Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6

This week, our heroine learns that she has a competitive side to her, and she’s prone to making mistakes. But the good thing is that she always learns from her mistakes and in reflection, strives to be better. But then, being competitive might not necessarily be a bad thing as it also shows that she cares about her clients, and she is willing to go to major lengths to ensure that they win, especially when it’s for a good cause.


Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6

Min-woo’s bias against Young-woo carries on to this week, and until the last minute, it “slips his mind” to inform her that they have been jointly assigned to work on a case. Their client is suing a rival company for stealing their ATM technology, and it makes for a very interesting case as the lawyers assigned to it are also rivals. Min-woo and Young-woo are both on a one-year contract with Hanbada, and the race is on to see whose contract gets renewed. So although they’re both on the case, Min-woo has no intention of sharing the spotlight with Young-woo.

At the first court appearance, the opposing lawyer argues that the technology already exists and a third company was the first to use it in the Korean market – although this company has now folded. But Hanbada’s client insists that the technology is theirs, and it’s difficult to prove who is right.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6

Young-woo is not convinced that their client is telling the truth, just as she can’t tell if Geu-ra-mi is being truthful when she tells Young-woo that Jun-ho likes her. But it’s obviously true, considering Jun-ho’s semi-aggressive style of playing basketball with his roommate, Min-woo, when he discovers Min-woo’s dismal treatment of Young-woo on the case. Heh.

To help Young-woo spot the difference between lies and truth, Jun-ho offers to play the role of their client and says she should ask him some questions. But Young-woo’s first question is the Geu-ra-mi inspired “Does Lee Jun-ho like Woo Young-woo?” Lol. Jun-ho is taken aback, but he manages to diffuse the tension by saying the question may be a bit difficult for “the client” to answer. Aish! Hiding behind a character to avoid answering a very obvious question? That’s definitely one of the cons of roleplay!

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6

As a plan B, Young-woo is armed with the theory of detecting lies through body language; from unstable eyebrows, to quivers of the hands and legs. But when they arrive at the client’s factory, they find out he got into an accident and now has injuries on those three body parts! Lol. All hope is not lost though, as his R&D manager visibly exhibits all the telltale signs of lying when Young-woo questions him about the technology.

To substantiate their claim, Young-woo coaches the R&D manager to become a reference witness. And as a former theater actor, the manager puts up such a spectacular show in court, that even I’m almost convinced that the technology is really theirs. Thus, the court issues an injunction against the rival company, preventing them from selling their products.

The rival company eventually finds an ATM from the defunct company which proves that the technology already existed before Hanbada’s client “developed” theirs. Unfortunately, Hanbada’s client already won supply contracts with all the banks while the injunction was on, so the eventual cancellation of the injunction doesn’t affect them. And Young-woo belatedly realizes that this was their plan all along.

In retrospect, Young-woo admits that although she knew the truth – something Min-woo also pointed out earlier – she turned a blind eye to it because she wanted to win. And as it dawns on her that she had chosen competence over her honor as an attorney, shame washes over her.

This drama keeps surprising me in the best possible ways, because it’s so easy to make Young-woo a kind of moral compass who does no wrong. But here we see her as a flawed character who also makes mistakes. I really liked that it was at the moment when Young-woo was trying to prove that Min-woo is a tactician, that she realized that she’s not so different herself. Who knew her rival could come in handy as a mirror of self reflection?

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6

Speaking of rivalry, we learn that the Taesan CEO has become a candidate for minister of justice, but there’s a rumor about her having a child out of wedlock. CEO Tae laughs it off and says it’s probably just someone who looks like her. (Didn’t we learn last week that CEO Han thinks Young-woo looks so much like her mother?) But though CEO Tae denies the rumor, her facial expression tells a different story. Hmmmm.

This opens up to our next case, where a North Korean defector is charged with injury resulting from robbery, and she has to leave her daughter at an orphanage pending the time she’s released from prison. An overly passionate Su-yeon is in charge of this case, and Myeong-seok tasks Young-woo to work with her, so that she can calm Su-yeon down and prevent her from getting too emotionally invested in the case. I mean, Su-yeon is already in an “unnie-dongsaeng” relationship with the defendant.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6

The defendant and a friend of hers had gone to collect her money from a debtor, and from the bruising on the debtor’s face, it’s obvious that she was a victim of domestic abuse. But the defendant and her friend caused such a ruckus that the landlady had to call the police. And while her friend had shown up for the trial and received a four year sentence for the victim’s injuries, the defendant had fled.

But the only reason she fled was because there was no one else to raise her three-year-old daughter who would have forgotten her if she had gone to prison at that time. But now that her daughter is eight and able to remember her face, she has turned herself in. Her maternal instincts remind Young-woo of a mother whale, and Young-woo declares that rather than a four-year sentence, they will get probation for the defendant. Welp, look who is now emotionally invested in the case herself!

Jun-ho, on the other hand, is emotionally invested in Young-woo, and he drunk-admits to Min-woo that he likes someone in the office. He even gets slightly upset when Min-woo doesn’t even consider Young-woo to be among the potential candidates of his affection. Awww. My man has fallen so hard, and I’m going to need him to never get up again lol.

Meanwhile, as Young-woo and Su-yeon continue with their case, they summon the robbery victim as a witness in the current trial to testify that her injuries at the time of the incident were from her husband’s assault and not from the defendant, but she claims to not remember.

