My Sweet Mobster: Episodes 5-6

Our poor mobster and his deerlings are really feeling the weight of society’s prejudices this week, but our content creator comes in like a wrecking ball of pure sunshine and kindness. She may have misjudged our mobster — and his employees — based on appearances, but she’s seen his inner softie and is now a believer in second chances.


Rivals Ji-hwan and Hyun-woo have officially met on the battlefield of love, and the tension between them is so thick it can be cut, battered, deep fried, and served with a side of radish kimchi and a pint of beer. Hyun-woo is none too pleased to see Eun-ha with Ji-hwan, and while Ji-hwan (himself) is certainly at the top of Hyun-woo’s list of potential dangers, her mere proximity to the former gangster could make her an unintended casualty in the ongoing feud between Ji-hwan and the Kitty Gang.

Hyun-woo insists on driving Eun-ha back to the city, and along the way Eun-ha tries to defend Ji-hwan. She’s not terribly convincing, though, because the truth is that she doesn’t know enough about Ji-hwan’s past to make an informed decision. However, she can also tell Hyun-woo is biased, and even though she doesn’t know the full story of his past, she can confidently tell Hyun-woo that she feels safe with Ji-hwan — an assertion that doesn’t go over well with him.

Although he claims he doesn’t hate Ji-hwan and that his concern stems from the various gang-related crimes he’s seen during his time as a prosecutor, he deems Ji-hwan the most dangerous person he knows and there’s 100% some history between the two men. Ten years ago, after a gang-related brawl, Hyun-woo witnessed Ji-hwan holding a bloodied bat while standing next to a bloodied and unconscious ajumma. Something tells me there’s more to that story than meets the eye — like Eun-ha’s first impression of Ji-hwan when she saw him holding the broken bottle — but you can’t blame Hyun-woo for thinking the worst of Ji-hwan in that situation.

After Hyun-woo, who is oblivious to Eun-ha’s current living situation (or lack thereof), drops Eun-ha off at her former apartment, our homeless heroine completely ignores his words of caution and returns to Ji-hwan’s house to retrieve her belongings. Eun-ha tries to explain to Ji-hwan that she only knows Hyun-woo because she was called in as a witness to the incident that occurred at the Kitty Gang’s nightclub, but Ji-hwan tells her that her candor is unnecessary. She shouldn’t have to clarify how she knows a prosecutor. Instead, she should be offering up excuses for why she knows a former gangster. He then sends her on her way, his self-pity convincing him that she’s safer on her own rather than living under his roof.

This is another one of those moments that make you really feel for Ji-hwan. While his pragmatic realism is objectively correct — his enemies are dangerous even if he isn’t a threat to Eun-ha — it’s also extremely painful to watch him deprive himself of happiness when society is already doing enough of that for him. Gah! Let the man build his meat processing empire and crush on the object of his affection in peace, dammit!

While Ji-hwan resigns himself to his lot in life, Eun-ha decides to spend the night at a jjimjilbang, but even at a sauna she can’t escape Ji-hwan’s reach. She accidentally (and literally) trips over one of his deerlings — specifically, the one in charge of Thirsty Deer’s marketing. One of the younger members of Ji-hwan’s inner circle, Marketing Deerling foolishly stole Ji-hwan’s seal so he could sign a contract with Ye-na — without Ji-hwan’s permission — and have her promote their children’s sausages. Needless to say, Marketing Deerling is in hot water with Ji-hwan, and he’s been hiding out at the jjimjilbang.

Yeah, it’s too bad the little dummy shares every moment of his life on social media, so of course Ji-hwan quickly locates him. It’s a good thing, too, because as soon as Marketing Deerling answers Ji-hwan’s call to come outside and face his (calm but equally terrifying) wrath, Marketing Deerling accidentally pisses off a group of large men itching for a fight. Eun-ha, bless her heart, tries to diffuse the situation, but she only makes things worse by pointing out all the flaws in one of the thug’s bootleg Pikachu tattoo.

Thankfully, Marketing Deerling never ended his phone call with Ji-hwan, who overheard the whole exchange and subsequently swooped into the sauna like a protective mastiff ready to cut some throats with his angular cheekbones. Without even trying, Ji-hwan saves his damsel and deerling because his mere presence is enough to scare away the thugs. Although the entire exchange with the tattooed gangsters was humorous (for the audience), the incident was dangerous enough for Ji-hwan to recant his previous statement. Eun-ha was, in fact, not safer on the streets of Seoul than she would be under his protection. As for Marketing Deerling, well, Ji-hwan is unwilling (in the moment) to forgive him for his mistake and sends him on his merry way.

Although Ji-hwan doesn’t intend to charge Eun-ha rent, she insists on earning her keep, so in exchange for free room and board, Ji-hwan asks her to tutor his deerlings and help them pass the high school proficiency test. Sounds simple enough, except not all of the deerlings are accepting of her presence in the house, which is why the more amiable ones of the bunch decide to host a party to welcome her — and Marketing Deerling, at Eun-ha’s request — into the fold. Several drinking games later, everyone — but the straightedge Ji-hwan — is drunk, which is how a giddy and playful Eun-ha ends up clasping Ji-hwan’s face and falling into his “twinkling and sparkling” eyeballs… and his lips. (Omo!)

The next morning, Eun-ha is feeling especially awkward and embarrassed, so she pretends she doesn’t remember the kiss. Ji-hwan, who very much remembers how her lips brushed his, follows her lead, and the whole exchange leaves them both thinking the other person regrets the kiss. And the misunderstanding only gains more traction for Ji-hwan when he overhears Eun-ha tell the deerlings that if she had to describe Ji-hwan in two words, she’d call him a “shoulder thug.” It’s a term Ji-hwan’s never heard before, so of course he latches onto the “thug” part, and because he’s already insecure about his past, his self-esteem plummets. Thankfully, Eun-ha sets the record straight, telling him to look up the term, and when he realizes it was actually a compliment in reference to his broad shoulders, his confidence — and the weight he sets the lat machine — skyrockets.

Meanwhile, Eun-ha is not completely unaffected by the memory of the kiss or Ji-hwan’s rippling, post-workout shoulder and pec muscles, but her curiosity in Hyun-woo — namely her desire to confirm he’s her childhood protector — is keeping her partially distracted. However, there are still some very telling signs as to which direction her romantic feelings are leaning. For starters, she’s jealous when she overhears the deerlings discussing the way Ji-hwan gently cared for Ye-na after she foolishly bit into one of their sausages at a press junket and had an allergic reaction. (Aside: Ye-na, ya dumb. Surely you could have found another way to endear yourself to Ji-hwan without backing him into a corner and being the spokesperson for a product you can’t even eat.)

