My Sweet Mobster: Episodes 11-12

Emotions — of the romantic, jealous, and vengeful variety — are amped up even higher this week, but our deerlings and their antics help us get over the hump of watching our main (and secondary) characters bumble through the ups and downs of their romantic relationships.


The morning after Ji-hwan’s childish bout of jealousy and his paradoxically manly kiss with Eun-ha, our lovebirds (of the penguin variety, of course) are floating in their own rainbow-filled universe. Eun-ha wakes up to a vase full of sunflowers that put a smile on her face, and both she and Ji-hwan prepare for the day with the meticulousness of individuals who obviously want to look their best for the object of their affection. And their efforts pay off — if their exaggerated entrances into the dining room before breakfast are any indication.

Honestly, the whole slo-mo bit would have been overkill if it were not for the deerlings, who took the drama’s self-referential humor from cringy to hilarious. Watching them reacting to — and puzzling over — Ji-hwan and Eun-ha’s behavior is comedy gold that (mostly) squelched the secondhand embarrassment I was feeling for our OTP. And even more amusing is that only half of our deerlings have high enough EQ to have picked up on the fact that Ji-hwan and Eun-ha are now officially an item. As such, there’s a mixed bag of reactions — especially when Ji-hwan enters the room with an uncharacteristic flair indicative of a man in love… or off his rocker. (In this case, por que no los dos?)

After breakfast, Ji-hwan and Eun-ha go their separate ways, but Ji-hwan is high on love and can’t go long without seeing Eun-ha before he starts experiencing withdrawals. He skips out on work to surprise her while she shops for props to use in her new videos, and in a sugary sweet dating montage full of smiles, couple’s headbands, and references to actor Uhm Tae-gu’s previous acting roles, we see our OTP finally experience the carefree bliss of a new relationship.

Annnnnnnd then the power goes out in the underground marketplace– but don’t worry! Even though they are plunged into semi-darkness and kids start crying, this becomes Ji-hwan’s time to shine and show that he’s just as capable at making children smile as he is unintentionally terrifying them with his stoic features. He puts on a shadow puppet show, and as Ji-hwan’s fingers shift through a series of configurations that mimic animals, Eun-ha is reminded of her childhood friend — an observation that she points out to Ji-hwan on their way home.

Although this would be a good opening for Ji-hwan to reveal his identity, he’s not ready to discuss what happened after they parted ways as children. Instead, touched by Eun-ha’s confession that their old friendship is what inspired her career and desire to create happy and formative memories for children, Ji-hwan reveals indirectly that his own memories of her are what kept him going through the tough times. As much as I enjoy the silly, physical comedy featured so prominently in this drama, I relish the moments like these when our story balances the humor with more poignant moments that show our OTP is connecting and growing as individuals and as a couple.

Unfortunately, the content and pacing of the comedic moments felt a bit off for me this week — often undoing the character development made in previous scenes. For example, after spending the previous day with Eun-ha and solidifying his status as her boyfriend, Ji-hwan went to battle with Hyun-woo in the comments section of Eun-ha’s new video account. As amusing as the boys’ digital pissing contest — and the corresponding on screen animations — was, it detracted from the calm maturity Ji-hwan displayed in the previous scenes. Additionally, even though we all knew it would take Hyun-woo longer than five minutes to get over his crush on Eun-ha, his public display of his pettiness was completely at odds with the self-awareness he demonstrated when he calmly accepted Eun-ha’s rejection. And then, when he and Ji-hwan meet face-to-face again, he tells him that he hasn’t given up on Eun-ha yet. (Come on! She made her choice; accept it!)

I will say one positive thing about the boys — and yes, I’m intentionally calling them boys instead of men after their shenanigans — and that is that their behavior is a nice subversion of a K-drama trope that usually saves the exaggerated love-triangle theatrics for when it’s two women vying for a man’s attention. Instead, of the two love triangles featured in this drama, the one involving Eun-ha and Ye-na is contrastingly more subdued thanks to Eun-ha’s level-headedness. Ye-na is still delusional and annoyingly aggressive, but when she comes at Eun-ha with the lame excuse that she’s better for Ji-hwan because she’s known him longer — Hah! If only she knew — Eun-ha is not shaken. She’s confident in her own worth and in Ji-hwan’s affections. (That’s our girl!)

Since, I’m on the topic of plotlines that were a miss for me this week, I might as well mention the biggest disappointment: Il-young and Mi-ho. While Eun-ha and Ji-hwan have been swooning for each other and fending off their respective love rivals, our secondary couple has been a mess — well, Il-young has been a mess. He knows he’s screwed up, but it takes Ji-hwan reminding him of his own advice — just be honest — for him to realize what he needs to do. But before he gets the chance to apologize to Mi-ho and admit he has feelings for her, Mi-ho learns from Marketing Deerling that Il-young is (supposedly) not interested in ever being a family man. Yeah, that’s exactly what every potentially pregnant woman wants to hear about her maybe baby daddy. (I say “potentially pregnant” because, as far as we know, Mi-ho hasn’t taken a second pregnancy test or met with a doctor, so she’s making decisions based on the possibility of being pregnant.)

In light of this information, Mi-ho rejects Il-young’s request to date, and this is where things go from bad to worse. Il-young gets drunk, shows up on Mi-ho’s doorstep, and then crashes for the night at her place. While intoxicated and on the verge of falling asleep, his sincere words almost sway Mi-ho, but any headway Il-young might have made that night flies out the window when he begins aggressively pursuing Mi-ho — or, more accurately, her parents. He buys them expensive gifts — including a freaking car — and the excessiveness of it all understandably rubs Mi-ho the wrong way because he circumvented her boundaries by meeting her with her parents. Plus, she’s leery of accepting his gifts when she has no idea how he will react to her (potential) pregnancy.

Il-young tells her that he’s going to keep showing up until she accepts him, and although Il-young’s assertion flustered Mi-ho in a way that suggests she’s interested, I came down with a bad case of the ick. I know the drama wants us to believe that Il-young, an orphan, had a (TBD) reason for being anti-family that has thawed since meeting Mi-ho. I also understand that the pregnancy plotline is simply a mechanism to get two characters designed to be together to fall in love faster. But — sigh — it’s not working for me.

His interest in Mi-ho’s parents and the way he poured over Mi-ho’s childhood pictures — like he’s imagining the way his and Mi-ho’s maybe baby might look in six years — makes this “romance” feel more like a lonely man’s one-sided pursuit to join a ready-made family and fill the void of not having parents growing up. Or maybe, because he has no family, he’s adamant that he will be a part of his kid’s life. Either way, Mi-ho, the woman caught in all the middle of this, seems like an afterthought, and it’s extremely unfair for her to be under the false impression that Il-young’s renewed interest is entirely because of her.

Back in penguin land, Ji-hwan realizes that he has bigger fish to fry than Hyun-woo. I’m, of course, talking about Yang-hee. After Ji-hwan’s father was released from prison, he dethroned Yang-hee and started treating him like a second class gangster. Yang-hee, in turn, blames all his problems on Ji-hwan — and not his personal choice to commit criminal acts — and is out for revenge. He’s obviously no match for Ji-hwan in either the brawn or brains categories, so he begins targeting Ji-hwan’s weakness: Eun-ha.

He approaches Eun-ha while she’s working her part-time job, and Ji-hwan intercedes in a violently aggressive manner that unnerves Eun-ha because, from her perspective, Ji-hwan’s behavior is excessive and unprovoked — as though he was jealously attacking a man for giving her balloons. To compound matters, Ji-hwan tells Eun-ha to quit her part-time job because it’s not safe, and Eun-ha responds by explaining he has no right to act overprotective and controlling if he won’t explain to her why she’s in danger.

And so, yet again, Eun-ha is back to icing Ji-hwan out — which means it’s the perfect time for the deerlings to serve up some shaved ice and steal the show with their amusing commentary and facial expressions. Thankfully, this disagreement isn’t a major setback in Ji-hwan and Eun-ha’s relationship, as Ji-hwan acknowledges he owes Eun-ha an apology. One apple — and an honest explanation of why she should avoid Yang-hee — later, and our emperor and empress penguins are lovey-dovey again.

They also happen to have the house all to themselves, but if you thought Ji-hwan’s confidence in how sexy his forearms look while cooking for Eun-ha would carry over into the more intimate aspects of their relationship, then you’d be sorely mistaken. Ji-hwan is still very much an awkward penguin when it comes to physical intimacy, and while Eun-ha likes to play the role of coy seductress with her cutesy videos and teasing words, she’s also easily flustered and hyper aware that they are very alone in the house.

