No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

Our show goes full throttle as it advances into its second half. The chaos is chaos-ing, the tropes are trope-ing, the romance is romance-ing, and the stakes are rising. It’s really ROM-COM at its finest this week, and boy am I having a blast!


No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

We resume with Hae-young, Ji-wook, and Woo-jae being dumped in a hotel after getting royally wasted the previous night. Cue: a freak out session when they wake up in bed together. Lol. Afterwards, Yi-lin comes to get her husband and share the good news: Woo-jae will be coming onboard Hae-young’s team and Ji-wook will be assigned to work under him. Awesome! What could go wrong with the trio on the same team? Aside from, you know, the fact that Woo-jae knows how Hae-young behaves when she’s in love, and in close quarters, he’s bound to notice that her marriage is fake. To worsen matters, HR discovers that some employees have been misusing company benefits, and they launch an investigation into all the employees. Welp!

Our fake couple activates full time honeymoon mode to shake off suspicion, but Ji-wook is a natural at skinship and sweet talking and Hae-young.exe begins to malfunction. Still, she suggests that he moves in with her to properly sell their marriage, and thus their cohabitation era begins. Yasss! Welcome to the penthouse rooftop apartment of Hae-young’s house, Ji-wook. Make yourself at home. Oh, wait! This was once your home. Lol. My guess is that Hae-young was off in college when high-school Ji-wook — sporting yet another hairstyle! — lived here, and that’s why she doesn’t know that he’s one of Mom’s foster kids.

Anyway, Ji-wook is welcomed back home for a reunion with their foster cat — and a meet and greet with Hae-young’s box of sex toys that scandalizes him into declaring that his body is his own, and he won’t do anything his mind goes against. Okay, virgin. Pfft. To further cement the realness of their marriage, Hae-young throws a housewarming party and invites Ha-joon. CEO Gyu-hyun is not invited, so he tries — and fails — to snag an invitation from his volunteering bestie, Ji-wook a.k.a Lucifer. Gyu-hyun leads with the “what are we?” angle, and Ji-wook almost spills that they’re half-brothers until Gyu-hyun clarifies that he meant that they’re volunteering brother-like friends. “Call me hyung.” Lol. If only he knew.

At the party, Hae-young learns that Ji-wook was super popular among the ladies during the new recruits’ training. This makes her apologize to him because their fake relationship makes him unable to date. “Do you want me to have flings and go on dates?” Ji-wook asks, and Hae-young replies in the affirmative. But her body language betrays her true feelings. “I can do that now if that’s what you want,” Ji-wook continues, as he inches closer to her. The tension rises and Hae-young closes her eyes as he leans in to… pick up the keys behind her. *Exhales* This guy knows what he is doing to Hae-young. To me. To all of us!

No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

Ji-wook heads up to his apartment, but before we can say kimchi, Hae-young appears on the rooftop to kiss him! But after spending 24 hours alternating between kicking my feet and scratching my head at the dead-fishness of the kiss, Episode 8 begins and I see that Hae-young kissed Ji-wook because Woo-jae was watching them from downstairs. Ugh! That dude is a roach who just won’t die. Ji-wook is equally upset that his first ever kiss was a dead-fish Woo-jae repellant, so he shows Hae-young what a real kiss should look like. Omona! This man is smoother than butter.

Ji-wook drops multiple confessions and flirts with reckless abandon throughout this episodes until Hae-young surrenders. She asks if he can wait until she’s able to shake off the pressures of work before making things official, and he agrees. “I’ll wait for you so patiently, you won’t even realize that I’m waiting.” Wow! Hae-young and Ji-wook clearly did not get the K-drama contract couple memo. Because what do you mean they communicated directly and didn’t spend 2-3 weeks denying the feelings they clearly have for each other? I love it here in No Gain No Love land!

No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

Moving on to our secondary romance, Ja-yeon drops by the orphanage she sent Gyu-hyun to volunteer at, and she ducks out of sight when she sees him with Ha-joon. Gyu-hyun — who already knows that Ja-yeon and Ha-joon are friends, and that Ja-yeon’s male lead is named Ha-joon because it’s the name of someone she likes — spots Ja-yeon hiding and clocks that she’d like to keep her erotic writer identity a secret. So he flings his oblivious secretary into the backseat and drives away before Ha-joon notices Ja-yeon’s presence.

Ja-yeon realizes that Gyu-hyun is Ggulbi Education’s CEO a.k.a Hae-young’s boss, so she withdraws the lawsuit, and pleads with him not to take it out on Hae-young. Gyu-hyun assures Ja-yeon that he will do no such thing, and he apologizes for hiding his identity. But as they’re about to part ways, Ja-yeon sights her abusive father from afar and she grabs Gyu-hyun and runs away. Gyu-hyun goes along with it, no questions asked — he sits with her as she cries, and sings to comfort her. Ja-yeon thanks him for lifting her spirits and for keeping her secret from Ha-joon, and at this point, they have started seeing each other in a different light. ~This could be the start of something new~

Still, Ja-yeon insists that they shouldn’t see each other anymore. But Gyu-hyun is completely smitten, and he’d do anything to see her again. Anything, including green-lighting Hae-young’s suggestion to launch Ggulbi’s new educational service at an orphanage. But Mr. Finished Man’s interest in the idea is not all about his romance with Ja-yeon. There’s also his bromance with Ji-wook, and he knows the orphanage outreach will make his bro happy. Awww. He’s so sweet.

