I’m Not a Robot: Episodes 5-6
by TeriYaki
Jia causes one crisis after another as the robot stand-in, but Min-kyu is so taken by the novelty of a companion that he bears with the mounting inconveniences. He seems convinced that if he can train Aji-3 properly, she could become a source of much happiness. And since more happiness equals more smiles, that’s a good thing.
EPISODE 5: “I am glad you are a robot”
Min-kyu declares that he’ll create a room of his own inside Aji-3 where no one else is allowed. Pointing to her head, he explains that he will train her himself and that she’s to follow no one but him.
Jia’s training begins with an introduction to the household’s hierarchy, led by the items that Min-kyu calls “pretty.” They include his backscratcher, an older robot vacuum, and the newer one that just had a birthday party.
From the lab, Aji-3 responds, “I will become Pretty too,” but Jia ignores her to clarify that she’s at the same level as household items. Min-kyu laughs that they’re her seniors and describes how points are earned by making him happy. He explains that when an item reaches the top level, he celebrates its birthday (purchase date), while Jia thinks he’s crazy.
Watching from the scientists’ house, Baek-gyun laughs at Min-kyu until his stomach gurgles. He heads to the bathroom, but there’s already a line, and he’s alarmed to hear the curry is the culprit because Jia ate some too.
Sure enough, the same pain strikes Jia while Min-kyu explains which areas must never to be touched: the house of cards, his cabinet, and the action figure that Jia purchased. Min-kyu is about to go over the house’s layout when Jia doubles over.
When Ssan-ip emerges from the bathroom, Baek-gyun wants him to tell Jia “to hold it no matter what,” but he can’t deliver the message because he has to use the bathroom again.
Jia wiggles in desperation, relieved when she sees the bathroom. Min-kyu notices her fidgeting so she distracts him with a question about a set of closed doors and is solemnly told, “It’s a room only I can enter.”
Min-kyu pauses in front of his family portrait and instructs Jia to input his parents into her memory. Jia recognizes the necklace around his mother’s neck, which he explains was stolen. Jia nods uncomfortably as Min-kyu tells her to remember, “If anyone deceives me, I will make sure they pay the price.”
With the Santa Maria team in gastrointestinal hell, Jia is left to manage on her own. She can’t help but wince in pain when Min-kyu confesses that he’s grateful that she’s a robot because she can never deceive him.
Min-kyu instructs Jia to input a childhood photo of him and a girl, and Aji-3 asks what to name the folder that will store the information. Min-kyu looks nostalgic as he recalls his first love but is interrupted by the unmistakable sound of a fart. Jia mutters, “Damn it,” which is what Aji-3 names the picture folder.
Min-kyu whips around with his baton and asks what that was, so Jia innocently tells him, “Master, you farted.” Based on the smell, Jia suggests that Min-kyu might want to change his underwear and when it reaches him, he runs off. She’s darts to the bathroom, so when Min-kyu returns, he’s puzzled at her disappearance.
Baek-gyun crawls back to command central to warn, “Jo Jia, hold it in, even if it kills you.” In the bathroom, Jia clutches toilet paper in relief, while outside, Min-kyu is spooked to hear the toilet flush.
Min-kyu throws open the bathroom door and finds Jia cleaning the toilet with a bottle of perfume. A short rewind shows that once Jia finished, she panicked over the smell and grabbed a bar of soap before she tossed it away for the perfume. Jia confirms that she flushed the toilet even though Min-kyu never asked her to clean the bathroom.
When Min-kyu wonders if it’s all right for her to get her hands wet, Baek-gyun says into the comm line that Aji-3 can even wash dishes. Jia relays the information, but is stunned when Min-kyu accuses her of lying. He snatches the perfume and shows her the French label, worried that her language sensor is broken if she mistook perfume for soap.
Thinking fast, Jia says perfume can be used for soap, and Min-kyu balks at her using an absurdly expensive perfume as cleaning material. Then Min-kyu notices sweat running down Jia’s face, and she freezes nervously as he moves closer to inspect it… and slips on the bar of soap, sending both him and the perfume bottle into the air.
Min-kyu smiles when Jia reaches out with outstretched hand, reaching up to grasp it… only to have her save the perfume bottle instead. Min-kyu falls with a thud and when Jia lands on top of him heavily. They stare at each other briefly until he yells at her to get off.
Min-kyu screams in anguish under the weight of her titanium corset, while Baek-gyun smiles to himself, muttering that he deserves it, ha. The scientists are pleased that after this latest encounter, Min-kyu will never doubt that Jia is a robot.
An irate Min-kyu tries to soothe his aching body in a massage chair until Jia offers to massage his shoulders. Jia praises her usefulness but can’t overcome Min-kyu’s annoyance that she saved the perfume instead of him. She points out that he was very concerned about that expensive perfume, and he tries to explain how his safety trumps an object’s.
Min-kyu tells her that because Aji-3 is made of metal, she hurt him when she fell on top of him, and thus she should have calculated how to fall without hitting him. Aji-3 cites physics to help Jia explain why he should have avoided her first, but he’s more concerned about her disregard for his safety.
Min-kyu shows Jia a video of a dog rescuing a human (wearing a dog mask) and explains that she should be loyal like that dog. Jia argues that the human probably showed the dog love and agrees to be loyal as long as Min-kyu shows her half the love that the dog received.
He finds it interesting that she recognized the person as human despite wearing a dog mask. Getting an idea, he runs off and then calls for Aji-3 to save him while he lies on the floor with a cat mask, meowing. Jia rolls her eyes when Min-kyu sits up with the mask and asks, “What am I?”
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Cat or human?
Min-kyu is upset that she recognized the human in the video but doesn’t make the same connection with him. Jia suddenly exclaims, “Oh, it’s my master,” and when Min-kyu raises the cat mask, “Oh, it’s a cat.” She struggles to keep up as Min-kyu raises and lowers the mask, and when he laughs, she’s awarded twenty points.
Min-kyu shares that he hopes that Jia will recognize him no matter what he looks like. He pats her head and tells her that he would adore her very much if she could do that, words that make her heart skip even though she feels like a dog.
Min-kyu adds that if he ever changes so much that he’s unrecognizable, she should go into the off-limits room to get a syringe and follow the emergency manual to give him a shot. He promises five hundred points and an automatic promotion to “Pretty” status if that ever happens.
The Santa Maria team is finally back at their posts after their digestive nightmare, and already Ssan-ip is hungry again when he sees the inside of Min-kyu’s refrigerator. Expecting a fresh shipment of beef, Min-kyu tosses out the beef in his refrigerator while Jia and the team bemoan the waste.
Butler Sung uses an X-ray machine to inspect packages, only to have the scanner break. On top of a nearby pile sits the package from Jia with Min-kyu’s necklace.
Jia watches in awe as Min-kyu expertly prepares himself a meal. Min-kyu asks what she thinks of her master and Jia blurts out, “You look delicious,” but quickly corrects it to “cool.” Min-kyu tells her, “Input me as unbelievably, outrageously cool.”
Jia and the team watch longingly as Min-kyu enjoys his food and Baek-gyun mentions how much Jia loves food. Jia barely contains her drooling, and to rub salt in the wound, Min-kyu sighs that it’s too bad Aji-3 is a robot who can’t share his food with him. Deciding to hurry up the mission to put an end to her pain, Jia calls for classical music and video of a beach to suit the meal, then quietly Aji-3 to pull up the ad for KM Financial’s business competition.
When Min-kyu notices the ad, Jia insists that he’s unbelievably, outrageously cool for organizing the contest. She urges him to see it through for the good of the company, but Min-kyu dismisses it as a trivial event. Jia quietly fumes that she bet her life on that trivial event, offended when he refers to the participants as con artists.