The doctor who gave the diagnosis on her injuries in the first trial is also called in as a witness, and he maintains that the injuries were caused by the defendant. But he does nothing to hide his bias against North Koreans, and the jury’s opinion sways towards the defendant.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6

Unfortunately, the doctor is also an executive of a group of doctors who are clients at Hanbada, and they take their business elsewhere after lawyers from Hanbada put him on the stand. And while it’s good riddance for me, it’s bad business for the firm, and Myeong-seok gets the flak for not reeling his rookies in. Young-woo and Su-yeon are apologetic, but as the cool boss that Myeong-seok is, he tells them not to worry and to do their best on the case regardless.

But despite their best efforts to exonerate the defendant, she insists that she went to the victim’s house with the intention of getting her money back at all costs, and her case is pretty much sealed. The judge calls for a recess to give the jury time to reach a decision, and that’s when Young-woo comes up with the claim that the defendant cannot be charged with injury resulting from robbery because she didn’t get the money.

Young-woo and Su-yeon try to convince the judge to resume the hearing, but he refuses their request even after Young-woo pleads with him to take the defendant’s situation with her daughter into consideration. And outside the court, as Young-woo reflects on the maternal instincts of mother whales, she rhetorically wonders if her mother wouldn’t have abandoned her were she to be a whale.

The jury comes to a unanimous decision on a four-year sentence for the defendant, but she is sentenced to probation as per the judge’s ruling. One of his reasons for this ruling is the defendant’s confession of her crime – which is the most basic reason for mitigation, and the rookie lawyers cannot believe they forgot that! Talk about being too focused on the big picture and overlooking what is hiding in plain sight. Heh.

To celebrate their win, Young-woo and Su-yeon go shopping, and CEO Tae is a customer at one of the shops they visit. And though they don’t see each other, we see that just like Young-woo, CEO Tae also has the habit of organizing and lining things up properly…

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6

It’s interesting how with each case we learn something new about Young-woo, just as she learns something new about herself, and it’s only a matter of time before she finds out who her mother is. I mean, at this point, the drama has all but admitted that Young-woo and CEO Tae are connected, right?

But for now, rather than worry about how Young-woo will deal with issues regarding her mother, I will just bask in the euphoria of a love-smitten Jun-ho, and eagerly wait for next week’s episodes to see how my ship will sail.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Episodes 5-6


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I had tears in my eyes when Young-woo called Su-yeon spring sunshine.
At the beginning of the series I still thought that Su-yeon would just be the jealous colleague, but the friendship that develops is all the more beautiful.


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Me too. I ended up watching that scene a few times because it was just SO good. Su-yeon realising how Young-woo thought of her since law school just hit me RIGHT in the feels. And it’s probably one of my favourite parts of the show how they are subverting some of the basic tropes.


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Me too but I think that it was all the more meaningful because Su-yeon knows that Young-woo does not lie or flatter. Instead, she was given a beautifully poetic description of herself. Su-yeon will never see herself in the same way- she will never again think of herself as just average: Her self-image changed in a wonderfully positive way.


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it was such a beautiful moment. not just youngwoo's words in itself, but I think suyeon finally realized that everything she did and still does for youngwoo don't go unnoticed, that YW is not oblivious to anything. she knows, appreciates, and will always have her as a good friend bcs of that.


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"My man has fallen so hard, and I’m going to need him to never get up again" x100 yes to this!!!


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they are already talking about other things besides whales when they're together <3 also WYW """correcting""" geurami saying the handsome guy is lee junho lol

kang taeoh was not lying when he said that this character was all about acting the subtle, small expressions and looks. and he's killing it. (small note: I think its funny how park eunbin has already acted with 2 of 5 guys from 5urprise, that actor-idol group fom fantagio. and I can totally see her working with seo kangjoon and gong myung in the future)

in ep 6's case of the week, I loved how they showed the different aspects to attorney choi and youngwoo with their """trial style"". the show didn't say one is good or bad, but just two different ways to achieve your goals. and the story itself made me wonder if part of youngwoo's fascination with whales has something to do with the whole thing with her mother.

we didn't get a lot of OTP moments together, but there was obvious development on that front with junho's basically realizing/accepting that he likes her. I'm super curious to see this happening with youngwoo and it looks like we will get that soon considering the previews. and that annyoying friend will have the shock of his life when he finally finds out lol

extraordinary woo has everything to be one of my all-time favorite korean dramas, with misaeng, I think. don't wanna jinx it, but I'm already too invested in everything that it's difficult to see anything that could make a u-turn in my enjoyment tbh. maybe the mom storyline, but for now the writers have shown they have enough sensibility to develop the storylines so I'm confident it will be well done.

huge congrats to everyone involved in making this drama happen! so happy to see the huge jump they got in ratings and wishing even more bcs good and well done work always deserve recognition.


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About 5urprise, Park Eun-bin had an appearance in ep 18 of Entertainer and Gong Myung was in one of her scenes so I guess that makes it 3 guys haha


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Wait, who’s the 5urprise member other than Kang Tae-oh that Park Eun-bin previously acted with?


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she did "father I will take care of you", a weekend drama, with lee taehwan.


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Haven’t watched that one so I had no idea they starred in it together. Thanks for the info.


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I cried so much when young woo said that if she would have been a baby whale, her mother would have not abandoned her... ohh my heart... I was not abandoned as a child, but my mother treated me so bad, I remember I had fantasies about suddenly being adopted... I wish I could have been adopted... I still wish I could have even now.
More terrible than being abandoned is to have a child next to you, and hate that child for no reason, ascend mistreat that child as to cause him/her so much psychological damage, that it destroys his/her whole self-esteem... that's what happened to me... And the child inside of me still cries for that, even now.
If I would have been a baby whale...