I mean, when a man — yes, Ji-hwan is back to being a man in my book — thoughtfully builds you a filming studio in his basement, who wouldn’t get butterflies of anticipation after accidental touches? Whose thoughts wouldn’t turn to smooching when a steamy kiss scene begins playing on the television? It’s only natural that Ji-hwan and Eun-ha would lean in close… and get interrupted by Il-young. Well, at least Ji-hwan didn’t run away this time, so I call that a win.

And speaking of ways Ji-hwan is winning at dating, Ji-hwan finally has a sit-down with Ye-na and explicitly tells her that the only woman for him is Eun-ha — since long before Ye-na met him (*mic drop*). Even better, he comes away from his conversation with Ye-na realizing how imperative it is that he begins sharing the unsavory parts of his life with Eun-ha. Shielding Eun-ha from his past is not protecting her. It’s only building a wall between them that fosters miscommunication and misunderstandings. So, having come to this realization, Ji-hwan joins Eun-ha and the deerlings at the orphanage where they’re volunteering, and for the first time, he opens up about his father.

The night Ji-hwan protected young Eun-ha, one of father’s underlings kidnapped him. Gangster Dad wanted to set eyes on his progeny, but Ji-hwan wasn’t forced to live with his father at this point. Instead, it was several years later that Ji-hwan bargained his freedom in exchange for the money he needed to pay for his dying mother’s hospital bills. After his mother passed away, Ji-hwan agreed to live with his father and uphold his end of the bargain. (Not that he had much of a choice.)

Although Ji-hwan doesn’t go into detail about the bad things he did as a part of his father’s gang, he acknowledges that he committed them of his own volition. Sensing his shame, Eun-ha acknowledges his past but reminds him that he’s a very different person in the present. She points out all the ways he’s demonstrated that he’s a good person who cares for the people around him, and as long as he’s striving to be a better person, she wants to help him.

As much as I celebrate the baby steps Ji-hwan has taken towards Eun-ha, I fear what will happen next. Gangster Dad has been spying on Ji-hwan, and he seems disappointed that Ji-hwan is smiling and living his best life. Given the fact that this is a man who somehow exited prison with enough power to pull strings and get Hyun-woo booted from his investigation into the Kitty Gang’s drug money, I worry about the kind of mind games he will play to try and coerce his only heir into following in his criminal footsteps. Yang-hee, in comparison, really is just a big ol’ pussycat.

Overall, these episodes weren’t the best this drama has had to offer, but the plentiful interludes with the deerlings did a great job of distracting me from the less palatable bits. I’m going to chalk up the disappointing moments as being an unfortunate casualty of our story transitioning into its final story arc.

We’re at the part of our drama when our characters are finally syncing up and forming alliances in preparation for taking on the final boss. Even Ji-hwan and Hyun-woo are being set up to have a reluctant bromance — just two men bonding over their shared desire to keep their lady love alive and put the bad guys behind bars. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch still, but seeing Hyun-woo interact with the deerlings this week did give me hope that he might get adopted into the fold.


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Thank you for the recap, DaebakGrits. 💚

Warning: tabong being tabong

1. Ye Na says she owes Ji Hwan her life, but why is she acting like he's the one that owes her a date or something only because she saw him once during his gangster era?

Yes, he helped you once like a decade ago. If you're that desperate about repaying him, what about letting him be? I think he would be grateful for that. Being obsessive isn't cute.

And the way she speaks to Eun Ha as if our mama deer had to ask for her permission before doing anything with her career. Also, talking about how much she understands Ji Hwan or wtv, like, am I watching the wrong show? What in the lobsters does she know about Ji Hwan? Did I ff too much? Because I don't remember them having one single decent conversation.

At this point, she's just sad.
And I definitely don't want her with Hong Gi because I don't understand what's Hong Gi supposed to find attractive of her sasaeng behavior. If her character had been better explore and develop, maybe, but at this point? No, thanks.

2. And Hyun Woo... Dude, if you used half of the time you spent commenting on Eun Ha's video, actually doing your job, maybe you would've solved the case ages ago.

And why call Eun Ha if you're not even going to bother telling her what's going on?

Why are you still in this drama, bro?

3. I didn't like Ji Hwan that much this week.

I'm surprised that during the work dinner no one went to the restroom to ask Eun Ha if she needed help, because what Ji Hwan was crazy.

The silence after he pulled her chair felt so real. That scene made me extremely uncomfortable. And poor waitress. Dude was just trying to make a living (I don't think he gets paid enough for having to deal with psycho boyfriends).

I also felt weird when Ji Hwan asked Eun Ha "where are you?" and two seconds later he appeared next to her. Wasn't the tracking app for "emergencies"????

And then telling her to quit her job because it's dangerous, but he won't tell her about Cat boss or his dad...?

Eun Ha does what she can. She tells him what she doesn't like, she tries to go at his pace and she waits for him to open up, y ajá, but she can't carry the whole relationship. Ji Hwan needs to grow up ASAP.

4. Is it me or did the show just go "she should give the sad boy a family" when we haven't heard Mi Ho say ONE thing about that pregnancy to anyone (not even herself)? Are they really trying to make her pregnancy about him being an orphan? Like???

And what's with Il Yeong saying that he wants Mi Ho to discuss things with him? 😂
He called their one night of passion a mistake, then found out she's pregnant so he asked her to date him (without a proper apology) out of nowhere, she rejected him, so he went drunk to her house, ran away, and came back after he decided that he's gonna stalk her until she accepts him?
Is that supposed to make him look like a good catch? A confidant? The...


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I don't know what's going on with him. Also, why did the parents not take Mi Ho seriously when she looked upset and was literally screaming to Il Yeong to get out of her house?

Why is the show trapping Mi Ho like this? She deserves better.

Anyway, Eun Ha and the boys were the highlight of the week for me. They're so precious.
It was a shame Jae Soo forgot to send Il Yeong the memo about not going home. LOL
And I love that no matter what, they see her as part of their family. It doesn't matter if she dates a random dude or Ji Hwan. She will always be their little mouse, sis in law, noona and teacher. They care for her to the point of thinking of adding Hyun Woo to the family (if that's not love I don't know what is, because I'm not accepting that dude into my family even for her). And I wish all the boys were there to give uri Eun Ha her gift. It's super sweet that they created a space for her and her program in the house.
And of course, Eun Ha returned the sweetness by helping them feel comfortable around the kids at the orphanage. They're the best. 🤍🥺

Also, I'm calling all dresses "curtains" from now on. "Pretty curtain" 🤣🤣🤣 Jae Soo and Eun Ha are my favorite duo. 💚

PS. Random question: am I the only one that felt a little uncomfortable everytime Dong Hui gave Eun Ha flowers? I used to be obsessed with crime shows so to me giving flowers is confirmed serial killer behavior. 😂 Sorry Dong Hui.


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What happen to Mi Ho's morning sickness?


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I asked the same while watching her scenes!

Tbh, the whole pregnancy thing is weird. If it wasn't because the deerlings found the pregnancy test we wouldn't even know that she's pregnant.
She hasn't said or done anything. Did she even get another test done after losing the first one? We'll never know.

For some reason, the show refuses to talk about it.


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It was covid all along


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#doublebluff 🤣🤣
That would be peak audacity!


Re: "I used to be obsessed with crime shows so to me
giving flowers is confirmed serial killer behavior"

🤣🤣 OMG - I literally was drinking whilst reading that line and nearly sputtered my tea LOL


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Hahaha, sorry.
I did put a warning tho. 😂😂


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So I wasn't the only one who was creeped out when she woke up with flowers next to her that he put there while she was sleeping … that's just one step away from Angel drawing a picture of Buffy sleeping and leaving it for her to find it, a.k.a serial killer behaviour.


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Oh not those.

Those were sunflowers that JH bought her on his way home when he got inspired after witnessing a staff gifting flowers to his delighted gf at his company lobby area before he knocked off. It was on his car seat when he drove home and witnessed Justice trying to shake Eun-Ha's hand. He gifted them to her.


I agree with all your points. I don’t like possessive people and those who disregard the wishes of the person they like under the pretext of wooing. I also don’t like the way the presumed pregnancy was portrayed as the ostensible reason Ilyeong appeared to change his mind. I wish they communicated openly about this and hashed it out as I found this such a disappointment. I actually think Ilyeong is still strongly attracted to her, likes her immensely and basks in her attention so complete nonsense that he wasn’t interested in her. For me, they have demonstrable and palpable chemistry so it just has been poorly developed as a secondary love-line where it could have been so much more rounded. I just wished that they had used the trope of being an orphan to demonstrate Ilyeong’s yearning for a family of his own with or without a child and without overriding Miho’s agency. Talk and listen to each other people!


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I wish they hadn't used a trope at all. But, I realize that is expecting too much.

It would have been fine to let their relationship develop in a more mature way as a change of pace from the way they have been depicting the main leads. Instead they have made both immature.


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I hear you but having no tropes seems a tad impossible in a KD!


