Miss Night and Day: Episodes 11-12

Hang onto your hats, guys, things get a little intense this week! Romance aside, the plot thickens on our murder mystery, and everything we thought we knew about this show blows up in our faces.


Miss Night and Day: Episodes 11-12

It turns out that last week’s ending was not a misdirection and Ji-woong actually overheard Won’s confession to Mi-jin! But first, he spots cigarette butts beside a van outside her house, and he takes a picture of the number plate to check the registration. In addition to overhearing his rival in love beat him to a confession, Ji-woong gets rained on, and he ends up calling in sick the following day. Hehe. A mad-at-you-but-still-worried-about-you Mi-jin visits Ji-woong’s apartment with a large serving of her mom’s — stolen — dishes, while I’m left with the crumbs of wrist grabs and sleepy “Don’t go-s.” But at this point, I’ll take whatever I get.

Mi-jin’s tender loving care reminds Ji-woong of his mom, and he opens up about her disappearance. Despite people’s varying opinions — some said she died, while others said she ran away — Ji-woong says that his mom promised to come back, and he doesn’t want to believe that her first and last promise to him was a lie. This is why he returned to Seohan. Mi-jin tears up while Ji-woong talks about his mom, and the story reminds her about her missing aunt as well.

Miss Night and Day: Episodes 11-12

When Ji-woong resumes back to work, Myung-duk, the king of misunderstandings, brings up Won’s crush and says the feelings are mutual. Ji-woong now thinks Mi-jin and Won are an item — meanwhile, Myung-duk was referring to Soon because he assumed Ji-woong knows about Won × Soon ship. Tsk. I really want to smack both men for confusing themselves. Have they never heard about being specific and mentioning the actual names of the people being referred to instead of making assumptions and jumping into conclusions? Then Myung-duk goes on to make things worse by declaring his support for Won’s relationship because “love isn’t a crime.” Pfft. I bet Mr. Prosecutor thinks this brand of love is a crime. But what is he going to do about it?

If you guessed Ji-woong will march straight to Mi-jin’s house to declare his love for her, you’re partially correct. He does drop by her house, and Mom ropes him into staying for dinner and staying forever. Mi-jin arrives home to meet a feast, and even Ga-yeong and her dad are present. “What’s going on?” Mi-jin wonders. “I think it’s your engagement dinner,” Ga-yeong replies. Lol. But it’s actually aunt Soon’s birthday and Mom is celebrating in her absence. She must really miss her sister.

After dinner, Mi-jin sees Ji-woong out and they end up talking about why he was at her house. “I was just passing by, and it happened by coincidence,” he says, and here we go again. Just tell her you wanted to know if she’s really dating Won or not! Sigh.

Since the topic came up over dinner, Mi-jin briefly tells Ji-woong about her missing aunt without giving too much away. And in turn, he tells her that her dad has found out that she fell victim to the job scam from week one. It happened that a police summons came in for Mi-jin — she’s been implicated in a fraud case probably because the scammer used her bank book — and a worried Dad informed his prosecutor son-in-law-to-be. Ji-woong, in turn, had no choice but to tell Dad about the scam even though he promised Mi-jin to keep it a secret from her parents.

On his part, Dad blames himself for being an incompetent father and not saying anything when Mi-jin was pressured to get a civil servant job. But I don’t think Mi-jin resents her dad at all. Dad is a man of few words, and even his simplest of gestures — shining her shoes, saving up to buy her a work outfit, and his “You’re doing great!” — are enough to show Mi-jin that he cares.

The search warrant for Hwadong Medical Center is finally approved, and Myung-duk and Soon lead the search and seizure team to the hospital. Soon runs into the suspicious nurse who took her blood sample the other day, and unsuspectingly follows her to get the result of the blood test. Oh no! Back in the office, Ji-woong fails to get an arrest warrant for Cheol-gyu, and to worsen matters, Won informs him that Mi-jin is not answering her phone. The location tracker reveals that Mi-jin is at Hwadong, and that’s enough to alarm Ji-woong because what is she doing in Cheol-gyu’s vicinity of all places?

Ji-woong storms the hospital in search of Mi-jin, around the same time Myung-duk realizes that Soon is missing. Unfortunately, neither of the men see Cheol-gyu — who’s disguised in a surgical mask and scrubs — wheeling out our unconscious heroine. Ji-woong recalls his insistence on not informing the police that Mi-jin is a witness in the raincoat case because he doesn’t trust them — and knowing that his mom disappeared in the process of giving a witness statement makes this trust issue understandable. Unfortunately, since the police are not aware of a witness, they were unable to investigate the case from Mi-jin’s witness angle or at least protect her. Instead, Ji-woong told Mi-jin to trust him to keep her safe, and now that she’s in the wind, he cannot stop blaming himself.

