The King’s Affection: Episodes 3-4 Open Thread

Old feelings resurface as our princely heroine reunites with her first love. But they’re not kids anymore — now our heroine’s got royal responsibilities on her shoulders and a deep-rooted fear in her heart. She can’t afford to be around the one person that could ruin it all. Unfortunately for her, he can’t afford to leave.


Last week was mostly backstory, which I loved, but now that we’re in the present day, things are really moving full-speed ahead. Our hero Ji-woon comes across heroine Dam-yi in the forest, with her hair down and royal robes stripped, and he (correctly) assumes that she’s a woman. Dam-yi knows this assumption is a danger to her, so she ditches him the second she can and hopes they never encounter each other again.

Dam-yi then runs into her cousin LEE HYUN (Nam Yoon-soo), who she’s good friends with. They’re attacked by an unknown assassin, who has a specific charm on his sword, but they manage to get away safely. They later inform the royal court of what happened, and we get a taste of the complicated family dynamics. Dam-yi’s father, now King Hyejong, has remarried and has another son. The new queen obviously resents Dam-yi for being first in line of the throne, but Dam-yi’s half brother still seems sweet and innocent.

Of course, Ji-woon can’t stop thinking about Dam-yi. He figures she must’ve been a court maid and gets a guard he’s friendly with to sneak him into the palace. As he’s looking around, Dam-yi spots him and follows close behind, crossbow in hand.

She feels she has no choice but to kill him, and we see why in flashback. When she was still young and adjusting to her role as the prince, there was an instance where her mother had to kill a young maid for discovering their secret. I get that they have to be extra careful, but yeesh…

Just as Dam-yi is about to release her arrow, Ji-woon finds the secret door to the courtyard where they first met. It’s only then that she realizes who he is, and she’s hit with a wave of emotions. They’re not exactly positive emotions, but for now, she lets him go.

Dam-yi checks out Ji-woon’s workplace and has another chance encounter with him at a gisaeng house (where Ji-woon finds out she’s actually the crown prince). She’s already angry towards him because of what his father did, and now, on top of that, she thinks he’s become some pathetic womanizer. She warns him never to appear in front of her again.

Yeah, that doesn’t last long. Ji-woon’s father Inspector Jung is ordered to bring his son into the palace, since the Ming minster, who Ji-woon is on good terms with, is visiting soon. Ji-woon has been estranged from his father this whole time and wants nothing to do with him or the palace, so Inspector Jung takes matters into his own hands.

Ji-woon’s workplace is ransacked, and his employees/friends are arrested and tortured. The only way to save them? He has to work at the palace as Dam-yi’s tutor for two weeks, until the Ming minister’s arrival.

I will say, as much as I love the emotion and drama, the humor Ji-woon brings to the palace is a nice breath of fresh air. He’s hilariously — and admirably — determined to stick it out for his friends’ sakes, while Dam-yi is determined to chase him out. She has him transcribing a mountain of books and catching loaches in the stream (shirtless, of course), and the poor guy endures it all.

As a part of her rebellion, Dam-yi also refuses to attend Ji-woon’s tutoring sessions. Ji-woon suggests a deal, in that she starts attending if she fails an upcoming test. And to show how serious he is, he puts his life on the line, blocking the target she’s using for archery practice. To his and everyone’s surprise, she does end up shooting, the arrow juuuuust missing his head. It’s a tense scene, and quite striking, as it’s telling of how stubborn they both are.

Impressed with Ji-woon’s courage, Dam-yi accepts his deal. For the test, she’s given a seed and is challenged to figure out what it is and what it’s supposed to represent. She thinks she’s totally got this, proudly declaring that it’s the seed of a lotus flower.

However, Ji-woon isn’t satisfied with her interpretation. The answer he was looking for was that a king should be strong and virtuous, just as the lotus flower is able to thrive despite blooming in the mud.

It dawns on Dam-yi that Ji-woon must’ve overheard the conversation she had with her maternal grandfather LORD SANGHEON (Yoon Je-moon) earlier. Lord Sangheon had warned her that the palace was mud-like and that she couldn’t survive on her own. So, as it turns out, Ji-woon’s test was meant to challenge Lord Sangheon’s words.

Afterwards, we see that Dam-yi is ever so slightly (and I do mean slightly) warming up to Ji-woon. Still, she tells him that the palace is a dangerous and scary place to be in. He knows all too well, and he says, almost to himself, that he won’t let such a place turn him into a bad person like his father and her grandfather.