Ja-yeon learns that Gyu-hyun has been re-rating and leaving new comments on her novel, and she’s impressed. But she returns to square one when Ha-joon flippantly confesses that he took over writing hate comments for his boss in return for getting an approval on his transfer request. Ah! Not the muse hating on his inspired work. To make matters worse, a comment on the episode Ha-joon took over from is the very comment that made Ja-yeon file the lawsuit. *Facepalm* Can this plot just die already? Seriously, Show, you wrapped up the reveal — and Hae-young’s acceptance — of Hee-sung and her boyfriend’s polyamorous relationship pretty quickly, so I believe you can conclude this hate comments arc just as fast.

No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

The week ends with Madam Fangirl, Gyu-hyun and Hae-young finding out that Ji-wook is Chairman Bok’s secret son. *Stirs the thickened plot* Madam Fangirl is pretty ruthless when it comes to her son — she threatened to pull out investment in Ja-yeon’s audio drama while the lawsuit with Gyu-hyun was ongoing — and I cannot imagine what she’ll do now that a competitor for her son’s inheritance has shown up. Chairman Bok sucks for intentionally bringing in Ji-wook to serve as a rival for Gyu-hyun, and it’s worse that he doesn’t mind dragging Hae-young into the succession battle if it helps his unserious sons “come to their senses.” He’s so messy, but it’s more drama for me, so bring it on.

Speaking of drama, Woo-jae has not only found out that Hae-young’s marriage is fake, he also asks to get back together. It’s his shamelessness for me, really. I thought he married Yi-lin to advance his career, but he has now tasted the unpleasantness that comes with his wife making decisions about his career without discussing it with him first. Tsk. Yi-lin works with HR, she’s close with Madam Fangirl, and she already suspects that there’s something between Woo-jae and Hae-young. Oh dear! What could possibly go wrong for our heroine who’s right in the middle of this messy venn diagram?

No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8


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To all the folks who speculated an open relationship or polyanomy, you called it!

Honestly, No Gain No Love continues to be impressive by the way the deal with and approach these topics. Even the way the Chairman's previous affairs and his wife's response to it is different from what I've seen in other dramas.
It is interesting to me though and I'm not sure what to think about it but back when Hae Young said she was gonna do a fake marriage for strategic reasons, Hui Seong was outraged at the idea and then fast forward when Hae Young learns of Hui Seong's relationship circumstances for practical reasons, she's outraged. I guess both were coming from a concern but it's just interesting to me. But thank goodness the folks in this drama actually have conversations and speak their minds and open minded enough to listen.

Ah, Gi Ho is Ji Uk's biggest supporter haha. I think aside from knowing about the marriage, he was disappointed he couldn't be a best man haha (are bridesmaids & groomsmen a thing in SK?)

Ahhh she closed her eyes!!! What does this mean?!?!
At the hotel, she kept her eyes open but once he left, she said how she strong for not giving into her desires so she was attracted to him then. But now, it's stronger?


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Ahh, what a fun twist on the spouse/love interest not being a good cook haha. I liked how amused he was by teasing her and making her eat more of the sweet gimbap

Sidenote: Gi Hun looked so mad/betrayed haha. Like how dare you assault my mouth like this and because you're my friend, I have to scarf it down. Darn you!

Ji Uk went from I don't even wanna look at you to my body & my heart are where I wanna be.

She went from you're not a man, you're an angelic dog to saying she has the appeal of a chew toy/bone to a dog haha
It's so weird that calling yourself a chew toy or bone is (effective) flirting haha

Ah boyo, first he overhears her threatening her boyfriend about a happy ending and then he finds her toys haha

My god, I enjoy this show haha

And the graphics were different on my version haha
This was shown on some other broadcast https://twitter.com/KSZYjnMF2Jf7Ir5/status/1835657297814856164/video/1


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I bet Ji-wook is an amazing cook, having lived on his own, but now he has the reputation of being a bad cook. When everyone was hesitant about eating the housewarming food, I wished that he had secretly cooked it but lied about ordering it from a restaurant.

I love how Gi-woon is Ji-wook's staunch defender every time Hae-young or their coworkers put him down and loled when Ji-wook shook his head at Gi-woon to try to get him to stop talking.

Even with the blur, the toys' animated faces are so cute. tvN edited out Hae-young's introductions of them too. Each of them is from a different continent: Bruno from North America, Chris from South America, and one from Africa whose name she's forgotten.


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I love those little scenes with Gi-ho too. The one during the lunch charade where he's like "you told me you couldn't cook" and the look Ji-wook gave him (along with the goose honk sound effect) had me rolling 😂

The animation was cute haha, and Hae-young just being like 'well, you saw that so might as well tell you their names too'


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Ji-wook is a natural at skinship and sweet talking and Hae-young.exe begins to malfunction...

LOL, deep tech cut, @unit! Although a glitchy executable could also describe the state of the brains of this drama's adoring audience!!

If this show sticks the landing, it's gonna be a modern classic of a rom-com.


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The 3 women are the sunshine of this drama!

I'm sorry that Hae-young let her career dictating her private life. No compagny deserved it! Let be happy!

I don't like how Ji-Huyk is hidding everything from HY. I don't really like him as a character, because of how he's written and acted. He should definitely not search for dating advices on internet, you won't make your wife being not angry anymore by messing everything in her home!

Ja-Yeon and Gyu-Hyun's relationship is cute. We can see how he's sincere now. I'm not sure why they had to run the first time, they could just say she knows this orphanage too. But it's nice she will have someone to help her when her father will get back in her life.

Hee-Sung doesn't seem to know what she wants, she doesn't want a family, she's in a open relationship but doesn't seem to have someone else. But at the same time, HY should marry for love? I thought Tae-Hyung wanted marriage and kids? And why he couldn't just tell HY the truth...

I hope the brothers will team up against the father and mother!


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Maybe it's just me being an airhead but I kept forgetting that people were reacting to different things. For example when Gyu Hyun was talking about his relationship with Ji Uk, I only thought about the secret community service, not about them being half brothers and that's why Ji Uk was reacting that way. Similarly, when Ja Yeon freaked out and tried to hide herself, I only thought about her hiding herself from Ha Jun since he doesn't know she's the writer and completely forgot about the fact that she realized/learned Gyu Hyun was Hae Young's boss.

