The Atypical Family: Episodes 7-8

Our heroine learns that doing the right thing comes with its own set of consequences, and our hero wrestles with what her con artist reveal means for their relationship. In the spirit of reveals, we also get the not-so-surprising confirmation about the thirteen-year-old incident — which leaves some of us confused by the show’s time travel rules.


The Atypical Family: Episodes 7-8

The good news is: Gwi-ju doesn’t sink back into drunken depression after Da-hae admits to being a con artist. The not-so-good news is: he can’t help relieving — and returning to — their disastrous wedding ceremony. Gwi-ju wonders if everything between him and Da-hae was a lie — but this is not a case of “OMG! The woman I love broke my heart,” it’s more like “The woman who gave me hope took it all away.”

Speaking of dashed hopes, Ms. Popular extends an olive branch to Yi-na, but Yi-na sees past the superficial gesture when she reads her mind. (By the way, am I the only one who hates it whenever Ms. Popular takes off Yi-na’s glasses? It feels like she’s treating Yi-na like a pet or a circus animal. Sheesh!) Hurt, Yi-na blindly stumbles out of the classroom, and without her glasses to block eye contact — and people’s thoughts by extension — the poor girl is swallowed up by everyone’s hypocritical thoughts.

Yi-na ends up at the sauna because Da-hae is the only person she can look in the eyes without being scared, and they go shopping for new glasses. But while Yi-na would like to hang out for a while longer, Da-hae sends her home to protect her from Sauna Mom who intends to use her to get back at the Boks.

Gwi-ju takes an accusatory tone with Da-hae when he comes to pick Yi-na up, and his daughter’s defense of her beloved ahjumma falls on deaf ears. Among other things, Gwi-ju is disappointed that his sunbae died while trying to rescue Da-hae from the fire only for her to end up becoming a con artist. “I will never go back to a moment I spent with you,” he declares, before storming off. But he barely reaches his car when his future self appears to Da-hae who is on the verge of tears. *Laughs in famous last words*

Future Gwi-ju doesn’t seem mad at Da-hae — if anything, he looks relieved/happy to see her. “Don’t let me go,” he says, before wrist-grabbing and pushing Da-hae in front of Present Gwi-ju’s car. Present Gwi-ju is frustrated because Da-hae won’t move out of the way, but she can’t move because Future Gwi-ju won’t let her leave. Yi-na notes that someone seems to be controlling Da-hae, and it dawns on Gwi-ju that the invisible someone might be his future self.

This parking lot scene with Da-hae stuck between the two Gwi-jus was hilarious, but it also reminded me why I’d make a terrible K-drama female lead: I’d have passed out instead of passing on Future Gwi-ju’s “Dong-hee is in danger” warning to Present Gwi-ju. Pfft. Anyway, thanks to the warning, Gwi-ju arrives at the Bok Gym in time to break Dong-hee’s fall — after Grace pushes her off the stairs to get video evidence that she can fly. Phew!

The Atypical Family: Episodes 7-8

Dong-hee sees Da-hae before passing out, and she reports this to Man-heum when she gains consciousness. Furious that Da-hae “kidnapped” her granddaughter and “hurt” her daughter, Man-heum storms the hospital to slap Da-hae. Ouch! Man-heum’s self-righteous indignation amuses me. She was going to use Da-hae to restore the family’s superpowers, but she has the nerve to be upset that Da-hae had other fraudulent plans of her own? Tsk. In a way, Man-heum is also a fraud for stealing lottery numbers and stock prices from the future, and it gave me immense satisfaction to see Yi-na call her out on that.

Yi-na is not about to let the Gwi-ju × Da-hae ship capsize, so she tells Gwi-ju to save Da-hae from the sauna family. “Do you still not get why she ruined the wedding even after relieving it so many times?” Yi-na asks her clueless father, and this sends him back to the wedding. Gwi-ju sees Da-hae crying alone — before getting slapped and dragged away by Sauna Mom — and it hits him that Da-hae sabotaged the wedding to save him from getting conned.

Gwi-ju then approaches the sauna family with a deal: he’ll help them with money-making opportunities from the future in exchange for spending time with Da-hae. It’s a win-win situation for everyone except for the actual person the deal is hinged on. Da-hae doesn’t want Gwi-ju to get involved with the sauna family — even if his intentions are to save her — but Gwi-ju insists that he’s going to hold on to her and undo the moment things ended for them. That said, Gwi-ju disappears — and this is the “Don’t let me go” Gwi-ju that appeared to her in the parking lot.

The Atypical Family: Episodes 7-8

Speaking of returns to the past, Gwi-ju goes back to a moment in his rookie days as a firefighter. He was in the hospital for a broken arm, and Da-hae also happened to be at the hospital’s funeral hall for her dad’s wake. Apart from Sauna Mom — who comes to force Da-hae to take over her dad’s debt — time-travelling Gwi-ju is the only other condolence visitor. He pays his respects to Dad, and stays with Da-hae while she grieves. But I’m not sure she remembers this incident. The point is, Gwi-ju’s desperation to save people has nothing to do with a superiority complex like Da-hae thinks; the man genuinely just wants to be there for others. Or for her since their fates are tied to each other.

As Gwi-ju and Da-hae spend time together in the present, she tells him that she can only find happiness by selling her misfortune. Case in point: back in high school, an ahjumma paid for her shoplifted bread and bought shaved ice for her after learning she was one of the students from the burnt school. While Da-hae knows what the fire incident means to Gwi-ju, she admits that she wasn’t grateful she survived. Life post-fire was exhausting for her, and she says she resorted to conning people with the “you look like the man who saved me from the fire” story to spite her savior. Speaking of which, Da-hae tells Gwi-ju that her savior gave her a ring, and the ring is in her box at the Bok mansion. Hmmmm.

In the sweetest of gestures, Gwi-ju hops through time to bring Da-hae her favorite shaved ice — and lottery numbers! Must be nice. Gwi-ju wants Da-hae to use the money to pay off her debt to Sauna Mom, but Da-hae buys the winning ticket — and gives it to Man-heum when the latter offers her a brand new “leave my family alone” car. “Take [ticket] and leave me alone!” Da-hae retorts in a pretty epic comeback. B-but it’s a 2.3 billion won ticket! I’d have kept my ticket and taken the car, too. And this is why I’d be a terrible K-drama female lead. Heh.

The Atypical Family: Episodes 7-8

The misadventures of our lottery ticket continue in the Bok mansion after Soon-goo steals it from a sleeping Man-heum. Ha! Let’s back up a bit, shall we? Soon-goo sneaks out to unwind at a club whenever Man-heum looks down on him, and he made a platonic lady friend while at it. Unfortunately, the lady friend is married, and her husband blackmails Soon-goo in exchange for not telling his family about his extracurricular activities. Gwi-ju almost catches his dad in the theft, but he doesn’t pay much attention because his mind is on the ring Da-hae talked about.

Gwi-ju eventually learns that the ring from Da-hae’s box is the “stolen” family ring, but he’s not sure how she’d have broken into their safe to steal. He unlocks the safe to see the empty box with his own eyes, but what does he see? Why, the family’s ring sitting pretty in its box, of course! Haha. Like we need any more confirmation that Gwi-ju was the one who saved Da-hae, Man-heum’s hazy dream featuring Da-hae and the family’s ring finally becomes clear: she sees Gwi-ju putting the ring on Da-hae’s finger in the burning school building!

