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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

I love this episode 9. I disagree with your feeling to Tae Joo. He didn't rape her, even not to try.
The scene showed his emotion well to her. It's only he that is the one who has accept a woman without love if things go as they go.
But he knew E still loves him when he held her or touched her. That was the last chance to get back her for him. That's why he broke into her room and make her know her true feeling to him. It wasn't rape like you think. To show his love he uses that way.
See, the final scene she kissed him by herself. Why?
Because she loves him. He loves her and she loves him.
She was hurt and he didn't realize he loves her so far. That's why they escape from each other.
At last they (2 Tae Joo and E)know they love each other at this episode.
But things are not completed. There are 2 rest and they don't admit these 2 and try to get back with their power. You see, these 2 are employees of them.
I don't like your dirty obseravation to the scene.
If Tae Joo knows E doen't love him, then this thing would never happen. This is not rape scene like Hollywood moveis. Tae Joo tried to confirm her affection to him. Each episode isn't made separately, I think. The beginning episodes 1,2,&3 told us Tae Joo's kindness and humanity even he tries to look himself cool. Remember he offered her to his room in a rainy day and took some food with her nearby their residence. Through these experiences usually people fall in love. Thw story tell us so well.
I love this drama very much.
Today's your comment really disappointing. Maybe you are younger, I thought so.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

Thanks again Sarah for the quick summary.. my exact same words after watchin Ep 9.. Oh my Fxxking lord.. its just a roller coaster of feelings n excitment.. n i didnt even undeststand alot of the words used.. just looking at the scenes already had mi at the edge of the seat..


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

OMG....aaahh!!...i cant wait for the actual subbed episodes to be released. I have seen up to episode 4 but i have become addicted to your blog for spoilers....I love this drama. Your writing is amazing! it makes me like the drama even more.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

ok i said "i must say" twice. i guess i have a lot to say. haha


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

I too was on the edge of my seat for most of the drama... but i must say.
it was pretty intense.
i really liked the whole episode, but i must say...
what tae joo did was out of line. it's good that he stopped himself and everything... but still, he was on going "there" wherever there is. and for eun soo kissing him... i was like what the hell?
idk, this episode just really confused me.
but i think the suspense and whatever made it the best one........
oh wellllll


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

Yes my friend was telling me about the episode over msn as she was watching it and it held me at the edge of my seat! I agree I enjoy watching Tae Joo's misery because it will make him grow.

I actually thought the supposed rape scene was quite an important scene for ES-TJ fans. Rather than seeing it from a sexual angle, it is more like a sudden outburst of emotion from TJ who has been used to supressing his emotions and has been trying not to come to terms with his love for ES. The sudden outburst manifested into this form.

I don't know how this would lose QSS fans..I have been waiting for this explosive twist! Will definitely be staying for more!

Thanks for the great summaries!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

OK now i seriously have to start watching this. apart from the other dramas out there this seems way more intense...


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

Thanks as always for such an awesome summary - I'm not even watching this drama cause your summaries are just thaat good! Thanks for the update as I take a break from finals studying.. ok, on y va..


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

wow thanks!! i really really enjoyed reading this post. even as i read it i was so drawn into the plot.
its so much emotion!!! kudos to the actors for their acting skills!
its AMAZING (:

as to the decline in viewership over the raping scene i was actually just wondering of that would cause a big HOO-HA in the news or so. but other than that i odnt think that there will be a decline. afterall, this is not the first show that has displayed such a scene. the only difference is that the lead actor (aka the good guy that is not supposed ot be doing thus) is the one in question and not the "bad guy" (as in all predictable plots). so perhaps this swop in roles might let the viewers have mixed feelings towards TAEJOO or even negative feelings.

but somehow i feel a sense of pity for TJ rather than condemmnation (:


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

such a lovely summary. I'm not watching QSS right now. I just have too many dramas to watch. ><


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