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Que Sera Sera: Episode 8

Que Sera Sera: Episode 8

by javabeans

I love this series so much, at first I was really sceptical but now I'm hooked ^^
I hope that Eun Soo and Tae Joo will end up together because I think she loves him.
I know I'm going to cry watching the upcoming episodes(I've only seen to ep 4) but I had to find out what occurs in future episodes.


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

I have been comments here and begin to find some comments getting a bit didactic.

Why do we need to get so preachy about what Eun Soo must do?

I honestly think Que Sera Sera's writer should just ignore all this now. Write whatever and however way he/she intended in the beginning. I am not watching this show because it withholds all my values and opinions.


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

Lo and be-hold I do not believe I can restrain myself from commenting. How interesting, so these are excerpts from the original script? The exact content of the scripts do differ somewhere along the way when eventually performed by the actors and captured by the director. What I find interesting though, in the midst of that artistic interpretation of playing out a scene is that the actors act out their performances with a thorough understanding of this detailed script.

I for one am a huge advocator and admirer of this twist and powerful inclusion into the drama. I want to establish very clearly, in order to avoid misunderstanding and propaganda, my admiration for this powerful scene's inclusion is not from a moralistic point of view but from an understanding of script, overall character development and plotline of the drama, point of view. To me these turn of events has opened the door further for a very mature 'que sera sera' that delves into the darker side of falling in love with someone and its consequences. It's theme of exploring the in-ward rebellion and personal demons within each character has been imbedded in the serial from the very beginning.

The execution of the scene was immensely courageous by the performers and what quite literally frightened me about it (other than the very obvious) were three aspects. 1. I do not believe Eun Soo ever verbally said NO. Yes, she fought him off but the fact that I never actually heard a verbal rejection and that combined with the overall verbal silence' of the scene frightened the hell out of me. 2. I did not feel that it was a scene where Tae Joo wanted to 'make love' to Eun Soo. It seemed more about demand and ownership of what he felt was rightly his. He had had enough of the fa�ade and violently and physically wanted to somehow end it. We had witnessed Tae Joo coming apart at the seams throughout the episode and what eventually climaxed for me was as an absolute physical, violent breakdown. The way in which he held Eun Soo's face and pushed her toward the bed reiterated that feeling within me. Point 3... OMG. The way in which Eun Soo's shivering hand immediately reached for her skirt when Tae Joo actually froze from his actions atop of her. All these points made this scene a grippingly well delivered frenzied chaotic mayhem that was altogether chilling for any viewer to sit through. I had seen scenes of this nature conveyed in other films/dramas in an outrageous over romanticized way, that pathetically glamorized the horror of such an act and I am thrilled that this was absolutely not such a scene. It displayed the brutality of it and it scared the shit out of me.

I look obsessively forward to viewing this drama every weekend and pray that the script writers remain as fearful in their delivery of such storylines and character developments good or bad and on the contrary to what we as viewers are comfortable or not so comfortable with :]


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Goong S: Episode 20 (FINAL)

Goong S: Episode 20 (FINAL)

by javabeans

thanks for you summary,,,to be honest i did find Goong S entertaining but found that it dragged on too much...i prefered Goong


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

I'm being horribly vain in plagiarizing myself lol but this was a comment I wanted to share about this episode that I made elsewhere:

"Sorry to interrupt my lovelies but: Oh my freaking word!

I have just finished watching episode 09 and its official, whatever reservations I may have had about the audacity level and how far QSS was really looking to go, has momentarily dissipated. It was awesome and for all the right reasons. The performances just got braver. The plot, well that just got darker. The intensity, WTF baby that was brutally sharp. The comfort level, for me, the viewer that just got shocked! This episode is what I'm talking about! Hmm, I'm a film freak and damn I just got high.

Eric Mun, I applaud you. I cannot even fathom to proceed to go through my usual foray of listing my likes and dislikes of this episode. So let me just cut to the chase of the kick-ass scenes shall I? I welled up at the scene where Tae Joo was drinking himself, at one point 'into' the bar. It was magnificently shot and the level of space and pacing in that set-up was suffocating. He couldn't breath, he couldn't physically sustain any amount of stillness, he was in agony and I felt every choke and gasp of it. I'm bowing to you right now Mr. a wonderful performance of pain and destruction in the process of quite literally brewing up. The man was a kettle set on a stove and trust me he had reached boiling point. I applaud the director in the way in which that was captured and yes sir, fear not for I'm still bowing.