She definitely needed to hear that. I never really understood why she resented him all these years, when it was his father who killed the maid and he even tried to intervene. Maybe she misunderstood the situation and thought he was involved, or maybe she just hated him by association. Either way, I’m glad she’s starting to see that the sweet boy she once knew isn’t really gone.

So we’ve got the palace secret, the political power struggle, and now the fluttery romance getting all set up. And I’m enjoying every bit of it. The ending scene, with Ji-woon slowly and delicately tying Dam-yi’s gat, is our first taste of Ro-woon and Park Eun-bin’s romantic chemistry, and it’s definitely working for me. He could tie that gat all day, for all I care.

But in all seriousness, I’m super charmed by these characters and am already looking forward to what’s sure to be a complicated love story. It hurts my heart that Dam-yi, in particular, was such a sweet girl and that she had her innocence stripped away from her at a young age. She’s a completely different person now, and we don’t exactly know who that person is, because she’s playing a role.

Hopefully, as the drama goes on, and we follow Dam-yi as Prince Lee Hwi, we also learn more about her as just Dam-yi. Ji-woon will probably bring out some of her old self, which is sure to be satisfying… and extremely dangerous.

I’m not sure how to feel about Lee Hyun as a character yet, but I do like what I’ve seen of him so far. I like his bond with Dam-yi, his bromantic friendship with Ji-woon. He just seems like a good guy to have around.

On that note, I’m also intrigued by the other newbie in the palace — Dam-yi’s new bodyguard KIM GA-ON (Choi Byung-chan). He does have the same charm as the assassin that attacked Dam-yi, but it’s way too soon to jump to any conclusions. All I know is, he has some secrets of his own, which, hey, doesn’t everybody. This palace is chock-full of secrets.


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I am really enjoying this one. The gender disguise is more deftly handled than I expected, the chemistry between the leads is on the combustible side of not-so-slow burn, and bad omen underpinnings notwithstanding, not a deity, goblin, demon or ghost in sight. (No knock on the appealing leads but sticking with Lovers of the Red Sky, in order to find out how the mess of a story concludes, has been a CHORE) If Red Cuff is as good as this one, I will consider 2021, as the year of the sageuk, redeemed.


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This drama.. til epi 3 I wasn't much interested to continue but 4th episode got me back fir various reasons..
1. Ji Woon explaining his reason to Crown Prince as to why he gave Lotus seeds and how he wants CP to remain virtuous despite is Muddy palace... and I was sold. Cause CP had 2 explanation and all were good but what JW said what exactly CO has to remain despite suroinned by all kind if baddies.

2. Those Dimples of Hyun (aka hyungim).. that boy surely knows her Secret as there is no way he can have "Heart in eyes" every time he looks at her.. and mo way he has those honey Dripping eyes whenever he Stearns glance at her...
and the question is.. how he got to know ? but still I am all in for Heartwrenching SLS on this ride to find who has Kings Affection...
lol.. mine is Hyungnim undoubtedly...

btw thanks for the recap... hope to see more of Hyun coming weeks.


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ahh so many typos.. corrections below..

Stearns = steals
suroinned = surrounded


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No worries. Typos are how we know you are a human and not a bot :)


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I also believed Hyun knows she is a woman mainly because of the way he looks at her...Those clearly aren't eyes that look at a cousin etc.


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Yes, the whole focus on the present for a special person who had small hands really suggested he knew she was a woman. Honestly, if they were close as boys, how could he not have noticed a sudden change in his friend even if he looked the same.


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I really liked those episodes! They were so pretty for the eyes 😍 (the cinematography of course)

They balanced pretty well the serious parts with palace intrigues, hidden secret and the humor.

It was interesting to see them so determined for an opposite goal.

The scene of the lotus was great. Ji-Woon confronting indirectly his father and her grand-father was pretty smart and he won his bet. I liked the metaphor about the lotus and the fact he gave this name when they're young. The flower has a lot of meaning for them.

Lee Hwi is an interesting character. She was so lovely but now she must be cold to protect herself and the people around her. The eunuch was right to ask if the fact he was her first love could cause a problem. She already showed some signs (although she held up pretty well when he was bathing in the river :p)

It's nice to see that Ji-Woon didn't turn bitter because of his father but full of love and caring for people.

Park Eun-Bin and Rowoon have a good chemistry. I'm totally ready to see more of them!