Miss Night and Day: Episodes 11-12

Backing up a bit, we learn that Cheol-gyu was behind the van parked outside Mi-jin’s house. He sent a private investigator to tail Soon, but Soon was always going to a different house (Mi-jin’s house) instead of the one she has on her employee record (Ga-yeong’s house). The PI reports that the house belongs to Soon’s older sister (Mi-jin’s mom) and that whenever he loses sight of Soon, her niece (Mi-jin) appears. Cheol-gyu and the PI then theorize that Soon and Mi-jin are up to some clandestine activities. Thus Soon’s kidnap from Hwadong to find out what “both women” are plotting.

In the present, a restrained Soon wakes up in the basement storage at Hwadong, and this is the point where the drama reveals its biggest misdirection yet. It turns out that Cheol-gyu is not the big bad we assumed he is — he’s just a loving husband, heartbroken over his wife’s death. And no, he didn’t kill her. His wife went missing, and in the process of tracking her whereabouts, he visited the bank to request that they inform him about activities on her bank account. The real Soon, as we know, worked in Seohan bank, and since she was on friendly terms with Cheol-gyu back then, she attended to him when he came around.

Unfortunately, Cheol-gyu’s wife turned up dead — this is the body the police took out of that building in Ji-woong’s flashbacks — and Soon vanished. The PI — who has been in Cheol-gyu’s employ following his wife’s disappearance, and now tailing our heroine in the present — theorizes that Soon killed Mrs. Wife, and disappeared after she figured Cheol-gyu was on to her since he came to the bank. Wow! Did this PI even graduate from private investigator school? He has the worst theories, and Cheol-gyu stupidly swallows them all.

Over the years, a misguided Cheol-gyu searched for Soon in a bid to find out the truth about his wife’s death, and the PI finally picked up her scent after our heroine took over the Soon identity. As a major fentanyl supplier to the distribution ring nightclub, Cheol-gyu made a deal with one of their top goons to fetch Soon, and the goon in question sent Acid Assailant after her. When that failed, Cheol-gyu pulled in a favor with the mayor and came over to the prosecution office as an intern. Whoa! So much info dump, I’m almost dizzy. But at least we finally close the chapter on Acid Assailant’s original target.

In the present, Cheol-gyu rages at our Soon and demands to know what happened to his wife. Soon flat out admits that she is not who he thinks she is, and since it’s almost sunset, she claims she can prove it. But of all the days for her transformation to delay, it had to be today. Thankfully, Ji-woong barges into the basement storage before Cheol-gyu can do more damage. Soon finally transforms back to Mi-jin, but Cheol-gyu and Ji-woong are too engrossed in their fight to witness the transformation. In the end, Cheol-gyu is knocked out and Mi-jin is freed. Phew!

Miss Night and Day: Episodes 11-12

Cheol-gyu is taken into custody, but he invokes his right to silence because he is not about to be charged for kidnapping a Lee Mi-jin when the woman he kidnapped was clearly an Im Soon. Ji-woong and Myung-duk are puzzled as to why he insists he doesn’t know Mi-jin, and they’re frustrated because he won’t speak. Soon finesses her way into the interrogation room by playing the “maybe he will talk to me since we are colleagues” card, and she turns off the mic when she gets into the room.

Our heroine shows Cheol-gyu her Soon to Mi-jin transformation video (that Ga-yeong recorded back in week two), but Cheol-gyu doesn’t believe the “doctored” video. Next, Soon plays the “my aunt took me to get stitches from you when I was little and you told me I look like her” card, but that doesn’t work either. Out of cards, Soon tells Cheol-gyu that the person who killed his wife might have also killed her aunt, and she could be the next target because she’s a witness in AWOL intern’s case. She asks if Cheol-gyu has other suspects in mind for his wife’s murder aside from aunt Soon, but Cheol-gyu would rather hold his peace than speak now. Man probably needs time to process all of this.

But guess who is running out of time? It’s our heroine! Apparently, her delayed transformation at the basement storage was not new to her. The amount of time she spends as Soon after sunset is slowly increasing, which means there’s a high chance she could permanently remain as Soon. Oh dear!

Miss Night and Day: Episodes 11-12

Since we are not in a fairytale, kissing a prince is not an option for breaking the transformation curse. Mi-jin’s prince won’t even kiss her! Or maybe he will, since he has learned that Myung-duk was talking about Soon × Won. Lol. In any case, Ga-yeong reasons that maybe the transformation has nothing to do with the mysterious cat, and everything might end if they catch the culprit. So Mi-jin goes to the police station to give a witness statement.

