Connection: Episodes 9-10

Our hero zeroes in on vested interests and contentious details, edging ever closer to the truth, while our heroine skirts the line of immoral selfishness spurred by a selfless cause. As more layers of the past are peeled back, the shrewd intricacies of a deceased friend’s agenda shifts into focus. Just how much had he been aware of, and how far did he plan ahead?


Returning to April 2005, we finally see the events of Kyung-tae’s death. Kyung-tae spills fuel in the midst of trying to light a stove in his yard, and while his buddy Gyu-min is in the outhouse, Jong-soo and his cronies show up to beat the living daylights out of Kyung-tae. When Gyu-min next peeks outside, the yard has caught on fire. In the aftermath, a call from Sang-eui sends Joon-seo rushing to Kyung-tae’s house, but by then it’s already too late — everyone has made it out, except for Kyung-tae.

With that, we return to the present day. While Yoon-ho is out, Jae-kyung pays his house a visit, where an on-site investigation reveals Yoon-ho used his wife’s car to commit the Molotov cocktail arson at Myung-guk’s house. Alas, Yoon-ho’s wife capitalizes on Jae-kyung’s brief distraction to call Yoon-ho and warn him of the police’s pursuit. Our cunning taxi driver immediately goes into hiding, emerging only to threaten Tae-jin into helping him evade the authorities, though something tells me Tae-jin’s patience won’t last much longer.

Meanwhile, Chi-hyun updates the rest of the shady trio on Jae-kyung’s suspicions, then asks them why they followed Joon-seo’s instructions so compliantly that fateful night. We aren’t told Jong-soo’s reasons, but we do see Tae-jin’s — Joon-seo knew of his affair with Ji-yeon.

As for Chi-hyun, he has a solid motive — he and Yoon-ho bashed Myung-guk to death and sealed his corpse in the freezer storage, because Myung-guk had been threatening to expose Jong-soo’s drug addiction. Joon-seo coerced Chi-hyun into showing up at the construction site by threatening to call the police to the freezer storage, necessitating that Chi-hyun and Yoon-ho retrieve the body.

Elsewhere, Jae-kyung realizes that’s why Yoon-ho murdered the store owner, because he’d passed by that CCTV on his way to retrieve the body with Chi-hyun. One thing’s amiss though; Chi-hyun has no idea who then moved Myung-guk’s thawing corpse to his home, but it must have taken at least two people to lug him around.

As for our sleuthing trio, it’s Yoon-jin’s birthday today, except Joo-song’s surprise cake winds up waiting forlornly on the balcony while Jae-kyung and Yoon-jin pore over Myung-guk’s research journals. To their credit, they make good progress, realizing that Myung-guk had been meeting with Sang-eui regularly in Pilo-dong — but they’re then interrupted by an unwelcome visitor.

It’s Ji-yeon, who asks that they investigate a pension that Joon-seo opened over a decade ago, then brazenly demands her right to his inheritance. Yoon-jin bristles at her lack of shame, and that’s the exact moment Joo-song bursts out of the balcony with Yoon-jin’s cake. Cue the most awkward birthday celebration ever, lol. Unexpectedly, the occasion shocks Ji-yeon to the point she throws up in the bathroom, and Yoon-jin ultimately connects the dots — Joon-seo’s passcode has always been Yoon-jin’s birthday.

The next day, Yoon-jin seeks out Joo-song for some advice. Having overheard her phone call with her colleague while hiding out on the balcony, Joo-song’s already figured out what she wants to ask. She wants to keep the large sum in Joon-seo’s locked account for herself. Yoon-jin staunchly defends her intentions — it’s better than having the money go to hypocrites like Tae-jin and Ji-yeon, right? Still, Joo-song can’t validate Yoon-jin’s unscrupulous temptation; his bumbling demeanor belies a perceptive mind, and he discerns her guilty conscience, even as she denies it.

