Love All Play: Episodes 7-8

Our lovebirds do their best and train their hardest, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t challenges around every corner. When one person learns about the past accident and the connection they share, the other is blissfully ignorant — until it all threatens to start crashing down.


Thankfully, we open with cuteness, and we’ll need it to sustain us as we hit (or start to hit) the rocky parts of our story. But first, Tae-yang makes Tae-joon some porridge, and he gobbles it up as the rest of the team arrives and spoils their private moment. And by that I mean he scarfs it down like a wildebeest, and then literally dives out of her window to escape the team’s notice. Ah, I love these two.

Now that everyone is recovered from their food poisoning, the coach has no mercy as they do endless rounds against the national team, and everyone is desperate to be selected to start in the next tournament. Both our Park twins play like beasts, but Coach Lee has Tae-yang sit it out for the tournament, while Tae-joon is selected.

Tae-yang takes it like a champ, but she’s feeling down, and takes Tae-joon to the little seaside sashimi joint where she worked while flying under the radar for the last three years. Her old boss is a delight (cameo by Jin Sun-kyu) and it’s some nice bonding time for our couple.

Tae-yang reminisces on her self-exile and all the pain involved with it, and tells Tae-joon the whole story. She doesn’t have to name names for him to be able to piece together not only that she’s talking about his older sister Joon-young, but for him to get the true story that he’d never heard before. Here he proves his worth, and comforts Tae-yang without any blame or accusation. But it does change things for Tae-joon in a way, and we see the fruit of that in the following episode.

It’s not as if the truth of Tae-yang and Joon-young’s involvement directly changed his feelings, but there’s something that shifts in his demeanor. We see fewer melty smiles (cruel drama gods!), and see an angrier more standoffish Tae-joon, and I don’t really love it.

Most of his ire is towards Jung-hwan, and they butt heads at every turn, now even more loaded because Tae-joon realizes the source of Jung-hwan’s anger and hatred towards Tae-yang. He even purposefully provokes Jung-hwan, chewing him out that what happened was between the two girls and is none of his business.

Their anger comes out, additionally, on the court, when the two are paired in the next tournament. To Tae-joon’s absolute disgust, Coach Lee tells him that he’s only there to support Jung-hwan and to let him lead. Obviously, he’s got too much skin in the game at this point to let that happen, and the two are at each other’s throats. (Sigh, I miss the sportsmanship and teamwork of the Park twins playing doubles.)

We don’t exactly see inside Tae-joon’s heart, but we can feel his frustration and upsetness clear as day. He tells Tae-yang how much he doesn’t want to see her struggle and punish herself over the past, and yet no matter what they do, it keeps circling back. If it’s not via Jung-hwan, it’s when Tae-joon realizes that Tae-yang has been delivering food baskets to his parents dutifully every month. And if it’s not that, then it’s the moment we’ve all been anticipating: the (dreaded) return of Joon-young.

Sure enough, her return acts as our cliffhanger, and the drama knows just how to cut through a light and happy moment and leave it lifeless on the floor. Tae-joon has just worked through his emotions, on and off the court, and won a big game with Jung-hwan as an actual teammate. He seems his light-hearted self again, and sets up a tryst with Tae-yang. They’re both bounding through the event hall to meet each other and celebrate the win when a third party appears between them – literally and figuratively: Park Joon-young, with tears in her eyes and a long stare for Tae-yang, also tearing up.

I fully except all the angst to hit next week, and for two reasons. We’ve seen that Tae-joon isn’t shaken by the connection and at the end of the episode he says that he’s not giving up on his dreams or Tae-yang – so it’s not him I’m worried about. It’s Tae-yang. She’s already proven her tendency towards martyrdom, and I can just see her flying towards round two when she feels like she’s wronged that family in even more ways.

The second reason I’m nervous is the fact that Park Ji-hyun has not yet played an actually nice character. At all. So while her filmography shouldn’t be making me expect the worst, it kind of is. I’m dreading the pain while simultaneously hoping that the drama keeps sprinkling its cute fairy dust around instead.

