The Interest of Love: Episodes 7-8

The drama delivers this week, picking up the pace (at least a little) and honing in on the longing between our leads. These episodes pack tons of side glances, some tight-jawed tension, and two sleepovers (though it’s the hint of a possible third that has me hanging). This is where I wanted to be when I started this show and I’m back at Week 1 excitement to see what happens next.


The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

Every week I’m torn about what to include in the weecaps because this drama has so much happening both on screen and under the surface. This week we have three major threads to cover, having to do with the love and power relationships between our leads — and the drama is tying and tangling such a tight knot, there won’t be room for much else.

We come in where we left off last week — with a separation and a union. Jong-hyun breaks up with Soo-young without explanation and we see a totally different side of his character. His gleaming optimism disappears, and he clams up, leaves town, and says he’s quitting the bank.

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

Soo-young is crushed, thinking about the hopeful plans they made for the future. Before Jong-hyun leaves Seoul, the two argue it out. True to her insecurity, Soo-young asks if he’s sick of her already. She learns that his father collapsed and is in the hospital in need of surgery. The cost is so high, Jong-hyun’s life (and positive perspective) shattered instantly. He says, “I thought my life started at zero and all I had to do was work my way up. My life started below zero.”

We also learn that he failed his police exam and has no plans to retake it. He doesn’t need the low-paying security guard job anymore if he’s not going to study and be a police officer. Soo-young listens to all his excuses and then says, “What about me?”

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8 The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

The argument that follows is heart-wrenching. Jong-hyun is humiliated. Their relationship made sense to him when he was on his way up. But if he has no future, how can they be together? He talks about his part-time position and how his family is worse off now than before and says, “This is all I am” — and he can’t stand for her to see him as he is (or as he sees himself). Then he places himself beneath her on the social rungs: “Whenever I see you, I keep forgetting my place.”

Soo-young asks why he’s not holding onto her. Jong-hyun starts to break down and says this isn’t what he wants and it’s not easy for him, but what is he supposed to do? She yells, “Ask me to wait! Hold onto me!” (Oof. Both actors are nailing this scene.) Soo-young’s self-doubt is so deep it’s clouding her ability to really see Jong-hyun or his predicament. And it’s a brilliant portrayal of their power differential. Only later does she admit to herself that he has a hard life ahead of him.

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

Once Jong-hyun returns to his hometown, Soo-young continues to think of him. One day she sees a police officer in the street and makes the decision to run to the bus station and go see him. She finds him working at a car wash, having used his entire security deposit from his Seoul apartment to pay for his dad’s surgery. He’s polite to her, but wants her to leave. She’s there because she doesn’t want him to give up his dream of becoming a police officer. They’ve switched roles suddenly, and he is the one feeling hopeless — so, Soo-young tries to present him with the same optimism he once presented to her.

She gives him a really nice offer: Come live with me. Work at the bank. Study for the police exam again and retake the test. “Show me that hard work can pay off and make you happy.” It’s a beautiful turnaround for her, but he says he can’t do it. She says she’ll wait for him at the bus station and if he doesn’t show up, she’ll accept that it’s over between them.

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

That night, at the bus terminal, we see Soo-young’s bus pulling away as Jong-hyun runs out to try to catch it. He chases it, but stops mid-way across the parking lot as the bus disappears around a corner. There’s dead air. Then Soo-young appears, walking back toward him. He runs to her, wrapping her tightly in relief. She hugs him back, smiling, and I feel like for the moment (not forever) these two need each other.

When they get back to Seoul, Soo-young clears a room in her apartment for Jong-hyun and the two begin living together. They’re still dating, but careful around each other at home, mostly staying in their separate spaces. Jong-hyun joins a study group, Soo-young cooks, they seem happy, and I love, love, love this development. There are no cohabitation hijinks. This is just a realistic portrayal of what people do when their backs are against a wall.

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

Now, on to the story of our union between Sang-soo and Mi-kyung. These two are outwardly adorable (especially to their co-workers, who find out quickly that they’re dating), but they’ve already fallen into a rut of superficial contentment. There’s no passion, which means they don’t fight, but they like each other well enough to stay together. In an ominous scene, both admit that they don’t know each other well, and neither is as good of a person as the other thinks. (I can only imagine what’s coming.)

Sang-soo is more conflicted now than we’ve seen him before. When Mi-kyung tells him she told Soo-young they were dating, he stiffens and wants to know what Soo-young said. His face in these episodes says it all — and he only has eyes for Soo-young.