Man-heum would have mentioned if the family’s ring was a pair, so I doubt there were two separate rings originally. But things have taken an interesting turn with Da-hae’s ring from her savior, and the ring in the safe existing in the same timeline! When Man-heum mentioned that the mutation of the family’s superpowers always comes at a price, maybe the price she was referring to is my sanity because I am so confused right now. Then again, if Present Gwi-ju and Future Gwi-ju can exist in the same timeline, how much more a ring?

This is my favorite week so far in terms of humor and story progression, and I’m enjoying the show a lot more now that the sauna family and the Boks have all their cards on the table. I’m still biased against the sauna family, and while I can accept Da-hae falling for Gwi-ju since she’s trying to do right by him and his daughter, I don’t appreciate the drama’s attempt to make me warm up to the other family members. Sauna Uncle saving Yi-na from being harassed by Ms. Popular’s underlings won’t make me forget that he stalked her. (Although it was satisfying to watch her flick the hell out of his forehead after reading his thoughts to win their guessing game. Heh.) And him being a little defensive of Da-hae won’t change the fact that he locked her up — storage room PTSD and all — under Sauna Mom’s instructions.

But I’d sooner warm up to grumpy Sauna Uncle — and his Cupid activities — than I would to Grace. She’s way too hyped about using the Boks’ superpowers to exploit them, and whatever sismance the drama tried to establish between her and Dong-hee died the moment she shoved Dong-hee off the stairs. Dong-hee could have been seriously injured or worse! It’s bad enough that I’ve not seen a glimmer of remorse from Grace, but the show had to do a disservice to Dong-hee by making her collaborate with Grace to get back together with her scumbag fiancé. Come on, Show, Dong-hee deserves better.


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ty as always for the recap!! youre speaking better for me than my state rep! soooo correct on the unfortunate dismantling of my lesbian agenda. plus fraud fam are NOT. CUTE.

they want scam family to seem relatively harmless, but there's nothing about them that is endearing in my eyes. "mom" literally blackmailed an underaged orphan into putting their body, mind, and life on the line to swindle (you know the official word for that? SLAVERY). grace would've killed donghee in that push off the balcony if she were a normie. plus weirdo hunk being portrayed as some kind of softie when he's clearly used to threaten dahae, what w the stalking and aggressive obedience to "moms" toxic whims. show had better shape up and commit to proper villainy or a proper redemption arc bc they're playing in my face rn.

the character development aspect looks almost stagnant for everyone in comparison to gwiju's. he is living his best life rn and hope is a phenomenal look on him altho almost unsettling w how abrupt the change occurred. (but isn't it devastating to think that his happiness forever hinges on another person??)

dahae is. who she is. bitter and flawed person doing bitter and flawed things. she has little to no autonomy in her life tho so i cant bash her sucky life decisions. will note that she doesn't seem to fit as seamlessly in the narrative as other characters but im not sure if thats writing or acting.

donghee might actually be my favorite character bc she is SO brilliant and wont let anyone step on her... except for herself!! she is her own greatest enemy and i appreciate the uniformity of her message: her mental health weighs her down. also if she was gonna settle with anyone i wanted it to be grace SO BAD. this duo got the most chemistry of them all and encompass a decently satisfying enemies-to-lovers. that was until the heinous murder attempt... cries

lastly, smooches to the ina-dahae shenanigans <3 they're genuine with each other and its shines bright on my screen. (bc it sho as hell doesn't look like she'll be getting that care from pops anytime soon! she's gone missing how many times now??? its triggering me lol)


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High five for shipping Grace+Dong-hee.
Even if not lovers, I want them to be real friends, like girls can be, like my best friends. Girls and women I have been creative together with and gotten real with and who have given me some bad truth potions once in a while.
Those two girls can fly together.
... and it wasn't a muder attempt and Dong-hee did fly, because else she would have become seriously hurt, and her brother, too. He just hurt his arms a bit.
But she fainted from malnutrition.


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Actually, she didn't just not attempt to murder her and didn't just come close to killing her by accident, though they both seem to believe it; Grace is actually more like saving her life, getting real with Dong-hee about being healthy and not starving herself, pushing that cup towards her even while Dong-hee cheekily says she doesn't like her.
Feeling safe enough to say a thing like that is maybe what made Dong-hee of earlier times able to fly. Being unappreciated and insecure is holding her on the ground. A little bit of recklessness with Grace (would be crazy fun if it included coming out, but 10 to 1 it won't) what I'm saying, recklessness and friendship will make her fly again.
And I believe it will in time help her brother save Da-hae.


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woo high fivve!! yk, I absolutely hear ya on the wonderful nature of their communion; whether romantic or platonic but forever love. that's why that push hurt me so much bc if it didn't come from a place of malignant intent (which I dont believe to be so, grace does care for donghee deep down and it shows in her small acts of kindness regardless of her grand scummy schemes) then it was just a senseless act of violence that could've lead to death. I cant forgive that but I'm willing to put the disbelief and bitterness aside if it means mutual grown and a happily ever after, together (OH PLSLSS THE GIRLS AND GAYS NEED THIS WIN!! fingers crossed) or apart. again tho, this is why my gears were grinded over the way the writers were putting heart filters over unjustifiable deeds lol


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You have to insert the fact that Dong-hee can fly, and did so on this occasion, too. So compare it only with pushing someone in a room, not with murderous violence.


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> When Man-heum mentioned that the mutation of the family’s superpowers always comes at a price, maybe the price she was referring to is my sanity because I am so confused right now. <

This. 😵‍💫


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^^ 💯

Unit's fanclub has at least as many Beanies as Sun-Jae right now, if not more. 🙌 ❤


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I am a long term member❤️❤️


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Same. 😂👍
It is an ever-growing club. Every new Beanie and even passerby get drawn in by the magic.


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🤣🤣 love this because it’s so true.
🫘Beansprout Award🌱 for giving me my DB laugh out moment for today.


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I am not even trying to think, im just floating with the currents(eses)


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For whatever reason I keep coming back every week. Maybe it’s for Ina? Or maybe for the amazing moody OST? I don’t know. I just keep coming back. Most of the time I have no coherent thought while watching. I still hate everyone. Except for Ina.


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Thank you for the recap.

Undoubtedly I-na is my favorite. The way her smile lights up her face is so precious.
- When she wears her new expensive specs sponsored by Da-hae. A hilarious case of a con getting conned by a kid!! 🤣 But then Da-hae has always had a soft spot for I-na. Even if she desperately tried to hold onto the credit card while offering it for payment. Heh.
- Playing games with sauna samchon and killing it, as well as his forehead with awesome finger flicks. I'm amazed he was still able to think for her to be able to mind-read. 🫨
- Mind-reading Gwi-ju when he denies being with Da-hae. That soft secret smile was so so cute.

She's a treasure but I'm not sure the *magic remedy* to her woes is having a blended family with the sauna mom & co.

While Da-hae's interactions with the Bok family seem strangely genuine (for an alleged con), her relationship with I-na and now also with Gwi-ju are deepening despite herself. I can feel her desperation when she asks the sauna mom to help her stay away from Gwi-ju so that she won't be swayed. Her attempts at snagging a fourth husband with patented tricks were effectively foiled by Gwi-ju. He didn't fail to comment how sincere those same tricks used on him were.

I'm feeling the chemistry with uri OTP. But how in Lovely Runner did that family ring become one plus one.

Also the plus one on their "date" - sauna samchon blowing soap bubbles, preparing a picnic basket to make Gwi-ju happy. 🤣

I hope those school girls get a lesson in kindness but then I'll be happy not to have to see them again. Sigh, same for sauna mom and Grace but I think that is not happening anytime soon.