Because the Park twins aren’t the only couple that’s about to get shaken up — Yoo-min has just barely managed to secure Jung-hwan’s attention. Her squees — and his changing heart — are also in for rude awakening when Joon-young makes a wider entrance back in the story. And that’s one too many broken hearts for the likes of me.


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I have to agree with your observation that Park Ji-hyun has never played a nice character, lol. Initially, I thought this would be the first time we'd see her show a different side but alas, it looks like we're in for coldness, subtle (or not so subtle) manipulation, and guilt-tripping. She does all these things very well, btw, but I'm not particularly anxious to see it all unfold.

At the same time, one reason I really love this drama is that it's so straightforward and wears its heart on its sleeve as much as the characters do. The story that's unfolding is exactly the one I hoped to get--a straight up sports romance that focuses on relationships. The characters have depth, but things aren't ever overly complicated and although the central secret and subsequent misunderstandings are sometimes hard to take at face value (certainly the sibling connection would not be unknown by so many and I don't buy that Park Ji-hyun would have been out of contact for three freakin' years), the show is so earnest that I've been happily willing to let that skepticism go.

Heartbreak is sure to come, and I'm also worried about Tae-yang deciding it's only fair that she cut herself off from happiness yet again. To that end, I understand exactly why Tae-joon didn't immediately tell her he's Park Ji-hyun's brother; he knows exactly what she's likely to do. I can only hope the writers handle the dark turns as well as they've handled everything else so far.


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I hope -- but don't really expect -- the drama will show Joon-young grow past her immature "hate" for Tae-yang. She was a champion athlete and role model, but apparently has spent the past 3 years stewing in self-pity and scapegoating Tae-yang for her injury. I hope Tae-joon and Yoo-min are able to point out what a pathetic waste this is, and how she doesn't deserve to command anyone's attention after disappearing for so long. Joon-young needs to grow up and move on, and so does everyone else. I want to see our Park twins dating and winning games, Jung-whan dating Yoo-min, and Joon-young making a new life for herself while supporting her brother's career. Please, Show!


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I'm SO with you missvictrix on your two reasons. I do hope that Tae-joon's actions will influence Tae-yang's decision and not run away once she knows. As for the actress, Park Ji-hyun, I'm expecting she's going to be like all her other characters. Or maybe she'll prove us wrong this time? But her character is the perfect device to break two couples at this time of the show. Anyways, Yoo-min's charms are overflowing that I'm becoming Jung-hwan, you cannot simply ignore her.


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I really like Yoo-min and think she's great for Jung-hwan. But I also understand why it's hard for him to move on. He never got closure, and he really did love Park Ji-hyun. My hope is that Yoo-min can retain her dignity and go on with her life with or without him. But I do think they'll end up together.


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Since Tae-yang has a strong tendency to be a martyr, I'm afraid that she will run away again and thus present Tae-joon with a fait accompli.

I like Tae-joon more and more. Even when he learns the full truth, he never doubts his relationship with Tae-yang. Unfortunately, it will come back to haunt him that he kept his kinship relationship a secret. Whereas it's pretty certain that Tae-yang wouldn't have entered into a relationship with him in the first place if she had known about his sister. So it almost doesn't matter what he does, it will come back to bite him in the butt.


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I am a fan of Tae-jun with his sweet smile, playful self and swoony lines but he annoyed me soo much for most of episode 8. I was literally begging for him to come clean and tell her the truth rather than all that misplaced anger he was directing at Jung-hwan. Now it's almost certain that Tae-yang will find the truth from someone else's mouth and yeah, given her tendency for martyrdom she's likely to just run off (please show, prove us wrong).
Jun-young is going to be such a pain in the ass from the preview of next week's episodes!
It would have been a good change to see Park Ji-Hyun play a nice character for once but no need to get our hopes up


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Yho! Tae-jun mom is awful!

At this moment, there is no winning for Tae-jun, so I kind of understand him basking in the happiness because he suspects that Tae-yang will run away when she finds out. Sigh... He missed so many opportunities to come clean


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Tbh I don't think it would make a difference even if he told her himself. She can't reason when it comes to JY...she'll keep running away until JY forgives her.