Secondly, when Hyun-woo invites her out on a date and leans over to buckle her seatbelt — a classic K-drama swoon moment — she imagines a very disapproving Ji-hwan sitting in the backseat and is startled out of her brief romantic reverie. The rest of the date ends up being a bust, too, because all the trendy restaurants Hyun-woo handpicked for their outing are closed.

If I was still invested in Hyun-woo as a second male lead, I’d feel bad for the guy, but my interest in his character has declined rapidly. I’m actually at the point of resenting every minute he’s on screen because it takes away time from our adorable OTP. And it doesn’t help matters that his prejudice against Ji-hwan is exasperating. Yes, given what he knows, it’s understandable that he would feel some sort of way about Ji-hwan, but his animosity has become his dominant personality trait. And since the rest of his characterization has proven to be rather blah, he just feels so out of place in a drama where even the main bad guy has a satirically humorous side to offset his villainy. Not to mention, it’s just plain sad to watch Eun-ha tip-toe around his biases in order to maintain a friendship with both him and Ji-hwan.

And Eun-ha is, once again, caught in the middle of the two men when Hyun-woo receives word that Former Drug Dealer’s little sister and grandmother are missing, and she calls Ji-hwan to find out if he knows anything. The news doesn’t surprise Ji-hwan, but he won’t elaborate over the phone — not when he knows she’s with Hyun-woo.

While Eun-ha tries to hail a cab home, Hyun-woo has a secret rendezvous with Ji-hwan, where he accuses Ji-hwan of causing harm to Grandma and Little sister. He refuses to believe Ji-hwan when he says they’re safe because, as a witness to the incident at the hotel ten years ago, he knows Ji-hwan is a dangerous man who can’t be trusted. Again, I suspect there’s more to that incident than what Hyun-woo saw, but we’re just going to have to keep waiting and watching if we want to see Ji-hwan’s side of the story.

After meeting with Hyun-woo, Ji-hwan somehow teleports and beats Eun-ha home. In contrast to Hyun-woo’s staunch disbelief in Ji-hwan’s goodness, Eun-ha immediately takes Ji-hwan at his word when he says that Grandmother and Little Sister are safe. Unfortunately, Ji-hwan is too preoccupied with the realization that Eun-ha was with Hyun-woo to appreciate her blind trust in him. Instead, the weight of his position in society feels heavier, and knowing Eun-ha obviously hid her living situation from Hyun-woo makes the gap between Ji-hwan and Eun-ha seem wider.

That gap’s not going to be there for much longer, though, because our story is determined to push them together so they can overcome Eun-ha’s lingering biases and Ji-hwan’s insecurities about his past. In this particular instance, the writers are going with the forced proximity and near-death tropes.

You see, the next morning Eun-ha wakes to find the deerlings seemingly preparing for battle with another gang. It’s all a misdirect, of course, but Eun-ha doesn’t realize that until after she’s stowed away in the back of the deerlings’ van in an attempt to prevent them from engaging in a gang war. Her desire to keep them on the straight and arrow is downright adorable, but it also belies the fact that she doesn’t wholly trust them.

The reality, though, is that it’s all hands on deck situation because of some meat supply issue (that totally went over my head), and the upper executive deerlings armed themselves with a giant duffle bag of knives in preparation of butchering a bunch of animals. (Vegetarians and vegans, you might want to look away.) In all the chaos, Eun-ha is mistaken for another worker and placed in charge of stickering the packaged meat as it comes off the conveyor belt. It’s almost like an undercover boss (wife) moment, as she learns more about Ji-hwan through the women under his employ. They sing his praises, and if it weren’t for Ji-hwan, felons — like the woman who murdered her husband to stop him from beating her child — wouldn’t be able to find jobs. Now Eun-ha understands — and believes — why Ji-hwan’s deerlings described him as someone hard on the outside and soft on the inside.

By this point in time, our deerlings have picked up on the fact that Ji-hwan is interested in Eun-ha, and they also sense that he needs a little help wooing the object of his affection. This is how one misguided deerling’s attempt at matchmaking results in Ji-hwan and Eun-ha being locked in a freezer together. Personally, I’m not a fan of malicious pranks — unintentional or not — so after it’s all said and done, I hope Ji-hwan dishes out a stern punishment.

In the meantime, though, I’m going to accept our OTP’s life-threatening predicament as the romantic cliche that it is. How can I not when Eun-ha tells Ji-hwan that she’s seen a new, extremely admirable side to him through his employees eyes? Our mobster absolutely needs to hear someone — someone undeniably “good” — praise him for his kindness in order for him to see his own worth. (Ugh, my heart!)

Unfortunately, the warm and fuzzy moment is not enough to compensate for the frosty temperatures inside the freezer, so Ji-hwan and Eun-ha grow steadily colder until frost clings to their lips and eyelashes. Eventually, Ji-hwan tentatively asks Eun-ha for permission for them to act like penguins and huddle together. When she doesn’t object, he positions himself behind her and envelopes her in his arms so they can warm each other with their body heat.

Why is their near-death experience so darn swoony and sweet? I mean, Ji-hwan and Eun-ha are turning blue and are on the verge of dying from hypothermia, and I’m over here squeeing like they are steaming up the back of a horse-drawn carriage. (Please don’t judge.) And speaking of steamy, Bridgerton-like scenes, I’d be remiss this week to not acknowledge our secondary couple: Mi-ho and Il-young.

We don’t have all the details — because this show is attempting to remain wholesome — but we were given enough to know that these two had a very passionate night together after a random woman slung water on them and they had to go to a nearby hotel and dry off. I can’t say that I’m blown away by this pairing, but they are giving me Sung-hoon and Young-seo (Business Proposal) vibes — instantaneous attraction and fast-paced courtship — that plays out as a nice foil for our OTP’s slower, more innocent romance. But let’s be real, it’s hard for any pairing to shine when they’ve got to share screen time with our OTP. They’re just so darn cute! Look at them!


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Thanks for the recap!

