Open Thread #890
by DB Staff
Happy Friday everyone!
Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.
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1 welh
November 8, 2024 at 5:03 AM
In recent months, there has been an avalanche of cancel culture, social media outrage against Korean variety stars including three chefs from Culinary Wars and many YouTubers. It has gotten so bad that newspapers are asking the question “why?”
Choi Hang-sub, a sociology professor at Kookmin University, said, "As economic polarization deepens, more people feel marginalized from the mainstream. In the digital world, exposing every flaw of someone's past provides a sense of power and purpose. This pleasure has reached a pathological level, where individuals derive satisfaction from the downfall of others."
Lee Seung-ki, a lawyer at Lee & Law Partners, also expressed deep concern. "Whether we should tolerate people demanding apologies and then ostracizing others if they're not satisfied with the apology is now up to civil society. If it's truly a serious wrongdoing, then it might be justified. However, in the case of Kwaktube, it's not that kind of situation, yet people are making excessive demands," he said. YouTuber Kwak Joon-bin, also known as Kwaktube, had 2 million subscribers, faced significant backlash after he, a self-identified victim of school bullying, defended Lee Na-eun, a former member of the girl group April who herself was accused of bullying another member. This sparked a massive loss of his subscribers, even after he removed the video and issued two apologies.
"Despite issuing two apologies, the relentless attacks aimed at completely ruining an individual are chilling. It seems we've entered an era where people no longer fear destroying others' lives. Our society has become increasingly unforgiving, where even a single mistake can lead to ruin. Perhaps the rise of cyberbullies is largely due to this social atmosphere," Lee said.
Lesson not being learned: the breakdown of civil communication leads to the breakdown of civilization.
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November 8, 2024 at 5:15 AM
comes down to tieing their lives to social mediaand being in the constant infoflow but people need taught not everything is their business, not everything demands a reaction or interference, they just end up wasting and losing their own time attacking someone instead of getting out their and living their own life. we are dealing with similar issues. I would propose not phone ban but creating certain areas where you cannot access social media sites like Facebook, TikTok, Youtube, X. If the time they spend sucking up that information is lett then maybe there is less outlash
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Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
November 8, 2024 at 9:27 AM
Social media can be a huge problem...
...but there's a certain irony in me saying that on a social media site where I spend huge amounts of time every day. Oh well.
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November 8, 2024 at 3:41 PM
There should be strict laws put in place to avoid cyberbullying. They are castigating this youtuber because he did not meet "their standards" for whatever reason. Allegedly supporting anti-bullying but their actions are actual bullying. Hyprocrites.
Make it make sense.
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November 9, 2024 at 10:10 AM
It does come down to current stressful environment..
World is super competitive, economics is not favouring majority, relationships are difficult, people are living alone, family units and systems are dwindling, and on top of that there is more access to information of wealth and joys of life that fuel comparisons in everything and at all times...
Angry younger gen phase all over again after 70s
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2 redfox
November 8, 2024 at 5:10 AM
Go London, I will Go London - it almost feels like I am only going there to use that famous cat sound.
But, soo... the real reason is to meet people I know through a a Tim Burton Fan site no longer functioning, The Tim Burton Collective. Fun times in the beginning of internet, my firstest infatuation. I have not met them for like 16 years though I met a few in Helsinki in 2022 at a film festival
someone wanted Deka Melon
a patron wanted Eliise to stop sending emails, because she doesnt know that person, it turned out to be the mobile service provider
someone left a tattoo needle in our toilet which brought a lot of questions...
awkward day when both my former classmate who had blocked me, and a coworkers´twice-ex husband ( came to the library... and both borrowed weepy, tearjerking romantic movies while we were accordingly managing the music & film dep.
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3 9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 5:11 AM
1. U.S. Elections Disaster
In fact, to call it a disaster is an understatement.
I remember the last time the Orange Hitler was in power - there was a massive spike in violence against women worldwide.
And anti-violence against women activists and women's human rights defenders were working flat-out to try to stem the tide and help victims.
Now we have to do it all again for 4 years - more women's and girls' lives blighted or lost, an exponential increase in the workloads of activists, advocates and women's organisations etc.
I am still in the middle of recovering from burnout and mark my words, more of my sister activists and advocates will be suffering from burnout by the time the Marmalade Mussolini's second Reign of Terror is done.
2. This Week in Korean Women's News
Trump re-election sparks interest in South Korea’s '4B' movement among American women
The election of Donald Trump as the next U.S. president has triggered a surge of social media posts and internet search interest in South Korea’s fringe feminist "4B" movement, which calls on women to refrain from dating, having sex with men, having kids and marrying men.
Across TikTok, dozens of American women disappointed by Tuesday’s election results have posted videos stating their intention to participate in their own version of the 4B trend. Over 200,000 people looked up the “4B movement” on Google on Wednesday, making it one of the top trending topics on the online search engine.
The 4B trend, which began in South Korea 2018 in the wake of the #MeToo movement, has become a way for some women to protest misogyny, gender discrimination and violence against women, according to Meera Choi, a Ph.D. candidate in the department of sociology at Yale University who studies heterosexual refusal among South Korean women.
2. Why is North Korea's women's football team so good?
North Korea's women have won another U-20 World Cup. It's their third to date, meaning they join Germany and the United States as the only three-time champions of the tournament. In 2024, North Korea's women have also won the U17 and U19 Asian championships, and in October, their U17 team won their third World Cup.
What is it that makes a state that, according to the United Nations, "does not have any parallel in the contemporary world" so good at youth football?
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November 8, 2024 at 5:16 AM
the 4B news even made it to our portals, which is rare for women rights movements from across the world.
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9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 5:25 AM
I have been 4B since BEFORE there was an official 4B movement.
Let's me tell you - life gets more peaceful and productive when you don't have a male partner or spouse in the picture.
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November 8, 2024 at 5:29 AM
my life is booked full without men or marriage.
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November 8, 2024 at 10:28 AM
I probably could've earned a doctorate with the amount of time I spent chasing after boys :)
DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 6:44 AM
The world as such does not need more people.
And it is definitely possible to have a fulfilling life without children, and even more, without a spouse.
But I also worry:
😭 Imagine the whole next generation grows up as children of trad wives 😭
Some smart, liberal women need to raise some smart liberal children, too 😭 Lots of them, preferably.
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9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 6:52 AM
Some smart, liberal women need to raise some smart liberal children, too 😭 Lots of them, preferably.
Not necessarily.
I'm a very smart and progressive woman and I am a teacher outside of my activist work (and my activist work also involves a lot of teaching/educating).
And teachers can have a very strong influence on kids and teens. Believe you me - many children and teens know when their parents are bigoted, racist, misogynistic etc. So they are open to other role models. Never forget that it takes a village to raise a child - and that village isn't limited to just their parents.
DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 7:05 AM
You are right.
Good teachers are the salt of the earth.
I thank you for your service to the kids, and to the world.
9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 7:11 AM
I look at it from this perspective:
I chose to be child-free because I chose to focus on my feminist work. When I started teaching part-time almost 13 years ago, I gradually realised that I will help shape and influence more children and teens than any parent who only has their children to raise.
Technically, this means teachers and educators have a much wider influence on the sort of human beings children may grow up to become.
That is why I raise my eyebrow when people who are parents tell me that I'm somehow deficient because I don't have kids, that I am somehow not a real grown-up because I never made "having children" a milestone of adulthood for myself.
Usually, such sanctimonious parents get real quiet when I point out that my anti-violence against women work is work that will make the world a safer place for their daughters and granddaughters.
tabong is ironing the crosswalk
November 8, 2024 at 7:51 AM
Let's just go extinct. 😂🤣
November 8, 2024 at 8:09 AM
tabong @enriquequierecagar Let’s do it, the Earth would thank us.
November 8, 2024 at 9:09 AM
Something I am very conscious of now that I'm retired, is that younger societies are more energetic, innovative, more willing to take an active approach to crisis situations. On the bright side, that means the continent of Africa--with Nigeria, Chad, South Sudan as countries with the youngest population in the world, have better prospects for the future. I really have hopes for Nigeria, in particular, because I've watched a few "Nollywood" films on Netflix, including a couple of rom-coms, and I've enjoyed them. That shows what a serious world historical analyst I am!
But, to be more serious, those countries, and a lot of the "global south" are starting so far economically behind countries whose development occurred in the last century or before, and still face such handicaps from their colonial history, that its going to take time for their youthful societies to thrive. Meanwhile, countries like the U.S., China, Korea, Japan, Germany etc. are growing more and more conservative, and less and less innovative, as they age, and actually might continue to hinder the development of younger countries.
Yet climate change is going to require, at the very least, a willingness to abandon old destructive ways of doing things, and I see no indication that any the major world powers are willing to act.
So I guess what I'm saying is, old people like me have let the human society down, and created huge problems, and while rampant population growth is not at all what we need, if young people in all but a few societies decide not to have any more kids, than the chance for solving these problems goes down as well. Humans will obviously not go extinct, but the quality of their lives will decline precipitously.
But at least we'll have ndramas to replace kdramas!
November 8, 2024 at 11:57 AM
Another thought that occurred to me in relation to the 4-B movement and child bearing—for decades now heterosexual relations have not been required to have children. And, although right now I think there are still some hurdles to be overcome, the cloning and laboratory gestation of humans will be possible very soon.
There are many who would shudder at the thought of a multitude of young Hacjas running around, but I know there would be quite a few people who would thrill at the prospect of multiple @9tailedvixen 's @ceciliedk "s and @enriquequierecagar 's
In fact, cloning raises the prospect that the Y chromosome is not really necessary for human survival, and so the 4 b movement could realistically represent the future. After this weeks election, I am much more reconciled to the elimination of men, although I personally prefer it be done through natural die-off, and not avenging demonesses.
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DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 2:02 PM
Really it's just the patriarchy that needs to die. (And other kinds of repressing, indignant and self-justifying -archies).
But like with that famous monkey tribe, where a new generation of males learned that you'd only be accepted if you were nice and helped out with the kids, so we could hope for progress to go in one direction, uhm, forward, together with time, like it already does in our imaginations.
