Would You Rather #48

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


This is one of — if not the — closest poll results yet! A mere three votes separated the winner (love) from the loser (money), which means the Dramabeans population is fairly balanced between the romantics and the pragmatics — although I’d consider myself a little bit of both. I’m not the only one either as @indigoenchantment44, the first to comment, and many others were quick to point out that the truly preferable option would be to take the money and run off with your lover so neither of you have to put up with the mother-in-law from hell.

But in a world where you can only pick one — because that’s really the nature of this little game — romance came out on top. That’s not terribly surprising, though, since the majority of us likely gravitated towards K-dramas because of their heavy emphasis on fairy tale-like romances. For Beanies like @mreveryting and @lostpanda, see a lasting value in finding a loving partner.

Although our romantics may have won the poll, our money-loving pragmatics were more vocal in the comments about why they would choose the cash. For starters, as @gikata pointed out, I didn’t specify “true” love, so if we’re talking some ol’ run of the mill love with no guarantee that it will last past your first fart in front of each other, then you’re likely to get more mileage out of the cash. As @9tailedvixen so eloquently put it: “Romance is fleeting, but compound interest is not.”




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To be honest, having a physiology like the latter would surely be beneficial for me in close combat as a shield and an attack weapon, were I a soldier.

But, I'm team uncontrollable hair growth, provided it grows just as it did on Yeon-woo. Cause, why would I refuse such a potential Elvis look?


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The lesser of two evils. Being "plagued" with uncontrollable hair growth means a non-stop battle of body hedge-clipping vs. an occasional Godzilla cameo during an argument. I voted for the latter.


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I'm vain enough to go for the knives 😂 - at least they look kinda cool!

Plus, the hair grows no matter what, but the knives only come out if you are angry, so a solid mindfulness practice and a good therapist could keep that pretty well under control. And you'd have to worry so much less about defending yourself from all those serial killers running around in rom coms!


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Why didn't I think about the serial killers :)


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You never realized how vain you are until you're faced with these difficult choices haha


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The knives option made me wonder how often I'm angry enough for them to appear.

I'm tempted to choose this option because uncontrollable hair seems even more embarrassing and inconvenient.


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The knives can be hidden better and live a relatively normal life. As long as I practice anger management and keep away from people and scenarios that can make me angry enough for the knives to appear.
Years of waxing made me not like body hair i.e. legs. So not a fan of uncontrollable hair growth.


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I voted for the knives option. I already hate having to shave so uncontrollable hair growth is a NOPE!


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i vote for hair, since i lost 3/4 of my hair due to silent covid.

also, i have a temper and everything stresses me out. i am spiky enough as it is, don't need any knives LOL


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It's probably the result of being around people who actually find their hair growth uncontrollable, but I voted for the knives.


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I love long hair, but ... what if I get uncontrollable facial hair growth, too? Like, a full Santa Claus?
Actually, I have sometimes wished to have knives growing out from my backside, or give electric shock at the touch ... though I wouldn't wan't it when I was just accidentally touching other people in a crowd, I have thought about it with anger and despair when someone touched me not-accidentally and I didn't get the chance to respond. I just wished they would get a really unpleasant experience.
So the knives would be in some ways a dream come true, especially if they could somehow distinguish between accidentla and deliberate touch. And could react faster than my head.
Or, tbh, I am over the time where people take that kind of liberties with me.
So really, I would love the sprouting knives for all young girls and women.


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If someone makes me so angry knives start growing from my back, then they deserve what's coming to them! 🤣 Joke.

I bet this is to everyone's surprise, but I don't get angry that much. LOL Unless I'm trapped with someone making triggering noises (I'm sensitive to sounds), no headphones on sight, the people around me will survive.

But I'll definitely won't be able to watch kdramas on my bed again, I do get angry at dramas way too often. 🤣
...Maybe I'll watch the shows on the floor using the knives as support for my back. 🤔


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LOL using knives as support for my back.
😂😂 too funny.


