No Gain No Love: Episodes 1-2

No Gain No Love takes us on a journey of marriage — which we quickly learn is more than a lifetime commitment born out of love. When our leading lady realizes the wedding aisle is her pathway to career advancement and financial benefits, she sets out to find a groom that ticks all the boxes for her contract wedding of the century.


No Gain No Love: Episodes 1-2

Right off the bat, we’re introduced to our heroine, career woman SOHN HAE-YOUNG (Shin Mina), who hates suffering losses — from her mother’s love and attention she feels she lost to her foster siblings, to the time and energy she invested in her freeloading and sexually unsatisfying ex-boyfriends. Hae-young is a stickler for fairness who calculates everything based on gains and losses, and whenever the scales tip to loss, the offending party is shown the door.

On the other hand, we have our hero, KIM JI-WOOK (Kim Young-dae), a convenience store part-timer with a strong sense of justice. Aesthetics wise, the drama has set out to uglify him with nerd glasses and extra inches in his hair, and career wise, the man is not at all interested in getting a corporate job. According to Ji-wook, he is “doing something nobody knows about.” Perhaps, he’s a whistleblower living in hiding. Or an undercover detective. Or a secret member of the Avengers. I mean, the possibilities are endless.

No Gain No Love: Episodes 1-2

Our hero and heroine have already met before the start of our story, so we don’t get a meet-cute. But who needs a meet-cute when the drama informs us that theirs was a hate at first sight. Delicious! According to Hae-young, Ji-wook hates her without a reason. But since hating her is his loss, Hae-young claims that her continuous patronage of the convenience store is to give him a good reason to hate her. Suuure, Jan, we all need a good excuse to execute the enemies to lovers trope.

Speaking of tropes, it would seem that our drama has decided on the sensible approach of creating two separate love lines instead of a needless love triangle. How fortunate for us. Championing the secondary arc is webnovel writer NAM JA-YEON (Han Ji-Hyun) who’s also Hae-young’s foster sister and housemate. Ja-yeon doesn’t have much experience in dating. But who needs experience to write smutty romance stories, right? Her readers might call her out on the unrealistic scenarios in her novel, but at least she’s got an avid fan whose positive comments outweigh the negatives for her.

No Gain No Love: Episodes 1-2

As it turns out, Ja-yeon’s biggest fan is the mother of the other champion of our secondary love story, BOK GYU-HYUN (Lee Sang-yi). Gyu-hyun’s mom wears the pants at home, and I loved her the second I saw her blushing at spicy chapters in the novel. She’s just like me for real. The only difference is that Mom is a chaebol wife and I am not. *Sighs in broke* Towards the end of the week, Mom invests in the adaptation of Ja-yeon’s novel into an audio drama, and their first meeting was all shades of cute fangirling. I honestly can’t wait for more interactions between these two.

The Bok family owns Ggulbi Education — which is the company where Hae-young works. But being first place in employment desirability and brand reputation in the industry is not important to Chairman Bok because the company is second place revenue-wise. Chairman Bok berates CEO Gyu-hyun as an “incompetent pretender who can never be the best,” and he gives his son an ultimatum: pull the company up to number one in sales within a year, or get married. You know, since dialing 1-800-ARRANGED-MARRIAGE is the one-stop solution to uplifting businesses, threatening children, and basically everything else in dramaland. Tsk.

Back to losses and gains, Ggulbi provides more benefits for married employees than singles — ranging from wedding support, extra vacation days, child support, salary raises, promotion and so on. *Dusts CV and then remembers that I’m single* Naturally, Hae-young finds this practice unfair, and to pile on her annoyance, her two-timing ex, AHN WOO-JAE (Go Wook) says he will only pay back the congratulatory money she spent at his wedding at her own wedding. Of course, he has to annoyingly add that he doubts she will ever get married since she’s so calculating. Tsk.

As part of Operation Become Number One, Gyu-hyun launches an in-house contest at Ggulbi. The winner will be on the line for a fast-track promotion, and be put on the TF team — directly supervised by Gyu-hyun — to implement the winning idea. Since this is a shot at promotion without the hassle of marriage, Hae-young indicates her interest in the contest. But she soon learns that her chances at winning are slim because the company does not recruit single women for teams under the CEO’s direct supervision. Okay, what in the relationship status discrimination is even going on in this company?

