The imoogi said Lee Yeong “took his place”, so it sounds like there’s a grudge there…
On the shallow side of things, if I were a demon, I’d totally choose Yeon’s body! Imagine being able to binge on ice-cream for eternity without consequences
Ooh right. And his obsession with marrying the girl he didn’t get to the first time. I wonder if them trying to get the princess away from him was why they ran to the countryside in the first place.
My motivation to watch FoS is at like -100 knowing it has a second season…I think I\’ll just wait for season 2 to be over then watch both back to back. Hopefully, I can continue to avoid spoilers.
I know :/ My original plan was to watch season 1 before season 2 started but then failed at that idea. I did avoid spoilers though for season 1 pretty well so I have hope. Text spoilers are pretty easy to avoid. It’s the screenshot spoilers that are harder to not see.
I have been well-fed with k-pop lately with Ateez, Hyo’s “Dessert”, Seventeen’s “Left and Right”, Somi’s “What Are You Waiting For”, Eric Nam’s “Paradise”, Hwasa’s “LMM”, Lee Hi’s “Holo”, etc. But my UB is baaaaack and I am now 1000000% perfectly happy.
How do y’all survive live watching shows?? I can’t believe I have to wait another week for BSR after that ending!!! I just love these two. The OTP romance is just perfect.
Right? I really wish I could just tweak (well really completely rewrite) the side characters. Both leads’ best friends really are the worst part of the show. I still cringe anytime he’s on the screen.
The parents are hit and miss too, but at least they have some deeper moments.
In our most current installment of unsurprising news ft. The Liar and His Lover, Jig despises a kdrama everyone and their mama loved. And, in more unsurprising news, she still (painfully) finished it.
I don’t pay attention to ratings, but it was a pretty big hit in beanie land. Just check out the comment count lol plus it was right as the website changed so it was a like button and fanwall frenzy for the show too.
But glad to know I’m not alone although I did finish it lol
We work hard to make @jaelegant more delulu (I’m sure Key can convince her when they meet), but we definitely appreciated her groundedness and insight! (HappyBirthdaySpam)
I finished Bubblegum! The OTP/lead actors (I love LDW) definitely carried the show. But, the second FL was an interesting character and they showed one of the best depictions of a psychiatrist I\’ve seen in kdramas. The show had a lot to say about what it means to be \”caring\”: when caring becomes a burden, when caring should be a burden, when caring can be mutually beneficial, etc. I loved that the OTP learned how to find their middle ground and become better people for it.
Well, you just have to quickly detect the possible spoilet and scroll down.
It happens to me with shows airing I’m not watching right know but I want to watch 🤷🏼♀️
I survived Father is Strange, or better named Everybody Lies. Literally no one learned their lesson about lying. There was enough charm in the show to see me through 52 episodes, but I wished the characters would have been more likable overall. I could give a ten-mile rant, but really it had enough squeal-worthy moments and humorous ones that I’ll remember the show fondly enough.
At some I remember really, really not liking the older sister and her husband and his entire family plot lines and ff whenever any of them came on screen. She was only tolerable for me when she was with her sisters.
I muted the mother-in-law half the time. She was just so unreasonable and screechy.
Agree about the oldest sister. Everyone praised her confidence but her confidence just fueled her selfishness and self-righteousness. She was great when defending her dad at the end and when she realized how much her husband was there for her though.
It’s been a long time but I remember liking most characters and that one of the nice things about the angst was that the lies were there for a reason. What choice did the parents really have? I got curious which lie made you say that kkk.
All of them haha
But the main 2:
1) Oldest sis moving in with her boyfriend – I get the desire to skip the argument with family and just lying for the easier way out but when she got caught, she took zero responsibility for lying and acted all self-righteous blaming the parents for being old-fashioned. I would have been on her side if she had told them the truth and when they denied her request, she left anyway. But, her lying so she didn’t have to deal with the argument that she was soooo certain she was right about was cowardly of her and gave her no grounds to stand on when she was caught.
2) The mom and dad’s lie – I understand their reason but everyone acted like they had no other choice. They did. It wouldn’t have been an easy life, but they could have chosen to not steal someone else’s identity. The range of them being absolutely shameless about their lie (mainly the mom) and being self-destructive because of their lie was frustrating. The past is the past. They made a terrible decision, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t deserve just punishment (versus the worst punishment available like the dad wanted; also they got away with with a lie that the wife didn’t know anything) or that she deserves to have cancer with no one knowing (another frustrating lie). I mean obviously we wouldn’t have had much of a show without this lie, so it was more how the fallout was handled by the parents.
Honorable mentions:
The brother having a girlfriend, Yuju being a bully (Miyeong using her lie as blackmail), why the oldest sis broke up with the boyfriend originally, the marriage internship, and the MiL’s fake cast.
I had completely forgotten about most of this as I imagined eheheh. The older sister lied because she was a practical person and took the easy way out, it was also probably done to please the weekender audience, to show she was afraid of parents and society’s prejudices.
The parents big lie was very understandable for me and I liked how the children acted about it. The bully was terrible and I never liked her plot. I guess I liked most characters for being more real than average kdrama family members.
