Beanie level: Chaebol’s poor doppelganger

Extraordinary You Eps 17-20:-

Oh! Look at that! An FL who has been relegated to making googly eyes at her love, crying over him, and fainting and/or getting humiliated at opportune moments so as to give the men a chance to have a cock fight over her. Because the other more important things, like trying to solve the mystery of the world and protecting one’s life, is for the MEN. Such a new and unique character trajectory, show!

I had to laugh when Haru put Danoh’s life in potential danger just so he could carry her away in front of Baek-kyung, complete with intense eye-contact, to prove to him that his balls are bigger. Gee! How romantic!

Aww look at poor little Dan-oh crying over her fate not having changed when she has literally done nothing to change it. Not even thought about it. It’s ok, honey. It happens. I mean, tall, handsome, sparkly eyes, who can resist, eh?

Do-hwa, Ju-Da, and Baek-kyung continue to be the most engaging characters. Rise, Evil Juda and Evil Baekkyung! Rise, my children of the night! MUAHAHAH- *cough* right. While the mystery is definitely one I am the most interested in, I have honestly also started to enjoy BOF Lite. At least it’s meta, unlike the main romance which is trying to serve me melodramatic grand teenage love and expecting me to take it seriously. Pfft, sure.


    if I could like your post twice, I would.
    It’s not that I’m not enjoying the show. it’s just… more Do-Hwa, Ju Da and Baek Kyung “scenes” and “shadows”, please !


    Also more Dan Oh’s two friends. Their friendship/bickering is hilarious.


It’s here. It’s happening. The promotions have started. Any prayers for my soul will be much appreciated because this will kill me.


Extraordinary You Eps 13-16:-

The amount of times the FL cried in these eps made me cry….from boredom. What is this melodramatic weak candy FL destiny nonsense when the whole set up of the show had been about breaking all these tropes. I just. Cannot. The only interesting part about these eps was that small smile Ju Da sent Sae Mi\’s way when Nam Ju said he was disappointed in her. If she becomes evil, imma call her queen. Please become evil, Ju Da. I will start shipping her with Haru then, just for the hell of it because god knows, if this is how the show continues, I\’m gonna be needing that little bit of fun. That is, if I don\’t drop it.


    To me everyone have their breaking point and losing Haru was Dan ohs breaking point. He represent her optimism that she can change her fait as they together could change the stages. but with him gone and her thinking she was the reason he disappeared. That made her think she could not do anything and therefor she concluded that it was the best just going with the narrative. for me it would be strange if she just continue going like before after losing a precious friend.

    But that is just what I think and we can see it differently 🙂


      I agree with you sal and i get how you feel kal. I did notice that she cried a lot but I dont hold it against her. she felt guilty for losing someone. I think I’d cry as much as her. And She «gave up» because she was scared of other repercussions. The only thing I hold against her is maybe she should’ve gone to haru and told him what happened more clearly instead of repeatedly telling him «you’re not the haru I know.» help him out a little girl!!!


        Comment was deleted


    FL is Dan Oh or Ju Da? Last I watched JD is the lead, DO is the extra….😅


    I agree with @silje ! Your post made me snort not going to lie, but I kind of understand where Danoh was coming from. I hate weepy FLs of all things, but her breaking down made sense given that he was her hope to changing her life around, but before that he’d become someone she felt deeply about. As if to add salt to the wound, her health prospects weren’t looking any better and the she was set to get married to BK onstage. She couldn’t muster the courage to change it anymore because the last time she did she lost someone dear to her, and now she’s emotionally exhausted and vulnerable.

    I agree on the destiny thing, and I’m still holding out on this being an anti-fate story. ‘Fate’ in the context of this drama is what the writer determines. The fact that Haru has flashbacks of a past manhwa where they were together is not so much indicative of their ‘fated relationship’ as it is his determination to follow Danoh’s character to the ends of the manhwa world. At least I HOPE this is what it is. I don’t rlly think Haru and Danoh were leads of the previous manhwa as some people have suggested, because then there would be no reason that whole plotline would be shrouded in so much mystery. Something went very wrong back then and I think it had to do with Haru and Danoh fighting against the writer’s will like they are right now.


      Im like you. My theory is that in the old manhwa Dan OH was probably destined to be with BK again but she somehow found it and fought against the writer’s will and fell in love with Haru. (I wouldn’t be surprise if she called him Haru in that manhwa as well). The writer separates them and puts them in a new manhwa and history repeats itself.