This re-action is killing me. (Figuratively. Others are killed more literally by the backlash to the urge for equality, respect, and justice).
DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 2:38 PM
Also I have two lovely kids with my husband, who admittedly at times is really annoying, but TBH probably not as annoying as I am.
And I would love to have grandkids some day but I don't think it will happen, long story why.
9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 7:23 PM
Well, whoever wishes there were little 9TailedVixens running around is sh*t out of luck.
I mean, even my mother could not strongarm me into having grandkids for her.
I am child-free for many reasons BUT one of them is giving my middle finger to the my elders (including my late grandfather who was a alcoholic batterer who terrorised his kids) and the Confucian patriarchal culture that treats women and girls as second-class citizens.
My child-free status is to break the cycle of domestic violence that my grandfather created and which has lasted 2 generations so far. It's the easiest (though some would say the most brutal) way of doing it - refusing to propogate my grandfather's genes or further his legacy.
It's a very 4B reason.
Anyway, I'm just waiting til I reach that menopause and that will be the end of that.
In the meantime, all the nosy Aunties/Ahjummas and Uncles/Samchons will just keep telling me during the Lunar New Year that "it's not too late, you can still have one" and I will just take the hongbao from them and shrug. It's the tax I pay for free cash once a year LMAO!
Kodra aka Qanon something
November 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM
"I am much more reconciled to the elimination of men"
That sounds like something the real Hitler would say...
DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 11, 2024 at 11:06 PM
Hitler would never say that, for obvious reasons, but I get your point.
bbstl 🧹
November 8, 2024 at 9:06 AM
Sadly, I don’t think we can expect this to end in 4 years. Laws (like term limits) can be changed, especially by those who don’t respect the rule of law in the first place.
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November 8, 2024 at 9:32 AM
The Supreme Court has no term limits, and he'll have the chance to appoint two more justices on top of the three he already appointed in his first term. We're screwed for a lifetime.
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November 8, 2024 at 10:13 AM
Now it's just seeing which ways they turn the country back to the past. How far back are they gonna go?
I think they're already gunning for education so there will be a generation of dumbasses who will only be good for manual labor. They'll after unions, so workers won't even have protections. The CDC & EPA, cause who cares about health or the planet we live on.
My chest is tightening as I write this so I'll stop here
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Goyangi and the Camel Crickets
November 8, 2024 at 4:59 PM
The thoughts rattling around in my head like yours are terrifying. I am suddenly grateful neither of my kids seem interested in bringing more people into the world, into this country.
9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 10:22 PM
The state of education in the U.S. is already really damaged. I mean, while the U.S. is still producing many brilliant people, a lot of the general populace seems undereducated about everything from math to history to general knowledge about the world outside the U.S..
The GOP had been setting it all up to have a population that is easily controllable by-and-large because they never learned critical thinking skills or to question or be curious about anything outside their own communities.
9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 7:25 PM
@bbstl - That f*cker did say that if people voted for him, they would never need to vote again.
If that isn't ominous, I don't know what is.
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bbstl 🧹
November 8, 2024 at 8:48 PM
Yes, that happened, as completely anti-American a statement as that is 🤦🏼♀️
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9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 9:02 PM
I am SIDE-EYEING everyone who voted him in.
They don't care or realise that U.S. elections disproportionately affect the rest of the world. And the rest of the world has to pay the price for that part of the U.S. electorate's stupid and dangerous choices.
Kodra aka Qanon something
November 10, 2024 at 4:24 AM
That is disinformation you are spreading here. Do you have a video with him saying that? He has never said that and will never do that, the people that voted for him will never allow it.
But the other party allows for people to vote without ID verification. That is fraud and is not happening in any other country. The people that voted for him want ID verifications and paper ballots that cannot be hacked. Imagine knowing that you don't get the votes so you change the laws so you don't verify who is voting, knowing that you brought in this country tens of millions of illegal migrants. And more so, you want to change the number of Supreme Court justices. It is crazy that everything that the liberals want to do to stay in power is projected to him without any evidence.
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bbstl 🧹
November 10, 2024 at 9:37 AM
Why yes, here it is.
Kodra aka Qanon something
November 10, 2024 at 1:50 PM
He was talking there to the silent majority, the Christian voters and in particular the Amish ones ( that do not vote usually in the elections due to not having a mode of transportation) . I don't know if your media told you but recently the Amish farms were raided because of their use/sell of raw milk. He was telling them to come to vote this year because he will fix their concerns and in four years JD will have enough support and they will not be needed.
The Amish did come to vote, Elon made sure of that by providing transportation. Their vot was crucial in Pennsylvania. The other Christians came too and it is what made his victory so important. And yes, if he will be able to chage many of the left crazy policies, including the no ID required to vote, they could go back being silent again because the country would be healed at that time.
I am sorry that your media is not giving you the whole story and is just scaring you and manipulate you emotionally.
Kodra aka Qanon something
November 11, 2024 at 5:31 AM
This is my last post about the election. But please watch this video that I came across just after I have wrote my last comment. It's from MSNBC, Joe Scarborough. Please listen and understand what we, the common folks had to deal with here. But Joe is lying because he promoted everything, including the defund the police (AOC and Kamala were the champions of the cause), the cancel culture, the promotion of white fragility, the biological boys in women sports and bathrooms, the latinix. They tried to enforce it and shove it down our throats although 85%, like Joe said, didn't like it. Yet, they called everyone else racists, sexists, fascists, garbage, etc. It is good that he can say it now, but he is not apologizing for being one of the people that pushed that wrong ideology on us and, frankly, misleading the people like yourself. You should be upset for keeping you in the bubble, not the normal voters that all they want is to work, raise their kids in a sade country and having a fair shot at the american dream.
It is the left media that tried to separate us and fight among ourselves. I hope that more people will see it and that we will be able to come together and change the world and make it more peaceful.
November 8, 2024 at 9:57 PM
majority is not always stupid.
Clearly there are reasons that resonated with others to get him such an overwhelming majority.
Everyone thinks the other is stupid which is weird...maybe you are not seeing things they are
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9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 10:13 PM
maybe you are not seeing things they are
Oh, I am seeing things EXACTLY as they are.
The members of the U.S. electorate who put the Orange Hitler into power again are overwhelmingly male, White, or conservative/evangelical or all three. More than half of the White women who voted also voted for him. Ditto for Latino men.
Their reasons - even if they don't verbally admit it, they show it - racism, sexism, misogyny, bigotry, and selfishness.
If those aren't stupid reasons, I don't know what is. And more than just stupid, those are expressions of hatred made manifest in the monster they elected who will persecute the people that they HATE or consider sub-human.
And yeah, I work in the anti-violence against women movement and have done so for almost 16 years. Every single day I have to face the reality that all of the above are real because my work is intersectional and it all ties together.
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November 8, 2024 at 10:51 PM
I will give you an outsider's view.
First of all, democratic elections EVERYWHERE are fought on issues. Elections may be fought on myriad parameters but public issues will never ever not be part of it.
You are pinning everything on racism and sexism and to me it seems not even trying to objectively analyze it.
Let's say your reasons are valid. Maybe they are, but are those the only reasons?
1. Most importantly, Dems candidate who was nominated is not even a popular figure. She was there last time too.. that woman is simply just so so unpopular across factions - black (as a lawyer she has a shady history with them), indians (lol.. they hate her), buz community (absolute no).. etc
2.Parts of US are conservatives. So, when you force young kids to undergo sex change, take hormone therapies that have very real medical implications.. people who prioritize their family values will go against it
3. Debate performance was bad
4. Blatant lies. E.g. abortion. There is a court hearing where this has been categorically addressed.. if abortion, miscarriage is criminal in any state.. and it isn't.. so there was obvious misleading
5. Legacy media for candidate by itself is a red flag.. even if candidate is right
6. Economy is down. Wars are not ending
7. Immigrants... there is enough racism in US too... and this move was beyond comprehension.. illegal voters, no voter id etc etc
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November 9, 2024 at 4:18 AM
The USA elected a rapist, sexual abuser, convicted felon, habitual liar as president.
They could have chosen someone who is actually competent and good at the job.
But unfortunately that would have been a woman.
And that has nothing to do with racism or sexism?
November 9, 2024 at 5:56 AM
Yes, there is very little to do with sexism in THIS PARTICULAR CASE OF Kamala Harris.
Do you really think KH was the best candidate for President's post? Don't play woman card if the candidate is not deserving enough. Don't you have enough women in the government, holding high positions; isn't America one of the first to give women right to vote.
The thing is, sexism may exist.. sure.. but KH's lack of meritocracy is way bigger... it is no joke to get back a man who was hated by the society with overwhelming majority, with women voting more for him than her... and as i understand her performance is worse than Hillary's.. so Did America just become racist in last 4 years of dems rule? NO!!
Anyway, what's done is done
November 9, 2024 at 8:44 AM
1. The vice president is SUPPOSED to be able to step in when the president isn't able to. Because Biden stepped out at the time he did, she stepped in. She was qualified and it's not unusual for vice presidents to run for office. She may have been unpopular amongst those groups you mentioned but those groups aren't the ones that overwhelmingly voted against her.
2. No one is forcing anyone to do those things.
3. Trump's was worse as well filled with lies and divisive language.
4. This is touchy issue and I'm not gonna argue over it.
5. I don't understand what you mean by this.
6. And people think that's would changed under Trump? Fine, sure. I'm sure the antagonist guy who buddies up to other antagonistic & authoritarian leaders will get The States out of war by kowtowing to their demands and interests.
7. There aren't illegal voters. People DO register to vote by giving information about themselves to make sure they're eligible to vote. People also often show ID (even if it's not required) at polling sites.
Kodra aka Qanon something
November 10, 2024 at 4:38 AM
She was competent? LOL, she couldn't even do an interview if the interviewer didn't agree to edit it. That woman was not competent nor inspiring. Only word salad came from from her, and that was said by former Obama people on CNN. She never got any votes four years ago and now, placed there as VP by Biden to secure himself and thrown in the ring by him as a revenge for what the unDemocratic party did to him. To show you how incompetent she was, she raised over 1 billion dollars and ended up with 20 millions in debt. There was nothing competent about her and Thank God sane people saw that and voted her out.