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Fan fact :In the original story Young Sun was his name that she gave him...


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Oh, why he needed a name ?


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They meet when they were small(more like she was younger than him) and he was hiding because of his family name(His Mother was a Princess while his Father tried to overthrow the Royal Family so he was behaded yet she spared thanks to Grand Mother Queen)so he was disguised as a girl aka maid...She gave him the name back then as he considered him her friend(back then she didn't know herself to be a woman,another fun fact)
It went like with the line :The boy who disguised himself as a girl fell for the girl disguised as a boy...


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Oh my goodness. I suppose there is no English translation for the original? It sounds so much more interesting.


@dramalover4ever Actually u can find the whole manhwa online if you search by original name(Yeonmo)...
It does have a more complicated background politics wise and character background and motivations while it is even more tragic in many ways,especially showing what meant being a woman back then,the outcome of the lie...
The hero was her bodyguard...
She found out in her youth that she was a girl after starting to ask innocent questions about eunuchs doing their business while standing and wanting to do the same...


Oh so by that point her two brother had already died? Or she had no brother at the time and they had to disguise her as a boy from when she was born? Very interesting. It sounds like it’s loosely based on it, so it will probably have a very different ending right? After this ends, I might ask you how the ending in the manhwa went.


@deokbokkijajangmyeon He died young,like 3 years old and the Queen asked for the girl to be back in the Palace and so she took the place of her twin(so believing she was a boy till she was older when she started asking inocent questions seeing the servents etc)...


@miky88 Ooohh interesting thanks for the info!


I'm slowly warming up to this. I loved the lotus test. The leads are pretty. Her dislike of him seemed forced, although I know he represents great danger to her, and his father's influence is a serious problem. I also keep on wondering if he knows or not that she is a girl. Surely he realised. (Am I missing something?)


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Nah,he still doesn't know...


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He's a little bit slow??


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He’s still looking for the court lady who was at the hunt…despite none of the court lady’s knowing whom he is describing.


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I kind of think he does know? Or at least suspects. He’s not going to come in hot and straight-up accuse her, but… The lotus. Yes, he heard what her grandfather said, but he also gave her a perfect opening to ask questions if she thought he had ID’d her as Dam Yi.

Totally deniable, of course, since he had a bunch of good reasons to explain the seed quiz. But he may have given it to her just to see her response. Any question at all around the meaning of the seed could’ve hinted that she was suspicious of an ulterior motive, and that would validate his curiosity.


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What he knows and what he suspects is unclear imo. I don't have a problem with that, but I do find it hard to accept that he does not at least have suspicions. He also alluded to jumping off a cliff, and it seemed like he was "sharing" their experience.


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Must say i'm intrigued by her new bodyguard as from what we've seen he was more than sure the one who tried to kill her at the Royal Hunting Camp(they have the same eyes)...Was his own doing or was he sent by someone,that is curious...We know he works for the Queen Dowager so I'm intrigued if his background is the same as the original manhwa as he clearly has some grudges...


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Yep. He looks mysterious - the camera keeps showing us the tag on his sword which looks the same as the assassin's.


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Luckily for this drama, Rowoon holds a lot of goodwill with me. Loved eps 1-3, but 4 was...messy. I know it's a sageuk and palace intrigue is a must, but I've always found any allusions to pairs outside of the OTP to be ridiculous (though I regard Hyun as a serious contender for her affections. He definitely seems to "get" her more than her "destined love")
This character map is getting needlessly crowded. In this ep, a new possible interest for each lead seemed to turn up every 2 seconds. Makes you lose enthusiasm for the OTP.


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While I do agree that PEB is doing an amazing job playing a prince.. but sometimes cant help to see that because of her physique, she is very petite and her facial features are so obviously feminine that sometimes I think everyone else were just so slow if they have not started wondering about it..


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Yeah I do agree but I think they did well toning down the makeup and stuff. Like out of all the historical cross dressing dramas I’ve seen with girls cross dressing as guys she’s the most believable-ish? I think they did a good job with the younger counterparts with the casting. I was wondering if they had a voice over or if that was really her, because it had that guys’ pre-pubescent scratchy sound(?) when the child actress was playing Yi Hwi. If it was her it must’ve been exhausting or maybe it’s just me who is terrible at trying to talk in a lower register
Coming to think of it, Dong Yoon cross dressing as a girl in Tale of Nokdu was actually pretty good too.
But yeah heightwise and physique she is obviously quite small compared to everyone else so it is hard to imagine people falling for it so easily. But I guess with the thing being the siblings looking so alike is you could argue even the actual late Yi Hwi looked girly as well so that’s why they didn’t ever question it.