I enjoy these eps a lot! There are so many scenes that I've replayed countless times! My No. 1 fav is the sauna scene:
- Hong Gi denying knowing SJH and badmouthing him
- EH to the rescue, whipping him with her towel, and Hong Gi playing along, calling her Noona with aegyo
- the cat sound effects when the gangsters see SJH walk in (so badass and so cool!)
- Hong Gi and EH hiding behind SJH

I just found out that Han Sun Hwa and Uhm Tae Goo had acted together previous in Save Me 2. Her character there has a similar name - Ko Eun Ah!


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I too recently found out the leads have worled together previously, although I am not aware of they had any interactions in that drama because I haven't watched it.


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@emsel Yes, they have scenes together in that drama -- you can search for them in YT... unfortunately no English subs.

I haven't watched Save Me 2 too... it doesn't seem to be my cup of tea... I'd rather replay Sweet Mobster many times, lol


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Yes, they did share screen time together. She was the proprietor of a bar ( I believe), if I remember correctly, and while there was no romance in that drama, there were hints of affection between their characters, especially on her character's part.


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They play lovers too in Save Me 2. MSM is their reunion series.


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Gosh they're so adorable. I love how they're so cute together but neither forgets that the title of gangster follows Jihwan for the rest of his life. The wholesome is equally matched with the bigger themes of "can a person really change" and "don't judge a book by its cover."


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This drama has both syle and substance.


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Thank you for this sweetest of the sweet show recap. 🍭

I never knew how much I would love uri petty Shoulder Thug and omona that backseat growl had me wiping sweat off my brow too. 🥰🤣

I love this Snow White who is fearless in the face of the scary deerlings and can laugh at uri Gentle Giant - to his face!! 🤣🤣😍

Uri Prosecutor-nim needs to back off - pali, pali. What a disaster of a date. Uri Snow White is so cute taking out the extra "protein" from the rameyon. From now on I'll take mine with a glass of warm milk please. 🍜🥛🙏

I loved how Marketing Deerling and Snow White ran to hide behind uri Sweet Mobster's back. So on point. 👍👏👏👏

Mobster Penguin Huddle is my most favorite backhug ever!! 🐧🤗👌🥰😍


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I bet my kitty fund google searches on "penguin huddling" and Nat Geo Emperor Penguin docu-clips will start trending next week.

Fun Fact!: Male emperor penguins actually incubate their eggs and are considered one of the most devoted dads in the animal kingdom.

He is *such* a protective fatherly figure to all of 'em deerlings! (including his latest and dearest addition to the brood - Eun Ha❤ ) I was chuckling at the bit where he went: "Shouldn't she be back by 6pm? It's such a rough world out there. Maybe a curfew is in order..." 🤣🤣


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I did know this about penguins but is the documentary really "real". Seems legit anyway!
That pacing up and down waiting for Eun-ha was totally adorbs but then that scary - you couldn't tell him where you live was equally powerful. It is fun to see this strong man basically become a squee puddle for her.
I loved his face while trying to open the freezer door, as if he couldn't believe that *he* couldn't open it.


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yeah, especially given his "broader than the pacific Ocean" shoulders, you would have thought he would rip the door off its hinges lol. It's funny how he concluded: "The door must be broken." (read: not that I am weak) 😂


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But then he did give up and tried hiding behind cardboard. 🙈😂


The "hide behind cardboard" stunt was unintentionally funny for me lol (maybe cos it sets up a comic deflation given how manly he has been)

But I love the visual parallel and call-back to when they were young and hiding in the snow shovel box during cold winter; and now huddling behind cardboard in a freezer.

THIS is the *moment* to come out from narrative hiding guys 🧡🧡


That was exactly my thought when I saw it and maybe it will remind Eun-ha of the real Hyun-woo.

In fact I thought the same when he asked her to one her eyes and count.


She is his "first ever" deerling in a way. 😉


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OMG - you are SO right!
*gosh* the power of imprinting and first love ❤❤


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IKR!? He had already fallen for Minnie Unnie but after he knew he was 💯 a goner. ❤💥🥰


as a runner I am always told do not post your running location. used to be a minor thing here but psychos have caught up. even if it was a good thing NOW the deerlings urge to share brought Ji Hwan to help, it might be one of their enemies next time. bad guys have eyes too.
it is all presented as comedy but im feeling more and more the comedy is like a ruse here to point out some truths about society. cause no one likes being lectured but they are facts.

I checked the public vote on Personality Database and Ji Hwan is declared INTJ. Total introvert but once he accepts you he does it 200%.
as a northern European I appreciate a character who doesnt talk much and is reliable. im exhausted of noisy overconfident and bratty characters. Ji Hwan is a mans man.


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Of course you were referring to a personality type with a "man's man," but on a more superficial level, I was joking with another Beanie how UTG would totally fit those 90s covers of Harlequins, ripped pecs and all. 🤭 Unfortunately, we had some way to come towards diversity, so would have been unlikely.


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yes what I mean is a responsible human being. most "men" around these parts are egotistic brats who have no consideration for anyone or anything, but are braggy, entitled, loud and rude and Ji Hwan is the opposite of all that.


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Re: "I checked the public vote on Personality Database and Ji Hwan is declared INTJ."
share your link!
I'm an INTJ too


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Thank you for sharing the link. It is a fun way of getting an insight on fictional characters at least. Also cannot be more right / wrong than say tarot or crystal gazing right!? ❤🤭


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MBTI is not a reliable personality test unfortunately


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it is based on Carl Jung´s personality analyses and considered also among psychiatrists a valid way of assessing a persons tendencies, strengths and weaknesses. the same methods of profiling are used in career consulting, mentoring and screenwriters use it in character building.
the 16personalities page is run by specialists in psychology and psychiatry, they also do research through the pages´ surveys. they had an interesting one about work motivation. current work environment emphasizes people skills but turns out introverted personality types were more efficient and took less time to finish their task, also feeling motivated to repeat it endless times. The questions very really sneaky and simulated different work regimes. im an extrovert and I realise I need a lot more time unless I rely on gut instinct, but I decide faster if faced with something new and unpredictable. With familiar tasks, I stall as far as I can LOL bc I have no motivation to repeat anything. so it is worth looking into, sometimes it gives a lot of insight


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I'm a psychologist trained in psychological assessment. The MBTI has a number of issues including poor test-retest reliability, poor construct validity, and dichotomizing continuous personality traits. Jung's personality theory is also not evidence-based, and the MBTI also has poor predictive validity for outcomes like job success. The Big Five personality measure is far better in terms of psychometrics.


Agree MBTI is pseudoscience by and large created by Myers-Briggs because she didn't like her perspective son-in-law.


