glory:


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Happy Friday! I am happy to know you have recovered! 😊 Hopefully it will get cooler soon!

LYN need to rest and heal. Thanks for all the video links! 💕


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Hey! Can you remove my tag going forward? 🙏Thank you!


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Yes, ofc)))

Once again - if anyone wants to be removed (or added), pls tell me!


Glad you are feeling better! The weather has been in the triple digits for the last two weeks. I feel like being roasted in the oven when I go outside.🔥

Thank you for the Yuning updates and playlist! I've been listening to "My Heart" non-stop. I love it more than the show. I swear the writers must have zornia in their tea or something.


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I'm quite tolerant to heat and sun, but it's getting a bit too much sometimes. Still prefer it to winter anytime.

I'm so mad at FYH's mess of writing, I didn't even have the heart to properly rant about it in my WWWW draft for tomorrow. Will probably just watch last episode (if that's HE as we were promised) and that's it. What a waste of resources, human and otherwise...

Song is great indeed though. We're also having another OST from him on 10th - after slowing down a bit in spring, boy is about to catch up with vengeance)))


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FYH is a step backward for all of the actors. I've seen better from the main leads and Cheng Lei. The writing is definitely bipolar.
Oh, from which drama? I can't wait.


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Then again, with lesser actors we wouldn't last even this far...

Cheng Lei needs to stop taking these "intense, aggressively brooding" roles and work on his range instead because that alone is not ML level of acting. And no more masks pls, they make him look goofy.

A BEAUTIFUL LIE - modern romance with Chen Xingxu and Zhang Yuxi. Premise - hot actress meets a cute doctor, blah-blah - is suspiciously similar to her old drama with Ding Yuxi (INTENSE LOVE), so I'm rather "huh?" about it. Even weirder is that show was just rumored to come out in late August, but since full OST is dropping next week, that's probably not the case anymore?


I agree with this. I also started FYH. I am midway done and its losing its direction. I find myself ffwd scenes. I may just get back to this on the last episodes to see the HEA.


Upd.: we're getting 2 OSTs next week, another one for some thriller on 11th!


@jillian seems like this is gonna be forever remembered as "a drama with 3 fun weddings... and nothing much else".


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That is most likely to happen. I feel bad for the cast all around.


Random Yuning stuff:

My goodness. Is he going to die again in his next drama?https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T3M_XxwMc_4
I hope PEARL GIRL will come out first.
Do you know anything about CHAN NV? https://wiki.d-addicts.com/Chan_Nv


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Don't worry, that's just him experiencing traditional cdrama wedding in all its murderous glory - his previous ones went too peacefully for the genre rules, one day karma had to get to him somehow lol))) I believe this happens relatively early in the story, so he gets away with just a serious injury (but yes, stop stabbing him there, we have a trauma!).

On a serious note - I have no idea, honestly. Can he even die/live in full sense of a word, given that 2/3 of his characters in the show are fictional and whatever happens to them in the end ultimately won't be "real"? I assume FL's transmigrator role there is to change the plot/her and ML's scripted tragic fates, but regarding them having any sort of HE, within the script or outside of it... idk.

PEARL GIRL is so dropping this winter or so, methinks, Youku is pretty much hell-bent on airing it asap. I do have a lot of unflattering words towards their exceptionally crappy marketing campaign though, he'd better not work with them again anytime soon...

Yes, I do! Wait for WWWW thread)))


We are having an unusually cold winter where I am. I'm dreaming of a world where we followed nature's rhythms. Winters would be for slowing down, working less and hibernating. Some people take holidays in winter and go somewhere warmer. That's nice. I wish that option was available to *all* people. Some can't afford *not* to work throughout the year just to be able to eat and pay rent. We need a universal basic income for one and all. Annnnd that's how I go from contemplating the weather to social reform and revolution.


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Do you like the show Star Trek? I love it. A society where money doesn’t exist, sickness can most often be cured, and it’s easy to transport to places. Star date around 2250. But somehow there is always enough trouble going on somewhere for an episode to happen.
I wish I could have you come visit me- I live in a warm sunny place. I’m blessed.


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I love Star Trek too! I haven't seen the newer versions though. I was going to say money or maybe more accurately the unequal distribution of money is the problem but if there's still trouble in a society that has no money it must mean something.