      Another theory of mine, is BK’s brother the writer?? they keep oddly pausing at his face. Is he in love with Dan Oh?


        I, for the sake of sustaining the show’s logic, hope the writer does not exist in the story in any shape or form HAHA. I don’t think the drama screenwriters are capable of explaining how a writer could end up in his/her own story. My guess is he’s linked to Flower somehow (join the club boy) or he’s going to have a role in stepping in when Baek Kyung goes off the rails.

        It seems too convenient to show the manhwa writer as recycling so many of her characters from Flower (I get that she/he is uncreative but to THAT extent?) I hope BK isn’t from Flower and isn’t the guy Danoh was destined to be with because it just turns this entire drama into a Haru vs Baek Kyung feud. It’s kind of going in that direction already and I won’t be surprised if sageuk BK does end up being her old betrothed after all, but a girl can hope I guess.


    I tried saying something similar on the OT but so many people told me otherwise I was thinking maybe I was too demanding.
    Posts 23 and 24
    Why must so much of the episode be about the stage which is just a bland BOF copy?
    I don’t even care that she cries I just think she doesn’t question the facts.


When The Camellia Blooms Eps 21-24:-

I have been more than understanding of Dong-baek\’s passive nature so far, but these eps crossed the limits. NO mother would let their 7 year old child get unfairly demeaned and worse, get hit, by a grown ass adult, and behave the way she did. That scene infuriated me. Pil-gu even CRIED, something he rarely ever does, and she was just- argh. Heck, even the one doing all that demeaning and hitting did it to defend his son. And all this after Pil-gu specifically told her, in tears, that he wants her to protect him. You are telling me she stays quiet there, but then gets angry for Hyang-mi? ROFL no.

In Ep 12 as well, I was completely on Yong-shik\’s mother\’s side when she lectured Dong-baek. WTH does Dong-baek think she is doing? She has never even TRIED to firmly tell Jong-ryeol to stay away from her and Pil-gu. It is her fault that Pil-gu had to shoulder the knowledge of knowing who his biological father is, at an age when he shouldn\’t have to. And then Jong-ryeol talks about taking her kid away from her and….THAT is her reaction. No, NON-reaction. My god. All she knows to do is pity herself, cry, and say sorry. Yong-shik\’s mother was completely in the right, and yes, it IS unfair to Yong-shik because she is just not firmly drawing the line between her and Jong-ryeol. It\’s no wonder that Jong-ryeol still has the gall to come around then, hoping for more. The worst thing is that the show isn\’t even trying to show her behavior as wrong, just misunderstood @#$%^&*


Extraordinary You:-

It is interesting how, after the gang changed the birthday scene, the BOF story still fell into the typical rom-com structure. You know, the trope of creating a misunderstanding right when one of them is about to confess their feelings so as to create angst before they finally realize they are in L.O.V.E and get together. Makes you wonder how much they are still controlled by the writer, even when they don\’t think they are. Like with Haru as well, the way he says his dialogues from the other manhwa even when he is supposedly free of the writer\’s influence. Maybe the writer let them make the changes that they have made so far.

Also, this is something I had been thinking about but imma document this here just so that I can go \”I TOLD YOU SO\” when it happens – I have a feeling that if Ju Da becomes self-aware, she will be EEEEVIL.


    Yes I think that too because technically everyone wants to steal her limelight. If DO changes the storyboard then she has the capacity to become the main character and noone would want to lose what they already have.


    Eviiiil Ju Da…. I’m totally on board…. 😄😄she would make for such a fun character then instead of the insipid candy…


    Seconded on the Evil Ju Da situation.


Vagabond Ep 9:-

Ahhh yes. Vagabond proves how high quality it is yet again.


The shirt is still a disgrace though. TAKE IT OFF. Lee Seung Gi\’s body of steel deserves better.


Extraordinary You Ep 11-12:-

The hand veins though. The beautiful beautiful hand veins. These tall, muscular, hot-blooded teenage boys, I swear.

Like, calm down boys! There\’s enough of me- Aaaand that\’s why I am not the FL.

Wait, they are not actually teenagers right? Nevermind, I don\’t want to know.

But yeah, Haru was pretty heart-fluttery in this ep since he started interacting more instead of standing around and looking blank or confused all the time. I get why he was the latter until now, but it is not exactly swoony. And oooh that ending!

However, my main point is – give me more of the flexing and the close-up hand grabs. For….research. For science!!