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Moon Geun Young pulled it off in PAINTER of the WIND, but she wasn't as believable in GODDESS of FIRE.
Maybe age and costume played a part in it.


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Hmm I haven't seen that one yet. I might watch it soon thanks for the info!


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It was pointed out many times by some people who dare not say it out, that he/she looks girly and her writing too.😃


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Let's see; a bunch of cute guys in a reverse-harem setup with a girl who dresses like a boy? So, Ouran High School, Joseon version? :P :P :P

Just kidding! On a more superficial note, the casting director seriously said 'V-I-S-U-A-L-S'. Holy cow! I see a lot of adoration for the dimpled second-lead, however cutie-assassin (aka bodyguard) has me by the heart! <3 Though, Rowoon got some brownie points for his abs! :P

That said, Eun-Bin as the Crown Prince is not good for my identity as a straight woman!! Oh, the way she walks with her arrogant swagger, and has a tick to her jaw.... makes me feel... things. xD xD It doesn't help she looks like baby Lan-Wangji, whenever she appears with the headband & minus the Joseon-hat. Kudos, to whoever picked her. She really does resemble a teenage boy-idol. It's magical how as a woman, she looks 25, but as a boy, looks 16!! T_T

Ji-Un's clapback at the old geezers was so satisfying, ngl! I love when the younger gen. teams up together to take the corrupted oldies down!

Still waiting for them to release the OST on the teaser. I want to play it on a loop every morning as I get ready for work, pretending I am a cross-dressing Joseon Prince in love with her beanpole Royal Instructor. xD xD


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Rowoon ate a lot of chicken for this scene :p Personaly, I like his color skin. With Koreans who always whiten their celebrities, I'm happy to see him like this. But the abs were a nice touch :p

Park Eun-Bin is very charismatic for this role. She's tiny but she still fills the space around her.


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Which makes a LOT of sense, because Rowoon's character isn't the sheltered prince from the Palace. He's a healer, a commoner, and somebody who's likely out in the sun quite a lot, because of his job. That said, I noticed Bae Soo-Bin looking fly as well, with the tan! Makes sense for him too, since he's an inspector and not a full-time court official. In fact, most of the other inspectors tooo sport a tan, and I'm LOVING it!!!! Not only because it's more authentic and believable, it ALSO looks Soooooo G-O-O-D! (read: sexy )


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Honestly, I love their brown ton, it works well with their colorful clothes!


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Several things, the Prince lives a very lonely life and she has all my sympathy, PEB is doing a fabulous job. Her cousin clearly knows she is a girl and has been in love with her for a long time. Rowoon is growing on me, but his nose job is distracting from the saegukness if you will of the drama. Finally, I would really appreciate it if kdramas stopped making girls look like tittering idiots anytime a pretty boy comes along, it is ridiculous. The scene with the court maids was incredibly annoying even if they weren't serving the crown prince. It is gross for the objectification and gross because it implies girls lose all sense near a pretty boy.


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Well, I am impressed with the beauty of the boys (healer, cousin and body guard), I just wish their acting ability would match! PEB really stands out here. Maybe it is a problem with the directing. Bae Soo-Bin (healer's father and arch villain) is normally a very capable actor, but he is terribly bland in this one.


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No doubt PEB is an excellent actress. But comparing her acting ability with the 3 male leads in the drama is not a good thing for all three of them have hardly been in acting for more than 5 years while she has an experience if i am not wrong of 20 years in the acting field. Moreover, all the three actors are improving and are being praised by the critics for their acting.


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I’m usually pretty harsh on actors, but the healer and cousin are fine with me. Rowoon’s a little modern, but his character allows for it - he’s clearly deliberately bucked his father and background for years professionally, why not in terms of attitude as well? It also comes across as a breath of fresh air in the palace and explains the prince’s attraction to him beyond their childhood connection.

The cousin comes across a little bit more as a pose-and-turn model, to the point that I wondered (but didn’t research) whether he’s another idol transplant, but in the moments that count he’s certainly closing the gap with eye-acting. I’m willing to give all of it more time. None of them stick out horribly for me.


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The actor playing the cousin is Nam Yoon-Su, and apparently he started as a model. He got noticed when he played the bully in Extracurricular, he was in Beyond Evil too though not much screen time. I think his eye acting is pretty good actually, so a lot of potential there.


