Beanie level: Wrongly accused fugitive

Coming back to dramabeans really is like wearing an old cardigan… ANYWAY, ENOUGH TAYLOR SWIFT JOKES CAUSE WE’RE KINDA BACK?

I have no idea how long i’ll be back here this time, but dramabeans really does feel like an old highschool friend (literally and figuratively???) – you see them once or twice in a blue moon, but when you do, it feels like nothing has changed.

two things happened today that made me want to write here: 1) for context – in the past 2-3 years i have been gone, i had been a seventeen carat. HAHAHAHA. i never thought i would be a kpop fan but HERE I AM. HAHAHAHA! Today, they just had a comeback and Woozi was trying to explain how writing for him was able to help him through some tough times. And it got me thinking that his music was also able to help me and a lot of carats through difficult parts of our lives as well. That music does bring so much joy or at least an outlet knowing that through their lyrics, someone understands us. Suddenly, I was very thankful to be living here, now, in a world where we can listen to music like that. Which leads us to 2) LOVELY RUNNER! The episode today leads us to believe that the original timeline is somewhat wiped, and so does Sol’s fangirl journey. It’s such an interesting thing to see how one life can really be changed by one event, and going back, how that phone call in the original timeline gave back her positivity and sunshine. History aside, Sun Jae really was a source of joy for her, as do Seventeen for carats like me. Isn’t it amazing how art can imitate life sometimes?


    P.S. Sun Jae being an absolute loser in his 30s will always be his best trait. NEVER CHANGE, SUN JAE-YA!


    Welcome back! And I’m more into the kpop rabbit hole now than I thought I would ever be! (Mercilessly devouring The Rose, Highlight and Day6 right now, with finding EPEX this past week and somehow following them on INSTA. And I’ve always been on the outskirts of following SEVENTEEN and Stray Kids.)


    Seventeen is my niece’s favourite. I’ve only got to know them recently thanks to her.


    👋🏾welcome back, Lovely runner is a joy to watch.


    Welcome back!


Making my dramabeans comeback by asking – what is up with Now We Are Breaking Up?? Am I missing a cultural thing, cause I am at a loss as to why they /need/ to break up?


    ++ They didn’t do anything wrong – they didn’t cheat or anything so WHY?


      Reputation. The girl dated his brother, they blame her for killing his brother. She’s from a poor family. She’s a home-wrecker for braking up his brother’s engagement. She has a bad reputation. He’s the illegitimate child. So comes from a wrecked home. My parents wouldn’t allow me date anyone whose parents were divorced. That’s why they never got divorced (although they probably should have). The belief that coming from a broken family curses relationships/ families in the future for generations. Those are the reasons they can’t be together.




        Wow now i feel like i shud watch the drama!


          What’s ironic is now her parents are getting divorced because her mom thinks her dad is having an affair. So her mother is being hypocritical about him. I’m just here for the eye candy that is Jang Ki Yong, really. 😂


            I saw a clip of ep 10 and that eye candy professing his love without moving a single facial muscle while FL is crying has me thinking maybe it’s better to stay away. Is the hyung around after ep 3? Maybe i’ll watch his part since i like him.


        Thanks for the explanation~ Kind of threw me off the show because I’d been scratching my head trying to understand. Guess the writers didn’t really consider international audiences, but thought they could’ve expressed this more in their discussions – other than she were the other woman. Maybe the friends could’ve been more against the relationship than for it?

        Nevertheless, thanks so much for this. I think I can empathize with this couple more. Though I feel like they could still fight for it though. If they want to go the route of – love conquers all trope. Though I guess if they did break up, that would be a great twist too!


          I don’t know what ep you’re on, so I just want to point out that they REALLY buried the “brother was cheating on fiance” part until later in the show–which she wasn’t even aware of at the time of the relationship. So typical “Female is at fault even though she had no clue that there was a potential problem” nonsense. 😒


            What happened to readjusting your thoughts about a situation when new facts emerge to clear up misunderstandings (or wrong assumptions as it were) and to shed light on what truly was taking place? So frustrating.


            It’s an old kdrama dressed up in new clothes.


            by SONO


soooo they sang superstar in today’s episode of HP~ and that song keeps playing in my head like I heard it from a kdrama before. do you guys have any idea of characters singing it acapella?? 🤦‍♀️


Have you guys seen Taxi Driver yet??? Giving me major healer vibes where he has to do all these disguises. TOTALLY LOVE IT. LEE JE HOON IS A GEM


feeling like rising from the piles of paperwork to talk about Oh My Master~

Lee Min Ki as the writer ver of Se Hee? YAAAAS. GIMME THE COHABITATION HIJINKS STAT. Nana as Sera?? BRING IT ON


    I haven’t watched ep 2 yet but honestly I liked ep 1 a lot more than I thought I would! My pessimistic self was prepared to hate 🙃

    It’s a classic romcom elevated by its hilarious and quirky leads (Lee Min-ki is a RIOT here and so vibrant in his performance) and I’m satisfied. I already love their dynamic.