The orphan trope made sense in the context of why he joined the Bulldog gang tho. Seo Ji-hwan and Hong-ki are criminals due to their dads, Jaesu the gambler and Manho the fighter due to economic conditions, the maknae due to some incident during his schooldays. Ilyeong being the orphan who gets taken in by a gang and paid law school fees to be their family lawyer while he hides all his crimes behind his respectable looks was a fairly organic Godfather story. He is a competent Tom Hagen, another such orphan adopted and turned the family lawyer and consigliere. They could easily have built up a story from there about why he wants to avoid commitment and falling for her but instead they made a mess by throwing in a pregnancy. I also find the scene where she ties his shoelaces wrong and unecessary. And the way she backed off hearing him also having a criminal past was never touched again and she was just okay after finding out. In the webtoon they have a moment after she accidentally cut him with scissors because she was nervous and her boss was yelling at her.


I don't know when did this storyline become such a mess.

Like you say, if Il Yeong and Mi Ho have had a conversation about his past at the orphanage and all that in the first few weeks, that would've been better.

They barely know each other but she ended up pregnant, and he thinks he has to be responsible or wtv and is trying to force himself into her life. And now the show is trying to guilt trip her into giving this guy a family or something.
It's super weird. LOL

I would've preferred to see more dates were they get to bond and know each other before the one night of passion. Or after the one night, Il Yeong shouldn't have said it was a mistake, and instead they would've had a few more moments together.

Because Mi Ho learning more about Il Yeong through Hong Gi or listening to a drunk confession isn't giving me "couple of the year."
Like, I have no idea why am I supposed to be rooting for this couple. Because they had sex once? Because she's pregnant? Because he's an orphan? Why?
They jumped from 1 to a 1000 in a blink.


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And she said "no" several times, in several degrees of different volume. Once should be enough. Aggressively pushing into her life isn't romantic, it's stalking. It's one step away from boiling her pet bunny in a pot.


Yes, he needs to explain himself and the reason behind his past behavior. Right now she only knows what she has heard second hand and that he feels like he made a mistake being with her. Showing up saying I like you and buying gifts is not going to get this relationship back on the right track.


@amnesiayawns exactly.
He didn't even try to have a proper conversation with her first, he just straight up went to her house and then had the audacity to say "I'll keep coming back until you accept me."

@gysgt213 the weirdest part is that he seems to have no intention of explaining anything.


Re: "(if that's not love I don't know what is, because I'm not accepting that dude into my family even for her)"
🤣🤣🤣 Hi-Five on that one

The absolute gall of Justice Jang to diss JH in *his* own house, under *his* roof. Even I was gobsmacked

That's why I LURVE the quiet but deadly roast when JH walks Jang to the door to "see him off":

Jang: I thought you would report me for trespassing I didn't expect you to kindly see me off.
JH: No. I am just locking up my doors.
Burn 🔥🔥🔥


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*high five*✋

"I am just locking up my doors."
I too loved that scene!!!

I was like "even in your house... it's time to put a restriction order against him, JH."


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Ji Hwan's behavior is the gag that has run its course. Hopefully, the writers will allow him to start acting as an adult instead of a middle schooler in these last episodes.


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Re: Hong Gi,

Not another useless love arc! How about we fix the ones we already have before just waving a wand and making random couples?


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Logic says that Ye Na should not be promoting their product and should be released from the contract. By her promoting a product she can't even use they are committing fraud.


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I thought we were done with her last week. I don't understand how one post on Instagram brought her back when the fact of her being a fraud still stands.
It never was about her promotional skills or fanbase, so I don't get it.


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2. On Jang's work ethics: His work ethics kind of dipped to a new low this week. The flabbergasting double standards!

He curtly orders Chief Oh to keep his personal calls brief during work (just cos he uses the trigger word "aegi"; and in the same beat goes and mount a channel war in petty trolling during work hours?

Also, I noted that he asks for info on the deerlings even though the case has closed -- simply because Eun-Ha lives with them. It's borderline abuse of powers?


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He always does that!
In the first few episodes he asked for info on Ji Hwan because "Eun Ha," during the interrogation he asked about "Hyun Woo oppa" because "Eun Ha," now he even is trying to dig into our boys using Eun Ha as an excuse again.

And when he was having the stupid war on Eun Ha's videos his team kept telling him to do some work but he wouldn't stop.

And not only that. He takes his team into the restaurant of a gangster, starts a fight, and then leaves them to run to call Eun Ha. Heol.

I'm so done with him.


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But some bonus points for the kdrama trope of "If someone has a Japanese restaurant or eats at a Japanese restaurant or does something Japanese … wait for it … they are most definetely EVIL".


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P.S. and that posh Japanese sashimi restaurant is called NEKO (translated: Japanese for cat)

While SJH goes feral, KYH is going all-out feline. 🐱


Ohhh, I get what you mean.


Writers should have never made him a love interest/rival to begin with. Now it seems they don't know what to do with him except have him look more and more incompetent and immature as a prosecutor and love rival.


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Tbh, it would've been better if he actually was Hyun Woo oppa and treated Eun Ha like his real sister or if he had nothing to do with her and was just a proper prosecutor.


"Dude was just trying to make a living (I don't think he gets paid enough for having to deal with psycho boyfriends)." 😂😂

That scene was all levels of cringe 😬 And the upsetting thing is that this is *not* how the writers set up Ji-hwan as a character in the first place!! So to me, these kinds of scenes just feel like he's acting out of character no matter how they try to justify his actions.

Jae-soo did so much heavy lifting into these episodes. I agree, he and Eun-ha are just gold together ❤️ 🥰


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He needs to stop that, ASAP.
This is giving me war flashbacks of another show were the ML started fine, then not so fine, but I ignored all the red signals, just to ended up hating him.

Jae Soo and his dongsaengs (+EH) totally carried this week for me.


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MSM keeps topping my expectations each week.

This week: oh the cheese! the ham! the glorious wind machine! We are having a sandwich.

Not to mention the levels of sweetness has skyrocketed to dangerously high diabetic levels. So good!

Special mention: our bulldog on a banjo in the Like & Subscribe vignette. And floating heart emojis following him as he scampers back to the house ❤❤❤


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Uri bulldog was adorbs.
I'm wondering if next week is the cat's turn to do the "like and subscribe" promo. ☺️


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That fat Persian puss did get air-time this week! 😻😻

The bulldog vignette cuts straight to the next scene of Ko Yang Hee carrying his kitty in his arms, to welcome back his imprisoned guys at the penitentiary


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Yes! I loved that.

It would be iconic if next time we get a scene with Bulldog and Kitty in the same frame.


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@tabong. That side cat is a potential home wrecker.


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I wonder when is Jae Soo going to get caught.


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😂😂 That glorious wind machine got a good workout.


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I thought our OTP was really sweet this week in the most adorable way. Next week's angst is not something I am looking forward to.


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Agree. Which is why this week's episodes are all about
(a) shoring up and (b) setting up for the shit about to hit the fan


We start to see hitherto segregated / siloed / safe sanctuaries or social orbits either (i) being breached or (ii) bleeding into one another.

1) Prosecutor/Informant: The reveal of Dong-Hee & Justice Jang knowing each other -- in a third space (the bakery). The cat (or rat) will be outta the bag very soon

2) Hyun-woo X Hyun-woo: our two boys with prosecutor big dreams in a cautious alliance-talk for the first time -- again, in a third space (an open tent bar)

3) The 2nd Leads (Empire) Strike Back: We see Ye-Na entering the Deerlings universe (team dinner & shade throwing at their dearest mouse); and Justice Jang entering the Deerling house itself (almost like a parental audit/interview).

4) Kitty Boss making first contact with his nemesis' lady love Eun-Ha at her workplace (again, a common circulation space - the pavement with high footfall)

Our worlds are softly porous now. They are slowly...collapsing and merging -- for better or worse.


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@Kafiyah bello
Re: "I thought our OTP was really sweet this week in the most adorable way. Next week's angst is not something I am looking forward to."

And now, the SHORING UP:

Whilst drowning in the utter sweetness of these episodes, it dawned on me how meta and self-referential the writing has been thus far.

Every week's narrative trajectory is informed by a thematic leitmotif or key conversation embedded into pivotal scenes. This week is no exception.

The lines uttered by Ji-Hwan, Eun-ha, and even Ye-Na all point to one unifying truth: we all have at least one pivotal and formative memory l incident l person in our lives that saved us. On the strength of that memory and happiness, we build our resilience to endure and survive that tragedy, trauma, or the general vicissitudes of life.

It is a form of shoring up in our love & joy tank that neuroscientists have observed in the differences between children who can/cannot survive trauma

So all the sweetness and sunshine overload this week (they are going for a lump-sum payout instead of measly installments of joy) is just Show shrewdly shoring us up for the impending bloodbath and angst.