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@daebakgrits Haha loved this recap! Thanks! Like the fact that you nicknamed Ji Hwan's underlings as deerlings.

The ML actor and his character matched with good social commentary is making this drama better and better. It is relaxing to watch the two leads try to be good humans which means a lot in this modern dark world. I also kind of get disney animated movies vibe here because on paper it feels like a drama for teenagers but it has a hidden depth for any adult who chooses to watch it. So, I am glad for the increase in ratings.

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Daebak! Daebakgrits' recap is awesome. Among my fave lines:
• JH "swooped into the sauna like a protective mastiff ready to cut some throats with his angular cheekbones"
• JH's "confidence — and the weight he sets the lat machine — skyrockets"
• "Ye-na, ya dumb"


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She always was, is and will be. Anyway @daebakgrits do you intentionally try to be funny or you have a satirically humorous side to offset your serious and logical real self?


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Awwww, thank you @emsel and @indyfan. My writing style has always leaned towards comedy, but instead of offsetting a serious and logical side, I'd say it's making up for the versious of me that's awkward and has poor comedic timing when having verbal conversations. haha


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You remind me of the ♾ times I've had the "perfect" humorous reply or riposte to a RL or online conversation. 🙈🤭🤣🤣🤣

Well done! We LOVE the recaps. ❤❤❤❤


emsel "two leads try to be good humans" is ALL I want from my dramas. You're so right on this being a relaxing watch. All the giggles and swoons courtesy petty thug and penguin thug respectively are also worthwhile.


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Re: "Gah! Let the man build his meat processing empire and crush on the object of his affection in peace, dammit!"
p.s. Prosecutor Jang is shaping up to be such a *cough* cough* cxxkblocker


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Annoying jerk too and as rightly pointed out by @enriquequierecagar dumb and surprisingly close minded considering his job.


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I want to be a better person but then I see his face and my inner demons get out of hand. I cannot stand this guy.


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If you haven't read it already, her #TodayIWokeUpAndChoseViolence post is a perfect Tabong salsa. 💃



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@enriquequierecagar @seeker: this is a hilarious rant!
I agree with everything you said about the hotel event too, how did he pass his prosecutor exam?!

Btw - isn't there a way on DB site to aggregate all things Mobster into one Thirsty universe?? I know some streaming sites allow screengrabs, gifs, links and whatnots within the comment threads. How do Beanies do it here?

If Cera didn't point out Tabong's rant - I would have missed that delightful rabbit hole! (including the lil side path into "ItsVeryDarkinHagwon" 🤣🤣 (second that)


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Joanna all screengrabs, gifs, links and whatnots can be posted on the Fanwall. This is the link to the Beanie Fanwall where you can see what Beanies post.


You can also go to a Beanie's Fanwall to see their posts.

Tabong's rants are unmissable. 🫰


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Ah thanks babe! But the Fan Wall is totally open season yes, I was wondering if there is some function I have yet to discover where you can enter a dedicated Thirsty universe and everything you post is format-agnostic 🤣


Nopes - on the main site the tags for the drama would work but Fanwall is as you so evocatively say is open season.


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I have to stop pretending this isn't my kind of show, because I had such fun once again with these episodes. Ofc sometimes I cringed (hint, I'm not a Disney gal, nor believe in pure as snow 30-somethings), but this rom-com is truly romancing and comedy gold. And with its green flag male lead and the he-fell-first-and-hard trope, it's also fulfilling my fantasy reqs. Ha. As for the comedy, so many great moments, but I just died with second-hand embarrassment for JH showing off his pecs. 😂

The one trope they're failing with is the love triangle, as most will agree. Is it because they introduced the 2ML and his back story too late, how black-and-white he is compared to what we've been shown of the ML, or just so blah otherwise as daebakgrits says, I don't know. But what's a triangle without a real contender?

What's better are the thematic messages underlying MSM, and how the deer and his deerlings embody them. I read somewhere, it's all UTG, and yes, all credit to the charisma of the actor, but the characterization is also layered. Not only demonstrating his strengths, but also his self-doubts, confusion, small vanities. All his weaknesses make him one of my favorite MLs. We're all thirsty now, no doubt.


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Indy, your comment gave me reason to sit and think a bit about why the 2ML is failing in his "job" to create SLS here, which I completely agree he's failing to do.

It's certainly not the actor, who's doing great.

It's also normal for the 2ML to really dislike and/or want to bring down the ML (take DWY as a paradigmatic example, but there are dozens I could mention).

He even sweetly failed to succeed in finding great food on that day-date. That's usually a winner for the SLS-train.

You know what? Usually there's a reason why the FL "shouldn't" pick the ML that we all can see and agree with--usually it's that he's a jerk--and here that's supposed to be "because he's a violent mobster." And they started off by having him be quite cold, but he melted like an iceberg under a hot sun so quickly that there has been no time for us to see any reason whatsoever why the lead pairing shouldn't happen.

I'm not complaining, just saying...we have no reason to think already here before the midpoint that the OTP isn't the OTP--including that the 2ML could possibly be her past Hyun-woo. We are already quite sure that it's the ML, as if it could have been anyone else.

I don't think the 2ML is written well to be part of a love triangle. If this were a weekender, it'd be time to write him out of it and place him squarely in the supporting "villain" role of someone trying to take our OTP down both in matters of love and business.


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A great point. The viability of the 2ML depends as much on the deficiencies of the ML, esp in the early half of the show. (Case in point: MN&D.) And JH, well, we just have to skim the comments.

And he very much feels like the antagonist at this point. I mean the Kitty Gang carries a literal kitty in a backpack… I’m not quaking yet.


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Ya know, with all these discussions about why one side of our love tepee is collapsing in an epic fail, I just remembered one more strike against 2ML.

There is something uncomfortably questionable, even borderline unethical about Mr Prosecutor rummaging through the confidential information sheet of Koh Eun-Ha ever so often, for no other reason other than to find out her phone number and where she lives. He wasn't even going to call her in again for a witness statement. The only (implicit) reason would be his romantic interest in her (this is stalking, folks!!)

On the other hand, the gentlemanly Ji-Hwan (whom you're calling a thug left right centre) only checked her residential address track record ONCE -- and for very good reason.

Once Il-Young told him she used to stay in his neighbourhood until the age of 12, he immediately ended the thread of inquiry by saying: "That's more than enough."

I wonder who is the thug here.

Cautionary tale: children, do not judge a book by its cover, or jobs by their title.