Unfortunately, a friend’s dissuasion can’t outweigh a mother’s desperation to provide for her child. Yoon-jin calls Tae-jin to a PC cafe that she booked, luring him in with the claim that she knows Joon-seo’s passcode and threatening to circulate the photos of him and Ji-yeon, in exchange for half of Joon-seo’s money. With no other choice, Tae-jin allows Yoon-jin to enter the passcode — only for it to turn out wrong. Infuriated, Tae-jin strangles Yoon-jin, until Joo-song rushes in. Yanking Tae-jin off her, Joo-song hurls him aside, then carries the unconscious Yoon-jin out. (Yay, Joo-song gets his own heroic rescue moment!)

Circling back to our cops, their current mission is tracking down the drug dealer Jin-wook. Boss Yoon has captured his underling, since they failed to hold up their end of the deal, and she informs Chang-soo that he can drop by and arrest them both in half an hour. Except when Jin-wook arrives, he fatally shoots Boss Yoon with the gun he’d previously stolen from Jae-kyung.

At that very moment, Jae-kyung has been following the hearing aid thug all the way to the same building. He bumps into Chang-soo just as a gunshot rings out, and when they rush into Boss Yoon’s hideout, Jae-kyung recognizes her back room as the place he’d been drugged in.

On the way to the station, the hearing aid thug demands that Chang-soo set him free, threatening to reveal his acceptance of Boss Yoon’s bribes and Jae-kyung’s addiction. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Chang-soo impulsively decides to drive his car right off the road and into a river, diving out of the window at the last second. Chang-soo survives, while the thug dies, but Jae-kyung realizes the window has been rolled down — this wouldn’t have been possible underwater, which betrays that Chang-soo intentionally plunged the vehicle.

Oh no, and just when Jae-kyung and Chang-soo were starting to solidify a rapport! Chang-soo keeps digging a deeper hole for himself the more he tries to cover his tracks, and while I want to believe he harbors good intentions, he’s acting upon it in practically the worst way possible. At the rate Chang-soo’s going, he’s about to implode sooner rather than later.

The same can be said for Tae-jin, who was humiliatingly put in his place by CHAIRMAN WON (Moon Sung-geun) this week. Despite Tae-jin’s outstanding aptitude and fervent drive to lead the Pilo-dong project, Chairman Won reiterates that he’s only useful as a prosecutor, so he shouldn’t greedily aim any higher. Needless to say, the ambitious Tae-jin has already set his sights on greener pastures and vaster horizons, and I think he’s already twenty steps ahead of all his opponents.

Connection doles out its flashbacks in sparse doses, effectively keeping us on tenterhooks regarding the full truth and the exact intentions of its players. Did the fire spark by accident, or was it set deliberately? Was Kyung-tae trapped in the blaze, or did Jong-soo’s squad leave him behind in cold blood? And what fueled Jong-soo’s vendetta against Kyung-tae? I love that the drama sets a breakneck pace with so many reveals, while still shrouding key elements of its core plot in secrecy, and I can’t wait for more.


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It's so satisfying to watch Yoon-ho be the cause of their downfall. That dude was a ticking time bomb. A true psychopath stabbing the innocent mill owner and bludgeoning Lee Myung-guk. When he followed Hyun-woo's grandmother into her house, I screamed bloody murder. I was scared for Woo-sung's life for photographing him.

While they're all irredeemable, I've felt sorry for each of them at least once.
-Tae-jin: They're his ideas, yet Jong-soo reaps the rewards, and the chairman will toss him aside.
-Jong-soo: He is never good enough for his father, so has to turn to drugs. I pitied him when he begged his vice president friend, "We have to show them this time."
-Chi-hyun: He's loyal to Jong-soo, yet when he slapped him, it proves that he's no more than a lowly servant. I admire his calm, cool, and collected personality.
-Sang-eui: He's my "favorite" and genuinely seems to care about Joon-seo.

But never Yoon-ho. And now same with his wife Si-jung shifting the blame to Jae-kyung. I only feel sorry for their daughters for having a murderer as a father.

I read a theory about Joo-song being the Doctor, which could be possible. I adore Joo-song's character, but I just think it'll be too easy if Noh Gyu-min is the Doctor. How can he be the Doctor and Joon-seo's taxi driver and none of them remembers him from high school? Presuming Gyu-min escaped from the fire, he must be under intense guilt watching Kyung-tae burn to death.