The detective in charge of AWOL intern’s case calls to inform Ji-woong, and he races like a mad man to drag Mi-jin out of the precinct. She insists that her statement could help the investigation, and Ji-woong reminds her that he said he’ll catch the killer. “But you haven’t caught him yet,” Mi-jin replies, and Ji-woong deflates. Mi-jin admits that she wants to trust him, but she’s too scared. Then Ji-woong hugs her tight and re-promises to catch the killer. He’ll never let someone he cares about disappear again. “I’m sorry I was late,” he says. “I’m late in catching the culprit and in realizing my feelings for you.” Finally, we get the confession, and best of all, it comes with a kiss!

We’re back to square one with the murder mystery, but who cares about mystery when we’ve got romance, right? Our OTP’s ship has sailed, and Show is hinting at a Myung-duk × Ga-yeong pairing. And lest we keep assuming that Myung-duk is a married man, Show reveals that he fell victim to a marriage scam, and he’s legally and emotionally available to pursue a romance. Great!


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Thank you for the 🌄 and 🌃 recap. The screencaps are just perfect to capture this week's episodes.

The progess in communication and action by the OTP this week is commendable.

The who's dating who guessing game played by Ji-woong and Investigator Ju was such fun. Obviously clarity in communication is something one does not learn as a Prosecutor or Investigator respectively.

I am strangely drawn to Inspector Ju's charisma and am totally on board shipping him with Ga-yeong. This is such a fun twist.

As expected the time uri FL spends as Soon is increasing beyond sunset. Like Ga-yeong I hope the heavens will release her from this transformation when she catches the serial killer.

While not entirely blameless, the Hospital Director not being the serial killer was a surprise. Hardly a pleasant one nonetheless. Urgh ... this actor gives me creeps. Sorry Ajhusshi you're too good at your job. Guess with this my conspiracy theory of him being Ji-woong's father also deflates.


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Re: I am strangely drawn to Inspector Ju's charisma and am totally on board shipping him with Ga-yeong. This is such a fun twist.
YES!!! I ship them too! ❤❤ They are hilarious! and have screwball comedy energy


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I loved his reaction on being conned - I will be good to the new gf/wife and also his support and approval of Won × Soon - Love is not a crime. Both these moments earned a lifetime's worth of brownie points from me.
Ga-yeong of course has always been nothing but adorable.


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Actually Ju & Ga-young are BOTH my MVPs this week!

Ju: for "love is no crime" ( I mean, this guy is shipping Soon X Won so hard it's endearing)

GY: that scene when she just found out her bestie got kidnapped and her expression changed from poker face, to anger, to pain *sob* so good. We all need a bestie like her in our corner


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💯 She's winning the year-end Bestie award in the Roundups.


I wish Inspector Ju all the best, but I can't imagine him with FL's best friend at the moment.
Normally I would say that it won't come to that, but I've seen enough KDramas by now to suspect that the two of them will suddenly be thrown together in the end.


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Ordinarily the OTPs' best friends getting together is a good idea. I always thought Ga-yeong will end up with Won. Frankly Ju wasn't on my radar but I'll go with the flow. As rightly mentioned by you even without any further development they may indeed get randomly thrown together in the end.


Re: hospital director surprise: I actually feel differently

His anguish is emotionally affecting for me - it immediately recalls the same emotional devastation and lack of closure faced by loss survivors (Mi-Jin's grieving mom; a young Ji-Ung weeping for his mom). It's in these moments that the story shines and I care.
The romance? Pfft.


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True it was an interesting reveal and from a story point of view a trump card. Sadly I'm not too sold on the actor Ajhusshi.


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I find Hospital Director generally creepy too, but I’ve been in the camp of thinking that the show was laying the suspicions on a little thick, and he was a little too obviously up to something. I like this switch-up! It doesn’t let him off the hook - he’s still supplying drugs through the hospital, stalking, and kidnapping people, but he’s not our big bad. Doesn’t leave too many candidates for the killer though, does it?


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That is why I think it's a double bluff - that he'll ultimately be revealed to be the Big Bad all along and maybe he *is* the senior intern lying about his identity. 😂


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Yes, I'm wondering if it's a bluff because otherwise is the killer one of the other interns? If it is someone we know, then maybe it has to be an intern. I'd hate for it to the former police detective though. But I'm also still perplexed by how the director of a hospital with his own huge office, picture on the wall, and an assistant got a job as a senior intern at the prosecutor's office so that he could mop floors


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It is confusing. He is referred to as a former director but then how come he still has an office and so much pull in the hospital.

