Tunnel: Episode 13

I’m pretty sure we can all agree that this episode was worth the (agonizing, impossibly long) wait, because so much good stuff goes down. But Tunnel’s greatest strength is, as ever, in drawing out its emotional beats and imbuing them with a honeyed warmth that makes everything feel very immediate and real. And for me, that blend of both heart and thrills is pretty much everything I can ask for.


Kwang-ho fights off Dr. Mok’s attack, but the murderous doc slams him to the ground, and a pulse passes through the tunnel. Kwang-ho gets back to his feet…and finds himself alone—as does Dr. Mok, because oh yes, Kwang-ho’s back in the past.

The realization hits him as a cyclist passes him playing an old song on the radio strapped to his bike, and he notices that the tunnel is different again. He growls in frustration at losing his quarry again. In 2017, Dr. Mok is equally wild at Kwang-ho’s disappearance, anxious that he’s gone back to his original time. All he finds of Kwang-ho is his phone, which he disposes of by throwing it into a river.

“If this is the past, then… Yeon-sook!” Kwang-ho realizes. He sets off at a sprint, but pauses fearfully at the corner of the dumpling restaurant. When he rounds it and finds his old house back where it should be, he breaks into tears and practically flies up the last few steps.

He finds Yeon-sook in the yard and goes straight to her. Both of them sob while she hits him in reproach. Kwang-ho folds her into his arms, saying sorry over and over for being so late.

Inside, Yeon-sook asks what happened to him all this time, noting his strange clothes. But seeing the whistle around her neck, he asks instead when their daughter is due. She’s shocked that he knows not only that she’s pregnant, but that it’s a girl.

Kwang-ho learns that five months have passed—the same amount of time he spent in the future. “You asked where I was, right? Whatever I say, will you be able to believe me?” Kwang-ho asks her earnestly.

We cut to Jae-yi, who asks Sun-jae if what he said (about Kwang-ho being her father) is remotely believable. He says he couldn’t believe it at first either–that suspicious person he was investigating before was Kwang-ho, he tells her. “The thing he wanted to hide was the fact that he came from the past,” he adds.

Just as Jae-yi is about to walk away, Sun-jae says he knows about the whistle, and that her mother gave it to her. Eyes widening, she turns back to him. He tells her how he heard from Kwang-ho that Yeon-sook had given it to him first, and her skepticism melts away.

In 1987, Kwang-ho talks himself into tangles trying to explain to Yeon-sook how he got hit on the head and ended up in 2017 (where the phones don’t have wires and fit into the palm of your hand!). Despite being confused, Yeon-sook takes him at his word and asks if he met their daughter.

Animated, he tells her that he recognized their daughter thanks to the whistle, and that it had saved her life. “She looks like you!” he enthuses, “And her name is Yeon-ho.” Yeon-sook grins in delight and figures that she must be a total granny in 2017. Kwang-ho’s face falls, and he solemnly tells her that she was as beautiful as ever.

As Jae-yi returns home that night, she looks up at Kwang-ho’s dark apartment, recalling his reaction to the whistle and his angry concern over her near-murder. She tries to call him, but the phone is switched off.

In bed, Kwang-ho tries to figure out the rules for his time travel. Beside him, Yeon-sook murmurs for him not to go. He cradles her in his arms, smiling over how good it is to be reunited with her.

In the present, Sung-shik’s chief lays into him for continuing the murder investigation after the case has been closed. Sung-shik argues weakly that there are two culprits, but admits that he doesn’t know yet who the second is.

The chief leaves the team grousing, but Min-ha remains optimistic, suggesting that they follow up all their previous leads. But when no one responds, he surprises them with another outburst like the one during their team dinner (“And this time I’m sober!”).

That sets them all snorting, and even Sun-jae cracks a smile, agreeing that they should give it another shot. Sung-shik asks if he’s done being a guest and if he’s a member of the team now, and Sun-jae responds with a boyish smile. Aw.

They wonder where Kwang-ho is, and Jae-yi calls to tell them that she thinks he’s gone missing. Sung-shik and Sun-jae head over to her immediately, and they search his house. Sun-jae says the last time he saw him was at their team meeting, where he had seemed troubled.

Anxious, Sung-shik tells him to get Kwang-ho’s call log and track his last location, pointing out that Kwang-ho has nowhere else to go. He says he vanished suddenly like this thirty years ago too, and he tells Sun-jae to investigate secretly.

Dr. Mok realizes his “Noel” pen is missing and tears his office apart looking for it. He returns to the tunnel in case he lost it there. Not finding it, he anxiously wonders whether Kwang-ho learned something about it.

Kwang-ho mulls over the pen—now with him in 1987—figuring that it’s got to have the victims’ DNA on it. He seals it up in a makeshift evidence bag and tells Yeon-sook that they can capture the culprit with this in the future, so they have to keep it safe until the technology arrives.

He pops the pen into his 2017 jacket pocket, but goes out wearing another one. (Nooo, I can already see where this is going!) Yeon-sook tells him not to disappear again, and he reassures her that he won’t. He tells her that he’ll call, although he forgets he doesn’t have a cell phone anymore.

He hovers uncertainly outside the police station, noting that it’s now full of unknown faces. Realizing that he needs some evidence that the culprit is Dr. Mok, he turns away… and comes face to face with Reporter Oh (who can’t believe he’s not dead).