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I could write an essay about everything I felt thanks to this week’s eps but what really shone for me was the dynamic between our Park Couple and just how palpable the depth of their connection was, without the need for grandeur or poetry to sell their love. They way they were able to be vulnerable with each other , said or unsaid, and not push each other away when things hit a low spoke volumes. TJ despite going through the thick of it in ep. 8 didn’t pull away from TY and TY didn’t push him or get frustrated she wasn’t able to solve all his problems, and similarly, TY didn’t push TJ away after not getting selected and he didn’t push her to cheer up either.

Of course it’s not ideal that TJ didn’t reveal his connection to JY but he had a lot to wrestle through, and it’s hard to berate him for it when he’s very clearly suffering over it. Every time he looked at TY with his whole heart and tears in his eyes, knowing things might come crashing soon as he listened to TY go on about how much he means to her , that had me tearing up like crazy too. CJH just moved me with his performance this week honestly, he’s been adorable always but the way he embodied TJ’s angst, without overselling it and instead just slightly shifting the tone in what he did and said - that really authentically gave us an insight into how TJ was feeling, despite him trying to put on a pretence that he was fine. I realised it the most at the end, when he’s running to TY beaming, you could just tell that he really has come to a resolution in his mind and that the spark is coming back, as evidenced by the return of his killer smile and twinkly eyes. And it would be remiss if I didn’t mention how much I also love PJH’s manoeuvring of the subtle shift in mood and attitude too. Although never explicitly said, you can tell just by watching TY, the way she moves & the expressions on her face etc, that she feels like a weight has been lifted off her chest after finally telling someone what really happened with the accident and - perhaps most importantly - not have them react by pushing her away for it or add to her guilt.

I won’t lie, I was already tearing up with the end of episode 7 when he said ‘can we just stay like this for a bit’ all teary-eyed, and I straight up started crying at the end of ep 8 when both of them went from being the happiest kids on earth running to each other with love in their eyes, to suddenly looking like their world had turned upside down. I honestly expected the sister issue to put a spanner in the works way earlier when they were just about to get together OR that TJ would withdraw once he found out, but the fact that he didn’t and the fact that they’ve had time to be together proves that they do have each others backs, and that makes me hopeful that they’ll get through whatever next week throws at them, together.


On a small aside - it was nice to see the push & pull of Yumin and Junghwan’s slow build relationship this...


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dreaded word limit, lol i ended up writing an essay anyways but to finish off -

"On a small aside - it was nice to see the push & pull of Yumin and Junghwan’s slow build relationship this week , and I’m honestly glad that the JY issue has finally come out on centre stage now because it’s impossible for them to grow or actually try being together when they’ve got the memory of his first love living rent free in both of their heads. And also, Jiho & Sungsil - y’all are so adorable, never change please!"


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You have put all my thoughts into words perfectly😆.

CJH has been truly amazing, I was hoping he would ace his first lead role and he's doing just that.


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heheh 🥰, I was a mess after this week and needed an outlet to vent all my emotions!!

And yes likewise, I'm so glad he's chosen a good project for his first leading role & is smashing it out of the park - only more good things from here I hope!!


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Quote “ smashing it out of the park” - I love how you manage to squeeze in two puns in that sentence!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I’m still expecting the angst to be light and the healing to be complete. I just love the chemistry between the Park twins and Jung-hwan. When he fell on the street and they just left him. 😆 He’s deserves all the flack he gets. But he’s such a softie around Yu-min, just adorable. I think he’s going to have a harder time with Joon-young coming back than anyone else.


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I love it when JH gets taken down a peg! The way he fell was too funny. Never seen this actor before but he's doing great at bringing the nuance and comedy that stop me from completely hating JH (taking TJ's racket was seriously low).