Frustrated, she asks, “ As someone who doesn’t do such trivial things, what kind of person are you?” Min-kyu explains that he’s ridiculously wealthy, but Jia points out that’s not who he is, so he tells her that he’s the boss of KM Financial. When his response doesn’t satisfy her, Min-kyu struggles for another answer until his notices the robot vacuum and scolds Jia for chatting while her sunbae cleans. When she leaves to clean, Min-kyu is clearly bothered by her question.
Jia vacuums angrily near the house of cards while muttering to herself about just what kind of man Min-kyu is. When she gestures with the vacuum, it knocks into the massive house of cards, sending it collapsing in one fell swoop.
Min-kyu screams as cards flutter to the ground, and the scientists gape in horror. Baek-gyun prompts Jia to report that her batteries are low, so she goes into “standby mode” and closes her eyes, leaving Min-kyu to fume alone.
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RIP, house of cards
Min-kyu meets with Baek-gyun to discuss Aji-3’s mishaps, saying that while she technically does what he asks, she does what she wants in the end. Baek-gyun understands the feeling, and they simultaneously agree that when it comes to disasters, “She’s the absolute best.”
As Jia and the team prepare to eat cup ramyun, she thinks of the beef that Min-kyu threw away and has an idea.
Baek-gyun can’t hide his surprise when he sees Jia and Ssan-ip sneak into Min-kyu’s house, and does his best to hold Min-kyu’s interest to keep him from noticing. Jia fills a cooler with the meat, while Min-kyu confesses to Baek-gyun that he doesn’t feel a connection with Aji-3.
When Jia and Ssan-ip emerge and launch into a victory dance, Baek-gyun keeps Min-kyu’s attention by suggesting that what he wants is a relationship. Baek-gyun encourages Min-kyu to input his emotions along with the information that he gives to Aji-3.
While the team enjoys the meat for dinner, Jia asks who came up with Aji-3’s cheap pink uniform. Baek-gyun can’t believe that she doesn’t remember, and a flashback shows that it was what Jia wore the first time that he saw her.
They’d been at a busy restaurant and Baek-gyun was struck by how much Jia enjoyed her food. He’d sent more meat to her table and watched from a distance as she ate it.
Disappointed, Baek-gyun encourages Jia to eat but scolds her when she stuffs her mouth. Ssan-ip and Hok-tal guess that the bickering pair are getting back together, but Jia calls the thought awful and suggests it would be better if they could erase each other from their memories. Baek-gyun asks why, seeming hurt at her reaction, and she replies that they represent dark times for each other. I’m thinking he doesn’t agree.
Recalling Baek-gyun’s suggestion to input his emotions into Aji-3, Min-kyu looks up “relationship,” and reads, “A relationship is planting roots in someone’s heart.” Min-kyu wonders exactly how that works with a robot.
EPISODE 6: “You brought back the sunlight”
Min-kyu wakes with a smile and summons Aji-3 with an app on her phone. When she arrives, Min-kyu asks for the weather report and learns that the forecast is sunny. Noting the sun streaming through the window, he asks what used to be there. Jia recalls that the house of cards was there until he cleared it away, but Min-kyu reminds her that was because she caused a mess.
When Jia offers to build another one, Min-kyu explains that it took him fifteen years (!!) to build that one. In flashback, we see Min-kyu building the house of cards over the years, and he explains that he started it with his father, which is why he was angry when it fell.
Still, he concedes that the sun now shines through that window and his home doesn’t seem so dark. Min-kyu asks her to input his face and emotions because he’s very pleased that she brought the sunlight back to his life. Jia wishes to herself that he’d stick to being a psycho jerk, because she can’t get used to this other side of him.
Min-kyu motions Jia to come closer, then hits her on the forehead and tells her she ought to be careful when cleaning. He starts to bark that these things are more expensive than she is, only to realize that Aji-3 is actually the most pricey.
A car pulls up to the gate, and when Min-kyu sees that it’s Yoo-chul, he orders Jia to hide, and the same for the Santa Maria team.
Yoo-chul reminisces on how often he came to play when they were children, but Min-kyu urges him to get to the point. As CEO, Yoo-chul wants to know why the deal was canceled. Min-kyu reminds Yoo-chul that acquisitions should be sold at a discount, but Daeyang Shipbuilding was to be sold for way more than its value.
Yoo-chul points out that the buyer offered double the sales price. Min-kyu notes that the more Yoo-chul speaks, the less he deserves to be CEO. Yoo-chul warns that his patience has limits, and Min-kyu retorts that he never told Yoo-chul to hold himself back.
Jia peeks out a window just as Yoo-chul looks up at the house on his way out. Min-kyu returns indoors and shows Jia photos of Chairman Hwang and Yoo-chul, calling them his archenemies. He warns Jia to hide if she ever crosses their paths because if they’re aware that she’s a robot, she could be in danger.
Min-kyu’s phone alerts him to Jin-bae’s arrival, and he asks Jia to bring coffee. Jin-bae reports that Yoo-chul plans to select the new head of the Social Contribution team but Min-kyu has plans to disband it. Jin-bae updates Min-kyu on his secret assignment and reports that Chairman Hwang visited the hotel where the buyer of Daeyang Shipbuilding is staying.
Carrying in coffee, Jia freezes when she sees her brother, and manages to keep her back to him as she serves him. When Jin-bae peers at her face curiously, she thinks fast to cover it with a curtain of hair.
Jia blames it on the wind and is introduced to Min-kyu’s head of investigations. Jia tries to walk away when Jin-bae comments on how familiar and lifelike she is, but Min-kyu orders her to stay. He asks about the lawsuit against President Jo, but Jin-bae mistakenly thought that it was dropped.
Min-kyu wonders how Jin-bae will last in his position with that kind of performance, and Jia has to watch as her brother bows deeply in apology. Min-kyu explains that President Jo has something that belongs to him and that he’ll sue if it’s not returned. On his way out, Jin-bae bows so low that he hits his head on the table and then stumbles down the stairs.
At their lab, Butler Sung calls out to the Santa Maria team to ask if they can fix something for him.
Jia seethes with anger as she follows Min-kyu and makes a threatening gesture at his back, which she passes off as pointing when he catches her. Jia asks how to categorize Jin-bae, as friend or foe. Min-kyu isn’t sure yet, but Jia declares that it’s obvious that Jin-bae is honest, hard-working, and determined.
Min-kyu agrees, since that’s exactly what was reported on Madame X’s file, along with a warning that he could be a spy or reporter. Min-kyu explains none of that tells him what Jin-bae will be like around him.
Min-kyu suddenly orders Jia to change her clothes because they’re going out. He stands there expecting her to change in front of him, but does leave when Jia sends him away. It gives her a chance to call her friend Sun-hye and tell her that she’s on her way.
Jia navigates Min-kyu on an unfamiliar route with the excuse that it’s a detour because of an accident. He complains that it will take longer, she snaps back, and he notices that his robot is getting testy with him.
Jia’s directions take them to KM Financial, where a protest over the cancellation of the entrepreneur competition is underway. When Min-kyu wonders why security hasn’t done anything, Jia reminds him that in a democracy people have a right to voice their opinions.
Min-kyu notes that a robot should side with her master, but she claims that robots side with justice. But she’s stunned when Min-kyu explains that the team leader of the Social Contribution team used the competition to embezzle funds and asks if she calls that justice.
In a restaurant, Min-kyu meets with DIRECTOR YEH, whom Aji-3 identifies as the father of “Damn It,” aka the girl in Min-kyu’s photo whom he’d called his first love.