Kwang-ho drags him off and tells him that he’s got the culprit but needs evidence, revealing to Oh that there’s a survivor of the murders. Kwang-ho wants to enlist his help and entices the reluctant reporter with the promise of a scoop.

Our 2017 team are busy tracking Kwang-ho’s last movements, and they narrow down his last location to the nearest cell phone tower. Sung-shik sends the Tae-Min duo to track down CCTV footage of Kwang-ho between the police station and that tower while he plans to head for the tower itself with Sun-jae.

Jae-yi wants to join them, and Sun-jae admits that he revealed Kwang-ho’s true identity to her. She’s surprised to learn that Sung-shik worked with Kwang-ho thirty years ago. “There’s so much I’m curious about, but he’s disappeared,” she says, eyes sad.

Kwang-ho and Reporter Oh seek out the surviving fifth victim, Kim Young-ja (from Episode 3) and learn from her mom that she now lives in Seoul. They make the trip, but as soon as Kwang-ho introduces himself as a police officer, Young-ja shuts her gate in their face.

From the other side, he asks earnestly for her testimony, but she says it won’t change anything. He promises that it will—they can catch the murderer right away and stop him from killing more women. But she wants nothing to do with it, and tells them to leave.

Reporter Oh is stumped, but Kwang-ho tells him that they’ll have to wait until she has a change of heart. Tearing out a page he’s been scribbling on from his notebook, he slips it under Young-ja’s gate.

Sung-shik and Sun-jae both realize Kwang-ho’s last location is in the vicinity of the tunnel, and they head there with Jae-yi. Tae-hee calls in an update, saying that the CCTV shows Kwang-ho going to Hwayang University Hospital and then taking a taxi from there. Sung-shik sighs that it would be good if he really had gone back to the past.

It’s the first Jae-yi has heard about the role of the tunnel. Heading back alone, she thinks about what Sun-jae told her about Kwang-ho’s desperation to go back so that Yeon-sook wouldn’t die and so she wouldn’t grow up lonely.

In 1987, meanwhile, Kwang-ho at last takes Yeon-sook on the river cruise he had promised for her birthday. He proudly asks the clerk for three tickets—one’s for Yeon-ho, riding along with her mom. Aww.

Arm around his wife, Kwang-ho sighs that he hasn’t been able to do anything for Yeon-ho, and Yeon-sook tells him that it’s okay if he starts now. He buys a teddy bear and presents it to Yeon-sook’s bump, promising to do well as a dad.

He tells Yeon-sook to pick their dinner venue, and she mischievously decides it will be expensive… aaaand they end up at the dumpling restaurant around the corner from their house. She laughs, promising to have the expensive stuff after.

But he comforts her when she tells him how guilty she felt for wanting strawberries while he was missing, and she didn’t even know if he was dead or alive. Cheering up, he tells her that this restaurant still exists in 2017, and he even took Yeon-ho dumplings from there. He drinks in the sight of Yeon-sook, glad that he didn’t reveal himself to Jae-yi. “If she knew, she would be having a really hard time right now,” he says to himself.

He’s not wrong. Jae-yi slips into his apartment that night and lingers over his old jacket. She finds the photo of Yeon-sook from the dressmaker’s shop facedown on his table. Recognition washes over her at last, as the sight of her face unlocks the memory of her mother. “Mom…” she cries softly, before breaking into choking sobs.

Sun-jae examines the timeline they’ve built of Kwang-ho’s movements, perplexed as he tries to discover why he went to the hospital when the only person he knows there is Dr. Mok. Come on, you’re on the right track! Tae-hee reports that Kwang-ho got off the taxi at the tunnel, and after that, all traces of him vanished. Sung-shik and Sun-jae exchange looks, their suspicions seemingly confirmed.

When they’re alone, Sun-jae says that it doesn’t make sense for Kwang-ho to leave without saying goodbye, but Sung-shik says he disappeared just as suddenly thirty years ago. He’s adamant that it’s just as well and that they should catch their killer, but Sun-jae strides out mid-sentence.

He looks up the CCTV of the office from the night before, which shows Kwang-ho talking to a colleague. The colleague tells him that Kwang-ho asked him to do a background check on Dr. Mok and to find out whether he lived in Hwayang in 1986. Sun-jae asks to be sent the same information.

In her own apartment now, Jae-yi pores quietly over Yeon-sook’s photo before hearing from Sung-shik that Kwang-ho has almost certainly returned to the past. She tells him she doesn’t regret finding out, since she had always wondered about herself and her parents. Now that she knows, she says, she can move on with her life, and she thanks him.

As he’s about to leave his office, Dr. Mok is met at the door by a stony-faced Sun-jae, who asks him for a word. Mok denies meeting Kwang-ho the day before, and as for his various injuries, he laughingly explains that a load of books fell on his face. Ha.

Sun-jae appears more suspicious by the minute, and when Mok asks if something happened to Kwang-ho, he stiffly answers that they’re still investigating.

The next morning, Young-ja finds the note Kwang-ho left. It’s a list of the other victims with their names and ages. “They were each somebody’s daughter, somebody’s mother. They all died,” his note reads. He carries on to say that they need to catch the culprit and wipe away their families’ tears, and he appeals to her to testify.

Yeon-sook finds Kwang-ho doing the laundry, and he tells her he’ll do it all from now on. Beaming, he presents her with a huuuge bowl of strawberries and urges her to eat up. Their breakfast is interrupted by a phone call—it’s Young-ja, and she tells Kwang-ho that she’s ready to testify: “Those women did nothing wrong, either. You know that, don’t you, Detective?”