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I like considering my options. 😂


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For sure knives. I only get angry with dumb societal things which really should mean I'm triggered everyday...I am but I'm not. Anyway, rest assured those knives would save the world someday. Hair growth is uncontrollable, plus where exactly is this hair growing? Everywhere? Uhm, no thanks 😊


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Knives without question. Uncontrollable hair growth sounds awful.


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I already have built-in knives so I voted for that as requiring the least energy input.


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Woo! First time mentioned in the would you rather recap! (even if my name is misspelled. I'll take it!)

Knives is a crappy superpower. But, it is a superpower. I will have to just be careful around balloons, and children, and small animals, and windows... But, I would still be a superhero. Or, supervillain. If some government tries to kidnap me and run experiments on me. Until I go insane, and escape, and try to take my revenge on humanity... But, if I succeeded, I would go down in history. But, maybe I am so insane that I don't even care at that point. Or I could just shave multiple times a day. My gut still says knives. Maybe I secretly want to go insane and take my revenge on humanity.


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Now that you mention it, this could work like a really good defense mechanism. You wouldn't even have to speak to a creep on the street. The knives would make the message crystal clear. 😉


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I'm voting for the knives. I rarely get angry and the occasional cloth rip is preferable to looking like Chewbacca.


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In this weather looking like Chewbacca... yeah, no thanks.
Btw, don't worry about the clothes, blouses that come open in the back are making a comeback 😏 (...at some point).


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You're absolutely right. In event of a knife-sprouting society, fashion will come through in a pinch.


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my words can already be like blades if I wish.
Hmm, hair... would not mind. I would look like famous children character of 1980ies, Leopold. https://arhiiv.err.ee/video/vaata/koige-suurem-sober-tere-leopold


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Knowing how bad my temper can be, but I still choose the knives growing out of my back 😂 Why? Because having to shave my armpits and bikini area are inconvenient enough, I don't want to go through more shaving routines than those two 😌


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The key word for me here is “uncontrollable.”

On the anger scale, I frequently register “annoyed” 😒, occasionally hit “high dudgeon” 😠, and rarely even approach the “livid” mark 😡. At the slightest prickling of the skin on my back, I would have the means to de-escalate through breathing, visualization, or—worst-case scenario—Xanax.

Assuming electrolysis wouldn’t work, uncontrollable hair-growth would be a complete non-starter. 🧔🏻‍♀️


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Let's be honest: Hair growth? Who wants exponential hair growth that gradually takes over your self-confidence, social life, and even livelihood? What works for Chewbacca, doesn't work for everyone. Also, if I don't get my very own Han Solo and Millennium Falcon, I don't want the hairus maximus, thank you.

Now knives on the other hand, this is a wonderful option. Why, you ask. Well, thanks for asking. Now imagine a world where people are either too polite or too shy or too socially exhausted to combat general, social rudeness and mindlessness—people taking the entire width of the path in front of you to walk at 0.2 of a mile per hour, families out with 12 pushchairs and 15 crying babies and all set on walking abreast because having an overproductive womb means you own the road, hecklers in the street exhausting all 12 points of their IQ to heckle the heck out of every human being, those people who look at you with the confidence that only zero medical knowledge can give and state you can't have X because you don't look like their neighbour who has X, those who intentionally read more into what you say than what you've just said and get offended on behalf of their own imagination, those friends who take slowly over your sanity by being offended at every little things in your life that you dare do without them, etc—imagine if instead of internalising your inner rage, you sprouted knives on your back. Just imagine the look of horror on their faces. Would it make some people change their behaviour? I certainly hope so. Nothing says bad ass like carrying your own set of kitchen knives on your back.

And you could judge the level of anger based on the blade.
A butter knife? This is a nothing, just a mild inconvenience that they know you'll soon forget.
A nakiri knife... Perhaps they should apologise.
A cleaver? Run for your life.


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Knives out from my back.

I shelled out money for laser hair removal for my armpits and legs in the past year, and I'm not going back.

I don't get angry enough anyways. And if I do get angry, there is a good chance I will want a knife.


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I live in subtropical climate so just the thought of dealing with uncontrollable hair growth in this heat and humidity is enough to make knives sprout from my back.


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