I would visit in a heartbeat. I love warm sunny places. Thank you for that very kind thought🥰


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Perhaps other watchers already know, but I just discovered Internet Archive. I've been able to access some of the harder to find kdramas (with English language subtitles) on the site that I have been wanting to watch for years. It is a legal site (not that I quite grasp how it is legal and would imagine copyright lawyers from all over the world must be constantly monitoring and fighting about this one). No weird popups or ads. A bit hard to navigate. You have to know what you are looking for and search somewhat creatively. But, it has been a nearly seamless watching experience for me for a couple of dramas that I couldn't find legal access to in the US.


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Great to know!
Thanks to a beanie recommendation of Daily Motion I was finally able to easily watch Dreaming of Fairytale.
We all need each other


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It's funny & interesting how you can feel vicarious pride when you see a celebrity succeeding haha

Like I have nothing to do with them going to a film festival or winning awards and yet I have the most heartwarming feelings seeing it happen.


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Oh! I just saw trailer or something for a movie called The Pilot and I thought the actress from Hello Me & Good Casting, who apparently retired had a new movie coming out. I thought maybe she had filmed it in advance and it was just being released.

I was very wrong because not only was it not her but it was the guy from Captivating The King! The lead actor.


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I read your comment 3 times and couldn't grasp what it means. Finally searched the movie and now I understand! 😅😄


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Sorry for my grammer fails. I think significantly faster than I type & when I read it back, I have what I meant to write in mind that sometimes, alot of times, I still end up posting mistakes.

I'm glad you were able to understand eventually haha


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No no no! I didn't mean you had grammar mistakes! I was confused because I couldn't understand why you mistook an actor for an actrss, and thought maybe I'm missing a key point! Which, I apparently was! 😅😄


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I've been loving that trailer.


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Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!
No bingeing this weekend for once, not K-dramas to be more specific. I invited my friends for a belated birthday lunch and afternoon shopping tomorrow.🍣The present wish list I sent to my friends is all books, the shopping we do is mostly books, and I still have an online coupon to exchange for books next week.📚🤭Book bingeing it is!📖🥳


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It sounds like a lovely birthday lunch. And how fun it is to go shopping with friends, right? 🥳

I hope you enjoy the books!! ☺️


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We had some good sushi and a nice bubble tea for dessert!^^ Fun yes, but dangerous for the wallet if they all are enablers! :P


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Birthday lunches (in advance, on the day or belated) are always fun.
Books are indeed a girl's best friend.
Enjoy your weekend. 😊❤


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Yes they are! And I'm ordering more of them!^^


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I watched Ready, Set, Love in the last week. The starting situation is that a pandemic killed off most men in the 1960s and still only 1% of babies are male. They have a reality tv show to marry off the few remaining. The show is pretty good compared to the three bad reality tv Korean shows of recent memory, as this one integrated the show into the bigger society problems and then the real feelings of the contestants. Acting was not amazing, but the show was best when it fed into its Wes Anderson-like, paired down, eccentric vibes.

What I thought was unexplored was what society would be like after 60 years or so without many men. I am sure there would be problems, but I don't know that they would be exactly the same pyramid classist society that the show depicts (it does have surprisingly simple surveillance). Surely women would make sure everyone was fed, housed, educated, and had access to health care? Surely capitalism would not be the same? After 60 years, what direction would society go? It would be a really interesting experiment to see how much of what is seen as feminine traits would be nature or nurture. What do ya'll think it would be like?


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I learned an expression many years ago,
“Imagine a world without men.
Lots of fat, happy women and no war.”


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The comic "Y the last man" has all men (except the hero) die. It's quite interesting to see several parts failing because women were not involved and had no working knowledge or access.


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I am watching Snowdrop. I would welcome anyone's thoughts. It is visually stunning which is no surprise because the PD is amazing. But, to me the writer is not clever enough to write an action drama. The main characters are all acting beyond stupid which usually works in a romcom, but doesn't really work in a thriller like this.

I also don't think Ji Soo is very good at acting. The character she is playing is not very well written, but her acting choices are inappropriate for the drama. So far, this is unintentionally one of the funniest dramas. I am wondering if it is intentionally bad.