"Brace yourself beanies, winter is coming."

"We are playing hide and seek; don't come out until I find you again." We have unfinished business. Whatever happened and was disrupted mid-arc in that cold winter 23 years ago, will see its end soon. Very soon.


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I must admit the writers made an unnecessary mess of our second couple's potential relationship. If it was not bad enough from last week's episodes having the Marketing Deerling show up in front of Mi-ho to discuss things he shouldn't sealed the deal. The drama they created around them doesn't fit and seems out of place with the rest of the series.


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Yes, that visit didn't feel authentic to the narrative flow. Miho and Hong gi did seem to get along when they went on the family outing but enough for him to randomly visit her? 🤔


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It was set up earlier at the chalet - he kept asking her for hair colour advice, and got her number so that he can visit her at the salon. That exchange was what earned Il Young's first flare of petty jealousy


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Great recap this week. Thanks. TBH I am getting a little tired of this show. But, the montages are the best. Every time I was getting tired of the show, the montage brought me back in. I think the pacing and the filming are really good. They really set a mood with a clear aesthetic vision and intention. I really wish the narrative plot matched these 10 second moments of greatness.


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Uhm Tae-goo in oversized knitwear should be its own genre of television.


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I love the colours of that knitted sweater!


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The colours his sweater this week were gorgeous 😍


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i second this.. he looked absolutely adorable n gorgeous at same time in that.. ❤️


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He has the suit and sweater game on point


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My Deerlings listicle of favourite ROM standout beats (+ random bits and bobs):

Squee Chart:
1. When JH is fawns over her hands refusing to let go, earning her playful smacks on his hands. AND it went on for an HOUR (thank you Jae-soo, for your ever-trusty cockblocking)

2. When JH shows up to do boyfriend shopping carrier duty AND says: "Don't mind me, just continue your shopping and I will hold your bags." (Like, where can I buy this limited edition of a dream boyfriend?) #actsofserviceFTW

3. When he is dressing her lacerated fingers and knuckles, and she teases, cajoles, then finally appeases him in his "I lost the battle-for-affection" sulk. This scene is not only swoon-worthy, it is also a masterclass in how to resolve relational conflicts and emerge as joint-winners (or in their case, emperor and empress) 🐧🐧❤❤

4. The apology kitchen scene: Firstly, the pandemic may be over but this is single-handedly the *best* use of WFH I have seen in a drama 🤣 our CEO has his priorities right! If the missus is unhappy, you will have no peace in your household anyway.

Again, swift resolution, open authentic comms, BUT the melt-into-a-puddle moment is in that self-defense back-hug ("Eun-ah sshi, isn't that just a hug?") 🤣🤣 It tops even the penguin huddle back-hug.

5. Whenever he pulls her in for an embrace, cradling the back of her head -- it is heartfelt and tender. So quiet. So good.

It's actually the domestic bliss, the mundane joys of everyday life they share that really sear into my memory, not the ostentatious PDA really


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Random comedy beats that made me LOL, besides the obvious ones:

1. "Are you wearing a curtain?" (I guffawed, cos I hear this from men all the time)

2. Pat bingsu for breakfast (I love the self-aware humor when characters themselves point out how ridiculous it is to serve desserts for brekkie) Oh wait. Desserts is "stressed" spelt backwards - the key tenor of JH's mood

3. JH fumbling for the TV remote control and *pretending* it is his phone. I cannot 🤣🤣 Il-Young surely misses the memo in the Deerlings family group chat

4. Il-Young moping and looking like a film extra on a Zombie Apocalypse movie set. Him being morose and derelict is just funny

5. Ko Yang Hee schlepping his ginormous CEO title plaque everywhere he goes (after being ousted from his own office by Big Boss Seo)

6. Paggro Jang strikes back: "Aegi Kaja" continues to torment Justice and we see Part 2 when Chief Oh coos in aegyo on phone with his little daughter. *BURN* 🔥🔥


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what i found that "shaved ice cream desert " was so well used onto the scene when it was all about Eun ha giving cold shoulder to Ji Hwan.. and at first watch i was like who eats such desert in breakfast but after few more watches i figure it was well placed to intensify the cold war between the love birds and not to forget the Cold Air sound effect... i rolfed at that.

and then Remote-turned-phone was HILLARIOUS to the point IL had to get the hint to leave them to continue 💏


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Remote-turned-phone 🤣🤣🤣🤣

That was a nice touch. 👍👌


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I love that you picked these out. They were lovely for sure ❤️


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This week's episodes were a miss for me.
There were some good things. First, the cutest things were Empress Penguin moves and Ji Hwan's smile during the backhug post apology. Also, I did like Ji Hwan affirmatively standing up for Eun Ha to YeNa both at lunch and in their meeting when weirdly YeNa tried to present her case why she deserved and got him better than Eun Ha.
But the show fell flat in many ways. First, Ji Hwan's possessiveness and jealously when he pulled Eun Ha's chair AND took away her ability to choose her own meal was all kinds of awfulness. I for one hate the trope of ML's physically yanking women by wrist or here by chair. Also, this kind of anger and attempt to control the woman is often a step towards larger abusive dynamics. He never apologized for that--I wish he would have. I understood more when he was jealous of seeing her with Hyun Woo, a man who had declared that he like Eun Ha. Here, it was a waiter doing his job and she was merely trying to order. I know dramas like to put in petty jealousness as a sign of affection, but this just was awful and was left unreflected or called out.
I also was puzzled by the backtracking to weird chasteness by both Ji Hwan and Eun Ha after their confession and kiss. It just seemed to be put in for laughs, but it just seemed sad and unfunny at this point in the story.
Finally, I realized I didn't like what the writers are doing to Eun Ha and MiHo. Supposedly, both are strong and sensible women; however, the writers are just having things happen to them by the men and their role is just to be the wise one in the relationship. The men are getting more backstory and "growth." We are learning more about Ji Hwan and Il Yeong. However, is the only formative thing in Eun Ha's life seems to be that she met a boy who was nice when she was 6? What about her parents--are the dead or alive? What happened after she moved away? Other than Hyun Woo oppa, what happened to her? Is going to be her full arc? It's starting feel unequal, and I don't love it. Similarly, with MiHo, the pregnancy arc undermines the relationship. Il Yeong's drunken appearances and confessions do nothing to make this relationship seem to be one to root for when Il Yeong only came to his senses after learning she was pregnant. I don't know how the writers are going to resolve this at this point without it being sad or icky or trite. Why did they do this?
Finally, it seems like they are going to pair YeNa with Hong Gi. Make it quick if you are because YeNa's constant presence around Ji Hwan and Eun Ha does nothing for their story or the drama.
Overall, I still like this show a lot, but this week just seemed self-indulgent and even a bit cringey with the aegyo, especially when paired with the weird chasteness. I hope the show gets back on track next week.


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"I for one hate the trope of ML's physically yanking women by wrist."

This trope drives me up the wall. Not only the yanking the then compounding it by dragging her along as if she is a toddler who did something really bad. I wish they would stop depicting this and understand that it is not acceptable conduct and borders on physical abuse.


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Doesn't help they made Jihwan's other behaviour and carriage to match and parallel his father quite a lot and we know his mother was literally fleeing his father for decades before she died is testament enough to unfortunate possibility of abusive tendencies and learned toxicity. He lashes out at Manho the same way Taepyeong abuses Yanhee the stupid moron of the group with very little provocation. A big difference even with the original source is how the situation of being locked in the thawing room played out and Ji-hwan's more level headed behaviour with his subordinates turns one where the only person he trusts and who can call him out is Ilyeong. Its an unequal relation with everyone else. The real parallel bringing back how Seo Ji-hwan is in fact as the prosecutor guessed still a gangster within through and through, considering he never shed his name anyway, he doesn't know any other life as if, the scene of debt to the boss tying the subordinates beholden to them to form relations. His rebuffing Yena's debt to him is thus the only positive. No matter how different, it is a poor power relation of gangster and subordinate instead of true family. His daddy issues of wishing the original godfather would love him and yet he has never trusted anyone by his own admission during Taek's case again same as the father. Jaesu was rightfully angry that they can't be a real family if he cannot trust to share details relevant with them as well which was never brought up again since they kept it about making mommy stay. And Jaesu has been in the Bulldogs with his boss longer than Ilyeong despite being treated as a distant second lieutenant and done the same act of betraying the original godfather. Yet Jihwan continues to be stupidier than he appeared an d had previously being bluffing to Hyunwoo to compete in love by admitting he fears his father and yet having had no preparations. He only has himself and Ilyeong handle everything as if that self-sacrifice for everyone's normalcy ever works when they don't even have one friendly contact or connection outside of Ilyeong's lower sources and will now only get one tiny honorable prosecutor with barely any influence and only because he is another of their new lady of the house's suitors.