      I’m loving LMK as this writer who is aware of how good he is. He’s not arrogant, just spitting facts


        You know what, you’re totally right! He’s just really confident in his craft


      have you seen ep 2 already?? it’s really giving me the BTLIOF vibes, mostly because of the cohabitation angle but I totally love LMK and Nana’s chemistry already. Hahaha, now that I think about it LMK here reminds me so much of that part in BTLIOF when he was making kimchi with Ji Ho’s family for some reason HAHAHAHA


        I love his dynamic with Nana. Joo In seems to be the only one who can bargain with him and I am all for it


        He just constantly looks annoyed and in distress, LOL.

        Their dynamic is so so different from Se-hee and Ji-ho. They were my awkward polite babies together while here they’re both so confident but oddly compliment each other so well. The main complaint I’ve read about the show is it being too boring/tropey but I don’t know how you can be bored watching these two go at it, haha.


Hi guys, I’m back somewhat temporarily – missing the DB fam!! 💛 what are you guys watching these days? Currently on my CW: True Beauty, Mr Queen, Cheat on Me, Run On, She Would Never Know


    RUN ON and Mr. QUEEN!!!

    Welcome back!!!


      huhu life happened and had to take a break for a while, though didn’t stop watching dramas (at least from my list of CWs hahaha)

      Im Siwan is such a sweetheart on Run On (I can’t believe I haven’t seen him in anything else), and omg I loved SHS and KJH before but even more so here, love their bickering hahaha


        Comment was deleted


        He’s enough reason to (re) watch Misaeng after Run On ends. I love him so much!


18 Again (14): That scene in the bus stop UGHHHH SO GOOD


Brahms: Gotta say, one of the best this year. Despite it’s flaws (and there are a lot), can’t help but say screw it! We came for this couple and we got it. Cheers Brahmsies!


    And cheers to the small gems like DYLB that proves you don’t need pomp and circumstance to make a good show – you just need a lot of heart and stories that can resonate on a different level. (and a really good bonus if your leads have chemistry like PEB and KMJ HAHAHAHA)


    We only needed our OTP to be happy and that’s what we got. All those angsty moments and annoying characters can be forgiven (slightly).


      True! And if I’m gonna be totally forgiving about it, I’m gonna say – well, there’s a lot of annoying people in real life anyway HAHAHA. They usually don’t get retribution arcs (ahem the nasty professors ahem) too, so in a way it’s realistic! HAHAHA


    Cheers to all the tears that we spent for this couple! Truly one of the best OTP this year! ❤️


Brahms (12): Wow, what an episode. But I feel like I would have been happy for this to happen on Ep12 or 13, not this late. I feel like we don’t have enough time to solve this properly


    With 2 episodes left! Ughh I’m fine with it but I totally agree this is late in the game especially how the last 4 episodes were the same episode anyway..


      So trueeee! I kind of believe the Ep12 angstfest format now, like just enough time for people to feel the feels but also time to resolve everything well. I’d rather not have it but if they insist, I’d prefer the Ep12 format. hahahahuhuhu


        10 and 12 episodes are awesome. Short and sweet. I mean we just sat through 4 episodes of all of them having different misunderstandings and just piling them up. It was watching the same thing without moving the plot. It was really hard to watch tbh


Brahms (14): They just casually sold that piano to me. And I’m kind of really sold?? If only I knew how to play the piano AND HAD THE MOOLAH FOR IT 😂


Gumiho (1-2): I wasn’t like super hyped for this for some reason – like I knew I was gonna watch it, like I had to watch it but I wasn’t excited like I was going into Goblin. But I think that’s also why I was really pleasantly surprised by this! Two bickering out-of-this-world brothers + a smart heroine? Yaaas please! I’m excited!


    I really enjoyed the first episode. It was fast paced and fun.


      Yaaas. Really enjoyed episode 2 as well, I’m curious what that ending means!!


Brahms (9): Aren’t we glad they had that conversation after the confession?? Love the way these two communicate – it may not always be the best (see: that rank convo from last week) but I love that they do it nonetheless because at least they know where they’re both coming from. So when things like the last scene of the episode happens, there’s no cause for misunderstanding. In that scene, Song Ah didn’t look like she was worried about Joon Young at all, and her whole focus was explaining to Min Seung. I’m sure she’ll have to talk to Joon Young about it eventually, but it wouldn’t be as urgent because Joon Young really has nothing to worry about.