I haven't been trying to see stuff or think about the spinoff because it's in the future and I just wanted to focus on their present development. The more time they're together, I *do* wonder what it would like if Ja Yeon wrote a story with Gyu Hyun as the lead. What if they *were* playing out the roles.
In the spinoff, apparently Lee Sang Yi is just gonna be playing the novel version of Hajun and it's not a new book or character. (I could be wrong)


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It it is the same story, but it sounds like her male lead is going to switch from Ha-jun to Gyu-hyun (although he will retain the name Ha-jun). I thought that would happen during this drama at some point. I hope she's flustered and yells at herself like, "why am I picturing him now!?"


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Subway PPL is back. It is sweet that Hae Young is willing to explore with Ji Wook. My only issue is that I'm not sure when he fell for her. His confession seems abrupt to me. That being said the shenanigans are adorable. I really dislike that he is the chairman's son, but here we are. As for Ja yeon and Gyu Hyun, how adorable. It is always better when the man crushes first.


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Who doesn’t like avocado? 🥑❤️ Apparently, Ji-uk! Is this his biggest flaw?? 🥹


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I don't like avocado neither. 😅 And they put it everywhere 😭


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I even hate the smell. And yes, it's freaking everywhere. 😭


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@enriquequierecagar What are you talking about? It really can't be cooked, so its only used as an additional ingredient in salads, sandwiches, tacos, burritos, etc. I hardly think that's "everywhere." (although now that I am thinking about it, it does make great ice cream!--but I don't recall seeing that available at the store.

Plus, have you been around avocado trees? The smell is great, slightly licorice, like anise or fennel. I guess you don't like that anise-y smell, but since avocado trees surround my house in California, I associate it (and the smell of eucalyptus) with home. So I have to take a principled stand against this avocado hate!


@hacja We can find it in a lot of vegeterian meals like salad, poké bowl, wrap, etc.

When you eat outside for every lunch in summer, it's hard to find meal without avocado because it's seen as THE protein source (I'm not a vegeterian, but I try to not eat too much meat or fish).


@hacja around here it's normal to get like half avocado to go with your lunch (bandeja paisa for references).
My mom literally eats it every single day.

Not everyone eats it that much, but it's pretty normal to go to someone's house and just get it in your plate. At least for my family (thankfully my cousins will take it away from me).

As a kid, my halmoni forced me to eat it, and that went wrong pretty fast LMAO so that's why I particularly hate the smell.


@kurama @enriquequierecagar as you probably know, except for the extreme corner of the Southwest, the avocado was a very late arrival to U.S. cuisine--in fact, even in the north of California, the state where avocados were grown, and where I grew up, avocados were something of a rarity through the 1970s. My Mom was unusual in serving it to us (always in a salad, never in anything else.) There were many of my friends who wouldn't even try them. Only with the influx of Mexican immigrants did the avocado become commonplace--one of the many great contributions immigrants from Mexico and Latin America have made to U.S. culture.

So that's why I have to joke about how strange it is that you don't like avocados, or that you see them everywhere, because I remember well the times when virtually nobody I knew (except my family) liked avocados, and where it wasn't possible to buy avocados except at the one Mexican grocery near my house.

But thanks for getting me to think about avocados, because now tonight I'm going to make shrimp tacos with avocado--and (since this is kdrama blog) kimchi! (A great combo, by the way!)


My husband and I were wondering how expensive avocado has to be in Korea. it's expensive even here in the American Midwest


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Subways here in the U.S. just buy the processed mashed avocado that has a preservative in it. So its cheaper (for Subway) than buying and shipping fresh avocados from Mexico. Also, Vietnam and Indonesia produce avocados for export, so they might be sourced/processed from there and therefore be a little less expensive to ship into Korea. But it still would be an expensive ad-on!


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For me Subway = sad sandwich with the accompanying aroma of limp salad greens going off however being a drama tragic when I was in Korea I did venture in and everything was absolutely fresh (cannot believe I just admitted to this...)


@vladdles I'm sure the ingredients are fresher in Korean subways than in the ubiquitous gas station and truck stop ones in the U.S. What I can't stomach in U.S. Subways, however, is the gummy bread in the rolls, and given that breadmaking isn't necessarily a traditional Korean culinary strength, I wonder if you noticed any difference there?


Being a global brand the bread, I imagine is the same in every country, therefore not really bread.If I remember correctly there was a court case sometime back in Ireland because they classified the bread as confectionary due to the high sugar content to flour ratio....Subway was not not amused! I have not have the dubious pleasure of a State's side sub but the one and only I have had in Sydney certainly didn't fail to disappoint.


For starters, people allergic to it (me). Also, it tastes and smells like a grass flavored butter, but to each their own, ofc...


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Grass flavored butter haha
I've never had avocado but thanks to this, I totally just envisioned it 😅


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You should try it and decide for yourself, I am by no means a role model in that regard))) At the very least it'll make a memorable culinary experiment. Keep anti-allergy pills at hand tho.


I'm sorry you are allergic to it--I guess you can't eat bananas, mango, kiwi, etc either. Your identification of the taste as grass flavored butter is totally wrong, though.


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No, I can eat other things you've mentioned just fine, tho kiwis are pretty acidic-irritating (I guess by default).

Possibly - even before covid messed up my senses I had a tendency to have unusual reactions and associations to certain foods' smell and flavor. Not sure if I was born this way or that one extra nasty cold I had as a kid is to blame... Mangos smell/taste like pineapples mixed with pine needles to me and it's VERY funny to eat them for this reason)))


@gikata That's interesting--most people I know who are allergic to avocados are allergic to the latex in them, so are allergic to other tropic fruits with that ingredient. I wonder what is causing your allergic response? (I mean, I wonder in the abstract sense--not prying into your physiology or anything like that.).