I hope "0305" has a different meaning, otherwise Joon-seo deserved to be cheated on. Nevertheless, it's not the passcode, and now Tae-jin has one chance left. Boo, I was rooting for Chang-soo to be good. Good as in a dirty cop who accepts bribes but not kill people. Is it wrong if I still like Jin-wook? It was self-defense, but I did gasp when he didn't even hesitate when he shot CEO Yoon. Many thanks for the recap, @solstices!


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Seconding the theory of Joo-song being the doctor and taking over after Jeon-seo?
Me too feeling bad for the bad guys and it doesn't help that I am a big fan of Kwon Yul (Shout out to whoever cast him). Kim Kyung-nam is killing it as well. And for sure, Yoon-ho is the most annoying acharacter and his wife comes second to him.


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Joo-Song being Doctor 2.0 would be quiet the twist, but it is more likely to be someone within KH Pharma (the maker of the drug) or even Chang-Soo who is hiding more than we know.


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0305. I think it was a simple habit. Like you set a code when young and carry it through life. Jun Seo probably didn’t put much meaning to it but kept it as a habit!?? Eg I have a suitcase lock combo which I have used since college. I don’t even know what started that number but I haven’t changed it ever.
But the cheating wife getting worked up over this was interesting.

CEO Yoon’s character and was annoying me so good riddance.


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I like Jin Wook too. 🙈 I'm glad he is still surviving lol. I thought his friend wouldn't make it.


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His friend Geun-ho is so dense. Jin-wook tells him not to do anything, but he goes to CEO Yoon by himself, then calls Jin-wook all proud, and when he tells him to get out of there, he doesn't. Geun-ho is lucky that Jin-wook stole Jae-kyung's gun.


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Yeah. Too reckless. But that gun loss had to come back to bite. Stress.

I wonder if these two had anything to do with putting back the body from cold storage to his house. Because they did mention that you need two people to do that job.


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Would it be too obvious (at least to the viewers) if the password was 1882? Then Jun-seo's question as to whether JJK still remembers it might have a completely different meaning than previously assumed.

Because of all the people involved, I sometimes have trouble telling all the names apart. And I had definitely forgotten that the body of the murdered researcher must have been frozen for a while. So it was a surprising revelation to me what role the frozen warehouse played.

After Chang-soo's fabricated accident, it's pretty certain that he will end up dead. The writers probably won't send him to prison.

As always, the scenes with the three friends provide a bit of laughter. It really was a memorable birthday party.
And I had to laugh that a drug-addicted JJK still has more stamina than Joo-song.

Doesn't Ji-sung look adorable in a white T-shirt?


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I was thinking yesterday that the password is 1882 and reading your comment I hope it turns out true.
You aren't alone in this. There are too many people connected and using similar names Jeon-seo Jong-seo Joo-song gets me confused.
Ji sung looks adorable in anything but the white shirt was a good styling choice.


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I have to look up MDL every time I write their names. I can follow when watching drama but when I come back to talk about it I am so lost.


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Me too. I am a frequent visitor.


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I have MDL opened in parallel to check the who’s who while watching the drama too. But still there’s no Noh Gyu-min - who’s this person because it was mentioned in the MDL discussion.


@epyc2010 oh yeah.. Noh Gyu Min was supposedly the taxi driver who took Jun Seo to the construction site. But he has gone hiding. I had to check the recap for 5-6 to confirm this ; )
And also, his name was mentioned in one of the HS flashbacks - I think we saw him too overhearing something. So he was also part of the school.
you are right, we have never seen him in the present. He probably is a key witness to what happened back in High school.


It helps to call the characters by their full names like Jae-kyung does to keep them straight (Park Joon-seo, Won Jong-soo). I'm surprised you all use MDL instead of AsianWiki. I hate the actors' photos on MDL.