Galvanized, Kwang-ho makes to leave right away. Yeon-sook pleads with him not to go—not today, at least. She grows upset, and he can only apologize. He takes her hands in his and sweetly reassures her that he’ll be right back. Wiping away her tears, he wraps her up in a hug, but she’s still desolate as she watches him go.

Jae-yi pays a visit to the agency that handled her adoption to retrieve her files. But she finds someone called “Shin Mi-hee” listed as her legal guardian, and is told that since her parents were deceased, she must have been added to that person’s family register so she could be adopted abroad. Ah, that explains why her name is “Shin.”

Jae-yi takes the address from the clerk, which leads her to Yeon-sook’s old boarding house—and her childhood home. Pausing at the door, a vision of her childhood self playing in the house’s courtyard brings a smile to her face.

The grandma is delighted that Jae-yi found her. She tells her that she looks like her mother, which pleases Jae-yi very much. Grandma mentions the other young man who visited recently, and how saddened he was to learn of Yeon-sook’s death.

She says she’s glad that he managed to go back. “Dad and Mom must have met each other by now,” she says, face softly alight.

Reporter Oh ditches Kwang-ho for a breaking story, so he heads to Seoul alone. He seeks out the young Dr. Mok—who we’ll call by his first name, Jin-woo, while we’re in the past—at his med school, but finds he’s returned to Hwayang due to the death of his grandmother. (Hm, did he kill her, too?)

As he drives, Sun-jae thinks back to Kwang-ho questioning Dr. Mok’s suspicious actions, like his visit to Jung Ho-young immediately before he killed himself. He’s alarmed to run into Mok at the police station, who’s chatting amiably with Sung-shik on his way out. He anxiously checks whether Sung-shik let slip anything about their investigation, but Sung-shik says that the doc came out of concern for Kwang-ho.

Jae-yi lectures her class on how their origins and pasts shape their identities, using the Gauguin painting, Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? She asks them where they think murderers’ actions stem from, and they suggest abuse and broken or dysfunctional families. Another student argues that plenty of murderers have white collar backgrounds, too.

Jae-yi credits all their suggestions and says that murderers tend to grow up in unstable circumstances—however, that doesn’t justify murder, she adds. Privately, she wonders what kind of past a killer who marks his victims with dots has. She’s certain that Kim Young-ja’s death has something to do with it, but worries she made a mistake profiling him.

Sun-jae examines the file on Dr. Mok and how it fits the profile, but he knows that Kwang-ho wouldn’t have found that conclusive. Frustrated, he strides out, leaving Tae-hee and Min-ha wondering what’s going on with them and what Sung-shik is keeping from them.

Jae-yi pays Dr. Mok a visit and shares her theory that Kim Young-ja’s death triggered the murderer to start killing anew. He agrees, supposing that the killer would have believed it was the perfect murder, only to find that it wasn’t.

She asks him what forensic differences he found between Jung’s victims and the second murderer’s. He says that Lee Seo-yeon was strangled repeatedly, whereas Yoon Da-young and Nam Joo-hee were strangled just once. A murderer’s MO tends to reveal their motive, he says: “Because killing for enjoyment and killing for a purpose are different.”

Seeking out young Mok Jin-woo’s address, Kwang-ho finds himself traversing the tunnel. He had been operating on the theory that the murderer started off close to home and went progressively further afield. In actual fact, it was the other way around, like Jae-yi had said. Jin-woo’s house is visible when he emerges from the other side of the tunnel, and he starts running.

Sun-jae comes to meet Jae-yi. He apologizes, “Just for everything.” She thanks him, though. “Just… for everything,” she smiles, adding that she’s glad she found out that Kwang-ho was her father. She tells him she’d always wondered about herself and her parents, and it’s enough for her to know this much.

The couple fails to notice Dr. Mok hiding out of sight, and he listens to this revelation with cold glee before slinking away. Sun-jae grows disturbed when Jae-yi shares what Mok told her about the difference between the victims being strangled once or multiple times.

It’s dark by the time Kwang-ho makes it to Jin-woo’s house. He lets himself in and finds the place empty. He starts looking around, but quickly hides when Jin-woo’s mom comes looking for her son. She goes away again, and Kwang-ho resumes his search more urgently.

Sun-jae rushes to the NFS to find the medical examiner who autopsied Yoon Da-young (the Haein River case, seven dots) and says he heard that the injuries on Da-young’s neck showed that she’d been strangled only once. Surprised, the medical examiner says it’s impossible to tell whether it’s once or many times—the only person who could say for sure is the strangler himself.

Kwang-ho finds nothing in the house. But as he heads out, he crosses paths with Jin-woo, who’s just returned. “Finally we meet,” Kwang-ho says to him, with some wonder. Kwang-ho closes in on him, reciting the names of his victims, and declares him under arrest for murder.

Jin-woo plays innocent until Kwang-ho goads him to remember their tunnel encounter. Cornered, he makes a break for it, and Kwang-ho sprints after him. They’re headed straight for the tunnel, and Kwang-ho tries to run Jin-woo down, but he manages to slip away.

Kwang-ho is just meters behind him in the tunnel, when that characteristic pulse runs through it once again. Oh my god!

Jin-woo clears the tunnel, but the vines lengthen over the tunnel mouth as Kwang-ho emerges. Met by the bright lights and high-rises of 2017, he screams, “AGAIN?!”