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I think in this case 2ML is a victim of the is he-isn't he trope. He can't fully open up without spoiling the backstory. So, the writer made him awkward and reserved. Because he can't be open, he isn't really competing with Eun Ha's or the viewer's hearts. SLS happens when viewers relate with the character and we can't relate with Hyun Woo. That being said, I think more screen time for him earlier would have helped, but the writer seems to have other plans.


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Ep 5-6 are glorious crack! With criminal levels of rom & com in equal dollop!

My litany of favourite comedy beats:
1) Dry sauna sequence: this is the trope of "My soccer captain elder brother has showed up in the sandpit scuffle I am miserably losing. Hurrah & shove it boys!" Our Hyung-nim's fearsome reputation truly precedes him, and here we see it in all its glory. The sauna is desolate in a blink; all we see is a lone fluttering flyer and that phone on the ground 🤣🤣 [also, the hyperbolic string of honorific titles on contact name is capital 😂]

2) Shoulder-Thug: It's hilarious for all kinds of reasons -- notable mentions go to gym scene ("shoulders as broad as the Pacific Ocean"; "shoulders are everything on a man")

The Pacific Ocean reference made me LOL cos of the allusion to Seri in CLOY gushing over a paparazzi stealth photo taken of Captain Ri hugging her and all she could gush about are his broad as Pacific Ocean shoulders LOL)

2b) How hilariously quick the Deerlings are on the uptake about this latest romantic undertow + their gamut of reactions. Jae-soo takes the cake when he leaps to back-hug his Hyung: "I disapprove of this marriage!!!" (breath-taking leap of logic from lats-workout to impending marriage, but oh-so-astute)

3) The first class: "What is hard on the outside, soft on the inside?" (I love how subtly the writers unfold this several more times in different contexts across the episode). The whole shenanigan is a hoot, including the math question about dividing 4 cherry tomatoes and how that veers off to...other stuff.

4) Morning-after: The parallel between our first OTP & 2nd OTP -- both had their unexpected "mistake" (and their mortified reactions / conflicted awkwardness the next day)


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Talking about CLOY, the grumbling deerling who argues with our FL at every single turn reminds me so much of the oldest North Korean CLOY duckling. Won’t be a surprise he’d become the biggest fan of the FL.


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Zacklee! I was thinking to myself: oh my, this Jae-soo reminds me so much of Pyo Chi-soo who bickers so much with Seri at every turn! 🤣🤣


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And the maknae of the group is always the sweetest: Seri actually gave the youngest Duckling soldier an award (and a bag of corn) for being sweetest to her. Likewise here, the youngest Deerling always gifts flowers to his noona Eun-Ha.


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My other standout moments l themes that are unfolding rapidly with deft narrative strokes (highlights in no order of merit):

1) Theme of debt: "a promise is an unpaid debt." Last week, it was Ye-Na but this week we see a glimpse of how various other characters tussle with their private debts of guilt, of gratitude etc - some, for many many years. (Il Young, Hong Ki and his "collateral", even Eun Ha & her childhood "mistake that cause them to separate)

The dinner conversation between Il Young & Mi-Ho is one of the most moving this week, and her wise and redemptive interpretation of why Ji-Hwan would even put Il-Young in his debt. "Owe no man any debt, except the debt of love" (Rom 13:8) this is a nuance & sentiment I feel that East Asians understand intimately. Being "indebted" to each other is what creates intimacy (that is what Ye-Na is trying desperately to do with her special clause provision. She wants to establish a relationship; not just pay off a creditor).

2) Motif of digging up dirt (aka the past): We see this played out both metaphorically and literally (Eun-Ha eagerly wanting to recapture the past of her cherished childhood memories; with a shovel for the time capsule), as well as Ji-Hwan's laconic counsel to Ye-Na and why he feigned ignorance last week: "Digging up the past will do neither of us any good." He wants to wipe his slate clean, and firmly closes the door on Ye-Na's chequered past as well.

3) Related Note: Ji-Hwan is so pretending *not* to know Eun-Ha when it's patently obvious to the whole universe! (if all the narrative breadcrumbs don't add up, I will stab my own hand with a meat-carving knife) Dead giveaway: I LURVE how he - led by unconscious body memory - simply raises his hand to pet her head affectionately the night after hearing her talk about her special memories of his house and playmate)

4) Hug Vs Hug: Relished the bristling jealousy of Eun-ha when the Deerlings (I swear they are modelled on the Ducklings in CLOY!) were recounting the "cooler-than-Hyun-Bin" embrace by their Boss, and how the universe heard our cries, and squares off that ledger when Eun-Ha gets the "Emperor Penguin huddle" pay-off at the end (echo of Ep 3 when Ji-Hwan first hides behind a "survival in the Antarctica penguin docu poster" Subtitled: How the Emperor Penguin Protects Their Nestlings" ❤❤❤ How cool is that?!


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5) ML's spring awakening: Ko Yang Hee's jeering snark that Ji-Hwan has suddenly hit puberty again is more telling than we think. If we do our Math, the young Hyun-woo who is 6 years older than the 7yo Eun-Ha, met her when he just stepped into adolescence at age 13. (I bet that she is actually his first love; whereas EH only falls in love with Ji-Hwan now as a 30yo woman. What she has up to this point is deep affection, gratitude & guilt towards her Oppa).

6) Theme of "rats": By now it is firmly established that every party and faction on both sides of the law has got their moles in other crevice and nook. Really up the ante and tension here.
I brace myself for any unhappy surprises in our Thirsty Deer camp.

7) This is a BIG one -- Senior Seo (aka the Godfather himself) is still alive and doing time! (and very obviously the shadow cabinet of drug cartel - Kitty Gang almost feels like a subsidiary of his) This will have *major* narrative & thematic repercussions -- can so see this shaping up to be a father vs son show-down (or maybe redemptive arc?)

8) Love the meat factory scene: at this juncture, all vegans have left the chat lol. Like it for showing the other side of the story via female incarceration.

9) Love all the conversations between the ML & SML (uncomfortable as they are) & the one between ML & FL when she gets home and he asks: "Since when did the prosecutor become your friend? You can't tell him where you live because he is a prosecutor or because he is a friend?" SO LOADED. SO GOOD.


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9b) "Since when did the prosecutor become your friend?"

-- Rewind back to the previous ep: where Ji-Hwan actually told her: "You would never ever need to explain why you are acquainted with a prosecutor, but you need to explain why you are acquainted with an ex-con. Go back and give an explanation to the prosecutor."