I too won't want it to be the police detective. 🤞


Also his wife was having affairs, so his having this all-consuming love for her is a bit weird. It's also weird that he blames the aunt rather than the man she was having affairs with. And what was his motivation for becoming a drug dealer?


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There was some mystery about what OG Soon saw in the bank book. I do think she knew about the director being a nefarious character.
Also the wife having an affair is only his story which may not even necessarily be true.


The numerous misdirection we are getting in the show are putting me off especially since this is supposed to be a fantasy romcom not a mystery thriller. And the fact that Ji-woong has no idea till now that Soon and Mi-jin are the same person while Won already knows doesn't help the situation at all. I got into the show anticipating Ji-woong's confusion over how similar the two women are. But it seems like the show has no plans to do this.


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💯 The genre descriptors are di confusing and misleading. 😐 😕

I too had hoped that uri Prosecutor-nim would be observant enough to at least remark upon the similarity between Mi-jin and Soon.


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Yeah...for a prosecutor, he is a bit slow on the uptake.🤣

Wassup with drama-land prosecutors in Q2/2024? We also have another one in another series whom all Beanies staunchly believe should have failed his civil servant exams lol


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To be fair at least Ji-woong is more than competent in his actual job.

I'm more forgiving of his romantic misadventures. That headbutt really messed up his Romeo brain.


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I agree. It seems clear they need to be investigating this bank connection


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Good to have the acid attack target and the medical director's motivation clarified- Good on anyone who got those right! Now assuming they don't give us someone left field for the baddy, Our possibilities are:

A Seo Mal Tae -detective I have struck him out because he has been shown in flashbacks and current day to be who he says he is. Of course, I could be wrong, and he could be corrupt.
B Na Ok Hui-Bystander (Society Lady, Nepotism Hire) We still don't have much information on her. Being a nepotism hire, its unlikely that she is hiding her real identity- whoever hired her knows who she is.
C Ko Na Heum-Victim (Soldier) dead body has been found
D Lim Sun (Our Heroine) We know its not her- though she is lying about who she is
E Geum Guad Sok-Suspect (oldest intern, referral hire) My pick for the bad guy. We are not given a lot of information about him, but he is around
F- Chief Prosecuter. He has had a few scenes, so he is a possibility. More Likely to just be being paid off though.

We also now know for sure that it's the Medical Director that is doing the fentanyl supplies- but he is just the provider, someone else is doing sales.


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Society lady is fishy indeed. I wonder what motivation can the drama come up with for her to be the serial killer. 🤔


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Society lady and annoying female prosecuter are similar enough to make me wonder if that is the nepotism relationship. Or maybe its just that I find both of them annoying...


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Oh! Good catch. Both are entitled little so-and-sos. You're on to something. 👌👏


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I have been wondering what the point of the female prosecutor is for a few episodes now. I also find her annoying (the way she left her drink behind for the senior intern to clean up!) and I can’t quite figure out what they are trying to make her role. A relation with the female senior intern would make sense at least!


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True. She was supposedly in college with Ji-woong and had an unrequited crush on him. Also she was handling the missing women case which was reassigned to him. So she's salty with him on at least two counts that we know. She is pretty unlikable. The entitled princess attitude is explained by her father owing a law firm.


Yeah I understand who she is, but I haven’t seen a reason for her to be in the story yet. Even the conflict with the case is barely a conflict because Ji-ung was always going to investigate it on his own time anyway. Oh well. Hopefully they make her relevant or let her fade into the background soon! I wonder how she’ll make good on her threat.


@jls943 I did think initially that she's being set us as the 2FL but if not that guess she somehow fits into the villain gang.


This week's curveballs are delightful, and my illegal betting pool on who is the murderer is *back* in business! 🤣

1. Firstly, screw the ROM. I can breezily jettison the deadweight overboard and my ship will still sail -- cos I have COM and SERIAL MURDERS as narrative twin engines! Whee! 🚢🚢

2. One of the senior interns is definitely a mastermind -- that line in Ep 11: "Often the one you least suspect turns out to be the perpetrator." At that scene, only 3 of the interns are present (cos Cheol-gyu was absent for days then)

3. I think it's the Society Lady. My theory is a wee wild but just hear me out: We now have the seeded idea that eventually your "older persona" will take over and swallow you up like some rapacious winter solstice IF you cannot find that cure to the curse.