YES, AGAIN! I secretly hoped for this, and right now, all my dreams are coming true and it’s kind of killing me not to watch the next episode immediately. I’m so stoked for 2017, Take 2! I admit that the cool, logical side of my brain is screaming at Kwang-ho for never being equipped with a plan for his final step (that’s why you lost your guy in ’87 and ’17!). And damn, you don’t need to show Jin-woo your hand right away! Play it cool and reel him in while he’s unsuspecting! I get the narrative need to have them rush for the tunnel again, but I do wish it didn’t make me question his competence. It’s lucky that I’m good at ignoring that side of my brain when necessary.

But let’s take a moment longer to linger on the quiet moments this episode, because as I mentioned at the top, Tunnel handles emotion so, so well. For the millionth time, I’m so happy that Choi Jin-hyuk is Kwang-ho, because he brings it all home pretty brilliantly. I’ve loved his love for Yeon-sook from the start—it has a depth and simplicity to it that is so old-world in the best of ways. At his core, Kwang-ho is a man of duty and principle, and I loved seeing his extraordinary love for Yeon-sook pitched against his inability to turn his back on his duty. It’s a no-brainer to Kwang-ho which one will win (always the siren call of duty), and that’s partly why the conflict itself is very emotionally rich. On the one hand, this is exactly why Yeon-sook loves him and married him—because he’s this kind of man—but on the other hand… it’s hard, isn’t it, being married to a man of duty?

It’s also been great watching little robot Jae-yi slowly turn into a “real” girl, and she finally reached the other side this episode. Perspective is everything: Now that she knows Kwang-ho is her father, everything is different about the way she sees him, and her tentative, tender curiosity about him is just lovely. It’s interesting that she could have searched out her history anytime, but hadn’t—because she wasn’t ready then.

It’s clearly taken her a lot to get to the point where she can face her past, and I find it sweetly symbolic that that expresses in a very literal way as she finally sees the face of her mother, not just in a photo, but in her own memory. Overcoming that block is perhaps her most important breakthrough, because if there’s one thing this episode wanted to hammer in, it’s that finding her past—where she came from and who she came from—is tantamount to finding herself. You can see that something has fallen into place inside her, and she’s at last happier and a little less broken, which is all I’ve ever wanted for her.

I’m looking forward to seeing how that pen resurfaces in 2017—and I’m pretty sure it’s going to travel across thirty years the “normal” way. I find myself wondering whether Mok made that slip about the differences between the murders on purpose, just for the thrill of the chase. After all, as evidence, it’s just circumstantial, and in no way sufficient to put him away or even to charge him. And for all his talk that he’s not a showy killer, it’s pretty clear that he wants credit. Jae-yi said several episodes ago that murderers love talking, and they love talking about themselves; he certainly doesn’t go against the grain.

On a lighter note, I found Kwang-ho’s attempts to explain the modern world to Yeon-sook pretty hilarious, and I’m ruefully sympathetic about how easy it is to become used to modern conveniences. I wonder how much he’ll miss 2017 when he’s back “home,” but either way, I know he’ll be infinitely happier to reach the future the normal way, one day at a time.


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This episode was definitely worth the wait, I loved it! When Kwang-ho realized he was in the past and ran to find Yeon-seok, I was on the edge of my seat, I knew he's going to find her but I couldn't help feeling anxious, what if she wasn't so when I saw her, I took a sigh of relief, that reunion scene, OMG, I was in tears. Him trying to explain to Yeon-seok how he traveled to the future was so funny, especially her face to everything he was saying, LOL! I'm glad that he at least had reporter Oh to help him out find Kim Ja-young, and that she decided to testify against Mok Jin-woo! I knew something was going to happen when Kwang-ho promised to come back, the ending made it clear that Kwang-ho can only travel through the tunnel when he is with Mok Jin-woo, but now that he is back to the future and if he cathes him here, nothing in the past will change because he'd still be killing all of these women unless Kwang-ho returns and catches him again as the young Mok Jin-woo to stop it all and change the future!

Jae-yi knowing the truth and not being able to see him broke my heart, and when she met the old lady and called Kwang-ho and Yeon-seok dad and mom, aww! The adoption center scene got me thinking, that woman told Jae-yi that for her to get internationally adopted she needed her parents' consent, what does that mean? Yoen-soek isn't really dead? I tried to read the name she showed Jae-yi, it said 신미희, who could that be? It had Shin as Yeon-seok!!

And it's about time Sun-jae got suspicious of Dr. Mok, but it breaks my heart to think of what kind of shock it will be for him to know his mother's murderer has always been this close to him and a person he actually trusted!

Can't wait for the next recap to talk about episode 14, thank you, Saya, for this one!


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About JY's adoption, her real mother is dead. The one who signed the papers is probably the woman whom the mother and daughter lived with after KH disappeared. I think the woman owns an Oriental clinic.


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I know but that scene got me confused because the lady said she could've not been internationally adopted without her parents' consent, but I guess I missed the name of Orientall clinic's owner when it was first mentioned, she could be Shin Mi-hee!


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I don't think the woman's name was mentioned when KH first met her at the Oriental Clinic.


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KH's scenes with YS never fail to get me. Despite his gruff exterior, he is always so sweet toward YS and thinks of her often even when he is working. I am so glad he manages to return to the past in this episode and meet up with YS again. Eating YS's favorite dumplings at the Forbidden City, taking the cruise as a family of three... ahhh!!