On a brighter side, I love Jun-ho soooo much! My dog's name is also Jun-ho 😍🐕
I love my baby!
Pity we didn't see so much of Jun-ho through these two episodes, but I hope he will confess very soon!!!
I know this show is not focused on the romance, but I need a little bit of romance anyways!
Come on, show... young woo can be an excellent attorney and yet have a boyfriend 😅😅😅😅


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@javinne: I’m sorry for your enduring pain and sorrow. Some individuals are not equipped to be parents so please try and remember that it wasn’t your fault. I hope you are willing and able to go to therapy to try and make yourself stronger so that it would hurt much less in future. I send you my best wishes. Fighting!


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Thank you! Yes, I have done lots of therapy, and that's why I can consider myself a human being! 😂😂😂
Actually, it was my therapist who introduce me to Kdramas, LOL... we watch together once in a while...

I have a good relationship with my siblings and my dad; my mother who was evil is dead already, so... that's history.
Of course, when you have trauma, bad feelings come back again, but I am still working on myself, so that I can be stronger, like you said.
Also: I have lots of good friends, who are wonderful people in my life. They teach me good things.
Thank you again.


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@javinne: I’m glad. Please keep looking after yourself and stay surrounded by love, compassion and support.
Also, what a cool therapist!


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Sending you lots of love, @javinne


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I really liked the case of the episode 5. Being a lawyer means to work for your clients. Neither Min-Woo, neither Young-Woo can choose their clients, they're only employee. So it's frustrating because they know that their client is lying but in the same time, they can't do anything about it.

Min-Woo was a jerk to not tell her about their case. But after that he was pretty honest with her, he wants the job. But he should be careful because his petty competition could harm the client. I think Min-Woo brings the harsh reality in Young-Woo's world.

It was nice to see in the second the opposite with Su-Yeon and Young-Woo bonding to help their client. The "whoa whoa" didn't really work :p I hope Su-Yeon won't change because she's jealous of Jun-Ho's love for Young-Woo.

So I thought the CEO Tae Su-Mi could be the mother of Jun-Ho, I guess I was wrong, I don't see the story becoming a makjang 😅

Jun-Ho is kinda a mystery for now. But I love every scene they share!


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@kurama: In common law countries, lawyers have obligations not to coach their witnesses and not to mislead the court. Even though some lawyers breach these obligations without being caught and hence sanctioned, these are still ethical breaches. Technically, Youngoo coached their witness and unless the ethical obligations of Korean lawyers practising in Seoul are different in this regard, that would be a big no no.


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I thought SK's law system was civil law, no?


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@ladylynx: It is. I was just referring to these obligations in case they are parallel to the relevant ethical obligations of Sk’n lawyers.


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You can prepare your witness but not giving him the answers to the questions.

In this case, I don't think she coached the witness but implicitly told him if he lied, he won't be punished.


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That is pretty close to coaching!


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I don't think Seo yeon is gonna be jealous because I think she knows.

When they were outside the house and the married couple came out fighting, both of them put their arm out to push back Young woo. Seo yeon noticed that.

She might have believed it a bit when Min hoo said something but she figured it out in that instance.


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I don't know, for me, she thought he was protecting her too.

But I really hope you're right!


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Who else knew ki young idea of making woo young the peace maker was gonna backfire,I knew she was going to get more invested than su yeon, and I actually stand corrected,I was totally expecting su yeon to be a 'bitch', but seeing her all protective of woo young? That was all shades of nice


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oh another thing... I would love to know other beanies opinion about the deleted scene that korea twitter (???) account shared? I mean.. I loved the scene and I can understand why they would delete it to keep the mood for the end of episode 5, but I dont understand the decision to share it with the audience considering the storyline decisions they did about junho's present in itself. I think it makes us a bit confused in a way lol


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The scene is sweet, I guess this is the reason Twitter Korea (and NOT ENA) share the scene to the public. However, the scene does't match the mood of the whole scenario, that's why it is not in the final version.

This is what I think.


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yeah, that sequence ending with YW changing the sunflower frame with the letter was the right fit. I just dont understand how this acc got the scene in the first place if the drama itself decided it was not the direction to go lol I get sharing small bits as fanservice but this one goes against the storyline (YW saying she threw the gift out lol). its just left me confused, but I loved seeing bcs it's indeed a really sweet one.


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Was the item product placement? I can imagine that it would be awkward accepting money for a placement, filming it, and then… it doesn’t appear.

If they release it as a BTS cut, that might partially cover the fees.


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I dont think it was a PP bcs it would usually show the brand name pretty clearly? I dont think we get that, not even when junho was buying the present. but I could just not be paying attention LOL I hope it's not bcs that would be a problem for sure


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I wonder if it will come back in a later episode. My first thought was she misunderstood what Jun Ho meant by present and binned something else unrelated. I don't see why Yeong Woo would toss it out without opening the box.


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thats what I'm most curious about. how this scene might get into the storyline now. if it was a thread the writers didnt want anymore, why would they release it? its not just a cute scene that was edited out, it has something that contradicts a character's statement. really intrigued if we will find out that YW has junho's present all this time and this was kinda of a hint to it lol


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I agree with you. I'm hoping they come back to it (like maybe she got the gift back after learning it was from Junho), otherwise releasing that scene doesn't make sense.


