Beanie level: Eunuch in drag

Dear Youtube,

Thank you for providing me with videos and snippets (around 3-5 minutes) of my favorite Korean drama scenes. Even if it doesn’t have subs, I remember the scenes perfectly and the emotions conveyed by the actors.


A very busy graduate student


This is why I take my bus to and from the university… I’m hoping there’s someone I could share those 1 hour+ rides with…

lol just kidding. I have no choice but to take the bus -_- But I’m not kidding in wishing some cute guy would accompany me during my travels.

Maybe because it’s one of the last dramas that I watched before I switched to graduate student mode (aka no drama watching huhu), but I loved the bus rides in Just Between Lovers. I don’t remember if they ever talked during the rides, but both Moon Soo and Gang Doo were contented being with each other’s company. I want to experience the silence (and it’s not the we’re-not-talking-because-we’re-fighting kind of thing) and just living in the present moment.

I wish I could have time to watch JBL again 🙁 My deliverables at school just don’t seem to stop -_-


    Oh and I love Moon Soo and Gang Doo’s scenes at the bus stops! I don’t think they’ve vocally admitted their feelings to each other yet but I loved that there was a mutual understanding that they like each other. There was no need for words. I loved it


Hi beanies! Would you know when IU’s Persona will be shown in Netflix?


    It was postponed to another date due to forest fire in South Korea. Not sure when they will release it. But it should be this month.


I was studying my notes when I saw an “RH” written. I immediately wondered what Royal Hotness (referring to Shin Seung Rok in TLE) is doing here in my notebook. 

Then I realized I was referring to the relative humidity (RH)! 😂 (The context is I’m reading my notes for Meteorology class 😅)

Is this a sign from the unuverse that I should go back to drama watching… huhuhu


    Lol. At work I do come across relative humidity for paint application, but this never crossed my mind before. Now I might remember royal hotness when I see relative humidity too 🤣


      Oooh! Is there a relationship between paints and relative humidity? @katakwasabi? Now i’m curious!


        Relative humidity is one of the things checked prior to surface preparation and paint application. Paint should not be applied in humid conditions. As an example if a metal surface is prepped in humid conditions, it may result in flash rusting and paint would not adhere to the surface and it will lead to premature paint failure.


          Oooohh!! I never knew that! Thanks for letting me know! 😊


            Its not usual to talk something work related on DB hahahaha. Relating work to royal hotness makes it more fun. I adore SSR 🤩.


Aww Ziggy’s so sweet! <3

I hope he and JSM have another drama together! Their chemistry in The Smile Has Left Your Eyes still amazed me to this day!


February’s over, but please let me share one last Love, February post.

Thank you for being my mentor during my undergraduate days. I remembered taking your class, and despite one failing exam and one barely-passed exam scores, I managed to get a really high mark. All I remember was enjoying that class. Thank you for bringing back learning and enjoyment in the same sentence. Thank you for accepting me as your student and for steering my life (and career) in the direction that it is today. Thank you for believing in me and my abilities, for telling me that my writing was good enough for publication (sadly I did not push through with this). Thank you for inspiring me with your work. Thank you for your vision, because it was so damn inspiring. I remembered being tired and restless about work (happened twice during the duration of my working experience), and I attended one of your lectures. I remembered being energized and invigorated by your talk that I suddenly had the energy to endure things. Thank you for that. I always learned more during your 90-minute talks than I would by listening to others’ 3-hour lectures. Thank you so much Sir. You’ve really changed my life for the better. I will never forget you Sir. You will be terribly missed 😭💔


February (me)


When life happens, this song is such a great comfort for me. Reminds me so much of My Ajusshi 😢

On another note, how did Ji-An find such part-time jobs? 😅 it’s so hard nowadays! 😅


Apologies if this is non-drama related, but I\’m curious…

For Beanies who practice yoga, is there a difference between sighing and loud exhaling?

Even if you don\’t practice yoga, I also welcome your thoughts 😊

Thank you! ❤


    Do you mean a regular sigh? That’s very different from a loud exhale. Unless there’s a yoga way of sighing I don’t know.