PYC @epyc2010 Noh Gyu-min was my #1 candidate to be the Doctor ("was" because my current #1 candidate is Joo-song). We first see him in the epilogue of ep 5 overhearing Jae-kyung and Joon-seo's confrontation, and then the opening of ep 9 while Jong-soo and friends beat up Kyung-tae, but Gyu-min doesn't intervene. He definitely would hold a grudge against them for killing Kyung-tae in the fire, so could use detective Jae-kyung to bring them down, and the reason he drugs him is because he feels Jae-kyung is partially responsible.


Please could you tell me what MDL is? ( I assume it’s not medical diagnostics when I google.) I use Asianwiki for thumbnail photos and actor/character names. But I would like to check out MDL. — Thanks , much.


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Mydramalist 😊😊


MDL = My Drama List


Yeah. I thought of the audiophile number too. It has to be that.

Ji Sung upped the sexiness by taking off that puffer jacket. That white t-shirt was 😍😍😍. This fan girl was happy 😃


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I don't know if it is just me. But the show got improving in the second half despite having a bit shaking start. The last 4 episodes had me hooked and I keep craving more. Perhaps, I will binge this after it concludes its run as a rewatch to revel more in its twists.


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Yoon Jin and Chang-woo. Sigh.

Chang-soo, oh no!!! It probably would have been simpler to come clean with Jae Kyung. When he steered the car I knew he won’t get away with it. lol. He should have known too, after all he worked with Jae Kyung.
Finally, Jae Kyung found where he was drugged. But lost both the parties who were involved.

Time and again Jae Kyung told her Tae-Jin is too dangerous. She is lucky to have a friend like Joo Song.

Chairman is an awful person but he sees right through Tae Jin. What an audacity that man has. ‘Work hard to make us rich but dare not expect anything in return’

Is Tae Jin the doctor?? Who gets the most out of drugging JK? If it was Tae Jin he would have tipped off the cops to get him off the case. Did someone drug him to get him close to the secret or away? I think it’s the former. I can’t read Sang Hui. He really is not part of the friends group but he knows more.

Ji Sung runs so beautifully. Every time he runs his whole body is acting. I can watch him all day. 😍


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Of all the things I was prepared for, I was not prepared for Kwon Yul(Tae-gon) going ballistic on Yoon-jin. Kwon Yul was irrecognizable in that scene.


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Oh yeah. That was a terrifying face that no one has seen or rather no has lived to tell the tale.


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Oh yeah, Kwon Yul can be super evil if you have seen Dali and the Cocky Prince. No wonder he got picked to be the evil prosecutor or 2ML all the times.

Nonetheless, I’m pretty sure he is a harmless but dorky prosecutor in My Sweet Mobster (but 2ML again, sigh!).


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Yeah, his face was very scary.

He's impressive at playing bad and good characters. His Frankly Speaking role feels light years away. XD


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After every evil role I go back and watch him in Unfamiliar family. He is so versatile!!


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Are we forgetting that this is the same man who strangled his own mistress? Tae-jin strangling Yoon-jin is par for the course.


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The look is different. This was more passionate. With Ji-yeon, he still had more trial attempts. With Yoon-jin, this was the final attempt. His desperation here is way more deep. Add in Chairman Won putting him in his place.

Ji-yeon's strangulation pales in comparison to Yoon-jin's.


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Because Yoon-jin is blackmailing him with photographs of his affair and threatening to expose him to his superiors and friends for half of his money. He wasn't trying to kill Ji-yeon that time because he still has feelings for her, whereas he is trying to kill Yoon-jin in order to silence her, which is completely in character. Even Yoon-ho, a psychopath himself, recognizes Tae-jin as the most likely suspect in Joon-seo's death.


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Granted. Even if all of what you've mentioned are factors that weigh in, they all come second to the fact he came at Yoon-jin like that with such murder intent because there was no other attempt at guessing the password. The very 10th and final attempt failed. Had she gotten the password correctly, I guarantee you a million percent that he won't come at Yoon-jin like that.

Yoon-jin knows what her bargaining chip was. It wasn't the blackmail, it was the money. She knows he wants it. Dealing with any blackmail he's slammed comes easy when he has the money. He could even abscond the country. Both Yoon-jin and Tae-jin knew that.


I have just looked again, it was the 9th of 10 attempts, one attempt remains.