P.S. During the scene where Dan-oh gives Dried Squid Fairy italian cutlery, she initially pronounces Italy as Lee Tae Ri, which is that actor\’s real name. Hence, his expression. But it is a very random meta reference. I wonder if its cause he really is the writer, or maybe the manhwa world counterpart of him? I didn\’t mention it before because it is a bit too obvious of a choice, but hm…..


    Thanks for clearing up the meta moment – I thought he had some type of Italy-based trauma!


    I caught that meta reference too. It was really random but I think it doesn’t mean anything.


Extraordinary You Ep 9-10:-

OMG I just realized why Do Hwa is named as such. His name means \”help\” in Korean! BWAHAHAHA oh poor Do Hwa. I realized it when Ju Da told Nam Ju that Do Hwa was just helping her LMAO.

Is it only me who is kind of shipping Do Hwa and Dan-oh? I don\’t hate Haru or anything, its just that…eh. I don\’t feel the sparks. The couple is not making me swoon or anything, you know? I need the FEEEELS! Do Hwa and Dan-oh on the other hand would be such a fun couple! And hey, wouldn\’t it be such a nice surprise for the show to break the \”leads always get together\” mould, something it has been criticizing from the start anyways.

And ooh…what if Haru was the antagonistic second male lead of his manhwa? And OH! What if Dan-oh was the female lead and was actually the first one to gain consciousness, or maybe even the second one, after Haru, and came to this manhwa world, inserting herself into the story and then making herself forget about everything. Heck, what if this whole manhwa world is actually of her construct, something she made so as to escape the harsh reality of sageuks? But she didn\’t want to be the female lead anymore and chose to be an extra, what with how much bullshit female leads have to go through. Unable to forget her, Haru might have then followed her to this world. It would explain why he instantly fixated on her, and his \”you don\’t remember this?\” questions. Also, Haru seems to have a soft spot for Baek-kyung. Is it empathy, since he had been the same kind of character in another manhwa? Is it because he has read Baek-kyung\’s family story? Or is it because Baek-kyung is also from his manhwa world, or at least fashioned after the person, and there they had been friends/friendly rivals. What if this trio had been the main love triangle of the sageuk manga? It feels like there is more to Baek-kyung\’s reaction towards Haru other than just petty jealousy over some new guy getting close to Dan-oh.

I don\’t yet hold Baek-kyung\’s behavior against him, even in the shadow. Because characters who haven\’t yet gained awareness continue to behave according to their stage characters and the trajectory set by the writer. It is only when they gain awareness that they are able to break out of character during the shadow. Just forgetting whatever happens in the shadow is not all there is to it. It is not like the other characters just freeze when the stage ends. The world goes on. So no, I don\’t hold it against him yet. I will wait until he gains full awareness. Do Hwa\’s real self might be closer to his stage character, but Dan-oh is almost the complete opposite. So there\’s hope still, even though I don\’t ship them.


    I love Danoh and Dohwa as friends thoughhh because platonic male-female relationships are a rarity in dramaland to begin with.


Tale of Nokdu Ep 9-10:-

How does….that ending happen and Dong-ju doesn\’t jump Nokdu? He was right there, shirtless, wet, his ripped muscular body glowing under the warmth of the candles. They have been living together for this long and both of them like each other. So. How? Sigh. It is at times like these that I wish kdramas would take a page out of western shows. A SMALL one. Will I ever see a day when FLs are allowed to initiate and reciprocate physical intimacy instead of always looking like they are being forced into it?

I will drop the show if that second male lead authoritatively starts ordering them around to stay away & stuff when he has no right to do so, and Dong-ju just lets him without calling him out on it. Do not throw nonsense like that at me, show.

I find Aeng-du annoying. Can\’t help it. Kids can be annoying as well.


    Cuz the show is PG-15? 😛
    Kidding aside, I have not seen a good kiss scene from Kim Soo Hyun. I did not watch Ruler, but saw a BTS of her kiss scene and Yoo Seung Ho, and it’s all awkward. I don’t foresee a good one here, but let’s all hope!
    PS: I find Aeng-du annoying too and I LOVE kids!


    That’s probably why I’m enjoying Flower Crew a little more than Tale of Nokdu (not that Flower Crew doesn’t have misogyny galore). In Nokdu I’m waiting for more of him uncovering his past rather than romance. I enjoy him even more when he’s out ninja’ing.


    Haven’t watched this week’s episodes yet, but this can be explained away by their time period/century & how much Dong Ju didn’t want to be a Gisaeng. Virtuous woman, woman of good society didn’t initiate anything, much less even show pleasure or joy at romance, so maybe it’s natural conditioning.


