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Que Sera Sera: Episode 17 (Final)

Que Sera Sera: Episode 17 (Final)

by javabeans

oOOoo.. I'm so jealous that all of you have gotten to see all of the episodes! I just bought the series from Ebay and will finish watching the series in a few days...or weeks! Thanks Javabeans for writing all your thought provoking summaries. I literally watched all the later epsides without subtitles and then paused it a coupla times to go back and read your summaries so that I would get the gist of the story!

Overall, I was very satisfied with the ending...either way actually (TJ and ES reuniting in the end OR TJ imagining that ES was at his doorway). I would like to think back to what you said sometime a while ago about a promise of future happiness...did you say it? I hope you did...Cuz even if ES didn't end up at TJ's doorway, perhaps we can go on to assume that TJ's crazy enough about ES now to go after her no matter what. I like the open ended ending because then it makes it seem as though (for the fans) that these lovely characters go on living even after the show's ended. It's not happily's the promise of future happiness, Or in Tae Joo's and Eun Soo's case (if they had really ended up together), it's a start for them.

It's also overly romantic how TJ got a third chance with ES, because it can seem as though they are fated to be together; if it doesn't work the first, second, or third time, there's always a fourth time. It reminds me of some quotes from the movie, "The Mexican," with Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt:

Samantha: I have to ask you a question. It's a good one so think about it. If two people love each other, but they just can't seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?

Jerry: Never.

Thanks again Java. You are now officially my Guru of all Kdramas!


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Hana Yori Dango

Hana Yori Dango

by javabeans

hey guyz.,
i really love HYD!! the reason i luv this j drama is because tsukasa's 1st luv was makino.. and there 1st kiss was with each other... im really lookig forward for season 3... if there is a season 3 ofcourse.. i've watched HYD more than 3 times, and im not tired of watching it again..


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Air City Preview

Air City Preview

by javabeans

Man, it's nice to meet Feelings' fan out there!

I felt head over heels for LJJ in Sandglass but still love the first time I saw him in Feelings the most. His manner, his bike, his helmet and everything, so old school, captured my youth completely.

My friend has a copy of Feelings back home, but bad quality and is dubbed in Vietnamese (I hate dubbing!). I guess you wants an original one, like me? WEcan continue to search together :))



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I agree Colbert doesn't hate Bi, but he did mock a little bit, not on Bi, he mocked mostly Americans, well, and English readers in general.

The way he emphasized over and over, "he sings in Korean, he sings in Korean", every American understand that he's saying:

"Time's readers, what are you thinking? Bi sings in Korean, and you even understand it to vote for him? Almost all of you know Korean now? Nah, all TRUE Times' readers, you don't even give a damn about the vote, and let Bi's fans do whatever to what used to be the world indicator of power. If America and the world turns into such a show, I can turns into a better singer than Bi"

That's the message, but given Koreans' sensitivity towards anything represent their nationality, and their unfamiliarity with the language and "American way of humor", certainly they ticked off.

And all this it's just sad, it only gets harder for Koreans in the US, they have enough after Virginia tech already, they don't need to be in more confusion about what Americans think of them.

Colbert should be more tactful next time, I think


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well said Sarah! I was feeling the same way about Korean media and I was going to blog it tonight but you've done a wonderful job here that all I need to do is direct our readers to your blog. :)

I think overall, our fellow Koreans are still a little sensitive and insecure about how the world perceives Korea. Also, based on my personal experiences, sarcasm is rarely used in Korea because it's considered impolite, which might explain why many Koreans took a lot of jokes literally, finding references to "hyundai" "bibimbap" etc offensive and mean.

However, I've read some articles in Korean that points out that Koreans, especially netizens are somewhat overreacting, which is a good sign and a relief. It looks like some people can take a joke after all - or at least try to.

As for Rain, if he can befriend Colbert, it will do wonders to his popularity.


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Not sure if you read recent news about Han Ga In's management company blaming the director and writers for bad script and bad rep for Ga In in Witch Amusement? People must have criticized her bad acting or blame her for the low ratings or disappointment...

Reportedly, Jae Hee also complained about the director/writers but he clarified later on that he didn't accept any interviews.

It is sad to read this kind of news because a production is such a team work. I think Han Ga In's management company needs to re-think their strategy. Who would want to work with her in the future?


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Wow, this has been blown out of proportion. My opinion is, this is a big exposure for Rain,
if he really want's to get into the US market. This Colbert show had already acknowledged
Rain being more popular than him, and I think what should be done next is for Rain to
appear on the same show, however that would be asking for too much since Rain doesn't speak
decent english yet.

Korean's need to chill out big time, they were being acknowledged as SOMEBODY to reckon with
already, and their reaction is like one big step backward.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 17 (Final)

Que Sera Sera: Episode 17 (Final)

by javabeans

When i saw her get on the bus and him start walking home and thinking of all of their memories, i knew she was going to end up waiting at his door like the first time they met, it just made more sense to end it that way and also raise the question of was it tae joo's imagination or not? I like how you can kinda make ur own ending

I also liked the 2 yr laps also, because it gave them all time to heal and think about their own situations and lives, instead of eun soo and tae joo getting together right after all of the break that point after all the breakups i just felt tae joo did not deserve to be with eun soo because he was just thinking to selfishly, because it just seemed he always was getting what he wanted in a way...the two yr laps just worked better in this drama

I was wondering exactly what would happen to end the show, what would happen to everyone, i was a bit scared to see how it ends but i am glad at how they ended it.

All together, i really enjoyed watching this drama and its ending was very unlike a lot of dramas i have seen, 5 stars all the way from me!



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Air City Preview

Air City Preview

by javabeans

lol shenny! sigh, my first drama love indeed. he was so cute and young in Feelings/Neukkim! it's so strange since his image is so refined and mature now, and i just remember goofy young lee jung jae... seriously, if i could get my hands on a copy of Neukkim i'd blog the hell out of it! one of the original trendy dramas!


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A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

by javabeans

Javabeans, you're right Jun Yeong and Su Ha are half-brother & half-sister. I found that out in one of episodes.


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