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

Mi-kyung is cutesy, kissing Sang-soo in the woods on a hiking trip and happily being teased by co-workers about their relationship, and Sang-soo is visibly uncomfortable each time. When Mi-kyung shows up unannounced at his apartment and says she’s not going home that night, he doesn’t even look excited about it. Their first night together overlaps with the night Jong-hyun moves into Soo-young’s apartment and we get simultaneous scenes (as the show likes to do) of both men making breakfast in the morning and then the two couples heading off to the bank.

There are various moments this week where Soo-young and Sang-soo are seated at the same table in the company of others, looking at each other as if only they understand while everyone else is oblivious. One of these encounters happens when Mi-kyung throws a surprise birthday party for Soo-young — with only the two couples in attendance.

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

The party is at Mi-kyung’s apartment, where she’s talkative and upbeat (telling Sang-soo what to do all the time and him mostly in compliance). Jong-hyun is happy to answer all Mi-kyung’s questions about his relationship with Soo-young, but Sang-soo and Soo-young are painfully uneasy. These two are bridging the worlds between Mi-kyung and Jong-hyun, and both are picking up on social cues that Mi-kyung can’t see.

At this same party, Soo-young sees a painting hanging in Mi-kyung’s bathroom. It’s the painting Soo-young had loved and visited regularly in a gallery window — the one she introduced Mi-kyung to. Soo-young begins to see that no matter how nice Mi-kyung is, they can’t really be friends.

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8 The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

Later on, Soo-young learns that Sang-soo is the reason Manager Yook apologized to her last week. She thanks him and he says he would have done it for anybody. She says she knows because he’s a good person (interestingly, the exact opposite of how he described himself to Mi-kyung). The tangle of power relationships becomes evident here because Manager Yook knows it was Sang-soo who turned him in. This could mess up Sang-soo’s position at work — but his relationship with Mi-kyung could fix it.

At the same time, Jong-hyun is back at work, still the lowest in rank, with the managers stepping all over him and expecting him to do random errands. In one instance, Sang-soo intercepts a lowly errand for Jong-hyun (obviously because of his feelings for Soo-young). It could mean many things, but I took it that Sang-soo wants to stop Soo-young from witnessing Jong-hyun being treated badly, and he’s in a position to do it.

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

At the end of this week’s episodes, both Sang-soo and Soo-young are regretting that they can’t be together, but in different ways. Soo-young wants to “protect the one who chose her” (Jong-hyun), while Sang-soo decides he’ll “honor the choice he made” (Mi-kyung), even if he’s deceiving his heart.

In the final sequence, Sang-soo and Soo-young attend a co-worker’s wedding with their respective partners, while gazing at each other across the room. Afterward, Soo-young checks into a hotel room and tells Jong-hyun she’s staying at a friend’s place that night. Sang-soo arrives to the hotel room and rings the bell. Soo-young opens the door and it appears Sang-soo and Soo-young are facing each other. Is this another Week 1 trick where they’re actually at different doors? Or is Sang-soo about to show us why he told Mi-kyung he’s not a good person?

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8

Eeee! This is what I signed up for my friends. Now we’re in the thick of it. These episodes (and characters) became so much more likable to me because the leads are showing their longing for each other. There is more anguish here — and more passion. When they were arguing all the time, they may have been fiery but it was hard to tell they actually liked each other. Now we’ve got Sang-soo beaming with love while watching Soo-young gut a fish, and unbearably miserable when the two catch eyes. Suddenly we’re in the feels zone.

The other amazing thing is how the show finally made me care about Jong-hyun. He’s been a side character up to this point but really came into his own when he ran out to catch that bus. He took a risk, it was the right thing to do, and I swiftly wanted to see how Soo-young and Jong-hyun would fare. They definitely raised the stakes on heartbreak this week (and I’m prepping myself for the torment).

I have some reservations about what’s to come in terms of the social stakes, though. We have new questions this week about how social structures confine people until they make poor choices. And I’m all for going down that path, as long as we don’t end up with a story that confirms the norm rather than questioning it. I will hold off on commenting until we see how things play out next week. In the interim, I’m looking forward to finally getting to see these characters going through things together (both good and bad).

The Interest of Love Episodes 7-8


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This drama has a lot of layers that I enjoy seeing unfold. The tension and longing was good. We got another week of the two couples navigating their relationships.