As far as taste, what I like about avocados is the nuttiness and slightly bitter, slightly sweet edge. The reason I can't associate that with grass is that, living in California, I'm sampled the wheat grass juice drink served at some vegan establishments. Now that is what tastes like drinking lawn mower clippings to me!


@hacja not sure, but probably oil in it. My poor liver always had a complicated relationship with high-fat foods. I have very similar - instant acute stomach pain and nausea - reaction to peanuts as well, but no other nuts are a problem somehow, even exotic ones like pecans.

Good thing about my many intolerances is that they aren't region-locked, like some people's who cannot eat anything beyond their native cuisine... Sadly, it also means that I never know what I'm getting myself into when tasting something new^^

What grass juice drink?))) Well, I shouldn't laugh about it, I guess - our famous national recipes include nettle soup and dandelion salad...


lol, that is an interesting description and kind of apt and I like avocado.


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I like avocado, I don't like subway though.


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I liked Blimpies which was a competitor to Subway I think
But Subway reigned supreme apparently


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The reason I've been turned off by Subway is they changed the oven roasted chicken.
That's the main sandwich I got from there for the most part.


That was a pretty sweet use of the Subway PPL though. Shin Min-A flirtatiously hiding behind the subway wrapper actually gave me the urge to unwrap one of their sandwiches. Not to eat it, just unwrap it.


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Lol, it look like she bit the sandwich horizontally, which weirded me out, lol.


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I agree!!! It was super weird. It's not corn on the cob!!!! The things these actors do for PPL.


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I know Koreans put corn on the cob on their pizza. Maybe they put it in their subway sandwiches as well!


Some actors do everything possible to avoid eating PPL food (or very much of it) while making it look like they're eating it. Maybe that was a fakeout.


Well! My grandma put corn in her jello, so...it definitely goes with everything.


This thread once again demonstrating that going off topic is THE Beanie Superpower. But there's always room for Jell-o!


I have seen many people starting a sandwich horizontally. It seems to be especially helpful with extra overflowing sandwiches.

P.s. I dislike any dish served overflowed. Sandwich, icecream, coffee, pizza, anything that pours off from the sides when I'm trying to take a spoonful/bite turns me off.


Subway PPL in kdramas is how you know nature is healing ⁠:)


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This is funny! But what about Dyson vacuums? Or have they gone extinct?


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Saw one just the other day...where was it...OH YEAH THIS VERY DRAMA. Episode 7, 59m50s


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What a relief! I thought they'd disappeared from the wild. Along with its other virtues, this show is doing a real service in native PPL habitat restoration- Kopiko, Subway, Dyson. But what about the extremely rare Heartshaped brush. I'm afraid that's gone for ever.


He's defintely not the *worst* guy I've seen in dramaland but man, dude is such an asshat. First he's a cheater and then has the audacity to act as if he's doing anyone a favor by wanting to be with them.

"Gotta wash out my eyes; I saw something disgusting". You wouldn't have seen anything if you weren't being a creeping pining loser.

And then primping himself because he's seeing Hae Young and asking *his wife* what tie looks better. Ugh

I get the feeling that he's gonna make some more snide comments to Ji Uk now that he knows the marriage is fake. Or maybe he's gonna be overheard talking about it and expose them.

He was so swarmy to Hae Young after he got married and then became fixated on her after she moved on. What is even his deal? I think the hotel was the second time he was drunkenly going to her. Thank goodness Ji Uk was there to be held instead.


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Kim Young-dae is so swoony. He's such a natural at romance like you can totally believe his characters are in love with their female leads. The dialogue in this show is so well-written. I especially loved Hae-young's king and subject conversation. If Ja-yeon moves out and Ji-wook moves into Hae-young's house (cohabitation!), then his expensive, kingly bed would go to waste.

I love our main couple, but I can't get into our secondary couple. I do think that Ja-yeon and Gyu-hyun have chemistry but not the romantic kind. The Episode 51 twist was unnecessary. Ja-yeon could have fallen for Gyu-hyun through his kind gestures and naturally get over her crush. We don't even know if Ha-joon really means it. His looking down on Gyu-hyun for what he did when he was hospitalized proves that Ha-joon would never write hate comments himself. Why would she forgive Gyu-hyun when she thought he'd written the comment, yet can't forgive Ha-joon when his boss had ordered him to write the comment? Also, where is Ha-joon's transfer?

It was only a matter of time before Woo-jae found out about Hae-young's fake marriage because our dead-fish kiss still wouldn't explain why Ji-wook took their wedding photo off the living room wall to the rooftop room. At least they could've lied that his suitcase was being put into storage. I predict that Yi-rin will become a villain. I'm sad that Ji-wook is Chairman Bok's son not because it's a tired trope and will bring about noble idiocy, but because I dislike the chaebol family, especially the chairman and his nonstop yelling. Madam Sun is becoming a villain too. I ROFL when Gyu-hyun answered his phone, "Hello, writer-nim. It's the hate commenter."

Lee Sang-yi singing "Breathe" made me immediately rewatch Lee Hi's tear-jerking tribute to SHINee's Jonghyun at the 2018 Golden Disc Awards and cry my eyes out. I really wish that Gyu-hyun would've sung the last line "정말 수고했어요 (You've really worked hard)," which is the saddest line of the song.

A big thanks for your recap, @Unit!