I think my like for Yuju was the most consistant and I think this is where the writing partly failed. I know the show was trying to make me not like her from the start with the pre-knowledge that she was a bully. However, Mi-yeong was genuinely horrible at her job at the start and the times where Yuju was “bullying” her were her actually being a boss who expects competency from her employees. Mi-yeong was always the one overreacting in her avoidance of Yuju. So, while I understood in the past Yuju was bad, the present made it seem like Mi-yeong was only victimizing herself. When Mi-yeong learned Yuju was her brother’s girlfriend, Mi-yeong came out as spiteful and vindictive, demanding Yuju do what she says or she’ll rat her out to the whole family. It wasn’t until waaaaaaay later when Yuju came to the realization how much of a bully she was that it really was spelled out how bad she treated Mi-yeong and how unapologetic she had been before. If her unapologetic nature had been spelled out before Miyeong was blackmailing her or if she had continued the fat jokes at the workplace, then I would have not liked her just like Mi-yeong didn’t. As it was though, the writers just assumed that viewers would hold a grudge just as much as Mi-yeong. They were right for the most part but just not with me lol
I’m going to disagree because show made obvious that the bully was still a bully, she took pleasure humiliating her because the boss was a weak person, selfish and insecure. Spiteful and vindictive? Anyone would have reacted the same, I thought her reaction was insanely kind to a person that didn’t deserve it, for herself and to give everybody a chance to understand, she should have just told the entire family her reasons to avoid that woman.
For the below:
When exactly did she humiliate her though when they met up at work? Miyeong would bring the wrong stuff to her or not know what Yuju was asking her to bring and Yuju would have to spell it out to her when it was information Miyeong should have known for her job.
Her blackmailing Yuju wasn’t out of the kindness of her heart in hoping Yuju would change on her own. She was literally telling her she better get on her knees and apologize or she’ll tell her brother how horrible she *used* to be. And originally, Miyeong never even had an actual conversation with Yuju with what she did. Yuju was the one who kept having to seek her out to try to talk out their problem but Miyeong would rudely ignore her. When Miyeong finally talked to her, she was just like you know what you did so apologize when bullies rarely realize the gravity of their actions. She should have been because you said this this and this in high school I was negatively affected this this and this way. Yuju realized on her own how bad she really was when she met up with her hs friends and they were bullying Miyeong and that is when Yuju gave her the sincere apology.
Yuju definitely wasn’t perfect either and there were some lines she said that were genuinely mean or thoughtless, but I think a lot of people hated on her too much because the writers painstakenly painted Miyeong as a victim. I saw Miyeong as her own worst enemy and when she finally decided to not be defined by her history, that is when she really blossomed. Her romance with Jonghee and Rayoung’s romance with Chulsoo ended up being my favorite storylines.
Yuju was purposely being mean to her at work. Making her carry all that heavy stuff just to bully her. Making it seem like things were Mi Young fault and she was incompetent when she really wasn’t.
Yuju wasn’t being sincere or even polite when trying to talk things out. She was rude and victim-blaming whenever she talked to Mi Young.
Why would Mi Young be kind to Yuju when she tortured her all through high school and tried to do the same thing at work? Mi Young’s direct boss even had to step in because Yuju was being ridiculous.
She wasn’t blackmailing her, she wanted a sincere apology but as usual, Yuju felt like Mi Young deserved the treatment she was giving her. Mi Young was too kind because the average person would have just told the brother and objected to them moving in.
One of my favorite scenes, that I rewatch often, is when Hae Young checked Yuju at lunch. IT made me so happy that someone finally had Mi Young’s back.
Thanks so much @thatstp!
I don’t like to talk so much about bullying and I was not believing I would have to explain the reasons MY did what she did, thanks for saying it all before I even tried to remember! kkk
You are absolutely right, most people, would never asked her for an apology, they would have simply told the truth to the family, not only to explain herself but to make the brother really know the person he would get married. She didn’t do that because she considered her brother’s feelings and disregarded her own, trying to solve it with a simple apology.
@thatstp ah, I had forgotten about the boxes. Fair enough. But, Miyeong really was incompetent at work. Yuju or another worker would ask for a specific belt or jacket and she would just go grab a random one. If you work at in a place for fashion, you have to know the fashion lingo and brands. I can’t remember who, probably her boss, but someone was finally like here are some fashion books you need to study to Miyeong. Only then did she bother to research her job and got better at it. There was a scene later where she recognized the brand was wrong and fixed it because she finally knew what she was doing.
Yuju was rude because she didn’t understand what she did because Miyeong never bothered to tell her. Bullies don’t get how bad their actions are. They just don’t. So to assume she magically knew is presumptuous. Miyeong had ample opportunity to spell it out and she didn’t even when she had the upperhand. It wasn’t until like the 4th conversation after blackmailing her that Miyeong was like you called me this and did this and that made me feel like this. I do wish she had told the brother though. Not to ruin the relationship but he may have helped in trying to reconicle them and he did have the right to know Yuju’s history.
That is one of the worst excuse for bullies, thinking they don’t understand what they are doing. They do and they like it. Even after @thatstp explained to you why the apology was necessary you keep saying it was blackmailing, that’s how much the mentality of victim blaming has a dangerous effect on society.