I'm liking Man-heum less and less as we progress in the drama. Hope both Soon-goo and Dong-hee gain their respective "powers".

I'm excited for how the drama will deal with present day Gwi-ju and future Gwi-jus can be more than one right!?


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"I'm liking Man-heum less and less".


I'll have to rewatch some grandma's scenes in Twinkling Watermelon.


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The sheer range of acting talent displayed by these artists is mind-boggling.

Apparently Yeo Jin-goo is now playing a villain. I shuddered just watching the trailer. 😱


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I loved her in TW - singing and dancing.


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How I'm making sense of the ring at the moment is this: at some point in the future, Gwi-ju will take it and give it to Da-hae in the past. So at the current moment, we have the future-ring-that-has-already-travelled-backwards and the current ring that will disappear later when Gwi-ju takes it. Eventually we'll be back to one.


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That is indeed a very logical explanation. 👍👏👏👏
We'll just have to wait and watch if drama takes logic into consideration. I was bothered by the fact that Da-hae has had the ring for 13 years with her. But as the drama has shown us earlier, Da-hae's past is Gwi-ju's future, hence the two rings now seems legit.


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The two rings still don't make sense to me.

Although two Gwi-jus can technically exist in the same timeline, the time traveling Gwi-ju IS INVISIBLE - even to HIMSELF. And although Do-hae can see/touch him, she cannot see him in the mirror.

The drama jumped the shark for me this weekend. I FF'd thru most of the Main Couple (unappealing script), I'm rather disgusted with the writer's need to shock us w/r/t the kind Grandfather; and worst of all - no Moon Woo Jin🙁🙁

Second worst of all?? Apparently, Se-yeon (first wife) had to die in order for Do-hae to be saved because the car accident led to everything else (Yi-na's trauma, Gwi-ju's abandonment of Yi-na, etc. etc.)


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I think he can interact only with Da-hae and with objects he brings back with him - like when he brought her the shaved ice from the future - and since he can interact with her, she can also interact with said objects. As mentioned, the second ring will disappear in the future when he gives it to her.

That's why, though, I don't see how he could die from the fire. If that happens I will break my TV, lol.


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I wonder if present day Gwi-ju going back to the school to save Da-hae will be able to see the multiple Gwi-ju's from the many times he has gone there in the past and how will that play out.

I don't think present Gwi-ju will die trying to save Da-hae from 13 years ago.


There's another issue with the lottery ticket - I think I'll start a new comment on that at the bottom.


I meant to say no Moon Woo Jin in Ep. 8 - he was there in Ep. 7 - but I kept waiting for him to show up with her glasses.

And in what world does one insta-purchase prescription glasses??? More shark jumping.


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That actually really annoys me - with the level of vision loss they show I-na having without her glasses, there is no way she could wear that size frame and not have coke bottle lenses (source: I have a -17 prescription and her view without glasses doesn't look much better than mine)


I too expected Moon Woo Jin to turn up any moment with I-na's glasses. I wonder how did she catch a cab and go to the sauna.

Initially I had thought she wore the glasses to protect herself from involuntarily reading people's eyes and didn't wear prescription glasses. If she really needs such glasses how come she has only one pair!?


It seems that present Gwi-ju can see past Gwi-ju but not future Gwi-ju. It is a bit confusing but I'll go with that for now.

Depending on how the drama progresses either Se-yeon will still be alive after Gwi-ju finally saves Da-hae as she will (hopefully) have no reason to crash the car or she would still go ahead and marry her lover and divorce Gwi-ju.


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I would like to think that *somehow* there would be two rings like couple rings for Da-hae and Gwi-ju. Like the two wrist watches in Lovely Runner.

I'm not sure if Da-hae has ever worn the ring afterwards. I think Gwi-ju put it on he thumb initially but then he will put it on her ring finger later. Anyway we don't know why he needed to give her the ring during the fire. Does this family ring have some special powers whereby Da-hae was saved and the "price" paid by the Bok family was the loss of their superpowers.


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OH SNAP, I hadn't thought of that. That would make a lot of sense.

Also, because I can't reply to your above comment: I totally agree that it makes zero sense that I-na needs the glasses to see. They should have made it that she doesn't actually have visual impairment and only wears them to hide from others.


@vienibenmio Hopefully we'll get better clarity on the ring next week when Gwi-ju goes back to save Da-hae.

Meanwhile I do want to see more of Moon Woo Jin. Perhaps he'll return I-na's glasses and go to get food together as he was offering earlier.


I actually thought there were two rings early in Episode 7 - the one found by Dong Hee AND one in the ring boxes for the wedding. . .BECAUSE as rotten-to-the-core Man Heum was going on and on about her vision and the ring, Father Soon Guy kept looking at the ring boxes - as if one of them was in there.

It's still possible, but according to Soon Guy, he never had access to the safe so it's only possible if Gwi-ju put the ring in the box for the ceremony and then returned it to the vault.

Otherwise, the two rings shouldn't exist side by side.


@Kathryn51 We never saw Gwi-ju with the ring at the wedding and obviously neither did Da-hae as she called off the wedding before that. But you're right it is possible that Gwi-ju had taken it out earlier.

I thought Soon-goo was looking around the vault to find something / anything which won't be noticeable to pay off the guy who was threatening him not necessarily the family ring which obviously would noticed immediately if it went missing.


I don't think it is a wedding ring. It is a family ring, used, probably, only for special occasions.
Of course, when Gwi-ju will have gone back in time he will know that he loves Da-hae, but he will be the young, newborn dad he was on that day; He will be a grown man rescuing a teenage girl. I am glad he will be haven given her a family affiliation ring rather than a wedding ring.


Oops, I mean he will NOT be that young, he will be older, that's why (and also, because the young guy is at this moment at the hospital with his wife and child) it isn't, and shouldn't be, a wedding ring.


SOmetimes in this story, the reason comes after the deed. Because the deed is done later than it is seen done.
If for no other reason, then simply to make sure he meets her again, he will give her the family ring.
It is a big ring that only fits on her thumb. It would be a horrible wedding ring. It's way too big.


This show is Kaa (from Jungle Book) and I'm the victim, unable to look away while it sinks its fangs into me (with that hypnotic music playing in the b/g).
As I've droned on before, it's possibly the production design, the direction, acting, many things. But in all likelihood, it's also Gwi-Ju's face. I can spend hours looking at it. I suck at figure drawing, but this man I can see in a painting in the style of Egon Schiele. Self portrait with Striped Shirt or Seated Woman with Bent Knee. Ah he's beautiful. His and Kim Jae Wook's faces were made to be painted.

Back to the show. Everyone, except for darling I Na and her crush, is such a red flag! I want to reach through the screen and smack Gwi Ju for ignoring that dear child, when he has all the time in the world to time-travel for the FL. All the characters are so messy and frustrating and impossible to like that I'm a screaming mess by the end of every ep, and yet, and yet... it's arguably the most intriguing show I've watched in a while.


