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[Staff Spotlight] Get to know Starrygazer

[Staff Spotlight] Get to know Starrygazer

by starrygazer

Sometimes I would throw my headphones to the other side of the table, and then proceed with low volume for the rest of the scene. 🤣


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Lots of shows have scenes in which characters lose shoes or slippers in the street while being chased or while stumbling around in a daze (after being drugged or assaulted, having Alzheimer's, etc.). It usually happens at night, often in the rain. But can I think of specific examples? I think it happens in The Good Bad Mother and maybe Because This Is My First Life. There are lots more that I'm sure folks with better memories can cite.


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Seoul Busters: Episodes 5-6

Seoul Busters: Episodes 5-6

by lovepark

I liked this case way better (I watched episodes 4-6 together).

The emotional elements are the same stuff you find anywhere else, but they make me appreciate the jokes even more. Also, those moments help me see our team members as actual people.

Last week I felt like the show was trying to make us laugh every two minutes, and with very over the top stuff. So the characters didn't feel like real people and many jokes felt very unnatural.

I really appreciate the team isn't as disastrous as it seemed last week. Maybe it's because I'm watching Tell Me What Your Saw too, but our daycare detectives seemed OK this week.

Moments I liked:
-The group chat of suspects.
-Dong go's bathroom argument with our cute father of four (dude is raising that birth rate all on his own #respect).
-The gangster helping with the arrest of the ex-boyfriend.
-Kim Dong Wook.

Oh! "King Se Jeong invented hangul not the Korean language" reminded me of NGNL. ☺️ That made me smile.


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Seoul Busters: Episodes 5-6

Seoul Busters: Episodes 5-6

by lovepark

Hum... 3 episodes to tell this investigation was way too much. I understand that investigating is a slow process and takes time but in this case, they didn't really show the cops doing calls, door to door, etc. They questionned the same characters, had some meetings. If it's quite interesting to see Yu-Bin imagining the scene in his head and the actors playing it, it was too long.


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Would You Rather #50

Would You Rather #50

by DaebakGrits

I will go with my rom-com turning into a melodrama since I can either hate watch it or drop it. But ending on a cliffhanger with no sequel is so annoying especially to people who can't handle their curiosity like me.


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No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

by Unit

Really? I thought he was manipulating Ji-Wook by using his love for Hae-Young. He failed to convince him the first time and the CEO wasn't really happy, so he found another way.


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Would You Rather #50

Would You Rather #50

by DaebakGrits

Better to have frittered away 75 minutes on a movie that ended abruptly than 16 hours on a series that left me stranded on the Cliffhanger of Doom.


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Seoul Busters: Episodes 5-6

Seoul Busters: Episodes 5-6

by lovepark

@lovepark I completely agree with you: too sentimental, forced emotional beats. Its almost as if these episodes had a totally different writer. No, absolutely none, zany moments, which means very few laughs. Of course, the benefit is a drastic reduction in the toilet humor and no vomit jokes, but the costs are considerable--very few laughs this week, and a considerable reduction in its liveliness. Sure, add a sentimental storyline behind every character, extract an occasional tear, and I guess you have a more mass palatable kdrama. But couldn't they have maintained some of the humor level while adding a more conventional detective narrative?


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Would You Rather #50

Would You Rather #50

by DaebakGrits

My time is precious. Why shouldn't I be angry at story that wastes it, leaving me with nothing but a disappointment, no matter how small, in the end?


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Would You Rather #50

Would You Rather #50

by DaebakGrits

Alas, I have given up waiting for a second season of Life on Mars. 😞


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