Because that is exactly how Miyeong presented the desire for an apology. She could have demanded one before she knew Yuju was dating her brother and did not. One argument could be that she only wanted an apology once she knew she would have to spend even more time with Yuju or that having the upperhand finally gave her the courage she always needed. Those are fair points, but it was still presented exactly as blackmail. You do this or else. Fighting a bully with blackmail is only going to make them mad. It’s not going to make them realize where they went wrong. Yuju realized where she went wrong when she saw first hand the bully behavior her friends displayed towards Miyeong. Those are the kinds of moments realization hits. Not being put in a corner.
I do realize I’ve been speaking in universals and every bully and every situation is going to be different. Some do bully just for the thrill but not all. In this specific case, I think the writers handled the entire case poorly (which was my original point). For me, they didn’t build enough sympathy towards Miyeong for me to be on her side *before* her extreme actions. They could have rearranged the story better to emphasis their history and the unapologetic nature of Yuju instead of waiting until much later to really reveal everything. If they had, then I may have better understood why this was Miyeong’s only option/last resort.
How? If the bully is her boss or someone in a higher position even in high school, she couldn’t have asked for an apology or demanded as you say. And, she never had the upperhand, all the bullied can do is deal with it, forgive and forget it. Again you say she always needed courage, blaming the victim and ignoring how much courage she had being bullied in school and on the job and hiding it from her family.
Miyeong gained the upperhand when she had the opportunity to tell her brother about the bullying that would ruin their relationship. People being bullied do not just have the one option of dealing with it, forgiving, and forgetting. They can stand up to the bully whether that person is higher ranked or not, but yes it takes courage. And, how they stand up to the bully makes a huge difference between being effective and making it worse. I *never* blamed Miyeong for being bullied. I blame her for how she dealt with being bullied years after the fact. That is a very key difference and not victim blaming.
That isn’t the upperhand, MY wouldn’t erase anything by telling the truth, she would gain nothing except understanding from her family, ruining the relationship, if that even happened, would not have pleased anyone. Standing up to the bullies IS dealing with it but it takes courage whether one does it or not. But no, HOW they stand up to them does not always make any difference. That is just what people who don’t really know about it like to believe and once again, that is victim blaming.
For the latest comment:
We are just stuck on an endless loop at this point. However, I do want to be clear that I am not victim blaming. I *never* said Miyeong deserved to be bullied (in the past or present). Placing any other definition into that word is incorrect. When talking about work, I was claiming that a boss demanding competency is not bullying. I did forget about the boxes so I do agree that that instance would be bullying.
I do know exactly what it means to be bullied and why I am being so passionate about this topic. Those bullied need to be armed with the best way to handle bullies and that can start with depicting correct and effective methods in media (why we see PSA commercials about drugs to alcohol to bullying). Silence or bullying a bully back are not correct or effective methods of resistance. FiS actually proves that point itself. Miyeong was negatively effected when she remained silent by having low self-esteem for years. It wasn’t until Miyeong decided not to be silent that she started to regain her confidence. However, her method of standing up failed because Yuju did not get what she did and did not feel remorse. It wasn’t until Yuju witnessed similar behavior from her friends that she understood her own bad behavior and felt truly sorry. The method of confrontation had everything to do with how a bully reacted.
I finished the Three Colors Fantasy triology!
1) Star of the Universe – such a great show! The story is well-written and the characters are very relatable. The world is well-built and humorous. The meta about idol life doesn’t just concentrate on the pretty parts. It takes the time to show how idols can be constricted and hurt by the lifestyle. Also, nose bops are the most adorable thing ever.
2) Romance Full of Life – not as good as SotU, but it has some really interesting commentary on self-worth about how we see ourselves and how we think others see us. The only downfall really was my favorite sidekick, Kang Ki-young, played a horrible character, and not even an intentionally villanious character.
3) Queen of the Ring – so so so horrible. I’m so glad I didn’t start with this one cause I would have just stopped. I thought at first that maybe they are making the situation so extreme to emphasis the moment when Seulgi’s character realizes that she’s beautiful no matter what people say, but nope. Until the very end, she thinks she’s ugly. I think we were suppose to be ok with the ML thinking she’s pretty and that’s all we ever needed? Who needs self-esteem when your boyfriend is hot? I do give the lead actors huge props though. They both were great with what they were given.
Finished Hotel Del Luna! I loved it. The story was well done, and I really felt for all the characters. The OTP was amazing, truly supporting each other’s growth. Also, I really want IU’s wardrobe.
I finished Birth Secret! For having the makjang-est title ever, it truly subverted so many tropes and was surprisingly refreshing in how it dealt with mental illness (paranoia, amnesia, low self-esteem, etc) (and this even being from 2013). It did have some misfires, but overall it was a really enjoyable watch. I highly recommend it! (Also Kim Young-kwang is in it if people are still craving more of him)
Happy Birthday, @infinitize! You’re the best MVP and (fake) fan of Infinite that I know. I hope we have many more years to spazz over Junho and explore more Exo (well the nice side at least)!
I\’m watching Birth Secret (2013). It\’s not as makjang as the title would suggest. I mean it does have a birth secret, amnesia, and a horrific matron, but it also has a geeeenius FL (and daughter) for once, a therapist and a doctor with ethics, and an interesting premise. I\’m enjoying it so far.