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I think he feels - and is -awkward and always doing the wrong thing when it comes to Yi-na.
When he tries to buy a present he buys something for a toddler, because he himself has been deeply preserved in alcohol for many years. Personally, I too think that as soon as he was back on his feet, he should spend 90% of his time with her, catching up. He could do wrong things I mean lame, out-of-the-loop-things), as long as they showed he cared for her.
And neither of them threw out all the teddies but they both think the other one "cleaned" Yi-na's room. She just had a little fit and threw them on the floor, and someone picked all of them up and threw them out, either Gwi-ju's da, Man-heum "so that the girl can concentrate on growing up and finding her power" or Da-hae (to insert herself even more as the cool nice auntie).
But I think it makes them both even more awkward together, even if Yi-na has the teenager's eye-rolling understanding of more than the grown-ups has caught up with. Like, she wants her dad to get Da-hae back. At least get her out.
But I am worried about how she is suddenly not careful about showing her powers. Nobody used to know, but in short time, several people have seen it. I think she should look her own grandma straight in the eyes before letting her see that little lifting of the glasses.


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Yup, the family coddles each other in a lot of ways - no one calls out Mama Bok, for instance. Even I-na's rebellion is silent. And no one called out Gwi-ju or, better yet, dragged him to therapy


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Yes! Therapy!


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But then again, hard to tell the therapist what is wrong and still keep his gift/curse a secret.


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Oh, very true. And it'd be super awkward if you're doing prolonged exposure therapy with him and then he just disappears - part of our treatment is helping the patient realize that the memory is just a memory and not actually happening... sooo that'd be pretty tricky with him!

Still, you could at least do cognitive work around the self-blame and this idea that, just because your happy day was a sad day for others doesn't mean your happiness was wrong.


Oh Vienibenmio! Now I want you to draw sketches of therapy sessions with Gwi-ju, and with Yi-na too, her always reading the mind of the therapist before they say anything.
Actually, with Yina, it could just be one or two still pictures with dialogue written on them. And with Gwi-ju, it could be meme-like too, him talking to the therapist and then disappearing. Maybe supplied with a picture of where he went, but funnier, just him coming back with ice cream, or wet and only dressed in a towel, or just completely disheveled and surprised to be back.


Interesting, I had somewhat the opposite emotional reaction than the redoubtable @unit in terms of sympathy with the families. With the exception of Yi-na, not only the most genuinely superpowered, but probably the most mature, (and in my opinion, played the best actor in this production), I'm liking the con-family a lot more than the other atypical family. Of course Grace's shoving Dong-hee off the balcony was not exactly an act of love, but I really think she was convinced that that Dong-hee would fly. (None of the characters in this show is portrayed as being too brilliant). And I think she was genuinely trying to help Dong-hee with her jerk of an ex. But Dong-hee has other issues that Grace could help her resolve if Dong-hee stopped obsessing about her weight (I hope that is the lesson of her character development.) As for Gwi-ju, to me he remains a self-centered jerk who is pretty unlikeable. The sauna bro was a little more charming with his "romantic" picnic assistance

I appreciated two things about these episodes--how the time traveling by Gwi-ju in these episodes, the recollections of Da-hae, and even the recollections of the ex stirred by the perfume was about the emotions associated with memories (much more than the original time traveling by Gwi-ju, which was just about him trying to change the past. )

And even though I disagree with Unit about which family is more sympathetic, I do like the fact that these characters represent two bizarrely dysfunctional "families" that will somehow be linked in the future.


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"(None of the characters in this show is portrayed as being too brilliant)"

my sentiments, exactly!! was hollering at the screen at times...
: D

but i'm enjoying all of this, gotta say. i love it now!


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same. sauna family is cutthroat but not delusional.
the uncle is just a morphing material, a tool that can be used for bad or good
the physical abuse is not ok but the sauna Mom is well palyed
im not a fan of I-na like everyone else. she should be a bit more proactive. people aside, her ability does not prevent her doing other things, on her own.
DongHee is stealing her own life from herself. she could have fun experiences NOW instead of tormenting herself. she is just making an unhappy memory for herself
everyone is a thief here. everyone is stealing time from themselves or for themselves.


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As you said, I think Grace never intended to kill Dong-hee, but she doesn't seem to be smart enough to think twice. This could have ended really really bad for both of them.


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Dong-hee did fly, at least as much as she did when she fell by accident. She hurt her brothers arm, because she hit him, but she didn't land one him, because she didn't really land.
Instead, she ended up hovering just over his body, as if she was idk a balloon lying on him rather that a tall, chubby woman. And she fainted, not from hitting the ground, but from malnutrition. But Grace doesn't know that, and I am not sure Dong-hee even does.
I've said it before and will probably say it again: I ship those two, maybe just as friends. I want them to go flying together.
The last scene with them, where Dong-hee was rude, but still received her glass with straw from Grace, that was promising a beautiful buddy comedy with those two as bickering, loving friends.
And Dong-hee doesn't need to change anything about her weight to be able to fly. Since it's magic anyway, gravity doesn't apply.


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if she did makae a friend would be great men are temp friends are forever (with exceptions) but im not sure it should be grace


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Oh it totally should! They have, as @toots says somewhere on this post, the chemistry. They have the push-and-pull, the envy of each other, the same kind of haughtiness somewhere beneath their social veneer or lack of same.


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I wish someone would point out to Dong-hee: you were able to fly that one day and you were the same weight that you are now, maybe even heavier! Argh


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And: Gravity doesn't apply.
Or, at Yoda would say, also about (making) big vs small things lift from the ground and hover:


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Obviously, the mechanics of her flying does not involve gravity, or it wouldn't work in the first place. There are no calculation of air and wind and what wingspan she would need.
I was going to answer with two gifs, here, but since it isn't on someone's fan wall, I will have to just say it:
gif 1: Yoda is shaking his head at young Luke who, clearly not believing he can do it, says he will "try" lifting his spaceship up of the water.
And Yoda says:
"Do. Or do not. There is no 'try'."
Gif 2:
Peter Pan, Wendy, and the younger brothers, landing on the hands of Big Ben.


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ha! i really enjoy the character developments of this show, esp for the sauna family which i found way more interesting than atypical family. i think the writing does a good job in showing the multifaceted aspects of the con artists. The con-mom is especially intriguing because im curious how she really feel about da hae. i found the atypical mom and i-na's character developments bit more bland in comparison


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It doesn't take a predictive genius to believe that, if the show has a happy ending, it will end with both families rehabilitating each other, with the two leads forming a couple and parenting Yi-na; sauna bro saving the Dad from the blackmailers with some old fashioned physical intimidation, and Grace and Dong-hee teaming up, perhaps to run the gym together. As for the Moms, although the sauna Mom seems a little too cruel and exploitative right now to be truly redeemed, I am the most interested now in her fate. I could see both Mom's getting together to make money from knowing the stock market and lottery, although I guess both could also lose their place in the family.
As for Yi-na, what I like about her is that she seems a lot like some really smart young teenage girls I became acquainted with when raising my daughter --extremely self-conscious to a fault, precociously mature in her insights, but sadly insecure and at times naively foolish in her actions.


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Oh, that sounds delightful. I hope it's the road they go down.


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I dislike sauna mom, but there were a few beats when I feel like she does care for Da-hae - at least more than Rich Mom for any of her family members. At least the Sauna family seem more of family than the rich one. They eat together and they work a legitimate family business together. I feel like they have a lot more customers than the Bok Family gym.


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Well, the show made it challenging for me care about any of these characters - but it has. I loved both the emotional developments of episode 7 and the crazy proliferation of time-traveling Gwi-jus popping up like dandelions in the lawn. I don't think they're in love yet, but Da-hae does like and miss both him and I-na. @unit notes that Gwi-ju just wants genuinely to be there for people who need him (EXCEPT I-NA, WHY DUDE?), and now has hope that he can be, but Da-hae’s despair stems from believing she can’t be that kind of person. He represents a life of relative decency and honesty and comfort in which she can genuinely help people who need help (and be helped by them) instead of taking advantage of their vulnerabilities to scam them. She’s never been able to receive anything that doesn’t come at the cost of selling her misery, and she hasn’t been able to give in a way that isn’t directly tied to exploiting someone. She is both mentally and physically trapped in the Sauna Family, but she wants to rescue him and I-na from both screwed-up families rather than wanting him to rescue her.