Director Yeh asks if Min-kyu reviewed the investment for Geumho Steel, but Min-kyu reminds him that he doesn’t invest in companies, but buys them. Min-kyu thanks Director Yeh for his support at KM Financial but reports that Geumho Steel must either be sold or file for bankruptcy.
Director Yeh charges that while Min-kyu’s father expanded his company, the son preys on it. When Min-kyu expresses confidence that his father would support his decision, Director Yeh changes the subject with news that Ri-el is scheduled to return to Korea the next day.
On the drive home, Min-kyu is lost in thought and when Jia gently asks if his father is dead, she learns that his mother died too. When Min-kyu tells her that they were killed in a car crash fifteen years ago, it’s Jia’s turn to be pensive.
Jia slips into “friend mode” and jokes that she needs to iron out Min-kyu’s frown. When he laughs, she encourages him to smile more, telling him that smiles can’t be saved for later.
His spirits buoyed, Min-kyu agrees to smile only for her and when Jia asks why, he explains that he needs to look intimidating so that no one messes with him. Jia promises to beat up anyone who messes with Min-kyu and the two share a lighthearted laugh.
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Friend mode activated
At KM Financial, a director shows Yoo-chul a video of Santa Maria’s research featuring Aji-3, who learns that Daeyang’s late chairman met with his father to arrange funding. The director confides that Yoo-chul and Chairman Hwang are the only others who know of the research. Yoo-chul wants to know if Min-kyu knows anything and is assured that he wouldn’t keep that kind of information to himself because it would be a powerful weapon against them.
The Santa Maria team successfully restores Butler Sung’s X-ray machine, but Baek-gyun asks why he needs something like that. Butler Sung explains that it’s for Min-kyu’s safety and we see that in the past packages contained rotten food, broken glass, an ax from a company that he sold, and even a voodoo doll. With the scanner, no package enters the house unless it’s been cleared.
Min-kyu can’t sleep and clutches his chest as he wonders if something’s been planted in his heart. He removes a box from his cabinet and goes through his postcards from Ri-el, smiling at a cute mug.
The next day, YEH RI-EL (Hwang Seung-un) is in a taxi, and shares over the phone that she’s on her way to surprise someone.
Butler Sung drops off a stack of cleared boxes (including the one with the missing necklace) just when Ri-el pulls up to the gate. Min-kyu lights up to see his visitor and warns Jia not to come outside. When she asks who his visitor is, he tells her, “Ri-el. My first love.”
Min-kyu finds Ri-el on a bridge overlooking the garden and she marvels that nothing has changed. Jia peers at the pair, and Aji-3’s system lists all of Ri-el’s professional accomplishments.
Ri-el matter-of-factly shares that she’s the new leader of the Social Contribution department and Min-kyu assumes that Yoo-chul recruited her. Ri-el admits that she came back for a different reason: Her father wants her to marry Min-kyu for his money.
Despite being glad to see Ri-el, he steps back quickly when she moves closer to clasp Min-kyu on the shoulder. She tells him her answer: “Why not?”
At her touch, Min-kyu suffers a mild reaction but keeps it contained as Ri-el admits that she’d rather marry him than a stranger. Ri-el proposes a deal: “Give me your money and honor. Then I’ll promise you my father’s company shares for life.”
Ri-el grabs Min-kyu’s hand and suggests that even though it’s an arranged marriage, they should date. This time the skin-to-skin contact causes a more severe reaction, and Jia watches curiously when Min-kyu jerks his hand away. While his monitor turns orange, Ri-el reasons that three dates should be enough for her to decide on the marriage.
Min-kyu keeps his face averted and manage to hide his spreading rash from Ri-el, promising to call as he runs back to the house. He beelines for his off-limits room and fumbles with a drawer, reaching for the syringes inside. But he’s too weak to grab them, and by the time Jia finds him, Min-kyu is collapsed on the floor, struggling to breathe.
Jia sees the blisters on Min-kyu’s body and remembers what he told her to do if he ever became unrecognizable. As Min-kyu’s monitor turns an ominous red, Jia steels herself and raises a syringe into the air.
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If I ever become unrecognizable to you…
Friend or foe. That simplifies Min-kyu’s predicament pretty succinctly and other than Butler Sung, it doesn’t look as if he has anyone squarely in the friend category. Everyone in his life wants something from him and so Min-kyu is understandably suspicious of anyone who crosses his path, which is why Jia as Aji-3 is such a breath of fresh air. Here is one being that Min-kyu wants to believe exists for him alone, without any ulterior motives. Interestingly, Min-kyu seems the most taken with Jia when her unpredictable personality invades her robot efforts. As much as Min-kyu is convinced that he’s training Aji-3, he’s the one being trained by Jia on how to live with a real live woman.
Ri-el’s re-entrance will of course complicate Min-kyu’s life, but rather than be an impediment to his relationship with Jia, I think that it may push them closer together. He can’t have any contact with Ri-el, which of course thwarts any marriage plans, but he doesn’t experience that limitation with Jia, so who will he spend time with and pour his heart out to? Ri-el may ultimately serve to make Jia jealous, which would clue her in to any burgeoning feelings for Min-kyu because for now, Jia falls in the foe category. I’m curious to see what Ri-el is really up to and where her loyalties lie. So far, I really like how honest and practical she is and that she’s the one connection to Min-kyu’s childhood that hasn’t been tainted, yet. But if she’s like everyone else from his youth, Ri-el is sure to break Min-kyu’s heart.
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the comedy that resulted when the very human Jia had very human bathroom needs because I don’t usually like that kind of thing. Yoo Seung-ho and Chae Soo-bin have good comedic chemistry and it’s so much fun to watch the two of them that the bathroom humor didn’t bother me for a change. The household hierarchy, that cat mask, Jia going into standby mode after the house of cards was no more… There were so many laughs in this episode that I lost count. I know that there is angst on the horizon, but for now I appreciate the laughs, even the bathroom ones.
The insight into Jia’s past with Baek-gyun really tugged at my heart. It’s obvious that he’s not over her and that she had more of an impact on him than he had on her, especially because she wishes that she could forget him! It’s going to be torture for him to have to watch Jia and Min-kyu grow closer and develop feelings for one another. Baek-gyun’s dilemma is unique because he wove together his life’s work with his heart’s desire and there’s no way to separate them. He’s not a bad guy — like Min-kyu, he needs that one woman who can appreciate him — but it’s too bad that Baek-gyun wants that woman to be his ideal version of Jia.
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- Confident bubble boy Yoo Seung-ho denies loneliness in I’m Not a Robot teaser
- Heart-fluttering hashtags and smiles in I’m Not a Robot posters
- Round one fight between user and maker begins for I’m Not a Robot
- Yoo Seung-ho loves an android in I’m Not a Robot
- Cheeky meta teasers for I’m Not a Robot’s three leads
- First look at Yoo Seung-ho and Chae Soo-bin in I’m Not a Robot
- Yoo Seung-ho and Eom Ki-joon to bumble in love together in I’m Not a Robot
- Yoo Seung-ho may fall in love with an android in MBC’s I’m Not a Robot
Tags: Chae Soo-bin, Eom Ki-joon, I'm Not a Robot, Yoo Seung-ho
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1 russe
December 16, 2017 at 8:01 PM
Thanks for the recap! This show may be light and easy to watch, but I’m starting to notice a certain addictive quality to it that I’m hoping stays around. I caught up on all of the episodes in one day! I’ve always loved Yoo Seung-ho and Eom Ki-joon, and they are definitely putting in some swoon-worthy performances - I love how their characters react to Ji-ah.