Thank you @midnight and @bbstl for recommending Wok of Love! I looooved it! The OTP *gasp* communicated and the bromance was so sweet. The FL’s mom was a piece of work but otherwise totally enjoyed it
OMG I first swooned over the pic and then noticed the mention quite belatedly! You are welcome! I am VERY happy that you loved it! It is one of my most favorite shows!
I was rewatching Miss Korea the other day, which is by the same writer of WoL, and I noticed that this writer has a soft spot for Loan sharks with a heart of gold. Can’t say I don’t!! Jung Sun Saeng and his story arc is one of my most favorites EVER!
I don’t blame you at all. The first few episodes aren’t very gripping. Whenever I rewatch it I wonder how I went past episode 1 the first time. But it is totally worth it!
Oh, I’m happy you enjoy it. It kinda lost its spark in the second half, but not so much that I stopped loving it. I love the romance, I love the bromance, and it’s one of the most healthy triangle love I’ve seen portrayed on drama. And I especially in love with the weirdly frank conversation between our leads. So quirky, so honest, hilarious and on-point too.
I saw that in the comments on the recaps so I was waiting for everything to become horrible in the second half, but I still enjoyed it. The FL’s mom was horrible and I was disappointed that they made her that way and that they never actually resolve it. I do love how the OTP ended up handling it though so that at least made up for it a little.
And there were some plot points dropped in favor of food shots, but that didn’t bother me too much. I still thought it maintained it’s quality.
That last sentence perfectly sums it up. I was just amazed how natural their conversations were without making them seem like untouchable angels or unreasonable jerks. They all had some growing to do but you see how they all changed (from the thugs to the OTP) by meeting each other.
November 6, 2020 at 5:43 PM
I mean I don’t blame the Imoogi for wanting LDW’s body. Not a bad choice at all really.
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
November 6, 2020 at 10:34 PM
I’ve been wondering about the obsession and now that you’ve pointed that out, totally agree lol
November 6, 2020 at 11:19 PM
Really I wonder too. He’s not the only mountain spirit so why him? I feel like there must be something else that makes him particularly special.
Fly Colours
November 7, 2020 at 12:32 AM
The imoogi said Lee Yeong “took his place”, so it sounds like there’s a grudge there…
On the shallow side of things, if I were a demon, I’d totally choose Yeon’s body! Imagine being able to binge on ice-cream for eternity without consequences
💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
November 7, 2020 at 2:20 AM
*I’m still holding onto my Fool’s Hope of something to do with Dragons* *weeps*
November 7, 2020 at 6:39 AM
Ooh right. And his obsession with marrying the girl he didn’t get to the first time. I wonder if them trying to get the princess away from him was why they ran to the countryside in the first place.
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
November 7, 2020 at 1:28 AM
Being played by LDW is special xD
August 24, 2020 at 12:29 PM
When we get back into shaking hands, this could be our new greeting. (From Miss Hammurabi)
August 24, 2020 at 2:17 PM
…and hand out med cert instead of business cards 😅
August 13, 2020 at 6:10 PM
My motivation to watch FoS is at like -100 knowing it has a second season…I think I\’ll just wait for season 2 to be over then watch both back to back. Hopefully, I can continue to avoid spoilers.
LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
August 13, 2020 at 6:12 PM
Season 1 is completely self-contained if that helps. It stands alone perfectly.
Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
August 13, 2020 at 7:30 PM
You have little chance of avoiding spoilers
August 13, 2020 at 10:49 PM
I know :/ My original plan was to watch season 1 before season 2 started but then failed at that idea. I did avoid spoilers though for season 1 pretty well so I have hope. Text spoilers are pretty easy to avoid. It’s the screenshot spoilers that are harder to not see.
August 4, 2020 at 7:27 AM
I have been well-fed with k-pop lately with Ateez, Hyo’s “Dessert”, Seventeen’s “Left and Right”, Somi’s “What Are You Waiting For”, Eric Nam’s “Paradise”, Hwasa’s “LMM”, Lee Hi’s “Holo”, etc. But my UB is baaaaack and I am now 1000000% perfectly happy.
August 1, 2020 at 12:05 PM
How do y’all survive live watching shows?? I can’t believe I have to wait another week for BSR after that ending!!! I just love these two. The OTP romance is just perfect.
mugyuljoie is preciousss
August 1, 2020 at 1:32 PM
I love them too. I’d love to remake this one and totally change a certain character though.
August 1, 2020 at 2:14 PM
Right? I really wish I could just tweak (well really completely rewrite) the side characters. Both leads’ best friends really are the worst part of the show. I still cringe anytime he’s on the screen.
The parents are hit and miss too, but at least they have some deeper moments.
mugyuljoie is preciousss
August 1, 2020 at 2:16 PM
I agree with everything.
July 31, 2020 at 6:20 PM
Bahaha but also what wrinkles??
[In case you can’t tell in the picture, she had written on his face and he’s asking how to get it off]
July 27, 2020 at 4:34 PM
In our most current installment of unsurprising news ft. The Liar and His Lover, Jig despises a kdrama everyone and their mama loved. And, in more unsurprising news, she still (painfully) finished it.