    True! It was refreshing that after they kissed, they didnt forget things they were discussing beforehand. I hope that slowly, JY would also open up. I really felt sad for him with what the revelation of his past. I hope that friendships be mended soon!


    Right! And also Joon Young in that end scene looked at Min Seung right away too because he knows the back story. Neither JY nor SA looked at each other as if they were worried about a misunderstanding. I’m thinking SA will probably tell him about DY’s confession though… although he already heard about it otl


    Their conversation after the kiss was great because they addressed the issue beforehand. I mean, if someone like Joonyoung kissed me like that, I’d forget EVERYTHING. 🤣🤣🤣


ROY (7): If anything, we’ll always thank ROY for showcasing PBG’s versatility. Those acting scenes are everything!


FOE (16): The moment they mentioned amnesia, I knew I wasn’t going to like the ending. I didn’t.


    So, let me guess, he was secretly a good guy, not a psychopath, its not nature but nurture and they reset his memories to give him clean slate? I thought so, they can never go fully dark with kdrama, everybody has to be redeemable somehow.


      See, I don’t think they even went there! The tension of this episode is coming from the fact that Ji Won loved old Hyun Su and they can never get back to that. His memories regressed to before the car accident so he was pre-Ji Won Hyun Su that’s pretty much a psycho with no memories of loving someone (since he never got to experience being a family with Ji Won and Eun Ha).

      That makes it feel typical K-drama on my end, like they just made the ending fit into the amnesia trope mold they already had. More a cry-fest than anything else, it feels so detached from the previous episodes (that were perfect btw). It feels almost like they changed the writers at the last minute.


        I think there’s more, though, that’s bad about this.

        By creating yet another external event that alters the dynamic of their relationship, we are once again prevented from seeing Hyun-soo and Ji-won as a normal couple trying to overcome and deal with some difficult stuff from their past. Importantly, at the end of this show, I felt like there was so much that was left unresolved in respect of their marriage. Ji-won found out he was lying to her for years! She thought he held a knife to her throat! She was legitimately suspicious of him at many points! He was angry at her for distrusting him! And he was also angry about being in this absurd situation (at least the character recognized how absurd it was; makes it less weird for us, as the audience). The show was never able to dwell on the fallout from all of this, because everything that was happening was time-sensitive. And then, rather then explore this stuff, they just turned around and decided to wipe his memory clean!

        And what about Ji-won?! Like yeah, Hyun-soo’s memory was gone, but she just lived through a set of hugely traumatic events! I get it, her focus was on her husband and trying to resuscitate their marriage in the aftermath of his amnesia. However, by making this the focus of episode 16, we literally never get any real emotional resolution. For a drama so focused on the relationship between these two, I thought that was a huge oversight. It really made me realize that there was an element of sensationalism to the way the show tried to study Ji-won and Hyun-soo’s relationship, an element of sensationalism that stuck around until literally the last few moments of the show.

        Also, given all the deception Ji-won, Hyun-soo, Moo-jin, and Hae-soo were involved in, I expected that at least one of them would face real consequences. BUT NOPE. Apparently not.

        And, okay, fine, put aside all of this. What the heck did they do to BHS’s dad? If one of the two parents were going to have that happen, it would’ve made more sense for the mom, who always more unstable.

        I’m also just really salty about the way they made Hyun-soo do things in the last phase of the show. I still don’t understand why he didn’t tell Ji-won about the call. I still don’t like that he went off and investigated things on his own (and I still think it’s awfully convenient that Ji-won’s colleagues accepted that phone recording and shifted their suspicion away from him so quickly). And that whole hunting thing in episode 15? So unnecessary.


          Agreed on all points! Huhu, thanks for making me realize what it could/should have been. 🙁


    Honestly such a disappointing ending. This drama lost so much steam near the end anyway, but this was a confirmation that all are interpretation and admiration for the earlier episodes were not necessary. In the end, this was just another typical, cliched melo.


      Same thoughts really. The last quarter felt a bit slower, but still a lot better than that last episode!! Baek Hee Sung is the highlight of the later portion too, so I feel like him not being in the finale kind of contributed as well.


        Part of my problem is that I think they really mangled BHS! I didn’t find him a compelling character at all. This is partly because they put him in so late and already had Hyun-soo and the police closing in on him by the time he became an active player in this show. As a result, we weren’t able to see much of him. I also felt like we never really got an opportunity to see his sinister mind at work — for somebody who’d won so many mathematical Olympiads, he was discovered by police surprisingly fast.

        Which reminds me: the entire investigation of DHS first and then BHS was pretty hammy IMO. It was always done in service of the relationship between DHS and CJW. However, by making things so melodramatic, by making Hyun-soo act strangely at various points, and by packing in unnecessary external obstacles in their relationship, I ended up losing some of my strong interest in the main couple. As a result, neither the investigation nor the couple were really holding my attention consistently.