For Yoo Seung-ho, or rather Min-kyu, in particular, I’ve been really moved by how vulnerable and hopeful he is around Ji-ah as Aji-3. There’s something about it that’s both swoony and heartbreaking at the same time. I’m getting more and more invested in their relationship, and it’s only week 2. Fingers crossed that it stays good!
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2 RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
December 16, 2017 at 8:11 PM
Thanks for the recap! At first I thought having clips in the recap was a little strange but, I totally played the Cat or Human clip when I got to it in the recap. It cracks me up every time 😂
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December 16, 2017 at 8:35 PM
First, I kind of like the clips. I don't have time to watch every show but I still like to keep up with some of them, so it's nice to have the option to watch one or two interesting clips instead of having to find time to watch a whole episode.
Second, Min-kyu being amazed by the abilities of his new "robot" and trying to test them out cracks me up. He's so hilariously adorable (and trusting!).
"Help! Help me, Aji-3! Meow! Help!"
I just keep dreading how badly his heart is going to be broken when he realizes that she's not a robot and that she's been lying to him. Or when they replace her with the real Aji-3 and he can't figure out why she looks the same but her entire personality is different...
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RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
December 16, 2017 at 8:58 PM
I definitely see the advantages of the clips now. It's nice to be able to rewatch my favorite parts as I read.
I wonder when he will find out, and how. She's already made several mistakes that should have tipped him off (picking up the phone and saying "Yes master" when he called Jia, knowing what was in the box, going into "friend mode" the moment she met him.)
Every time he says how glad he is that she's a robot and won't betray him I worry even more about how hurt he will feel once he finds out.
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December 16, 2017 at 9:33 PM
That will happen when he will forget his mobile phone somewhere.,.. and the team tracking it will think that he is busy ... but he will come unannounced..maybe just in time to witness scientist professing his love to Jo Ji ah
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December 17, 2017 at 2:55 AM
and probably just one day before Aji goes back to work :D
December 17, 2017 at 5:19 AM
He will totally be disappointed when he finds out that the real Aji3 has no chingu mode. I'm already steeling myself up for the heartbreak when Min Kyu finds out about the "grand deception".
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December 17, 2017 at 7:16 AM
shudnt he just be happy that there is 1 human he can touch without getting the rashes..or the fact that she cures him of his mental disease since that is what it is
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December 17, 2017 at 10:46 AM
I bet he won't be able to touch her once he realizes she's not a robot, at least until they make up and he realizes he has feelings for her.
Lmao I wrote the show you're welcome 😂
3 imbuk
December 16, 2017 at 8:34 PM
This drama makes me laugh so much and it is just getting funnier and cuter! It would be awesome if in the upcoming episodes we get to see a love triangle between jo jia - kim min ku - jo jia as aji3 instead of with the second leads. Because so far, I don't really find the second leads that appealing.
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4 RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
December 16, 2017 at 8:41 PM
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5 RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
December 16, 2017 at 8:44 PM
I love this show but it doesn't make sense that Minkyu would meet Riel without taking his medicine with him. He's usually so careful around other people.
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December 16, 2017 at 9:24 PM
The power of the First Love. All rationality flies out the window! If you notice, he also didn't bother to get dressed properly. He was obviously so excited to see her again that he completely forgot about his medicine.
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December 16, 2017 at 10:30 PM
I thought this was weird too, but perhaps because it's as Kender says it's his First Love. Also, he was in his own home, so the familiar environment could have thrown him off as well.
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ar_arguably romantic
December 17, 2017 at 7:43 PM
Yeah, if I were him, I would have attempted to take some of the medicine beforehand as some sort of preventative. I guess he didn't expect her to just grab his hand like that.
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6 ravennightstar
December 16, 2017 at 9:14 PM
I'm loving each episode more and more! Jia as Aji3 cracks me up! Loved when she switched to "sleep mode" when the cards came crashing down! Being a robot can be handy sometimes! No responsibility and no blame. Ha!
I'm rooting for the leads because not only are they adorableeeee, but because I'm not really interested in the second leads at all. His first love seems like a pain in the backside and I can't see why Min-kyu still likes her.
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7 DoubleFault
December 16, 2017 at 9:28 PM
This episode has been so much fun. I had a lot of laughs. I live for Jia's internal mutterings and eyerolls as she goes back and forth from hating and liking Min Kyu. YSH and CSB indeed have great comedic timing and match up so well. I'm totally onboard this OTP. Except for Yoo Chul and Ri El (aka "Damn it", hee), who I still find bland, the supporting cast have been stellar also.
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8 alasecond
December 16, 2017 at 9:31 PM
lol.. is ri-el for "Real" .. this show and its humour
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9 javinne
December 16, 2017 at 9:48 PM
The parts i like the most are those with Min-kyu and Jiah. Min-kyu is particularly fun to watch. He is totally a kid and even though I understand that without the lie, there would be no love story, it will break my heart to see him hurt, when he realised she lied to him. He has trusting issues... It will be tough for him, because not only she, but the whole santa Maria group is lying to him... 😕
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10 🍙 kimbap noona
December 16, 2017 at 9:55 PM
I love that Jia has to view these robot cleanees as her sunbaes. Korean social hierarchy is no joke, yo. Even machines cannot escape its crushing weight.
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🍙 kimbap noona
December 16, 2017 at 10:04 PM
Perhaps it is justifiable in terms of housekeeping skills. I mean, what was Jia really going to do with that bar of soap? Scrubbing the toilet or using it to deodorize?😂
In any case, I share TeriYaki’s sentiment. I almost never ever find toilet humor funny, but I genuinely enjoy their interactions here.
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11 nelly
December 16, 2017 at 10:12 PM
Comment was deleted
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12 tummy
December 16, 2017 at 10:14 PM
I like the JJA character. She is fiercely independent and has her own dreams. While she may empathize and even pity KMK, it doesn't feel like she has any deeper feelings about him yet. I am hoping that the writers give her a bit of depth as the drama proceeds - maybe she is more wary of entering into a new romantic relationship or questions the difference in their status.
It's good that they're adding more depth to BG to indicate that he had pretty strong feelings for JJA. I think he has subconsciously tried to replace JJA with Aji3 but probably learns a few life lessons along the way.
KMK, perhaps for good reasons, starts off as being more attached to objects like his toys and his company. But I really think he needs to understand people and simple human relationships more before he is ready to embark on a romantic relationship. He is adorably (perhaps unrealistically) out of the water dealing with people especially his first crush.
It isn't clear yet how Yoo Chul and Ri El play into this triangle but I am hoping they avoid making them superficial antagonists. It would be so much more interesting if they found a way to have them be life lessons for KMK's development as a person. Sadly, though, it is more likely that they'll be used to increase dramatic tension which is the easier and more obvious plotline.
Sadly, they're probably not going to use the Aji3 robot in any real sense in forming any relationship with a human and vice versa. Pity that.
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December 16, 2017 at 10:54 PM
Yeah, i have to agree with you regarding Yoo Chul and Ri-el. Right now you have Jia and her ex, her brother, and her new master as the most layered characters. And it seems that Ri-el is pretty simple in that she is willing to try to marry Min Kyu. She would be the Uee character in You're Beautiful that will find out Aji-3, secret and try to use it against Jia. Yoo Chul though, I have some hope for his helping Min Kyu. They used to be best friends, and it's not truly Yoo Chul's fault that they are now frenemies. He needs to make the first gesture and come clean about his motivations, and hopefully they can work things out. Right now Min Kyu still believes that he can't be trusted. Somehow he has to restore Min Kyu's faith in him. Or like you say, maybe they'll just make him a guy who is trying to undermine Min Kyu just because his father told him to. I have hopes, because like you say, it would improve the story. You can still have your silly hijinks and misconceptions, but making such transparent characters robs the story of it's richness. Bleah, babbling too much, anyway, great comment.