July 27, 2020 at 4:39 PM
I didn’t hate this one but I didn’t understand all the fuss. I watched it shortly after it aired.
July 27, 2020 at 8:05 PM
people liked it? was a ratings disaster..and i remember dropping it midway of ep 1
July 27, 2020 at 8:08 PM
I don’t pay attention to ratings, but it was a pretty big hit in beanie land. Just check out the comment count lol plus it was right as the website changed so it was a like button and fanwall frenzy for the show too.
But glad to know I’m not alone although I did finish it lol
July 19, 2020 at 11:14 AM
We work hard to make @jaelegant more delulu (I’m sure Key can convince her when they meet), but we definitely appreciated her groundedness and insight! (HappyBirthdaySpam)
July 19, 2020 at 9:27 AM
@jaelegant received the best bday present ever. Onew is officially back from the military. Shinee’s baaaack
July 19, 2020 at 8:01 AM
Haaaappy Biiiirthday, @jaelegant! We have watched this a hundred times but hope we watch it a hundred more together! 💙
May 18, 2020 at 5:08 PM
I finished Bubblegum! The OTP/lead actors (I love LDW) definitely carried the show. But, the second FL was an interesting character and they showed one of the best depictions of a psychiatrist I\’ve seen in kdramas. The show had a lot to say about what it means to be \”caring\”: when caring becomes a burden, when caring should be a burden, when caring can be mutually beneficial, etc. I loved that the OTP learned how to find their middle ground and become better people for it.
May 18, 2020 at 10:27 PM
I love Bubblegum.
May 18, 2020 at 11:04 PM
Oh my gosh, Bubblegum! That’s one underrated drama, for sure
parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
May 19, 2020 at 8:32 AM
Despite its name, I think I cried buckets watching it.
May 9, 2020 at 8:05 PM
I enjoy a kdrama-themed month on a kdrama site but it does make for a mine of spoilers for old shows I haven\’t gotten to yet 😂😅
May 10, 2020 at 1:40 AM
Well, you just have to quickly detect the possible spoilet and scroll down.
It happens to me with shows airing I’m not watching right know but I want to watch 🤷🏼♀️
May 10, 2020 at 7:36 AM
That’s my usual tactic. The problem is when they start with character names or plot before they actually mention the show DX
April 18, 2020 at 7:53 PM
I survived Father is Strange, or better named Everybody Lies. Literally no one learned their lesson about lying. There was enough charm in the show to see me through 52 episodes, but I wished the characters would have been more likable overall. I could give a ten-mile rant, but really it had enough squeal-worthy moments and humorous ones that I’ll remember the show fondly enough.
April 18, 2020 at 8:35 PM
I adored every single of them n I’m planning for a rewatch.
April 18, 2020 at 9:17 PM
A lot of people seem to manage to get through it twice. I’ll probably revisit certain scenes.
isa: I'm not a serial killer I'm just really passionate about things
April 19, 2020 at 5:38 AM
At some I remember really, really not liking the older sister and her husband and his entire family plot lines and ff whenever any of them came on screen. She was only tolerable for me when she was with her sisters.
April 19, 2020 at 7:28 AM
I muted the mother-in-law half the time. She was just so unreasonable and screechy.
Agree about the oldest sister. Everyone praised her confidence but her confidence just fueled her selfishness and self-righteousness. She was great when defending her dad at the end and when she realized how much her husband was there for her though.
April 19, 2020 at 6:52 AM
It’s been a long time but I remember liking most characters and that one of the nice things about the angst was that the lies were there for a reason. What choice did the parents really have? I got curious which lie made you say that kkk.
April 19, 2020 at 7:57 AM
All of them haha
But the main 2:
1) Oldest sis moving in with her boyfriend – I get the desire to skip the argument with family and just lying for the easier way out but when she got caught, she took zero responsibility for lying and acted all self-righteous blaming the parents for being old-fashioned. I would have been on her side if she had told them the truth and when they denied her request, she left anyway. But, her lying so she didn’t have to deal with the argument that she was soooo certain she was right about was cowardly of her and gave her no grounds to stand on when she was caught.
2) The mom and dad’s lie – I understand their reason but everyone acted like they had no other choice. They did. It wouldn’t have been an easy life, but they could have chosen to not steal someone else’s identity. The range of them being absolutely shameless about their lie (mainly the mom) and being self-destructive because of their lie was frustrating. The past is the past. They made a terrible decision, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t deserve just punishment (versus the worst punishment available like the dad wanted; also they got away with with a lie that the wife didn’t know anything) or that she deserves to have cancer with no one knowing (another frustrating lie). I mean obviously we wouldn’t have had much of a show without this lie, so it was more how the fallout was handled by the parents.
Honorable mentions:
The brother having a girlfriend, Yuju being a bully (Miyeong using her lie as blackmail), why the oldest sis broke up with the boyfriend originally, the marriage internship, and the MiL’s fake cast.
April 19, 2020 at 8:31 AM
I had completely forgotten about most of this as I imagined eheheh. The older sister lied because she was a practical person and took the easy way out, it was also probably done to please the weekender audience, to show she was afraid of parents and society’s prejudices.
