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Goong S: Episode 20 (FINAL)

Goong S: Episode 20 (FINAL)

by javabeans

Thank You for the summary!!I loved it..Even if it wasn't in video cool!!I just don't like the part she had to leave Lee Hoo...=(...It was kind of very heart breaking and if it was in real maybe that person would have been kinda crazy 'cause he loves the girl and when it was the last scene well it kinda went find...hehe...i just wanted to see it in video...i think now the level of goong and goong s are equal...ehehe...thank you soooo much!!!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

I am pulled in by this episode not really the episode itself because I haven't viewed it but with your summary. It gave the feeling of excitement and the ending definitely left me in suspense. I am bothered because of anticipation for the next episode.

I have no judicious opinions on episode 9 summary nor the other previous ones because this drama is entertaining. Although, I am suspicious about the ratings doing poorly.

I enjoy reading your summaries more than viewing it for now because I haven't the time to view it. Thanks greatly.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

YES.. there's no better way to describe Ep9 than OMFG!!!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 4

Que Sera Sera: Episode 4

by javabeans

wow...great summary. in much detail ^^ thx for the efforts!! loving QSS too!!
im looking for the song night time from alex classiquai but cant seem to listen to it on ur site, is it possible for u to send it to me? with much thanks~


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

felt the kiss ES initiated was some kinda of playing with TJ .... couldnt possibly kiss someone after he "outraged" her....the happy ending wont come so soon.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

thanks sarah! im late today. swamped with work. this surely has been a hot topic with many views and many speculations about everyone. but ultimately, i wonder why TJ let HR continue kissing him in that manipulative manner and why he did stop it. its like its ok to keep on. maybe he's numb or what but doesnt sit right. although, in the thread many speculating is going on ES motivations for the last scene. me personally, im perplexed. i dont know whats going on through their brains. im not the type to abandon QSS, i need to see if in the next eppie the end justifies the means. i dont condone nor do i agree with TJ, maybe that was his best recourse. i dont pity him and HR cause as u said what they did is to their won demise. sigh, hopefully they can redeem themselves. lastly, to the WHIB and QSS criticisms no way. really no way. i mean sure, we have the love rectangle too and what not. but the flow and story itself. plus the way its shot and directed too. and no, definitely dont want the same ending. ugh. i believe this can end better. i want it to end better.. i want my happy ending.


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Goong S: Status Report

Goong S: Status Report

by javabeans

hope that there willbe a dvd already 'cause it's sooo tiring to always download in the web and it takes time though...


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

Personally, I don't think Eun Soo actually blamed Tae Joo for the "assault" so there was really nothing to "forgive."

Now I agree that if she did blame him and she actually thought he did assault her then her forgiveness would be too sudden.

So that's why I feel that Eun Soo didn't think he assaulted her. Rather, she was thinking that perhaps he was just toying with her feelings again. That's why she acted that way towards him, because last time she felt that he was simply playing her.

But when she saw how real his emotions were, she was a bit shocked. And that's why in the end she kissed him, because she realized that he was being serious and not just playing around.

Anyway, just my thoughts :) Great site and thanks for the reviews!


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 22 (FINAL)

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 22 (FINAL)

by javabeans

I, too, love the ending. I'm glad that Dal Ja left to do her own thing in America instead of staying when Tae Bong asked her not do. And the theme of fate is lovely for hopeless romantics. If they're meant to be together, they will be!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

yeah, the proposal seems to come unnaturally quick. But, I still like the JH and ES pairing more. otoke? when it's for sure that they won't end up together.

(Interestingly, this is the second drama, after Goong, where I'm more for the girl ending up with the second lead.)

and as always, thank you, javabeans!


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