The angsty outbursts between Soo Young and Jong Hyun were their most interesting scenes! I understood his feelings of humiliation and despair. He didn't want to bring her down when he's dealing with a bunch of problems. I wish he had communicated better after he abruptly ended their relationship though. He still would have kept her in the dark if she hadn't pushed him to talk. I got her side too and how he gave up their relationship so quickly. Both of their arguments felt real. But I was honestly surprised at how much Soo Young fought for their relationship. She has changed. She emoted more, softened a little with him. I'm not sure what caused this. I don't see much of her passion or attraction to him. They look like they could be good friends instead of lovers. While their scenes in his hometown were pretty nice, they were also boring. I don't think she feels pity for him. She said that she wants to protect him. Maybe she doesn't want to add to his load of troubles/disappointments. Maybe she wants to settle for this relationship that feels safe and comfortable.

Little, hidden details came to the surface. I didn't think Sang Soo would ever learn that Mi Kyung is a great skater. Soo Young also learned the truth that he had a hand in getting the boss punished.

Mi Kyung's mother had it right when she said her daughter was bossy, hah. That word didn't click until she said it. I haven't forgotten that Mi Kyung knew Sang Soo liked Soo Young yet she still pursued him. She has this superficial air about her. And she wants to possess things that someone else likes. She can look all smiley and friendly, but she has this sneaky side. Example was when she acted lovey-dovey and fed the chocolate to Sang Soo in front of Soo Young. And later on, she made that noticeable comment about his clothes being available at her place. I bet she wanted everyone to know she and Sang Soo were a couple so she wanted to get caught during the hiking trip too.

Jong Hyun has this pure vibe. He doesn't have any idea about Sang Soo and Soo Young. Wonder how he will react later on.

Gyung Pil knows something juicy about Mi Kyung! Dying to know what the beef was back in their college days. He's been very observant.
I don't think he likes her too.

I like the last ~6 minutes of Episode 8 so much. I love the interspersing of Sang Soo's and Soo Young's inner thoughts. Then the leading up to the hotel room with the changing of the moody, mysterious background music! The drama is teasing the audience for sure. I doubt they are actually meeting though!


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Agree on that last 6 minutes. Not sure if something spicy is coming up, but the drama needs to do something about the leads now! ( c'mon, they both had kiss scenes with the 2nd leads already!)


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@emilyhewett Right?? Make them kiss each other, show! *helpfully smushes barbie dolls together for long-awaited kiseu*


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Yess plssss!!
So much done with waiting!


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I totally agree with you about MK. I never liked her. The way she likes SS is such an infatuation, it doesn't seem real. When she calls SS and tells him she misses him and doesn't get the answer she wants (I miss you too), her expression changes for a second: she is annoyed. She wants her puppy to love her the same way she does.

Regarding Gyung Pil, my hypothesis is that they dated during uni days, or at least he was the one she had an crush on. Don't ask me which episode, because I binged the 8 episodes this week, they are in the office and someone asks who was MK crush in uni, and they cross their eyes for a second and it becomes uncomfortable. That is where I got the idea.


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Yup, she really wants things to go her way. Her wants, her goals. She wanted to stake her claim in front of Soo Young. Even the abstract painting! I feel like she only bought it because Soo Young liked it. That big, eye-catching painting..... and she puts it in the bathroom.


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Right!? She just plopped it there. There is literally no other decoration in the bathroom to soften up or accentuate the painting, it looks so out of place.


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Oohhh.... She definitely doesn't like him now, haha. She just tolerates him. I think she may have liked someone else and put up a fake persona to match with that person.


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It's funny how flat she is with him, I think he may have cheated on her, but she doesn't bother putting on the aegyo. The tone is always, "What do you want, sir?" 🙄


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I got the feeling that Soo-young wanted to help Jong-Hyun like she wished someone would help her in the past.

Soo-Young thinks that Sang-Soo and her are not from the same environment but he's not from Mi-Kyung's one neither. I found weird like she acted like he chose Mi-Kyung because of that when he did because she chose Jong-Hyun.

I really like how this drama is about the consequences of our choices or the lack of. One word, one gesture and we can see the impact on our characters.


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@kurama Exactly, it highlights the way our choices can lead us down different paths and sometimes keep us from being where we ought to be.