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Where can I watch this deleted scene???


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I'm actually watching the episode right now and I noticed that when YW removes the sunflower and keeps it back in the bag, you can briefly see what looks like the package JH left for her in the bin, so it seems like the idea was that she had thrown it into the dustbin, but hadn't actually cleared the trash yet? It's a bit strange tho since it should be a few days since she returned to work already...


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Ahhh so many amazing moments this week!
I didn't care much for the court case in ep 5, but I did care A LOT about what it represented for Young-woo. The metaphor with the sunflower was hardly subtle, but I still got teary-eyed when YW took it down and replaced it with the letter, deciding what kind of lawyer she wanted to be 🥺

My other favorite moment was Spring Sunshine Su-yeon getting her nickname, and if you say you didn't tear up - stop lying, it's not nice 😤

Our OTP didn't get a lot of screentime this week but what we did get was meaningful; Jun-ho stopping himself from physically comforting YW and respecting her boudaries had me clutching my chest. The yearning!! It hurts so good!!

Side note: there is a deleted scene of YW opening JH's present! It's delightful. Link: https://mobile.twitter.com/twitterkorea/status/1547506189205852160?s=21&t=rh07EQ3FJBF0xse5GxHibQ

This show has me in a chokehold, y'all. I hope it never lets go ❤️


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Loving this show and its nuanced writing. That the "Woah woah" team forgot about confession being a mitigating act and acknowledging the experienced wisdom of the judge (who was previously written as a snobby schmuck).
Getting a dum, dah, dum dum feeling about CEO Tae referring to her son twice now. Oh, please don't go to the birth secret place with our OTP.
Honestly though, wouldn't a step-brother be better for Woo-young than a boyfriend?


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I think the drama already crossed the line/moment to make their relationship a friendship lol going back now would just be really weird in my opinion.


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If it wasn't for Min woo's bias, he would have noticed Jun ho's eyes going melty for Young woo. Now, he's getting suyeon's hopes up for nothing. 😑🙄.

As for Young woo, it's the growth for me. I am so glad that the writer let her make the wrong choice. She needed it. I Love how it contrasts with the conversation she had with Jun Ho about how she doesn't realize that other people have other motives. They showed that she can also have the wrong ones too.

Choi su Yeon and Young woo are the duo I didn't know I needed. I just hope it lasts till the end.


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Wow! I really thought Su-yeon would see Youngwoo as a complete competition. Just it. It's nice to see that it goes beyond that, and the acknowledgement she got from Youngwoo in the form of Spring Sunshine Su-yeon this week is the reminder Su-yeon needs, that Youngwoo is involved in their friendship, that thier friendship is a true two way street.

One hidden identity and a potential birth secret is a makjang-fest subscription. My money is now on CEO Tae as the mother of Youngwoo, but if she ends up as the yet unidentified mother of Jun-ho, it'll hurt so bad. Either ways they'll share a bond for sure.

If someone asked me so bluntly and directly if I liked the them, and I really did like the person, I'll be outed immediately. And Young-woo's bluntness just makes his reaction more swooning. Whatever ship is cooking with regards to this two, let it sail.

The defendant in episode 6 willingly coming back for her trial is testament to a fact that humanity isn't entirely lost. And her love for her daughter is so strong. The judge did well giving her probation.


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At this point in time, it is pretty obvious CEO Tae is Youngwoo's mother (and probably CEO Han knew that all along, and this is the reason she hire Youngwoo, although her motivation is still well hidden). However, I believe it is way too far-fledged if Junho is CEO Tae's son.

Judging by the information we have so far, CEO Tae's son like to sit before the computer, which may mean he is a bit more introvert, but Junho is obviously an extrovert person, who like to play basketball and hang out with friends, even doing volunteering work. He's simply not CEO Tae's son.

I guess CEO Tae's son is just someone else, who may or may not even need to show up in this show; so I would just put him aside for now.

On the other hand, I guess Suyeon may have recognize Junho's love toward Youngwoo. Look, when she, Youngwoo and Junho come to the house and witness the victim be being abused by her husband, they both try to shield Youngwoo from the terrible scene, and her eyes towards Junho seems realized something in his action. This may be a hint.

The mahjong elements of this show (Youngwoo's mother issue) is being inserted but not overwhelming the arc of the whole storytelling, which I think I should appreciate. It keep the show interesting yet not getting overboard (the loveline as well). I wish the Screenwriter would keep this style, thank you.


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I put $5 on Min Woo bring Tae's son.


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my money is on him too!


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In EAW world, Min-woo doesn't deserve being the son of a silver spoon. I prefer my money on someone else entirely if it's not Jun-ho.


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I feel like if Min-woo was her son, he wouldn't be rooming with Jun-ho? He would have his own place? Unless he was somehow playing espionage and trying to get info on his mother's rival. I feel like the emphasis on her having a son could lead to a discussion of parents who may not be able to raise their first kid, but were later stable enough to raise their second. It doesn't mean she's an unfit mother or never wanted motherhood. She had Young-woo while at university. The son would definitely be after she graduated and got married. He'd be younger than Young-woo. He may be a college student now or even a high school student, and he may show up as a case in a later episode.


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I'm definitely expecting her son being involved in a case later and CEO having to go to hanbada team to deal with it.


