Attorney woo ep2-4: still cute. A lot of focus on woo character & her thoughts & that’s really nice to see. Ml has much patience, good for him. Cases so far are invoking pity of the viewers & hmm ok. Not giving it too much thought. Sunset scene was so wholesome uwu
Alchemy ep 2-3: on ml’s backstory; bro wtf wtf honestly wtf. Fast forwarding through.
Minamdang ep2: wish they’d wrap up cases in 1-2 ep rather than drag it out. In for the comic parts, don’t care much abt the rest.
Back to kdramaland after an eternity & randomly binging 1st eps of whatever came on “trending” list in Netflix. So;
Attorney woo ep1: cute, clicked because of PEB, cases seem to be simple but that’s fine. Fl is good. Guy from Run On is our lead guy(?) I hope. Will continue watching
Alchemy ep1: Bro. By the end i just felt sorry for the dead mom of ml. Plot better improve in next eps.
Anywho i hope the king’s soul got permanently cursed and these kind of drama scripts be thrown into the blast furnace in the future. Wth are you doing Hong sis.
Cafe minamdang ep1: not a fan of SIG but; unexpectedly entertaining ep, lmao-ed a lot let’s see what ep 2 holds.
I only like the funny parts of Souls, so I haven’t been paying attention to the plot, I don’t know if it improved. But the leads are hilarious and have great chemistry.
I donβt hate him, but I also havenβt seen anything he is in (if you exclude the first 10 mins of Cafe). I feel the same way with @eazel who enlightened me saying that the reason why I didnβt find him charming or appealing might be because he has a very unproportionally small head compared to his body. I know itβs shallow, but I also think itβs the reason. 😂
I donβt hate him either. I actually loved his character and acting in Reply 1997. But then I hated his characters and acting in every role after that. Now I have stopped watching his shows.
Apart from 97, whatever character he played kind of annoyed me to the point i stopped watching. It’s still annoying in this show but this time i somewhat enjoyed. Still not a fan. 😹
Also, I’m not a fan of a lot of the actors/shows with their own fanclub on db. Just never mentioned it to avoid fanwars. π
Not a fan of LMK, or shows like inar & btlof. (Personal opinion ofc)
“Also, Iβm not a fan of a lot of the actors/shows with their own fanclub on db. Just never mentioned it to avoid fanwars. 😛
Not a fan of LMK, or shows like inar & btlof. (Personal opinion ofc)”
He used to be one of my faves, but like with Ji Chang-wook, I’m increasingly trying to remember why. I haven’t liked one of his dramas in ages. It’s like he keeps trying to outdo himself with eccentric characters, and I’m over it.
@mmmmm When I first saw him in Reply 1998, ngl I thought he was ugly. He’s one of those actors who had a charisma when acting that made him attractive for me. His hair length also makes or breaks his looks.
That being said, YR staph it. Like we get you, but stop being so mean to HD(& not just because HD is the fl). You\’re lashing out on the only person you can (plus the pool which is not a person, also, pretty sad scene) while being bullied by all the adults.
I couldn\’t dislike her too much after ep8 but srsly, pls stop being mean. Esp since we get to see your not-mean side when you\’re with non-HD.
If YR is a child (professional national level gold medal athlete) who couldn\’t control her emotions/rage literally anywhere near HD every single time, let\’s not forget that every single person told HD to stop fencing (except dead dad; YJ & coach came later into the picture) & she had no one to lean on & had to fight to get where she wanted to. That\’s a different kind of burden to bear but it was a heavy burden all the same. Usually someone would crumble over if the world kept telling them they suck at something & should just give up.
Wish YR would stop seeing her as a threat & as a rival instead.
Drama is bent on pitching them badly against each other but let\’s have a better reason plz this is so stupid.
Also media sucks.
Side note:
HD-YJ interaction had been wholesome so far but 2nd half of ep8 was cringey for poor HD. But with that determined line at the end, I\’m pretty sure she\’ll bulldoze her way into YJ\’s heart haha.
Mom & HD are still not on the same page even when there\’s a teen granddaughter in the fam now. 🤦 Let\’s communicate people!
Again Not on Bona hate bus!!!
That\’d be even more stupid than YR\’s actions in the drama so far.
Our Beloved Summer
What I liked about the drama that kept me watching till now: ✨
The vibe & aesthetic has been lovely so far, the color tones, the setting, the cinematography were pretty. The music is overall nice too. So it was a visual treat.
