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Air City: Episode 5

Air City: Episode 5

by javabeans


Here's the thread:

scroll down to "RAW DOWNLOADS"

and you there are clubbox and MU links :) Enjoy!


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Air City: Episode 5

Air City: Episode 5

by javabeans

Hey Sarah~ok, this is first time writing on your blog...shame on me for taking that But I have to THANK YOU for providing all the summaries each week. You always made me laugh with your clever and humorous writing. I LOVE IT! Ep 5 was only OK, not that great. What I could not understand was KJS eating cereal with a fork...its kinda weird for me. I have not watched Ep 6 but I'll wait for your summaries before watching. ^_________^


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by javabeans

Hi Javabeans, This is Cayabunga I have been previewing some of the other Blogs since I am new to Wordpress and wanted to see who some of my other neighbors are. I am not familiar with your subject matter but at least I enjoyed some of your sounds while I was here. I like the fact you have audio on your site as it lends a different dimension to your blog. In addition you have some graphics and pictures of people which brings a different visual focus to your site. By the other comments in your site you also have a nice following. Well I have taken up enough of your time. So till later have an "AWESOME" day.


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 6

Flowers For My Life: Episode 6

by javabeans

I hope they don't ruin it with the rich boy cliche, but either way i'm loving this series more and more. This must have been the sweetest line yet, “That day, the sun was strong and I could smell the sweat on his back. On that day, I realized for the first time that there are things that smell nice in this world other than money.”
It's like Hana is finally really living in a way and she's falling for Ho Sang in such a subtle way. So CUTE!!!!

Thanks for the summaries, i love them so much Javabeans...or Sarah, whichever you prefer.


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 6

Flowers For My Life: Episode 6

by javabeans

thanks for this summary, this drama keeps getting better and better


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 5

Flowers For My Life: Episode 5

by javabeans

i really did start to cry when ho sang saw his mother again it was so sad when he left... i really wanna watch this when does it come one.. thanks for the summary


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 4

Flowers For My Life: Episode 4

by javabeans

i really wanna watch its so funny and cute


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Air City: Episode 5

Air City: Episode 5

by javabeans

hey jessica....where is it in soompi? I don't see anything for episodes, just news and stuff...thanks!


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Flowers For My Life: Episode 6

Flowers For My Life: Episode 6

by javabeans

aww man... I had the same thought as you, javabeans! I'll be disappointed if they make EunTak a chaebol's son..... It just makes him a perfect man =X
Hmmm... but correct me if I'm wrong... Is there any possibility that PilGu ajusshi is EunTak's biological father or something? Coz if that's the case, I can still forgive the scriptwriters.... heheh.

Thanks again for the wonderful summary, javabeans!


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Air City: Episode 5

Air City: Episode 5

by javabeans

This is why I love reading your summaries. Your commentary is spot on and actually helps me enjoy the episode even more! Thanks!

gf: Check out to get the episodes. You can also click on the "Links" tab on this blog and check out the "Kdrama Resources" for more.


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