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Fansubbing the Korean Language

Fansubbing the Korean Language

by javabeans

Hi Sarah,
Your blog is very informative. I like the way you present yout thoughts. Watching K-Drama developed my interest in the Korean Language and Culture. Your pointers are helpful. Right now i am trying to understand the script... I am so interested in learning the language that I am thinking of enrolling to a Korean Language school here but i want to be prepared =)
I enjoy reading reviews on K-Drama make me understand the story more as I am also relying on sub. SOme of the DVDs here are poorly subbed so many grammatical errors and some of the lines are transalated directly without considering the entire statement. Also, you mentioned of consistency I think that is very important. Great Blog.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

for the two proposals in this eps. i was shocked by the last one, which is the one JH made to ES. for that one, i don't really think JH made the proposal because he loves ES. it makes me feel the proposal more like a scheme to keep ES with him. in the previous ep. the last kiss scene btw. JH and ES, made me feel JH possible had a crush on ES. but for the proposal part. i really doubt. why JH propose to ES in that kind of situatin. they never really get together. (i don't really agree the kiss scene in EP 8 drive them together, for me that was more likely a comfort kiss) the only reason i could think for the motive behind the proposal is JH wants to use ES.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

I completely agree that this show is testing the boundaries of comfort, and maybe in a good way. Also, I'm shocked myself that ES would kiss him after his forceful act. Technically what he did does constitute as sexual assault in all terms, and more importantly the normal human reaction to such an experience would be fear, not passion. I'm personally very involved in sexual assault prevention so maybe thats why I feel strongly about it. I'm disappointed about ES's reaction because otherwise everything does seem realistic, almost too real.
Someone mentioned Winter Sonata, which is a drama I loved, and I have to point out that Choi Ji Woo's character is shocked and appalled and fights what happens, and when she gets away she's heart broken that someone she trusts would attempt that....and the guy himself is disgusted at himself (which I guess you see in TJ). Even saying "I love you" can't immediately shake off that fear, though I guess its in there for the sake of drama. Which takes away I think from the being to relate aspect, which is why I agree that QSS will lose some viewers (not me!)
Thanks for your summaries, Javabeans, they are always wonderful to read and very thoughtful, and I love that you leave it open for the reader to make their own opinion. You rock :) :)


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

I feel that the marriage proposal is a bit sudden. How long have these two dated? I've been skipping around a bit with the episodes but will watch them when I have time. But wow TJ & ES's love story is getting intense!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans



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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

JAVESBEAN,thanx very much for open such a useful blog for QSS.after the eps. have been aired in KOREA, the only thing i expected was to check out your blog and the org. HD avi.
this eps. is so hot and violent. some of the scens i couldn't believe it happened. after watching this eps. i am not optimistic about what will happen btw. TJ and EH. everything just happened so fast, and i don't really have time to have any reaction.
although, for the last kiss scene in this eps. it was EH kissed TJ, i'm afraid it will not be a simply make up kiss. i'm afraid it will be a part of EH's revenge to TJ. although EH is so simple, and naive, she has gone thr. so many things recently, i don't think she will still be the simple girl anymore. like someone said. maybe the ending will turn to be a tragical ending like WHAT HAPPENED IN BALI. i really don't wannt to see such ending, but i still have to prepare myself for that. because the PJ of this drama, gave us so many unpredictable scenes, and i really have no ideas which direction he will head to. for now, the only thing i can do just cross my fingers and hope PJ will not let TJ experience any more pain. the drunken scene in EPS9, when TJ use his head to hit against the table, i was so heartbroken, i really wanna to hug him for a while. PLEASE, DEAR PD, don't let poor TJ get hurt again.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

Ok I read your warnings first before reading the whole thing I even read your last note about the episode. I must say that it just got me more hooked to this drama. I've always loved Taejoo's reaction even though he assaulted Eun Soo but it just clearly shows how much he's suffering and how much he loves her. I haven't watched a single episode yet actually but I've read all your summaries! and so far I like how the characters develop. It's far from the usual plot that Korean dramas seem to take. And what I really like about this drama is that so far it has more kissing scenes than 10 (or even more) Korean dramas combined lol.

Thanks so much for the summaries! =D I have you on my Google Reader already so I can know right away when you update hehe XD


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

^^ to "love," I did say that this was my own opinion, and that I wasn't going to try to convince someone to buy my point of view. I don't think my age has anything to do with it, and it would be nice if we could keep this civil without resorting to digs at age and supposed maturity.

As for the rape or non-rape, that's fine for you to believe what you believe. I think that force used upon a woman -- whatever the mental reasoning behind it -- is wrong. Is it unforgivable? Hm, maybe not irrevocably. But did Tae Joo use force against two women? Yes. I don't agree with your stance but I'm not going to insult you over it. It does seem dangerously close to the reasoning many domestic-violence sufferers employ -- that it's okay that he hurt me because he loves me -- but I'm fairly certain there will be no way to resolve this issue concretely.

Like i said, Eun Soo's reaction to Tae Joo has no bearing on the morality of the act itself. Stockholm Syndrome is a classic case in which you cannot use the victim's reaction -- or lack of such -- as guidance for judging the act of violence itself. And I'm not saying Tae Joo deserves to go to hell, or anything like that. Hey, I still like Tae Joo. I want him to get the girl in the end. And if I don't get my happy, romantic ending for Tae Joo and Eun Soo, there will be ranting. But I'd like to hold him responsible for his actions, regardless of his intent.

Frankly, I hesitate to parse the issue further because (1) there's just no way to resolve it, and (2) I enjoy hearing everyone's opinions, but ultimately leaving them at the door and choosing for myself how I feel about something.

I loved this episode too, so this just shows you can disagree about the message -- or even the plot -- and still come out with positive responses.

Interesting comments, all! Keep 'em coming. :D


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

oh my. what am i gonna do? i think i love joonhyuk more! this is bad...


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

I love this episode 9. I disagree with your feeling to Tae Joo. He didn't rape her, even not to try.
The scene showed his emotion well to her. It's only he that is the one who has accept a woman without love if things go as they go.
But he knew E still loves him when he held her or touched her. That was the last chance to get back her for him. That's why he broke into her room and make her know her true feeling to him. It wasn't rape like you think. To show his love he uses that way.
See, the final scene she kissed him by herself. Why?
Because she loves him. He loves her and she loves him.
She was hurt and he didn't realize he loves her so far. That's why they escape from each other.
At last they (2 Tae Joo and E)know they love each other at this episode.
But things are not completed. There are 2 rest and they don't admit these 2 and try to get back with their power. You see, these 2 are employees of them.
I don't like your dirty obseravation to the scene.
If Tae Joo knows E doen't love him, then this thing would never happen. This is not rape scene like Hollywood moveis. Tae Joo tried to confirm her affection to him. Each episode isn't made separately, I think. The beginning episodes 1,2,&3 told us Tae Joo's kindness and humanity even he tries to look himself cool. Remember he offered her to his room in a rainy day and took some food with her nearby their residence. Through these experiences usually people fall in love. Thw story tell us so well.
I love this drama very much.
Today's your comment really disappointing. Maybe you are younger, I thought so.


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