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I was really surprised that Soo-young chose to go after Jong-hyun even though she knows more than anyone that she doesn't feel anything for him, but on the other note, I loved their scenes together to the point I started to wish they were really a couple which I know we won't get.
Mi-kyeong isn't the nice person she appears to be. She keeps mentioning Sang-soo in front of Soo-young and vice versa and when she insisted Sang-soo gives them a ride after the birthday party, it was to show Sang-soo that he can't have Soo-young now that she is with another man.
In the first 6 episodes, I didn't feel any smitten vibes between our leads but this week, the longing in Sang-soo's eyes is clear as day. He loves Soo-young but he also knows that his life will be easier if he chooses Mi-kyeong.
This show is realistic and complicated and that is what makes the ride run. Had it not been for all those elements, we would have had a flat office romance drama. Hoping the show keeps up the pace and make the ride more exhilarating next week.


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Yeah, that's why I chose it after watching the trailer. ( it had a not-so- normal office romance vibe)
By far it has been pretty slow, but hope it picks up the pace🤞


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@zeinabsamir It's funny how this show masquerades as ordinary, but has such nuance. Mi Kyung was for sure sending the message to Sang Soo that he should forget about Soo Young. At first I thought it was just him sneaking glances with those gorgeous puppy dog eyes in the elevator, but realized that she was looking too! These two make me squeal at the littlest interaction, I kid you not. 😂


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If they stop those sick and tired of each other vibes from the beginning of the drama and continue with those longing eyes, I won't stop squeeing😂😂


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I know SY and JH are not the OTP we'll have, and even if there is no OTP at the end of this drama, we all know they can't end up together, something I wish it could happen, because I love how warm and soft SY is when she is around JH. Her smile when washing her hands and not rinsing her ring was so genuine... I will hate to see them breaking up.


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Who is watching these 2 episodes with singing the song The One Who Got Away by Katy Perry 😅


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Thank you for the recap! I think the final scene was a foreshadowing of what is to come, possibly at episode 10-12 given the pace of this show. I must say, Sang Soo is looking NICE! He needs to wear that grey/black checked suit everyday. 👀😍 We didn’t see the hotel hallway when Soo Young arrived, so I don’t know if they meet each other in this instance, but it definitely amped the ante. I waited with baited breath because their chemistry is making me such a simp. I love this show; I know I mention that every week, but I am all in with these messy characters and their stories. The theory that Soo Young didn’t know about Sang Soo’s background was confirmed this week by her comment that he and Mi Kyung are at the same level. She thinks he’s better than her, and that inferiority complex won’t let her think differently. Ironically, the man she thought would share her world view is different from what she expected and worse yet is changing before her eyes.

Hers and Jong Hyun’s relationship isn’t what it was last week; it seems a lifetime has passed, the light having left his eyes. He’s demoralized, vulnerable and more disadvantaged than when we last saw him. This is not the bright security guard with a quick word of encouragement or pick-me-up. Now, he can barely motivate himself and I couldn’t help but notice the balance shift in their relationship. Soo Young has adopted the role of caretaker, mothering and encouraging him through this crisis as he eagerly soaks it up...to the detriment of their relationship. What sparse attraction existed between them is quickly fizzling out and they seem more like room-mates than lovers. The awkward moment of hesitation following his shower as he hovered outside of her door spoke volumes, and I wonder where they can go from here.

Clearly, Sang Soo is in love with Soo Young and she is fighting against her feelings for the handsome bank clerk. To be frank, any other union is a waste of time since neither is giving 100% of themselves to those relationships. I think the bits of commentary peppered throughout are red herrings. For instance his mother’s comment about not marrying her passionate love and his colleague agreeing to the arranged marriage serve to make viewers believe they won’t end up together. However, I disagree. These two are alike in interesting ways, like their shared tendency to bury their emotions and push ahead irrespective of feelings, which is a trait that Sang Soo learned from his mom and Soo Young cultivates. He’s not looking for saccharine optimism or upward social mobility from his partner, but someone who can share his emotional burdens without being overwhelmed.

Soo Young has repeatedly shown that she’s made of strong stock and is sensitive enough to build a partner up while maintaining a relationship. There are times when she just takes everything on her chin with zero complaints, it’s like she expects to do everything on her own and is quite capable of that...


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Meanwhile, his current partner is doing her best to convince him that she’s the perfect girl, solidifying their relationship without actually meeting his emotional needs. She’s pushed the gas in terms of progress in the relationship and keeps jumping the gun. She kissed him during the hike, when it was impossible for their coworkers not to notice, making their dating public, and showed up unexpectedly at his apartment, insisting that she would not be going home. I could not help but notice how this would have been so poorly received had it been a man imposing his presence on a female lead; we’d call the cops on this stage 5 clinger, ASAP. Instead, Sang Soo goes along with it, like he half-heartedly complies with most of her demands, which further proves to me that his heart is just not in this relationship.