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December 17, 2017 at 6:28 AM
I 'd love read your analysis on this. When the recap come out, I always wait your comment. Thank Youuuuu
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13 dooleygongshil
December 16, 2017 at 10:16 PM
This show is so fun and lovely to watch. The leads are just hilarious and so adorable together. I really like that they've added in just enough heart, depth, and character development/backstory to keep you locked in while maintaining it's light and fun tone.
I do have to say, that as far as second leads go...not my favorite and not feeling the classic "Second Lead Syndrome" you often get watching kdramas. I just find him rather arrogant and hard to like. He seems rather absorbed in his own needs and intelligence that he just doesn't get other people. He does do one thing well---he just makes you love Min-kyu more!
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RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
December 16, 2017 at 10:41 PM
Totally agree. No danger of SLS here. I'm all on board the Minkyu Jia ship 💕
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December 16, 2017 at 11:01 PM
I agree that YSH is objectively cuter and the drama is very likely going to make KMK/JJA the OTP. So we're probably guilty of projecting and anticipating the end-game.
But consider the drama "as shown to us to date" and your comment is a little odd.
1) BG is flawed. Intellectually arrogant, perhaps not high EQ. But he deals with his team pretty fairly (Pi talks to him as a peer not a boss). He cares for JJA, he doesn't go out of his way to be mean or be a jerk. He is, more or less, a normal human being.
2) KMK, as an adult, in EVERY INTERACTION with another human being in the drama so far, is arrogant, selfish, unempathetic, calculative, deliberately cruel and cynical. He shows no ability to relate to others. His relationship and behavior with his toys is emblematic of a psychological problem rather than an endearing trait. He is like a Batman character without an Alfred to humanize him - at all!
What exactly is lovable about Min-kyu, from your perspective? You could pity his lonely state or find reasons to excuse his personality but, objectively, what is there to even like about MK other than his looks or his wealth?
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December 17, 2017 at 3:05 AM
the thing is, Jia is his Alfred now, and with the vulnerability he shows when he's with her, it's easy to forgive the cold exterior he shows to others. he's Batman, yeah, but Batman wasn't betrayed by everyone he ever trusted and then traumatized into thinking he isn't physically able to surround himself with other human beings.
I agree that BG is a pretty awesome boss and this week he's pretty swoony as well with the puppy love he's shown to Jia, but last week he was the exact opposite, undermining Jia's intelligence and making her feel out of place.
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December 17, 2017 at 10:40 PM
I guess what didn't come across in my earlier comment is that I was talking about the male leads in the context of who is better for Ji-ah (in my opinion of course). I like Min-kyu more for Ji-ah. WIthin the context of having a relationship with Ji-ah, I think I felt rather put off by how Baek-gyun acts now given their relationship is over, not that he's a terrible character. I don't dislike him. He has good moments for sure. I think the main thing that bothers me about him is that he still tries to tell her what to do and always points out her flaws/ lacking IQ.
As for Min-kyu, I completely agree that he is flawed. He can be very cruel and arrogant. I see that as well. But I do find him to be human and sympathetic as well. I think his desire to connect even as he shuts everyone out to be what makes him an endearing character even with his huge personality flaws. Huge. I think there is something so human and so real about wanting to connect but feeling like you can't that speaks to me a lot. I think not just his physical reaction to human touch, but the sense of betrayal and distrust he must have due to the people around him in his company makes it easier to understand why he might act the way he does. This makes it easier to forgive his behaviour I suppose.
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December 17, 2017 at 3:33 AM
I don't have sls but I do like Baek Gyun. I feel like I shouldn't because giving a robot your ex's face is disturbing (although somewhat necessary for the plot) Bit UKY's acting is great so I can't help but like him.
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14 brian
December 16, 2017 at 10:43 PM
Great recap. I continue to like this drama, if only because of Chae Soo bin's spunkiness. Truly, it seems she needs to knock some sense into most of the men on this show, LOL. Most shows where they have someone masquerading as someone else I get worried that the secret will be found out, but this one, I'm enjoying every goofy problem they set for Aji-3 to solve. And it's even more fun how Jia goes about solving he problems, even if it's telling your master that he farted, hehe.
I also liked the cat/human thing, I'm sure she wanted to say, look you dumbass, you're a human with a stupid cat mask over your face. But I guess he enjoys feeling good about his supposed superiority over Aji-3. I expect that at some point he's going to be regretting his lack of respect for her as a human or a robot.
I also was right about the house of cards, but I didn't expect it to go down so fast, heh. As someone pointed out, it's a plot device like Chekhov's gun. I can't wait to see what other things Jia er Aji-3 does to mess up Master's and other guys' lives. They all deserve it, even her brother.
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15 TheLove4Dramas
December 16, 2017 at 10:50 PM
This episode was so good. It made me laugh all throughout. Not liking the second leads at all. The second lead female is a horrendous actress and BG just creeps me out due to the age difference and how he belittles Jia. Seung-Ho makes me wonder why he never did RomCom before this. He's so amazing in it. His comedic timing is on pat. I love his expressions when he's being funny.
The problem I have with the show is Jia's stupid inventions(Don't get me wrong, she's a sweetheart), I really don't get their usefulness and how the show tries to dumb down Min-Kyu with 159 IQ just to continue showing him fooled by the team and Jia. How can one not know he farted? How can he not realise Jia is human? She does not act like a Robot at all. She makes exasperated expressions, rolls her eyes and even "ummms" and "hmmms" between sentences like a human does. Min-Kyu watched tv and movies so he should have picked up on those very human traits.
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December 16, 2017 at 10:58 PM
I think someone already mentioned this before. Min Kyu doesn't realize she's not a robot because he so desperately wants to believe she's a robot. I mean, this is a guy who hasn't had the soothing touch of a human for 15 long years. You can bet that this little bit of comfort from a robot is like royal jelly to a bee. Remember, his mind is so strong that he believes that the touch of a human can cause him to break out in a horrific anaphylactic rash. I can easily see why he gives Aji-3 so many breaks. Deep down he probably knows she's human, but the denial is strong in this one.
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December 17, 2017 at 12:24 AM
Lol, "....the denial is strong in this one" I like that - It's so true!
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December 17, 2017 at 1:06 AM
Yeah the denial is strong with him because no Robot uses its hair to hide its face and walks sideways or backwards. For his IQ, it should have been very clear to him that she's a human but I guess he's going to be fooled till the end.
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ar_arguably romantic
December 17, 2017 at 7:55 PM
I think it helps that he saw Aji-3 first and actually met Aji-3 - albeit for a short period of time. Who'd have thought Aji-3's creator would have used the face of his ex-gf for the robot? And who'd have thought they'd bring the ex-gf in to pretend to be a robot. And Min-Kyu doesn't really know how advanced or not advanced robots can be at replicating human emotions. It was already sort of a miracle that Aji-3 exists. I think Min Kyu knows he's in for a lonely future. I think he's just overly excited that technology has advanced enough that he would have some sort of companionship that doesn't have him break out in rashes.
I have to say that I wish Jia would try a little harder at being a robot. The Santa Maria team are going to be screwed when Min Kyu gets the real Aji-3 and all these advanced features are gone.
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December 17, 2017 at 10:29 PM
Luckily Aji-3 has been watching all of the interaction (mostly) between Jia and Min Kyu, so as a learning AI, she could probably learn and adapt and work on her "friend Mode". Then again, they can always say that due to a programming glitch, "friend mode" was disabled, LOL.