Society Lady might actually be one of these transformed types that got stuck in the perpetual Miss Day mode (hence senior). It would be cray cray IF she were actually the "missing" adulterous wife of Cheol-gyu! Her lover also supposedly went missing...hmm

4. I wonder if Cheol-gyu decides to be a fentanyl supplier cos it is him playing a long game to try to find out who exactly is the mastermind behind this string of serial missing persons (not sure if new reports in mass media would actually include a detail like fentanyl being found in the bloodstream of all the dismembered victims)

Also, it gets a bit muddled now (or maybe just the evils of casual watching lol) -- cos we have BOTH missing persons AND dismembered/dead victims found with fentanyl -- is one a subset of the other? or two separate crime trails committed in proximity to create confusion and throw off the investigations? (remember in Tunnel: we eventually realise there are actually not one but two serial murderers)


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Wasn't it Cheol-gyu's wife that was found in the motel though? Prosecuters mum's body and Lim Soon's body are the ones who have not been found
(I bet the curse disappears when we find Lim Soons body)
I agree, the Com and the Mystery is much more exciting than the Rom. I don't find men who want Mother figures at all attractive, so JW seeing his mom when MJ was there helping when he was sick was a turn-off for me as far as Rom goes. (Worked as a story line, not complaining, just explaining)


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actually, I was a bit creeped by that scene with him seeing Mi-Jin as his mom (I was like, oh no, not another Oedipal complex trope)

Was his wife found? Then it's just the lover who was missing. (truly, the evils of casual watching!) ok crackpot theory goes belly-up there 🤣


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So it wasn’t me! I thought I was the only thinking “Mi-Jin reminding him of his mom isn’t as romantic you think, Show!”


You're right. An OTP viewing their love interest though Odiepal and / or Electra lens is a major turn off.

I appreciate it as a story beat but doesn't mean I have to like it. 😜


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I actually didn’t mind it. I saw it as him remembering the only other time in his life when someone cared about him enough to take care of him. So not so much seeing Mi-jin as his mom, but seeing her as someone who worried about him and dropped by to help him and make sure he was okay.


@jls943 Ah! I think that makes more sense. Thank you for your perspective.


Obviously she hadn't been a very caring mother from what we have seen of her but it makes sense for Ji-woong to cling on to a few happy memories of them being together.


I think Ji ung has had very few (women) in his life who showed TLC. So he was remembering an incident where someone else showed kindness and paid him attention.


That makes sense. I like this focus on the caring.


Yes, I didn't find that very appealing either. When I watched the episode again, I simply skipped this sequence and tried to erase it from my memory.


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Me too. When he saw his mom there, I immediately thought, ugh this is a turn-off. I don't want him to like her because he wants a mother figure.


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Okay so let the betting guessing begin.

1. I'm in the liking ROM business. Not sure if it is because I like Choi Jin-hyuk and can't get his winking with floating golden hearts around his head out of my mind or what but for me Ji-woong x Mi-jin ship is an important narrative driver.

2. I almost thought then alleged suspect is the former Detective himself - who said this line.

3. I'm 💯 on board this theory. Her actions hardly behove an elderly lady. Although I doubt she's the Hospital Director's wife. Then won't she have been even more elderly.

4. Is there any other reason apart from greed to become a drug peddler. Yes if you want to hide your secret serial killing side gig. I still think the drama is playing a round of double bluff and the Director nim is indeed the serial killer.

There is definitely someone else involved but Hospital Director is a bit part of this. Assuredly.


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"I still think the drama is playing a round of double bluff and the Director nim is indeed the serial killer." Highly likely. The club and the hospital are intertwined.


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Na Ok Hui- a. She acts more like a 20 year old than the mature jobhunting weary Mi-jin. We've never seen her too late at night either.
b. Her temper and love of make up is too similar to Ji-woong's mom. The mom might have run away and the blood spray could have easily been just a struggle. In the flashbacks the mom looks at her son before bursting into tears and was wearing the huge oversized ring he gifted her when she called him and looked like she was at a bus station. We don't know her full name yet(the torn page was not his mom but Baek's wife) and she could have got a fake ID or gotten married in all those years. Or back to point a. this Na intern is his half sister who is also aging up. Ji-woong didn't see her yet and he didn't recognise Mal-tae either since he didn't look at him directly.

The mom brings to mind whatever was going on with the coffee dabang. The two dads seemed to have lost money there and a runaway could have cleaned them out just as Joo's fiance. Baek and the PI also met and discussed everything in the coffee dabang. Or that coffee dabang has been running a extortion racket for years.

Lim Soon- the original aunt seems very startled to see something in the bankbook. Either the missing women case was a hot topic and she recognised the pattern and confronted someone or called the police. Or she really was involved indirectly and had to run when she confronted the ones involved. Or she's the Park Jong-bae of this drama(or that will be Joo). I also wonder if she is the biological mother of Mi-jin but that brings up a Luke and Leia probability for the leads.