I think Mi Kyung is quite an interesting creature. She’s said time and time again that she notices everything and I don’t think much escapes her. The meeting with her mom at the bank was enlightening because we saw how she really feels about taking Soo Young’s job, which is absolutely unrepentant. I don’t want to belittle her by saying she is unaware of the effect of her actions and the ever-present smile belies a calculating mind. She’s a strategist, buying the painting Soo Young loved only to keep it hidden away in the bathroom, and just in time for her visit, while giving her a generic birthday present when that same painting would have gone a long way in proving how much she valued their relationship. Not to mention taking every opportunity to let the other woman know that Sang Soo is hers, i.e. feeding him chocolate only when Soo Young was in the car, mentioning that his clothes were at her house, and consistently placing them in awkward situations.

Like the painting, Sang Soo ‘belongs’ to her, ready to be propped up when need be and shown off for maximum effect. There’s a spirit of covetousness within her that makes me wonder if Mi Kyung’s main motives stem from a need to possess that which others desire.

Mi Kyung isn’t dumb and the way she brought up their shared university experience makes me believe that this was also a dig at Soo Young, especially since she went on to talk about Jong Hyun failing the exam, alluding how his education paled in comparison. These two really can’t be friends, not with the way Mi Kyung casually reminds Soo Young that she is her superior. At first it was taking credit for her efforts and stealing the job, then gifting the second-hand necklace, and finally throwing the rug haphazardly down while acting oblivious to the effort it took to make and deliver. I was happy that Soo Young asked her about the painting, but just like taking the scholarship away from those less privileged, I don’t think Mi Kyung wants to understand how she hurts others; she’s just not interested.

This to me proves that hers and Sang Soo’s relationship won’t last, and that she does much of these things out of a sense...


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Oh yeah, the second hand necklace and the throwing down of the rug! Ugh. Soo Young's rug was prettier than hers anyway. =P


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Maybe that's why she abandoned it so quickly. 😂


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Honestly, I don't know if I've ever seen a young, handsome, single guy so hesitant to do *anything* physical with a woman, lol. Someone needs to leave a copy of "He's Just Not That Into You" in Mi-kyung's locker.

I agree that in other respects, Mi-kyung seems too smart not to realize what's really going on here--namely, that Sang-soo isn't really attracted to her beyond the most low level, basic "I'm a heterosexual guy and you're an attractive woman who seems to like me" pull that can lead to one night stands but usually not much else.


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@laurensophie Sang Soo seems like a guy who feels deeply for one person. When he's in love, that's it, he can only give residual parts of himself to other relationships since that one romantic love consumes him. This is both good and bad since ideally it would make for stronger commitment within the relationship, but it makes it harder to see the big picture.

He's not doing Mi Kyung any favors by letting her have her way; this type of attitude could land him in the position of proposing just to meet her desires when it isn't remotely appealing to him. He's playing it safe, understandably because Soo Young told him she didn't care, but he cares and that should be enough to drop his relationship with Mi Kyung before more feelings get hurt.


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I keep thinking about consent. Mi Kyung never asks consent really from Sang Soo in doing anything, and declaring their relationship without asking is what bothers me the most. It really bothers me, and this is definitely the first time I’ve thought a woman in a k-drama should check a man for consent.


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@abalyn I think she doesn't ask because she knows the answer, no. No, I don't feel comfortable making this relationship public, no I don't want you sleeping over, and no I don't want to move as quickly as you do. This is heavily implied, but until Sang Soo advocates for himself, we'll be watching the Mi Kyung show. 🤪


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I actually think both the painting incident and the rug incident show something else. I think they show that how what is really valuable and precious to Soo Young is of very low worth for Mi Kyung- like a beautiful painting for Soo Young is worth hanging in the bathroom for Mi Kyung. Similarly a rug which requires effort for Soo Young is to be casually thrown as a doormat for Mi Kyung. I wonder if this is true of Sang Soo also- a very desirable man for Soo Young is somebody considered not very desirable by Mi Kyung's social standing. It just shows the gulf between them - social class wise I think. I think the show is doing a good job of depicting how class operates- even in relationships and how it affects internal power dynamics. Soo Young by being beautiful transcends her class in some ways (something an average or bad looking person from the same class never would) but then there are limitations to how far she can go- her social standing will invariably affect her flight.