I’d prefer to see Sauna Family in jail where they belong and not in some kind of contrived redemption scenario, but even a show that’s doing a number on the tropes is unlikely to give them the comeuppance they deserve. Sauna Mom is charming in her way but has done nothing, I mean nothing, decent or good or without self-interest, and I hate the idea of I-na being anywhere near her. I appreciate the way the show is revealing that Man-heum is the same. I continue to find Dad/harabeoji sus as all hell.

The OST is the real star of the show.


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Wanted to address this:

"@unit notes that Gwi-ju just wants genuinely to be there for people who need him (EXCEPT I-NA, WHY DUDE?)"

I'm starting to see Gwi-ji's inability to connect with In-ha as more in line with one of the main themes of the show, which is miscommunication between parents and children. I think Gwi-ji wants more than anything to protect and love In-ha, but due to both his own tenuous relationship with his parents and his past trauma, he doesn't even know where to begin. That's why I think his attempts are so clumsy, as when he openly lied to In-ha on the stairs about not seeing Dae-hee. I did wonder in that moment why he didn't just fill her in on his plans so they could work together, but I see that that isn't an option that would ever occur to him because it hasn't been modeled for him at all. And I also think there's some self-loathing there that has compelled him to believe that in the end, because he's such an unreliable person who already failed once as a husband and co-worker and overall human being, In-ha is safer with him not always hovering over her. It's frustrating and he could do better, but now I feel like I understand his impulses, and they're not selfish, so I'm not as troubled by his poor parenting as I was earlier.

I agree about the OST; it really elevates every scene. But I don't find Dad sus. I think he's sincere, however, I do wonder if he has powers about which he's not yet aware and which will throw a wrench in things down the line.


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Yup, that's exactly it IMO: he thinks I-na is better off without him, because he hurts everyone around him. The exception is Da-hae, and only because he literally has a sign from the universe that he's meant to save her.


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I don't really like or care for any characters. They're all in this situation because of their own actions.

I found the way they portrayed Yi-Na's power a little bit weird. She needs to watch people in their eyes to read their mind, but they're making it like it was instant and she could be overwhelmed by people thoughts. But she's perfect fine with the family of scammers where the mother locks her daughter in a room... But in the same time, they're the only ones who cares about her food, her bullying at school...

I didn't recognize Noh Hyeong-Tae as the proctologist of Hit the Spot, very different role.


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Grace totally felt remorse - she was genuinely startled and scared that Dong-hee seemingly just fell.
Seemingly. She didn't get hurt at all, and her brother only hurt his arm slightly, because what happened was that Dong-hee landed just above the floor, exactly like the last time, and then fainted from malnutrition. That's why her only treatment was an IV drop.


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She also showed her remorse by helping Dong-hee, and her expressions showed that she was really disappointed about the fiancés sh*tty reaction even if he had actually for a short moment been (made to) dream about when he fell for Dong-hee first, eating lemon macaroons that were crunchy, acid and sweet just like Dong-hee with her then somewhat sad and very haughty look at him.
I hate that he is probably already trying to do business with that building, but I think that maybe he doesn't just miss the slender Dong-hee, but also and even more so, the haughty, self-dependant girl. The one with a mood fit for flying. Who ruined that mood. Was it you, Fiancé? Or was it Dong-hee's terrible mother?


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Yes, I think that's the Dong-hee he misses. I'm guessing the mother mostly ruined her, but he contributed as well

This show really emphasizes the way expectations can be stifling. Mama Bok is not able to sleep because she NEEDS to be able to sleep, so she's catastrophizing not being able to sleep (which, guess what, just makes you more anxious and less able to sleep). Ditto Dong-hee and flying - the more she stresses about not being able to fly, the less she'll be able to.

Really, this family just needs cognitive-behavioral therapy (although Mama Bok would be a terrible patient, so maybe not)


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I like all the characters except 1) Man-heum 2) Sauna-mum (she has a charisma I could like, as a hardened person who had encountered too much harsh reality to believe in kindness, but her hitting Da-hae, locking her up and even manipulating her to believe she ought to be thankful - I can't like that, ever) and 3) Ms. Popular.
And Ms. Popular could have a redemption arc. Maybe her thoughts are worse than she is herself - most of us have selfish thoughts that we don't act on because we also have decent thoughts. Maybe she ends up being creeped out by Yi-na anticipating her thoughts, we don't know that yet. Why would she want to be friends with Yi-na in the first place?


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Tabong, you brought me back here ... I was right about Ms. Popular, it seems! 😂😉😊


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Show has brought me back to kdramas and thus dramabeans. Been tired of the usual, typical shows lately so I am glad this came along. I also find it refreshing to see JKY smiling in these episodes.

I think that the show is implying that a way to overcome the 'Bok family lifestyle diseases' is through 'Hope'.. which is a message I like.

Anyways, still love the show, all of the characters are so unlikeable and yet I can't help but like them.


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And Grace.
I don't know what sauna-brother represents, but maybe faith, then? He seems very reliable in the minion kind of way, but, kind.


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@jingbee I agree with you. So many k-dramas seem like the same story just told with different actors especially when it comes to rom-coms where you can pretty much predict what lazy setup or troupe will be used or happen next.


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I actually love how the leads are incredibly flawed. It feels way more realistic and complex than just like "here's this chaebol heir who is completely terrified of the rain due to past trauma but in every other respect has things super together"


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I was thinking along the same lines about the lifestyle disease--which in the case of every member of Bok family would maybe be narcissistic self-absorption? So the remedy would not just be hope but also caring for others.


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Different perspectives. Suana Uncle was protecting a business investment not saving Yi-na. I'm not going to lie though, his playing Cupid was kind of cute and comic relief.

Gwi-ju is saving Da-hae from the terrible life she endured and is now trapped in. Just like the room she was trapped in during the fire. Her con-mom has no intention of letting her go.


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Meanwhile, Da-hae is trying to save Gwi-ju from her family by pushing him away


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For me the show really hit its stride with these eps - I enjoyed them the most to date and had less moments of wanting to throw rocks at my TV 😁

It's amazing the difference active characters can make! Seeing Gwi-ju making a plan, taking charge of the situation and proactively going to the Sauna team with a proposal was amazing.

As was finally seeing his teeth (he smiles!), and doing more fun things, like disappearing in the photo booth with the shaved ice and leaving his Sauna Bro(in law) bamboozled. Heh.😆

I definitely feel really conflicted about the Sauna crew overall, because I'd like to see Grace and Dong-hee team up (and get payback on the crappy ex) - there's a great dynamic between them . But then we get scenes where Grace is frothing at the mouth at the idea of forcing Da-hae to exploit the Boks, and I don't know how the filmmakers want us to feel about these characters. 🤔🤨


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My biggest LOL this week though was Sauna Bro suddenly pulling out the bubble wand on the awkward Gwi-ju, Da-hae date. That was comedy gold 🤣🥰


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Yes, he is a flower fairy who goes by the name of "Bubble Stubble". 🧔🏻‍♂️🧚🏻💪🏻🌬️🫧🫧🫧


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The drama has more than a touch of the absurd and this is likely the main reason I like it so much. And the music.