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RaOnAh loves Jay B 💚
December 16, 2017 at 11:06 PM
While I agree that Minkyu is kind of naive to not notice that she is human, he does have good reasons to believe she is a robot as well.
1) He saw her robot battery and metal parts on their first meeting.
2) He felt that she was made of metal when she fell on him
3) He can touch her without having an allergic reaction
4) He doesn't know that the robot has a human doppelganger
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December 17, 2017 at 1:07 AM
Not just naive. Even the show calls him dumb for not noticing the truth. LOL.
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December 17, 2017 at 12:05 AM
If you look at JJA and play out the contrast with BG and KMK, her inventions are broadly symbolic of their personalities.
1) JJA invents things that help people relate to and get closer other people. Her light and umbrella.
2) BG invents things that isolate or replace people interaction.
3) MK doesn't deal with people at all except transactionally. He deals in objects (companies) and anthropomorphizes his toys.
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December 17, 2017 at 1:11 AM
Yeah but her inventions are not useful keepers. They are a passing fancy. Which is why I can't connect to why she thinks her inventions are something people NEED in their lives.
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December 17, 2017 at 1:16 AM
It is symbolic for the way she thinks... objects are meant to "bring people together". To her people NEED that. (despite someone pointing out to her, in the drama itself, that not too many people will think that way. May have been BG)
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December 17, 2017 at 1:57 AM
How exactly is gorilla arm, mop onesies and other such weird inventions supposed to bring people together?
December 17, 2017 at 2:08 AM
I actually only focused on the heart light and umbrella - since those were the ones given any air time so far.
Maybe she's just weird...ha ha
December 17, 2017 at 7:24 AM
This has been niggling in my mind too. Her creations are not something that people would need. They are cute and creative, but only few people would actually buy them. On the other hand, her gift for her friend who broke her leg was really thoughtful and truly made her life better. Maybe she could start a shop where she makes customized products according to her customer's needs. :)
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December 18, 2017 at 12:13 AM
@tummy The mop onesie and gorilla arm has also gotten airtime, hence the mention. Yeah she is weird. LOL.
@imbuk Exactly. Even the wheel shoe for her friend was useful temporarily. After that it was just junk.
Oh, that's brilliant! Customised products would be a good idea for her but she will need a team to help brainstorm and create. All Jia can do is give a general idea of what the product needs to be. Everything else her team will have to do.
16 mysterious
December 16, 2017 at 11:28 PM
I'm probably the last person too notice this, but is the robot named Aji possibly because when you reverse the syllables in Ji-a's name is becomes Aji? He is seriously not over her. I thought he just gave her Ji-a's appearance but he even gave the robot her name (in reverse) and her clothes. He is going to be heartbroken.
But I am loving this show. Yoo Seung-ho is killing it! 👌👍
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December 16, 2017 at 11:35 PM
Haha I only realized that when I was watching this week's episodes, too.
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17 poliwag
December 16, 2017 at 11:57 PM
I just love the way people commenting here are ignoring the very blatant juxtaposition of the characters and going 'oh how cute' to one but 'oh this gross old man' at the other. They're both terrible in their own ways- Minkyu is childish, stunted and overbearing, whereas Baekgyun is controlling and myopic. There's a reason why they're both in the drama with this conflict, to make them grow and appreciate Jiah as a person with feelings and demands and not a tool/robot/object that can be easily manipulated.
Suspension of disbelief about Minkyu wilfully pushing himself to believe Aji-3 thus far, it's kind of sad that his final notion to living out a fantasy of someone unconditionally listening and deferring to him is 'I'm going to control you', which is actually kind of creepy if you disregard everything, not to mention the way he infantalises Aji-3/Jiah constantly in his admittedly quite silly attempts to make her learn. I've argued Baekgyun's case in the previous episode recap, but the thing with him is that he idealised a form of Jiah he didn't realise he couldn't have, and as Saya put it succintly, 'Baekgyun’s dilemma is unique because he wove together his life’s work with his heart’s desire and there’s no way to separate them.' It's honestly quite bizarre and amusing that you guys would rather punch down Baekgyun conveniently just because you all 'fundamentally disagree' with him compared to the honestly more creepy red-flag actions Minkyu's committed.
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December 17, 2017 at 12:09 AM
Yep. I said this earlier - BG is humanly flawed. MK is off the charts in terms of his inability to deal with people.
At this stage, shipping MK with JJA (or with anyone for that matter) is decidedly weird.
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December 17, 2017 at 3:17 AM
Oh yeah, MK is weird and creepy and immature. But I'm hoping throughout this drama, he'd grow up as better human being with Jiah's help. In fact, I'd say the same thing for Jiah. They both have a lot of growing up to do.
As for BG, I'd say, "Dude, open up to her. Tell her how you feel and move on!" Besides that, I want to see more on him. I wanna get to know him better before making a critical judgement.
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December 17, 2017 at 3:28 AM
Mhm, that's why it's a drama with conflict and flawed characters. It's horrifying how some of the commenters just love jumping onto older characters at the first sign of imperfection while putting others on a pedestal because 'omo oppuh could never do any wrong'. I want them to explore the characters' depth before I make judgments- heck, if I could go from outright despising a character to reluctantly rooting for him in 32 episodes, I'm sure I can try for this one.
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December 17, 2017 at 4:16 AM
I can only speak personally here, but with regards to Min-kyu and Baek-gyun's individual treatment of Jia, there is a reason I let much of the weird stuff Min-kyu says slide: he things she's a robot. Full stop. If he was saying some of this stuff knowing she was a human then I would be creeped out, too! But he thinks she is a robot, so I see it as endearing and very sad that he is comfortable opening up to her because she's not human.
I'm not a fan of Baek-gyun so far because I don't like how he has undermined Jia. He's not just some random person that just met her or is under the impression that she is a robot. He dated her and supposedly got to know her better than the average person, so the way I am judging how he treats Jia is fundamentally different than how I am judging Min-kyu's interactions with "Aji-3". After episodes 7-8 I'm definitely sensing more to Baek-gyun's character and his relationship with Jia, but I'm still judging him based on the information we have. I tend to be very protective of the heroines I like so the way I view the male leads in rom-coms is almost always contingent on their interactions with the heroine. Is the way Min-kyu interacts with other people weird? Yes. I'll admit that. But unless he starts acting that way to Jia, it won't factor into my enjoyment of his character as much. Unless he does something really weird and off-putting to someone in the future.
Giving characters the benefit of the doubt and expecting growth from them is great! But I also don't think there is anything wrong with judging a character based on the information we have been given so far.
I also think it's awfully dismissive and presumptuous to suggest that people who have issues with Baek-gyun's character only think this way because of his age. It's true that I find their age gap odd, but beyond that I don't ever factor his age into the equation. I like the actor in things I've seen him in before. If anything, any sort of bias I may have hinges on the fact that in dramas I rarely get SLS and am almost always on the main OTP's ship, so anything that I see as maybe interfering with the main couple puts me on guard. But here I just don't like his character so far. Plain and simple. I would think the same thing if he was played by a 25-year-old.
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December 17, 2017 at 5:02 AM
The only responses I've seen from the comments on the 2 episodes is them bashing Baekgyun exclusively for 1) showing weakness and fallibility in his character and treatment of Jiah and 2) his age 'which makes the age gap disgusting and weird to ship them'.
By all means, I'm not supporting anyone being with Jiah, period, and I did address the notion of how dangerous Minkyu's actions can get with the 'assumption' of Jiah being a robot and the way he treats her while being very aware Aji-3 is a sentient AI that learns everything he teaches her. I'm annoyed, because people keep putting down Baekgyun as a character when Minkyu shows similar flaws, which is what the show is talking about.
