Beanie level: Entertainer-in-training

Beans who have watched My First First Love, how is the drama? I’m thinking of watching…because LUCY’s Sangyeop sang 4 songs for the OST! 4!! 😆

Here’s one song for my fanwall~


    This song is in my playlist for the dramas I watched that year! It’s been a while since I’ve heard it but tbh in my memory I thought it was from Scripting Your Destiny, lol. I didn’t love the drama itself though and only saw part 1.


    I really love the lead singer’s voice. He’s got so much color in it. He can sing ANYTHING! I like Lucy, give me some of your favorites. I know you posted some in the past couple weeks! I’d love some on this playlist!


      Yes. He has a great versatile voice. I have all of LUCY albums in my playlist, their songs are easy to listen to and they have enough songs for a long drive home on long weekends (about 4hr drive) 🤣. I have too many favourites some of them are Burn It, You&Me, 10Sec, Never in Vain, Haze, Snooze, Falling Flower, Magic, So Nice. Some of his OSTs: Into Your Time and When Tomorrow Comes.


    This was one of my first k-dramas. I watched both seasons in a row. It’s quite entertaining: slice of life, college setting, love triangle, friendships, second male lead syndrome, Kang Tae Oh (I had watched him previously in Run On)… I think you can give it a try.


      Ohh. Thank you. I’ll add this in my possible to watch list. I also have Run On my possible to watch list because of the OST too 😂.


Allow me to reminisce and throwback to the 1st edition of Love, February from 2019 where I shared several posts about my travels here on DB fanwall.

February, memories, travel and snow


Here\’s to February, universally known as the month of love. A reminder for us all to \’love and live\’ and \’live and love\’. To love ourselves and to cherish our loved ones and make memories before we become a memory.

February 9


Best birthday shout out ever! May LUCY perform this song on this day every year 😆

Love❤️‍🔥Romance🌸Sadness🥲And tears💦
Everything will flow away but..

What month and day is it today‼️⁉️
February 8, 2025‼️

(can’t you see) just how beautiful the world is?✨️

Song: Someday in the 21st Century

February 8 🎂


To today
The day I’m officially a year older
Hopefully wiser, a lot nicer
Happier and healthier
There will come days that might be tougher than ever
Get through it and be better!


The fanwall is closing down and I just learned how to embed a twitter video on the fanwall 😅

Enjoy LUCY’s performance for Haze during their concert on the 7th. The concert was broadcast live on youtube. It’s so pretty, there are 3D visual effects which matches the song lyrics.

Snippet of Falling Flower lyrics:
I’ll become pure white snow
And scatter somewhere
Even in that moment
I hope you smile
Oh wind, the world you’ve shown me
Fireflies gathered and became petals
This warmth I reached through time
Is a memory I won’t let go, you and I on that day
Even if we go back to the start
I’ll walk the same path a thousand times
Oh my spring wind, that made us soar together
If we meet again
Take me somewhere new

Feb 7


I started watching ‘Study Group’ because I thought I was starting ‘Undercover Highschool’ 🫠.

Then I realized where is Seo Kang Joon? The teacher is not Jin Ki Joo. But I continued watching and I really enjoyed the 4 episodes currently available.

Study Group’s male lead is probably the most endearing character I have ever encountered in kdramland. So eager to study and make friends. He’s a bit on the slow end of picking up social cues but he treats everyone nicely and with respect, he treats his close ones even better. Never change boy, never change. Remain your earnest sweet self with your new friends and may all of you get into college. Fighting 💪🏻

p/s: Most of the time over eager characters get on my nerve but so far I only find over-eager-to-study ML entertaining and fun. So, Kudos to the actor, scriptwriter, director and the team for creating a character that imo can be so easily annoying not annoying to watch on screen.


    I just started this as well and it’s just giving me life! I love the male lead. He’s so earnest, but aloof, unassuming, but effective.


    This is a fantastic show (kudos to the PD and the screenwriter) and the ML and all his friends in the Study Group are so endearing!


I had to snapshot this because I like seeing things that match 😂.


I was thinking about writing something for day 5 but got distracted and it’s already day 6.

Because I’m all about LUCY💙 and today is day 6…here’s a beautiful DAY6 ‘You Were Beautiful’ cover by LUCY.

Have a beautiful day everyone~

February DAY6!


Updated my banner!

Previously it was a low res summery LUCY by the beach pic

Now it\’s a clearer pic of them 🤣


Well hello green-lit maggi hair Shin Sung Rok


Hello beans! Here’s bright and colourful LUCY song ‘Jogging’ to uplift our mood and hopefully all of us have a lovely day today~ fighting! 💪🏻

If you were to go far away
Where would you go?
Without even a chance to let out a sigh
My world is spinning once again
On the other hand, if I only go where I wanna go
I’m afraid I’ll come across the wrong path
Again today, we ran without rest (Like running a marathon)
I feel so sore
I feel so lazy today
Out of each day
How much time do I make for myself
Don’t rush, just stay like that
And draw out our tomorrow
If you lose yourself
Can you really call yourself happy?
All the things you wanted to do till now
All the hopes you’ve had
You’ve forgotten about them
Now don’t be so hard on yourself
Don’t go on a chosen path
Go back and follow the blue light
If you can run once more
Then keep going
Till you reach the place your heart desires

February Day 4


Omo! I also found a Shin Sung Rok gif in front of a fireplace!!! Should have used this gif in my latest Love Feb post for visuals. It’s okay, I’ll just share a different clip of LUCY’s Stove/Heater with this gif. Combining my two faves in one post!!! Hahaha 😂


Why I like winter?