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1. From now on I'm calling him "Ji Wook The Smooth". LMAO

2. I feel a bit similar about the second couple.

I do like them together, but I keep getting distracted by other stuff.
At first, I thought that switching the blame to Ha Joon was kinda low and unnecessary. As if they wanted to make him a bad guy to make the other romance possible or something. But maybe it's more about Ja Yeon seeing him as a person, instead of idolizing him. Let's see how the show handles it.

What's really bothering me is that the drama seems to ignore that Ja Yeon has a big trauma and she should be in treatment. I liked the scene with Bok Gyu outside the karaoke. But I couldn't think of it as a "romantic" moment, because I just kept thinking "why isn't she in therapy?"
Everytime she runs away or freezes or passes out or cries in the middle of the street I just keep thinking "why isn't she getting help?"

So I feel like they should address her trauma before entering any romantic territory.

3. Breathe. 💔


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"Mr Volunteer."
A Beat. Their gazes lock.

1. Best running gag this week: Gyu-hun in loser-code trying to score an invite to the house-warming 🤣

2. Most unexpected but deft paper-cut narrative blow:
The plot reveal that trolling was farmed out to Ha-jun - who dealt the fatal insult on *Chapter 51* (I guess the decade-long crush just nose-dived into a demise)

3. Best fake-out: dead-fish rooftop kiss-non-kiss
I knew something was up! well played, show.

4. Best Easter-egg joke (that never was)

Did you notice Woo-jae went into the convenience store, and it was a different store clerk? (not our dear Sun-jae anymore) and next thing you know -- Hae-Yeong was watching TV and Lovely Runner was on TV!

We half thought she would point to the screen and go: "Wait, he looks familiar! It's the store clerk!" 🤣

5. Gyu-hun bursting into song in that back alley! (that's a bonus track for us)

P.S. I love how mature, decisive and open their communication is. LOVE.
"I am not going to beat around the bush, I like you and I know that you like me." So refreshing.


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I do like how he calls him lucifer (lucipah haha)
It kinda saddens me that their budding potential bromance got torpedoed


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I loved that little moment of Hae-young swooning over "LR," too.

This show totally gets me :)


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I have some theories and possible predictions.
- I wonder if Ji Uk got the convenience store job and lived at the gosiwan to (a) be closer to the foster mom especially as she started to get sicker (b) to watch out for Hae Young. Maybe as a wish from her mom.

- I think Ji Uk is gonna leave and possibly try to divorce but I think he'll definitely leave because he doesn't want to negatively affect Hae Young's life and career. I think this will upset Hae Young because she said he was her partner and she was concerned about him.

I think either thing makes totally sense because they both have their issues with these particular things: "losing out" and "ruining" and manipulative Bok family keep using those phrases.

Personally, I think the Bok parents are deserving of a lawsuit and all the negative publicity. They are affecting people's lives according to their own whims and blatantly discriminating against single women. I wouldn't be surprised if Ji Uk is recording all the blackmail threats (if so I would love that because it's been established that he would do such things).

- which brings me to: I think Ji Uk's plan (whatever he was alluding to in the first episode if the writer really did have something in mind) will come into play. Maybe he planned on creating an app or something. I don't know but it must've been some reason he wasn't too concerned about getting a corporate job yet he was studying english for job seekers. I think he will be doing something where the Bok family can't threaten or manipulate him.

I wonder if Hae Young will feel mad and betrayed that Ji Uk concealed the fact that he knows her mom and he was one of her fosters or will she feel grateful that he's been looking out for her mom when she hasn't been able to. Maybe a mix?

Maybe they will subvert expectations and not have to part but it surely seems they will, even if it's temporary.

I wonder if his mom is gonna show up; taking the wind out of the threats. If she keeps calling and inviting Ji Uk to Canada, wouldn't that mean her new family or at least her husband probably knows about him?


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1. Agree on Pt 1: that's also the reason why Mom doesn't remember her daughter intermittently BUT instantly recognises Ji-Uk as her "son". My bet on he's the one regularly and secretly visiting and caring for her

2. Not sure about a divorce but preview seems to show personnel changes notice and it's...not him. Sow-your-wild-oats dad also seems to intimate that he has no qualms dragging his DIL into the fight just to get both sons hot under the collar

3. It's interesting how this week we officially have two half-brothers in love with two foster-sisters! Love is truly next door...oh wait, up in the attic.

4. Also double concealment: Ji-Uk has 2 secrets he kept from wife - (1) his relationship to mom (they are practically foster siblings!!! Faux-cest! My fav trope!!! LOL just kiddin') (2) that he is secret chaebol son

I just hope he didn't accidentally cause the death of HY's dad or something (cos he alluded to mom something along the lines of "Do you think she will ever forgive me?")

5. Yes - I can't wait for some whistleblowing - good catch! You remember the pilot opener when he unequivocally said harassed and discriminated female candidate should document all workplace harassment evidence and report the superior! 🤣


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I think he was planning on talking to her about his chaebol adjacent status later that night haha. That very night.
Plus he didn't plan or intend to benefit from it aside from keeping the car and having the job.

I think he was referring to him hiding the fact that he knows and has been visiting her mom. Even when he ghosted her, he was with Hae Young's mom.

I was wondering if Ja Yeon's dad had something to do with Hae Young's father's accident. I hope that's not case. That seems like alot for only 4 more episodes (though it would explain why Ja Yeon might be considering moving. She could also be considering moving because her father knows that address and she doesn't to bring danger to Hae Young)


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There's a theory on Reddit that's pretty plausible, and it includes Ja-yeon's dad being involved with Hae-yeong's father's death


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Question: btw, what's up with Hui-seong mulling over her calendar?
She was checking and double-checking the dates - is it to deconflict her trysts with her different lovers, or checking if she is in ovulation phase, or what?


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After the ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️, she has a hospital appointment on February 14th. I really hope she's not sick.

Are we ever going to meet secondary partner Hyun-gyu?