Yeah, I think he's still in school (high school or college). I also think he has major issues. He could be on the autism spectrum or maybe not, but he's definitely going to come up later. Tae seems reluctant to discuss him, and my guess is that she has issues with both of her children not living up to her expectations of them. Maybe she is ashamed of their autism since she believes it threatens her status as an intellectual and decent mother? Autism tends to run in families, and one outdated theory blamed mothers for not showing their children enough affection. Perhaps people still believe that in this drama?


Haha, I put up $5 CEO Tae's son is someone else ... It would be fun, @azilimishtash, @lapislazulii and @jerrykuvira. The problem would be, which currency?

Mine is Canadian Dollar.


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Aussie dollars! Perhaps we should all do it in won to even it out 😂


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5 won? That's not bad ...


Can you Venmo won from the US?


I do not think CEO Tae's son is Junho. If Young Woo was born out of wedlock then the stepbrother must be much younger, probably still a teenager maybe about to enter university or off the national service. Assuming Junho does have a degree and counting in military service, he simply can't be younger than Young woo.


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I really hope Su-yeon and WYW keep this cute friendship even after it is revealed that Jun-ho likes WYW.

Jun-ho is so precious 😍, I can't wait for the ship to sail! He needs to fall harder so that we can get more "Squeeeeee" scenes

There's some truth to the things Min-woo said but I don't like his "jerk" attitude.

They have all but told us directly that Attorney Tae and WYW are related. I'm curious to see where they will go with this


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Well, at least Minwoo is honest, and he remind us there are so many jerk like him in the office around us, which is a good thing ...


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But aren't there also honest people in the office around us who are nice? I'll take them over him tbh


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I also feel like it's a showcasing of the competitiveness of korean society. Maybe because I work in a warm, helping-profession in the US, but in kdramas, I have seen, several times, where the situation is that you hire a cohort and they're like on probation for x amount of time, at the end of which, only 1 or a small fraction gets the coveted permanent spot and everyone else get kicked out. It's a situation that can create a lot of Min-woos.


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Exactly @asianromance.


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Junho is SO precious! I really need the ship to sail too and ep 7 previews look like they'll make up for the lack of Junho/Youngwoo this week!!


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This drama is my fav at the moment that I've been rewatching some scenes a lot instead of catching up with other current dramas (Why Her, Jinxed At First, Dr Lawyer)!

Some other things I love from these eps, apart from those already mentioned:
- JH opening the bottle for YW (he took the bottle cap too!)
- JH's "fair play" when playing basketball with MW
- YW's dad not admitting she's his daughter, and she played along and replied Yes, Ajusshi
- YW's reaction when she saw the injured client and the injured body parts
- The heart eyes YW and SY gave to MS (he's really cool!)
- The raising of hands when wanting to speak to the judge

I find SY's voice so nice! I'm not sure how to interpret her reaction when JH "protected" her & YW when they were near the victim's place. At first I thought it was because he touched SY's hand or something...

The client in Ep5 is the guy with marital problem from Forecasting Love & Weather, right? There was a lawyer in Ep2 (wedding dress ep) whom I thought was this guy too!


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about SY reaction, my first reaction was also to think that she thought it was about her, but as the scene goes and he looks directly to YW, we have another take from her and I think she understands that he was protecting YW.

I know previews can be a bit misleading a lot of times, but I also think she's the one who says that junho likes YW in the voice over we got? I could be mixing character though lol


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I do not know if the writer of this show has a legal background or a super good technical advisor but episode 5 showed me that it has to be one or the other.

There is an experience which happens to every trial lawyer early in their career. The inexperienced counsel simply believes what his or her client- or maybe it is a witness- has told them in the office without question and proceeds into court on the basis of that faith- just like Young-woo. Sometimes the young lawyer discovers their mistake when they put the client on the stand and then gets to hear a story that is completely different from the one that he or she heard in their office (yes, that is exactly how it happened with me those many years ago). Oops. But it can also happen through the sort of manipulation that Young Woo experienced.

This is actually an important milestone in the growth of Young Woo as a lawyer. From this time forward she will always listen to her client or a witness with a healthy skepticism- not cynically but more wisely- and she may find herself asking a few more questions and digging for more details than she might have before. She will be a far better lawyer for having gone through this experience.


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In short, they do have a legal adviser.

According to some reports (link in Chinese), one of their legal advisers is a public defender, who focus on cases referred from legal aid. Case no. 1 and 3 are from real cases he handled in 2013 and 2015, respectively, with some facts twisted, the victim in Case no. 3 is the suspect's father, not his brother, for example. He wrote a book and published in 2016 talking about them.


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Thanks @oldawyer for sharing this because I felt episode 5 was flat with respect to the case.


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This is what makes this show such a gem. Though we have a very adorable character and her fascination with whales makes every look really sweet but it tackles with real issues and it doesn't shy away from showing that our heroes are capable of making mistakes as well. Like though Young Woo is so sweet, innocent and very straightforward but like other humans she has desires to win as well but unlike many others at the end of the day she realises her mistakes and learns from it . When Wong Woo takes down that sunflower portrait which seemed dirty and put up that letter, it was a really beautiful scene. And not to mention how she describes suyeon as spring su yeon. Though Su yeon might have not realised it but the little things she did for her were such a big deal for her, to have someone who looked out for her. It was a really beautiful scene. So my fellow humans, your little actions might change the life of another person and believe it or not helping others out is such beautiful thing, it feels really good feeling that I was able to help someone out today.
This series is going to leave a mark .


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Park. Eun. Bin.
I’m in love. It’s a torrent of emotion that I have to ‘whoa-whoa’ myself to calm down
One thing for sure though, from now on, I will watch everything that has her name on it.