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I agree that all of them made stupid choices over and over. This drama requires good suspension of disbelief.
And I agree that Ji Soo is the weak point of the cast.


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I watched it while it was airing so my memory is a little fuzzy, but I remember being surprised that it was a such a strange hybrid of earnest political thriller + chaste love story + black comedy, all adding up to a shallow and tonally inconsistent final product. I had envisioned more of a melo romance, and the drama, although watchable, lacked depth and wasted a lot of the potential of the characters and actors (I remember being particularly disappointed that the second chance romance with Jang Seung-jo ultimately went nowhere--they had great chemistry!).

To be fair, there were some genuinely moving and suspenseful moments, and it was very obvious where the editors/writers had added scenes and dialogue to try address the valid backlash over their main character actually being a North Korean spy posing as a South Korean college student. I also liked Kim Hye-yoon playing against type and the little spark of a secondary romance she had with the sidekick spy. And I have a huge soft spot for Jung Hae-in, so I do remember a lot of scenes of him being silent and stoic while also managing to glance longingly at Ji-soo's character so believably that I fervently wished their love story had been more carefully laid out and developed.

As for Ji-soo, I don't remember her being bad at all. I could tell at times that she had perhaps over-prepared, but for her first time in a leading (or any?) role, I thought she was believable and had decent chemistry with her co-stars.

I don't, however, think "Snowdrop" was designed to be unintentionally funny or intentionally bad. I think the PDs intended for it to be a big, epic, showy drama packed with big stars and exciting action sequences. It definitely fell short, but it held my interest until the end, which is more than I can say for a lot of other dramas.


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I finally got around to watching the award winning film 'Concrete Utopia'. Let me say it was a very 'Korean' film. It reminds me of the saying that 'han' (existential feeling of helpless resentment and unfairness) is the Korean national character.


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I just came across this video, shot about foreign actors in K-Drama; it was published by The Korea Times. It shows what I have heard before, a dark side to the seemingly glitzy world of Hallyu. I am amazed by K-Drama, and through it, got really interested in Korea, Korean culture and mores. But increasingly, I can see the antiquated, not-self undercurrent of this world. If I want to enjoy K-Drama, do I have to accept as a given what is shown here, or has been commented on by so many in the K-Drama world (also true for Korean actors and actresses)?



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Oraenmaniya chingu.
I hope you are doing well.
The "dark" side of showbiz is always a challenge to navigate. Do we go by what our entertainment media chooses to show or go behind-the-scenes to face reality which is not necessarily pleasant.


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Agree ... has been a while ... (chuckle) I am sooo busy with learning new stuff, right now mostly re what is known as the "Human Design" system (which is thrilling). — But I also keep going deeper into Korean culture and cultural expression, seeing more and more the myriad of links into the sinosphere. As such, for example, I started reading up on the craft of 매듭 maedup or Korean knots. I also have been binge-watching a whole series of K-Dramas, the oldest from 2004 (Full House) ... I am starting to develop a feeling for which ones I esteem as quality, which ones are so-so and which ones are enchanting and/or absolutely lovely. On the latter ones, recently Lovely Runner and a rewatch of 100 Days My Prince. But also Healer and others with that same lead actor. I meander through K-dramas by actors or actresses, I noticed. That's me for now. (Big grin)


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You've been doing good stuff ... very impressive. Human Design is indeed thrilling. I'm glad you're watching a selection of K-dramas.
My gateway drama back in 2004 was Full House. 😊❤
I'm currently celebrating 20 years of the drama on my Fanwall, where you'll find numerous posts. If you have the time you can perhaps check those out.
I hope you would drop by often (whatever is comfortable for you) on DB for a chat. We have been having Community Watches of few dramas where we see two episodes per week and discuss those on Fanwalls of various Beanies on a rotational basis every Thursday. As and when convenient the participants can choose to visit the post to comment. Till now we have watched Our Blooming Youth, Soundtrack #1 and are currently watching Just Between Lovers. In case you are interested you are most welcome to join in.
Take care. See you around. 🫰