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Yes, the same! I honestly didn't expect to cry when I first started watching Tunnel, but those scenes get me so bad, I can't help but cry!


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So true. If I would be YS I would have tight him up, so that he couldn´t leave again. She has just such a sweet and gentle nature and she brings out the same in KH.


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Ahhhh so loved this episode! And the end of this episode made me screaming loud. AGAIN???! Just like Kwang-ho.

Ah, as the team has already known that Dr. Mok is the killer, all they need to do is find the evidence, but it looks like Kwang-ho left Dr. Mok's fountain pen in his jacket/pant at home.


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I am sure YS would keep the pen in a very safe place, and probably would have told JY the hiding place. The problem is whether JY can remember where it is. It seems she doesn't have many memories of the time she was young.


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So the time travel trigger is Mok Jin Woo woow, i never thought that he will be back to the future, and never thought that the future will keep going.

he was passing the tunnel i was like Noooo don't travel to the future. I am afraid at this point that the past won't change, I can't predict what will happen next will he stay in the future, can he go to the past again and prove that MJW is the killer! He needs Dr.Mok so he can travel back and forth.


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I never thought KH would return to the future that quickly either. When he started pursuit of the young Dr Mok from his house to the tunnel, I was like noooooo! Don't go there! Now I am left wondering whether he would return to the past because I don't think Dr Mok would want to see or fight with him in the tunnel anymore.


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I loved that the writer went with parallel universe, I would've been really sad if we couldn't get to see Jae-yi and our team!

Yes, I'm wondering how he'll go back to the past again? It seems like he has to have Dr. Mok with him in the tunnel for him to travel but is it because he hasn't caught him yet and once he does and gets to put him in jail, his purpose will be fulfilled so he can travel without him?!


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It was interesting to learn that time passes at the same rate in 1986 and in 2017. I suppose that is why Kwang-Ho can't spend longer in the past. He'll have to rejoin the team in 2017.


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Jae-yi: "I'm glad he went back. Mother and Father must've met by now."

But what about you, girl?
It felt so cruel of the universe to give her the idea of having a father, then snatch that person right before their reunion happen. Her longing is so palpable, and I can imagine her spending several nights just staring at his house, regretting all their missed opportunities.

When that darned ending happened, I was both happy and sad. That means another chance for him to say proper goodbye and give her much needed fatherly love and advice. But at the same time, how about our Yeon-sook?? I wish I can clone Kwang-ho and give each to both important women in his life so that they can be happy in their respective timelines.

The ending scene completely thwarted my theory about the Tunnel being a one-way chance for Kwang-ho to catch both serial killers. If the time-traveling tunnel keep opening up when both Kwang-ho and Mok stay inside it, I don't know how that would help Kwang-ho catching him. The first time it happened, it sure save his life. The second time, he got tranported back without a chance to tell others about the real murderer. (Though thankfully, Sun-jae is quick to connect the dots) And now, he was back to the present, finally have a chance to catch Mok in this timeline, but left the all-important evidence behind. Not to mention left Victim#5 hanging after the girl finally have enough courage to testify. We know just how easily she will take back her offer if Kwang-ho disappear for too long. I just hope he find a certain way to catch Mok in both timelines and finally closed the time-traveling tunnel that gave his family so much heartache.


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I don't think it's possible for him to capture Dr Mok in both timelines because the past affects the present. If he is caught in the past timeline, there won't be a present timeline for Dr Mok as a murderer unless he commits the murders again after he is released from prison. So Dr Mok can only be caught in one timeline.

I am quite surprised JY accepted SJ's explanation of KH being her father so easily. I mean the time traveling aspect is pretty unbelievable, so shouldn't she be more skeptical or even resistant about it? It's just too easy how she accepts everything like that.


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I think he could be caught in two timelines! They'll have to catch him in the present first and put him behind bars before Kwang-ho can go back to the past and catch him again! This of course will change the future later!

And I think the whistle played a big part in making her believe what Sun-jae said about Kwang-ho! He'd asked her before from where she got it, he looked shocked when he found it with her, yes, it's not easy to believe but she trusts Sun-jae and he isn't someone who can say such a thing unless it was really true!


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If Jin Woo is caught in '87, the future will be totally different. Kwang Ho would stay in the past, reunite with his wife again and Yeon Ho will never become Jae Yi. Sun Jae won't be a cop either since the his mom's killer is already caught.


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I also hope victim #5, Kim Ja-Young will be ok now Kwang-ho has gone to the future again. Maybe Reporter Oh or Yeon-seok will contact Seong-sik.


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Kwang Ho has good instincts but the problem is that he acts too quickly on them. Couldn't he call Sung Shik '87 or anyone to help him nab Jin Woo? Just as he rushed out to catch Jin Woo '17, he's making the same mistake again.

Thankfully, Choi Jin Hyuk sold us on Kwang Ho, we love him despite his flaws. The moment Kwang Ho stood in front of the lane leading to his home, I had a lump in my throat.


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SS'87 has been transferred to another district, and KH has no way of contacting him. I don't think KH even returned to the precinct that he worked in. There was no confusion or hoo ha shown in the show about his return. I believe he was working alone on Dr Mok's case, though I am not sure how he intends to prosecute Dr Mok or explain how he arrived at the conclusion Dr Mok is the serial murderer.


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Ah...I forgot that Sung Shik was transferred. I guess he had no choice.