November 9, 2024 at 4:11 AM
Yes. The Orange Hitler will normalize seeing women as property and breeders worldwide. Not as persons, not even as human beings. It's Welcome to Gilead for all of us, only when you're a women, you're not exactly welcome.
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November 9, 2024 at 5:48 AM
Whatever US elected is majority's decision. Democracy is that. It isn't your way or the highway.
You should be questioning as to how bad was opposition that the man who was made fun of, who didn't win by as much margin ended up winning with such an overwhelming majority.
And, sexism is not the answer to that. People voted for Hilary and yet chose to not vote for KH.
Whether you guys accept it or not, KH was just a really really really bad choice for this election. You need someone who is likeable, has some pull. She has goofed up her interviews...
So why states and people who have voted for Dems chose not to this time.
That's the real problem. If trump is bad, exactly how unpopular was she for people, including women and LGBTQ and leftist and basically everyone to chose Trump!
Kodra aka Qanon something
November 9, 2024 at 9:06 PM
This is hilarious...did he do that in his first term? I think he just appointed the first ever female chief of staff, an awesome woman, by the way. Is this what the liberals really think?
November 9, 2024 at 10:04 AM
1. She did step in as president when Joe was on leave. But, has every single election been played like this.. you don't vote, nominate a candidate like that.. is VP always the person who comes in.
She was unpopular and continues to be unpopular. Even her interviews are underwhelming.
All things put aside, had Dems got a better candidate, this might not have been as easy for Trump.
Everyone will have views. My point is simple, majority has voted him in with overwhelming mandate. So, there is something that is wrong with Dem's promises this election OR KH. She has performed worse than Hillary and def. worse than Biden aka Dem loyalist changed sides, people who did vote for female president in 2016 changed sides.
Illegal immigrants voting or not voting is not the issue. US is also increasingly becoming wary of immigrants coming in. There is increasing unacceptability. Same in Europe. No Country is economically doing so well where people are open minded about immigrants (illegal on top of it)
Anyway, my whole point was that this election result can be pushed under the sexist rug in entirety.. there are reasons and one must try to find it to fix them for next election
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November 9, 2024 at 10:05 AM
cannot be pushed under the rug*
November 9, 2024 at 2:08 PM
I don't think you're taking into account that blatant cheating and voter suppression has occured. That's the only way to explain the "overwhelming majority".
Most people KNOW he isn't a good or qualified person for such a position. He's already said he was gonna get rid of certain people and position.
I somewhat get what you're saying but I'm saying that is an intersectionality that's responsible for this mess.
November 10, 2024 at 3:00 AM
There's an old quote by Heiner Müller "of course ten Germans are more stupid than just one German".
Meaning the more people gather around someone with funny hair and funky rethoric, the more stupid they get.
Germany has learned that the hard way.
Americans will, too.
Starting with "mass deportations", my German grandmother told me all about mass deportations.
I will not enjoy saying I told you so.
To answer your other question: The thing I stepped into this morning (probably a dead, dried frog) would have been a better president of the USA than Trump. Unfortunately, it was born (and died) in Germany, so that disqualified it.
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Kodra aka Qanon something
November 10, 2024 at 4:48 AM
I really hope he will deport all the people that entered illegally because of liberals allowed them. If not, US will be like Germany and other European countries and we will lose all our freedoms. This has nothing to do with racism, it has to do with them (the liberal globalists) having a false (illegal) majority and they will use that to enforce laws against us. That is fascism!
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November 10, 2024 at 8:11 AM
KH has literally won only in those states where voter id / identification did not exist except Virginia ...
And leftist cabal is being booted out by all countries across the globe..
that is also a cycle.. left has been ruling since long.. and there is rift within Deep State... technology and new businessmen are not aligned with George Soros, Clinton cabal... so yea.. interesting times.. things are so so so much more than just "being sexist"
bbstl 🧹
November 10, 2024 at 9:43 AM
Now that we see Hispanics voted heavily for trump, it will be interesting to see how quickly the “deport” movement changes.
Kodra aka Qanon something
November 11, 2024 at 5:01 AM
I don't know if you talked to or lived around any Hispanics that voted. Because I live in an area where hispanics dominate I can tell you that you have an unrealistic perception of them. They do want the deportation of the illegals because they remember the chaos of the countries they left. They want law and order. They are crushed finanically because of the inflation, and to give you an example, the rent of a 2 bedroomapartment was about 1200 four years ago and now is no less then 2400. Most, if not all, are Christians with family traditional values, so they felt it most when they were called latinix. They see their jobs being taken away by the illegals. Also, they feel cheated that they had to wait for their turn to get citizenship while the illegals are given even money to come here. They also know that by not checking their background and by letting everyone come in, a procentage of them are going to be criminals. To understand better, listen to the videos when Trump did his McDonald's troll visit when a female Hispanic told him: "Please, Mr. Trump, don't let America become Brazil". Also, I hope that you do understand that the majority of illegals are just like the hispanics voters when it comes to Christian traditional values and nothing could change that, even a citizenship. I bet that when/if they will be citizens, there would join the cconservatives if the Democrats will continue to call them latinix or push their woke ideology on them. The biggest mistake of the left was to mess up with our kids and our values. Even the comunists did not do it.
November 10, 2024 at 8:09 AM
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November 8, 2024 at 10:04 PM
There is a species of fish, when mother fish/female fish dies.. the male transforms into female..
Thing is , world will always figure out a way to survive and women should have the right to be at peace as much as men do... doing whatever rocks your boat.. marry or not, have kids or not.. but neither choice is wrong
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4 Britney
November 8, 2024 at 5:46 AM
What does the leader and maknae do in kpop groups? Aside from the (often) being the oldest and (literal) youngest. Why do people make such a big thing about those distinctions?
I remember seeing something months ago about when members of some group (I don't remember the group but I *think* it was EXO) had like 3 members leaving or suing the company or something and it was said the leader of the group was upset that it happened without being discussed with him. Why would it need to be discussed with him? What could he do if the company slights group members?
Recently I've been looking at Seventeen stuff, and from I understand, they don't *seem* to have a rigid hierarchy. Maybe it's in part to most of the members being the same ages but they also have a bunch of leaders. They have an official leader and then there is the leader of the subunits. Then there is the "leader"/class president of the variety show. I also think it might be due to changing times.
In the things I've seen of BTS, their leader seemed to take the lead in speaking during interviews especially english speaking interviews. With Seventeen, even though there are fluent english speakers and they do translate on occassion, most of the members speak for themselves or even attempt to communicate first.
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November 8, 2024 at 6:24 AM
Korea is very rigid on hierarchy, whether in rank or age. Even if a group tries to take it easier (like 2PM) it's never completely forgotten, especially by their Korean fans. So, yes, it's always there.
The leader is looked upon as the oldest brother who should be cunsulted in everything, even if it's only for appearance's sake. He is also in a way held responsible for everybody, so if 3 members of a group suddenly leave without telling him it leaves him in a very bad light exposed to criticism, however unfair.
The maknae is just that. The youngest. Whom everyone can tease and order around with no consequence.
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November 8, 2024 at 6:37 AM
Kpop groups are not so different of sport teams. The agency employees talk to the leader and it's his responsability to make things happening like learning choreography, be ready on time, etc.
Otherwise, hierarchy is important in Korea society and it kinda dictates the rules to live together : the oldest can choose their room/roommates, sit on the best place in the car, etc but in the same time, they will be the one offering coffee, food, etc to the younger members.
Some Koreans are very strict with formal language. Jackson from GOT7 didn't understand why he needed to talk formally to his leader who was only older by 3 months.
It depends a lot of the personalities of the members.
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November 8, 2024 at 8:04 AM
Granted, I can only go by what I'm seeing shown on camera, but with Seventeen, their heirarchy seems so fluid haha.
Like the leader of the group apparently *is* very responsible and protective and can even come off as intimidating and yet he's often teased or embarrassed.
Meanwhile one of the younger members is often mistaken for being one of the older members cause he's often nagging or chatising the others.
Recently, during one of their concerts, a member's pants ripped onstage and I thought that would probably be a prime example/time of seeing the leaders in action. The performance leader was just directing actions (you go change your pants, you dance in his place, etc). Later one of the members who was laughing about it told the audience to post it to social media if they happened to get a picture of it and I honestly wondered if the leader would scold him after the concert for that. I mean a couple of the members did it as soon as he said it (or at least they told the audience not to do it) but yeah, there seems to be fluidity in Seventeen haha
I mention all this because you said about it depending on personality haha
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November 8, 2024 at 9:19 AM
Big and small groups are different. Bigger groups often use 2 different appartments because they can't be in one.
The older groups become more relaxed too with experience and seniority. Seventeen is an old group now. They don't have to follow the same rules, they don't live together anymore (I guess, I don't really follow this group), etc.
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9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 6:39 AM
Re BTS: RM (the leader) is also the translator for the group because he's the only one with fluent enough English to do interviews with English-language press/media outlets. So he does the interviews by default for that side of things. But generally as their leader/frontman, he is the official rep of BTS and he's the one who comes under the heaviest fire and takes nearly all the hits coming at them.
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November 8, 2024 at 7:25 AM
Comment was deleted
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November 8, 2024 at 7:44 AM
Taecyeon is the leader of 2PM?! Hmm, I would not have thought that.
Granted, I don't know them much but just based on appearances, I didn't think he was the oldest or the leader.
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November 8, 2024 at 7:57 AM
Taecyeon is not the leader of 2PM. After Jay Park left, 2PM never chose a new leader. Also, Jun. K and Nichkhun are both older than Taec.
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November 8, 2024 at 8:06 AM
Ha, goes to show how much I know. I just pick bits of information from their variety shows, as I avoid going deep and studying facts.
November 8, 2024 at 8:09 AM
So I guess Britney and 9Tailed, ignore everything I said! 😂😂 Happy Friday!
November 8, 2024 at 8:17 AM
I will just delete my comment, as it now just seems silly 😄😄
9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 7:08 PM
@midnight Wait! What did you say?