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1. "He never apologized for that--I wish he would have."

That kind of irked me because it's now the third time he did that, and the show let it pass. Let's say that when it was with the deerlings and Hyun Woo, Eun Ha had her reasons to not take it seriously.
But the situation with the waiter had no excuse.

At that moment Eun Ha (and everyone else) seemed super shocked, so I don't see why they didn't take that opportunity for her to say something about it.

2. I totally agree with what your point about Mi Ho and Eun Ha.
I only noticed it with Mi Ho because of how little voice they're giving her lately, but Eun Ha it's also the same.

She's the most grown up character in the show, and instead of being held back by her past, she's using those memories to move forward. The problem is that all of that kind of got drowned by the romance.

We know what she wants to do and who she wants to be but the show is holding her back because of Ji Hwan.
We don't see her playing with and helping kids anymore. And now that she started to do content again, she not only has to worry about two 12-year-old-like-30-something spamming her videos, but also she has to worry about getting kidnapped or killed by her gang-boss-in-law.

Also, they're also trying to make the Hyun Woo oppa reveal bigger than what it really is. So it seems like they keep bring her back to the past connection with Ji Hwan and her dreams that remain in words. But in truth she's a very grounded and hardworking person. What we should be seeing is all her effort and talents grow bigger. Her classes with the boys, her ideas for the videos, her work as a volunteer, etc.

At the beginning I thought she would help Thirsty Deer make new products for kids, but we haven't even seen her achieve her initial dream yet.


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Oh peeps! Just cut our newly-minted love birds some slack lol

Some people can dash from 1st to 4th base with a mighty dousing from a bucket; others valiantly crawl to 2nd base from a negative value. From living a former monastic life, our SJH has made great improvement tbh.

Once they mutually confessed their love, here's what he has done:
1. Bought her her favourite flowers
2. Dressing to kill; including cologne ("Boss you smell like flowers!")
3. Texting her his whereabouts and ETA to preempt her ("I'll be home soon.")
4. Arranging to pick her up from work - both affection and safety measure. Failing which he sends DH in proxy as chauffeur
5. Acts of service: carrying all her shopping bags and keeping her company whilst she shops / building her a filming studio
6. Acts of affection: kisses, hugs, handholding, aegyo
7. Quick dispute resolution l apologising quickly l authentic open dialogue l learns quickly after feedback
8. Decisively draw the boundary lines with Ye-Na and put an end to her romantic hopes l defends EH publicly when YN throws shade at her career
9. Of course, he also has an unparalleled ability to defend her physically from assailants
10. Also houses and feeds her under his roof

If any of us have boyfriends or husbands who did all these for us within a week of getting attached, pls write us at dramabeans.com and let us know. I would like to meet this urban legend


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I am glad that the episodes worked for you this week. I often have had a show make me squee and swoon when others just couldn’t stand it. (Perfect Marriage Revenge). I think that what is romantic depends on the individual—sweet for some may be saccharin for others. And I have really loved previous episodes of this show, so I personally have experienced its magic.

As to your list, yes he did those. But they didn’t all work for me to counter what didn’t work this week. Also, I have a major problem with the protection issue. Sure, he can physically protect her when he is present. But he is also endangering her by not telling her the truth of what danger she faces by being with him. He told her about him and Yang Gi having bad history, but he didn’t tell her that it seems that Yang Gi and/or his father may be targeting her. She should know, so she can be more aware when she goes into public or encountering Yang Gi. And dragging Eun Ha around physically, which she clearly does not enjoy, is a no go for me.

I have had relationships of immense attraction and flash, and ones of mutual respect,conversation and laughter. And what constitute romantic cannot often be listed. So our differing opinions on this week’s shows can be one of de gustibus non est disputandum.


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For sure. Different strokes for different folks 😊


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i love the positivity you bring into this post ...
watching rom coms esp like MSM absolute fun larger than life comedy i keep (majority) of my realistic expectations aside cause i watch these for fun n happiness these show being into my life... so am all with you in cutting some slack to uri loserinlove who faints everytime she done something his heart cant handle..
thank you for this


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Thank you, thank you, thank you for the sweetest of the sweet recap!! 🍭🙏

If we thought Aegia KHAAJA was the epitome of Ji-hwan's charm we got another 10 sweet thinks coming. Gosh all those lovey-dovey looks, preening, King's robe flapping style entrance, display of his forearms flexed to show veins popping and then fainting away at the mere sight of an exposed nape at a hair flip. Yes sweet dreams are made of these. 😊❤🥰💃

But the really real sweetness was the apology conversation and attempted back flip turned back hug in the kitchen. 🫰😂

Ye-na and her toxicity have no place in uri Deer Family but please make Mi-ho part of the family pali, pali. Hope Il-young mans up soon to have a real conversation with Mi-ho. Uri Mi-ho deserves better. Or else I'd ship her with Marketing Deerling who needs to stay away from his model and providing her with free band-aid. Andwae, don't go there drama. 🙈

In a sure case of delusional overthinking I'm loving ALL the Lobster jokes the drama is teasing us with. 🙃 🦞 Surely the writers team is on DB. 😊❤

I love the beautifully clear-sighted recap. Thank you @DaebakGrits. You have not lost sight of the plot like us squee-ing Beanies. 👏👏👏
While we all know things are going to get darker and evil dad is surely going to make a move, we hope that uri Deer Family will overcome all obstacles and challenges. Hopefully no one will get kidnapped or killed. 🫣 It would be nice to have fake Hyun-woo part of the Deer Family too. Basically anyone but she who should not-be-named. She's just been endlessly toxic and rude to uri Eun-ha. Heck even uri Yang-hee would be a welcome addition to the Deer Family.

Till then more fluffy, cuteness overload please. Preening in front of the mirror, making grand dramatic entrances at breakfast, throwing finger hearts and blowing kisses - hopefully translating to actual, real kisses. Hwaiting!! ❤😊❤


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Re: "Heck even uri Yang-hee would be a welcome addition to the Deer Family."

1. To bastardise Boys Over Flowers, it's Yang-Hee Over Yen-Na for me too! 🤣❤😻

2. I feel for Ye-Na though - the quiet desperation of her Gatsby-like obsession; the drive to become such a famous face that her benefactor cannot help but see her if he turns on the TV or look at a billboard. But it ain't gonna happen cos JH only "has eyes for Eun-Ha." (+ by his own admittance, he seldom watches TV lol)

3. But she calculated her move (and years) wrongly. Playing the numbers game won't win her the Emperor. It's not 8 years vs 3 months gal, it's 8 years vs 23 years. You were never in the running.


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You've put it so beautifully - Yang-hee over Ye-na. 👏👏👏

Sorry but I don't feel for her at all. She hasn't done whit to endear herself. Her continued vile behavior without reflection is making her a one-dimensional villain.


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Yang-hee calling himself Ji-hwan's hyung and Eun-ha his to be sister-in-law(damn the context) is enough for me to wait out Eun-ha making them sit down like children and shake hands. Yang-hee should go to jail and come back to be the Oh Dol-Byung of Thirsty Deer. I wish Papa Bulldog didn't exist- dead or life term in prison- because Yang-hee was all the spiteful villainy to overcome this drama needed.


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💯 Agreed. 👏👏👏
Yang-hee was all the villainy we needed here. I love your idea of Eun-ha making Ji-hwan and Yang-hee shake hands. So much in-character. 😂


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The fact that Cat decided to hide things from Papa bulldog is giving me hope.
I think he will become deerling.


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🙌 I hope your prediction comes true.🤞


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Cera I’m still watching the show. On ep 11. Did anyone do gifs for this? There is a perfect screen at the end in. 10.
Thanks Chingu I🩵


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No sure. The Fanwall goes pretty fast you know. 😅


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I can not keep up😱


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Whilst understanding the frustrations of Beanies, I actually have a slightly different take on the Miho-Il Young love plot-line.

I just want it resolved WELL, I don't actually need it to be resolved FAST. (I may have very different things to say if this is Episode 16)

So I guess I am more tolerant of his fumbling missteps (I don't think it's a scripting oversight; I think it's intentional). There is a disparity in their ages and emotional maturity levels and it is playing out believably.
P.S. Some have a gripe about why Il-Young seems to bypass Mi-Ho for her parents. As an East Asian myself, I would like to shed some light for cultural context:

We have this idiom loosely translated as: "Attack stratagem of the in-laws / Go the route of the in-laws." Basically it means buttering up to, or ingratiating yourself to your future in-laws, to better secure their approval for the marriage.

You can call it a power move, deplore it as Machiavellian, or just confess it is the plain desperation of a lovelorn suitor, but it has worked for centuries and will continue to do so -- both in drama-land and IRL.