        At this point, my view of this show is that it’s okay. It’s not great, but it’s not bad either. However, given the strength of the acting and the initially interesting premise, characters, and relationships, I can’t help but feel like the show was, on a whole, a failure. It could’ve been much better.


          The entire of DHS qua Ji-won’s husband, I should say


    YUP. I really thought they had turned things around during episode 15, but they couldn’t stick the landing. Amnesia was such a cop-out compared to all of the other ways the end could have went.


      This! Amnesia throws away all the growth DHS went through, and takes away Jiwon’s chance to work through years of deception.
      If the ending was going to be this lame, they could at least have shortened the angst-trip and given us more happy OTP and Eunha time. Those last 5 minutes were way too short!


    I’ve been so disappointed by this show from episode 11 and I have been expecting such a terrible ending that I actually didn’t dislike this one. Not that I liked it either.


AHHHHHHHHHHH (continues until the end of time)

googles how to wait a week after that scene


FOE (14): Noona’s quick thinking just saved Eun Ha. BUT NOOOOOOOOO


Brahms (6): Song Ah’s teary eyes in that last scene – if he says no to that face, I’m gonna be flipping tables next week!


    It seems like he’ll say no?


      I am positive, for the sake of my poor fragile heart, he did not. From ep 7 preview, bbs are back being happy with each other and he still wants to sit next to her and I think he wanted to keep their relationship secret because of rumours that will affect her. Like omg I really think they’re dating and we’re set for some cute /angsty campus romance! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

      My heart.

      Is it Monday yet?????


        I meant he did not say no to her. And that they started going out after her confession. Also what sunbaenim’s said to Song Ah at their farewell party was right. Joon Young truly likes her; more than a friend.


    Judging by the preview which I assume the sequence is not in order…I think at first Joon Young will not know how to respond and Song Ah somehow plays it off. He tries to be considerate and act like friends by sitting with her at the cafeteria but when Song Ah’s teacher asks if they are dating, he denies it which hurts Song Ah’s feelings and then Joon Young rethinks about their relationship after talking to his mentor too. THEN WE GET A HAPPY EPISODE OF THEM DATING!!


      I kind of want your version! hahaha (please writer-nim!!)


        If this doesn’t happen, I’m going to go directly to Seoul Art Centre and destroy all the friggin pianos. The fact that I am actually in Korea means it’s physically possible for me to do so. I will boycott for all the Beanies.


Brahms (5): Here’s to wishing the whole show was just the second half of this episode. UGHHH THESE TWO. 🥰


    Seriously, their almost hand holding was so swoony! And those smiles!


      RIGHTTT. How can non-dialogue scenes be so swoony??? How does this team do that???


        Right? The whole sequence from when they met at the ticket booth to when he gave her the signed album, they barely said anything but their eyes and their expressions communicate so much (both to each other and to the audience). I was swamped with emotions and clutching my chest the whole time 🥰


      I also especially loved the expressions they exchanged when he gave her the signed album, as well as the whole awkward giddiness while they were pinky promising!


    I didn’t mind the first part of the episode where Song-ah talked to Joon-young about the talent thing. I think that was a necessary conversation. I know Joon-young is suffering, but I think he’s also blessed in many ways. Recognizing that he’s blessed and being thankful for it is important.


      So true!! It’s nice that they’re both able to see the two sides of their experience, learning and empathizing with each other. Because though Joon-Young may be having difficulties, so does Song-Ah for the complete opposite reasons. I guess it also shows us, it’s not always greener on the other side.


Missing Gong and Sera’s 3AM ramyeon dates and smiles between kisses. *le sigh* How to move on.


    Rewatch while impatiently waiting for Nana’s next drama


Brahms (4): This show is a win because of Song-Ah and Joon-Young, no doubt about it. I love their quiet endurance with their respective love triangles, but I love even more that they can relate, confide, and take strength from each other because of it. Their interactions are always so fun to watch, you get that giddy feeling like you’re happy because they found each other. I’m actually disappointed when the credits start rolling.


    They are perfectly casted. Everyone else pales in comparison.


    SAME. I was eating lunch when I watched the latest episode and I had to stop and squeak and kick and just express how I feel.


      Same!!! I get so loud, I feel bad for my dad who has to work beside me. 😂


        I watched this in the midnight so I had to keep it down a bit but that still doesn’t stop me from squealing under the blanket 😆


        LOL. Imagine the ruckus we would make if we were to watch together!


          Not great for work hours, definitely! HAHAHAHA


            Now I want to watch with the Beanies!!! Share a zoom link and turn off the camera if we’re all shy! Turn on the mic too so we can squeal together!



      But squeaking works too since I don’t understand the noise that comes from my mouth.