Snow, knitwear and coats! Long coats!

With that said, drama makers please give me a new Shin Sung Rok winter drama! Give me more SSR winter looks! Aaaaaaaa (insert fiery elmo gif)


My favourite season is winter and I have found my winter song: Stove by LUCY. Below is the official audio clip (with eng subs) instead of their live performance because the fireplace and bell ambient sound can be heard more clearly in this version, giving it a more wintery feel.

Have a warm winter everyone~ ☃️🔥

❄️눈꽃이 떨어지면 거리는 밝아지고
When the snowflakes fall, the streets will get brighter
❄️우리는 그 속에서 춤을 추게 될 거야
We will dance in it
❄️불빛이 우릴 비추고 종소리가 들리면
When the lights shine on us and the bells ring
❄️우리는 이 겨울을 날아
We will fly through this winter

February Day 3


    I think this is lovely.


    Yes! I was waiting for a mention of this specific song!! 🤩
    I love it!! I found it randomly a few years ago and I always like going back to it from time to time! It’s a fave!!
    I don’t really follow Lucy, or listen to them regularly at all, but them having this song in their repertoire is enough for me to like them overall!! 😁

    Fun fact: before knowing them I actually came across their lead/main singer (? forgive me, I don’t remember his name) when he appeared in a music related Korean show (I think it was that duet one?) yeaaars ago!! It was pretty cool when I found out it was the same person I “knew” from before! 😊


      Duet Festival! Hahaha i saw the clips too, he looks different before all the styling but his voice is just as beautiful before and after 🤣. They are still close and in contact with each other after many years, Sangyeop (LUCY’s vocalist) shares info (lots of it) to his fans, who translates them, so I can read on twitter 😂.


Bringing this gif back because I want it on my wall again. Emperor Lee Hyuk trying to be a hero but failed so bad. No worries though, he still captured viewers hearts hahahahah


As I read @kat23‘s post, reminiscing the fanwall journey these past few years, I did some fanwall searching too…and saw the post below (see image)

Throwback to pandemic era! I do think DB fanwall and community helped me during the lockdown period, it was probably the most active I was. I lived mostly alone because we were not able to cross state borders for a long time, I was happy I had a place to chat and spazz and interact albeit only virtually and not even knowing real names.

So, thank you beans! Thank you for all the fun memories and providing me company. We can still continue in the comments section. But let’s be honest, posts with gifs are more fun 😂.

I mean…see a few exhibits below from my #AprilSixWordStoryChallenge back in April 2020
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:

Thank you all again! Let’s have fun on the FW until the day that it is finally down~

Lots of Love,
February Day 2


Today is 1st Feb 25 which can also be written as 25.2.1 which reminds me of kdrama 25,21 (스물다섯 스물하나) especially the drama’s theme song by Jaurim.

Keeping up with my LUCY agenda, here’s a beautiful cover of 25,21 by LUCY. Enjoy Sangyeop’s gorgeous voice and Yechan’s mesmerizing violin.


    Thanks! That video led me to this better-sound-quality recording. His voice makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck – and I mean that in a good way.

    Damn, I love that song.


      Earlier I was thinking of sharing the clip you shared but changed my mind because I felt what better way to showcase Sangyeop’s vocals + yechan’s violin than a fancam video during a festival stage prep (notice people moving around in the background attaching wireless packs and stuff) 🤣. Glad this clip led you to watch an official tv broadcast clip 🙂.


    You have no clue how much Twenty Five Twenty One (both the drama and the Jaurim song) has a complete stranglehold on my soul. It’s permanently on my rewatch cycle. It’s been a few years and it’s permanently implanted in my brain. Character development perfection


It’s my birthday month 🎂! LUCY’s Sangyeop birthday month too! And to celebrate, here’s a sunny Yeop-ie pic to start my February fanwall 😆.

To everyone who reads this, hopefully you had a good 1st month of 2025 and may your February and the rest of the year be bright and merry!!!

February 🦄


Noooo!!! 1 of my favourite SSR fan twitter account announced he/she is closing down the account. Saddd 🥺


    What’s SSR?


      Shin Sung Rok~ visit my fanwall for SSR pics 😂. He’s a musical actor who used to be in dramas too. His last drama was in 2022. No dramas = nothing for me to promote, but I still try to remind beans of his existence now and then on my FW 😅


        Omo! I forgot he had a special appearance in The Judge from Hell last year 😅. If you watch TJFH, he played the character Bael.