We also have another common saying amongst East Asians: "You don't marry a person; you marry their whole family."

So Il-Young, who is after all the Thirsty Deer's resident business strategist, is doing the most astutely long-range macro-planning if his end-game is a lifetime happy together with Mi-Ho.

Touching base with the elders of the family is one of the strongest signals of commitment you can give as a marriage prospect.

True story: My nearly in-laws (yes, the IRL ex-mobster) had a similar love story. He was on his way to an arranged blind date, walked past a football field (very Mi-ho here...) and saw a girl kicking a soccer ball. It was love at her sight. He never showed up at the blind date. Instead, he pointed at her and asked which family she was from, marched up to their house and immediately asked her parents if he could date her, with marriage in mind. Prologue of how my ex was born ❤


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So this might be a big cultural misunderstanding / misinterpreting thing, but bear with me for a while: Is this today still seen as romantic? Is this something women still want today?
Through my (actually real) european glasses it seems to strip the woman of any agency and declares her to be just a piece of property - it's more or less how I buy a new puppy or a wardrobe. Now I love my dogs dearly and do everything I can to give them the best life ever - but I will never know if they would have chosen me.
As for the wardrobe, I'm pretty sure it doesn't care where it ends up.
And that's my problem with the whole situation - Mi Ho said no several times and he goes to her parents to negotiate a price for her.
That just rubs me wrong.
Now I'm going back into my wardrobe. Thank you for listening.


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To further clarify: actually the power gradient is tipped - in favour of the girl, cos the suitor wants to ingratiate himself with his future in-laws. If anything, it's Miho's parents who did not do right by her.

In many cases the parents (especially protective fathers) totally make the guy jump through hoops to prove his mettle or sincerity for their daughters before consenting.

Also, the daughters can say "screw it" and defy both the parents, and the suitor (which if I may point out, our feisty Miho is doing a great job giving it as good as she gets from IY). It will be a tussle but she can definitely hold her own against him. Let him work hard


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As an older male, let me provide some gender context. Sleeping with a woman on the first date, getting her pregnant, offending her by saying the next day it was mistake, not talking with her much at all for a long time while she worries about her pregnancy, showing up drunk out of the blue to offer a non-specific apology and confess an everlasting love, then saying "I'm going to keep showing up and pressuring your parents until you start sleeping with me again" has never, ever, in any culture, been considered acceptable male behavior even among men.

Has it happened frequently around the world, over centuries? Yes, of course. Men have treated women as property in all but a few indigenous societies.

Has it been portrayed frequently in K-dramaland? Well, actually not that often, given that male leads are often portrayed as ridiculously sexually innocent, all the way in their late 30s. But for female leads, sleeping with someone on the first date is always, always portrayed as a terrible mistake, so in that regard, yes, this show is typical in demonstrating to women that if they behave impulsively and naturally with someone they are attracted to, they will suffer the consequences.

Is watching this male behavior fun or comic? Not in my opinion. But then, we're now living in the 21st century, where even in east Asian cultures a woman is no longer considered the property of her parents. And I raised a daughter who I would have pressed to get a restraining order if she suffered one half of what Mi-ho has experienced. So even though its fantasy rom-com, its hard for me to muster a smile at this scenario!


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I think what @joanna is saying about power dynamic is actually quite accurate in this case. I don't know about whether this would be considered romantic or not. But, I think the issue that seems to be annoying the squee squad is that in kdrama land, FL seem to have more of the love at first sight thing than the slow burn win over after a long time thing that they might consider romantic.

From Mi Ho's perspective, she is already into Il Yong. But, his thoughtless statement hurt her. So, she tries to get the power back by rejecting him first. The people who like this scenario are people who are already attracted to IY and enjoy the handsome guy trying to win back our in-love woman by any means necessary, which demonstrates true remorse and devotion. Two qualities that some might consider romantic.

However, two conditions seem to be preventing Beanies from enjoying this scenario. 1) they aren't into IY. If you aren't first love into IY his actions will seem creepy and overly aggressive. For Mi Ho, this doesn't really matter because she already loves him IMO. I think the PD's intention was for the viewer to also be in love with him putting a lot of pressure on the actor to present a handsome appearance in his first few scenes to make this work.

2) the ick. Some viewers have gotten the ick from IY because of his mistake comment and that is fair. It was an icky comment. But, in this case, the ick functions in a second way. People who are meant to be put up with a certain amount of ick from people they love. For example, if my sister sat around the house all day not showered in her pjs eating chocolate in front of the TV, ick. But if that is my lover, it is cute and casual.

Here, the ickiness is extreme. So, when Mi Ho gets over it, it is kind of a big gold star on the relationship saying that she loves him warts and all.

This is not the slow constant pressure or tension that some beans want. It puts a lot on love at first sight. But, I will say that in my experience this is actually quite common in the dating world. I don't personally care for it and I am not trying to convince anyone else to like it. But, I think this is what the writer is trying to convey.


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The best part of beanieland is that we don't only analyze dramas, we also analyze ourselves. LOL

I think your first point kinda applies to me but with Ji Hwan. His soon-to-turn-into-an-abuser behavior probably should've made me drop the show, but I'm trying to give him a chance because of that "love at first sight" that you mention. I liked him too much in the first half of the show.

For Il Yeong tho, I think there's a few more things to take into account. At least for me.

1) The "remorse and devotion" only appeared after he found out she's pregnant. So, is it really about her or is it about this whole "he deserves a family" thing?

2) "If you aren't first love into IY his actions will seem creepy and overly aggressive."
I think the show never gave us time to be blinded by love. Unless they're only relying on him being handsome, I don't what are we supposed to like that much about him. Tbh, they barely know each other (she even had to find out he's an orphan because of Hong Gi).

3) All of this is happening practically at the end of the show.
There are very few probabilities of him getting a proper development in the next two weeks. That means that we have to assume that this is going to be the dynamic of their relationship in the future. Especially, because like you mentioned, the show is making more like a game than anything else.

So it's practically confirmed that Mi Ho is going to be trapped in a relationship with a guy that can't even give a proper apology and take responsibility for his actions.

In conclusion, I would say that the first time you see your girlfriend like that she can seem cute, but after a month she gets equally icky to your sister or even worse. You may ignore your sis or kick her into the shower, it doesn't matter. With an icky gf it gets tricky.


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I generally agree with the timing of his personality change as being sus. I think I mentioned that last week in a reply. But, it is consistent with kdrama logic where try hards are rewarded ( if they are handsome enough ).

Regarding your second point, I think I basically made this point. But, I dumped all the blame on the PD. They put a lot of pressure on the actor to be THAT handsome, which doesn't seem to work for you. But, does for Mi Ho, IMO.

Will this ship turn around? If the prosecutor's arc is any indication, outlook looks dim.


You're right. If Hyun Woo's arc is supposed to give us a glimpse of the future of the show, then said future seems bleak.



So it's practically confirmed that Mi Ho is going to be trapped in a relationship with a guy that can't even give a proper apology and take responsibility for his actions.


This right there is the problem. I have no other issues with Il-young and he gives perfect advice to Ji-hwan but per usual forgets to follow his own advice. I don't know how the writer is going to get this OTP out of the corner but for now it doesn't seem promising even though they seem destined for a HEA the manner in which the relationship is being forced now seems suffocating.


Deer Cera @seeker all that's left is to wait for this week's episodes.

If Mi Ho's character is consistent till the end, her answer to Il Yeong's antics could be satisfactory for us.
But if she isn't consistent and the show decides to ride with the expected tropes, then we already know the ending of the show.


Sigh. I'm more disappointed because I liked her so much.
You're right of course. This week's episodes should resolve the issues - in a good way or bad depends on the writing.