      When you put virtuous, society and natural together, there won’t be any steamy kisses, I tell ya. 😉


        Ofc there won’t😂🤣🤣.
        I’m just saying it’s not absurd that despite the perfect conditions it didn’t happen.
        Women lived for centuries controlling impulses & with forbearance…. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was foolish to think I could watch Mr. Sunshine when I am the last person who can take tragedy, I have always run away from it. IDK where I had gotten all that confidence from, but I am dropping the show at ep 12. Some people can handle tragedies well. They cry, it\’s beautiful, then all is well with the world and they move on. Me? Let\’s just say that It affects me very, very negatively. So, goodbye Mr. Sunshine. You were beautiful. Just the 12 eps I watched will be difficult to forget, but I have got to leave you now for my own sake.

Also, where is the petition for a rom-com starring Yoo Yeon Seok & Kim Min-jung? Emphasis on the rom-com. And no additional thriller tag attached (I am looking at you, When The Camellia Blooms. Seriously, nothing is safe anymore).


    Hear hear on the no-thriller tag!

    Mr. Sunshine is indeed a beautiful drama. Cinematographically a work of art. 👌 I rewatched a clip by accident the other day and was blown away at how pretty it was.


    I second the petition for romcom for YYS. This time let’s get him a smart heroine, not the dumb aghase please. I’ll take his Co star from Romantic Dr, thank you very much.
    Or maybe Nam Ji Hyun.


    I have been avoiding it like a plague.


Is it only me who was scared of the ML in Ep 7-8 of Extraordinary You ? He feels very innocently sinister. More like an antagonist haha


    That will be a nice twist 🙂


    I can totally see it. The last episode, he felt a little off. Like stalker kind of scary that will go to the ends of the earth or kill anyone who mistreats you. I love him but he really is giving that kind of vibe


    I sincerely hope not. My ship CAN.NOT sink. [Runs to Subway across the street to get drama god more offerings]


The woes of watching many dramas – I go lax for one day & suddenly I have 1 ep of Camellia, 2 eps of Extraordinary You, 2 eps of Vagabond, and 1 ep of Melt Me that I need to catch up on. And if I delay it any longer, it will stack up even higher scarily fast. 😖 #Help


Tale of Nokdu Ep 5-8:-

These eps were way more fun because there was more of the crossdressing rom-com stuff than the serious stuff which I really do not care for. What little of the latter was in it, I just fast forwarded through, cause ain’t nobody got time for that. I also like how the FL is definitely falling for the ML harder & faster, & is already on her way to realizing it. Normally it is the other way around. The end of ep 5-6 was….really awkward, since they tried to show the declaration in a grand romantic manner which, let’s be honest, calling yourself your significant other’s mother can never be romantic 😂😂!! It was fine the rest of time because it was for Le Comedy.

How can Nokdu still look attractive & manly as a woman? Then that gets turned up a notch when he can finally be himself and starts busting out his action moves. Jeez.

The preview for next week’s eps look hilarious. I cannot wait.


    I’m really enjoying this drama. I still need to watch 7/8 today


    Especially after that ending!! That hand on the window!! 😂
    Busted a gut laughing through the scene!!


I know I know I KNOW that the gesture is crossing some serious boundaries for the times…but my god, who knew grabbing a skirt\’s hem could be this sensual. #MrSunshineEp5


    Love the Golden Girls gif 🙂


    My favorite gif that I did of this show was this scene. Gah! My heart!


I am not the type to cry easily but that last moment between Brooke & Lee Seo Jin…oh man I came close. Right from when she ecstatically ran past everyone & right into his arms. For such a little girl to realize that he was trying to hold back his tears, & for her to then do the same…gah! I won’t say much more because I am sure that everyone else will write much better beautiful farewell letters to this heartwarming show. All I will say is – Goodbye, Little Forest . You, as the place and the show, as the kids and the Uncles & Aunts, will truly be missed.

Now to drown myself in Lee Seung Gi’s variety shows & soothe my heart.


    I constantly re watch his post military ep of Knowing Brothers. I totally fell in love with him then.


    Idk if you have seen the very first season of 2 Nights 1 Day but that’s forever my favorite LSG’ variety show. 🙂


    Brooke is a magical child.