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There are two theories I've seen
1) She's tracking her cycle and realizing she missed her period
2) Her calendar is empty, showing that she isn't really spending time with other lovers


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I thought she missed her cycle. But it does look like she was meeting her other lover. She wasn’t too thrilled about marrying the producer.
A potential pregnancy plot??


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I thought she saw she had alot of guys she was seeing and it made her reflect on what Hae Young said.


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2) Unless she doesn't actually go on them, she has several "Date (데이트)" penciled in on her calendar.


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Oh, good to know. I'm just sharing stuff I've read on Reddit and MDL, even if I could read Korean the text was too small for me


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My first thought was #1

But why make the sis in a poly relationship the pregnant one. 🤦


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Well it can't be Ja-yeon because it sounds like she has no sexual experience, lol


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LOL yeah.
But if Hui Seong gets pregnant I already can hear people judging her and acting like "she had it coming" because of her dating situation.

So it would be better if it were something else, imo.


This show continues to be a delight, but there's one thing I absolutely hated this week: the kiss (technically the second one). There are certain things I absolutely hate and cannot stand in dramaland, and how that kiss plays out is one of them. See, I absolutely hate it when a ML kisses the FL, who pushes him away, only for the ML to totally ignore that and just kiss her again anyway. Am I the only one who sees a problem with this? When she pushes him away, she essentially tells him "no", but he seemingly doesn't care and just ignores it. No means no, and there are no ifs and buts about it. And the fact that she gives in when he kisses her again doesn't make it any better, because at that point it's already too late. And, yeah, I know he's a great guy and all, but then it just bugs me even more, because why did it have to play out like this? It's just a shame, because I loved everything else this week, including everything about the second leads.

Also, interestingly, apparently there really are essentially 2 versions of this drama airing: a tvN version and a spicier TVING version (this one actually shows the sex toys in the box). Weirdly, the Prime version seems like it's tvN version, but has some stuff of the TVING version (there the secretary has his boss saved in his phone as "f*ck", which apparently isn't the case in the tvN version). The differences are mostly minor, but I find this very interesting nonetheless. Was this originally a TVING drama or something? Because I keep being positively surprised at how open this show is about all of this stuff, and maybe this explains why?


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I know right! I felt the same way! It kinda takes me out of it once resistance is shown in anyway. I've tried to rationalize what was trying to be conveyed with that. I think it was supposed to be partly payback for her crossing a boundary and to add insult to injury it was because her ex was watching. I also thought maybe it was a way of bringing them over the line to acknowledging the attraction and feelings developing. And then I guess the third one is supposed to be more "real" since she was kissing him back and interlocked their fingers.
I don't know; it was swoony for others but not for me plus they were mad at each other over the whole thing the next morning.

Maybe I'll like their next kiss more.


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Yeah, I didn't love it, either


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@britney First, you are right, he was hurt that she "used" him with her kiss to fool the ex, so he was childishly getting back at her. But that was the difference between her fake kiss, which (she claimed) was done without real emotion, and his somewhat forced upon her kiss which (he claimed), was to "use her--not that one was more passionate, but rather the way he said he was going to "use" her was said in an angry sexual objectifying way. He realized the difference immediately, regretted his speech and actions, spent the next quarter episode trying to apologize to her.

One of the themes I like in these contract marriage shows is the way it starts out with people just using each other, but then realizing they value the people more than just as useful legal entities. (of course, as in this case, one person always enters into the contract because they already really like the other person.).

Anyway, I thought that this kissing scene kind of highlighted the differences between "using" someone -- for a job, or for sex -- and actually loving them. I kind of think the polyamorous sister's story will play out the same way.


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Yes. I didn't like the kisses but it was a good thing to see them regret what they did/said and lose sleep over it.

I also like that he wrote the "I will never kiss you again" letter of apology. LOL


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Apparently there's another streaming service you can watch this on (I can't remember the name, but think it starts with a B?) and that even has different subtitles! It's so weird.


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I actually hated both kisses. I didn't like that she was like "that was your first kiss? Haha, sorry. But it was just a peck so it's okay".
And I didn't like that he kept going after she pushed him away.


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How many confessions is too many? Not if you are Ji Wook!! Awww. This show is killing me with all the rom and the com in abundance. I keep rewatching and I find new things to squeal about.

I loved that Ji wook went for the kiss and tried to be a cool bad boy and failed miserably at it. Their fights are so petty and hilarious.
‘Have we made up yet? If not, Fighting!’ ROFL.

JW: Can I have the car, my wife loves it!!
SHY: This is my parking spot so whose car is it
JW: yours. (Loses car ownership in 1 day). LOL.

My favorite scene was the IKEA furniture shopping. It was absolutely domestic and full of feels. I love love how Hae Young makes him feel like he is home. It’s her warmth and thoughtfulness that makes him want to be with her. With her as a family. The way they both set up the rooftop was just so beautiful. And the way she looked at him!! Heart filled eyes!!
And JY calling him brother in law is adorbs.

Finally I am fully onboard Guy Hyun and JY ship! (The writer knew how to remove that Thorn! Was it smooth or what!!))
These two are such fine actors and their scenes together is just so lovely. Even their running was so beautiful as we saw the shift in dynamics compared to their previous runs.

p.s I wish they didn’t censor the international travel box of Dildos (we prime users only saw a red heart). If you can find the TVing version please do. The animations are too cute.


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I loved the twist on the running trope where he ran out of breath!


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He's so not a physical guy yet Ja Yeon & Ji Uk are making him do physical acts haha
Running and carrying weight


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Oh man, the second couple has all my heart. If you've seen my fanwall, you already know that though. I'd been hoping that Lee Sang-yi would sing and, not only did I get my wish, it was a romantic and beautiful scene! I recently watched a romance genre YouTuber criticize the concept of "chemistry" so I'm now hesitant to say a couple has chemistry, but... those two have so much chemistry, lol.