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This drama has 493% of my heart. I’m watching too many currently aired dramas but this is the only one I look forward to the most every week and every week, it never fails to make me cry. There is something about their earnest-ness (is this even a word?) in overcoming those little pieces of their hidden broken selves that gets me. Maybe it’s also because being a mom of a sports person, TJ and TY have a special place in my heart - I cheer for them when they do well, cry when they don’t, and hurt for them when they struggle, just like they are my own children. And how can I not root for them when they are better than the sum of their parts - the way they encourage, trust and stood by each other - such relationship goals. I just hope TY will fight for her happiness to keep her precious TJ by her side after the truth is out - enough of her martyrdom already.

The next few episodes will be rough. I’m just glad that I have the image of TJ dancing so adorably (but also kind of weird 🤣) by the window to sustain me through the angst. I might also make my kids perform that same dance every time I cook a good meal for them haha


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Yes, earnestness is a word and I agree. They are so adorable and TJ uses that face of his to maximum effect. CHARM is the name of the game for that one.


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Haha thanks for clarifying - it’s good to know I’m not making up words. This is the first time I have seen Chae Jong Hyeop in action (ok that’s not true coz apparently he was in Hot Stove League, another one of my fav drama but Namgoon Min was too good for me to remember one of the many minor sports characters in it) and boy, can he act or what? Agree about his face, especially his eyes - all crinkly when he smiles or laughs or being super cheeky, or how soft his eyes were gazing at Tae Yang, or how hurt they looked when dealing with his inconsiderate parents. I’m totally charmed by the boy and I want one for my daughter haha


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I love this drama too, it is my much needed replacement for the young love vibe of Twenty five, twenty one.

The martyrdom trope is beyond ridiculous in every drama I see it in as it usually so easy to solve the problem through conversation to problem solve together yet someone decides to take it upon themselves to take one for for the team and break up resulting in so much time and energy being wasted and unnecessary pain inflicted on both parties. I think Uncontrollably fond was the worst one for this because time was always going to be an issue.

I am loving the idea of getting the kids doing the random happy dance to celebrate epic meal times!


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The last time a drama gets to me is also 25 21! And surprise surprise the part that I love the most about the drama revolve around her quest and struggle in fencing!

Uncontrollably Fond level of angst, martyrdom and stupidity is beyond me - I had to give up before I hurt someone or something.

I let you know if my plan in making my kids dance a random happy dance succeed but I won’t hold my breath, them being teenagers and all haha…


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Talking of dancing…the best display of awkwardness in a Kdramas romance comedy transition from cute getting to know you to the full on bed scene has to be the Love with flaws scene when they were dancing to the worst music ever ‘to get in the mood!’
I was laughing so much but then was so relieved they did that otherwise they would have been caught in the act and that would have been too awful.


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Uncontrollably fond still haunts me because of his mum’s behaviour. I was so upset that she insisted on staying away from him even when she knew he was dying. I am a psychotherapist and could not make sense of it even allowing for it being exaggerated because it is a drama it didn’t make sense. I had to ask another psychotherapist (Noona’s Noonchi) who uses Kdramas as part of her therapy work if she would do a deep dive on that relationship. She hasn’t made a post on it yet but I need something to get some closure on that. I don’t know if you follow her but she did an interesting discussion with Deemalovesdrama on the 25 21 ending on her YouTube channel.

I read somewhere there are very few proper Korean melodramas where there is no relief from the pain and distress and those that are out there seem to be the older ones. The reaction after 25 21 ended shows people won’t stand for it any more and it takes a brave writer to stick to their guns and accept the full scale cussing! I think the new saying should be hell have no fury like a ‘disappointed with the ending’ K dramas fan🤣


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Thank my lucky stars I dropped Uncontrollably Fond before that - how ridiculous is that about the mom?

I have heard of Noona’s Noonchi but didn’t know she did an analysis on 25 21 ending - will look for it when I stop obsessing about Love All Play and overcome the blah(ness) of 25 21 ending for me.


@reply1988: I don’t know exactly why it has made me so glad to know that you are a psychotherapist.


@reply1988: UF is flawed in so many ways but I still love it. It has a grip on me and it hurts my heart to watch it. Woobie has an incredible range and it was in full display.