The parents big lie was very understandable for me and I liked how the children acted about it. The bully was terrible and I never liked her plot. I guess I liked most characters for being more real than average kdrama family members.
April 19, 2020 at 8:54 AM
I think my like for Yuju was the most consistant and I think this is where the writing partly failed. I know the show was trying to make me not like her from the start with the pre-knowledge that she was a bully. However, Mi-yeong was genuinely horrible at her job at the start and the times where Yuju was “bullying” her were her actually being a boss who expects competency from her employees. Mi-yeong was always the one overreacting in her avoidance of Yuju. So, while I understood in the past Yuju was bad, the present made it seem like Mi-yeong was only victimizing herself. When Mi-yeong learned Yuju was her brother’s girlfriend, Mi-yeong came out as spiteful and vindictive, demanding Yuju do what she says or she’ll rat her out to the whole family. It wasn’t until waaaaaaay later when Yuju came to the realization how much of a bully she was that it really was spelled out how bad she treated Mi-yeong and how unapologetic she had been before. If her unapologetic nature had been spelled out before Miyeong was blackmailing her or if she had continued the fat jokes at the workplace, then I would have not liked her just like Mi-yeong didn’t. As it was though, the writers just assumed that viewers would hold a grudge just as much as Mi-yeong. They were right for the most part but just not with me lol
April 19, 2020 at 10:18 AM
I’m going to disagree because show made obvious that the bully was still a bully, she took pleasure humiliating her because the boss was a weak person, selfish and insecure. Spiteful and vindictive? Anyone would have reacted the same, I thought her reaction was insanely kind to a person that didn’t deserve it, for herself and to give everybody a chance to understand, she should have just told the entire family her reasons to avoid that woman.
April 19, 2020 at 11:10 AM
For the below:
When exactly did she humiliate her though when they met up at work? Miyeong would bring the wrong stuff to her or not know what Yuju was asking her to bring and Yuju would have to spell it out to her when it was information Miyeong should have known for her job.
Her blackmailing Yuju wasn’t out of the kindness of her heart in hoping Yuju would change on her own. She was literally telling her she better get on her knees and apologize or she’ll tell her brother how horrible she *used* to be. And originally, Miyeong never even had an actual conversation with Yuju with what she did. Yuju was the one who kept having to seek her out to try to talk out their problem but Miyeong would rudely ignore her. When Miyeong finally talked to her, she was just like you know what you did so apologize when bullies rarely realize the gravity of their actions. She should have been because you said this this and this in high school I was negatively affected this this and this way. Yuju realized on her own how bad she really was when she met up with her hs friends and they were bullying Miyeong and that is when Yuju gave her the sincere apology.
Yuju definitely wasn’t perfect either and there were some lines she said that were genuinely mean or thoughtless, but I think a lot of people hated on her too much because the writers painstakenly painted Miyeong as a victim. I saw Miyeong as her own worst enemy and when she finally decided to not be defined by her history, that is when she really blossomed. Her romance with Jonghee and Rayoung’s romance with Chulsoo ended up being my favorite storylines.
April 19, 2020 at 9:37 PM
Yuju was purposely being mean to her at work. Making her carry all that heavy stuff just to bully her. Making it seem like things were Mi Young fault and she was incompetent when she really wasn’t.
Yuju wasn’t being sincere or even polite when trying to talk things out. She was rude and victim-blaming whenever she talked to Mi Young.
Why would Mi Young be kind to Yuju when she tortured her all through high school and tried to do the same thing at work? Mi Young’s direct boss even had to step in because Yuju was being ridiculous.
She wasn’t blackmailing her, she wanted a sincere apology but as usual, Yuju felt like Mi Young deserved the treatment she was giving her. Mi Young was too kind because the average person would have just told the brother and objected to them moving in.
One of my favorite scenes, that I rewatch often, is when Hae Young checked Yuju at lunch. IT made me so happy that someone finally had Mi Young’s back.
April 20, 2020 at 6:42 AM
Thanks so much @thatstp!
I don’t like to talk so much about bullying and I was not believing I would have to explain the reasons MY did what she did, thanks for saying it all before I even tried to remember! kkk
You are absolutely right, most people, would never asked her for an apology, they would have simply told the truth to the family, not only to explain herself but to make the brother really know the person he would get married. She didn’t do that because she considered her brother’s feelings and disregarded her own, trying to solve it with a simple apology.
April 20, 2020 at 9:44 AM
@thatstp ah, I had forgotten about the boxes. Fair enough. But, Miyeong really was incompetent at work. Yuju or another worker would ask for a specific belt or jacket and she would just go grab a random one. If you work at in a place for fashion, you have to know the fashion lingo and brands. I can’t remember who, probably her boss, but someone was finally like here are some fashion books you need to study to Miyeong. Only then did she bother to research her job and got better at it. There was a scene later where she recognized the brand was wrong and fixed it because she finally knew what she was doing.
Yuju was rude because she didn’t understand what she did because Miyeong never bothered to tell her. Bullies don’t get how bad their actions are. They just don’t. So to assume she magically knew is presumptuous. Miyeong had ample opportunity to spell it out and she didn’t even when she had the upperhand. It wasn’t until like the 4th conversation after blackmailing her that Miyeong was like you called me this and did this and that made me feel like this. I do wish she had told the brother though. Not to ruin the relationship but he may have helped in trying to reconicle them and he did have the right to know Yuju’s history.