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@hyun_beanie That's true and an excellent point! They have different value systems and the interesting thing is that Mi Kyung is seemingly striving to acquire that which Soo Young appreciates. For instance the painting and now Sang Soo, it's almost like she doesn't know what she wants so she snatches from those around her. It's weird, but having money doesn't mean she has taste or ambition, only that the money allows her to attain things others ordinarily struggle to get.


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True..and she does know how to pretend to be someone to get something she wants. That scene where she pretends to not know ice skating was an example...though most people act ditsy/cutesy in front of people they have a crush on. Who does'nt want some attention from their crush :P. I am still not sure about her motives actually. Is she just a nice'ish person who is doing what anyone would do to get attention from their crush or is she being particularly mean? Though the not seeking consent and pushing her way into Sang Soo's life is definitely a red flag.


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I did scream "you sick stalker" when mk showed up at his place. I'm so annoyed he condoned that crap. He shoulda made her sleep on the floor if she refused to leave. ....if not call the cops
Ugh so cringe *shudder*


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...of insecurity. She’s over-estimating the extent to which she can push Sang Soo into committing to their relationship, and for the most part he takes the path of least resistance. That is, until Soo Young appears. This man can’t think straight around her and his lingering feelings for her are the single variable that will mess up Mi Kyung’s carefully cultivated plan. This woman is playing the long game, I don’t know if “winning” Sang Soo is the only prize for her, but Mi Kyung is a woman on a mission. Sadly, I do believe that she’s trying her best to seem like a good person, but her pesky true nature keeps showing through. I can’t wait for things to inevitably come to a head.

Part of me thinks that the epilogue scene in episode 8 is of Sang Soo breaking up with Mi Kyung. He meets her at the hotel and tells her it’s over, and then maybe goes to see Soo Young? I don’t know, it could be him arriving at the hotel to find Mi Kyung cheating on him with his work bestie/her ex, we will have to see. As for Soo Young, I think Jong Hyun’s closer proximity is making her feel claustrophobic. She and Sang Soo both enjoy their quiet time and are deeply contemplative individuals. I don’t think having demanding partners will serve either of them well and their breaking points might soon be reached. I can’t wait for more!

🎀Stray Observations 🎀

🎀 The creepy boss is back and probably planning his REVENGE!!! Yikes, I am praying for you, Sang Soo!

🎀 There is another office romance brewing, possibly between Mr. Ma and Ms. Bae. I see you, show, this is an office of love. Lol I’m sorry. 🙈

🎀 Sang Soo is actually pretty awkward lol he didn’t know what to do with himself in that fish market. I hope he sees that he and Soo Young can be awkward together.

🎀 Jong Hyun is just not doing it for me, sorry but he seems like such a kid, I don’t know what to do.

🎀 [POSSIBLE SPOILER] next week, judging by Soo Young and Sang Soo’s all black attire.

Have a great day!


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The fish market scene was a nice one of just the two of them. Non-romantic. Just spending some time outside of work.
Heh, he had such a funny, contrasting look in his work shirt+tie and pink apron.


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Speaking of Jong Hyun "not doing it for you," how about the hair tie scene? A hair tie for her birthday present--really? It could have been a pretty barret--or even a single rose! He IS working so he has income. And, couldn't he have given her a birthday kiss?


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@qingdao Yes! He could have baked her a cake, taken her for a walk, or surprised her with flowers if he was truly broke, but he put in minimal effort. I don't know, it was cringe.


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This drama is weird because it wants to show longing and caring, but can't quite get there. Sang Su, just seems obsessed with Soo Young in a stalkery way. Let go man. He is very obviously only with Mi Gyeong because he thought he could get over Soo Young that way. It isn't working and that is obvious to Mi Gyeong who is pretending not know he still doesn't really want her. She bought that painting as a power move and it was very nice nasty. That said I think Soo Young likes Jong Hyun a lot, just not romantically. I think he reminds her of her brother. So she wants him to succeed and so is fighting to help him do so. That scene of them in the hotel isn't what we think it is, so I am not worried about that. I still hope Soo Young moves banks and ends up single in the end.


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It is the first romance drama that successfully made the audience discourage any romance😂😂😂


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Nicely said LOL


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I'm with you about SY liking JH a lot. It shows. She cares for him. Maybe she's not in love, but she loves him.


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I like so much Sooyeong and JongHyeon being together. It may not be the all butterflies and rollercoaster love, but Sooyeong is happy when they are together, you can see it. She is smiling and relaxed and he really cares for him. Whether it's because he reminds her of his brother's optimism or because she's falling for him, I don't really know but they were so good together, I just don't want the drama to go anywhere else.

