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Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

by javabeans

wah...good summary..i love this drama...


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

sarah.. i guess with your summary.. i can have the best of BOTH WORLD.. JH in my imagination is sizzling!!! hahha.. so no need to worry that these caps don't do him any justice.. sometimes.. I even think the camera doesn't do him "enough" justice.. but I gotta say.. HGI is sooo gorgeous.. I find myself just staring at her most of the times.. MR definitely should be a professional stylist.. cuz his client is absolutely STUNNING.. Dennis is right when he said.. "WOWWWWWWW".. definitely just WOW!!!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

^^thank you Sarah!! *jumping for joy*
I was just about to watch it RAW, but seeing your summary makes watching it so much more fun :) and I agree with Emily...your recaps and comment are so GOOD, that it's probably enough just reading your summary while watching the show..:)

thank you're one AMAZING, TALANTED and GIFTED writer :)


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

yippie.. thank you sarah for alerting me about this post.. hence.. i got to be first..:) it's great to be your # 1 fan!!! Seriously.. your recaps are sooo good. Sometimes, I even enjoy your recaps more than watching the episode raw.. it's THAT good!!!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

I also think that they have a very platonic relationship, I never want to be "used to each other" in a relationship...the spark is gone and you can't get it back. She seems very unruffly...we'll just have to wait now I kind of want her to turn


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

Mu-ryong: “That's just because even if I'm only working the lunch shift, I don't think I'll be able to pay you the proper attention. I feel sorry.”
Yoo Hee: “That's fine, since it's work. But in exchange, you'd better be completely devoted to me the rest of the time.”

that is going in the classic moments of this drama, seriously love that part. I don't think you'll get tired of me telling you that you rock, so her is goes JAVABEANS YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! The OST is out for this show, don't some of the songs remind you of Harry Potter, and some of My Girl?


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Witch Amusement: Episode 4

Witch Amusement: Episode 4

by javabeans

Thanks for the lovely compliments! :D It makes doing these all the more fun. Although I must disagree, emily, the episodes are MUCH more fun than these summaries -- Jae Hee in picture form ain't got nuthin' on Jae Hee in video form!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 3

Witch Amusement: Episode 3

by javabeans

thank you sarah for another FABULOUS summary.. reading it as fun as watching the episode itself.. (if not more) :)


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Fansubbing the Korean Language

Fansubbing the Korean Language

by javabeans

This was definitely a very infromative post. Thanks for the insight sarah. I've been an avid k-drama fan eversince. Eversince i started using fansubbed stuff ive been appreciating the korean language and culture, which is why i think i love korean stuff and learning the language interests me. I pick up most of what know from fansubs im trying to learn it. I was very helpful because the terms where used well and they were expounded on as oppossed to those i saw before which translated into very weird uncoordinated english sentences or something that sounded odd when literally transalted. it good to have an idea about how stuff works, like the terms, expression and all that. when i watched twdramas with subs like dvds etc, i was funny coz i understand the really sentence but the english sentences doesnt always make sense. maybe in movies it would be easier. ok, im rambling here now. anyways, i really appreciate fansubs and the orginality of the language rather than the dubbed and 'pro' subbed. i really want to learn now and know more about korean slang expression etc.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 2

Witch Amusement: Episode 2

by javabeans

Thanks so much, javabeans! I'll be waiting for it. =) For the mean time, I am enjoying reading your summaries and so looking forward for the next episode. Will be reading it after I write this comment. Thanks again!


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