So what has since changed between them?
She has gone through their rites of initiation (sans "drink-from-bowl" ceremony; moved into their home even when the milk delivery lady couldn't get a foot in; became their live-in tutor; they have kissed - the monastic Ji-Hwan probably lost his virgin kiss to her)

Everything has changed. And the unspoken expectation is greater loyalty is due.

2) I love their phone conversation in the aftermath of Yeon's disappearance. The fact that she spoke without any preamble hints at their level of familiarity; a fact not lost on Prosecutor Jang. The first time it happened was in the witness statement scene, he noticed how comfortable Ji-Hwan's name rolled off her tongue.

I love these dialogue shorthand that gives so much layers and subtext to their relational dynamics


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I'm not watching this show yet, but after looking at that header pic with every comment, I only want to mention that the gaffer knew what they were doing in that scene!


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Ji-Hwan has my full focus, I don't see or care about anything else or body. I just want to give him a hug. He's trying so hard to make his deerlings being able to have a normal life, shielding them from the old world.

Hyun-woo is a bad witness, he didn't really see the action and just made a conclusion.

The second couple is fast in action! And it was a very big splash.


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The water was hilarious! Whichever member of the prop team was tasked with throwing that water, (s)he took it to heart. The shock on the actors' faces was so genuine! They were sooooooo drenched - and then the "Base Hotel" name came into focus and I couldn't stop laughing. 4th, here we come...


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4th, here we come...


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I’m thinking ji hwan has a childhood hood connection to Eun Ha. When he finally found out our FL real name, he seemed kinda shocked and had her looked into right away. Seems there is some kind of recognition. But I am loving this drama. It’s so sweet and laugh out funny especially when he second guesses everything . Our poor former mobster just wants to be loved by his crush. Also I like that he usually asks for permission to touch our FL even if it is for saving her life. Bring in more sweet and cute moments between our leads!


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yes for consent in even the minor details.
I think that he used Hyun Woos name to not be found out as gangster heir bc he thought she wouldnt be friends with him


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First, Um Tae Gu and Han Sun Hwa are just killing it in their roles. Both give their characters depth, vulnerabilities AND charisma in every scene whether it be comedic, dramatic or both—that’s the magic here.

There are so many layers to this seemingly cartoon level show. One level is just the surfacey things—the color palate, the clothing, the hair, etc. This is the level upon which we often first (and often last) judge people. What’s interesting is how both the show and the characters embrace that reality and use and play with it. Ji Hwan knows that society has judged him to be a gangster by birth and association, and maybe, but maybe not, by deed. Instead of trying to fight it, he subversively dons it like armor—the black clothes, the shellacked hair, and ripped body, and boy does he rock it. It serves him by both claiming the predispostion of people to judge him a thug, but also, because it commands respect so he doesn’t have to use actual physical violence to get his point across, which, so far, has been on the side of mercy, redemption and good. What’s interesting is where he sheds his clothing and hair armor is inside the house, where only his deermates and Eun Ha are let in (we know that he won’t even let the mail person in) and the only place where he lets the need to use the outside prejudices to his advantage go and where people see him beyond that tough exterior. Similarly, Eun Ha has her styling armor—hers is one that she created, instead of being thrust upon her—one of a kid’s creator with playful clothes and hair. She worked at a company filled with people using that facade of being kid-friendly, and yet, their actions often were emotionally or morally violent. After her show was shut down and when she went in the deer house, she too sheds her armor and even sheds her Mini Unnii name and lets them see her for who she is and what she does. It’s a brilliant juxtaposition of the use and prejudicies of appearances.

In terms of judging each other, Ji Hwan and Eun Ha quickly put aside the surfacey stuff after their inital misunderstanding of each other. Ji Hwan is a person who having been judged unfairly his whole life grants people grace and a chance of redemption—for a seemingly dark mobster, he is the most hopeful character in the show. He believes in second, third and fourth chances even if the face of difficult realities of having them. Eun Ha sees that in him because she believes in the kid-like wonder and hope for more love, for return of loved ones, for the possibility of fun to break out. Ji Hwan in turn resonates with being seen and seeing that quality in her. It doesn’t hurt that both are lovely on all levels—physically, emotionally and etthically—and they see and appreciate all the levels too. Eun Ha, like all of us, looked and noticed the shoulders before and after the workout. (If you want to see the moll/doll that Han Sun Hwa can be, look up clips in Save Me 2.). It’s interesting how despite the...


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obvious things pointing to Hyun Woo being the prosecutor—the name, the profession, the callback coincidences like the odds/even game, the rock, paper, scissors— and years long obsession of finding Hyun Woo (she is keeping a log!), Eun Ha has yet to directly ask him despite plenty of chances to do so because she instinctively knows the surface things don’t mean that that’s true Hyun Woo.

The way shows all this stuff in a cartoon setting is so playful and powerful. Biblical references (Psalm 42 for Thirsty Deer), fart jokes, penguin huddles and musings on prejudice, justice and mercy all are in this bright palate. So brilliant, entertaining, and heartwarming. LOVE.


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re: fart jokes

comic digression on a related note -- we were watching penguin huddling

and someone made a priceless forum comment: "Can you imagine what happens when the penguins are so closely packed - they huddle by the thousands - and one penguin farts? 🤣🤣


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Very thoughtful insights @gum shoe!


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Also, it's worth noting that in ancient Korean society, butchers were outcastes and not included in the national registers. (Anyone remember that from Mr. Sunshine?) So the Thirsty Deer company being a company of butchers is meaningful.


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How interesting. I didn't know that. Joseon class stratification is often compared to the caste system so it makes sense certain occupations were ostracized. (Tho given how much they love their meat, I am surprised.)


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thats great insight. It was the same in medieval Tallinn, butchers counldnt form a union and lived outside the city, and they also often doubled as executioners or maybe thats why they were shunned.


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Thanks for sharing! (I originally thought the narrative choice of a butcher was for purely pragmatic reason. Flesh is flesh, and if you're nifty with knives... well, it's an agnostic transferrable skill-set yes. Also: it made for great misleading comedy in the pilot during the Buddhist temple scene)

That really gives added insight to what it means that grace has come to the social pariahs and the ostracised. That would also be consistent to the Biblical allusions littering the series. The angels announced the birth of Jesus, but not to the religiously elite Pharisees, or the king of the day -- Caesar.