By the time I woke up on this side of the world you had deleted your mystery comment LMAO!
November 8, 2024 at 7:15 PM
@9tailedvixen Aww don't worry about it. I had a question about choosing leaders too but then found out I didn't know anything about 2PM and my example was quite wrong so I deleted it😅😅
November 8, 2024 at 7:51 AM
@midnight @9tailedvixen how is the leader supposed to responsible for grown people? Like in the case of the 3 members leaving or suing, how is the leader responsible for that? How does he get the criticism? Isn't he just as beholden to the company as the other members are?
In the case of RM, he's not the oldest member (from what I understand) and yet he's the leader so does that mean that age isn't the only criteria for choosing a leader?
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November 8, 2024 at 8:04 AM
That's just how it is in Korean culture. Taking responsibility is a huge part of their upbringing and beliefs.
It's like when in office settings the department head might resign or be punished because of a mistake a subordinate has made. Or a teacher might take responsibility and be blamed for something the students did. Or a high official might resign because a person they advocated for messed up and they are held responsible for them.
This is a huge part of Korean culture and truly not a thing to criticize coming from other cultures.
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November 8, 2024 at 8:10 AM
That reminds me of Misaeng! The lead character did something that wasn't *technically* wrong but somehow set fire to some relationships and his superior was expected to take responsible for it and resign. It's not funny but it's funny how the corporate folks kept circling around it when he asked them point blank "am I supposed to take responsibility for this? Am I supposed to resign?"
I think that happened like 3 times.
November 8, 2024 at 8:12 AM
@britney Yep, happens A LOT in dramas in various settings.
Goyangi and the Camel Crickets
November 8, 2024 at 5:10 PM
Yes I've noticed this, and it frequently makes me feel uncomfortable. Especially when the character taking responsibility does not even try to explain. For example something happens out of their control, like the bus they were riding on broke down, so they're late to a meeting and they're bowing low and saying it's their fault and will accept any punishment. Worst is when a superior makes an error and blames it on subordinate(s) with impunity.
9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 7:04 PM
Age-wise, RM is the "middle child" of BTS but from what I've read, Bang PD built BTS around him as he was the first band member.
And oh man - I actually thought he was the oldest of the group and turns out it's... Jin. Yes, World Wide Handsome LMAO! WWH who fights with the maknae (Jung Kook) because there are many different ways to show affection and WWH Jin chose... violence ROFL!
From what I hear from my ARMY friends, Jin's very relaxed as a Hyung which allows the sort of dynamic the group has. Otherwise, RM being younger and the leader might have been an issue.
Like someone else said in this thread - it depends on the mix personalities.
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9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 7:11 PM
@britney One more thing:
It was literally a stroke of genius to appoint a literal genius as BTS's leader/frontman (RM has a 148 IQ).
I don't know if anyone less capable and intelligent as Kim Namjoon could have steered the band to where they are now.
So in the case of BTS at least, they picked based on ability.
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November 9, 2024 at 8:15 AM
I don't understand how the leader steers the group. I would think they're all just doing what the company tells them to do.
9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 9, 2024 at 4:59 PM
@britney Not in the case of BTS because they did not come from one of the Big Three K-Pop agencies which control their groups with an iron fist.
BigHit was a tiny agency that nearly went bankrupt while they were preparing to debut and Bang PD (the founder of BigHit) had the radical concept of letting the boys (as they were at the time) be themselves instead of dictating their behaviour.
RM steers the group because he's the leader and he sets the pace and figures out what they should do next in the band's career path. He looks after them on the professional side - discussing issues and choices that come up during their career with the rest of the members and weighing it all up to see what ultimately works best for them collectively. For example: when Hybe (the conglomerate that BigHit ultimately became) wanted to sell NFTs of BTS, RM gave a presentation to Hybe, essentially explaining to the execs about why NFTs are a huge no-no. He's right - NFTs are bad news. He caught that on time and steered the group clear of that career landmine.
Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
November 9, 2024 at 9:14 AM
It really depends on the dynamics and what the Leader can do for their group— i.e. versatility outside of music.
Language skills, communication skills, connections, adaptability, etc. are all things that a group would consider for a member who’s not the oldest in age but has everything else that has the potential to help the group excel.
- For 2PM, Taec stepped up to become the “leader” after the departure of Jay Park because he is first and foremost a fluent English speaker and everyone thought that is/was a good skill to have for international relations and promotions
- For 2NE1, CL is considered the leader for the same reasons as Taec even though she’s not the eldest, in addition to her connections outside of her role in 2NE1– many of said connections are with American celebrity music producers and celebrities in general
- Then you will have groups like DB5K wherein the oldest member (Kim Jae Joong) very vocally said that they didn’t want the responsibility of being the Leader, so the 2nd oldest took up the role
Koreans have taken their traditionalist views of roles in a family unit and have applied them to the hierarchy system into their workplace, which also includes the entertainment industry, even in the K-pop world. The leader—even though may not be the eldest member— is expected to “take responsibility” and to take care and oversee everyone and keep everyone in line, so when something happens to someone in the Kpop group or a member does something that is seen as ‘taboo’ or is literally breaking the law, the Leader will also be held accountable because they are seen as having failed their duty of looking after their members and making sure they’re ’well behaved’
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9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 6:45 AM
Also - what I find interesting is how rigid Korea is on hierarchy. In fact, I read somewhere (I think it's a case study in one of Malcolm Gladwell's books) Korea Air once had a horrific number of plane crashes because the co-pilot was subordinate to the head pilot and even if something was wrong, he could not tell the head pilot because it's a huge no-no for a subordinate to "correct" his senior. It was only when Korea Air was persuaded to ditch such rigid hierarchical rules that their safety record improved.
The other two East Asian Confucian cultures (China and Japan) traditionally have hierarchies as well but in the 21st century it's getting a lot more relaxed. Which explains why Jackson Wang (who is from China) didn't understand why he needed to talk formally to his group's leader who is only 3 months his senior.
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November 8, 2024 at 7:41 AM
That reminds me of the drunk driving case with the korean celebrity a few months ago (I think it's still in court). The sunbae was drunk driving and when he got caught, he told his hubae to take the fall for him and the hubae was gonna do it until the police pressed him (because what he was claiming didn't make sense with the situation). And the hubae was like "I couldn't say no to Sunbae"
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9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 7:15 PM
I've heard about that case. That case STUNK!
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November 8, 2024 at 10:22 AM
I've noticed that on drama sets, the lead actor becomes the "leader". They have to be outgoing and take care of everyone, ie sending food gifts when someone gets sick, paying for group meals, etc. They shoulder the responsibility of whether the drama does well or not. So there are some introverted actors that actually prefer not to be lead in dramas because they can "relax" more. For example, Lee Joon-hyuk has mentioned that he doesn't mind being a supporting character because it means he has less responsibilities. And I've seen on reality shows like Ugly Duckling, male leads often continue the leader/maknae relationship long after a drama finishes. They continue setting up reunions between cast members years afterwards and they pay for the meals. This paying for meals has earned the disapproval of one daytime drama male lead's mother. The expectation is that male leads are supposed to step up to the plate and lead the set. But as a wanna-be screenwriter/director myself, I don't want my lead actors taking on this extra responsibility. Their job is to focus on their roles.
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November 8, 2024 at 11:14 AM
I think about the "leader" during variety shows such as Master in the House or Yu Jae Seok shows. I can't describe it but when Lee Seung Gi or Yu Jae Seok are missing from their respective shows, the entire vibe completely changed. I don't know how Lee Seung Gi led MITH but once he was gone, the show only lasted like 4 months I think. Granted, the show did seem to lose all direction after he left but still, just the vibe was so different even with variety veterans still involved.
Yoo Jae Seok was once late for Pingyego and even though all the folks there knew each other and had YEARS of being friends & colleagues, it was kinda awkward and slow (in my opinion) until Jae Seok showed up. Before he got there, it was kinda like people catching up, blah blah blah and after he came there was energetic teasing and just a general energy boost.
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November 8, 2024 at 11:15 AM
I think it also depends on an actor's personality (extroverted or introverted), professionalism, accessibility (on set on non-shooting days or stays in dressing room), and how involved with the director they are in shooting scenes. The director is the captain of the ship when filming starts. He or she sets the tone for the cast and crew.
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November 8, 2024 at 12:36 PM
Onew is the leader of Shinee not just because he is oldest but because when they got started everyone was super young and they could give that much repsonsibility to like, Taemin or Minho, or... at that time, as I understand, the rules were really strict and the leader was sort of also the extension of the company making sure everyone sticks to curfew and gets up in time. like a mother hen but also moral compass. Maknae is more confusing to me, but in case of Taemin, he was not only maknae of the group but basically the maknae of entire kpop industry cause he debuted very young, and that stuck bc even after growing up and debuting solo everybody, even up to prime minister, called him "our maknae" or "uri Taeminnie"
I guess you can say the maknae enables other members maybe demonstrate good character, being gentle and a good hyung.
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9TailedVixen Loves Hanging Upside Down
November 8, 2024 at 7:14 PM
Wow! How young was Taemin when Shinee debuted?
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November 10, 2024 at 10:08 AM
15, iirc.
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5 Gikata
November 8, 2024 at 5:48 AM
Happy Friday, Beanies! It was a
freaking coldtiring week, so less tracks this time – or, at least, brand new ones. I'll compensate you with additional links and lots of pretty. Next week likely gonna be the same, so bear with me for a while, pls)))We start from LYN's big appearance at Weibo TV & Internet Video Summit 2024, where he successfully got “Eye-catching Actor of the Year” award - not that flashy, but compared to previous years Promising/Rookie ones that's an upgrade for sure (he's not just showing a potential anymore – he's delivering!). To quote an official introduction, he's “a creator who cannot be bound by a single definition” - don't you love how it sounds?))) And he chose to sing “Hardworking people” again, to my utter delight – I bet composer Li cried some more lol^^ We've seen this turtleneck and coat before, likely on separate occasions, but whatever, they match well. The point was certainly accessories – expensive af neck chains aside, his giant hairclip, aaa! It's been a while, but he loves them and rocks every single one. TV channel that broadcasted the event was nice enough to compile his main performance+acceptance cut+official fancam in one video, bless! Idk why they bother to focus on other attendees mid-song tho – the damn thing lasted over 7 (!) hours, so ofc they had nothing to give other than glassy-eyes “pls let me go home” deadpanness:
MELODY JOURNEY also got “Creative Program of the Year” (yay!), but that seems to be it for all his many nominations. NYZ – the most popular drama character of Q4 of 2023, mind you! - was so robbed, and I'm genuinely surprised none of his OSTs got a spotlight, not even “Old friend” that managed to squeeze into semi-finals via online voting (I thought it'd be “Lifetimes”, honestly, but this was a pleasant shock for a change). That's some gauntlet in the face to our OST King, he'd better make them pay in double for it next year!