The superpower family is pretty arrogant, knowing that they can use their powers to their benefit, making them superior and wealthy. But the superpowers are in decline and it looks as if the awful, mean crook family can reverse this, not through their usual means, but by being 'nice' for a change, be it reluctantly. Naturally they want a cut of the fortune, but the two families need each other for the better.

Sauna uncle has very few lines to learn, I actually thought he was not given anything to say at all - until he did utter a few sentences. I-na clearly enjoys the company of the crook family, because she cannot be fooled by them due to her powers, but they are not as aloof and self absorbed as her own family and they do the basic things like food and company much better.

For a change I also like the time travel element, it really adds to the story. The romance is not that convincing, but I love Dong-hee! Hopefully she stops being hung up about the dreadful fiancée, soon.


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I have now hit the point where I am rewatching episodes after they air, as well as reading discussion on MDL in addition to Reddit and here. All of the signs that suggest that I am definitely in love with this drama.

The more I learn about Da-hae's past, the more my heart breaks for her. This poor girl has been overlooked and neglected and used. She didn't care about the shaved ice itself, she cared about the meaning behind it, and that's why she smiled when Gwi-ju brought it to her--because he went out of his way to do so. This scene is even more powerful if you rewatch the fire flashback in ep 5, where the mean girls taunt Da-hae that no one will miss or look for her, and end up being proven right.

The sequence where Gwi-ju tells Da-hae he'll never see her again, and then a future version of him shows up and tells her to hold onto him, and we as the audience have no idea what led to the turnaround, but we know we'll find out. And when we do find out, we get more perspective to show us how Da-hae was actually feeling - a consistent theme in this drama: Da-hae is closed off, Gwi-ju reacts negatively, but eventually learns how she was really feeling or the context for her behavior, and then returns to offer an olive branch. I haven't loved a scene like that in a while. And when he comforted her at her dad's funeral? That was so powerful - and now I'm wondering if Da-hae remembered him. I get why she might not have, because it was so long ago and she was pretty caught up in her grief. But this is a Kdrama where people have eidetic memories, so it wouldn't shock me if it turns out she did remember him.

Poor I-na is trying to please people but only ends up with the opposite effect. It's hard to watch. I love her relationship with Da-hae. I get that Ki-ho likes her but I wish he'd realize the difficult position he's putting her in.

The sauna mom is complex, and I like that. I still think she's a better person than Mama Bok, scamming and using Da-hae as a debt slave aside. Mama Bok is awful and, as I said on my fanwall, maybe she has insomnia because she's literally trying to sleep during the middle of the day. I don't even blame her husband for looking at another woman, even if it was just an emotional affair - and probably him being scammed.

And my precious Dong-hee. I thought they might try to reunite her with Ji-han, but not anymore. I hope she gets another man at the end. I know she doesn't need one, and I'm sure she'll learn that, but it'd be nice. I'm hoping for a cameo by a hot famous actor in ep 12 like we got with Kwon Yul in Love is For Suckers.

Last but not least, the show seems to be hinting that Gwi-ju will die saving Da-hae from the fire. I think it's confusing if that happens, because nothing but Da-hae should be able to touch him, right? I also think that if a kdrama is making something seem like it'll happen in an obvious way, it's usually a red herring. I hope so, because I want Da-hae to...


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... I hope so. I read an interesting discussion on Reddit that Gwi-ju can't travel back to happy memories, but only moments that connect him to Da-hae, he just thought they were happy memories (so in that case, Da-hae would be the girl with the dog, and he couldn't save the dog because he can only touch Da-hae). In that way, I don't actually think his power is mutating, I think he's had it all along but didn't know because, well, he didn't Da-hae. Or maybe this is me trying to cope with my anxiety because, darnit, i want Da-hae to have a happily ever after with him.


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*didn't know because he didn't know Da-hae


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I liked that new verb, though. ;-)


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Did you understand what was happening in that Dance Club group chat right before those mean girls smashed In-ha's phone? I was confused as to the meaning behind people leaving the group.


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I interpreted it as they were starting a new group chat and excluding her (but shame on Ki-ho for leaving along with them)


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I thought Ki-ho's line was something like "I'm not joining you, (or something like that) suggesting he wasn't going to be party to the mean girl behavior. But I didn't follow it exactly. The show was clever in having the phone metaphorically being smashed by the bullies just as they were excluding her from the chat.


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Oh, I didn't see that! Assuming you read it correctly, I'm sorry for doubting you, Ki-ho.


For people who didn't watch Castaway Diva, it may be confusing to keep calling Joon-woo Ki-ho. :D


@flourpower lol, I'll just have to clarify each time then. I don't know the character's name or the actor's name


This drama was so good that I marathoned it in a two days! I-na won me over the second she was on screen, and it’s always such a delight to watch her scenes!

I’m probably the only one that kinda ships Grace and Dong-hee. Yeah they are toxic but imo Grace beats Dong-hee’s asshole boyfriend/fiance any day

I also think like Da-hee, Grace and (maybe) Uncle Sauna might’ve had “debts”/ were extorted to pay to the boss lady as well


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I ship Grace and Dong-hee so bad lmaooo


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"I also think like Da-hee, Grace and (maybe) Uncle Sauna might’ve had “debts”/ were extorted to pay to the boss lady as well".

I have thought that too. That would add a Dickensian side to the show.


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I've assumed all along that Grace and Uncle are also in thrall to Sauna Mom, whether because of debt or some other reason, but I'd like to know why they haven't rebelled.

The moms are both villains in their own ways.


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I've also wondered if it's possible that either Grace or Uncle or both are her biological/adopted-from-birth children.


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Oh, there's a lot of shipping those two going on, don't you worry.
As for being lovers, I don't think the drama will go there, but as for BFFF's ... (Best Flying Friends Forever) ... the show is setting them up to be and I will be mighty disappointed if they don't end up saving each other and have loads of fun, like in the vision of happy, laughing Dong-hee flying that we saw .... last week, I think.


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This was my favorite week, too, because everything seemed to be clicking. All the characters (with one exception I'll discuss later) make sense to me now, even if I don't like them; the humor emerges naturally and at key moments that need levity (my favorites: Sauna Uncle getting flicked in the forehead by Yi-Na, setting up that romantic picnic no one wanted, and sitting dazed after watching Gwi-ju disappear and return with an empty ice bowl); Grace finally seemed like a human being rather than a Sauna Mom Wannabe; and the romance between the leads still isn't fire (even with the confirmation that Gi-ju saved Da-hae after all), but there is chemistry and believable affection between them now.

I love the quirky but consistent tone and the way the plot does predictable things in unpredictable ways. It makes for a very satisfying watch.

The only thing that continues to bug me is Man-heum, and I've decided that I think a large part of the problem is the actress, who I believe was miscast. I simply don't buy this woman as the matriarch of a superhero family and although other characters are certainly unlikeable, too, the fact that I can't warm up to Man-heum at this point has to be at least partially due to the fact that the actress isn't a good fit for the role. I mean, Sauna Mom is pretty awful, but that casting was brilliant; I absolutely believe who she is even if she's morally repugnant, and her time on-screen in compelling. Not so with Man-heum. I hate the way she treats everyone, whines about her situation, and expresses her so-called love and affection for her family (I see none of either; she truly only seems to care about herself and whether or not her abilities will continue to exist).