Instead that grace came to the lowly shepherds - again, like butchers & ex-cons, they were the outcasts, and considered not just the bottom echelon but also ceremonially *unclean*. (c.f. the snotty supermarket rep kept talking about not wanting their food to be made by unclean hands)


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Everybody, gather around! Snow White and the Seven Ex-Kkangpae is on! This show is so much fun.


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I'm loving this show, to the point I look forward to the upcoming episodes..It's so swooning...and the comedy ji hwan showing his pecs iso ridiculous 😂😂..I love him..not to mention a complete green flag, the way explained huddling before doing it😍..only annoying part is SML. This show also shows expects of ex cons lives and some people were helpless in becoming a criminal like the wife who killed her abusive husband. It's simple and fun..


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He is not *just* a green flag, he is a whole green forest!

p.s. the preface / preempt before deed:
Again, reminds me of CLOY.
Remember Episode 3 (I think) where the coastal police hopped on board the fishing vessel to do spot checks and Captain Ri had to diffuse the drama "crisis" by swooping in for a passionate kiss with Seri? He did the same earnest gentlemanly preface-before-kiss.


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Yes he's a whole green forest💚


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What an adorable drama this is turning out to be. I love ❤️ everything about this show.

I also like that they are adding little conflicts while bringing the OTP together rather than getting them together fast and then driving a wedge. Him being a ex mobster is the elephant in the room and it’s something both are working with.
She is learning to see him for his present. And I also hope she talks to him about his past at some point.
My heart sank when he asked her how the prosecutor is already her friend. Ouch. He realizes he is not. And when he thinks she isn’t comfortable telling anyone that she is staying with him. His little hurts were so obvious and I really felt for Ji Hwan.

That huddle hug was so melty and swoony. Hope girl got to feel the shoulders and biceps inspite of freezing.


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Re: Hope girl got to feel the shoulders and biceps in spite of freezing.
--IKR! I would feel hideously shortchanged if I had frostbite and am numbed to my nipples.
p.s. btw, who else thinks that screenshot of them in that penguin back-hug and his big strong arms wrapped around her makes for a great luxury watch ad still?

So swoon-worthy. He can sell me anything and I would buy it


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Oh, they knew 100% what they were doing with this shot. Of course Jihwan let Eunha have his trench coat, and it turns out, he is for once not wearing a black suit jacket underneath, but only a vest. Also, a lighter shirt instead of the usual black one. All to make the hug very obvious (black sleeves on black trench wouldn’t stand out so much).

I’m not complaining at all!!! 😂 Just really like the attention to detail in this production. 👏👏👏
(Same with the scene on the balcony: why would they block the access to the whole balcony with that “plant shelf separator” in a “family house”? It’s not a hotel where you’re next to a stranger… 😉👏)



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I am not complaining either 😍😘

The balcony plant lattice was like some hilarious flimsy chastity belt between the two rooms, ya know, to preserve some semblance of modesty since she is the only rose amongst the thorns lol.


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thing is even when people disappoint him, he is still there for them 100 % and thats family


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Gaah. This recap 💗💛 So freaking sweet. Makes me want to rewatch the episodes AGAIN (I'm not saying if it will be my third or fourth rewatch 🥰)

This little show may be sweetness personified but it's packing a punch in the wisdom/theme department too. Ji-hwan's hesitance to pursue the object of his desire isn't something that he can simply overcome on his own. Not really. The show is giving us a hard look into how society can be harsh in determining what we get served depending on who we are, what we look like and what we did in the past. I feel deeply for our Deerlings. I'm rooting for their success and happiness.

And is it just me or is sweetness the new hawtness?? 🥵💛 I can't get enough of all the ways our OTP are sweet to each other even amidst all the distractions (HYUN-WOO, GET IN THE BACK). Ji-hwan's awareness that his ladylove could get hurt just by being close to him. Lesser men would just forge ahead and think only of what they want. Not our hero 🥰 Eun-ha's willingness to learn and know her own mind about our hero's questionable past. I adore characters who are open to growth and change and our pair have this down. The way they took on father-mother/good cop-bad cop vibes in dealing with the brood of Deerlings was endearing.

And let's just say it was 🔥 in that freezer! I can't wait for next week though seeing Ji-hwan covered in blood in the preview makes me a little anxious. May the week go as fast as how Ji-hwan got home before Eun-ha did!! 👀🤩


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Three cheers @daebakgrits for a wonderful re-cap that captures my utterly surprised enjoyment of what I thought would be a brain-bubblegum show. OTP is nailing it, the directing/cinematography is top notch. Above all the writing team is providing us with wonderful dialogue and serious subtext. After laughing, giggling and squeeing, I will stop and think, wait - they are saying something substantive about SoKo society.
After dropping the two big Beanie favs of the year so far, I despaired that I would ever fall in love with a K-drama again. Step back, I'm head over heels!


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That's an interesting point about our second couple @daebakgrits. Did they spend a night in that hotel the camera lingered on? Otherwise put, were Mi-ho's one-rice-grain-at-a-time breakfast fantasies memories??? In the moment, I didn't think so. I thought they were her hopes and dreams... Huh. Either way, thanks for sharing, Mi-ho! 😉


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I also wasn't too sure about that part. Were those memories or fantasies? Maybe we'll find out next week.


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Red herring, you say?! 😐 Hmmm, I thought those scenes were flashbacks, but now… 🤔 They show Ilyeong dwelling on “something”, too, and I thought they both were replaying in their heads what happened the night before. 🫠 Plus the hint about him being absent in the morning because of “one of his many girlfriends”… (Of course, he’s now a Miho convert.)

*dons deerstalker & lights up pipe*


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It really hardly matters, but I would like better for Mi-ho than:

1. Il-young stands outside her place of work waiting for her. He doesn't alert her that he's going to be waiting. He just waits.

2. He asks her to dinner and she lets him into her house and cooks for him.

3. They accidentally get soaking wet by a plot device on an evening walk after dinner, right by her house (or maybe it's only by her place of work, but that place of work has towels and a way to wash your hair!).

4. They end up having quickie sex in a hotel.

5. Mi-ho ends up home in time for breakfast.

6. By 6pm the next day, Il-young's not contacted her and he's calmly pacing in his house thinking about work.

I would also like to think this isn't Il-young's style.


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I don't think this has been said enough, but I love UTG's acting. LOVE.
His interpretation of the character, emotional depth, nuance and range has wowed me. I hope this is his breakout role for romcom leads

Notable mention of his expressive eyebrows: I swear, they went to hagwon to take special cram classes on method acting. They have a life of their own.