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Yes, he still has one more attempt (9/10).


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@panshel I still maintain that he reacted that way because Yoon-jin got the password incorrectly.

He wouldn't have come at her if the password was exactly as Yoon-jin guessed it would.
I'm following the money, not the threats.


I was just arguing that it's not out of character for him to attack her. Yes, her getting the passcode wrong is what sent him over the edge, but his reaction was completely expected. I felt no sympathy for Yoon-jin in that scene. It was her choice to blackmail a psychopath, so she should've been prepared to not walk out of that PC bang alive.


He was absolutely terrifying. Yoon Jin is lucky that she has Jong Soo


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Shameless is an ugly word that packs a punch. When Ji-Yeon calls Yoon-Jin shameless for pushing to get her husband’s insurance money when they were not close friends, Yoon-Jin holds her tongue about JiSeo-Yoon’s affair. But the clever writing of the birthday cake suddenly makes Ji-Yeon sick: the passcode is Ji-Yeon’s birthday. Ji-Yoon gets sick because she realizes her husband was still in love with his college girlfriend . . . or worse, had an affair with her. Tae-Jin was shamed by CEO Won who already knew Tae-Jin’s grand development plan contained embezzlement portals to make Jong-Soo and himself rich. CEO Won told Tae-Jin he had crossed the line; he was not as smart as his plan was supposed to be. He was exposed, uncovered and easily replaceable. Tae-Jin’s one chance of getting rich is collapsing because of his dumb rich friend and the incompetence of his classmates. But now his own incompetence was laid bare,

We also learn that Joon-Seo knew of Ji-Yeon’s affair. He called the KH gang to the construction site to expose all their secrets. Apparently, he was in the drug business in order to get $500,000 for his daughter’s medical care, but when that did not work, he let her go. His last quest was to put things right. Tae-Jin, Jong Soo and Chi-Hyun all claim to have not killed Joon-Seo, but the wild card Yoon-Ho killed the rice mill owner to cover his own tracks, tracks that lead directly to the other three. Chi-Hyun admitting he killed the chief researcher and froze his body, but claimed he did not move it to his house to be found. That was done by CEO Yoon’s goons, the same guys who drugged Jae-Kyeong to get him to investigate and eliminate her competitor, KH gang, like she did with Jang’s Five Spider gang.

The flashback to Kyung-Tae’s hideout with Joon-Seo spilling petro for the stove is the precursor for the fire that killed Kyung Tae as Jong-Soo’s gang comes to rough him up. It is harder to imagine that Jae-Kyeong’s teen pressure for his classmates to rat out villains was the main reason for Joon-Seo’s last guilt gambit against this high school “friends” for Kyung-Tae’s death. It is more likely that Jong-Soo’s gang’s adult pressures and crimes drove Joon-Seo to sacrifice himself for the Truth as he had nothing further to live for (his wife was having an affair, his child had died, and he was caught up dealing illegal drugs.)

Ji-Yeon telling Jae-Kyeong, Yoon-Jin and Joo-Song the address where “they all should go” to find an old insurance policy clue sounds like a huge set up after she met with Tae-Jin. Would Tae-Jin be so cornered that he would eliminate four people just to get access to the crypto bank account and cover the bloodshed that leads to him? Perhaps.

Episode 10 is the set up for shocking secrets to be unveiled to the authorities. To thug the heartstring, Yoon-Jin’s daughter calls to wish her mom a happy birthday. But it is a day late because “she forgot.” This is the desperation point for Yoon-Jin to score a large...


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some of dirty money from the crypto-account. Joo-Song already figured out the passcode. Joo-Song tells her it is not her money and that her desire for it is wrong. But she goes ahead anyway to meet Tae-Jin. But in a surprise, it does not work. In a shock, Tae-Jin is choking Yoon-Jin to death when Joo-Song superheroes into the scene. Yoon-Jin’s goodwill was severely tarnished in this episode.

