Drama viewership ratings for the week of July 29-August 4, 2024

Amidst the Olympics preemptions we say goodbye to two more shows this week — My Sweet Mobster ending without much aplomb, and Miss Night and Day with the opposite (hello, 11.7%!). Let’s all hold out for another two weeks or so when the premieres come in hot, and dramas are top of mind again.

Drama viewership ratings for the week of July 29-August 4, 2024

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, July 29
Serendipity’s Embrace 3 tvN 2.7%
Tuesday, July 30
Serendipity’s Embrace 4 tvN 2.7%
Wednesday, July 31
My Sweet Mobster 15 JTBC 2.8%
Thursday, August 1
My Sweet Mobster 16 JTBC 2.9%
Friday, August 2
Bad Memory Eraser 1 MBN 1.0%
Good Partner SBS
Saturday, August 3
Miss Night and Day 15 JTBC 8.7%
Beauty and Mr. Romantic KBS
Bad Memory Eraser 2 MBN 1.1%
Good Partner SBS
The Auditors 9 tvN 5.5%
Sunday, August 4
Miss Night and Day 16 JTBC 11.7%
Beauty and Mr. Romantic KBS
The Auditors 10 tvN 7.1%




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Another week's rating has me believing that some dramas get more attention than deserved. Getting double digits for Miss Night and Day feels unearned to me. But I will just forget about this show and move on. Lee Jung-eun was on fire, though.


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I miss Good Partner. The dramas are all too light for my liking.


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Although the last two episodes were not as good as the previous ones (less comedy), I am happy with the ratings for MISS NIGHT AND DAY. It is one of the dramas of 2024 that I enjoyed the most.


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Man alive, I do not see what others saw in Ms Night & Day but congrats to the actors anyway.


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At least, I am not the only one thinking that.


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MY SWEET MOBSTER will be missed, but there are some interesting things coming.


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Did my rage watching Night and day contribute to high ratings (pfffft. I know I don’t matter 😅)


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I really wanted My Sweet mobster to get 3 for their final week. Close enough though I hope the crew are happy.

Bad memory eraser’s ratings show that the MSM ratings could have been worse. I wonder if things will improve once the Olympics are over? Hopefully by then it will have settled down a bit.

The question now is will Serendipity’s embrace get to 3 before it ends.

What’s the story on The auditors? It is always higher on a Sunday and then drops back down the next Saturday.


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About the last paragraph, There are more competition on a saturday night than on a sunday so maybe thats why The Auditors get better ratings on a sunday.


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It’s interesting to note that the rating is not necessarily proportional to the buzz-worthiness. My Sweet Mobster is the case in point with its rating never reached 3 but Uhm Tae-goo has been leading the buzz chart for the whole of last month (ie ahead of Ji Sung and Rain).

These days people have so many other platforms for drama watching and watching on demand to fit into their own schedules. Wonder what alternative measures should be out there to gauge the real rating.


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But it's the buzz about people watching the show or people watching him? These days people don't even listen to songs, they just watch clips on SNS and get obsessed over "one thing (person)" or one part of the song (challenge).
And the same happens with everything else. People don't need to watch the drama to talk about it, just clips and edits.

So I don't find it weird that his hype doesn't go with the ratings... Or maybe they do? 🤔 Because the ratings are okay for a W-T drama these days, I think.


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These are exactly the questions although the buzz rating almost always relates to currently aired shows. I suspect a lot of people start with short clip watches before being attracted to watch the whole thing, by which time they won’t be counted in the ‘live’ rating counts. (Myself included in the case of MSW which wasn’t anywhere near my watch list.)

And short clips are a phenomenon that won’t go away. They are so popular that you can virtually finish a 16 ep drama in less than half an hour.

I am interested though in the long run how traditional broadcasters and new platform players would address this head on to come up with credible measures to show their advertising worth. Then there’s also the complication of how global players are charting theirs - which is an even more interesting topic.


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I missed the part where Uhm Tae-goo led the buzz chart ahead of Ji Sung!! I have my suspicions but different actors, for sure, with their unique traits (I certainly appreciate them both!!) and yet Ji sung's acting felt superior to me. Again, I don't think people only watch shows for the acting.


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The dramas this week was so sparse due to the preemptions. The Auditors always got a good lift in ratings for Sundays.
I will miss My Sweet Mobster. 😉


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My Sweet Mobster was so good I wish it ended on 4-5%. Even though I binged Miss night and day towards the end, I understand the ratings it was for the acting, direction and pacing. Congratulations Miss Night and Day team.💐
Its the same for Auditors, its perfect, engaging with subtle humour.
Waiting for Good Partner to resume.


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I'm so sad that Serendipity isn't doing better- it's such a sweet and easy show that's gotten so much better each episode, something I need in these horrible times. CJH's voice is like asmr... he can read the phonebook, and I'd be happy. I hope my watching and rewatching the episodes will raise the ratings somehow!


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I think the old style ratings of live watches needs to change to reflect watchers actual behaviour such as watching on demand and rewatches during the week while waiting for new episodes to drop.


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And also take streaming services like Viki into account.


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Two of the much enjoyable dramas this year ended the same week on opposite sides of the rating spectrum. ☯️ 😂

Would I have been happier if the ratings for My Sweet Mobster and Miss Night and Day were interchanged!? Not sure but congratulations to both drama teams for a job well done.


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