Soldier intern- I still have doubts about his death and everything. After all a call was enough to get rid of one the hires but not enough to kill him. Was he really a good guy? Is he really dead? What if his daughter is in on it too?

The doctor's wife's autopsy result was the one torn in the police reports. The police definitely are suspicious in both this and the mom's disappearance. It had to be someone who could have access which would be wider however including the prosecution and higher ups. The motel friend need not have been an affair and is most likely absconding. Or will turn up in Ji-woong's walls. The PI should be suspicious too except he is too insignificant.


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They found soldier intern's body didn't they? Now I'm getting confused :)


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I'm going full paranoia considering we had many fakeouts on basis If the daughter's in too. She can misidentify the body? Its too fortuitous he dies when he needn't have and its his leg that got cut off by the axe when he has a bad leg. We also see a woman fleeing the murderer with no explanation. Previously thought that it was to get the director a spot but if he called the Mayor, it would be easy to just hold that intern captive under the hospital or something. It could have been an accident too say fell into the river on his own becuase of his bad leg. So maybe he was trying to save that woman on his way home but both got killed? The killer takes out some dead body or piece wrapped in tarp. Also the killer has his stick I think I saw it in one of the scenes but we found his whole body with nothing else missing again since nothing much was said in the actual report.


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Yes, I'm so confused because we saw a woman fleeing the murderer. And a body in tarp was removed. I was surprised when they found the body in the reservoir because we saw the body being removed. I hope the show really wraps this all up well.


Oh I like your theory that his mom is the older lady who is so into makeup and her beauty. And maybe she fell into well and aged up. But she doesn't seem to have any interest in Choi Jin-hyuk.
I think maybe the former soldier intern overheard something and that's why he was killed. Because it didn't make sense to kill him just so the medical director could get his job. (As mentioned before, I don't think it makes any sense that a medical director has that job, but if he got it through connections, then they can always add him without him needing to kill another intern off).


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I think we are likely facing a sudden new character as the hidden bad guy. Probably daddy-lawyer of the junior prosecutor or the police chief from a long time ago. He did mysteriously get into a car crash and prevent the detective from taking a crucial witness statement. And, junior prosecutor had the case originally assigned to her (maybe because her father wanted inside information on the case!)


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Detective could be corrupt because there seems to be someone on the inside in the police/jail department - someone got to mom when she wanted to confess. And the acid guy was killed in the jail. (Was the medical director in on that?)
Geum Gad Sok - did he have some involvement with the bank? Two of the women missing (aunt and prosecutor's mom) saw something related to the bank.


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I am so happy they made both the OTP ship and criminal activities plots move these 2 episodes. Low key but as Unit writes, we will take whatever crumbs we get. We get a confession and a kiss! Mr.Prosecutor still not catching onto the Soon/Mi-jin is doing his role no good. Ep 12 had half a dozen scenes with Mijin and her hurt wrist and when Soon turns up with the exact wounds, Ji-ung doesn't suspect her? Duh! I wish they had let on Mr.Ju's being scammed a little earlier to develop the Ju-Ga Yeoung couple. The humor from the misunderstanding between Ji-ung and Mr.Ju on Im Soon x Won was fun. Also the scene where the fathers where hanging onto Ji-ung to protect themselves from avenging Mom. The fentanyl in dismembered bodies is important I think; it has been emphasised a few times. I am still miffed they have kept back the Big Reveal from Ji-ung. Surely knowing about Ms.Document and Day would be more useful to the prosecutors, in tracking the serial killer and probably lift the curse.


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I would not be suprised if Mr Prosecuter never finds out. It would be very awkward to find out that the girl he is dating is working in his office as an older woman.
On the other hand, if he does find out, we could have the Investigator being horrified by Lim Soon and JW instead of Soon and Won!


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In the interviews CJH did say his character will turn idiot at some point. This reminds me very much of Behind Your Touch. Since the FLs is the main character they will be the ones actually solving the case at the expense of everyone getting the Lestrade treatment. Nonetheless its not as if someone who says he does not believe in the supernatural will come to the conclusion that the supernatural is the obvious answer. Even the doctor didn't even after seeing proof because theres a non-supernatural explanation for everything else. So in reality his character makes sense so far as he is not retconned like Mr marriage fraud. His bigger failing is facing the consequences of not trusting the police and thinking he can do it all alone and going back to the idea once she was safe.