I've never shown support for Baekgyun's behavior either- he's a childish, recalcitrant dumbass who doesn't understand the meaning of 'no' and has basically created a personal power fantasy from his life's work. I just want the commenters to actually stop enforcing double standards when it comes to the male leads.
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December 17, 2017 at 6:59 AM
It is interesting to read the different commenters and try to understand how different people perceive and interpret things.
One commenter writes about MK showing "vulnerability" when dealing with his toys (including the robot) - which is a bit ludicrous when you think about it. If I cry alone in my bedroom - am I being emotionally vulnerable to my bed?
The drama actually has not shown any redeeming behavioral characteristics to MK. But some beanies already seem to have invested their feelings and have ignored all the displayed bad behavior and rotten personality.
This is why people can be great or frustrating - they ignore the evidence and go with their feelings.
On the good side, this is why humans behave with altruism and generosity. We have moral principles of good and bad.
But on the bad side, we are also capable of amazing blindness to abuse and evil because we choose to ignore evidence when it doesn't fit our preconception or feelings.
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December 17, 2017 at 8:28 AM
I think we feel sympathy for MK because we see that he is just seriously ill.
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December 17, 2017 at 4:14 PM
@ Helena I've argued that Baekgyun also can be autistic but ok
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ar_arguably romantic
December 17, 2017 at 8:12 PM
Since MK is the lead, the audience is sort of conditioned to give him a break because they know he will change into a better person by the end. There isn't such a guarantee for a second male lead.
I think the next set of episodes paints BK in a better, sweeter light and gives us more info about BK besides curmudgeon-inventor-who-creepily-makes-robot-with-ex-gf's-face.
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ar_arguably romantic
December 17, 2017 at 8:07 PM
I haven't kept track, but I think the drama aged up CSB and aged down Uhm Ki Joon so their characters are only a few years apart, so the age difference isn't that much - like probably only 5 years apart even though in real life, they're like 15 years apart.
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December 17, 2017 at 9:37 PM
Yeah Chae Soobin's character is 27 and he's 34. In reality they're 18 years apart, if that works. Dramaland is weird that way.
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18 j9
December 17, 2017 at 12:17 AM
Thanks for the recap! Your recaps help me pick up things or conversations that I didn't quite understand with the subs.
That said...my question is how is this an arranged marriage? My understanding of an arranged marriage, is that parents of both families decide to have their kids marry for the betterment of one or both companies. Sadly, both of Min kyu's parents are gone. Who is Ri-el's father's agreement with? I'm a little confused on this one...
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December 17, 2017 at 12:30 AM
probably more "marriage of convenience" rather than the typical definition of "arranged marriage".
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December 17, 2017 at 12:36 AM
But wouldn't that need to be discussed with MK for him to agree on something like that, rather than Riel just springing it on him?
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December 17, 2017 at 1:11 AM
Some of it may be implied but there is evidence that they were somewhat close at some point in time. (photograph) The way her dad significantly mentioned that RE was returning to Korea to MK. KMK openly admits to JJA that she's is "first love". And her casual and informal way of meeting him at his home (he never gets uninvited guests)
Her conversation is probably her way of broaching the subject with him. She appears to be playing her own game - in front of him she acts like she's not convinced that they should get married. But Yoo Chul was more direct in saying to her later that the reason she came back was to be with MK - so her motives appear clearer to YC (who appears unhappy about it).
It is a guess that we have two triangles going on here (KMK/YC/RE) and (KMK/DG/JJA). They could make RE a "cool" character and a real friend if she supports the KMK/JJA pairing when she finds out OR go the usual "jealous rival" route.
RE's own statements indicate she's thinking of the marriage as a convenience but YC's statement seems to indicate otherwise (he's deduced she took the job just to spend more time with KMK). Which one is true is pure speculation for now.
I think we're discussing what happened in Ep7-8 though... ha ha...
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December 17, 2017 at 3:11 AM
honestly, he seems to be considering it. he DOES have a crush on her after all.
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19 silvermists
December 17, 2017 at 1:21 AM
I love this drama and the OTP!!! The only thing bothering me about the romance is how voyeuristic it is. Every moment they experience together is being broadcasted to the whole crew. It makes for some really fun jealous times with Baek-gyun. But I wish there was some kind of privacy mode. Especially for those moments when reveals something deeply personal to Jia. It just seems like a breech of trust to have his secrets being shared with others who then feel entitled to dissect it.
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December 17, 2017 at 2:29 AM
I was thinking the same, it's uncomfortable to watch them while a whole team is watching everything, specially in the next episode, where he shares some of his secrets, and else ;)
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December 17, 2017 at 10:39 AM
Oh yes! The whole time he was telling her the secret I wanted Jia to somehow turn off the broadcast. Isn't there supposed to be a private mode on Aji 3? Does that mean that if she asks the robot to put it on private then the team won't be able to see the convo? Or only by removing the lens can the team be cut off? Anyways hope they address some of this later on when the romance gets going. I don't want everyone to see their first kiss!
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ar_arguably romantic
December 17, 2017 at 8:16 PM
I wholeheartedly agree. The longer this goes on, the more I feel uneasy. The guy goes from being completely private to having practical strangers learn everything about him while they're duping him and sneaking a real human into his home.
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20 scarlettmoira
December 17, 2017 at 2:30 AM
This drama is watchable but has become unrealistic and cartoonish, e.g. Ji-ah should be more robot like and I think even the PD is forgetting. Because she is just so human in all the robot scenes that I cringe! And the lead actress acting comes off too strong to be likeable, a bit annoying at times. But YSH is just adorable and is a veteran in acting and it shows. Hope to see him in more serious roles with A-list actresses. I think he deserves to have better quality dramas that showcases his solid acting chops.
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Just Alee
December 17, 2017 at 3:45 AM
But Jia IS a human.. Jia is not an actress either. So I think it's realistic that she keeps forgetting that she is supposed to act like a robot. I don't think she knows how a robot should act either since she only met Aji-3 when it is still dysfuntional.
Jia is a human thus she is not perfect... CSB delivers Jia who tries to act like a robot pretty well imo.
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December 17, 2017 at 12:00 PM
I also don't get how is that he doesn't find out or even imagine, but I don't cringe that much. It must be I am already fallen for this fantasy...
On the other hand, he really had reasons to believe she is a robot.
1. He saw her.
2. He had touched her. Whenever the allergy is not there, he will believe she is robot..
I bet he will even kiss her and still believe she is the robot, simply because he won't react to her as a human being.
Inside the fantasy of what his illness is, I find it believable for him to fall for it.
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21 BdxPelik
December 17, 2017 at 3:09 AM
Oh, Min Gyu. Please be careful. I can see how much you miss Ri El and the fact that you shoved aside your charisma and intimidating personality when seeing your old crush again is really sweet. But it's obviously bad news, man. I can just imagine how nervous and fluttery your heart is when meeting her. But I can also imagine what kind of marriage that would end up in. Disregarding the allergy issue, it would be a one sided love. You would cherish her but she'll only cherish your wealth, and that would make you lonelier than ever. You pushed everyone away for fear that they would use you. This time, I implore you, be careful, because (like the recapper said) she might just do the same thing to you.
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December 17, 2017 at 6:33 AM
Frankly, at this point, Min-Gyu and Ri-El (if she is a shallow gold digger - which isn't actually clear yet) pretty much deserve each other. He is a corporate vulture who is a total jackass to every one he meets. He's not exactly feeding the hungry, saving orphans or fighting global warming. He buys companies, breaks them down and sells them for profit - not really caring if employees are fired or put out of work. He works for his own benefit and profit. Kinda feel like this would be a good match. I don't get the "love" for Min Gyu yet?