Small throwback to previous entries - official link for “Mutual longing”+”To be continued” performance instead of blocked fan upload:
And Spotify ones for MELODY JOURNEY finale!
“Hardworking people”:
“Everytime I”:
Sadly, that's not enough of music to fill this week, esp after overpacked last one, so more covers! Like this one for “Faith/Believe” - did he just randomly added a cliché kdrama line - “I love you, don't leave!” in Korean - into it? What a polyglot, covering all important lingvo bases, I see)))
Yo, boy, if you wanna learn the 3 magic words in even more languages, I can help with that...
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November 8, 2024 at 5:52 AM
Speaking of pickup lines and tracks - “Small town girl”. Didn't bother to look up the lyrics, but it sounds so flirty and he's having lots of fun with it.
If you're watching TSOPG, you're probably wondering about those scenes of his character playing erhu during his many emo hours... Harsh truth is that Yuning is NOT good at it irl, and that's to put it mildly – he said the crew was rolling with laughter during every single take while he had to keep going with a straight face, poor thing. For those who need a material proof, here's a brilliant fan-edit of him imitating what he called “dying cat noises” over drama footage. You won't be able to ever unhear it, so proceed at your own risk:
Bonus: gorgeous silver suit look for jewelry brand event – he owns this set in a black color too, I recall him wearing it last year during AJTL promo, but lighter metallic brings out a completely another level of pretty, whoa:
Bonus2: and video!
Bonus3: Weibo and its very autumn-themed photoshoot:
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November 8, 2024 at 5:59 AM
Bonus 4+5: November boyfriend (isn't he, having two hit dramas in this month in a row?) delivering more autumn-colored pretty for TSOPG promo. Cannot do posing, he said... *rolls eyes*
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November 8, 2024 at 6:00 AM
@kiara, @jillian, @zindigo, @isagc, @wonhwa, @seeker, @mochakat9, @wishfultoki, @cliosservant1846
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Clios Servant
November 8, 2024 at 7:11 AM
Beautiful rendition of Hardworking People.
That song is so in his wheelhouse. Thank you for this posting.
That's a great pieced grey suitcoat. I so wish they'd shown the back of the jacket. Looks great on LYN. Wish I could see the fabric in person!
I'm watching Pearl Girl and enjoying it but gotta say, I'm most going to miss Melody Journey and your weekly commentary. As always, grateful.
November 8, 2024 at 7:44 AM
@cliosservant1846 I'm waiting for him to record it, he has to!
Back of the suit must've been seen in some moving clips/interview cuts, I'll look if I can find it.
Already missing the show too, they'd better make season 2 and make it fast!
Clios Servant
November 8, 2024 at 7:50 AM
Melody Journey basically saved my week. I listen to the week 11 soundtrack every day. I'm so impressed with the song arrangements and the memorable renditions by these talented artists. It's a great concept brought to fruition by a masterful production crew and especially a tremendously talented music director and his orchestra.
I'm thinking that grey suit is either a very fine worsted wool or a combo of worsted and silk. It just lays so beautifully, a very impressive cut. Old and experienced seamstress here, and there is just nothing like a fine wool suiting.
Also, the necklace jewelry looks like Bulgari but it must be his other chosen brand. Nice.
November 8, 2024 at 9:20 AM
@cliosservant1846 yep, all his jewelry that day (and pretty much every time now, with a few exceptions) are from the brand he endorses - Pomellato. Found the video showing suit from the back:
I've been suspecting a silk or something like that too, because it has this metallic shine that worked great on blazer but was slightly awkward for pants. Then again, maybe it's perfectly alright irl and camera flash was to blame.
Clios Servant
November 8, 2024 at 9:33 AM
Yeah the trousers aren't quite right but still it's a great cut for him. Maybe just maybe that's a fine grade wool/linen/silk? idk. That's not likely to be just silk because silk has sheen but doesn't usually have enough body to lay flat like in those lapels. There's gotta be some super fine wool in there for body and maybe some linen for the weave if you look closely. What great stylin.
November 8, 2024 at 9:53 AM
@cliosservant1846 I meant that there is silk/something else with sheen in there, surely it's not 100% silk alone. Does the formal wear of caliber this high even use non-mixed fabrics nowadays? They're not that flexible in color/texture and, honestly, pain to both wear and work with...
Pretty much all his latest public outfits remind of this little dialogue from BLADE RUNNER (original one, ofc): "Must be expensive? - Very."
November 10, 2024 at 5:17 AM
Happy Sunday, Chingu! I hope you are doing well.
If I knew how to contact Yuning, I'd tell him what a dedicated fan you are.
So busy lately, but Yuning's voice is all I can handle at the end of the day. I guess Pearl Girl will have to wait.
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November 10, 2024 at 7:27 AM
Happy Sunday! I'm busy as well and next week will be even more *sigh*
Nah, I'm still very far behind compared to some of his stans, esp long-term ones... Making fangirling a full-time job is not for me, I'm fine with being an unknown part-timer)))
Maybe it's for the better - when you're finally free, the worst part of it would be over already.
Isa is always time travelling
November 8, 2024 at 6:54 AM
LOL! That "dying cat + erhu" edit is hilarious 😂😂😂
I'm really enjoying TSOPearlGirl. It's a wonderful show, imo.
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November 8, 2024 at 7:18 AM
Trust Yuning to clown himself better than anyone)))
Glad to hear that! I'm enjoying it overall too, but... it clearly focuses more on things I'm not impressed with and back seats the stuff I do like. Probably won't be the show to rave about in my books. But leads are doing marvelous job once again and I'll 100% stick to it if only for them.
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Isa is always time travelling
November 8, 2024 at 8:34 AM
In my case this drama is giving me everything I like/love, at least for now. I have watched episode 17 too and I'm more than pleased 😊
November 8, 2024 at 9:25 AM
@isagc these few episodes were the best so far indeed, but we're about to enter Angstville at full speed and I'm not sure I trust the show to deal with such ride in a non-annoying fashion. Perhaps if we had a few episodes of sugar more...
Isa is always time travelling
November 8, 2024 at 9:42 AM
Let's brace ourselves for what could be coming 🙈
🌸 Seeker 🌸
November 8, 2024 at 11:04 AM
Thank you Gikata. The hairline is fun. I have never seen this kind of styling, 😅 but it works wonderfully well. 👍🏻🥰
Obviously someone doesn't need lessons from Seonsaengnim Kim on how to pose.
The expectation versus reality is just way too relatable and his expressions in both are just *chef's kiss*!! 😂🤣
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🌸 Seeker 🌸
November 8, 2024 at 11:07 AM
hairlinehairclip🙈 autocorrect
Even when I was typing this again it "corrected" it. *smh*
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November 8, 2024 at 11:48 AM
He has a whole collection of hairclip stylings, I'll search for it and bring later if succeed.
I always turn autocorrect off everywhere - no damn AI gonna teach ME grammar, tyvm!
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🌸 Seeker 🌸
November 8, 2024 at 11:52 AM
Sounds exciting. I love hair accessories on men. Thank you.
Yes autocorrect can be a pain. 🙄
6 Britney
November 8, 2024 at 6:18 AM
I don't remember the person's name but this week I saw a post about a former idol (her group got disbanded) who is in a drama that's based on a webtoon and has an interactive concept. I think the source material is a harem situation (but I'm not sure) and there were folks criticizing the actress for taking the role. One of the comments said something like "idols are held to a certain standard and if they're allowed to do what they want like international fans want, these are the types of projects they choose". One of my first thoughts was "but she's not even an idol anymore, she's an actress so why is she being judged before the result is even shown?"
Shortly before or after the above topic, I had seen that some country (I don't remember which but it was an Asian country) had some department saying that the song APT by Rosé (I think that's her name) is about western temptation and influence.
Both projects where the brainchild of Asian people and yet western influence is "blamed" for them being made or is a cause for judgement.
The drama news reminded me of how people were critical of Love & Leashes casting because it featured idols/former idols turned actors in such "racy" content.
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7 DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 7:03 AM
Not in my best mood today ... And I think it's because I reacted annoyed to an update yesterday. Someone in my larger family has a bloated ego, and I never react to that, but he posted an AI-written piece yesterday, and I asked him why. He had let AI write a "review" of something he himself had written, and the AI review was very positive. But you know, it's just a machine, so I wondered why he used it. As is its nature, it had generated extremely clichéd language and then even combined it with bad translations into Danish.
He got very offended by my comment. And I really should have just stayed out of it, but now I am having a stupid beef. He even said that "people like [me]" commented based on prejudice, and I couldn't know how the thing he had written was since I hadn't read it. But I hadn't said anything about what he had written himself at all - only about the AI thing. Really!
But I feel so stupid for getting mixed into that at all. Probably I was in a belligerent mood because of my daughter having to write an essay about AI, and her sharing her annoyance with me.
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bbstl 🧹
November 8, 2024 at 9:23 AM
Hugs from the US, all of us seem to be on our last nerve as well. I hate that it feels like the only safe way to interact with the world is to withdraw 🤷♀️
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November 8, 2024 at 12:38 PM
just tell them " I guess you must have things you need to get defencive about!"
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DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 1:40 PM
HUgs and thanks, @bbstl and @redfox
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8 Clios Servant
November 8, 2024 at 7:24 AM
Goes without saying it's been a very tough week in America. I don't have enough perspective yet to reflect on what just happened and what it means for the future of representative government. But I do have a lot of American history under my belt and I don't like the direction this is going. We are looking at a populist revolution, and possibly a bottoming out of the America economy which could severely impact those who are at least advantage.