I really want to avoid getting into a debate about the next scene, apparently the mother of controversy at present (Y'all know what scene I'm talking about right?), so I want to take care with the projected temperament of my tone. The growth of these two characters and the anticipation of what to actually do with them next couldn't have been more powerfully conveyed. Although I had scanned some posts and had a certain amount of awareness about it, it cut me to the core all the same. Do I condone it? NO... Am I going to try and delve into the psychological aspect of it and try and justify it? NO... Do I feel that the tone of the drama benefited with the inclusion of it? YES... Do I feel that this outright ballsiness is what has captivated me about the sheer demeanor of que sera sera, to start with? YES... Will I cry my ass off because the fantasy of being content with the happy ever after myth that is embedded in K-dramas was shattered? Hell NO... Am I going to rip up my SHINHWA poster (the one I shall have to purchase first because posters and all the razzmatazz that accompanies being 'into' something and all that racket isn't really my thing)? So, safely, NO... Am I going to continue stalking this baby and lapping-up all the daring punches it can muster to throw at me? Absolutely honey... Give me your best shot!!!

Right, I'm done. Don't mind me, please continue."

I desperately wanted to get this off my chest here as well. I hope you do not mind! :]


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A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

by javabeans

I so love H!M~ I've been a fan of both LJH and LDH eversince GOD-KNOWS-WHEN and this drama is like a dream-come-true to me~ I feel somehow disappointed about the ratings though (as someone who faithfully watches the series), but who cares about the ratings anyway~ at least we all know that a lot of people are getting hooked up with this wonderful series~ Go egissi! Go WithS2 =D


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Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

Que Sera Sera: “The” Big Scene

by javabeans

hmm...varying, interesting opinions....javabeans u've definitely helped in triggering a great conversation :)
I myself have decided that I'm angry at ES's character change in both situations--1. she really did kiss TJ honestly, because that conflicts with her being a strong woman who's not going to just take crap, she stood up to him before, right?
2. she was playing him...because she hasn't been that kind of person...sure people develop streaks suddenly, but like I said before I find it really hard that a woman who has been assaulted (and not in a small way, based on the script and the screenshots), would just swallow her fear and be able to think clearly enough to play the guy. I mean I'd think the first reaction would be to run away, as far as possible. I'm sure such a scene would hurt the sentiments of those unfortunate individuals who've been in such a situation...and though entertainment is supposed to test out comfort levels and bring up moral and ethical questions to incite our thoughts, I also feel the industry has a responsibility to not glamorize or put a shiny coating on something thats terrible, lowly in the first place. They have a large audience of teenage girls and even older women who are often misled by ideas of "rough love" or how romantic it is "to be taken by force." And the truth is, that its morally and legally wrong.
Anyway, just my ranting! But I'm really looking forward to Ep 10 nevertheless, even if I'm afraid I'll end up getting angrier at ES and TJ and at the writer/director....I'm curious to see where they take it!

BTW, are subs for Ep 9 out?? I couldn't find them anywhere....Itsme, you said you saw it with eng subs? Can you tell me from where?


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

thank you for your episode summaries they are really enjoyable to read!!! Well personally I am much more drawn to QSS after this episode. It is different to your run of the mill korean romantic drama. QSS is a pleasant change. I do think that the proposal to Eun Soo by Joon Hyuk was rather sudden---they haven't even been dating that long! I can't wait for the next episode...


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song index

song index

by javabeans

hi, nice collection. i can dl all music... i love music...



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Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

Que Sera Sera: Episode 9

by javabeans

The nearly rape scene is certainly creating lot of commotion! In my view, i think he has been holding back his feelings for her, by convincing himself tat he is only trying to help her as a friend. As he has never really been in love with anyone before, sub consciously he refuses to bow down to his own feelings. After being miserable for a while, he could no longer control his feelings. So it exploded into that act (almost!!!). the thing is, did he stop himself on his own accord or becos he sensed that Hye Bin (is that how her name is spelt) standing at the doorway? Cant wait for the next episode. In fact, I think the drama may go the tragic way like What Happened in Bali. The scene in the bar got me thinking about Jo In Sung when he was obsessed over the female lead. He had the same heartbreaking reaction. This vibe resonates in this drama which I think will end up in tragedy.Cant wait for ep10. Thanks for the summary. It was consise and insightful and certainly got me thinking.


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