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How gutted must he have been after playing that role to find he had cancer himself 😱 so glad they caught it and he is fully recovered.


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WHYYYYYY??? why couldn't she arrive after they had congratulated each other in person. SIGH, she os going to cause so much angst, ughfgweruwnren.


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Because the drama god decided that we don’t deserve that little bit of happiness before the upcoming shitstorm of angst, that’s why 😩😩😩


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Even the secondary OTP is adorable. Eh
More cheesy and cringey flirting please....


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I don't really love standoffish TJ either but he's only human after all and his life is so complicated rn, I think we can cut him some slack. My guy was really going through it this week! CJH really owned ep 8 with the subtle changes in his demeanour, besides the obvious absence of the usual megawatt smile (what a relief when it returned...even if JY's return soon changed that). You could see how conflicted he was about TY, JH, his parents...as someone commented elsewhere, no matter what he does it's always about Joonyoung. It must be so frustrating for him that his closest people are all stuck in the past and in the case of his mum, actually can't see how that's hurting him even when he vocalises it. Despite JY's unwelcome return I think everything is coming together. I can't wait for her arc to be put to rest and see the park twins achieve success on the court. Plus TJ-JH partnership is gonna be epic!


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I want my smiling brightly TJ back!

If I understand why it was complicated for him during episode 8, he acted like a kid. I like their couple because they spoke, but it's always TY who told him her problems. Because of his sister, he hide it. When the coach told him he needed to support JH, it wasn't an insult but an opportunity. JH is the most skilled for now and he can learn from him. But he acted like a kidm like he did with JH's partner too by not shaking hand with him. The fact JH didn't have closure in his relationship made him unfair with TY. But on a court, he's always professional and very nice with his partner. He was angry that Hyuk-Bong wasn't selected because of him being hurt.

TJ really needs to tell his parents and TY how he feels because of his sister. He will have to tell Joon-Young too and not let her taking what he gained (his team, his girlfriend, his pleasure to play) back.

JH and YM are cute together. I like how he forgets she's his coach's daughter :p


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He learns from Taejoon to say "coach-nim, why your daughter is so pretty?" 😃


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I’m glad you brought up the part about him not shaking hands with JH’s partner - that is so unsportsmanlike of him - it always bugs me when I watch kdrama and people just ignore a proffered hand - perhaps it’s a cultural thing in Korea not to shake hands but from where I come from, that is such a rude behaviour - even if I don’t like the person, I will still shake the person’s hand. Of course this is prior to Covid.


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Clearly, there are some jerks in the national team, but Hyuk-Bong is not like them. He didn't want to hurt him, it was an accident and he apologized. So TJ had no reason to behave like he did.


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I think all the "professional" badminton players in this drama is so unprofessional. But I want to let it go for the drama sake


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Really applaud the writing, it isn't often I find the couple remains just as interesting when they've gotten together as they were before they got together.

Kinda wanted Joon-young's return be somewhat different. Maybe that was hopes Joon-young continued to like Tae-yang despite the injury... perhaps the show will surprise everyone (but I doubt it). Find it hard to solely blame Tae-yang when everyone made choices and it was an accident.


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After reading all the raving posts by beanies in fan-wall, I started this drama last Saturday and caught up with all the episodes. The lead couple's chemistry is surely the selling point of the drama, but I have grown to like all the other characters, except for the blond girl and Dong Wan who haven't yet shown any pleasant attitude or impressive backstory.

I'm growing fond of Junghwan and hope he starts to get his attitude in check, especially his treatment of Tae Young. Rooting for his romance with Yoo Min and bromance with Tae Jun! Too bad the drama isn't getting more ratings or much online trend because the actors are really emoting well. I love all the flirty lines in this drama. Give us more!


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I know Jung-hwan is a jerk and a bully, but I kind of love him. Show has pretty much redeemed the bullies, and he has the potential to be cute as we’ve seen with Yoo-min and in flashbacks with Joon-young and Tae-yang. That's why I love his rivalry turned teamwork turned bromance with Tae-joon.