I think he will have to re-open the case and use Young Ja's testimony against him.


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Oh right, the fifth victim could testify against the young Dr Mok. I totally forgot about her.


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This episode was SO GOOD, from Kwang Ho finally coming back to his wife Yoon Sook to Jae-Yi reaction to finding out the truth about her father and remembering her mother TT.
It kills me how both Sun Jae and Jae-yi trust Dr. Mok so much, especially Sun Jae, imagine how upset he'll get when he finds out the truth now that Kwang Ho is back to tell them. Also Kwang Ho acts a bit too impulsively sometimes (which i love but i also can see why he ends up losing the bad guy), and that's why we need Sun Jae and Jae Yi! they're more rational to not act before having a plan. I really hope Kwang Ho gets Dr. Mok in 1987 but coming back to 2017 only means they will get him in that timeline?


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Has the show ever shown us how SJ got acquainted with Dr Mok? SJ seems to take him as a mentor figure, so I guess he will be devastated when he finds out the truth.

KH is very impulsive. He has no evidence to nail Dr Mok in 1987, and the pen is of no use until DNA technology is invented. So what does he think he is doing by trying to capture the young Dr Mok? It would only put him on his guard.


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I just assume Sun Jae got acquainted with Dr Mok because of their work.


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Yes, me too! And I guess we'll get to know more about it in episode 15, the preview showed a little of that!


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That's why he wanted victim #5 to testify. She'll be his witness against the young Dr. Mok. Whether she recognized him or not is another story. If not, they can always coerce the suspect into admitting. I don't want to spoil episode 14, but coercion can be more effective for a younger Dr. Mok.


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I think Sun Jae met Dr. Mok during college as he his professor?, he was going to be a doctor but after finding out that his mother was murdered he changed his mind and decided to be a cop. (I don't know if I'm remembering this wrong, i should go back to watch the firsts episodes).


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You're remembering it right just that when Sun-jae discovered his mother was murdered he was still in school, I remember him wearing a uniform!


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You're right!


am really feeling bad for Kwang-ho right now..... I mean he suffered to get to his timeline only to appear in 2017 AGAIN!!!!!!! but I've got to admit it was interesting, am really glad..... can't wait for the next episode ......


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I wonder how KH is able to get back to the past again, or is he going to stay in the future forever.


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Oh lord! I feel so lucky now.!!???
I was not interested in Tunnel when it aired, and today because i was bored i clicked on Whispered but the page was of Tunnel. I got so engrossed from the go that i finished all the 12 EPs and 13 is recapped, already. I didn't have to wait!! Dramagods couldn't have me dying from the long wait, hehehe☺☺??


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Welcome to Tunnel! It's a very addictive drama, isn't it? I like how the writer balanced the thriller tone of the show with the emotional/humane aspects of the characters. And the cliffhangers for these past few episodes are done so right. Haha


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This episode was so satisfying! You can see how much lighter and happier Jae Yi looks, because there's a literal load off her chest. I was so thrilled to see her come alive and basically, feel emotions. They were repressed for so long!

I kind of love that Kwang Ho is like a dog with a bone. Even when shifting timelines, his purpose is single-minded! And yes, he may not be the brightest bulb in the box ( I'm thinking this is the writers' fault) but he's not giving up.

Can I just say, I'm so glad Sun Jae finally realizes something is wrong with Dr Mok. That man knows far too much and is happily gadding about and expressing his opinions on serial killers. Catch him already and squash him like a bug please!

I thought we had seen the last of Yeon Sook but I'm glad we haven't. Their reunion (short though it was) tugged at my heartstrings! And they finally went for their cruise!! ;______;


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It was great to see Jae Yi/ Yeon Ho really feel again, but at the same time devastating as she was only feeling loss and pain. But it is a starting point, maybe soon we will actually get to see her smile brightly or ( dare I say it) laugh.


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Re-reading my earlier comment, I realised I messed up. What I wanted to say was, it was nice to see her 'feel' again, even though that catharsis came at a great cost.


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Frankly, Dr Mok has been dropping so many hints that he's the serial killer. However, nobody suspects him or gives much thought to the meaning behind his words. They just take the words at face value and thinks he is merely giving an expert opinion.


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I know right? But what bugs me is, that if he kept bringing up the topic of the killer and his methods and what not, shouldn't it technically trigger any alarm bells?Because it's not as if he's discussing the entire case, including, killer, victims and all. He's just harping on the killer over and over again. Surely that should have tipped someone off.


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This show keeps breaking my heart, then puts it back together only to break it again. I was so happy for Kwang-Ho to be able to meet his lovely Yeon-Seok again and at the same time devastated for Yeon-Ho. She finally learned that she was not alone and she is being left alone again. The moment she found that picture of her mom was just so tragic.
I kinda wanted to kick Kwang-Ho for running into the f#@ing tunnel again and leaving his PREGNANT wife, but at the same time I was so relieved that he gets to meet his daughter, while she knows who he really is.


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Actually, had KH stayed in the past, he might have witnessed Yeon Ho growing up. The present Yeon Ho might not have been lonely. He gets to be with his wife and daughter. A win-win situation. Unfortunately, his single-minded pursuit of Dr Mok caused him to return to the present. So while he is reunited with Yeon Ho in the present timeline, he has lost his wife yet again.


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I know, the description of him as a dog with a bone is really very apt.