Rowon saw her transform in the flesh. The biggest question is how has half the town not? She does it outside almost all the times. The chicken place, the road she takes, the police station? Theres CCTVs everywhere too. They won't because of plot but the CCTV at the hospital would show them Lim Sun was abducted while Lee Mijin recovered as hostage. From the previews next week her parents find the old lady again and call the cops and from the trailer ML keeps calling out ma'am in the police station while standing with the parents, all in the same outfit as the preview. Will ML tell them her name not knowing the missing aunt was also Lim Sun thinking it is Gayoung's aunt whom Mijin knows too? Isn't that too painful? And what happens to the real Lim Sun? Her niece is living her life and if she was a victim of a crime how will they get justice without maligning the aunt or the other way around that some woman stole her identity and will disappear as the villain. They are all standing on a mountain of lies and bad decisions they have all spun and the consequences keep piling to burst someday.


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I was actually hoping that FL and ML wouldn't get together until ML knew FL's secret, but whatever, I'll just look forward to the hijinks to come.
By the way, I don't find it strange that ML hasn't figured out yet that both FLs are one and the same person. Who would ever think of someone getting several decades older during the day? Especially since ML is someone who mainly refers to data and facts. He won't believe it until he sees it with his own eyes.
As a slow burn fan, I'm not mad that it took until episode 12 for FL and ML to get together. I like the tension and the tension beforehand and how the protagonists slowly realise their feelings. If they get together too soon, I usually lose interest quickly afterwards.

FL's dad is the best. It's heart-warming to see how he unconditionally supports his daughter.
The other supporting characters are also great. Starting with the inspector, who supports both FL's romances, even if he was quite wrong about Miss Day.
And bestie is indeed a best friend.


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I’m not surprised that Ji-ung doesn’t suspect either - there’s no way I ever would! Won only figured it out because he saw her transform on her bike that day and then stalked her to confirm. I’m hoping Mi-jin has a chance to tell/show him before he finds out by accident.

I also wasn’t mad that we didn’t get a confession until the end of this week, especially since we did get lots of scenes of our leads obviously caring about each other throughout these two episodes. So sweet. We know that Ji-ung is Not Good At Words, but he finally found them and I’m so glad. Also glad that Won was more of a minor player this week, so that I can be less annoyed with him 😉


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Those little scenes of the OTP were really meaningful. Like how she automatically passed him water and patted his back when her mother mentioned the soup she made and then him passing her her glass of water when she asked what were they celebrating. These little touches show their growing bond and warm the cockles of this fangirl's heart.


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Yes, the little scenes were well done. The back patting at dinner. Mi jin telling Jiung not to beat the director to pulp. Her impulsive hug when he untied her hand out of sheer relief. The tea gifting was cute too. Her way of saying
that she wants to trust but is in terror at the police station . All well done.


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Frankly I liked these little moments more and am glad that they had a connection before the kiss. 😅🤭


Yes, I had a pretty stupid grin on my face during all these scenes.

And I noticed how he worriedly asks Lim Sun if everything is okay with her. It shows how far he's come and that he actually has a soft heart.


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Even earlier when he was trying to get rid of her and Lim Sun walked into a door he inadvertently said Gwaenchanha but then stopped himself. Now of course he genuinely cares about her. You're 💯 right about him being soft-hearted.


I loved the skinship in this pair of episodes. I loved how they hugged each other both when she was rescued and when he comforted her at the police station. It was a full body, lean into it, hug. To me, those are as good if not better than a kiss.


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🫶 💯 agree. 👌


Or how she touches the cut on his cheek in hospital.
I don't think we need to worry about the two of them suddenly developing a fear of physical closeness in the next episodes and acting like immature teenagers.


It is a K-drama after all @Nefret.
Never say never. 🤣🤣🤣

But I do hope we continue on the mature train. 🤞


Oh no, now you've scared me.
(I realise that I'm getting more and more fed up when adults behave like children).


No, no @Nefret I didn't mean to scare you! 😅

I understand aegyo has nothing to do with age in Korea. But still, 30 plus actors playing high-schoolers or even if they are playing their age then displaying lack of sexual maturity can be rather off-putting.


Ga Yeong crying for Min Ji the way she did was my favorite part. I cried too. It was genuinely the sweetest thing. Ko Won sad sack brief appearance and disappearance was so weird, he vanished from the show except to show up for 5 second increments. Also finally a KISS. That was long coming and they are adorable, I hope they keep this up for at least the next episode.


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I know. I love their bestie relationship. And "Ko wan's sad sack brief appearance and disappearance" describes it so well.


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I didn't specially like how our Prosecutor laughed when he was imagining Lim Sun with Ko Won. It's why I like Ko Won, it's above that!

For the murderer... I don't really care.