Just as shocking is CEO Yoon’s demise . . . being shot with Jae-Kyeong’s gun. As I suspected, the information that Straw, who got his nickname in the most diabolical way, that led to the drug distribution carnage. We knew Chang-Soo was on the take from CEO Yoon but now we know he is a lot worse. Jae-Kyeong and Yeon-Joo quickly figure out the crash scene does not match Chang-soo’s testimony. He killed a material witness in his custody. Was he covering for himself or another person (such as a family member or criminal colleague like the Doctor 2.0?)

The gun will be traced back to Jae-Kyeong which will have major fallout in the police unit. Dereliction of duty a termination offense? Will Yeon-Joo be suspended for covering it up? It would seem the vaulted narc unit is about to dishonorably disband.

But just as shocking was the reveal that Kyung-Tae was killed before the fire. It was not accidental but murder. A murder that was covered up for 20 years. But the reason for Joon-Seo’s clues may lead back to it but more likely motive still seems his wife’s affair and Tae-Jin’s dirty business dealings as a prosecutor.

This week really hit home that all the characters except Joo-Song have moral character issues or worse.


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Joon-Seo didn't spill the petrol. He was at the movie theater.


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I'm really glad Jong Soo had his moment to shine. He's not just a goofy guy there for comic relief. It hit home that he is the most decent core of the trio. He could be the one to try to steer the others from crossing the line. 

With crime shows, I'm conditioned to be wary of the innocent ones in case the writers want to give a big twist/betrayal. I truly hope he remains a good guy. We have plenty of morally corrupt characters. 😂

I wonder how strong is his crush on Yoon Jin. Three? guys liked her! in high school = Joon Seo, Jong Soo, and Jae Kyung?? There's still a mystery behind the reason for Yoon Jin & Joon Seo's break-up back then and their friendship with Jae Kyung during this time.

Dang, Yoon Jin!! I knew she wasn't a saint, but I didn't know how far she would go. Her desperation and greed for that money lead to immediate consequences. Thank goodness Jong Soo were there. I hope she had at least confided in him and planned for him to be her back-up. I hope she learned her lesson.

Initially, I assumed that the villain trio all had the same reason for meeting Joon Seo that night. All shared a dark secret from their high school which is actually true. However, they had other shady, personal reasons to meet him.


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Ack, I mean JOO SONG, not Jong Soo.

(I was too confident haha, not double-checking the names.)


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Never expect a funny scene like the birthday cake one - which is not just comedic but also pivotal in some major development. Got to give a thumb up to the writer for the interplay of an ice cream cake, the hiding, secret phone call and listening. We’ve seen so many ‘convenient’ hearings in dramas but this one, I approve.

The good old ‘know your own place’ is so well played out in the scene between the Chairman and Tae-jin. I had some sympathy for Tae-jin in this scene after all these years as the ‘brain’ of the group. Food chain never changes unfortunately.

I’m sure Yoo-jin will be OK after the internet bar incident and hopefully learn a lesson. Now that we are going into the final stretch, I really want to know what’s the real cause for the fallout between JK and JS. It has to be a real big deal beyond effecting a school transfer for JK. The reveal of the backstory is locking step with the main story development and this really keeps me on the edge.

More than ever, I am convinced:
* the passcode is the SOS one between JS and JK (1881?)
* JS was the one planning the whole thing for JK and JS to be involved so as to reveal the deeds behind the group / doctor / drugs / stash fund
* Chang-woo did not involve in drugging JK but knew about it.

Finally, the last time I watched Ji Sung was Secret Love. So pleased to see how great an actor he is now - so very good.


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Honestly, we got more character development for our "good guys" this week than our villain gang and I think that says a lot. It's interesting to have Yoonjin be a shamelessly "immoral" person — our intro scene to her is her accepting bribes and here she is again, tailing a cheating couple for money she doesn't know anything about...all for the sole custody of her daughter. It's unsurprising and yet, disappointing. Same with Changsoo, it was suspicious that he was covering for Jaegyung so needlessly loyal, yet it turns out, he has his own fair share of secrets to cover for. It's disappointing because I wanted to root for Jaegyung to have someone trustworthy on his side, but they're all flawed (except for Joosong who I'm still holding out hope for). But I love the questions brought up about how much Junseo planned this cat-and-mouse game, what happened 20 years ago, and who's still calling the shots now.