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I'm so happy that Kwang Ho reunited with Yeon Seok, but secretly, I wanted him to go back to the present one more time, and now he is. That last scene was just lol. His love for Yeon Seok was clearly demonstrated and at least it would soothe his heart when returning to the past, after learning that she was dead in the present. Moreover, I also love how Jae Yi is healing now, since she knows who her father really is. She is accepting and I wonder how her relationship with Sun Jae will play out. As for my last question, what will happen to the pen? We obviously saw Kwang Ho place it somewhere, but how will that end up in the future so they can use it as evidence? Thanks again for the recap.

P.S I love those moments when Kwang Ho is trying to explain the future to Yeon Seok. Anyone else? ;)


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I know, I cried when he reunited with Yeon-seok but I wanted him to go back! I wanted a reunion scene between him and Jae-yi and I wanted him to get to say a proper goodbye to Sun-jae, Sung-shik and the team!


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I love that scene where KH is trying to explain the future to YS too! It's so cute. He looks adorable, bumbling his way through to explain the weird future and its gadgets. And I just love YS's reaction. She doesn't mock him or anything for the fantastic story, but quietly accepts everything he says, and even asks if he sees her and her daughter in the future. So sweet.


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The moments of him explaining the future are great, but even better is how Yeon-Sook just goes with whatever he says and just believes everything. Any other wife would think he were lying and had an affair with another woman or something.


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Wendy, you better not be reading this! Hahaha we need to wait until Sunday!! No cheating! And yay for new episodes :)


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I was so glad that Kwang-ho got to go back and be with his wife and meet his baby girl!! It was so cite when he bought 3 tickets for his family. I wish he could have stayed longer.

I have a sinking feeling this show is going to end on a downer. That Kwang-ho will never be able to return and he will never be with his family as a whole. That he might possibly die in 2017. This would prevent a lot of time travel paradoxes. Because if he goes back then Jae-yi grows up a happy kid, etc etc. My brain hurts thinking about how they are going to end the show.


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NOOooo! Don't say that! My heart hurts!

Please don't kill Kwang-ho, show! You can't kill him!


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I just don't know!! There are so many problems inherent to time travel that this solution seems valid to prevent that. Even though I want him to go back and be with his family!!!! But if he did he would negate everything in the present...ahhh...I just don't know man!


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I know! If Kwang-ho goes back everything will change in the future, Sun-jae and Jae-yi wouldn't be the same, not the ones we know and came to love for who they are but.. but I want Kwang-ho to live happily with his little family, I want Jae-yi to grow up feeling loved and protected and I want Sun-jae to dream about a good future with no revenge in his mind and no hatred!


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Unfortunately, i agree with you. I don't think the future will change. I too have a sinking feeling that Kwang-Ho never returns to his wife. This episode, he bought a red teddy for Yeon-Ho which we already saw in the hands of 6 yr old Yeon-Ho while her adopted parents were taking pictures in the airport in an earlier episode. Maybe I am reading too much into this but I have a nagging thought that the future is set.


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I agree that him staying in 2017 will prevent any complicated time travel paradoxes. But I really hope that they wouldn't kill him off. He can continue his odd relationships with his daughter, partner, and team member. Though maybe it'll require them to commit some serious identity fraud if he was to stay for the unseeable future.


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I have the same thoughts :( I want everyone to be happy :(


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Loved it....even when I was mentally screaming..."no no don't enter that tunnel again!!"...?


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Dude, we all were...


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This episode slayed me with all the emotional scenes.

Kwang Ho & Yeon Sook’s teary reunion was heartbreaking.
It was sweet and precious seeing all their time together again especially when they finally went on the cruise.

I was kinda anxious that KH was in the past without any police support though. His old team was gone.

Jae Yi’s breakdown after seeing the old photo of her mother was so sad. It was a good scene when she came back to the old boarding house and thought of her childhood. Seeing her smile was lovely. Her character has changed a lot from when we first saw her. She was a little distant and cool then. She has shown a lot more emotion now. I think her character change has been well done.

Didn’t expect that ending! Gah. I had thought Kwang Ho would have time to form a team and officially investigate Jin Woo. It kinda seemed like Jin Woo knew something was off about the tunnel. Or he just thought it was a way to escape.


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I absolutely love the actress who plays Jae-yi. She slays every emotional scene. I am a total fan now. I was crying right alongside her.


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Yes, the actress is good! I think a few people may have been turned off by Jae Yi’s personality in the beginning, but it didn’t bother me. I’m glad she has opened up more though and is learning about her past. :)


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This was a great episode with everyone showing their heart-felt emotions: Kwang-Ho relieved and happy to reunite with his wife who waited for him faithfully, Sun-Jae glad to discover that he was a part of the team and being welcomed by his colleagues, Jae-Yi reeling from the discovery of identities of her parents and aching to know more about them. Tunnel is really the perfect mix of feels and thrills, not compromising on either.


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I love that scene where Sung-shik confirmed that Sun-jae is a part of their team now, not a mere guest. And when he smiled widely after that, I'm glad he now has the support system he needs when he eventually learn about Mok's true identity.


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This is a beautiful episode. Once again, my theories of what would happen when Kwang ho went to the past were completely blown away. I should have known better, lol. The writer continually surprises me. I thought he'd catch the killer in the past, Yeon ho would have no memory of her current life, as she'd have grown up with both her parents. But it seems that Kwang ho's trip to the past had no appreciable impact other than to lose the pen in his old jacket. And a quick visit to the boat cruise with his darling wife. I'm continually impressed and amazed by the writing, and I can't wait to see how things will end.