But I do love the burgeoning motherly bond between Da-hae and Yi-Na; it feels real to me that Yi-Na would seek out a con artist who can't lie to her. The way Da-hae keeps her at arm's length and yet continues to protect her also makes sense considering Da-hae's own messy parental relationships. Oh, and I loved Gwi-ji comforting her at her father's funeral. His genuine selflessness and her vulnerability in that moment did a lot to deepen their bond in a way that resonated with me.

Finally, I feel bad for Dad. He's ignored and mis-treated by most of the family simply because he has no powers and now he was swindled by another couple. I'm wondering if out of his mess will emerge the realization that he does actually have powers, too.


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I don't know, are we supposed to like Man-heum? I feel like our reaction to her is intentional, not just an artifact of miscasting


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I also dislike Sauna Mom, but still find her character compelling to watch, and see her internal logic in every scene, but I can't say the same for Man-heum. All I can see when I watch her is her unlikeability, and for that, I do blame the actress. I just think she's playing the character in a very rote, one-dimensional way.


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She might be, but I also think we're supposed to like Sauna Mom better than Mama Bok


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Are we? They're both terrible and in pretty similar ways. They even both hit Da-hae on the same side of her face.


@toomuchtv Well, I don't think we're supposed to LIKE her, but 1) at least she knows she's using her family, unlike Mama Bok who pretends like she has their best interest at hearts 2) she actually pays attention to her family and their needs and 3) she's way more down to earth


Without comparing morality, sauna mom is certainly more perceptive than Man-heum, and has considerably higher EQ.


I think it's easier to see an unwealthy woman, who has a legit day job, coerce her family into scamming than to hear a rich, privileged rich lady who never worked complain about how she can't sleep and can't get winning lottery numbers anymore. Mama Bok being disdainful towards the most lovable character in a drama full of walking red flags doesn't help. Ina's just a kid.


Also I like the fact we have imperfect characters. There isn’t a black and white good guy and bad guy. Gwi-Ju with his hero complex neglected his family. Then again having such a power is a double edged sword, travelling back in time but unable to change the past is beyond cruel. And the sauna crew, yes they are con artists but that’s not their whole personality which I like. Grace may be morally dubious at best but she doesn’t deserve to be sexually harassed either. Bok Man-heum too isn’t the most likeable character. And well all this feels like life, not everyone is saint and not everyone is purely evil either.


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Someone somewhere (Reddit? Facebook? MDL? I can't remember) said that typically Kdramas don't let their characters be this damaged and flawed and they usually have to watch Jdramas for that, so it's quite refreshing.


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Er... I should say leads, not characters in general


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I think its refreshing too. I am tired of the larger than life, too polished, too perfect lead characters who never once lost their goody two shoes or who never wavered or lost their way.
Kudos to brave actors and actresses who are willing to accpet such roles.

Sounds to me like a tip to start checking jdramas then.


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I actually like the storyline with I-na and Da-hae, and tbh at least the idea behind the main couple. Are there any other good dramas or movies with this family dynamic? wholesome bond between step-parent and the kid? romance between single dad and someone new in their life?

(not watching this drama, mind you, just following along with recaps)


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I thought the best thing in the sageuk Iljimae was the bond between the main lead (Lee Joon Gi) and his step-father (Lee Moon Sik).

And a single father and someone new in his life... You have to watch the beautiful sageuk Bossam.

And even though I didn't like the melo One Spring Night, the main characters were a single father and his son. And the woman who suddenly falls in love with him.


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This drama is giving me Tomorrow With You vibes, romance-wise. No step children though.


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The time travel mechanism is making my mind burst.😂😂 Still, it is the only good thing in the show other than I-na. I have already deemed the con family and the boks as lost causes even Dong-hee is turning stupid. The characterization can't be any worse.I can get behind Da-hae at least because she is genuinely caring for I-na. But Gwi-ju needs to step up his game.


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I thought it was obvious that the ring will be gone in the future and that's how it can exist at the same time because the time for him to give her the ring hasn't come.


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I wrote this above, but I'll write it again.

Even Gwi-ju cannot physically exist in the same time-line. Present-day Gwi-ju cannot see or hear the time-traveling Gwi-ju. Da-hae is the only one and whatever "reason" they come up with as to why SHE is "the special one" will apparently be meaningless. (I could accept alternate universe more than he saved her from the future, so . . . . .what?)

One of those rings should be dissipating or disintegrating.


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Comment was deleted


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Then I must refer to the reply of @vienibenmio


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Like most other characters I love these characters. And I love that the writer is slowly building the story & trusts us to root for them even if they aren't perfect.

Small point but, knowing that people hate the fat suit, I think it's a plus they've always made Donghee super stylish and chic regardless of her size,

I think one aspect of the time travel that works really well for me is that mostly Gwiju only goes back a few hours/days. It makes my head hurt less than when a time traveller changes the course of people's lives by going back years. We'll probably have to contend with that with the fire though.


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It seems like he's been building up his time-traveling muscles by exercising them repeatedly, and only in episode 8 was he once again able to travel years in the past - to Da-hae's father's funeral and to the bakery for bingsu. I assume something will happen when he finally travels back to the school fire that will take away his power permanently - either fulfillment of its ultimate purpose or his death or both.


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I take back the bakery part - maybe that was just Da-hae’s flashback to her own past? But the funeral was a big time jump.


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I watched all eight episodes of this drama in the past week, mostly in the last two days. I should not do that. Anyway, I really like it so far! The main thing I like is the emotion between the main leads. I find Park So-yi, the young actor playing Bok In-na, AMAZING. The character is so difficult--shy with her peers, assertive with adults-- and she's doing a great job.

I still feel the sismance (I love that! Thank you!) between Grace and Dong-hee--even with Grace shoving her off the top floor like that. Or maybe that's just what I want! I am very uncomfortable with putting a slim person in a fat suit and then humiliating her character repeatedly. I don't know whether the character deserves better, but we in the audience absolutely deserve better. You're giving me Claudia Kim, with her beautiful voice, and telling me I should be OK with watching her character getting pushed off a balcony? Plus so many other humiliations I don't want to see.

I think there is still time for the sauna scam "family" to be transformed--not to mention the Bok parents, who are really not good to each other or their children. There was such great dramatic irony in that scene in episode 5 (?) when Sauna Mom told Mrs. Bok that just calling someone a member of your family doesn't make them any less an employee. Good point, lady.


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The lottery ticket: From the future, Gwi-ju brings a winning lottery ticket for the lottery drawing on July 1, 2023. It's not clear to me when this occurred, but it was AFTER the drawing because Da-hae confirmed the numbers.
That means that PRIOR to that scene - in a scene not previously shown to the viewer, Man Heum presumably dreamt of the lottery winning numbers and someone purchased the ticket. So, who purchased the ticket prior to July 1st? How did Gwi-ju get it? And it's not clear to me why he gave the ticket to DaHae (to save her from her family of crooks?) Did I totally miss something important as I watched in 1.5 speed?

I'll say it - it wouldn't distress me if he dies in the fire. His obsession with "saving" someone eventually led to his wife's death (he disappeared at a critical moment) and his daughter's trauma that he ignored for 7 years. He drank himself senseless - all because "I can't save anyone." I've disliked the character from the beginning.

But . . .I enjoy watching all of the other characters, even the twin evil "mothers". I like the family of crooks because they actually act like a family. I like his father, his sister, I-na and, of course, the only honest-to-God male hero in this show, namely Han Joon Woo.😎😎 So, I'll keep watching simply to see how their stories play out


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He purchased it at 'present' time. He and Sauna bro, went all the way to Gangneum to buy the shaved ice and they arrived at night, past the draw time and the lottery winners was already announced.