While I think it would have been more interesting if they had kept Gyu-hyun writing the worst comment, I get why they felt they had to make the romance more palatable. I also don't think it came out of nowhere. 1) Gyu-hyun does very little for himself 2) I doubt Gyu-hyun could even conceive of a background like Ja-yeon's on his own, because he's so sheltered. I also don't love Ha-jun as much as other people, he's funny but also pretty immature. The fact that he saved Ja-yeon as "Children's Author" for his contact IMO just shows that he views her as an old classmate. Not to mention how he viewed high school so negatively when she viewed it positively due to their memories together. Not surprising and very understandable for a teenage boy, but just shows the difference in their perspectives. Additionally, IMO she came to like Ha-jun because he didn't seem to care or view her background negatively, and this comment he made shows what, deep down, he really thinks of people with her background despite what he said to her face.

I'm really confused by the polyamory storyline (also, MDL is pearl clutching, lol). Sometimes she seems okay with it, and sometimes she doesn't. Also, like, can we meet her other partners?

I like the main couple but I think Ji-uk went from bickering to love a little too quickly... unless he's been in love with her all along, which wouldn't surprise me. I found their communication refreshing this episode, and all of his ways to get her to forgive him falling flat were HILARIOUS. As were Bruno and Chris (the new Samantha and Rachel!) hahaha.


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Also, I keep thinking about the actual comments Gyu-hyun wrote and, while mean and uncalled for, they were hilarious. My favorite is "If I were on the board of that company, I would hold a meeting and fire the CEO" (in reference to how he keeps having sex on company time, haha)


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I like the Sejong one too, I keep hearing it in a Hyacinth Bucket voice "If King Sejong the Great were here, he'd be appalled!"


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OH I forgot: while the singing scene was wonderful, I especially loved all of the positive comments he wrote later on


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Hmmm, I don't know about all that regarding Hajun's comment. He didn't necessarily have to think little of her or her background to write his comment. He was just trying to be mean. He didn't know anything about the writer or their background. He probably wrote something like "these types of thoughts should've been beaten out of them" or "the parents didn't discipline their child enough and now they write things like this". Something relating to a parent hitting a child.

Also it makes totally sense to me that Hajun is revealed to have also taken part in the comments because to him, she is just words behind a screen while he had his things he wanted to accomplish, namely getting transferred. Why would he care especially when he was just doing what his boss said so there's an element of detachment.
I guess it does make some sense why Gyu Hyun was able to make him come with him to orphanage.


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Yeah, I don't think he meant anything by it overtly, but the fact that he said it shows a callousness. It's not so much what he meant by it, but rather the fact that it came into his mind so easily. Granted, this is all suppositional until we find out what he actually said.


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I also had this thought about how that comment could've been Ha Joon replicating something he read somewhere else.

Her novel has like 100 chapters, so he wrote like 50 comments but the first one, #51 is the only one that was "defamation". The other ones weren't. So maybe he was just trying it out since that was his first time writing something like that.

I think, or more like, I hope this storyline is about Ja Yeon realizing that he's just a regular human being and not the "idea" of the high school crush she has been thinking about for all these years.


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Ex-boyfriend = douche (seemingly forgets he was dumped)
Ex-boyfriend's wife = clueless (fomo is a perilous path)


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I'm starting to think the wife knows more than she lets on, though. She has more layers to her than we initially might have thought, including some manipulativeness


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She is now figuring it out, not quite but almost there! He obviously went with her to advance his career and she liked that he is ambitious therefore she thinks she is helping him sadly for her he is an opportunist where I do believe she does truly care for him. That said she has abused her position in HR and with her relationship with the CEO's family to put him in the team with our two lovelies...a decision she is sure to regret.


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Yes! She's the most confusing character so far.

Last week I thought she probably knew that he was dating HY but she didn't care and married him because she liked his "ambition" and thought she would manipulate him easily.

But this week it seems like she didn't know anything, and her actions are about her "trying to help him" instead or "control him". So, I don't know...


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No Gain No Love is a simple yet touching film about balancing career and romance.
The chemistry between the leads feels natural, and both actors bring depth to their roles.
The mix of drama, humor, and heartfelt moments keeps you engaged throughout.

The soundtrack complements the story well. For more on the music in No Gain No Love and other K-dramas, check out this great resource:


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I'm waiting for the OST at the end of Episode 4, which they replayed in Episode 8 during their kiss. It's my favorite OST.


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Check the link that i sent
I think it has .
It's ost album link that i found.


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I've been following the OST very closely and all of the tracks have been released to my knowledge


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This track is the one by Bang Ye-dam, which hasn't been released. https://www.tiktok.com/@yedamcharts/video/7410418799029079312


@panshel oh snap, thanks for sharing. The latest release was part 6 so I had just assumed


This show continues to be the only one that I not only anticipate watching all week, but also, watch in chunks, as I would eat a delectable candy bar, so I can savor each bite. It's so delicious!

--First, it has two heart fluttering couples comprised of flawed characters I unabashedly love. At first, I was annoyed at the rooftop fish kiss (how could this drama, so innovative on so many levels, resort to *that* kind of passionless, side mouth hedge?). But I shouldn't have doubted this show. Not only did we get a clear explanation as to why Hae-young gave him what looked like and was a staged kiss, but it was then immediately followed up with a real kiss--so good!

--I also love the way these two communicate, verbally and in letter form (Ji-wook's "I will never kiss you again" contract was so well intentioned but utterly, and charmingly, off the mark). There's real honesty there, but they're also very cautious and careful, never really denying the obvious mutual attraction and affection, but protecting themselves by always providing the other person with a credible out should they want to take it. It's interesting, too, that their differences in age and experience are obvious and acknowledged, but they never seem that significant to the story or their relationship. Even the chaebol reveal--which wasn't unexpected and is certainly not new--somehow seemed effective and interesting precisely because it was played in a low-key, matter-of-fact way.