When Tae-joon confronted Jung-hwan about Joon-young, was it too far-fetched for Tae-yang and Jung-hwan to think that he knew her? I had faith in if he found out Joon-young was Tae-yang's unni, he would've told her the truth, so it was disappointing when he hid it from her. I had hoped Jung-hwan would be the first to find out, but I think Coaches Lee or Joo will let it slip.

I feel sorry for Yoo-min that her relationship is over before it even started, but her threatening Jung-hwan with a breakup every time was a turnoff. I can't believe that she threw herself at him and it worked, but his holding her hand in the car and telling Tae-joon, "I have to win today" were heart-fluttering.


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So late joining the discussion but I did miss Taejun's megawatt smile too! It's kinda unsettling watching most of Episode 8 seeing him struggle with his own feelings, and with him not looking like himself with such twinkling eyes, and sunny dispostion feels depressing. Though I would put my hats off to CHJ who breathe life to Taejun's character perfectly. I couldn't see any other actor playing Taejun, as he was able to perfectly execute who Taejun is on his highs and lows. There were so many feels on episodes 7-8, and while we all don't wanna be stressed out I feel that it's the perfect timing for the conflict to actually arrive. I would've hated it if we reached past episode 10 before Jun-young actually showed up, and wreak havoc on Taejun, Taeyang, and Jung-hwan's life. I do want to address how somehow Taejun looks childish on his struggles both professional and personal. Ideally when an adult struggles by default you want to actually deal with it with as much emotional restraint as possible, and not let it get in the way. However, Taejun has always been struggling on his own since he was young, and I figure that's the reason why he also has a bad temper. Before Taeyang, he had no one who actually has faith in him, and greatly appreciates his talent and what he can be if he only have the confidence and motivation to strive for his dreams. In episode 8 we see here how lonely he was, and that the only person whom he can lean on is the same one he loves and wants to protect the most. On top of that finding out the truth about his sister's injury made him more conflicted than ever. To make matters worst, he was forced to be paired with Jung-hwan which he later found out was his sister's ex. He was all over the place, and to be continously looked down on made it more difficult and that made him lose his cool. I know that the Coach has good intentions, and he just wants to see Taejun to try harder. He clearly sees his potential, but I want to double down on his choice of words. Whether in real life or KDramaland it's not hard to get "triggered" when you're treated merely as a "support" rather than an equal athlete to Jung-hwan. To add salt to the wound, Jung-hwan's words were really insensitive and obnoxious, and he was clearly looking down on Taejun. It really is about time he confronts his own struggles since he held back for so long. About coming clean to Taeyang, I guess I did understand his reasons for not telling her the truth about his connection to Junyoung. Imagine the feeling of emptiness and loneliness before he had Taeyang, and how he just lived his life treating badminton as a job. And how he was just resigned to just being mediocre because he can't ever compete be his parents' "goldden child", his sister, and just gives even without receiving anything from them.Trying to make his mom happy at the expense of his own pain and misery. And he knows too well that she will run away from him, and everything once she...


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And he knows too well that she will run away from him, and everything once she finds out the truth. Like what we all know everything revolves around Junyoung. Taeyang has spent the past 3 years blaming, and resenting herself for causing Junyoung's injury. Once the truth is out she will be filled with so much guilt, and she will think that she doesn't deserve to be happy, and eventually she will also think she doesn't deserve to be with Taejun at all. I can see pain looming over the next episodes and a lot of heartbreak. I also feel sorry for Yumin, she will definitely get her heart broken once Junyoung appears in front of Jung-hwan. I do hope that Jung-hwan actually grows up and stops acting like a jerk. I smile at his little moments of kindness, but I guess I want to see him fully open up himself. I want him to actually initiate his true self without Yumin trying to control him just because she has him wrapped around her fingers. I want him to show that he can be kind to everyone even to Taejun. On a side note, I equally love Jiho and Sungsil, and Youngshim and Seung-woo such a great depiction of different love arcs. So we all wait til Wednesday to find out what's next for our Park Twins, though I'm positive that we will get the happy ending they both deserve.


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