His actions can be explained (illness, lonely childhood, maybe betrayals) but not justified. Just because you suffered doesn't give you permission to cause suffering to others (especially those who had no hand in your suffering in the first place).
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December 17, 2017 at 7:19 AM
I agree, I keep being annoyed at him to a point where I want to sew his mouth together. Sometimes he can be disgusting. But I can also see that to him people amount to pain, betrayal and greed so he doesn't see the point in caring and helping.
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December 17, 2017 at 9:32 AM
Well, like the typical Korean drama that it is, I am sure we will see him change and develop into someone better...
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December 17, 2017 at 10:45 AM
I see your point. I think at this point we are supposed to understand that he doesn't cafe about people because well, they don't factor into his life. He literally never had any contact with anyone outside his gardener, doctor, and like 3 people from the company. These people are are either paid subordinates or backstabbers. So ofcourse he doesn't care about anyone else because it doesn't effect him. He doesn't know how to be fully human yet. In a lot of ways he's more of a robot than Jia where he can read facial expressions and body language but his limoted contact with people means he doesn't really know what being human (things like compassion, empathy) are. So hopefully as the show goes along we will see jia turning him into a more compassionate human being.
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ar_arguably romantic
December 17, 2017 at 7:40 PM
I don't love Min Gyu, but I do like him in that he is an interesting character - someone who has grown up in relative isolation like some Rapunzel trapped in her tower by an evil witch. He works for fiction that is practically a fairy tale, though in real life, I would have been disdainful of him (boohoo, cry me a river, you 1%-er!).
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22 librarynerd
December 17, 2017 at 3:16 AM
I really like how the relationship between Jia and Min Kyu is developing.
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23 urnaa
December 17, 2017 at 3:37 AM
I am still enjoying this light fun goodness. But where is the real serious plot??? Also ex boyfriend of Jia feels so old whenever he thinks back their relationship. He is just so old beside Chae Soo Bin. Yoo Seung Ho is such an eye candy.
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December 17, 2017 at 7:23 PM
This is supposed to be a rom-com isn't it? So I hope things don't get too too serious, although I do expect the angst to come in at some point. Remember, if we group these into hour- long episodes, we would actually be only on episode 3. So we've got plenty of time for seriousness.
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December 17, 2017 at 7:46 PM
Here are some of my predictions of what plot seriousness that could come up at some point:
******WARNING POSSIBLE SPOILERS**** If any of them are true.....lol
1) Jia gets kidnapped because Pres Hwang thinks she's the Aji-3. (could be a little scary, cause they may want to try and take her apart)
2) When MK finds out the truth, he's going to be hurt and angry because hates being deceived. He'll start the process of selling off the daeyang shipping company. He'll probably find out that she continued the rouse, because she wanted him to continue the with the inventors contest, which will only confirm his feelings that people just want to take advantage of him.
3) His secret gets out, and they (villians) may try to kill him "though human contact" where he can't get access to his medicine. ( he may get in this situation trying to save Jia)
I sorta feel like the plot will be a little predictable, but I'll enjoy waiting to find out which way it will go. ^.^
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24 Kian
December 17, 2017 at 5:08 AM
Can someone tell me why he can touch her without having an allergic reaction? She’s still a human.
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December 17, 2017 at 5:28 AM
Previous commenters have said that Min Kyu's illness appears to be psychosomatic, probably connected to trust issues growing up. I'll try not to leave spoilers but the cause of his apparent allergy was explained in the succeeding episode.
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25 Dorotka
December 17, 2017 at 5:24 AM
Yes, I had the same idea... Real vs Robot... though now it's actually Real vs Real (aka Fake Robot) 😂
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December 17, 2017 at 5:27 AM
Should have been Reply to #8 alasecond... no clue why it appeared here...
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26 growingbeautifully
December 17, 2017 at 6:00 AM
Thanks TeriYaki!
Without going into too much thought and analysis (no time!!!) I feel that this show has a promising start with the set up for much growth on the part of the 3 main protagonists as they get to 'rub shoulders' with each other.
We are getting more information on Min Kyu, who's altogether a more rounded character, than on the other two at the moment. I hope that everyone gets to be portrayed more fully before too many episodes elapse.
As a light-hearted, slightly ridiculous, but fun watch, this will be great for relaxation and laughs.
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27 blessingwind
December 17, 2017 at 6:54 AM
I just want Jia to give a warm big hug to our puppy Min Kyu. He is so lonely. Poor him to live like that for 15 years, alone, without friends. That is so heartbreaking.
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28 Samantha
December 17, 2017 at 9:35 AM
I feel really slow that it took me until these episodes to realize Aji 3 is Ji A backwards
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29 skyler
December 17, 2017 at 10:20 AM
I don't get it if Min-Kyu is allergic to human beings then how come he is always perfectly normal with Jia even when she touches him???? it's confusing me
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December 17, 2017 at 10:32 AM
He actually isnt allergic to humans. It is just his brain thinking like that. So it is a psychological trauma. His body acts in defense due to his 'thinking'. Ep 7-8 will kind of give you hints of how he developed this 'allergy'.
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30 kkul
December 17, 2017 at 10:50 AM
I am finding these micro analyzing comments of characters hilarious. It’s a comedy! If you want real life scenarios then watch a documentary
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31 Jojo
December 17, 2017 at 12:53 PM
It's just my idea or they say too much that Ji Ah has a CI of 94?
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32 sirena
December 17, 2017 at 2:07 PM
Thanks for the recap!
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33 LookieLooWho
December 17, 2017 at 3:03 PM
I'm still not convinced with this show. The bathroom humor in the first 20 minutes of episode was way too overdone (though I realize that might just be my personal tastes). There's something about this show that feels very rudimentary but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad yet. I love easy, breezy dramas because they are just that. INAR feels like something I've seen before sans robot.
Admittedly, my assessment of this drama may be tainted through the residual lens of BTLIOF. That said, I may not have necessary objectivity to take this drama as it is. Currently, INAR falls squarely in the 'my-first-K-drama' category with other dramas like Cinderella and Four Knights, Weightlifting Fairy, and Lie to Me which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
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April 21, 2018 at 4:19 AM
I think it is because of the genre. So far it feels like a 'sitcom', 'The Adventures of Minkyu and his Robot', whereas BTLIOF was more of a rom-com/melodrama. INAR seems more of a fairy tale.
I'm not a fan of bathroom humor either, but I have to admit I laughed. And I have to give the credit for that to the actors: they are refreshing and earnest, particularly the main lead. Many k-drama actors seem to be afraid of being 'un-cool', so the comedy is often forced and akward. But these two are a delight to watch.
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34 curly
December 17, 2017 at 5:26 PM
This is sooo cute and I am so happy to come across this drama.
It's just sad to see its rating in Korea.
Anyways, I wonder what happen when the real Aji3 comes in.
Hihihi. 😂🤣🙃😊🤖
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35 Lisa
February 1, 2018 at 6:59 AM
How is that there where a lot of times when Min-kyu touched Jo jia and nothing happened? Does his allergy switch on and off? :D And she is so bad at playing a robot, don't think I'll be watching till the end but thank's for a recap anyways!
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36 Haart
February 14, 2019 at 1:21 AM
Brilliant, just brilliant.
I just started re-watching the show from the beginning. I actually marathoned it from the middle episodes the first time watching. So I couldn't really fully appreciate the early episodes. But this time, re-watching at a slower pace makes me realise many small details. Like Ji-a questioning her master's value of money and status, or the game of “I hope you recognize me no matter what he looks like” with a connection to Velvet Rabbit story later, or when Min-kyu said he will smile only for Aji3.
These details make me head over heel for this show more and more.
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