--I was totally wrong about Other Sister's romantic path; congrats to @tabong and others who correctly called the polyamorous angle. This whole lifestyle still confuses me--dating a lot of people and committing to none is understandable and common (many would just call that "being in your twenties") but because most, if not all, humans are sexually jealous by nature, I'm not sure how two people can be in love with each other and fine with their partners being in love or very attached to others (because those secondary relationships don't seem like mere flings). But I'm intrigued to see where we're going with this.

-- Ja-yeon and Gyu-hyun are such a hot mess in all the best ways. She has PTSD, he's a neurotic product of a dysfunctional couple, and neither has any clear idea how to have a real, loving, healthy relationship. And yet . . . they're so good together. Him singing to her was one of the most pitch perfect romantic moments in a drama that I've ever seen. The way they look at each other, too, with a kind of wonderment and awe, is perfect for conveying the shift in their relationship from fear and anger to respect and affection.

--Finally, I'm very surprised to type this, but I'm interested in what happens in Woo-jae's arc. Usually I have zero patience with the cheating ex and his clueless partner, but even as he acts like a childish rat who wants only what he can't have, I feel for Woo-jae. I also feel for his wife. I'm not sure how this can be resolved, but...


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again, I'm impressed that even this subplot has my attention.

Oh, and I love Mr. Yang! His little parenting monologue about planting seeds with the CEO and his conversation with the CEO's wife about his own father were both so rich. This is how you write a memorable supporting character.


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It is SO exciting and satisfying when I can ship not only the main couple, but I can ship a secondary couple just as much! I really appreciate the nice, gradual development of the secondary couple's relationship.

Ja Yeon's fear was so palpable especially in the childhood flashback scene. It made her instinct to hide at the orphanage that much more heartbreaking. Gyu Hyun immediately looking out for her and protecting her secret from Ha Joon was super swoony. The heightened emotions I felt during this scene! He didn't take his eyes off of her as he was leaving.

Their running scenes were sweet and heart-fluttering. It was a good move showing the two similar yet different scenes - the first one where he tiredly fell behind and lost his grip on her hand and the second where they lost their grip but he matched her pace and held on to her hand firmly.

It was awesome seeing Hae Young and Ji Wook having an adult relationship filled with desire. Not being naive or chaste. The skinship and flirty lines are so natural and fun. It cracked me up that he came back to his line that he is an angelic dog and then she said she could be charming as a chew toy! Bwahahaha.

This week is when I noticed that Yi Lin could become one of the antagonists. Her scenes with her husband were eye-opening. Even I was glad that crappy Woo Jae told her clearly not to interfere with his career.


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So, I’m late to this party, but where are people watching this show?


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Amazon Prime Video


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Can I just start my comment with an homage to Kim Young Dae's hands?!! Because those elegant appendages, so beautifully showcasing the wedding band, are absolutely one of the main characters on this show for me! I mean, talk about sexy...

The show knows it too... The loving close-ups, the focus, just so hot to see a man so committed. and committed he is... So many confessions, said and unsaid, each sweeter and swoonier than the other- That clasping of hands when they kiss said more than a million words. The tight close-up of him undoing her necklace was more intimate than any overt display, it had me breathless at the chemistry. Every frame is imbued with so much sensitivity and care, one can almost feel the love jumping off the screen. The cinematographer sure knows what they're doing... kudos.

This show has shot straight up to be one of my best romances- the humour and heart that it's still not lost despite going into the home stretch- just everything I want from it- and I hope it stays this way.


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yes let's talk about the beauty that is KYD's hands!! and with those rings, its hella sexy!!! My eyes look at his hands more than his face.. lol. The way the show frames the hands and rings is just beautiful. It makes the scenes so swoony!!!
If this show sticks the landing its a 10/10 for a romcom for me..


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Other than its impact on the final kiss scene, I love the timing of the chaebol brothers reveal. Each time the show has served up a trope, it has done so with a fun twist that simultaneously stays true to the characters — and I can’t wait to see how it addresses this messy family dynamic going forward. I’m glad it’s not going to be shoehorned into a hurried last episode. Things could be chaotic at home and in the workplace next week, but with NGNL that’s inevitably a good thing.


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I love how the show moves from trope to trope quickly utilizing them for humor and to move the plot. It doesn't linger. One moment we had GH telling him he is like his brother and end episode he is shocked that he is his brother!! The timing was just right.
I am excited to see how the chaebol reveal will end up. May be the brothers will unite and evict the dad ; ) Or Mom has a trick up her sleeve.


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I like Ja-yeon and Gyu-hun so much as a couple, I wish the spin-off just focused on that ship, sans isekai. Fingers crossed that the spinoff has them date IRL too! Or not, whatever Ja-yeon is comfortable with, she's been going through a lot bc of Ha-jun and Bok You.

The Chairman is so creepy and gross the more you think about his actions, past and present. I just hope Lucifer and his hyung still manage to keep their bromance going instead of becoming adversaries in the game of chaebol politics.


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Lee Sang-yi said it's a romance between Gyu-hyun and Ja-yeon, so I assume it will have real life implications even if the majority of the storyline is the isekai piece. I'm guessing that by the end of NGNL, Gyu-hyun will know how he feels but Ja-yeon may not (or perhaps will hesitate for other reasons, but based on the description I think it'll be more the former)


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I dug up the quote (mind you, I used Google Translate): "The love between Bok Gyu-hyun and Nam Ja-yeon will unfold in a bizarre and new direction."


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