So, what to do, what to do. Take a breather. Get your mind engaged, learn something new every day, and demonstrate for your descendants that no matter what, the sun is going to come up tomorrow.
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November 8, 2024 at 12:42 PM
Charlie Chaplin existed during the Great Depression.
as a person who lived in a regime similar to what Trumps america will probably be, I can say it is time to let the humor loose. and there must be no limits. just let it drip
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9 too_much_tv
November 8, 2024 at 7:51 AM
Hey friends! If you remember, we started a Beanie Bookclub. (It was either on this Open Thread or on the What We Are Watching, I can't recall!) This Sunday, November 10, we're going to be discussing the novel Almond by Sohn Won-pyung. If you want to add your name here to be tagged so you can join the discussion, do it! I will tag you! 🤩 It was a very popular book in translation and we'd be happy to have you join. I've generated way too many discussion questions, but if you have your own insights already, just come share them. (I'm tagging all the OG members here again too, sorry for spamming you, ❤️! ) @indyfan @mellowarmadillo @attiton @elinor @ahjummaaa @wonhwa @unaspirated @cayong03 @babylilo @ruhi0101 @petrolia @acacia @dramaforever @zindigo @linarrick @ndlessjoie @sonai @kdramajoy @minniegupta1
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November 8, 2024 at 10:53 PM
Thank you too_much_tv! I'd love to tag along and read the discussion even though I didn't read the book.
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November 9, 2024 at 3:02 AM
Hi :) Currently I'm reading the book and I couldn't find anyone to discuss the topic as no one around me interested in it 🥺 please tag me 🤩
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November 9, 2024 at 4:20 PM
@lucky and @ahjummaaa, will do!
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10 TurtuallySarcastic
November 8, 2024 at 9:23 AM
Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!
I cosplayed with my friends at a convention last weekend. I posted a picture on my fan wall if you are interested.
The first half of my holiday week was boring adulting, but the weekend is thankfully empty. Sleep, exercise and lazy time are currently doing wonders for my (mental) health. Unfortunately, I lost a bit of faith in the November batch, so I am entertaining myself with my books and movies for now, and I’ll see what happens later depending on my time and mood.📖🎞️
Tuesday work starts again with a formation two mornings a week. I had forgotten that the formation is taking place from home, sometimes even on office day, which means I only have three office days left this year and will be spending the rest of it working from home. Manse for extra sleep! Manse for extra time to watch stuff!💃💃💃
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11 Ahjummaaa
November 8, 2024 at 9:26 AM
All the experts are trying to explain why the US failed to elect the more sane, decent, law-abiding, non-fascist candidate. I stopped getting too involved in politics and social justice issues after my dad died. So this election I wasn't as emotionally invested as I used to be. I just stayed up way past a normal ajumma's bedtime until the winner was pretty clear. The meter swinging to over 90% in favor of Trump on NYT's website was a surreal moment and managed to break my cold heart a bit. Imagine a million hearts breaking at the same time as mine in the middle of the night. I was a liberal arts major in school, so I realize that I have limits when it comes to discussing politics. But isn't this the stuff that political science people should be taking care of? If the presidential election was a sports competition with a goliath, did the Democratic party send out their best shot? Did they pick the most persuasive, winning candidate who can reach out across the aisle and make a lot of new friends in a few short months? I mean... this is not the first time, this is already the second time they lost to TRUMP. Where were all the brilliant strategizing minds to prevent this? This is such a great lesson to dissect and hopefuly learn from. One billion dollar-campaign to just lose? As a liberal arts major who took communication classes, from my amateur perspective, the Democratic candidate was not a match for Trump in terms of public speaking and charisma. And to send someone out against such a Goliath is incredibly unfair to her and to the country. Trump getting re-elected rests almost entirely on the shoulders of the Democratic party. Also, Biden is an idiot sometimes. I sensed he had poor judgement in some things when he brought his german shepherds to the White House and they ended up biting people. I also blame selfishness, people clinging onto power, basing their self-worth and identity on their jobs, thus making it almost impossible for them to let go at the right time. After Biden's older son passed away, he said something like that he found the will to go on and meaning in his presidency. Which is a pretty risky thing to do. If people at the top were a little less selfish and had sharper/more realistic political/sports acumen, then maybe the country would have been able to elect a better leader. It's a series of wrong moves years in the making. Now we get an exploding toilet for the next four years. Ajumma's rare political rant is over. Life has to go on. PS, Trump will be gone in four years but guys like Vance are just getting started. It's not just Trump but the entire cesspool he's bringing in that will take years to clean up if ever. The Democratic party needs better advisors and to wake up, man. Whatever they're doing isn't working.
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November 8, 2024 at 9:28 AM
correction: political science is a social science and is considered liberal arts.
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Clios Servant
November 8, 2024 at 9:37 AM
Worthy rant. TY
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November 8, 2024 at 9:53 AM
here's what I'm really thinking: it was very risky to send out a minority non-male candidate against someone like Trump: tall, white, rich, glib, can schmooze his way out of any accusations. The blue states may be ready for Kamala, but a lot of the country wasn't. They can accept Trump without a question just based on his race. If they really wanted to win over the rest of the country, they needed someone who could beat Trump at his own game. The Democratic party needs to acknowledge this fact and work with it. They thought having a white VP was enough to balance the race thing out. But people can be insular at their core. They seem a familiar face, a familiar way of speaking, they automatically trust them and accept them.
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November 8, 2024 at 10:05 AM
Well, the thought process is that since a black man was elected and younger folks nowadays are more inclusive/diverse/whatever the phrasing is, that people would be ready for a woman of color as president. Again, she HAD the qualifications.
It's just... an intersection of ALOT of factors at play.
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November 8, 2024 at 10:46 AM
it is very complex, indeed. the stump speeches felt like they were singing to the choir too much though. I'm not sure she succeeded in winning votes from the other side. she's also just not a great public speaker unfortunately to make more of an impact and present a better alternative. Gotta add "great with words" to long list of qualifications of presidential candidate.
Kodra aka Qanon something
November 9, 2024 at 9:00 PM
It had nothing to do with race or gender. This is a country that elected a black president (myself included) and a black vice president. Normal folks just had enough of the woke liberal agenda. Had enough of our money spent on wars. Had enough of paying too much for basic necessities. Had enough of being called names, of being told to shut up and being censored and cancelled. And the truth is she was just not good as a candidate, people could not understand her world salad speech. They promised to forgive student loans and what did they do after the pandemic ended? Poured all that money into Ukraine. The youngsters saw the possibility of them being sent into war while not being able to find jobs, while rent and groceries went so high. They lied to them and they turned away. Bidenomics was a failure and she defended it while plagiarizing Trump's economic ideas. All that she could in the end is say that Trump is Hitler and that his supporters are fascists and garbage. I mean, she had Cheney on her side! Cheney! I was a Democrat and I remember what her daddy did. That meant to a lot of us that more wars were to come if she was elected, that she will continue Biden's madness and lies. Biden is the worst president the US ever had and how you guys didn't see his mental downfall four years ago is beyond me. Watching him and watching the media lying and covering for me it reminded me everyday about the comunist propaganda that was fed to us in my former country. How could that be possible in this free country? That means that the country was not free and now it became free! The media, which is the liberal propaganda arm, is not believed anymore by the majority of the country. And that is great!
Hopefully you will see in few years all the lies you have been told by the media. And I hope you will be upset at them like I have been. You will see that you have been used so that they could be in power and start more wars across the globe. Remember, they had everything four years ago, yet we pay so much for healthcare and for tuition. Nothing that they promised, besides the LBGTQ agenda, happened! In many instances, like the economy and healthcare, was worse. And bringing illegals to give them amnesty so that they will forever be in power while not doing anything for the blacks, for the young, for the legal immigrants, for the Asians, for every single category besides the radical feminists and their sidekick, the lbgtq community ( which is practically their electorate with the future illegals ) is what made them lose big time. That is why abortion is their only issue, and that was a lie also because it is not and will never be banned under Trump.
I am so sorry the liberal media have lied to you and made you so afraid. Ending the Ukraine war is a good thing. Having freedom of speech is a good thing. Deporting illegals and having legal immigration (like I got into this country and became a citizen after many years) is a good thing. Having lower taxes is a...
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November 8, 2024 at 9:57 AM
I don't know where to start cause this is extremely hard to talk about. Honestly, it's embarassing to be American when stuff like this happens but from my layman, non political science perspective, it's because older people refusing to accept change. They want to maintain the status quo and what they are confortable and familiar with.
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Goyangi and the Camel Crickets
November 8, 2024 at 5:37 PM
I agree, as a fellow American embarrassed by this country. Looking back at history, the US has had major unrest whenever big change was on the horizon: women's rights, civil rights, etc. There's always a percentage of the population wanting to keep the status quo, the "good old days", the time that felt comfortable and familiar like a favorite old T-shirt. Now they're bucking ideas like Me Too and LGBTQ and heaven forbid permitting immigrants to make a home here.
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Kodra aka Qanon something
November 9, 2024 at 8:11 PM
It was not the old that shifted to Trump, it was the youngters.
The kids will be ok, so proud of them!
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November 8, 2024 at 10:55 AM
It was a change election, with Harris representing the status quo and conventional politics. Trump was the outsider. The entire country shifted to the right. Even NYC moved more votes to his direction. That was quite a shocker to me! This tells me that people are unhappy especially since voting tends to be more emotional then analytical. This was also a significant shift in the working class vote. Working class, those without a college degree voted R while the "elites" and educated voted D (The super elites like Musk are another story all together as their vote was for unfettered capitalism.) Ah well. Yes, the democrats seem unable to learn and adapt so they can win. I wish I understood why. To win they need to compromise some of their ideals, which they seem unable to do to a point that I don't even think they can talk about it reasonably. It is a sad moment but I'm determined to keep positive and find some great k-dramas to keep my mind off of politics. I might need to supplement my k-dramas with more drinking.