    **does not practice yoga, but stereotypically, most Indian people would be able to tell you a thing or two. Considering how many many schools make us to yoga in the mornings. *rolls eyes*


      I don’t even know a regular sigh. I’m sorry, I’m even more confused now 😅 I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this


        Um, hahaha okay. I guess you’ve been given this primer already so it’ll probably be a repeat of what you know. [Please tag me if another beanie answers, I’m curious too]

        There are many different techniques of yoga (depending on what you want to achieve), but “breath” is life itself (pran). Therefore most/all yoga techniques will tell you how to regulate your breathing (according to that technique) – it is the most basic element.

        To be honest different techniques of yoga will teach different ways of breathing. I’m not familiar with the technique you’re being taught, so I can only help conceptually and explain why, even if it seems like its similar to a sigh, its actually not.

        The difference lies in the intention & the control. This is more important than you’d think: Yoga is about a physically fit body, or a healthy mind, or spiritual enlightenment & you won’t achieve the goal without that intention. I’m assuming you’re taught how to regulate your breathing so that you’re able to main a steady breath during certain asanas/positions. Sighing – often merely a sign of tiredness, and done without thought – won’t get you there. Focus, concentration, control beginning with your breathing – these are the base of any yogic technique.

        For starters, I’d (with my limited understanding) recommend maybe focusing on your own breath – not that of the student next to you, not on the teacher, not on the noise from outside, not even the thoughts drifting idly in your head.

        ^^; *that was long – sorry*


          Oh no worries, it’s fine. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! I appreciate it! 😊 I understand now that with yoga, breathing is more regulated, unlike in sighing which is really not. I thought I was exhaling loudly, but based from your definition, I guess I was indeed sighing. 😆


    @greenfields are you suuuuure you don’t practice or even TEACH yoga? because that was a reeeeaally good explanation right there!! ha ha ha.

    @WaterHyacinth I do practice yoga, and I could not have said it more eloquently than Greenfields. It’s all about intention and regulation of the breath. Through the nose or through the mouth. Is the throat constricted to create an oceanic breath (ujjayi breathing)? There is so much power in how you breathe while practicing — it’s the fire that fuels your body through your movement and/or meditation.

    and what a delightful question! I love love loooove when Beanies post about non-drama related things. Never apologize for it. We should be able to talk about anything !
    *Beanie Hand Heart sign*


      😂😂😂 glad I wasn’t off the mark. I only have elementary knowledge as someone who has grown up with yoga.


    Like Greenie said, it’s about control of the breath – so it’s not just a loud exhale of breath like a sigh. However, it is also about actively engaging your muscles especially in your core. When I first learned yoga my teacher would tell us to make sure that when you breathe out you make sure your stomach is contracting and when you breathe in to make sure it fills up. Part of the reason for this is because it helps the body to physically warm up. If you’re ever in cold weather or shivering, try yoga breathing and you can actually feel yourself warm up a bit. Very useful when you live in a city which is regularly blanketed by snow.

    There are some breathing techniques which are more like sighs, but they are still controlled and still about active engagement of your body.


    In Yoga the exhaling is also controlled and you are more aware of each breath. Even when your exhake loudly there is a deeper level of consciousness in that exhale.
    Sighing is just a quick burst of air being expelled.


    I do practice Yoga for 2 years now but I still beginner :D. It’s so different. I practices Yoga to cure my anxiety , and like what @KethySK said that It’s all about intention and regulation of the breath, through the nose or through the mouth.


    Thanks everyone for answering!! That was very elucidating!!


    No apologies necessary for posting something that is non-drama related. The beanie wall functions in much the same way the Open Thread does.


The past 48+ hours has been tiring. Travelling and waiting. Unpacking. Settlinf in. Being anxious all throughout.

But when I look at my niece\’s happy squeals, my family\’s patience and support, my friends\’ comfort from across the globe, all those negative feelings dissipate, and love and gratefulness replace them.




February is the month that passes quickly for me
Having only 28 days (exactly 4 weeks), it is the shortest month of the year
But even so, I always wished that the month would pass by even more quickly
So fast that I would forget the day when you first confessed your feelings to me
The day that was marked on my calendar as our anniversary.

Years have passed, I\’ve been trying to move on.
As the cliche goes, the end was for the better
I used to be bitter about it but I am grateful now.
Thankful that you saved both of us for the eventual heartache
Thankful that you chose your career so I was forced to do the same
Thankful that I loved and I was loved in return.

I\’ve returned and/or given away most of the mementoes,
But every now and then, something would remind me of you.
Memories tucked at the back of my mind resurfacing
Regrets for not appreciating your love and sacrifices guilt me.