From episode 1, there are things that stand out for me:
Her ability to memorize those long lines while maintaining those expressions and stances.
Also, I’m probably exaggerating, how she talks about her opinions, knowledges, but communicates about her feelings through her eyes.
She carries the drama so beautifully, it’s a good laughter in one second and tears in the next.

I like all the characters around YW. We know that Geurami is an amazing longtime friend to YW, and this week Suyeon comes into the light. I think since the spring sunshine’s expression, Suyeon will be another amazing bestie and colleague for YW.
I like her father doesn’t baby her with her special condition, he even rants about a girl at YW’s age should be considering marriage and cooking for him.
I like how Attorney Jung (bless Kang Kiyoung) never mistreats her and believes in her.
And while I’m not familiar with autistic spectrum, hands down to the writer that can pen down the best drama out of it.


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Great shows with Park Eunbin:


Both I and my wife are bid fans


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I like her a lot in DYLB and she’s the sole reason I watched TKA.
Haven’t check out SL but it’s on my watch list already.
She’s one amazing actress, isn’t she?


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She always has been one of my very favorite actresses.


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Spring Sunshine Suyeon ☀️ - what a beautiful phrase to describe someone. Find me sobbing in a corner. Such an unexpected and heartachingly wonderful moment, I didn’t think such a short scene could elicit such a big emotional reaction from me the way it did 😭

I’m glad there was a focus on Suyeon x Youngwoo’s relationship this week, and that they didn’t make her out to be a typical one-dimensional 2FL! Even though that meant we got less Junho, the few moments of screen time he got were fantastic. Did anyone else squeal when he threw out his arm to protect YW without even thinking? Where’s the ‘arm over the passenger’ gang from the Link discussion thread at?

And while I’m a little sad about Att.Kwon, I do think it’s good they didn’t resolve that conflict immediately because people like him do exist, change doesn’t happen overnight, and the corporate world - especially law - is cut throat, so all in all it’s quite a realistic and grounded way to approach things. Though my love for Youngwoo had me seeing red every time Att. Kwon did a shitty thing, taking a step back I’m also glad that they didn’t write him as an over the top kind of mean guy. He’s a tactician for sure but he wasn’t doing anything that seemed unrealistically harsh or dramatically ‘evil’- not condoning his behaviour off but I’m just glad they didn’t write him past the point of no return or exaggerate his less than savoury behaviour for dramatics. Another beanie said it in a comment somewhere, and I agree wholeheartedly, that ep 5’s arc was really useful in showing us YW’s own ethical dilemmas, the fact that she can be a strategic player too and then also diving into the emotional fallout from the choices she makes.

Att. Jung asking whether the defendant had some kind of irrefutable charm is me @ this show - it seems everyone, including myself, walked into this show weary or unassuming and have already been knocked out spellbound and it’s only the third week!


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In fact, these 2 episodes the show is focus on Youngwoo's flaw is a great dramatic decision. We always think people with autism don't understand emotion. They don't in the way we do, but they can understand that in other means and ways. She fully understand the R&D Head is lying, for example, and she does act accordingly.

These 2 episodes also shows her emotional side of things: she is competitive in Episode 5, and her emotion and her feeling loss of her mom in Episode 6, both push her to make wrong judgements, no doubt, but after both mistake she regret and repent. This makes her more human. One of the ways to eliminate discrimination is to let people understand who they really are: human like us, and the show has successfully done exactly that.


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Correction: *She goes emotional on her feeling of loss of her mom in Episode 6 ...


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you summed it up so well - it was a really great story-telling decision for all those reasons precisely!


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Now as for Min-woo, here's my unpopular opinion:

During their drinking session, he asked Jun-ho about the person he's referring to. Well, Jun-ho was talking about Su-yeon (who's skeptical about his closeness with Young Woo) on the first part of his statement while Min-woo tells him to be real about his feelings towards her (the 2nd person - he's referring to Young Woo since he first mentioned her name as a "guess" on which girl Jun-ho likes) and when Jun-ho tries to avoid the question, Min-woo wants him to confess as he said that he already knows everything.

During the previous episodes, he was just being okay about YW and JH having the whale talk during their lunch breaks and while yes, he's trying to put on some false hopes on Su-yeon (and also makes Young Woo feel jealous towards JH and SY), he's also being a lowkey wingman to our OTP even though he bullies YW at times.


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I thought Kang Ki young was great in episode six and he has shown he is more than a comic relief actor.

That scene in the diner was top notch and you also saw how he got to where he is and the respect he is given.

He was right, as the leader he should have been on it more. He didn't belittle his subordinates or throw anyone under the bus, he just said regroup and win the case.

Seo yeon and Young woo swooning when he walked away was accurate.


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I loved how Seo-Yeon and Young-Woo showed respect for him and the judge who saved their client.


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One of the factors why I'menjoying this show is because the prosecutors, judges and attorneys are not shown as evil as in other Kdramas. The judge is stickly for old ways and Myeong Seok is a thorough professional but they were both show as people with a heart.


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I didn't think the judge was strictly for old ways, if that was the case, he would have torpedoed SY and YW's case, as he could have when the two showed up at his office. I think he just wanted to maintain control of his courtroom, which he did.


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Yes, he's really impressing me too. And I love the character of Myeong Seok - particularly his honesty. He admits his mistakes; he expresses his embarrassment; he explains his actions. Love every minute he's on screen.