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November 8, 2024 at 11:06 AM
"Voting tends to be more emotional then analytical" This!!! Well said~~~ Although do please take care of your liver. Ajumma has learned the importance of the liver this year thanks to heath issues. Ajumma will have to drink more... green tea lattes.
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November 8, 2024 at 11:17 AM
Chai Tea Latte---that could do! But, truly, I'm looking for a supplemental hobby. I don't think K-dramas will be enough to jam my brain for the next 4 years. My hobby was reading the news---I think I'll have to cancel all my news subscriptions just for my sanity. But, what to do instead.....
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November 8, 2024 at 12:06 PM
oh I'm sorry to hear your healthy wholesome hobby was also negatively affected thanks to the election results as well... may we recover the fire within our souls with time! I really appreciate your writing and perspective. chai tea latte sounds even better in this season!
DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 2:23 PM
Watch "The Janes" on Netflix and start acquiring skills needed in the NGO resistance.
And I don't mean that you should imitate the 6th. That is for people who idealise violence.
Clios Servant
November 8, 2024 at 12:04 PM
Lots of good points in this thread. Got no answers, but appreciate that people are thinking deeply about the world around them.
Although not top of mind for most, I'm am concerned about slashing the civil service, especially science-based civil service. I'm old enough to remember Thalidomide. Political appointees with disdain for science can really, really do a lot of damage. It's hard to understate this, especially in time of rapid climate change.
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November 8, 2024 at 12:15 PM
yes, this is also a very good point that needs to said. many people died including in my family because Trump downplayed Covid and they saw him get a complete recovery and so they thought it wasn't a big deal. In other news, I wouldn't mind if your hobby temporarily transitions into writing posts on Dramabeans to enlighten beanies like myself :)
Clios Servant
November 8, 2024 at 12:54 PM
That's pretty sweet. But to be honest, the older I get the more I realize I know nothing. Knowledge has always been my addiction. I believe it was the great pair of scientists who discovered DNA that said, if you think you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.
Lots of that going around out there.
November 8, 2024 at 12:54 PM
Comment was deleted
Clios Servant
November 8, 2024 at 1:47 PM
Honestly? I know people like this who work in civil service and are dedicated to the mission of serving the people who pay their taxes and support their government. To be dismissive of their years of service is just counterproductive, to be polite.
bbstl 🧹
November 8, 2024 at 2:11 PM
The promised removal of knowledgeable civil servants and scientists is top of mind for me as well. I am sick at heart over what feels like a contest to become stupider.
DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 2:30 PM
The government we got in DK at the turn of the century already promised "A goodbye to the realm of know-it-alls!"
They smashed the environment ministery that had been established as an important branch of government and who would have averted some of the crisises we have now.
I still get so angry when I think of it! Ignorance combined with compliance is not something a government should idealise.
November 8, 2024 at 12:09 PM
Well, the Democrats did not send their best candidate for sure. She was not a particularly strong or charismatic one to begin with and had to pass the woman and a person of color barriers. It is sad and shameful these barriers exist in this country in 21st century.
Biden is not a bad president but he did not know when to stop. What was he thinking, really?
I am trying to think of various ways to isolate myself from news not hear about the president elect.
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Goyangi and the Camel Crickets
November 8, 2024 at 5:42 PM
Yeah just hearing his voice turns my stomach.
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November 9, 2024 at 4:39 AM
Biden rode in on the ticket of Not Being Trump. I would have thought people would elect anyone because they are Not Trump.
But apparently americans think being a woman is a lot worse than being a felon and a liar.
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November 8, 2024 at 12:50 PM
The Daily Show had a great piece on this with the amazing Desi Lydec throwing punches while holding back her tears.
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November 8, 2024 at 1:16 PM
I can't even watch any coverage yet. I'm not there and I don't know if or when I ever will be and hearing that she was holding back tears doesn't help haha
Ahh, this sucks so much.
I hate people so much
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November 8, 2024 at 1:24 PM
well worded rant but the question everybody else in the world is asking why do you even have only 2 political parties if one is retarded and the other is incompetent.
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November 8, 2024 at 3:36 PM
Partly because people are complacent. For example, there can be multiple parties on a ballot and yet people will only acknowledge the main two. So other things don't gain traction.
When there was ranked choice voting in my state, voters kept getting annoyed over the multiple options and then if you try to explain it "I'm too old for this! Just keep it simple and the way it's been".
As I keep saying it's a status quo thing, both from the parties and voters. From my experience.
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DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 2:19 PM
To be as promising as Trump you need to lie not just a little, but a lot. It's hard to win against a completely unrepentant liar when the truth is brushed aside as "alternative".
I don't know what the sane side needs or can do in the US right now, but I don't think you can say that Kamala wasn't a good try.
Though it might have helped if she had been [sigh] a white male with at least 60 years behind him.
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November 8, 2024 at 3:42 PM
Isn't she like 60? Haha
She was missing the maleness apparently. Same with Hillary I guess.
I'm not 100% sure but I think there have been female world leaders and they were good at their jobs. I don't know what is about The States that so scared of it.
God, it's gonna be such a suckful time for the foreseeable future. So many groups are gonna screwed over and services cut. I almost wish our birth rates would plummet cause thinking about future generations inheriting this dumbass country is depressing. Seriously, people won't even know what slavery or a what a signature is.
I'm so deliriously angry. I really need to stop.
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DK-Drama ❤️🎄 Giffing n Space Cadetting 👼🏻🌟
November 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM
There have been great female state leaders, and horrible ones.
But since female leaders need to be near flawless to be as lucky as to receive votes, I think a larger percent og those leaders that were female, were "good",
Some of them, though, were horrible, privilegeblind, mean, and merciless people.
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12 jerrykuvira
November 8, 2024 at 9:38 AM
During lasts week's fire at overrated shows, I was surprised to see Forest of Secrets and Call it Love come under fire. @midnight seconding it for Call It Love just had me mumming "how" in my head. I was even more shocked to see You Are My Spring come under fire. That was a double how for me. The one I kinda expected was Hospital Playlist. I think it just spoke to our tastes as viewers and how crazy it is that beanies who agree can disagree. Crazy and funny.
But, that isn't even the purpose of this comment. There was one particular drama - a personal favorite of mine - that I was expecting dramabeanies to bring to the slaughter as overrated but somehow it escaped the heat or flew over beanies heads. The drama? My Liberation Notes. I particularly recall a comment of a beanie who enjoyed MLN to a good extent but still compared the screenwriting to the story of "the emperor's new robe." So color me shocked when I combed through the drama chat and could hardly find a mention of MLN. At least I am glad that one of my well-rated dramas didn't get caught in last week's fray. :)
The beauty in our differences in taste was really fun to note. But, the beanie who called You Are My Spring overrated really hurt my spinal cord.
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tabong is ironing the crosswalk
November 8, 2024 at 10:09 AM
IKR? We all got hurt and hurt someone in that thread.
I opened the post ready to cry at the mention of Reply 88, so I was happy to not see it there (at least until the last time I checked).
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Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
November 8, 2024 at 10:50 AM
This is why I was pretty unhappy with the choice of that as a Drama Chat topic, and declined to participate although I have plenty of thoughts on overrated (and underrated) dramas. It seemed guaranteed to provoke less thoughtful discussion of what "overrated" means than just dumping on other people's favorite shows, or lists of "popular shows I disliked."
These "Most/Least" paired Drama Chats don't always need to come in matched pairs.
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Mrs Buckwheat
November 8, 2024 at 1:12 PM
I scrolled on by because it was just a massive dumping ground for my favourite show. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life right now :)
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tabong is ironing the crosswalk
November 8, 2024 at 1:46 PM
I get what you mean. It wasn't much about what is that criteria of what we call "overrated", more like a list of examples of it.
"These "Most/Least" paired Drama Chats don't always need to come in matched pairs."
Same. But I want it to be more unpredictable or random. Like, "the best drama for when you're doing the dishes" or "the drama that made you lie to your friends to avoid going out", or "the character for whom you would leave your moral and values under the bed". Idk.
And one day we could just play "TOD, slap, or make your abusive bestie from your OG life marry him" with SLs. Something like that (I think I got a bit out of topic here...).
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Goyangi and the Camel Crickets
November 8, 2024 at 5:47 PM
Ooooh I hope they consult with you about topic ideas! 😄
November 8, 2024 at 5:48 PM
Thirsty Monday drama style?))) Folks, let's do this one, it's gonna be so fun!
Elinor is back on Sweater Patrol
November 8, 2024 at 6:25 PM
November 8, 2024 at 10:22 AM
😁 You're making me write a defense, aren't you, and brevity is not my force, beware!
Kim Young Kwang is a huge favorite of mine. So apart from the popularity on DB, I went in fully wanting to fall in love with the show. But sadly, I just found it tasteless.
Please understand that this is not at all a criticism of the viewers who loved it! (English is not my first language so I beg pardon for any word misused)
I found the director tasteless. The pink filter which kept changing hue every second was insanely distracting. I'm a person who have to force myself to ignore continuity errors, I can't help noticing them immediately. So the colour of the scene constantly changing, and in that ugly pink, I couldn't put down to anything but bad taste.
Then the cinematography and camera work, using of lines and angles and symbolism, using the camera to push in ideas, was soooo on the nose and repetitive and in every other scene, that again, only showed bad taste to me.
Yes, the main story was rather boring too, but many boring stories can be elevated with good taste. So my gripe with CiL is mainly this. I dislike the directing. I disliked it so much that I don't even remember the story any more, but I still remember the filter and the exhausting angled camera with an exasperated sigh.
Look, You Are My Spring wasn't overrated for me. It was actually one of the rare times that I loved Seo Hyun Jin's character, I love Kim Dong Wook, the show has one of the best scenes in history of kdrama for me (the siblings crying in the car), and I loved the main story.
BUT! The murderer storyline was insane! It was so jarring in mood that it constantly felt like someone had changed the channel!! It had NOTHING in common with the main show. I mean I have watched my fair share of romcoms having killers, but YAMS definitely takes the cake! It is just a horror show edited in between a sweet drama!