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He is brilliant. He can be intimidating one moment and then shift to the mother hen who bears the weight of his found family and then he is this cute mumbling adorable boy!! His face changes in an instant. His expressions are so on point. His soft gazes are melt 😍


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Yes, his micro-expressions are riveting too. I was re-watching the hazing party scene and all the nuances of his reaction shots to Eun-Ha laughing and drinking during games. Every expression is different; so mercurial and fluid.

This actor is working so hard at his craft. Honestly after watching him, it makes all the other actors look like slackers lol


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I am loving this drama so much! Agree with all that has been said, and have to give a shout out for the added animations which constantly make me spit my tea. Jihwan lying on his bed whilst the word "gangster" hit him like hailstones was hilarious, particularly the last which bounced off the bed and onto the floor with a pathetically tinny thud. Such a way to capture a mood!! Plus, although I generally hate shouty characters, deerling Jaesu is comedy gold - sand in your eye and defending his boss's "torso purity" were played so well! Thanks @daebakgrits for a recap that is as enjoyable as the episodes :)


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Re: deerling Jaesu is comedy gold - sand in your eye and defending his boss's "torso purity" were played so well!


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A very different UTG but so charming - https://youtu.be/Q93GrEOm4ac?si=RSUfFJih6htBLIpb


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I have to say something about the love triangle plotline. I am now sick of it. Would it kill writers to depict some healthy female-to-male and male-to-female friendships? Give the 2nd FL and MLs their own love stories instead of turning them into a villain or just destined to get their heart stomped on.


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One of the best aspects of Call it Love was the friendship between Woo-joo and Joon...he was the only one who could really speak truth to her--and have her realize her own truth.

I know it doesn't happen much, and that's what you're saying, but your comment made me remember how lovely their relationship was.


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Yes, that's what I am saying. It's not like a love triangle plotline should never be used. If you are going to write a hundred K-dramas, don't green-light 90 of them with the same tired plotline and not expect some viewers to sigh and say to themselves. "Well, I can see where this is going cause I just saw it."


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The Eternal Love Triangle of Death.
Love Triangles trope has been the death of many dramas.

The 2L’s , especially the ones that resort to criminal acts in order to either win or sabotage the love of one of the OTP Leads. 🙄


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Now that they have blatantly said there is a mole among the bulldogs, I feel it's going to be another twist and the mole is no longer going to be Il Yeong. It will probably be some super minor character whose backstory is only revealed in 1 minute in Episode 14. Or Il Yeong turns out to be a triple agent.

Also, for all the people hating on Hyun Woo for assuming Ji Hwan killed his family member, my theory is that Ji Hwan confessed to take the blame for someone else. So, Hyun Woo has reason to hate Ji Hwan. Eun Ha will probably hear this. There will be some confusion and it will only be cleared up after next week.

This post is making me sound so cynical about the show. But, the acting is really good and more than makes up for the formulaic plot.


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It can't be Il Young now. Not after that dinner conversation scene with Mi-Ho. He is firmly off my list of suspects. This boy will die for his Hyung if he has to.


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I'm wondering if the mole is the maknae. In the scene whereby the deerlings and Ji Hwan are gathered in the living room area and Ji Hwan was giving them a lecture about how their mistakes will not be seen as the same as any other ordinary non-ex convict's mistake, they specially gave the maknae an individual scene showing that he entered the house later than the rest, holding his phone in his hand. Didn't seem to have a particular reason to specially show this (or maybe it's to show that he spotted Eun Ha listening in behind the staircase?), so maybe this could be a set-up for later?


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Omo, I had that same thought fleet across my mind too! (and for the same reason lol). That scene was so extra and unmotivated (with no pay-off on the looking-at-phone) that I had to think oh no, it's the quiet ones...LOL

Dong-Hee hardly has any dialogue, unlike the other Deerlings. And as P.A. to JH, Dong-Hee has his Boss' entire schedule and movements at his finger tip.

Though I hope not! I hope Antenna is just an informant/tail placed on Thirsty Deer, and not an actual mole planted into his inner circle. That would be too sad


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This drama is totally Castaway Diva-ing us (trying to make us think the 2ML is the childhood friend but it's totally the ML)


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I have gone on record to say this but I will do it again. I can bet ALL my money that ML is her beloved Hyun-woo. ALL.

If all the narrative breadcrumbs don't add up, I will stab my own hand with a meat-carving knife.


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did the bestie and the Cinderella straight up have a, um, night of passion??? 💀 in kdramas, everyone *but* the leads move so fast T-T

Bro has fallen so hard for her, he astral projected into that car seat just to prevent Eun-ha and lawyer man from having a Kdrama Romantic Swoon Moment™️

speaking of lawyer man... He doesn't even know any of excons' story, yet he judges them as some evil that cannot be redeemed. Ya really think the lady who killed her abusive husband to save her kid is peddling drugs? or the lady studying to be a social worker? And I bet you anything that Ji-hwan was helping people at that hotel incident.

I was literally like, "it wouldn't be cute or funny to lock people into a -18°C freezer... Man-ho better not be responsible" but alas...


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Yep, Jihwan was helping at the hotel for sure, and possibly was a victim too as he had a head wound similar to the grandmother. He either took the blame for that one, or he took the blame for someone else (Ilyoung?) in another incident and just happened to be at the hotel incident, but either way he ended up being labelled by Hyunwoo as "criminal". I bet Jihwan's actually the only non-crim there.


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it looks like Ji Hwan stepped in front of someone to take a blow on his head. who is the 3rd victim?
also, JH borrowed the name Hyun Woo so Eun Ha would not be scared of him. He is not Hyun Woo, but he is her childhood friend.


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Re: "he astral projected into that car seat just to prevent Eun-ha and lawyer man from having a K drama Romantic Swoon Moment™️"
-- OMG, I legit ROFLOL 🤣🤣🤣

Yes, that Prosecutor Jang...*sigh* he needs to retake his civil servant exam. You can't convict people on such dubious circumstantial evidence...


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Y’all!! This show is hitting all the right notes for me. I don’t remember the last time I was this captivated by a romcom. I NEEDED this. I’m a sucker for a found family storyline, so while the prank is low key life threatening, I love that his boys love him so much they’d even play Cupid. Squeee! Our leads have such great chemistry and their respect for each other is so earnest. Everything about this show is working just right. I want all the success for the cast and crew!!!


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