I do see it from where you talk about it but since this is fiction there is something more fundamental to fiction here than culture and it is more universal than it seems. Shoujo and these rom Kdramas are simply more openly popular unlike the english chicklits and fanfiction that is hidden from public personas. So easy to dissect the men along moral lines as if every South Korean dramas are standard of ideal male behaviour whereas most of their romcom are adapted like a mills and boons or harlequin which is purely self-inserting wish fulfillment fantasy. How is it always some random woman with life troubles suddenly has two greatly accomplished men hoping she loves them back simulataneously and she on technicality gets into romantic tangles with both throughout 16 episodes making some people feel like it is a cheating situation from the man they don't prefer. However it is hard to deny that anything in recent years everything is high sanitized and tries to keep morals and aesthetics global but the majority of ultra popular KDramas are all full of terrible male behaviour at least since early 2000s and yet those types really are intended to be seen as good and worth the love instead of the moral lessons and consequences that is compulsory in recent adaptations. The woman who plays/Playing with the hot gangster is not even a properly known webnovel like those marriage revenge ones and the title itself is cringe. If they adapted the actual version Ji Hwan asked Eun Ha to go on three "play" dates with him by "buying" her(he asked for the dates as a condition not only the doll she was auctioning) with huge amounts of money and she keeps drooling over how hot he is. PD nim has made huge strides from what the source was. Both women's only reasons is physical attraction. To the bad boys, sad life story, still needing to be fixed. And so at the same time it is still poor in content. One girl fixed his shoe, the other got carried like a cavewoman and found it attractive and people kept watching after seeing those red flags. The physical attraction reason is shallow in the modern day too since nowadays it is all about how one builds relationships which they are going slow and ok trying at least? Ye Na is right otherwise neither woman would have accepted either man if they knew their worst no matter how they say they have drawn that line clearly before. Mi Ho took a step back from the handsome stranger. Eun Ha is the reason Man Ho wears those long sleeved covers even in the heat when she sees them as good people they should erase their past fully to be liked. Mi Ho had a one night stand with a man described by his colleagues as a ladies man who dates every week and she doesn't even know this but has to be told he is an orphan which was doxxing in a way. And this man she is still fawning over after rejecting him to his face which is clear from PD nim that unlike most women she is conflicted and still likes him but the assumption is she doesn't want an...


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And this man she is still fawning over after rejecting him to his face which is clear from PD nim that unlike most women she is conflicted and still likes him but the assumption is she doesn't want an actual clean break like Eun Ha didn't. And if it is true he never wanted a child before all this it is equally unfair that his feelings are fully out of the equation or critized as a man for having them. He is clealy reflecting on previous conversations they both had and taking steps based on what she had said because he cares about her opinion of him. He also advised ML based on his own regrets. It isn't that he doesn't follow his own advice but he only gave it because this woman changed his mind about mistake which came from his long and shallow dating history. Bad boy, fixing. All it ever is. PD nim did make them strong independent minded women, same as in these type of fanfiction stories women who are deliberately made ordinary but with great values, always holding the power while wanting the men they are attracted to, fixing them. But he adds how they are equally determined to walk away from the man when they don't give them what they want of the relationship(which is the trope that fixes their flaws and spurs them to action). When everyone was busy growing a soft side for sls and gave a proper confesion from a marriage proper candidate then PDnim even showed Ko Eun Ha doesn't even care and is solely attracted to the reformed bad boy CEO and wants a relation with him even with all his flaws though she is mad for mixed signals while she herself misses all the flirting and gives mixed signals to prosecutor herself.


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I haven't finished ep 11 yet but wanna join in the discussion

- I do not find Ji-hwan's jealousy cute at ALL
- I love how extra the cat mob boss I'd. Velour suit and cat balloon? So theatrical
- The FL was giving Dorothy vibes with her outfit in that one scene. She even had a basket!
- I wouldn't have expected it but I'm rooting for Ye-na and redhead guy to be a secondary couple


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Er, I finished 11 but not 12

Also, the "YouTube" comments war was both cute and dumb at the same time


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Cute and dumb at the same time.

Well said 👏


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Cute, dumb, funny and cringey at the same time.


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I think what kind of irritated me about that scene is not the comments war, which fit with the general way they are portraying the two boys in the love triangle, but that Ji-hwan was not even going to invite Eu-ha to lunch because of his petty jealousy, and she had no idea why he was being so cold. That was stupid--at the very least bad boyfriend behavior that would raise a massive red flag if I was the woman!


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He was not being cold he shut down same as the joke about when he lay down after shoulder thug- "lost in thoughts" calculating how he had lost and being open mouthed and Jaesu says its his habit meaning he has shut down before in front of him and many times. If he had no intention of taking her instead of stalling he'd tell the flower boy to escort her to the cafeteria coz work or he would have sat on the other end giving her the cold shoulder or with Yena like typical toxic males having an ego meltdown do. And thrown a bread at the flirty waiter from across the table. He was more preoccupied in his childish-dick-measuring-online-comments war(prosecutor is no better and worse the way he started the flame war since the content itself is exactly how guys do and measure out the comment wars and "win/loss" to their imaginary audience syndrome) and this portrayal is more offensive for neurodivergence than male chauvinist.


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i am here just to share how much i love this show. The dork Ji Hwan the Deerlings and Eun Ha being the Hwanghu Penguine... and everything else just makes me happy everytime i watch (everytime means on many many rewatch)
The physucal acting power UTG has is class...i never seen anyone do this great comedy with physical actions and not making it look loud or cringe or OTT.
and him getting flustered in kitchen and on the couch.. that guy is dorkest among all the dorks 🤣 ❤️
Yes i agree this weeks episodes were low on comedy (like first 10 epi) still it gave a lot of information abt JH and what life he lived and how he became what he was once and wanting that side away from him in future.
What i love... Eun Ha knows n understands JH in out and how he is taking her lead, opening up to her one step at a time and its not far when he will finally able to speak to her about him being Hyun Woo.
and that reunion gonna be emotional and will surely make me cry...


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1. I'm tired of Jang Hyun-woo and never ending food dates with Eun-ha. The main romance is built on the same cringe as Lee Joon's rose on the other side. As for his two faced behaviour I alone will never forget how he told Eun-ha that he never gets rejected by women, people have various preferences be damned. Uri hyungnim has possessiveness while uri komsanim, control issues. Two deadly red flags. If everyone must be paired up I suggest Man-ho for Officer Song. And in anyway neither of them match up to the unconditional love uri deerlings possess. I feel resentful that focusing on Hyun-woo has taken away from uri deerlings. Dong-hee's accident(?) backstory is more about bringing Hyun-woo in than about Dong-hee. I still don't see where they will fit Jae-soo and Man-ho's backstories near the ending where we need to focus on big gang wars.
2. Yena. Girl didn't get any development, keeps getting moments full of faulty logic and from the start had the misfortune of having chemistry with the other redhead which feels like a long missed opportunity. They are more alike than they know and its a pity JTBC puts more in character pages than in their dramas. Why was Yena ever a kid's content creator if she wanted to appeal to a gangster? Should have debuted as an actress or advertising model if she really wanted her face everywhere relevant to people who don't go near kids.
3. Il-young should have been fleshed out as an orphan instead of player in the early episodes before the pregnancy scare. We are driving on the wrong side of the road now.
4. The prosecution may have been incompetent seeing how they missed Meow Company's irregularities for ten years but that is being brushed aside and Thirsty Deer's CEO's incompetnce is the new focus. Ji-hwan is too far on the edge with the slightest provocation from the small fry kitty while his dad still want his 36 year old son abck in the gangsta business. Him having to rein in his gangster mode to keep Eun-ha's affection feel high stakes. Everyone reacting to him, nobody saying anything not even in the last scene makes me nervous.
5. The kids being scared of grown men is getting a but much by the third time. None of them look scary in the context at all. They are in business suits and elephant costumes with no tats visible, no scars and mean eyes even. Gawking at them being awkward is what I'd have expected. Eun-ha having to smooth things over with her playing skills and give them likability is also a tad much. Strong Girl Nam Soon playing in the background is extreme irony or a gross misplacement if anything.


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"The main romance is built on the same cringe as Lee Joon's rose on the other side." 😂😂
This made me laugh so hard. Thank you!

And I agree with all your points.

Dong Hee was there just to make Hyun Woo give Eun Ha a ride home AGAIN (at this point isn't he her designated Uber?), so Ji Hwan could get annoyed and jealous.

I too think they're pushing it by making every single kid that looks at them cry. It's not like kids are ex-con detectors, why are they so scared of a few guys that look like dads/uncles and oppas/hyungs?


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I am just here to read your comments as a fan girl:) I loved them all, including all their faults :) I assume next week episodes will not be as good as this week!


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Someone give Kwon Yul a happy role please. He was just so cute taunting in thumbnails.


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I really think he has good comedic timing. I hope he gets a role that's both happy and funny 🥰


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That's my wish too.


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its high time he deserves his own drama as male lead soon.. why no one sees the charm and vibe he brings on screen... and in MSM he got prety good screen tometoo and he could carry those scenes flawlessly.
Kdramalords... please.. listen to our pleas


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Wonderful and fair recap as always, @daebakgrits 💛 Thank you.

I adore this show, but this week, I spent more time cringing than enjoying it. There were some lovely little moments, yes, but also some very unlovely behaviours from our characters that raised some questions which have already been beautifully summarised in the recap and comments. I'm not a fan of physical comedy especially in a rom-com 🙈 so I recognise that's an added barrier for me. This might sound weird but...I MISS this show. It had a shine to it that has felt absent in the last four episodes.