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Ah, that sounds interesting! Community Watches ... how do I join you guys? I believe I saw Just Between Lovers, need to doublecheck. I'll go over to your Fanwall and have a look ... I only started watching K-dramas in January 2021, and since then I have been up and down the Viki Europe offerings, and gone into several non-official places to find the ones I cannot access in Europe via Viki or Netflix. So I also watched Freaking Fairytale recently (via the second avenue), which I thoroughly enjoyed. Such an excellent and fresh treatment of a topic, and not dark and heavy yet highly intelligent I felt. I have not put in the time to make a list of all the dramas I saw recently, but there have been many. I am easily spending whole nights in a row binge-watching a drama I like. I get a better feeling and understanding of all the details then. Often cannot remember actors/actresses names off the top of my head, so that involves more work to make it accountable in a Dramabeans setting and conversation, hence I have not been around too much, since I did not take the time. Human Design is more important right now. Through this I also see the utter futility of repeating old and I would say outworn topoi in a culture — for example, for me, exemplified in the Weekender Beauty and Mr. Romantic at the moment, while Freaking Fairytale was fresh and quick and contemporary I felt. I watched (second avenue) Chief Detective 1958 and that too felt like a good and fresh treatment of a past time in Korean contemporary history. — I loved (obviously) the thorough sageuk treatment of Injo and the changing of Ming to Qing; such an important time in Korean history reverberating till today. I learned something on scriptwriting with it, and had a few insights into Korean filmmaking for television.


Actually, thinking about this a bot more ... why not have a more in-depth conversation on Human Design and portrayals in K-Drama? For example the tribal channel representation in Korean television filmmaking .... ? How up to date is it really, meaning how much does it match actual life in Korea in 2024 ? Yes, filmmaking is escapism, I understand that, but for me —watching a foreign cultural environment— it is much more about learning and understanding that foreign-ness in its changes, turns and twists. That's why Hallyu in my view has also been so successful internationally ; it is not as worn out superficial as a lot of the American made movie making. I recently saw an Australian romantic comedy (quite sweet) and the lead role actress was crying in a supposedly devastating emotional state — yet there were no tears ... so what was that? Portrayal of a serious emotional state and ... what? K-dramas take the 51% of humanity with a defined emotional centre to the core of the emotional waves — that's what makes them successful I believe. And the cultural reverberations of Neo-Confucianism are still somewhat reassuring for a Western 'All-Goes' attitude I guess.


I would really love to know more about your views on the dramas you watched. I really enjoyed and deeply appreciated your in-depth analysis of dramas.

This is the link to the latest post for Just Between Lovers for episodes 3-4. The link for the previous post is also there. Just let us know if you're interested and we'll tag you each week when the new post is up. You can join in and comment as per your convenience.



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Great thanks! I'll check it out ... Love your fanwall by the way ...


@angelshadows50 I agree the "hook" of K-dramas is that they have a unique emotional connect which is universal. That transcends borders of states, cultures and stratas and touches on humanity. Most K-dramas get emotional beats "just right" although some feel a bit manipulated but largely the reason K-dramas are so beloved is that one can identify with the characters, their challenges and cheer them on when they are low and rejoice with them when they succeed. Taking Full House for example i love how the FL's struggle to write is given importance. When she finally succeeds we are viewers too feel equally validated.


@angelshadows50 Thank you!! I love to "decorate" my Fanwall. 😊 🙏


@angelshadows50 K-dramas are emotionally engaging enough for us to want to be involved in our characters' lives. The ongoing drama My Sweet Mobster on surface seems like a sweet candy floss drama much like the Cinderella show but both these dramas have surprising emotional depth. In fact as we learned from the recaps the Mobster show has a lot of Christian themes of redemption, second chances, protecting the flock and searching for the one lost sheep. I went in both dramas looking for a happy time with mindless fun encouraged by the colorful teasers and styling. Luckily both dramas have so much more depth and emotional engagement that most Beanies feel these have become our latest entrants into our most favorite dramas list.


Love this conversation, @Seeker! Yes, I'll share my views on the dramas I watched happily over time. To make this really useful and qualified, I'll need a bit of time to write this up (also some more head-scratching and brain-dumping and emotional filtering required to have the words come out) .... So, until laters .... 😁🌸🤩🪷😊


Absolutely @angelshadows50 take your time. Anytime you want to chat just tag me or any Beanie from the recap of a drama you want to discuss and we will be happy to continue our conversation.