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@kurama you nail it right! That's why I'm still not opened up for the ML aka our tight face Prosecutor while Ko Won is terrifyingly 😂 sweet for being sweet to Lim Sun.


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He laughed out of relief because it means Mi-jin isn't with Ko-won, so he doesn't have to be jealous anymore and the way is clear for him.


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I thought he was laughing out of relief and happiness that Ko Won was not with Mi-jin. Not that he was laughing at Lim Sun with Ko Won.


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I was wondering how this drama could fill the remaining 4 episodes. Now I know. I was actually invested with the mystery this time. The twist with Cheol Gyu was unexpected, but I like it. He was shown too early to be the main culprit.

I like the idea that Mi Jin's transformation is related to her Aunt's disappearance and solving this mystery.

It was sweet seeing Mi Jin's parents again. They were missed last week. I teared up when she did after her father's words of support and pride.

Glad to see some movement on the romance front too. Want more though! Feels like this stage will be short. > 3<


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The parents were so missed last week! I need a gif of Mi-jin and her dad grinning at each other; they were so adorable!

Am I the only one who has a sneaking suspicion that Mi-jin might have a birth secret? I keep thinking they are making too much of the fact that she looked like her Aunt Soon. That could be another way to fill the episodes if it turns out to be something.


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When was that? Time stamp?

Ooh, that is possible! O:


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Somewhere around minute 29 of episode 12. Mi-jin has just come back inside after Ji-ung’s tea delivery and is cutely happy, and her mom wants to know if “anything else” happened. 😂 Her dad comes to their defense and says that he likes tea, and Mi-jin agrees, and then they flash the best smiles at one another!


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Yess, that was a cute father & daughter moment!

Gif here ^^


Okay, this drama was totally losing me, but it's won me back over now. The red herring actually tricked me for once! Now i really need to know what's going on and who the real culprit is. And Ji-ung FINALLY acted like a male lead. Not gonna lie, I rewound that scene where he took a glass bottle on the head for Mi-jin--that was very swoon-worthy.


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Thanks for the recap.

I was so on-board last week because of the hilarious misunderstandings that started with the palm kiss. But, I am very disappointed with the development this week.

Re: the murderer
Our main suspect is as many of us suspected a red herring. And, there is no logical secondary suspect in the current cast. My best current guess is that the suspect will turn out to be the lover of the dead wife of the hospital director. And, my lead suspect for that person is the father-lawyer of the junior prosecutor who was originally assigned to the missing person.

Re: the romance
I like how Ji Woong's personality and persistence in keeping promises is what drives the OTP together. As a try-hard myself, this is one of the things that draws me to kdramas. Try hards are usually rewarded for their efforts. However, you already told us this two episodes ago after we learned that Ji Woong wants to believe that his mother kept her promise. I feel that the decision to be so explicit with the promise thing was overkill.

Speaking of overkill, I am not a fan of the Ga Young - Inspector Ju coupling. This is more fluff that has nothing to do with the main story. I don't really get why they are putting it in. Is this supposed to be another May-December romance? I was hoping to ship Ga Young with Ko Won. There is something about Ga Young that makes me interested. I can't say the same for Inspector Ju.

Finally, I agree with everyone who said the best thing this week was Mi Jin's interaction with her father. It was really cute. I like this actor much better as a father than an investigator.


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I wanted to ship Ga Young with Ko Won too. I want Ko Won to have a happy ending too. I love that he has no shame about openly bringing coffee to a woman 20 years senior :)


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That would at least explain why the junior prosecutor is there.


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Thanks for the recap! I cannot say I'm pleased about the hints of a Myung-duk × Ga-yeong pairing. If your best friend is close to an idol who really needs a down-to-earth girlfriend, you should get to have a date with the idol, not a guy who looks like he's 10 or 15 years older than you are. (The actors are actually 13 years apart.) Plus the character is a dork and not very charming. I don't feel like the best friend is a match for him.

I want to find out who is meant in the anonymous notes about the senior intern who isn't whom they appear to be. I think it's going to be the super feminine lady. I am still enjoying this show! I do love mysteries.


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I'm really enjoying this show. I'm totally into the mystery and I love all the moments between the main couple. And I love the moments with the parents and the bestie! I want a happy ending for Won too.


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I am one of those watching this show for the mystery. The romance is still bland and the ML not even caring that his senior intern was missing and could be in danger is a disappointment. Sure, he was worried about Mijin and lucky for him Mijin is also his senior intern but what if they were different people? And he still dont know about the secret which means he totally ignored his employee. No one even bothered until she showed up the next day.


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Have to say, I'm gettin' real tired of the lies and deception, particularly where life and death are concerned. It's a bit ridiculous and certainly frustrating.


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