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And he knows how to wear a suit. 😉


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This show continues to be enjoyable. Not only the cases are fresh and interesting each week the best part is being part of the ride and seeing our heroine grows and develops as she navigates her way through new challenges and experiences, whether it's the professional front or personal relationships.

I like Jun Ho's patient and thoughtful approach towards Woo Young. He genuinely cares and wants to understand her better. Contrary to his cautiousness Woo Young's nature is honest and frank therefore I think secret feelings won't be secret for long haha.

Is it just me or the show is making it too obvious too early on that the CEO of the rival law firm is Woo Young's mother? Makes me wonder if a twist is going to be thrown in later. No makjang tropes please!


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I had tears in my eyes as the judge read his sentencing for Ha-yun’s mom. The grace with which he acknowledged her circumstances while schooling the attorneys was really beautiful.
This drama touches the heart in so many ways 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


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Yup. I was so sure the judge was going to be harsh and inflexible and biased because of the stuck-up way he was valuing lineages and connections. After the ruling, it was then that I realized that once the trial sessions take place, he has been fair. His ruling even incorporated Young-woo farfetched North Korean law argument. It showed he was listening, and it showed he appreciated our lawyers' efforts.


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I’m going to make a case that Jun-ho is brother, and that he might know Young Woo is his sister. I’ve seen many comments already say how Jun-ho seems like a person that has a sibling relationship with an autistic person, couldn’t it also be the case he developed that skill from having an autistic parent? Has he been interested in YW because he knows or heard something about her? Is his protective style that of a big brother rather than a romantic partner? 🤔
But that said, if the writers start breaking hearts I’m gonna have problems…


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If Young Woo was CEO Tae's daughter out of wedlock, and CEO Tae has a son after she got married, then the son would be several years younger than Young Woo. Jun-ho is a couple years older than Young Woo. Plus, the son is not a lawyer.

I don't think they'd put incest into this show. Nobody is related except Young Woo and her mother and father.


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There is nothing new for me comment except that I want Park Eun Bin to try a comedic role in one of her future projects because she has great body language and facial expressions to pull it off!


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I know it isn't technically like, billed as a comedy... but the nature of her character is exactly that ^ in Age of Youth, especially the second one lmao. (Ofc, it's a coping mechanism for her internalised trauma BUT STILL)


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AoY 2 was my favourite because of her. She did so well between the craziness of her character and her past trauma.


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I actually only watched either AOY because of Ssongmin lol. So you could say without her I never would've!!!
And then I watched every episode of S2 3 times a week. She was brilliant, but ofc, she usually is.


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I liked Han Yeri's character too (for once Yoon Park had a nice role too). I wasn't really invested in the mystery about the new girl (I wasn't fan of the both actresses who played the role).


Another good set of episodes to set up all our characters. I appreciated learning more about Su-yeon and I knew she would be a kindred spirit for Young-woo. One of my kdrama docs from FB mentioned from the first episode that she thought the rival law firm was run by Young-woo’s biological mother and I was flabbergasted when I saw episode 5 and realized she was probably right. I can’t imagine leaving my child no matter my ambitions or their abilities. Actually, she may not even know Youngwoo has autism depending on when she gave her up. So now my question is, has she been totally absent this whole time? She didn’t even get any updates on how she is doing? I wonder if she gave her up to an orphanage, but her father went back to get her and raise her—giving up his career in the process. That man is a saint if so. And I don’t know if I could forgive her mom. This most recent episode really made me sympathetic to Young-woo, as if I could be more sympathetic. It was the fact the North Korean defector wanted her daughter to have a relationship with her and remember her before serving her time, that spoke to Youngwoo, as she can’t remember her mother at all.

And how adorable and awkward is Jun-Ho? He doesn’t know quite how to talk to Young-woo yet about his feelings for her and is always taken aback by her bluntness. Well, buddy, you are going to have to get okay with that. I’m super direct and need people to be super direct and literal with me for me to understand their feelings as well, so I get you, Youngwoo! SQUEEEEE for next week!!!


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It was an unwanted, unexpected pregnancy so I can totally imagine YW's mom giving her up for adoption. I also wondered if the mom and YW's dad had an agreement that he would raise YW by himself and that she would give up any rights and relationship to the child.


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I wonder if there is any law that says the father must be notified if his child is given up for adoption or if there was an agreement between them prior.


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I do not know what Korean law says but what I do understand is that this is the reason her dad had to give up on becoming a lawyer. We saw Young-woo's yearning for a mom- and how she wishes she could have the love from her mother that a baby whale gets- but the irony is that she did receive that sort of love from her father rather than from her mother.


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I don't think it is unforgivable if the bio mom placed her baby in an orphanage or made an agreement with Young-woo's father to raise her. There's a difference between abandoning your child and giving your child up because you are not ready to be a mother. I'm sympathetic to women who find themselves with unwanted pregnancies. Now, if she and Young-woo's father agreed to raise the baby together and one day she left and never looked back? That would be hard to forgive.


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Considering CEO Tae doesn't even recognize Young Woo's name at the end of ep2, she probably gave up the child at birth and didn't get herself updated.


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Or was she just pretending she didn’t know?