In the writers we trust? I don't know anymore. But I shall persevere. The cast have been working so hard and I will support them to the end. Fighting 🥰💗


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I almost feel the same as you. But I never loved this drama so much from the beginning, so in my case the disappointment hurts less.
I could drop this drama now, sincerely, but I'm finishing it to get the bean 😅


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I'm willing to take this show as it is--which for me is an occasionally comic, but not very romantic rom-com portraying a really attractive couple where the male lead, and all the men, are behaving child-like in ways that are only occasionally funny. (Having experienced male immaturity all my adult life, in and out of the workplace, and of course, being an immature male myself, I do get tired of it as a rom-com trope.)

But the one thing about the male female dynamic in this show is that the women are actually correctly calling out the men for their behavior, so clearly, the writers know how they are portraying the male characters, and yet they aren't having the male characters respond in ways that show they are learning their lessons!

A prime example of this is Ji-hwan not letting Eun-ha know about the specific danger she is in, when she told him that he had to be honest with her and tell her what was going on. He recognized she was right, but he just told her things she already pretty much knew, that he had a criminal past. While it was noble and upright of him to take full responsibility, he really should have said exactly why he reacted so strongly when he saw the Kitty Gang leader smirking at her and offering her balloons, that she was in real danger.

Of course, its even less forgiveable for the prosecutor to not tell her that she was under direct threat, although since he is as immature as the male lead, it just fits with the show's general portrayal of men.

So what's the message here? In the early episodes I thought the show had a simple but appealing lesson--circumstances and people are not always what they seem, whether on the Internet or in real life, and people, especially ex-cons, should be given second chances if they show they are trying to overcome past mistakes. I guess this latter theme of forgiving past mistakes will reappear, even with the relationship behavior of both Ji-hwan and Il-hwan, but overall, to me, the message of these last 4 episodes is that women are usually the only adults in the room. I can certainly agree, but, as I said, its not a rom-com theme I particularly enjoy!


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He didn't even tell her that for her safety he simply told her his past since she had told him to tell her everything slowly and Yena told him just before he arrives that unlike her FL doesn't know his actual dark side and considering Eunha is very much a sunshine and rainbows no matter how idealistic she is theres always a line to what you can accept of crimes commited by people and she had a sad past with mobsters already. Even then he did not tell her about his two year prison sentence for physical assault, things like that should have honest conversations once they were dating without needing to be prompted once he learned the lesson about honesty is needed is how he confessed. They never actually gave us insight into how he felt instead showed him look sad and serious in thought. He generalizes all his crimes, caught and not caught, as his past and is clearly ashamed of it but keeps putting it off. Unfortunately she only gets deep conversations over coffee with SML every episode.

He should have also told her about Yanghui in deatil during the apology and briefly about how he is not on good terms with his father anymore and who just come out of jail and will be after his blood. But same as the incident after even Jaesu a male character called him out on how secrets that can hurt them but the showrunners twisted the perspective to resolve it by making FL stay as the agenda and promptly forgot about the two fold argument during breakfast. And Jaesu also backstabbed the same godfather with him, he is entitled to be in the know and even he is kept out forget everyone else but Ilyeong and he.

"people, especially ex-cons, should be given second chances if they show they are trying to overcome past mistakes." This is one thing I noticed more in KDramas than in other dramas but other than the ones which are actually fully Netflix or produced by similar foreign prodcutions all network dramas tend to go for the crime is a crime and a very black and white approach that lacks nuance and actual grey morality. My Sweet Mobster treats the subject more for the level of children to understand about accountability and atonement. But none of their crimes are bad and they always were the good criminals by nature. The CEO was wrongly accused of the wrong crime being the honorable mobster who only fights other mobsters and never the common people and protects women and children. One was simply a gambler who liked to get into fights, a fraudster sold by his father to a gang, and a kid who seems to have some misunderstanding about how his girlfriend died. Their crimes are always non-crimes being protagonists and they always take responsibility and come out sounding like tortured martyrs. It seems impossible to think they employ immoral criminals like imagine if they hired that mother who killed her abusive husband but also hired an abuser who is released from jail. Impossible. I for one also find it impossible to believe they'll ever invite the Cats...


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I enjoyed watching the deerlings and the lead couple deal with their new relationship. Ji Hwan and Eun Ha were cute to a degree.
I glossed over some of the scenes. Il Young needs to be more honest and him bribing her parents is unnecessary. They already like him but he doesnt know that. Ye Na is annoying but I liked that Hong Ki was nice to her.
I liked Yang Hee's tweed jackets. Just saying. 😊


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I really like your short and precise comments. You covered all points beautifully in such few words. 👍💪👌


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Yup I am pretty disappointed with the 2nd couple coz I used to look forward to their appearance together. Now I can't watch their scenes anymore and if I did, Im just mad at them and the writer who brought out the pregnancy issue.

*Oh yes please adopt Hyun-woo too, feelings! 😂


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**sorry for typo; it's "deerlings," not feelings. My phone always has its own 'writer' mind 😌


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😂 Agreed. Fake Hyun-woo is not so bad after all and deserves to be adopted into the family. 🙆‍♀️


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I don't mind the fluff and cuteness but I wish they done it after they developed a more in depth relationship between the leads. It's still surface level for me unlike in doctor slump the leads were doing fluff after solving every conflict between them and best understanding of each other. I do like the second leads storyline a lot. I don't mind the pregnancy plot and these two episodes they seemed they'll be good parents and they can handle it.


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I appreciate the maturity in writing that despite the overdose of sweetness after becoming an official couple, Eun-ha took a firm stand at being exluded in the guise of being protected. Ji-hwan not only recognizing his mistake but also genuinely apologizing and the OTP not only acknowledging these issues but also that they needed to work on them instead of just glossing it over was commendable.

I'm sad the writing which had built up Mi-ho is now letting her down bad. Her being literally arm-twisted into accepting Il-young is making me *smh* in dismay and disapproval. I liked their love story and rooted for them. A little more honesty and frank discussion much like the OTP would have been appreciated. This bribing of parents is such an unwanted and unwelcome gesture.


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1. haters gonna hate, and hustlers gonna...well hustle. Our Il-Young is a hustler lol. So let him. 🤣

2. What matters more is: Mi-ho is written with spunk and chutzpah; she is more than able to call him into account, or kick him to the curb. This is what is giving us dramatic tension and narrative equity.

After all, this is the girl who once went up into his face and threatened: "I used to do sports. If anything happens to our Eun-Ha, I will take her away from your house at once!"

3. That "frank open talk" is a-coming, wait for it: it's already seeded in Il-Young & JH's bro-chat. He confessed to his Hyung he wanted to confirm something but simply felt he didn't even deserve to ask it.

Then JH asked him: "In confirming this thing, does it bring something to an end, or does it start something new?"
Il-Young's answer is very telling: "It will start something new."

4. 📣Note: He said that, *even* before he knew what the answer to the confirmation he is seeking would be! The answer may well be a "no baby, false alarm" and YET he is still determined to start something new with Mi-ho because he already knows and confirms his own feelings for her - baby or no baby.

That's my take (or at least how I hope it will be! 🤞 )


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I didn't get the impression that Il-young is a hustler but well, okay.

The Mi-ho of the initial episodes did appear to be more than capable of dealing with any and everyone including Il-young and can, if she so desires kick him to the curb etc. but the whole problem is that she is not being allowed to do so. Not only are her clear declarations of disavowal being roundly ignored, her parents seem to have ganged up with Il-young to pressurize her.

Again, I did not interpret Il-young's response to Ji-hwan of starting something new as indicative of his unconditional interest in Mi-ho.

As so beautifully expressed by @enriquequierecagar above the whole issue is that Il-young has neither been able to properly apologize or take responsibility. If the drama *skips* over this necessary step and prowers ahead to a HEA it will be the most unearned one ever. While I do support this OTP and had no issues with the ONS, the manner in which they are taking this relationship forward is irritating at best and irresponsible at worst. Also I'm unable to condone a spunky young woman and her genuine remonstrations being ignored and trampled upon and being forced into marriage. I'm afraid if she is indeed pregnant then perhaps to "save" her from being an unwed mother the pressure on her to compromise from both her parents and Il-young will only be doubled.


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I seriously don't think she will ever come anywhere close to being forced into a marriage - that would be tonally *very off* given the narrative track record in past 12 episodes.

Let's give the characters and the writer more credit for it and just see how they work it out.


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If however the drama does indeed come up with the "frank open talk" starting with an apology and willingness to take responsibility for his actions and words till date and not just the baby perhaps we can then happily proceed with the HEA.


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Yes indeed. An apology is due. He needs to do this properly because we can give our stamp of approval ❤❤ I suspect, baby no baby, is besides the point for him now.


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The willingness to start new / afresh does not preclude an apology.


Yes it will be worked out this week - hopefully in a satisfactory manner. 🤞


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The main female actress has found her role. Never liked her before. But I was very much surprised with her acting here. A complete Transformation.


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