    If even Uncle Lee, the epitome of tsundere is trying hard not to cry, you have to have no heart not to. I am like you and I cried buckets! Still am 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Vagabond Ep 6:-

When Dal-geon subconsciously made rice for two, & served a smaller portion for Hoon first before taking the remainder for himself, man. That hit me. It is such a simple action, such mom/dad thing to do…guh! I wouldn’t mind too much if the show somehow manages to bend all the rules & brings Hoon back alive. Just saying. Maybe all of them crash landed on some island. Kdramas have done worse, what’s one more. Though maybe do this at the VEEEEERY end, show 😂😂

I am DISAPPOINTED at Hae-ri for not jumping LSG when she was drunk. Shame on you, Go Hae-ri. Someone show her his special clips from Ep 4. How could you give this man a simple peck & be done with it?!


Extraordinary You Ep 1-4:-

Watch it. Why? Because the FL is awesome & a hoot, something that is rarer than a blue moon in kdramas. If that wasn’t enough, it shows the struggles of not being the lead of a story & is filled with meta criticisms about typical romances (le candy & cold chaebol), which cracks me up. Some of the sound effects remind me of the teen witch shows I used to watch as a kid, which is always a welcome nostalgic ride. There is a layer of superficiality to everyone’s acting which might be because of how green everyone is, but it works in this context because they are supposed to be manhwa characters. Also, I am already shipping the FL & Mr. Nameless Guy, while feeling bad for her fiancé who is doomed to second lead status. He is an asshole right now but I am sure that he will turn out to be a nice guy once he gains self-awareness, much the same way that Dan-oh becomes feisty and outspoken instead of the pre-ordained meek goody two shoes while in the “stage”. Or maybe not. Either ways, he is too late…even though we hilariously saw way more of him in these two eps while Mr. Nameless Guy’s screen time amounted to maybe a total of 1 min throughout the two eps, ROFL. I do have a thing for star-crossed lovers, and this is such a fresh take on it haha.


All I could think here was that we finally got a glimpse of Lee Seung Gi\’s biceps. Stop hiding them under full sleeved shirts!

#FreeLSGsBiceps2k19 #PetitionForLSGsBicepsToBeHonored


Tale of Nokdu Ep 1-4:-

The show has way more palace intrigue than I had expected, which would have been fine if it had been done well, but it hasn’t been. It lacks proper establishment, pacing, & structuring. Melt Me also has the same issues (to a lesser degree) but what makes that palatable is that it knows not to take itself seriously, while this show actually thinks it is doing a bang up job of being a heavier drama. Sure, it is more fun when we go to Nokdu trying to fit in the village, complete with lots of clutching of pearls, shrieking, & fending off male admirers. But he started making googly eyes at the FL right from ep 3 because….he scratched her back???? *unchecks proper relationship development*

Why couldn’t the show have been about a mischievous & eccentric young guy from a rich family, who decides to hide himself in the village so as to escape a monetarily beneficial arranged marriage set by his strict father, & while there, him & the FL discover the big conspiracy hidden underneath the village\’s friendly veneer, as they slowly fall for each other. Instead of the ML being some long lost thought-to-be-dead prince, made so by his EEEEEVIL uncle who wanted to be King. Why does every sageuk have to have a supposedly tragic prince at its lead? Why?

The only reason why I haven’t dropped it is because of the unique male crossdressing plot. I will give it a few more eps just for that. Hopefully they will at least manage to get the romance back on track.


    I started Flower Crew and actually like it better than Tale of Nokdu so far. I realize I’m probably in the minority. I’m not excited to watch the next episode of Nokdu or Melt Me so I’m hoping their next episodes are better.


    I’m expecting TALE OF NOKDU to be fun. That’s all.
    It’s just like MOONLIGHT. It doesn’t take it self seriously.
    The palace thing is based loosely on Gwanghaegun of Joseon but I have yet to see anything remotely similar to the former king. I’m not a fan of the actor who plays the king either.
    I guess it’s up to the leads to entertain me lol.
    Cross-dressing can get tiring if goes on for very long.


    Because history speeks for itself. Just look at how crazy were most of european kings and emperors. Even egyptian Cleopatra did poisoned her brother to be the queen. Caligula, Henry VIII., Ludwig II. the Bavarian king and many others. The Old Testament is full of these crazy stories, sometimes you want to puke while reading them.

    So far I’m enjoying it and it wasn’t only the back scratching although young body full of hormones needs even less to make some googly eyes 😉


Fun fact: The show that JCW\’s character is the director of in Melt Me, in 1999, is an actual variety show that existed back then where they really did carry out ridiculous and extreme experiments like the ones shown in the drama. And yes, it was a popular show. I don’t remember the director’s name but I think the same director, or at least the one who took over the show last, is the one who is now in charge of Knowing Brothers.