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I'm so curious about who is the outside instigator. On the one hand, setting up Jae-kyung and Yun Jin through the texts in a way that would get them to investigate seems like someone who wants the truth to come out. At the same time, drugging Jae-kyung is much more sinister.
I don't think it's one of the four main baddies as in their meetings they are all so paranoid. Tae Jin seems like the only one really smart enough to pull it off, but it set so many discoveries going that TJ freaks out about that I'm not too certain.
I wouldn't be suprised if it's Joo Song. He showed he is smarter than he lets on this week. I think he's totally capable of sending the texts, although the drugging seems unlike him. Yet, I could see him harboring some jealousy for Jae-kyung, which would be more than he's showing on the surface. This week, this is my bet.
I also could see the high school friend who told Jae-kyung everyone was there to see the suicide. He seems an unestimated sidekick.
The other possibility is that Jun Seo set it all up before he died, to send out the texts and get Jae-kyung drugged. Both would be in character for her, as he feels remorse but has done a lot of shady things.

With Chang Soo now gone even deeper to the dark side, it seems less likely that Jae-kyung can come out convincing anyone that he was innocent in getting addicted to drugs. He could easily say his motive was to hide what happened to his hyung. I feel really bad for their very cool female superior. She's going to take a big hit once it is all discovered.


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The show is leaning towards Tae Jin as the main culprit behind Joon Seo's murder. There are people on both sides (Yoon Ho and Jae Kyung, Yoon Jin) that has brought up his name more than the others. He seems to be the most cold and cunning. He has the motive, but so do others. I feel like it's gonna be someone else.

Random note: Kim Kyung Nam really sold Jong Soo's immaturity when he angrily kicked at the furniture and stumbled after.


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I wonder if Chae Kyung survived and what happened to Gyu Min. Won Soo, Tae Jin, Chi Hyung and Yoon Ho will need to keep that under wraps
Yoon Jin has to keep Ji Yeon in her place for
calling her shameless. Ji Yeon deserve nothing from Jun Seo since she continues to cheat with Tae Jin.
Also thank goodness Jong Soo is devoted to Yoon Jin. Otherwise Tae Jin couldve killed her. Is it just me or I was happy to see Tae Jin body slammed on the table. I do not feel an ounce of pity for him.


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I got the name wrong, Kyung Tae. The guy with Gyu Min.


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I think he died and there was a police investigation. That’s when the fall out happened. But yeah, I won’t be surprised if otherwise.


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I watched that body slam so many times. XD


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I can neither confirm or deny that I have done the same 😅


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Tae-jin seriously got thrown like a rag doll!


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The police would undoubtedly have conducted an autopsy on Boss Yoon. A ballistics test on the bullet that killed her would have revealed that she was shot with Jae-kyung‘s gun (which I find hard to believe hasn’t yet been discovered by the police to be missing, even if his superior has been covering for him). I was disappointed that the writers either missed this point or chose to ignore it.


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It was even mentioned right at the time of murder 🤔 The chief said the minute they perform tests they will discover the truth... But it was kinda forgotten later... Or maybe the time frame was so tight that not enough days actually passed for the results to be released by the end of the show?

The chief told the armory chief about the missing gun, and asked them to keep it secret as a favour. They said they can only keep it secret for 10 days, as there would be an armory inspection on the 10th day. Again, I didn't count the days, maybe the 10 days didn't pass by the end of the show? The show moved at breakneck speed, perhaps the actual days that passed were few...


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I'm not sure how much time passed after the first shooting, but the ballistics results should have come out pretty quickly, given how (relatively) rare gun homicides are in South Korea. At any rate, there were consequences for Jae-kyung (a demotion) as a result of losing the gun that ended up being used in two murders. I think the writers could have amped up the suspense even more, though, if they'd followed up with the lost gun thread. Maybe have Chang-soo overhear the conversation between Jae-kyung and Yeon-joo about it, and then cover up for him again by stealing the evidence bag with the bullet?


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There were quite a few more plotholes too, but on the whole they didn't ruin the show for me thankfully!


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