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One thing for sure this show is my fav show so far along with chief kim and liar and his lover but tunnel for sure would top my list(Choi jin hyuk biased??).
What more i can say about the show its the perfect mixture of thrill and emotions. the writer is so good at emotional characterization , i hope her next project will be a romantic one ,she will surely nail it...tunnel??


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While I am glad Kwang-ho got a chance to reunite with Yeon-sook, I really can't wait for him to meet Jae-yi again. That's the reunion I'm waiting for!


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I love how the color palette changes depending on if we're in '87 or '17. In '87 the color is a little faded and not as vibrant as though we're watching an old movie from that time. Then in the present, the color is rich. It makes the experience that much better. It's interesting to note that even though Kwang-ho went back for a time, nothing in 2017 changed or was altered. Which means his trip to the past was already a part of (Yeon-sook and Jae-yi's) history, it just hadn't happened yet from his prospective. (I know time-travel can be a headache.) But I am loving this show. Choi Jin-hyuk is phenomenal and I can't wait for the father-daughter reunion. Him buying a ticket for baby-bump Yeon-ho was just too adorable!


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AGAIN!!??? How could you do this to me, Show! My poor heart!!! Arrghhh to think that he was SO close!!! *tries to regain breathing normally*

The episode as a whole was amazing, as expected.

When he saw that his house was still there...oh my heart! I had tears in my eyes.
Their reunion was so heartbreaking!! I was crying!! ?? Kudos to the actors for portraying their relief, at finding each other, so well!

Omg!! The scene where he explains the future to his wife! Why was that so funny??? I loved it so much! Hahaha and most of the time she was giving him the wth is he talking about look. It was hilarious! ??

Seeing them so happy made me panic a little. I kept thinking, omg what if this is a dream!? *this is not a dream*

Omg what a creeeeeep! Dr Mok full listened to their convo. *shudders*
Now he knows Jae-yi is Kwang-ho's daughter! I wonder what he'll do with this information.


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Yeon-sook literally has that You-know-I-am-only-humoring-you-right-now expression when Kwang-ho told her about all the impossible technological advancement that'll happen in a mere 30 years. (I bet she couldn't care less about that) But she really believed in him and asked him the only important thing: whether he met Yeon-ho and herself or not in that timeline. And I love it.


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Exactly! It Shows how much she loves him and trusts him! Even if she didn't understand anything, I love how eager she was to hear him speak about the future, and their daughter. It was beautiful and funny at the same time.


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It is worrying that Dr Mok now knows about Jae-yi.


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How I wish Jae-yi also meets her Mom, the sweet and lovable Yeon-sook..


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This episode is one of the best so far. I cried as Kwang-ho realized he had returned home .. And sure, I got this feeling that it is SO WRONG that he left the only evidence he has on his future jacket when he can actually bring it along with him. How are they going to find that now?!

This episode made me think: if Kwang-ho always travels through time when he has the opportunity to catch the culprit Jin-Woo, should he just ask help from the other guys to catch him for him? So that he won't need to travel through time again. I bet Yeon-seok will be sad again :(


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I'm happy that KH got to see YS again, and that JY finally knew about her and her parents' identities.

But I'm freaking pissed because the writer makes it like Kwang Ho never learns anything from his previous experiences. He's supposed to have some kind of innate detective mojo in him and combined with his 5 month stint in 2017, he should have some tricks up his sleeve on how to trap MJW back in the past. But what does he do? He does everything alone... AGAIN. I don't like stupid KH. I want a smart KH. The long wait for this episode was definitely not worth the wait. The drama's ending in, like, what? 2 more episodes? Then the writer will pull some "clever" entrapment in the last episode? Meh. Sorry but that won't be believable because the characters are kind of stupid, it would be out of character to pull that stunt.

Such a promising drama, first I watched it because the genre is similar to Signal's, then I saw that it had its own charm so I kept watching.. was very excited to watch ep 13 and 14 after a long wait, and they pull the stupid card on me??? Sigh.

At least they get good ratings and the cast and staff(?) get to go on a vacation.. but I hope they kept, or will keep the quality for the remaining episodes.


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This show had me on pins sometimes. I'm glad it breaks record and all that. But then again, I'm also starting to scream 'noooooooooooo..' and 'what the heeeck..' many times which is not a good sign as some scenes are too close to the path of idiocracy. Hope it will be better next week because I can't stand evil outsmarting good in dramas.


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I always wait for your Tunnel recaps! Even if they come late :P

Thank you so much recapping Tunnel. I simply love this show from the content to the characters.


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" Dad and Mom must have met each other by now,” - my favourite moment in this episode <3 Jae Yi is so pretty when she smiles and it makes me happy :) I was half happy and half sad with the ending. I'm happy that Jae Yi got the chance to meet her father but Yeon Sook is going to be alone! I hate you, Show for doing this to me :(


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OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!


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Thank you for the recap. This was my favorite episode this week.


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Despite Episode 12 ending on such a cliffhanger with the extra wait for this episode I thought the tension might have dissipated but Tunnel didn't disappoint me. We've suspected, then known about Dr Mok for some time now but the show continues to keep us engaged and even up the stakes.


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I'm terrified Dr. Mok is going to go kill Yeong Suk now in the past since he knows who Dr. Kwang Ho is. Then there's no do over.


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