He then went back to the 'past' (few hours earlier) when his OG self was just leaving the park to get said shaved ice and gave the ticket to Dae Hee.

He told Dae Hee to purchase the ticket with the numbers he gave her written on a napkin. He told her to buy the ticket before 8pm which presumably is when the draw is done.

We did not see Dae Hee buying the ticket but she apparently did and confirmed it later when she got home.


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Sorrry, I meant he memorized the numbers at present time. He did not purchase it. Dae Hee did.


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Thank you @jingbee - and I do mean Thank You because now I don't need re-watch to figure it out. I Indeed did miss a great deal because as I skimmed through anything involving Gwi-ju, I thought he handed her the lottery ticket. I DO like Da-hae, but still not a fan of BGJ.

So, Gwi-ju is as crooked as his grandmother and the so-called "crooked" family. My, my - what will I-na say when she discovers he is no better than her grandmother??? Please, let that lovely, neglected child somehow maintain some level of ethics at least to the extent that she recognizes his crookedness (as she did with her grandmother).

PS - what does "OG" mean - Gwiju in the present or Gwiju the time traveler.


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OG is the present day Gwi-ju who left with sauna samchon while the time travelling Gwi-ju came from the other side with shaved ice from the future.


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It's not an honest way to earn money, but Gwi-ju only gave it to Da-hae so she could repay her debt and no longer owe anything to Sauna Mom. It's not the same as enriching his own family coffers like his mother has done throughout the years.


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Although his intent may be different, the ethics of the situation are the same. He used his super-power and as a result, the lottery award went to Da Hae - which means the lottery amount didn't go up for the next round for other gamblers. Da Hae cheated and she knows she cheated.

Moreover, this is one time when he time traveled and deliberately altered the future - I think a first? Perhaps the drama will ignore these ethical nuances but. . . . actually, I think writer from the beginning has been trying to show that using a super-power for dishonest means is going to backfire one way or another (the price to be paid?). I wonder what I-na will feel when she finds out - or is the lottery ticket merely a plot device for driving the parents further apart?


And then, Da-hae gave the ticket to Man-heum and asked her to get Gwi-ju off her back. Man-heum fell asleep, and her husbond took it, meaning to pay those blackmailers. That last part was really dumb. There's no reason he should pay the blackmailers. Yes, he has been dancing, and also, he has been gossiping, but he hasn't been actually unfaithful, and it hasn't really been possible for him to talk to his wife. She ignores what he says to her.


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I find how the drama goes about ina's mom a bit annoying and the main reason why I cant get into the romance and, especially, the relationship between ina and dahae.


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When one really thinks about it (probaby not a good idea with a fantasy drama), if Si-yeon had not died in the car crash, Gwi-ju would not have been in a position to travel from the future to save DaHae. Or, perhaps another way of looking at it - Si-yeon HAD to die - otherwise, it's unlikely that the crooks could target Gwi-ju - if he was still happily married or even divorced, he wouldn't have been an alcoholic mess. But his insta-recovery from alcoholism is apparently another fantasy element.


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I get the feeling the drama wants us to believe this love story with dahae was always meant to be and siyeon would always be out of the picture at some point. at first I thought yina wouldnt have memories from her mom bcs I thought she had died at labor, but its not the case and while I know yina has a lot of guilt bcs of what happened to her parents, I find a bit odd how she doesn't have any reaction to his dad having a new woman in his life? I dont know, this part of the story looks messy and under developed in my opinion.


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Gwi-ju was always gonna develop PTSD from the fire, because the fire killing his boss is what gave him PTSD, and the fire was meant to happen because it's his link to Da-hae (or one link, at least). Si-yeon was going to leave him, but she ended up dying first. If she had survived, she would have left him and he would have been alcoholic mess. The only difference is she would have taken I-na with her... but maybe I-na wouldn't have gotten along with her new partner and her half-sibling (the one who Si-yeon was pregnant with when she died).

And, oh yeah, in real life Gwi-ju would have needed medical assistance with getting off of alcohol.


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I believe she committed suicide with the car. And she was intending to take Yi-na with her.


Someone commented that Gwi-ju looked like a self-portrait of Lucien Freud, and I went to look. It is so accurate, the early self-portraits, they have Gwi-ju energy. I can't find that comment and tell them so, but I am happy to have been sent out internetting for those portraits. And it's a really good way of describing why I, too, think Gwi-ju is a snack (a tall snack, and a bitter snack, but you know. Maybe like 96% dark chocolate that doesn't melt right away and has bitterness and all sorts of other tastes slowly evolving. (And please don't think of this in sexual and certainly not in skin colour terms. I am talking personality and maybe looks, not p*rn)).
I only knew the later works of Lucien Freud, the "the skin is so spotted and greenish that maybe this person has actually been dead for some time" paintings, and they are good, but do not have Gwi-ju or complex dark bitter snack energy.
Thank you, fellow Dramabean with art knowledge!


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Haha, that is such a great way to describe Gwi-ju. I can't believe this is the same dude from Now We Are Breaking Up. Granted, I only watched 1 or 2 eps of that one, but he left ZERO impression on me


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I don't know who had seen the Lucien Freud resemblance, but I, for one, had commented that I'd like to paint him and Kim Jae Wook in the style of Egon Schiele. I think Jang Ki Yong's face has gotten more chiseled after military service, because I only saw him in Search WWW before this where it was rounder and not so compelling. KJW's features have, of course, always been so.


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I thought of Schiele, too, and I think the Lucien Freud- mentioner mentioned him too. For the FL. So, yes.
I'll put the link to my picture post in this thread, too.


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I can deal with unlikeable characters but they need to be a bit charismatic, maybe have some humor. unfortunately, none of them are like that in this drama, so I watch ffing only for ina and his crush scenes.

the romance could make up for me, but I find them dry. no sparks, no tension, the angst doesnt angst.


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Just wanted to say that Dong-hee and Grace are presented in flying colours, so to speak, on my Fan Wall.
and some of these https://www.dramabeans.com/activity/p/1589828/
Furthermore, that this story is told backwards, and most likely there is more to Da-hae than the first, second, and third impression.
I also don't think she met Gwi-ju by accident, and I think that she too, and not just Gwi-ju, are making this story be told backwards.
And also, I hope the story stays a little complicated until it all goes up in the end, and doesn't just ignore all complications. But I also hope it ends well for almost everybody (mothers maybe excepted) and it would be fun to learn that The Pillar of the Family started out as a scammer and gold-digger, too, and fell in love with the angry, interesting Man-heum. Probably not. But it would be fun, right?
Also, as for Ms. Popular whom nobody talks to anymore, it was obvious that she hesitated because she was hurt (literally, but mostly metaphorically) by Yi-na, and remember that she never asked for the shoes, e.g., but just thought about it. I don't completely get why she wanted to befriend the most unpopular girl earlier, but I hope (and trust, honestly) the show will not recommend that the girl be punished forever. Also, Yi-na could use a friend her own age, not just the school heart throb.
I have no idea how they will make it end happily with Gwi-ju's then wife.
She loved him originally. She seemed like a sweet mum when she comforted Yi-na. It was unfair with ultimatums about something he couldn't control, but she held out for many years first.
Also, I had forgotten there were only two episodes left. I could easily use a couple more.
This drama with all it's special characters is the best. I hope they do not patch up Dong-hee with Sauna Uncle.
I hope there is a sweet future for him, too. That Loan Shark With a Heart of Gold.


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