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War of Money / Money Warfare

War of Money / Money Warfare

by javabeans

I'm going to start watching this drama and reading your summaries after my exams this week! Thanks a lot again. I hope you keep writing the summary for this, if this drama is good, I'm not sure if it is though. lol. My Korean friend told me it's good. But please prioritize Flowers of my Life, Air City and Bad Couple! Thanks again!


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Air City: Episode 4

Air City: Episode 4

by javabeans

Thanks again for the lyrics! Thanks again for taking the time tor write the summaries for us, for us non-korean.... lol.


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

Thanks javabeans!


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

Thank you so much! Please keep writing the summaries for this drama! I LOVE IT! I don't really care if you shorten the summaries for the dramas because we're going to watch the video with the subtitles when it comes out. I really love this drama!!!!! They make a good couple! Is she really pregnant this time? It's sad that she's using him, I think he's adorable! Why doesn't she want to get married, he's also rich and has a high status.... I guess that's how she wants it to be... Thanks again!


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SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

by javabeans

I watched the first episode yesterday! And I love this drama!!!! The little kid is just sooo cute! Thanks a lot for writing the summary!


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

Thanks a lot! I guess this drama is going to get sadder and sadder....
Thanks a lot for the summary again! I'm so hooked!


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

thank you for the summaries, javabeans. you rock as usual.


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 6

Flowers For My Life: Episode 6

by javabeans

It's getting more complicated... The girl is not engaged and the guy is apparently RICH! Thanks a lot for the summary!


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 5

Flowers For My Life: Episode 5

by javabeans

I didn't cry but this episode is so touching. He is so sweet! Thanks a lot for writing the summary for this episode!


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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

THANK YOU soooo much for all your hard work. :) I also really like all the songs of the day you add to your posts. It makes reading a lot more fun. hehe. Thanks again!


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