The friendship between Ung & Ji-ung. It’s nice π
What has irked me enough to vent out here on db after ages:
First of all, the absolute lack of communication between the leads till abt ep 9(?) had been super frustrating.
Didn’t care abt YS ever but wow she just shut up like a clam, & Ung was so vague abt everything! This is romanticized in dramas but tbh things never ever work out on their own without communication.
i just liked to see Ung work in his studio & was hoping those 2 would actually talk about stuff that matters & i didn’t care abt them getting back together, i mean either way it was fine BUT that was nothing compared to what happened in the latest eps like why did even Ung need to have a sob backstory?????? That ep just left me??????? 🤨🤨🤨
I mean isn’t this trope getting too old after getting reused so many times. Like every set of drama parents who are nice are adopted, & only the awful drama parents are the real ones.😒
I don’t….feel pity for those characters anymore. Seen it even more than Love triangles & TOD put together. 😐
Not trying to be insentive but Ung’s story didn’t have to be so pitiful, i was rooting for his choice of life even without the sob backstory thrown on my face so late into the show, it was absolutely unnecessary because yes a person can wish to have a laid back life, be reserved or feel lonely at times without a childhood trauma.
So now what, we root for the OTP to be together because their uhh…sad stories make them a couple????🤦
Is this a Melo? Did I miss it somewhere? I had cried through Bach drama, sniffed sometimes through Weather drama but man it makes no sense in this drama. This setting is really getting old. You know what would be fresh, the characters having *not* a sob backstory but still have enough depth to make audience invested in them.🙇
Also the pretty music & setting will make it seem like it but taking so long to resolve things between them despite the apparent never faded love in their hearts is romantic only on paper not in reality. (Plus they haven’t yet talked abt the last break up which was so bad, also ohmy, did YS dump him without explaining even tho she knew abt his son story by then???? Ohmy ohmy i agree with Sol-i unni, they’re a mess )🤷
Also why….did Ji Ung like YS? Love at first sight? Just like that?????????? They never even got that close until the current timeline. Was this setting necessary? What is this, Twelfth Night? Why are the drama universes so small where everyone has to has a crush on someone. Why are love triangles/squares/pentagons still not ditched out of writings.😑
And will i keep watching after venting out so much here? Yes ofc, since I’m already past the halfway mark, might as well finish it. Can’t believe my frustration led to me rambling here. I didn’t even make happy posts when I was enjoying Run On last yr…
I feel you. I’m rewatching Cunning Single Lady and they have a similar synopsis (used to date/were married, had an awful break up, they meet again -the dude is now famous- and they start to work together), but man, there was more communication and stuff happening in 5 episodes of CSL than 10 of Our Beloved Summer.
I really don’t know how am I supposed to buy their love story if there isn’t one.
Haha so true – I wish drama writers would realise characters donβt need a tragic backstory and they donβt need a childhood/ fated connection either! Normal people falling in love can be entertaining – there are plenty of potential pitfalls between two normal, different people!!
14Feb will be over in my timezone in approx 1hr. Over the past few years I haven’t been able to come much on db due to rl situations & just being exhausted in general.
I just happened to come back heteta few days ago & lo & behold! The wall is filled with posts 🙂
I’ll be honest I have nothing nice or sweet to share. Rl is stressing me out or I’m beginning to suspect that I’m a person who just stresses out a lot in general haha.
Anyway I’m off to sleep with some dramatic lines & a thank you note:
“After secretly collecting words that wander around in the void, I fall asleep at dawn, good night”
(Referring to my occasional insomnia, btw I either knock out dead or just stay awake like an 🦉, there’s no in between)
To @hotcocoagirl , you’re awesome for bringing this idea to db.❤️
To every beanie continuing the tradition every year, your awesome too👍👍👍✨❤️❤️❤️
Put off watching Brahms 13-14 till finale week because I saw the break-up coming & now caught up with all…legit just cried through 14-15. My pillow is wet with tears. Will never watch melo again💀
Spent a wild weekend bopping to my faves\’ concert & totally missed that do sol has premiered & its Brahms time already as well. Almost exhausted all of my data for the day now what do i doooo…T_T
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
July 10, 2022 at 11:43 AM
Drama binge after an eternity part2.
