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Witch Amusement: Episode 3

Witch Amusement: Episode 3

by javabeans



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Witch Amusement: Episode 3

Witch Amusement: Episode 3

by javabeans

oh my gosh! this is getting better & better. cannot wait this drama aired here...


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Random Song Comparison: DAL JA, AEGISSHI

Random Song Comparison: DAL JA, AEGISSHI

by javabeans

@babymarzy, do you right-click and "save as"? The mp3 should dl... Maybe try Firefox or Safari instead of IE? They're much better browsers than IE anyway.


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Random Song Comparison: DAL JA, AEGISSHI

Random Song Comparison: DAL JA, AEGISSHI

by javabeans

Im a big fan of the Dalja ost as well as this one. I agree, they are sounding the same. I think most likely the person who handles the ost stuff as pointed above can be the same which could result to the similarities... :) also, i think this is kind of songs fit certain dramas? or is it a trend in the current dramas? so maybe they picked something in the same wavelength. im clueless though, how do dl the song into mp3? my IE goes kaput when i try. lol.


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Fansubbing the Korean Language

Fansubbing the Korean Language

by javabeans

@doozy, "kkoraji hago neun" is a slang way of saying, "Look at that" with the implication that it's a sad sight, something to look down upon.

@Bamidele, the audio tag for songs is [audio http://inserturlhere]. You can upload the song directly into wordpress and insert the wordpress URL, or upload it to another server and just insert the appropriate link address (but if you do that, make sure you're not hotlinking from someone without their permission). Hope that makes sense! There's a FAQ that's pretty good too, if you need more info.

@ginnie, you're not a native korean speaker? I assumed you were because you understood so much of QSS... wow, kudos to you for all your efforts!


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Fansubbing the Korean Language

Fansubbing the Korean Language

by javabeans

Hi Sarah!
The Korean language is fascinating to me! Fan-subbers are my Korean teachers in a way because that's where I begin to pick up phrases here and there. Before K-drama, I was clueless about anything Korean. So my knowledge of the language was at level ZERO. =) As I watch more K-dramas and K-variety shows, my comprehension of the language increased and this is all thanks to kind souls that are willing to sub these shows.

Besides, I learn about the Korean culture through its language. For instance, it is still interesting to me that you can tell about two persons' relationship and status by just listening to what they call each other. By calling a person Tae Joo-ah versus Tae Joo-shi can tell be so revealing. Compare it to John or Peter...?? =)


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Fansubbing the Korean Language

Fansubbing the Korean Language

by javabeans

Umm this is random, but this is Bamidele, I just got a blog on wordpress and I wanted to ask how you link music? Sorry for being of topic, your help would be very appreciated...thanks!!!!


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Fansubbing the Korean Language

Fansubbing the Korean Language

by javabeans

I definitely agree with leaving in words such as "oppa", royal titles, etc. because it helps viewer understand bits of Korean culture.
Also, I prefer fansubs over professional ones because it really help me learn the language while watching dramas.

btw, Anna Jo's catchphrase in "Fantasy Couple": koraji ha gun neun... what is it translated to literally?


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Fansubbing the Korean Language

Fansubbing the Korean Language

by javabeans

I need to thank all the wonderful fansubbers out there especially the group from With S2 because most of the series I've watched were subbed by you guys. The quality of the subtitles is perfect when compared to the local TV station at my place for certain series. Korean is a very interesting language, and I actually learned quite a few things from watching subbed dramas.

Again, I really appreciate everything you guys have done and thank you for all the subs. :)


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Fansubbing the Korean Language

Fansubbing the Korean Language

by javabeans

Javabeans you seriously have a way with words, being a poet I notice that right away, very smooth and just really nice flow to it. That sounds weird...yeah I just like the way you present topics. I started off with subs watching Japanese anime, and fansubs tend to be better than "professional" ones in my opinion, sometimes you can tell the translation is not right. Living in America, it is because of people like you that I get to enjoy another culture, I've learned a lot and enjoyed so much from k-dramas, I also watch Chinese/Taiwanese ones, but to me Jap/Korean are the top ones with some exceptions. I feel honored to be watching subs that you have done and others, now I take the time to notice the names because some of them are on soompi. I give you an infinite amount of thanks for your hard work, and the hard work of all subbers out there who are so generous to share these wonderful dramas with us. That is why is gets on my nerves when people complain, because it's not like you guys have to do it, so they should just get a clue.Well thanks as usual and look forward to your next blogs!!!


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