February for me was the month of you
But now, it will be my month
The month of forgiving myself for not knowing back then the things I know now
The month for freedom and self-love
The month for new beginnings and new chapters.



Finally I\’m done with Life on Mars! It has been such a fantastic ride! Despite being a crime drama, I loved that funny and swoon-worthy scenes are interjected here and there that it provides a healthy balance to the overall mystery of the drama.

Seriously though, I haven\’t laughed loudly in a long time. Thanks to the crazy antics of our Violent Crimes Unit 3.

I consider this as my 2nd best drama (after My Ajusshi). Acting is excellent thanks to Jung Kyung-ho and Park Sung-woo! I loved the editing and cinematography of the drama. Story-wise, it was very well-written. The drama even explained why Tae-joo dreamt of the gang in 1988. I also loved that every detail has a reason for being included in the drama.

I also loved that Park Sung-woo\’s real life wife made a cameo in the last episode!! (I loved Shin Eun-jung in Misaeng!) Dong-chul\’s wife was often mentioned throughout the series that I was pleasantly surprised to have her cameo in the last ep!

Lastly, I loved reading the recaps for LoM as well as reading the beanies\’ comments! It gave me more insight and made me love this show even more!


    I enjoyed this show so much! This is where I discovered Jung Kyung Ho and I’m so looking forward to his next project! PSW is rumoured to join JKH but it hasn’t been confirmed.


      Oooohh! The bromance is strong! And I think the two actors really enjoyed filming together.

      Also, I liked PSW here than in TSHLYE! His character in LoM has more complexity than in TSHLYE.


    Yay! You finished. So happy you enjoyed the ride.

    Fun fact: JKH’s dad’s long time partner was Dongchul’s mother in law. And she calls JKH her son~ hoho


      Oohh that’s nice! I loved the cameos of DC’s family 😂


      I also read the beanies’ theories on whether or not Tae-joo really committed suicide. I’d like to think he was already dead from the beginning. The whole series was his way of tying up loose ends from his work and family. All that matters to me is he’s happy


        The producers were asked about this back in October. They said he did commit suicide.


    I am glad you enjoyed it. It was on my best of list for 2018.

    It was just damn good television.


Some of the best things in life ♥️

*in no particular order
1. Hugs!
2. Mom\’s cooking
3. Smell and taste of coffee- whether instant or brewed, it doesn\’t matter
4. Dogs
5. Ticking off the stuff in my to-do list
6. Throwing out (or giving away) all those things that I realized I don\’t need anymore
7. Sunsets- especially those bluish orange ones
8. Trench coats
9. Rollercoaster rides
10. Mother nature ♥️



Hi beanies! For those who have watched Life on Mars, do you guys remember why Kim Hyun-seok (Kim Min-seok\’s older brother) killed Han Tae-joo\’s dad?


Love. Still a vague concept to me until now.
Can be misunderstood. But it is felt at heart. Perhaps not today or tomorrow, but eventually it will be felt.
Can be through old parents sending their kid to graduate school abroad to have a better life.
The elder sister being a nagger about reminders before leaving; is a strong woman but a softie at heart
The brother for being logical and understanding
Friends and colleagues spending a couple of hours from their busy life to meet
Comfort and support from strangers-turned-(online)-friends
The Universe giving all these amazing things




I am definitely loving Life on Mars right now!!! It definitely gives a healthy balance of dark and heavy crime scenes and investigations with the warm camarederie of our Seobong Police Station Unit 3! (I hope I got it right?). I was pleasantly surprised that it was very comedic (Officer Yoon\’s judo skills are always 🙌 ), and gives me warm fuzzies about Tae-joo and Na-young\’s blossoming romance! Best part is even Dong-chul ships them! I love this mother hen!


Yahooo!! I got promoted!! I wish I could serve as an eunuch to His Royal Hotness Hyuk!

Seriously though, isn\’t it part of their monarchy to have eunuchs at least? They have a lot of court ladies in the palace





    You might want to reconsider your wish. Hyuk might go bonkers and shoot you with his many guns 🤭.

    Maybe its better to be Sunny’s eunuch. She’s cool and she has control over HR 😉.


    congratulations!🎈🍾🎉🎊 I think they didn’t add eunuch to the bunch because if they did… there’d be no chance at all for the 2nd leads (all males that are in the palace would have to be one!) that’d have ruined it for binnie.