April 20, 2020 at 10:55 AM
That is one of the worst excuse for bullies, thinking they don’t understand what they are doing. They do and they like it. Even after @thatstp explained to you why the apology was necessary you keep saying it was blackmailing, that’s how much the mentality of victim blaming has a dangerous effect on society.
April 20, 2020 at 11:32 AM
Because that is exactly how Miyeong presented the desire for an apology. She could have demanded one before she knew Yuju was dating her brother and did not. One argument could be that she only wanted an apology once she knew she would have to spend even more time with Yuju or that having the upperhand finally gave her the courage she always needed. Those are fair points, but it was still presented exactly as blackmail. You do this or else. Fighting a bully with blackmail is only going to make them mad. It’s not going to make them realize where they went wrong. Yuju realized where she went wrong when she saw first hand the bully behavior her friends displayed towards Miyeong. Those are the kinds of moments realization hits. Not being put in a corner.
I do realize I’ve been speaking in universals and every bully and every situation is going to be different. Some do bully just for the thrill but not all. In this specific case, I think the writers handled the entire case poorly (which was my original point). For me, they didn’t build enough sympathy towards Miyeong for me to be on her side *before* her extreme actions. They could have rearranged the story better to emphasis their history and the unapologetic nature of Yuju instead of waiting until much later to really reveal everything. If they had, then I may have better understood why this was Miyeong’s only option/last resort.
April 20, 2020 at 1:23 PM
How? If the bully is her boss or someone in a higher position even in high school, she couldn’t have asked for an apology or demanded as you say. And, she never had the upperhand, all the bullied can do is deal with it, forgive and forget it. Again you say she always needed courage, blaming the victim and ignoring how much courage she had being bullied in school and on the job and hiding it from her family.
April 20, 2020 at 2:21 PM
Miyeong gained the upperhand when she had the opportunity to tell her brother about the bullying that would ruin their relationship. People being bullied do not just have the one option of dealing with it, forgiving, and forgetting. They can stand up to the bully whether that person is higher ranked or not, but yes it takes courage. And, how they stand up to the bully makes a huge difference between being effective and making it worse. I *never* blamed Miyeong for being bullied. I blame her for how she dealt with being bullied years after the fact. That is a very key difference and not victim blaming.
April 20, 2020 at 4:00 PM
That isn’t the upperhand, MY wouldn’t erase anything by telling the truth, she would gain nothing except understanding from her family, ruining the relationship, if that even happened, would not have pleased anyone. Standing up to the bullies IS dealing with it but it takes courage whether one does it or not. But no, HOW they stand up to them does not always make any difference. That is just what people who don’t really know about it like to believe and once again, that is victim blaming.
April 20, 2020 at 6:10 PM
For the latest comment:
We are just stuck on an endless loop at this point. However, I do want to be clear that I am not victim blaming. I *never* said Miyeong deserved to be bullied (in the past or present). Placing any other definition into that word is incorrect. When talking about work, I was claiming that a boss demanding competency is not bullying. I did forget about the boxes so I do agree that that instance would be bullying.
I do know exactly what it means to be bullied and why I am being so passionate about this topic. Those bullied need to be armed with the best way to handle bullies and that can start with depicting correct and effective methods in media (why we see PSA commercials about drugs to alcohol to bullying). Silence or bullying a bully back are not correct or effective methods of resistance. FiS actually proves that point itself. Miyeong was negatively effected when she remained silent by having low self-esteem for years. It wasn’t until Miyeong decided not to be silent that she started to regain her confidence. However, her method of standing up failed because Yuju did not get what she did and did not feel remorse. It wasn’t until Yuju witnessed similar behavior from her friends that she understood her own bad behavior and felt truly sorry. The method of confrontation had everything to do with how a bully reacted.
April 9, 2020 at 10:58 PM
I finished the Three Colors Fantasy triology!
1) Star of the Universe – such a great show! The story is well-written and the characters are very relatable. The world is well-built and humorous. The meta about idol life doesn’t just concentrate on the pretty parts. It takes the time to show how idols can be constricted and hurt by the lifestyle. Also, nose bops are the most adorable thing ever.
2) Romance Full of Life – not as good as SotU, but it has some really interesting commentary on self-worth about how we see ourselves and how we think others see us. The only downfall really was my favorite sidekick, Kang Ki-young, played a horrible character, and not even an intentionally villanious character.
3) Queen of the Ring – so so so horrible. I’m so glad I didn’t start with this one cause I would have just stopped. I thought at first that maybe they are making the situation so extreme to emphasis the moment when Seulgi’s character realizes that she’s beautiful no matter what people say, but nope. Until the very end, she thinks she’s ugly. I think we were suppose to be ok with the ML thinking she’s pretty and that’s all we ever needed? Who needs self-esteem when your boyfriend is hot? I do give the lead actors huge props though. They both were great with what they were given.