Attorney woo ep2-4: still cute. A lot of focus on woo character & her thoughts & that’s really nice to see. Ml has much patience, good for him. Cases so far are invoking pity of the viewers & hmm ok. Not giving it too much thought. Sunset scene was so wholesome uwu
Alchemy ep 2-3: on ml’s backstory; bro wtf wtf honestly wtf. Fast forwarding through.
Minamdang ep2: wish they’d wrap up cases in 1-2 ep rather than drag it out. In for the comic parts, don’t care much abt the rest.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
July 9, 2022 at 10:34 AM
Back to kdramaland after an eternity & randomly binging 1st eps of whatever came on “trending” list in Netflix. So;
Attorney woo ep1: cute, clicked because of PEB, cases seem to be simple but that’s fine. Fl is good. Guy from Run On is our lead guy(?) I hope. Will continue watching
Alchemy ep1: Bro. By the end i just felt sorry for the dead mom of ml. Plot better improve in next eps.
Anywho i hope the king’s soul got permanently cursed and these kind of drama scripts be thrown into the blast furnace in the future. Wth are you doing Hong sis.
Cafe minamdang ep1: not a fan of SIG but; unexpectedly entertaining ep, lmao-ed a lot let’s see what ep 2 holds.
tabong is ironing the crosswalk
July 9, 2022 at 11:19 AM
I love Woo and CafΓ©. Woo is wholesome and cute. CafΓ© is so damn funny, especially episodes 3-4.
I only like the funny parts of Souls, so I haven’t been paying attention to the plot, I don’t know if it improved. But the leads are hilarious and have great chemistry.
July 9, 2022 at 12:17 PM
I think this is the first time I’m seeing “not a fan of SIG” on db… I feel validated.
July 9, 2022 at 1:44 PM
I donβt hate him, but I also havenβt seen anything he is in (if you exclude the first 10 mins of Cafe). I feel the same way with @eazel who enlightened me saying that the reason why I didnβt find him charming or appealing might be because he has a very unproportionally small head compared to his body. I know itβs shallow, but I also think itβs the reason. 😂
July 9, 2022 at 1:44 PM
July 9, 2022 at 10:55 PM
Comment was deleted
July 9, 2022 at 10:57 PM
I donβt hate him either. I actually loved his character and acting in Reply 1997. But then I hated his characters and acting in every role after that. Now I have stopped watching his shows.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
July 9, 2022 at 11:33 PM
Apart from 97, whatever character he played kind of annoyed me to the point i stopped watching. It’s still annoying in this show but this time i somewhat enjoyed. Still not a fan. 😹
Also, I’m not a fan of a lot of the actors/shows with their own fanclub on db. Just never mentioned it to avoid fanwars. π
Not a fan of LMK, or shows like inar & btlof. (Personal opinion ofc)
July 10, 2022 at 4:37 AM
“Also, Iβm not a fan of a lot of the actors/shows with their own fanclub on db. Just never mentioned it to avoid fanwars. 😛
Not a fan of LMK, or shows like inar & btlof. (Personal opinion ofc)”
That is exactly me!!! 😂👌 High five, chingu!!
miss h
July 9, 2022 at 4:26 PM
He used to be one of my faves, but like with Ji Chang-wook, I’m increasingly trying to remember why. I haven’t liked one of his dramas in ages. It’s like he keeps trying to outdo himself with eccentric characters, and I’m over it.
@mmmmm When I first saw him in Reply 1998, ngl I thought he was ugly. He’s one of those actors who had a charisma when acting that made him attractive for me. His hair length also makes or breaks his looks.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
July 9, 2022 at 11:46 PM
Oooh I’m the same as you for jcw too. What’s he doing lately smh.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
April 4, 2022 at 12:21 AM
Almost a day since 2521 finale & i still haven’t recovered from the shock. And the confusion.
And i thought i was prepared for it.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
March 7, 2022 at 7:56 AM
Not on Bona hate bus!!!
That being said, YR staph it. Like we get you, but stop being so mean to HD(& not just because HD is the fl). You\’re lashing out on the only person you can (plus the pool which is not a person, also, pretty sad scene) while being bullied by all the adults.
I couldn\’t dislike her too much after ep8 but srsly, pls stop being mean. Esp since we get to see your not-mean side when you\’re with non-HD.