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Park Eun-bin surely did a great job: when she is still a child actress, she almost did every period of saeguk, and was named "Saeguk Encyclopedia", I heard some said (Maybe she should consider Arthdal Chronicle Season 2 as her next project, so that she really collects every period?). This role, for her, is pretty challenging, because she is playing a woman who is playing a man almost all the time. The guys are not that bad, it is hard to match her excellent performance, though.

It is also interesting she has become some kind of person (not yet, though, but close) like the ministers she despises, and Ji-woon is coming to change her back to who she really is. The dialogue in the test between them, I think, is in fact the theme of the whole show, and I am looking forward the screenwriter to develop it further.


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I don't think she will be able to become a woman publicly and be a Queen.

But when Ji-Woon said he will wait for the seed to become a lotus flower, I thought it was a nice parallel with her reclaiming her feminine side in secret.


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When I said "who she really is" I am not saying she "become a woman publicly and be a Queen", @kurama. Remember I said before this phase, I said she almost become some kind of person like the ministers she despises: I am saying she is about to become someone like Lord Sangheon in terms of personality, to be obvious, not being a woman physically.


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Eun-bin is the sole reason why I want to watch this show. The veterans are pretty good, too, as expected.

I'd consider the beginning of "THE LEGEND" around the same time frame of ARTHDAL. She played the young Kiha, who was the reincarnation of Kajin. "The Legend's" origin goes way back to Hwanwoong.
(The bronze sword, bronze mirror, and bronze bell were part of ARTHDAL season 1, IIRC).

Palace politics is a dog-eat-dog world. Eventually, she'd get her hands dirty to survive, and I hope she will not be spared just because she is a woman in a man's royal robe but face the harsh reality of one who wears the crown.


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Great information, @kiara! Yeah, I guess The Legend is considered part of the beginning period (although I guess Arthdal Chronicle looks more primitive then The Legend, according to what they wear.


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LEGEND focused on the reincarnated Hwanwoong as Gwanggaeto the Great, so it was primarily set in Goguryeo.
But yes, ARTH was a fictional pre-Gojoseon but still tied into the founding myth.


What age is our heroine supposed to be, do you know?

One scene that bothered me was the scene with her in front of he4 father with all the bribed false witnesses. I would have thought tha5 at that point in her life she would have known enough about how things were done in the palace to know that all the witnesses would have been paid off? It seemed extraordinarily naive.

It’s one thing to try and be above the mud; it is utterly fatal to be ignorant of the workings of mud and ally the creepy slimy disgusting things living in it.


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I haven't watched this week's episodes, yet so I don't know.


If the twins were about 13 or 14 at that time of the switch, then she would be 23-24 per present time, as in ep 2 it said 10 years passed.


Whatever rowoon does to his face should be none of your concern. I hope you reckon him for his talent and hard work rather than his face.


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It isn't my concern, he can do whatever he wants to his face, however because his face is more modern, it looks off in a saeguk setting. If this wasn't a saeguk, I wouldn't say anything, but your face is acting as much as your talent is. As for hardworking, that doesn't equate to anything except hard work. I didn't say the acting was bad, just that it was a little distracting. My comment wasn't a criticism, it was an observation. 🙂


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"Your face is acting as much as your talent" I agree. But contrary to what you said most of the people other than his fans have said that the role suits him well as the character of jung ji woon though set in joseon period is a bit modern with 20-22 as his age.


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I hope this doesn't come off as rude, but what other people think has no affect on how I perceive something. It is none of my business. His face distracts me, the fact that it doesn't distract other people is wonderful, for them. Also, as I stated in my original comment I am getting used to him, so this insistence I agree with you and others is weird. 🙂


Of course, you can have your own opinion and stick to it. I just meant to tell you why the character suits him according to me. I thought we are having a discussion. I apologize if it came out as offensive.


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It is cool, tone doesn't come out in comments.😜


I do agree with you @kafiyah-bello, sometimes when people's faces are really 'modern' (I like that way of phrasing it) it makes them stand out in a sageuk.

My personal pet-peeve is when supposed Joseon peasants have brilliant shiny, too white perfect teeth. It just looks wrong and pulls you out of the reality the drama is trying to create


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yes, the shiny teeth thing always makes me laugh. It is so out of place for everyone really.


This is an accident I get into this one, and I enjoy it.