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Here is my take on this drama.
I like the fact that the writers/producers have taken on autism and people on the spectrum and addressed this in sympathetic and at times a comic way.
I understand that there is some controversy about how Woo Young-woo is portrayed, about the seeming absence of actual autistic people on the sow, etc. For, me the important point is that autism is taken out of the shadows and treated in a respectfully, sympathetic way that shows some of the many difficulties autistic face in their struggle to be a part of the larger community
We are shown not the only obvious, blatant discrimination that people who are different face, but he many small micro aggressive acts practiced by people who would never acknowledge their discrimination. So far there have been several instances where characters behave this way towards Woo Young-woo. Several paragraphs could be written about this with examples cited from the narrative. Perhaps I will do this another time.
Currently I am interested in some speculative topics.
What is the exact history and nature of the relationship between Woo Young-woo’s father and CEO Han Seon-Young?
How is the relationship between Woo Young-woo and Lee Joon-ho going to be developed in a believable, non-tacky way? It seems to be a given that this relationship will happen.
It seems pretty certain that Taesan CEO Tae Su-Mi, at some point will be revealed to be Woo Young-woo’s mother. When [how many episodes in] will this be revealed and how – by political enemies, etc.? How hard and difficult will the impact of this revelation be on Young-woo? How will the writers handle this situation? Will this impact her career at Hanbada?
I have read some speculation that Kwon Min-Woo is Taesan CEO Tae Su-Mi’s son; however I believe this to be all wrong. CEO Tae Su-Mi’s son and Young-woo’s half-brother is going to turn out to be autistic also and ‘hidden away” by the family.
I expect that in the end, Young-woo will leave Hanbada and set up he own firm- joined by Lee Joon-ho and Choi Su-Yeon. I also expect the dad, Woo Gwang-Ho, and CEO Han to become a couple, etc.

Let’s see if my narrative guesses are accurate or not.


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My theories.

CEO Tae is Young-Woo's mother.

CEO Tae's son is younger than Young-Woo and sits in front of his computer all day. This means he's not Jun-Ho or Min-Woo. Both of these men are older than Young-Woo by a couple of years. And neither man sits in front of a computer all day. I'm guessing that CEO Tae's son may also be autistic, and that is why she is not pressuring him to take over the law firm. He's not a lawyer. He's probably late teens to early 20s in age.


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the struggle I face as they are going SO fast (during the trials) my eyeballs have to work overtime to speed read to the subtitles mY GOD

anyways, I remember thinking to myself if they would include cases where they don't succeed and I was surprised to find out this week. Idk if yall heard my heart shatter for YW when she realized and had that moment with JH.
also lost my mind at that scene where YW referred to SY as her spring sunshine iasdfnhasdnf that was so so sweet and I cant wait to see their friendship progress in the upcoming eps!


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The way the show has portrayed the Young-woo/Jun-ho relationship so far, I would actually be surprised if they weren't endgame. Not going to lie: While I would be delighted to have the show subvert my expectations here, I just can't really see Attorney Jung in the wings as a romantic suitor anytime soon. And I'm saying that as somebody who wouldn't mind watching a loveline centered around him.

I absolutely agree with your Attorney Jung/Jun-ho observations. However, Attorney Jung is a professional who has worked his way up the ladder for several years. He knows how to play the game and is therefore a lot more jaded and less idealistic about the realities of his job than a rookie like Young-woo. We saw it when he commented on her and Su-yeon both getting emotional over the case in episode 6. Furthermore, for Attorney Jung to be showing the kind of attention and care that Jun-ho has so far invested in Young-woo, would likely come across as favoritism. After all, both Young-woo and Min-woo are his subordinates and are competing for a job at the end of their contract which will likely hinge on Attorney Jung's evaluation of their work.


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As a fan of legal dramas, I'm happy to say that I *really* enjoyed this week's proceedings. Particularly the judge in episode 6. Memorable clients and judges are the bread and butter of a good law show, so I hope we'll be seeing many more of them in the future.

I also loved the camaraderie between Woo-young and Su-yeon on display this week. The show could've easily written Su-yeon into a corner as a catty love rival but instead she is portrayed as a kind and smart confidant. This is exactly the kind of nuanced writing I appreciate in my K-dramas.


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I'm finally caught up on this lovely, charming drama!! It rose to the top of my current faves fast.

So many heartwarming and funny moments. Park Eun Bin is wonderful. Love watching her taking on different, compelling roles.

Seeing Kim Hi Eo Ra was a delightful surprise. She was cool to watch, much like the only other time I've seen her (Bad and Crazy). I loved when she put in her North Korean accent seamlessly and chatted with Young Woo in a friendly way.

Thus drama made me tear up several times, maybe once wach episode. Spring Sunshine Su Yeon.... Young Woo's dad...

Good to see a lot of kind people around Young Woo. ♡♡♡


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Junho and Woo!!


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The romance is so cute! Plus I love the female characters, girl-crush on Su-yeon.


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I loved the spring sunshine scene! Su Yeon wanted a nickname for her appearance but Young Woo went right to the heart of Su Yeon, her kindness. Young Woo may not be able to read emotions in the same way as neurotypical people but she is observant and appreciates all of Su Yeon's little kindnesses. Su Yeon's reaction to this was wonderful too. She looked surprised not only by Young Woo's opinion but I think she hadn't recognized her own kindness or how much this meant to others.


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I also appreciate Jun Ho's hesitation to confess his feelings to Young Woo. He is smitten and we are all rooting for her but he knows that theirs would not be an easy relationship. He respects and admires her for who she is, looks beyond her diagnosis, but she has a unique way of approaching the world and relationships and that would include how she would be as a romantic partner. And realistically speaking he must recognize that not everyone would support him being with her. There are plenty of Min Woo's in the world.


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