Would You Rather #49

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


In what was probably our most absurd prompt yet, Beanies decided that having knives sprout from their backs when angry was a lesser evil than being plagued by uncontrollable hair growth. Only @jerrykuvira — under the proviso that the hair growth be restricted to the Elvis-like sideburns featured in DNA Lover — and @kmoon79, who admits to having a temper, commented to show their support for the hairier option. The rest of you, however, had a lot to say about why you wanted knives growing out your backs, but for the most part, y’all fell into two camps: those who don’t get angry and figured their lives wouldn’t be impacted by the knives much — like @welh640, @jillian, @sunnyboo, and @lillamy — and those that actually seemed kind of excited to have their own personal knife set growing out of their back.

In addition to thinking the knives would “look kinda cool,” @jls943 figured the back blades would be an excellent defense against K-drama serial killers. Or, for a slightly more real-world application, having a built-in defense mechanism would be, according to @ceciliedk, ideal for when someone deliberately invades your personal space or touches you aggressively. That’s certainly one way to combat perverts on the subway! However, if your blood pressure tends to rise while watching K-dramas, like @enriquequierecagar, then you’re going to have to get used to watching dramas in less comfortable positions or else you’ll be regularly replacing your mattress and sofa cushions. Actually, according to @mreverything, you should probably avoid a lot of things if you’re prone to anger, like “balloons, and children, and small animals, and windows…” Personally, I just love the idea of us all running around like angry little hedgehogs whenever someone cuts us off in traffic.




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This is an easy choice: if I worked in a large office, the office romance is OK. A love triangle is never fun.


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An office romance!

In a love triangle, someone will be hurt.


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I agree with @kurama that love triangles are best avoided, as one or more parties involved will almost inevitably be hurt. I’m okay with office romances, unless…

…(as seems to happen all too often) one or both parties is married to someone else…

…or if one of the people involved is a boss/supervisor who then begins to favor the romantic partner over the other employees.

…or if they display their affection publicly in a way that makes the other employees uncomfortable.

…or if they have a breakup or argument that creates a hostile workplace.

Otherwise, I’m perfectly fine with office romances. 😉


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I got to think of some bands where some in that band have dated or even been married and then broken up ... now that is uncomfortable!
Which reminds me of the lyrics to ABBA's "Super Trouper".
Bjørn wrote this, and Agneta, still his wife at the time, sang it;

"But I won't feel blue
Like I always do
'cause somewhere in the crowd there's you".

I'd much prefer being unhappy in an office rather than on stage, singing a love song from my husband to someone "somewhere in the crowd".


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So many great breakup songs! Heartbroken ones, wistful ones, gloating ones, etc. My favorite may be “Cry Me a River”—NOT the Justin Timberlake one, but the one from the 1950s.


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Yes, but was it written for someone who is on that same stage, performing?
And Super Trouper is not a breakup song, it's a love song ... for someone in the crowd, not on stage. And Agneta was singing it.
But there's this one too:

"I'll follow you down
'Til the sound of my voice will haunt you
Give me just a chance
You'll never get away from the sound
Of the woman that loved you"

That was like, 25 years after they broke up, still singing that song in the same band.


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And of course I love "Cry me a River," too. Preferably in Dinah Washington's version.


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I mean, Super Trouper ... imagine singing a love song from your husband to someone else. On stage.


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I don't know how it would work if it actually happened, but both options sound too stressful for me.

I can't with the stress of having to hide anything. And, the only multitasking I enjoy doing while working is listening to music or watching a drama.
For me, it would be distracting and it would make me self conscious.
The worst part: I have nowhere to run to.

Love triangles... Idk, I wouldn't last too long in a love triangle because I hate (RL) drama. I would give up/reject so fast.
I'm the type of person that after spending a couple of hours talking to 5 people, gets so drained I can't talk to anyone for like a week.
The mental/emotional exhaustion of a love triangle could legit kill me.

Dramatic much but that's exactly why I would avoid this two scenarios no matter what. LOL

But I'm gonna choose love triangle, because breaking the triangle at least won't affect my living and make 8h of the day super awkward.


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And here I thought the previous one had both options extra unappealing!

Office romances are a BAD idea. Period. You don't mess where you eat - or earn your food money for that matter. So many things can - and will, trust me! - go wrong as result, so why again?

Love triangles are freaking annoying, both in fiction and even more irl. I strongly suspect only narcissists with non-existent empathy and people who never were in one find this trope any fun. I was a few times and did NOT like it for a list of reasons too long to count. Contrary to what dramas may tell, it's extra unpleasant to be specifically a woman pursued by (even when they're both hot) two guys at the same time - its fml level of awful, honestly, there's absolutely nothing great about being downgraded from a lady wooed to a walking prize in testosterone poisoning pissing contest. My female self-esteem does not need such a cheap ass dangerous boost, tyvm.


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Love triangle. I would never date anyone I worked with. Keep your personal life separate from your professional life.