If YR is a child (professional national level gold medal athlete) who couldn\’t control her emotions/rage literally anywhere near HD every single time, let\’s not forget that every single person told HD to stop fencing (except dead dad; YJ & coach came later into the picture) & she had no one to lean on & had to fight to get where she wanted to. That\’s a different kind of burden to bear but it was a heavy burden all the same. Usually someone would crumble over if the world kept telling them they suck at something & should just give up.
Wish YR would stop seeing her as a threat & as a rival instead.
Drama is bent on pitching them badly against each other but let\’s have a better reason plz this is so stupid.
Also media sucks.
Side note:
HD-YJ interaction had been wholesome so far but 2nd half of ep8 was cringey for poor HD. But with that determined line at the end, I\’m pretty sure she\’ll bulldoze her way into YJ\’s heart haha.
Mom & HD are still not on the same page even when there\’s a teen granddaughter in the fam now. 🤦 Let\’s communicate people!
Not on Bona hate bus!!!
That\’d be even more stupid than YR\’s actions in the drama so far.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
January 16, 2022 at 3:25 AM
Our Beloved Summer
What I liked about the drama that kept me watching till now: ✨
The vibe & aesthetic has been lovely so far, the color tones, the setting, the cinematography were pretty. The music is overall nice too. So it was a visual treat.
The friendship between Ung & Ji-ung. It’s nice π
What has irked me enough to vent out here on db after ages:
First of all, the absolute lack of communication between the leads till abt ep 9(?) had been super frustrating.
Didn’t care abt YS ever but wow she just shut up like a clam, & Ung was so vague abt everything! This is romanticized in dramas but tbh things never ever work out on their own without communication.
i just liked to see Ung work in his studio & was hoping those 2 would actually talk about stuff that matters & i didn’t care abt them getting back together, i mean either way it was fine BUT that was nothing compared to what happened in the latest eps like why did even Ung need to have a sob backstory?????? That ep just left me??????? 🤨🤨🤨
I mean isn’t this trope getting too old after getting reused so many times. Like every set of drama parents who are nice are adopted, & only the awful drama parents are the real ones.😒
I don’t….feel pity for those characters anymore. Seen it even more than Love triangles & TOD put together. 😐
Not trying to be insentive but Ung’s story didn’t have to be so pitiful, i was rooting for his choice of life even without the sob backstory thrown on my face so late into the show, it was absolutely unnecessary because yes a person can wish to have a laid back life, be reserved or feel lonely at times without a childhood trauma.
So now what, we root for the OTP to be together because their uhh…sad stories make them a couple????🤦
Is this a Melo? Did I miss it somewhere? I had cried through Bach drama, sniffed sometimes through Weather drama but man it makes no sense in this drama. This setting is really getting old. You know what would be fresh, the characters having *not* a sob backstory but still have enough depth to make audience invested in them.🙇
Also the pretty music & setting will make it seem like it but taking so long to resolve things between them despite the apparent never faded love in their hearts is romantic only on paper not in reality. (Plus they haven’t yet talked abt the last break up which was so bad, also ohmy, did YS dump him without explaining even tho she knew abt his son story by then???? Ohmy ohmy i agree with Sol-i unni, they’re a mess )🤷
Also why….did Ji Ung like YS? Love at first sight? Just like that?????????? They never even got that close until the current timeline. Was this setting necessary? What is this, Twelfth Night? Why are the drama universes so small where everyone has to has a crush on someone. Why are love triangles/squares/pentagons still not ditched out of writings.😑
And will i keep watching after venting out so much here? Yes ofc, since I’m already past the halfway mark, might as well finish it. Can’t believe my frustration led to me rambling here. I didn’t even make happy posts when I was enjoying Run On last yr…
To all the writers of this drama
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
January 16, 2022 at 6:19 AM
Ok she didn’t know abt his abandoned story. Epilogue confused me nvm.
bbstl π§Ή
January 16, 2022 at 12:42 PM
👍🏼 Yep, right there with you! 🤦🏼♀️
Sol-I has become my favorite character in this show, sheβs the only one with a good head on her shoulders, including grandma.
tabong is ironing the crosswalk
January 16, 2022 at 6:01 PM
I feel you. I’m rewatching Cunning Single Lady and they have a similar synopsis (used to date/were married, had an awful break up, they meet again -the dude is now famous- and they start to work together), but man, there was more communication and stuff happening in 5 episodes of CSL than 10 of Our Beloved Summer.
I really don’t know how am I supposed to buy their love story if there isn’t one.