Love can have so many forms, and I like how these two are bonding. When I was very young I received an advice: when you chose a life partner you need to chose someone who is similar to you, and whose goals in life are the same as yours. I'm not talking about social background or level of studies, but your life goal and the road you'll walk to get there. In that sense I honestly believe Jonghyeon and Sooyeong belong together.

I dislike MiKyeong as much as I like Sooyeong. I know MK is supposed to be nice and lovable and cute, but she's just rude and selfish to me. In fact she is the nice gal who thinks everything she does is nice and everyone should love her because she deserves it. She wants SangSoo no matter what and she's got him, and she doesn't want to read how reluctant he is around her. He even has told her that he's not a 100% into the relationship, but she doesn't care. She's that kind of person that would step on your foot and would ask politely if there is something wrong while smiling and you wouldn't be able to say: you are annoying me.

I wrote this on the previous recap, but I'm pretty convinced now that the person she had a crush in uni was GyeongPil. He's always cautious around her, and she keeps her distance with him. Something has obviously happened in the past between them.

A final comment on how much I hated the way all the bank staff congratulated SS and MK when they learned they were dating. They were all laughters and blessings. The parallel scene on episode 2 when SY and JH were questioned again and again if they were dating, while managers Lee and Ma were interrogating them and judging them and the rest of the staff didn't do anything to stop them, was heartbreaking, so I just can't see it's cute, because it underlines the terrible behavior people have depending on the status of the ones receiving the comments.


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100% agree about MK. I don't like her either. She is a nasty spoiled woman pretending to be nice.


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On point with the 'stepping on the foot & asking if something's wrong ' comment. This pretty much sums up her character.


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Do y'all think they really did the deed? All signs point to it. But part of me wishes they hadn't. Sure, it wasn't a drunk falling-into-bed. They were both sober and are adults. ...It's just their relationship is new and Sang Soo hasn't put in much effort. He's been coasting along this whole time while Mi Kyung was the more forward, brazen one. I thought she looked a little disappointed when she woke up, but maybe she had wanted to sleep in with him.


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I thought they clearly slept together. They were both wearing different clothes and when she got up she immediately went for the back hug, which I think was supposed to indicate that a certain barrier between them is gone now that they have been intimate. Kdramas are always a little vague when it comes to suggesting sex has happened, but for a kdrama, I thought it was clear that Mi-kyung and Sang-soo have, in fact, slept together and continue to do so. I don't get the impression, however, that Sang-soo is particularly into it.


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@loveblossom I agree that the cues make it seem that they slept together. They're wearing different clothes from the day before, Mi Kyung is in his sweatshirt sans pants and they woke up in the same bed. I was praying that she slept in a pull-out couch, but nope, it was the same mattress. Sleeping over didn't do what she thought it would, though, and if possible he looks more uncomfortable than before.

Maybe her brief disappointment was at not finding him asleep beside her, but she realized that he was cooking breakfast and went for the time-proven back-hug. This show is weird lol we get skinship with the side love interests before anything happens with the main leads. To some degree it confirms that those side relationships won't last, since we essentially get to see them play out now, but it takes time away from the OTP.


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Mi Kyung is using up her bag of tricks to try to close the deal, but as was seen at the wedding.........Sang Soo only has eyes for Soo Young. I can't wait to see how Soo Young takes Sang Soo away from Mi Kyung and how she will react to it.


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I really do love the tone and pace of this drama. It's the type of romantic slice-of-life melodrama that I deeply appreciate. Even when I'm not sure I truly like any of the characters, I still can't stop watching.

The one thing that's bothering me is that I don't see enough mutual longing between Sang-soo and Soo-young for the story to really get its hooks in me. From the start, it was clear that Sang-soo has very strong feelings for Soo-young. I wasn't sure if those feelings were infatuation, obsession, or love, but regardless, I could see that they were and are powerful and stubborn. Soo-young, in contrast, has never seemed that interested in or attracted to Sang-soo. In fact, there were many scenes where I thought her feelings fell somewhere between indifference and annoyance. In these past two episodes there were moments where she was softer with him, and I could see some affection, but I couldn't tell if that's originating from genuine interest and attachment or it's a major case of romantic FOMO (now that he's with someone else, she suddenly must have him). So I do wish the writing had done a better job of convincing me earlier that these two long for each other but couldn't quite make it happen. That trip to Jeju was likely supposed to do that, but rescuing a bird's nest together wasn't enough.