We all know this is fictional, yet I am looking forward to the first empress in Korean history.

The backstory is no doubt tragic, but honest. I never found such direct criticism on one's own history, and this is a good thing. South Korea is still conservative comparing to many societies in the western democracies, but having this criticism shows Korea is learning lessons about their past, and I am glad to see this coming: not many countries and societies are doing the same (You don't need to go this far to get some very good examples; you know who they are, and I won't name them here).

After all, this is a simple, beautiful yet romantic love story, and I'm sure I will enjoy it to the fullest.


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Well, we will have to go back to Shilla and QUEEN SEON DEOK, who disguised as a male and eventually sat on the throne as the first ruling queen of Korea.

If Confucian ideals didn't strictly govern Joseon, I believe we would have seen more female rulers.


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First time I've seen a gat damaged in a drama :O
Was beginning to think that horse-hair was as indestructible as Cha Dal Geon ;) ;)


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She was kinda cute with her hat like this :p


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It was starting to look like a Korean Sorting Hat.


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I agree with everything you say, they are adorable as a couple and it is great to have a chance to laugh, despite all the Melo. I loved Mr. Queen because there were times it was hilarious, and I hope this drama continues to be amusing. And as for Kim Ro-woon - he is top of my list at the moment! And the Crown Prince is so all acted when you think how she was in Brahms. Thank goodness for something to watch, Hometown Cha Cha Cha just ended up a bit flat, L of the RS is just plain ridiculous, and the only one I am really loving to death is Dali and her increasingly impressive boyfriend. I have never, ever watched a whole episode in Korean because I couldn't 't wait for the subtitles, but I'm doing this with Dali, and they act so well you almost don't need subtitles. It's so nice to have a heroine with a quaint hair-style and without layers of plastic makeup.


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wouldn’t be surprised if the bodyguard turn out to be the real crown prince. coming back from death is not at all surprising in k-drama lol.


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Looooool. He spent some time in modern Korea through a time warp, changed his face amd came back.
Boom. Season 2.


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Love the series so far! But I do have a question.. isn’t Hyun, Hwi’s cousin? Was it normal in that time to have feelings for a cousin? Like, their relationship is adorable. But it creeps me out that they might be related? Maybe I’m completely misunderstanding. I would appreciate clarification.


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A LOT have happened the last two episodes. The pace gets better and more upbeat.

I really enjoyed the Lotus Disscussion. Philosophical segment done well. It really sheds light on both characters, with the lotus being their outlook on life-survival of the body (for the prince) and survival of the virtue (for Jung).

The love triangle (or square?? or a love pentagon??? The bodyguard and the lady and the market) is a wee much, I think I would have prefered a solid relationship between the leads and another love story with side characters (those who are more of a joke ship and acutally end up being the best). Either way, with the intreduction of the lady AND the bodyguard it is a wee much.

Hyun (aka the cousin) absaloutly knows her secret-or is simply a very supportive cousin who understand the crown prince might be different from the """ideal man""". With that being said, feels weird having the cousin being a love intrest. I know that this was a different time and place etc, but this is more of a romance show that is directed to modern audiences, so.... Maybe he's not her cousin and I'm wrong? If someone can I will gladly be corrected on that.

I enjoy how the most morally currupt official (her maternal grandfather) is TECHNICALLY on the leads' side. A refereshing change. Also the late queen (the mother) being not so-pure herself, killing a frankly innocent maid. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I like that. Even though after the first two episodes I would be happy not to have a flashback again.

I enjoy this show but boy does it gives tonal whiplash sometime. I do like both sides, though. I have a bit of a bias to scheming-god knows I LOVE me some good treason.

BY THE WAY TREASON, that bodyguard is for sure our assassin. Interesting that he reached the point of becoming the bodyguard-appointed by the queen dawger, no less. Not sure what his story is, have my own opinions, intrigued either way. Would love to know why his hair is not in a Sangtu. Perhaps it was just a choice to make him stand out.

Overall, I enjoy my time with it.


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Just started watching and Hyun is giving me major second lead vibes but im confused because hes like considered to be Damyi/Yeon Seo's cousin? like, maybe he thinks shes just an impostor that isnt related to him that had the bad luck of looking like the prince? He def looking at HER! even the case thingie he bought had femenine vibes and the ring too... He looks like a good person that wont harm her but id like him to tell her he knows and that he wont be a threat because she needs allies but then again, lets see whats his deal first


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