Do I defend my own 3 picks too? 😂🙈🙈
And about what you said about MLN, I think most beanies have immediately thought of dramas hyped on other social media not just on DB. Is MLN as loved on other site/places as it is on DB? Even on DB the show hasn't been mentioned much after it finished airing.
I always love reading your comments so I thought I owe you a defense! 😁😅
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November 8, 2024 at 10:37 AM
is the murderer storyline the one with the stalker? the stalker bit creeped me out too much and robbed my enjoyment of the otherwise promising drama. I had to stop because it actually started to bother me (and I'm someone who usually enjoys serial killer tropes even in rom-coms)
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November 8, 2024 at 10:38 AM
ugh just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable all over again just now~~~
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November 8, 2024 at 11:33 AM
I was not expecting a defense, although it is really nice to read your defense. Your mention particularly stuck we share similar thoughts for most of the time. So for @midnight to say this about Call It Love, there's no way I'm letting that go just like that.
I love YAMS. It is my favorite rewatch ever. It remains so, even in the midst of new watchs.
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November 8, 2024 at 11:44 AM
YAMS is on my soon-to-rewatch list too! 👌
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November 8, 2024 at 12:27 PM
actually your defense of You Are My Spring has the effect of me mentally putting it back on my watch list. It reminded me that I did enjoy this drama until the stalker/murderer entered the chat. What did you enjoy most about the drama?
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November 8, 2024 at 12:43 PM
Well the main story, and the main relationships were very sweet and well-told. I loved Kim Dong Wook's character as always, but I was most surprised that I loved SHJ's character too. She is a very good actress but I often end up disliking the roles she picks. Not here.
And as I said above, there is one scene that affected me so deeply, amazingly written, played, and directed, that it cemented the show in my loved dramas.
EXCEPT for those hideous stalker parts. Will definitely ff every single scene of it on rewatch.
13 Britney
November 8, 2024 at 9:45 AM
Oh! I just remembered something else I wanted to ask. It's about lip syncing.
During Castaway Diva, this subject was broached and I think someone here said that everyone lip syncs nowadays. During some new survivial show, apparently one of the judges/mentors/whatever he is (I don't watch it, I'm going by reactions I saw) said to one of the contestants that being able to sing & dance at the same time is a basic skill.
But idols nowadays don't sing & dance at the same time, they lip sync? I'm confused.
From what I understand, many people have criticisms over the lack of vocal training and truly talented vocalists in kpop nowadays.
Personally, I can't tell anything. Everything is so modified now, how can you tell anything?
Are the idols always lip syncing when they do performances? I don't watch music shows but it was mentioned how the idols filmed prerecorded performances and I didn't understand what that meant either.
Sidenote: writing this reminded me of when Ashlee Simpson's singing career sank after it was revealed she was lip syncing on SNL (and then she did an awkward jig to leave the stage but I digress)
I'm confused about the use of lip syncing.
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November 8, 2024 at 10:13 AM
When an Kpop group releases a song, their schedule is pretty insane. They have to wake up 4-5am to get to the music show, etc.
So they often have very loud backtrack, so they don't have to sing everything. Some agencies record the song as if they were dancing to hide this fact for the TV show or festival.
Now, some groups are very good in live and can sing. Others rest a lot on their backtrack.
But in general, Kpop fans don't really know what is a good concert anymore.
Groups of the second generation were great in concert.
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November 8, 2024 at 10:33 AM
I think the most memorable concerts I have been to were small intimate acoustic performances. The big concerts with sound systems and far-away stages are more about getting to see your idol in person than hearing great music. Concert pet peeves: 1) songs that sound exactly the same as the studio version. 2) singers that stop singing mid-song and tell the audience to sing. I didn't pay $$$ and get out of my comfy bed to hear myself sing, I came all the way out here to hear YOU sing!
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November 8, 2024 at 11:56 AM
😂😂 I have never been to a concert, but I was just now watching a joint performance by FTIsland and CNBlue, and every time Lee Hong Ki and Jung Young Hwa stopped singing and hyped the crowd to sing that was exactly what I thought! 😂😂 It was amazing to watch nonetheless, but I did wonder how many people in the crowd would prefer the singers to sing all of it.
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November 8, 2024 at 12:03 PM
I love to sing in concerts!
I think usually there are songs the singer lets the public to sing. It's kinda decided before.
At least, we know JYH and LHK never lipsync!
November 8, 2024 at 12:06 PM
@kurama That is great to know!
That is exactly what I thought while reading these comments! 😄At least we can swear those 2 are always live! They are both so extra and hilarious on stage that a studio version audio wouldn't stand a chance!
November 8, 2024 at 12:47 PM
it's okay you're not missing that much by not going to concerts and probably saved a ton of money. but I would say, if you get a chance, you might enjoy checking out the live music theater performances in your city. I find music theater actors are great singers, never lip sync, and have the best stage presence. way better than pop singers. this is not Broadway, but small off-Broadway venues which are a lot more affordable. it makes you realize that there are so many talented singers right in your city, singing their hearts out night after night for pennies, and how strange it is that the music business rewards only a few of them. then you realize that while there is a lot of talented voice, there are only a few talented songwriters. Thus, the best songs go to the top few. And lastly, if I had to spend money on concert tickets again, here is where music-loving Ajumma would put on her bucket list: The Hollywood in Vienna concert series (on pause since '22?) in Austria and the Joe Hisaishi conducted concerts featuring Studio Ghibli music These are music experiences I feel would be even better in person, as professional as the Youtube recordings are. These types of concerts combine pop music classics from movies with live symphonies with musical theater actors = utter eargasm. Check out Hollywood in Vienna videos on Youtube, favorites are the ones honoring James Horner and Alan Menken, especially the Poor Unfortunate Souls rendition if you grew up watching Disney movies.
November 8, 2024 at 12:59 PM
@ahjummaaa Thank you! I will!
November 8, 2024 at 11:40 AM
I don't know what the generations are haha. I know Sech Kies and HOT are 1st gen (because I watched Reply 1997). I think Girls Generation is 2nd gen.
And then it's all confusing haha
So many groups overlap and everyone is around the same age haha
Like are BTS, Stray Kids, and Seventeen are all apart of the same generation? They're around the same ages I think.
Anyhoo, I don't know where the group Shinee fits in but I know they still do performances but wouldn't they also have to conform to modern performing standards such as lip syncing?
Sorry if this is confusing; I'm just very confused and don't know how to explain myself
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November 8, 2024 at 11:59 AM
BTS and Seventeen are the 3rd generation, Stray Kids the 4th I think.
Second one : Girl's Generation, Big Bang, Wonder Girls, 2PM, T-Ara, Infinite, BEAST,
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November 8, 2024 at 12:03 PM
Individual idols ages have little to no to do with it. Kpop generations are based on group/artist's debut year. 2nd generation is everyone that debuted between 2003 (debut of TVXQ who became a phenomenon of their time) and early 2012 (debut of EXO, another phenomenon, they mark the start of 3rd gen). 4th generation started somewhere in 2017-2018, I'm not sure about exact artist or date, and from then on it's even blurrier - we're currently at 5th gen, but I couldn't care less about the current idol crop and majority of 4th gen either, so here's that.
Shinee is 2nd gen, ofc. BTS 3rd. Popular opinion is that 2nd gen was the best - in terms of ballads and live singing I certainly agree.
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November 8, 2024 at 12:10 PM
I don't think a 2nd generation group has to lip-sync only because the newer generations might do it. It's probably their choice, not a new rule.
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Mrs Buckwheat
November 8, 2024 at 1:31 PM
This is a very funny lip sync from a show called I Can See Your voice with SHINee
Shinee did when they were younger more so because the choreography was really intense thats it's too hard to do both well. You can usually spot it when any idol does as there a moments that don't match and its usually when they wear the head microphone than a hand held. The SHINee boys are all very talented in their own right and very rarely do it anymore. Onew is so bad at it that they all used to joke about it.
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November 8, 2024 at 3:45 PM
Oh! Is that why some members use the head mics while others use the hand mics? I've been wondering why some do and others don't especially when they still do the choreography as a group.
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Mrs Buckwheat
November 8, 2024 at 5:37 PM
Not necessarily, they still wear the head mics and sing live but I think it’s an easier way to get around not being so obvious about not singing live.
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November 8, 2024 at 8:56 PM
Wow Minho is really good at lip syncing! Thanks for sharing.
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14 Becky
November 8, 2024 at 12:14 PM
Great election. Nice that the popular vote and electoral college vote went the same way. 72 million voted for our new president. We can't all be ignorant, deplorables, surely?
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November 8, 2024 at 1:28 PM
I guess we are which is why it's so embarrassing.
not counting all the voter suppression, tech issues, and intimidation that happenedRequired fields are marked *
November 8, 2024 at 8:01 PM
I have to agree with you on that. Embarrassing and just so unbelievable. :(
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15 redfox
November 8, 2024 at 12:51 PM
Dramabeans should be a country. smart people here. intelligently conversing.
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16 Alluvial_Fan
November 9, 2024 at 6:14 PM
Okay Beanies. This may be the only safe place where I can ask this question. I have been depressed and stewing over the US election for days now. My questions is a simple one but it must be answered by many cultures in many countries and also by those with an historical perspective.
Is there any country or culture in the modern world that respects and admires smart successful women? Has there ever been one in the past?
I've lived for a long time and I am so concerned for younger women in this bro-hate world. In The US we have finally seen just how much most men hate women. They will elect a psychopath over a supremely qualified woman TWICE.
Can anyone help me understand and have compassion for this obvious misogyny?
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November 9, 2024 at 11:34 PM
There was Germany with Angela Merkel?
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November 10, 2024 at 11:41 AM
have you heard the expression, "women hold up half the sky"? one of the (few) surprising good things that communism accomplished in China is improving gender equality in a very traditionally patriarchal society. it doesn't make up for the cr*p and tragedies communism caused in China, though. they also destroyed basic trust between people during the cultural revolution by encouraging children to tell on their parents and neighbors against neighbors.
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17 Kodra aka Qanon something
November 9, 2024 at 8:02 PM
Anyone shaved their heads yet?
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