I do remember a promo for this drama before it aired that did show both Sang-soo and Soo-young in a hotel room, appearing to clearly be ready to sleep together. That may be what we're about to see, or it's a fake-out and those scenes come later or are just one character's fantasies.

As for Mi-kyung, I can't shake the feeling that she recognizes the connection and attraction between Sang-soo and Soo-young and almost everything she does, including that birthday party, is about trying to destroy those feelings before they can get in her way. I also believe she has genuine feelings for Sang-soo, but no real idea what it means to love something or be loved in return. She wants him, but that's not the same thing.

Finally, clearly she and that other co-worker who knew them in college dated before, or he knows something unflattering about her.


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@laurensophie THIS!! 👏👏


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I've been rewatching the first 8 episodes and picking up why Soo Young did what she did. She jumps to conclusions before finding out what really happened. At first you you get the impression like just like Sang Soo did and think she a self centered "bitch".....but then come to realize that she has been so conditioned to being rejected that this is the only mechanism she has to keep from getting hurt anymore.

The more she sees that her assumptions are wrong the more she will open up. She has distanced herself from her family, thinking that her father had an affair, but what the flashback showed , that was not the case. The father was lending a helping hand, but Soo Young only assumed the worst.

Ep 7 Soo Young gets out of the car due to the frustration of seeing Mi-Kyung toying with her by feeding chocolates to Sang Soo while he is driving and he was clearly uncomfortable seeing her reaction. Again jumping to conclusions and acting on impulse.

Ep 8 begins the sequence of when will enough be enough for Soo Young and she will start reclaiming what his hers.


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After watching the 8 episodes of this series, I'm left with impression that the two main leads are in the same realm of self discovery. Both have been trapped by a family crisis that have left each of them with scars that have become a chain around their neck holding themselves back from what is import to them.

The ML - Sang Soo's fathers death placed the burden of his family on his shoulders at a very early age. He no longer could allow himself the to be like other children......... carefree and irresponsible.....he couldn't become aburden to his mother, he needed to be responsible for his education and he wanted to be liked so that he could fit in. This self direction outlook makes him overthink every situation he's involved in. It also is the simple explanation as to why he hesitated the night he was late for his make or break date with Soo Young. This inability to explain himself and keep his deep felt emotions looked inside of him becomes his biggest detriment. He likes playing hockey because he lets himself go and simply reacts without thinking. Once he learns to place this kind of balance on himself his relationship issues will also improve.

The FL - Soo Young's brothers death caused her to isolate herself both from her family and her working peers. She formed a notion that she is an island on to herself , thinking that as long as she works hard and is competent at what she does she will be able to better herself. However, the " Class " based society that is Koreas will always look done on her because her lack of further education, her family background and because of her looks, she has become someone that can be used with further advancement. Her heart has been harden and as Sang Soo quickly learned she gives no second chances. Yet her loneliness and despair did make her compromise when she gave Jong Hyun a second chance after he broke up with her.

My thoughts as to why she did this not that she has fallen in love with him but rather this was a reaction because she lost all hope of ever being with Sang Soo, when she riding in the back seat while Mi Kyung was going on and on about her relationship with Sang Soo who was driving. She formulates assumptions in her head and acts accordingly as we saw over and over again in not letting Sang Soo ever explain himself.

The melting of the ice in Soo Young's heart began with the knowledge that Sang Soo put himself on the line to defend her and report the branch manager for his abusive behavior towards her. No one has ever done that for her, but has her actions forced him to look elsewhere now that he has committed to Mi Kyung.

The ending of episode 8 speaks volumes as to where this relationship is headed. At the wedding they let their eyes do the talking ......... their avoiding glances and their spoken thoughts showed that they are far from over.

What the preview to episode 9 showed that all of [POSSIBLE SPOILER]


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I don't know how you weren't sure if SS liked SY before this week! Like it was crystal clear 😂


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Well, I was hanging on by my fingertips but this week put me firmly back on solid ground. I find the relationship between SY and MK unbearably cringingly awful - honest, surely MK can see that all the affection is generated on her side. I like JH much better too, and as a couple, these two are undoubtedly better suited, except that her heart belongs to somebody else. I can't wait for next week, although I think the wall behind the open door to the hotel room was a different colour from the wall opposite the door where SY has rung the bell. I hope I'm wrong. I'm completely invested in the storyline and the writing is so good except .................are all Korean fathers of pretty daughters either dotingly ridiculous or absolute monsters who want to peddle her off to the richest man around?


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