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I would never date someone i work with too.
It gives room for colleagues to be in my business if discovered. I prefer both lives seperate


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same here, it would be so stressful - imagine fanning all the office gossip


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Sometimes you can fall in love with someone at work. Sometimes it's mutual, and sometimes it ends well. Sometimes not. But if you fall in love with someone you know from unglamourous circumstances, chances are you know each other better than you would from som dating app or from some bar.
I would just hate being in a love triangle, and if I ended up falling for that kind of temptation, I would hate even more to be caught in it. If it was a fling, how terrible the thing that would be destroyed. If it was serious, I would want to deal with it properly, not force all the decision-making on my spouse by making an un-treasure hunt with strange looks, secret messaging, late "work" and homecoming smells.


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Maybe it’s because it was before online dating took off, but if workplace dating were not an option, most of my friends and I might still be single! Of course situations with power imbalances and any hint of coercion should be avoided, but there are worse things than sharing common interests with a partner and having an understanding of what they do for a living and why. I’m coming at it from the perspective of having worked in a business that people chose more for passion than paycheck, and whose location and nontraditional work hours meant your social circle was largely limited to your work peers.


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I like both of these tropes in dramas. Being pursued by multiple people is a real boost to the ego. And, pursuing someone at the same time someone else is pursuing them is also a fun little competition. I don't really know about love triangles tho. Once it gets beyond the pursuing part, it gets old and my car gets scratched. Not that it has happened to me...

Hidden office romances are also quite fun. The hidden part is thrilling because of the risk of being caught. In my experience, it didn't last long because my partner didn't realize that it should have been hidden. She wasn't very thoughtful and I didn't really like that job anyway.

I would choose office romance, but I work alone and I like my car...


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I'm sitting this one out.

4B life FTW!


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I'm married my office romance so it feels wrong to vote for anything else.

At the same time, I'm also waiting for a K-drama writer to embrace polyamorous relationship and roll with a brand-new type of love triangle. Why stop at a triangle? We all love geometry (I hear you say "No, Cecee, we don't" but I choose to ignore it).

Let's have a love square, a love hexagon, a love pentagon (am I going a little too satanistic with this one?) etc. Polyamorous Love pentagon is the new rom-com.

Or, we could go the other way. Throw away the triangle and get the dot. Surely a love dot is a self-love relationship? Surely, a love dot is skipping in the street and singing I love Myself to BTS while wearing an overly expensive purple hoodie that doesn't have any pocket (Is that too ARMY-niche? Am I too niche? Does that make me irrelevant to you? Are irrelevant people unloveable? I don't care, I love Myself - that's the entire point of the fandom, I can be niche because there'll always be someone to understand and love me, aka myself, I am my very own love dot k-drama; I am the drama, baby)


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May I call you IDOL? I think skipping down the street would be totally Dope, Burning Up and not only on a Spring Day :)
Borahae and Apobangpo to you *please insert purple hearts here*


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I voted for the love triangle, but with one caveat - why choose? Why choose, indeed? I can only remember one Kdrama (Extraordinary You) in which the SFL had the audacious idea of keeping both her love interests in a sort of time sharing model. Why choose, it's like commiting yourself to one ice cream flavour for life, like only Mint Choco or Vanilla for the rest of your days, when you could have both.
I like the theory, then again I guess it would be way too exhausting in real life. But I'd watch the drama.


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I hate when it's without consent. But there has been dramas where the bromance between the MLs (1 and 2) was so ardent it seemed a waste not to just ...


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Well, of course there should be consent on all sides, always. That's the whole point. And now I remember a Jdrama with a friendship/ love triangle, where the boys got each other at the end. Nobuta wo produce. Good drama.


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Actually, Jealousy incarnate is so full of triangles, ... there is the main throuple that lives together for some time.
Then there are the teenagers, to boys and a girl.
And the girls mother from birth and the mother she grew up with - who both hate the presence of the other mother in their daughters life.
ANd then there is (This is a bit of a spoiler so ALERT)
the restaurant owner, who is kind of that teenagegirls chosen dad, and who ends up more or less marrying both mothers. While they come to the acceptance that if they can stop hating each other and make everything much better for their daughter.


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Love triangle but only if it is with two foxes of dramaland, Seo In Guk & Honey Lee


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With Kang Tae-oh?


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Office romance can have its drawbacks especially if it starts messing with ur work but it can be cute. While love triangles can just be very messy. So I chose the lesser evil.


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This is another one that isn’t any fun.


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While an office romance sounds the most secure alternative, the thing that has always put me off of it is that you always end up talking work in private. And even if you don't break up, conflicts are sure to spill over in your encounters at work. Work is taxing enough to have to go through emotional problems at the same time.

Compared to this, the love triangle might be fun, or not, for a while but at least it has a time limit before it settles into wonderful everyday life where work and personal time is separate.


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ugh I would rather not do either!!

I work in a specialized area of my profession that makes it hard to find another equivalent position and I don't ever plan to move out of my city, so even if a straight, single Hyun-bin doppelganger waltzes into my department and makes me noodle soup from scratch, I would have to decline. If you expand the definition of office to the entire organization where my romantic partner is in a different department (one that I don't interact with) on a different floor or, better yet, in a different building, then sure I'd do the office romance.

I hate love triangles and hate how the odd man out gets hurt. But I can at least tell myself that I'm not responsible for how the odd man out feels if I've been clear about my own feelings. I can drown any anxiety with delicious goodies that I buy with the paycheck from the job that I feel secure in.


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