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SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

by javabeans

Thanks you've convinced me...I've changed my mind. I am going watch this drama. I loved Ryu Soo Young in 18:29.


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Wow. I actually remember this drama. Wowww.

I was maybe only 8 or so while this was showing, but I still remember watching it every now and then with my family. One of my aunts and an unnie used to always argue over who was the more suave one, Jichang or Jungjae.

This totally brings back memories (though they're slightly blurry haha). I'm shocked you guys managed to find all the episodes! I'll be taking those sometime soon, thanks~


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Air City: Episode 6

Air City: Episode 6

by javabeans

One other issue I think that they should be doing better is building up the Big Bad every episode. Like tidbits about who he is and what he's trying to do.


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Air City: Episode 6

Air City: Episode 6

by javabeans

I've been reading your summaries for a while now, but I've never left a comment. How mean of me... You're really great at summarizing and providing commentary about the episode. I thank you for your efforts. :)

The flawed structure of episodes 5 and 6 didn't really stand out to me until you mentioned them in your summaries. Now they stick out like a sore thumb. I really have to agree with your complaints. The episodes would be sooo much better if they changed the structure. Like you said, the writers need to watch some American dramas and learn how to do it right...

Despite the flaws, I'm not going to stop watching the drama. I'm too in love with the cast and the drama itself to stop. LJJ really stands out. His acting really reflects his experience and star status. LJW looks good here, too. His hair in this drama fits him better than his hair in Smile Again did. CJW is beautiful in this drama, and I like how her character is a strong, I'm-the-boss type of girl. She always seems to play the weepy, damsel-in-distress type characters. I guess the only actor/character I don't really like is the doctor lady, MW. I briefly saw some other drama with the same actress, and her acting in there sucks, too. She fails to bring her character to life, and so I can't really take a liking to her two-dimensional doctor character. So yea, those are my thoughts.

Again, thanks for your wonderful summaries. :D


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Air City: Episode 6

Air City: Episode 6

by javabeans

"Have they never watched American television? Koreans are masters at miniseries (or �limited-run drama series�), but if Air City can be used as an example, they still have no idea how to handle episodic television. (Episodic meaning each episode is a self-contained story, rather than serial/ongoing stories like traditional kdramas.) Each episode should contain a story with a beginning, middle and end. Simple concept, right? Instead, what they've been doing is having the episode contain the middle and end of one story, then the beginning of another. Seriously, writers. Go watch the first season of Alias. It'll help, I promise."

>>> lol!! i cant agree more. i loved alias. ^^ thanks muchos sarah!! hhaha aside from the contuinity thing, its still maintains my interest. but i think they started out with more oomph! its just like a bad joke waiting to happen, or a corny punchline.

i have a question, that friend of DK how an he be a highschool friend? i thought she lived in France for the longest time? she was 10 when she left? just trying to figure this out. not unless he studied in France too.


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Air City: Episode 5

Air City: Episode 5

by javabeans

Thank you so much for writing such a detailed summary. Everthing makes sense now. The introduction to the first story (exporting national sensitive materials out of Korea) was so good but then they did not do a good job at concluding it. I was expecting they would unravel the details of the gang's operation with the arrest of the Westerner. Actually I thought that his arrest would mark the beginning of the case and it would lead to clues in helping JS capturing the enemy. I guess I was so off. After reading Javabean's summary, I realized that this drama is mirroring the American series. Like she said earlier, they are not doing a good job at ending the story at the end of each episode. Oh well, this is their first drama written in an episodic style and so it can't be perfect first time around.

Now to the story, to the contrary to the majority of the people watching this (I'm basing this on the comments that I've seen so far), I'm actually rooting for JS and his ex-gf to reconcile again. Clearly, she still loves him and she is afraid of getting back because she is worried that he will be hurt once again if she suddenly vanishes which I'm assumming is the possibility ofher sudden death as a result of the illness. But since she is not the main lead, he will forget his past and realizes that he loves CJW more.


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Air City: Episode 6

Air City: Episode 6

by javabeans

Thank for the summary that I'm waiting for. It become my routine after watching online for 1st time. Next morning I've to load Clubbox and watch it for 2nd time. Then wait for your summary. Then wait for the whole English subtitle and watch again. Finally we've our own language sub title....guess how many times I watch Air City in one episode....ha ha....


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Air City: Episode 6

Air City: Episode 6

by javabeans

that's my comment by the way. forgot to fill in the blanks


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Air City: Episode 6

Air City: Episode 6

by javabeans

i didnt really get the last part actually... where ji sung and ha joon running cos it was a matter pertaining to drugs or was it cos they found out that do kyung was involved?

thanks for the summary ;)


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Air City: Episode 6

Air City: Episode 6

by javabeans

Thanks for the summaries Javabeans!

And you watched Alias! Makes you even more awesome :D


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