March 29, 2020 at 8:13 AM
Finished Hotel Del Luna! I loved it. The story was well done, and I really felt for all the characters. The OTP was amazing, truly supporting each other’s growth. Also, I really want IU’s wardrobe.
mugyuljoie is preciousss
March 30, 2020 at 4:51 AM
I miss it.
March 23, 2020 at 2:26 PM
Hope everyone stays healthy, and remember, Beanies, don’t touch your
March 23, 2020 at 6:46 PM
OMG I love this song! I had a hard case of LSS of this before 😍
March 23, 2020 at 8:45 PM
Edgar Pordwed
March 27, 2020 at 7:09 AM
February 14, 2020 at 8:02 PM
I finished Birth Secret! For having the makjang-est title ever, it truly subverted so many tropes and was surprisingly refreshing in how it dealt with mental illness (paranoia, amnesia, low self-esteem, etc) (and this even being from 2013). It did have some misfires, but overall it was a really enjoyable watch. I highly recommend it! (Also Kim Young-kwang is in it if people are still craving more of him)
January 30, 2020 at 6:32 AM
Happy Birthday, @infinitize! You’re the best MVP and (fake) fan of Infinite that I know. I hope we have many more years to spazz over Junho and explore more Exo (well the nice side at least)!
January 30, 2020 at 7:53 AM
Yay happy birthday fini! 🥳 🎂
January 30, 2020 at 10:01 AM
Thank you famy!
January 30, 2020 at 10:01 AM
*gasp* My fake fan status has been outed! bahah
Thank you so much, Jig! I’m dying at that last picture of D.O. Just what did you search in order to get that picture? Hmm? XD
January 30, 2020 at 10:25 AM
I rather not admit. The sacrifices I make for you…
January 30, 2020 at 1:49 PM
You’re a good friend, Jig. Don’t listen to any of this unfriend business.
January 30, 2020 at 2:50 PM
I know better than to 😜
January 27, 2020 at 12:05 PM
I\’m watching Birth Secret (2013). It\’s not as makjang as the title would suggest. I mean it does have a birth secret, amnesia, and a horrific matron, but it also has a geeeenius FL (and daughter) for once, a therapist and a doctor with ethics, and an interesting premise. I\’m enjoying it so far.
January 17, 2020 at 9:56 AM
Thank you @midnight and @bbstl for recommending Wok of Love! I looooved it! The OTP *gasp* communicated and the bromance was so sweet. The FL’s mom was a piece of work but otherwise totally enjoyed it
January 17, 2020 at 10:25 AM
OMG I first swooned over the pic and then noticed the mention quite belatedly! You are welcome! I am VERY happy that you loved it! It is one of my most favorite shows!
January 17, 2020 at 11:35 AM
They do look good, don’t they? I need to get myself a guy who looks and cooks like Poong.
January 17, 2020 at 12:49 PM
They definitely do!
mugyuljoie is preciousss
January 17, 2020 at 12:21 PM
Loan shark with a heart of gold and Dim Sum (the cute kitten) too!
January 17, 2020 at 12:53 PM
I was rewatching Miss Korea the other day, which is by the same writer of WoL, and I noticed that this writer has a soft spot for Loan sharks with a heart of gold. Can’t say I don’t!! Jung Sun Saeng and his story arc is one of my most favorites EVER!
January 17, 2020 at 1:56 PM
Oooh I didn’t realize that. I watched the first episode (or maybe first 2) then ended up watching something else. It’s still on my list though.
January 17, 2020 at 6:40 PM
I don’t blame you at all. The first few episodes aren’t very gripping. Whenever I rewatch it I wonder how I went past episode 1 the first time. But it is totally worth it!
January 18, 2020 at 6:36 AM
I think the ML frustrated me or something. It’s been awhile. But, I’ll definitely give it another shot at some point.
January 17, 2020 at 1:55 PM
The true OTP. He has become one of my favorite second leads. He was just so sweet and heartfelt but then he could beat up everyone all smoothly.
bbstl 🧹
January 17, 2020 at 2:44 PM
Glad you watched and love it! I wanted that kitty.
January 17, 2020 at 3:05 PM
I want one too. I had a kitten like that but he’s a huge cat now and lives with my parents lol
bbstl 🧹
January 17, 2020 at 6:26 PM
awwwwwwww! 😸
January 17, 2020 at 3:33 PM
Oh, I’m happy you enjoy it. It kinda lost its spark in the second half, but not so much that I stopped loving it. I love the romance, I love the bromance, and it’s one of the most healthy triangle love I’ve seen portrayed on drama. And I especially in love with the weirdly frank conversation between our leads. So quirky, so honest, hilarious and on-point too.
January 18, 2020 at 6:49 AM
I saw that in the comments on the recaps so I was waiting for everything to become horrible in the second half, but I still enjoyed it. The FL’s mom was horrible and I was disappointed that they made her that way and that they never actually resolve it. I do love how the OTP ended up handling it though so that at least made up for it a little.
And there were some plot points dropped in favor of food shots, but that didn’t bother me too much. I still thought it maintained it’s quality.
That last sentence perfectly sums it up. I was just amazed how natural their conversations were without making them seem like untouchable angels or unreasonable jerks. They all had some growing to do but you see how they all changed (from the thugs to the OTP) by meeting each other.