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Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

Bad Couple: Episodes 3 & 4

by javabeans

I was reading all the requests on soompi's forum for our dear javabean to make a summary for Bad Couple despite her busy schedule and guess what I found when I came over here? A continuation thread for Bad Couple.

Hurray and thanks for saving my day!


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

I can sense your frustrations javabeans because you obviously have watched a lot of K-dramas to know what you like or don;t like. I find that if I read your synopsis before and during my own viewing of the episodes, I get to understand things better. Your comments never fail to make me think and to take a closer look. But, I gotta admit I am not a fan of action dramas, Alias included, and am an incurable romantic who falls for a mushy love story anytime. Especially one with a cast as good looking as this. Lee Jung Jae is fast unseating all others in my "hunks I'd love to grab" wishlist. Despite the shortcomings of the scripting and the story flow, I do hope you will not give up writing your synopsis javabeans. I for one am counting on you. I do hope these k-drama producers will take a few hints from your comments and maybe polish up their act so they can make even better ones in future for us to enjoy. Thanks!


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by javabeans

Dude... I'm sooo glad that you introduced this band..... noo.... All the music that you introduced on this site is the best!!! House Rulez is really popular because of their uniqueness.... Good job and keep up the good work!


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

i watched the first two episodes of air city
and after that i was bored..

because it reminds me of a lot soap operas in my country (and a lot of 90s action films) which was more interesting(or rather unintereting) to watch

in short im tired of stories like this


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

Yeah !!! So sad to hear that you start to bore Air City...coz for me It's still so excite !!! and I love it very much. Anyway I hope you continue to make the summary ( if possible ) coz your review really help so many understand the story. We're very aprrechiate your work....


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

Dear javabeans,

You are start get boring of Air city? Such a bad news...coz I'm addicted to your summary. It helps me alot for understanding what's going on....

PLS...PLS...Keep summarizing this episode til the end of it...

LJJ and LJW and other guys are so hot to stick around ^^

I love this drama...and love your summary!!


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

Jessica, as I understand it, the preliminary plan was to have it be 60 episodes, but broken into 3 sections (or seasons), with each section being 20 episodes. The main stars would have only signed on for their respective seasons, so essentially, nothing has changed much from what they were intending to do and what they're currently doing. Since they decided not to do the 60 eps, I don't want to necessarily cut them that much slack in terms of rewriting the story.


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

Flowers For My Life: Episode 8

by javabeans

Wonderful! I love this blog! And the history is very cool!


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Air City: Episode 7

Air City: Episode 7

by javabeans

Wasn't Air City supposed to be 60 episodes before?

Perhaps because they had to shrink it, a lot of the script had to be rewritten?


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where to watch

where to watch

by javabeans

Mar*s Haven, the sites listed here are all free. veoh, crunchyroll, youtube, dailymotion,


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