January 17, 2022 at 7:07 AM
Haha so true – I wish drama writers would realise characters donβt need a tragic backstory and they donβt need a childhood/ fated connection either! Normal people falling in love can be entertaining – there are plenty of potential pitfalls between two normal, different people!!
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
February 14, 2021 at 9:58 AM
14Feb will be over in my timezone in approx 1hr. Over the past few years I haven’t been able to come much on db due to rl situations & just being exhausted in general.
I just happened to come back heteta few days ago & lo & behold! The wall is filled with posts 🙂
I’ll be honest I have nothing nice or sweet to share. Rl is stressing me out or I’m beginning to suspect that I’m a person who just stresses out a lot in general haha.
Anyway I’m off to sleep with some dramatic lines & a thank you note:
“After secretly collecting words that wander around in the void, I fall asleep at dawn, good night”
(Referring to my occasional insomnia, btw I either knock out dead or just stay awake like an 🦉, there’s no in between)
To @hotcocoagirl , you’re awesome for bringing this idea to db.❤️
To every beanie continuing the tradition every year, your awesome too👍👍👍✨❤️❤️❤️
Thank you & lots of love to everyone.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
February 14, 2021 at 9:59 AM
Wtf is heteta 🤦🏻♀️
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
February 14, 2021 at 9:20 AM
Currently marathoning this show since it’s so loved.
Anyway can anyone tell me where can I find these headphones?
Fly Colours
February 14, 2021 at 1:52 PM
Hi five, I’m marathoning it too!
February 14, 2021 at 4:48 PM
Yaaay! I hope you enjoy it!
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
February 15, 2021 at 2:19 AM
5 eps in. Liking it so far. ^^
February 14, 2021 at 5:21 PM
@mindy, but she tells us they are discontinuing them.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
February 15, 2021 at 2:18 AM
@mindy pleaseeeee tell meeeeee ΰΌΌ;Β΄ΰΌΰΊΆ Ϋ ΰΌΰΊΆΰΌ½
February 15, 2021 at 6:32 AM
We had a whole convo over on Discord about them when the show first showed them.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
January 1, 2021 at 12:15 AM
Haven\’t been here in ages but Happy New Year to everyone & every single person who keeps supporting this space, you are ✨
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 20, 2020 at 4:22 AM
Put off watching Brahms 13-14 till finale week because I saw the break-up coming & now caught up with all…legit just cried through 14-15. My pillow is wet with tears. Will never watch melo again💀
October 20, 2020 at 5:43 AM
*wraps arm around shoulders and gives a warm hug*
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 20, 2020 at 8:12 AM
Thank you ;_;
I really haven’t cried so much in a while… To think a melo made me like this >.<
October 20, 2020 at 10:13 PM
It’s ok. Now for happy tears.
October 20, 2020 at 5:40 PM
This will be my last for this year!!
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 21, 2020 at 10:13 AM
Probly my last one ever. I just cried way too much yo 😌
October 21, 2020 at 4:15 AM
please don’t leave melo behind 😂
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 21, 2020 at 10:14 AM
Nonono that’s enough melo in one lifetime 🤧
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 12, 2020 at 9:34 AM
Spent a wild weekend bopping to my faves\’ concert & totally missed that do sol has premiered & its Brahms time already as well. Almost exhausted all of my data for the day now what do i doooo…T_T
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 5:22 AM
Me at the end of ep 12 vs writer-nim
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 5:17 AM
And it just ended like THAT??!!!
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 5:16 AM
Noooooo song-ahhhhhh it’s not what you think!!!
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 5:13 AM
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 5:04 AM
Oh i fell asleep halfway through posting 😅
Anyway where was I…
Ah here.
I’m having a bad feeling part II
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 3:49 AM
Wait WHAT?
October 7, 2020 at 4:05 AM
Where’s that truck of doom when you need it?
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 5:43 AM
We need the Piano of Doom in this show!
October 7, 2020 at 11:37 PM
I don’t want the piano to be harmed…unless it is Jung Kyung’s mother’s piano we’re using…I think it’s about time the whole family let that one go.
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 11:43 PM
I’d suggest that faulty piano from the uni as well
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 3:40 AM
Awkward dinner #134340
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 3:38 AM
You 🤬
You saw how sincere she is & you still did that!
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 3:35 AM
Fatcat007 (Kitty π)
October 7, 2020 at 3:32 AM
Omg watchu gonna do.