According to the rumors, the anti-single women rule was established under Madam Fangirl’s orders because Chairman Fork (Chairman Bok) cheated on her in the past. The rule now applies to mama’s boy, Fork-gyu (Bok Gyu-hyun) — who in addition is only allowed to have male secretaries. Sigh. Not innocent single ladies having to suffer for the chairman’s indiscretion. This is not very demure of Madam Fangirl.

Hae-young applies for the contest anyway, but her proposal is 90% identical to Woo-jae’s. Like it’s not enough to plagiarize an idea she shared with him while they dated, Woo-jae pleads with Hae-young to withdraw her proposal — since she “won’t get selected for being single” — and when pleading doesn’t work, he threatens to paint her as the bitter ex who stole “his” idea. The nerve of him! This is the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back, and Hae-young announces that she is getting married in a month. It’s clear that no one marries for love these days, but is Hae-young’s groom even aware that he has proposed and they are getting married? Heck, does he even exist? Lol.

No Gain No Love: Episodes 1-2

Are your bosses’ “vigorous crotch” and “insecure ass” standing in the way of your promotion? Or is your ex threatening to cause a scandal after stealing your idea? You may be entitled to compensation a contract marriage. Contact our drama’s male lead today to book a groom.

Unfortunately, Mr. Male Lead is not aware the drama has pimped him out, so when Hae-young asks him to be her groom, she gets a resounding no! I mean, what was she expecting? Lol.

As to why Hae-young chose Ji-wook as a potential groom, he fits into her preference for an “average looking and forgettable face.” *Snorts in Kim Young-dae* He also doesn’t have a proper job, so no one in her corporate world knows him enough to poke holes into their love story and marriage. And as to why Ji-wook turned down the offer, in the six (!) years since he has been a part-timer at the store, he has been witness to Hae-young’s frustrated outbursts at her exes, and he finds her off-putting.

Still groomless, Hae-young forges ahead with her fake wedding plans. Getting congratulatory money and a promotion aside, Hae-young wants to get married before her mom — who is currently in a nursing home — completely gives in to dementia. Ji-wook overhears this conversation — because the male lead always has to be in the vicinity to overhear coincidental conversations. Next thing you know, he is pulling a swoon-worthy move under an umbrella and asking if Hae-young’s heart is racing. Yes No, it is not.

As the week comes to an end, Ji-wook agrees to be Hae-young’s fake groom. Cue: their dress fitting and his transformation from a nerdy part-timer to a stud in a tux. Oh my! Somebody call 911, there has been a violation of the contract. What part of “average looking and forgettable” does this groom not understand?! Okay, the bride and groom haven’t signed a contract yet, but that’s not the point. The point is, this fake wedding has veered off its course already, and they haven’t even walked down the aisle! Hehe.

No Gain No Love might be a trope fest, but it is off to a good start. The drama seems a little self aware of its nature, and I chuckled whenever Ja-yeon brought up the ongoing romance clichés and tropes. At first glance, Hae-young comes off as cold and calculating, but the drama gives plenty of room for us to see that there’s more to her. For instance, she broke up with Woo-jae after he drunkenly brought up the subject of getting someone else to look after her mom. But it wasn’t necessarily because she was pissed off at his thoughtlessness, she just didn’t want to burden him.

Hae-young would rather select a hideous wedding dress and have everyone’s eyes on her — because the more the wedding guests focus on her, the less they focus on the groom and what he looks like. That way, her very single groom can avoid the “married man” tag in public. Alas, Hae-young’s plan is dead on arrival because Mr. Groom is a stunner. But it is the thought that counts, and her thoughtfulness makes Ji-wook to see her in a new light.

It’s not everyday we see foster family representation in dramas, so I found this angle interesting. Hae-young’s resentment for her foster siblings has waned over the years, but it still manages to slip out in conversation. This may or may not cause a rift between them as we go on, but the drama points out that despite what Hae-young says, she does consider them as family. She might have kept Mom’s condition away from her other sister, CHA HEE-SUNG (Joo Min-kyung), but she put Hee-sung down as a second emergency contact at the nursing home because “You’re also mom’s daughter.” It’s action over words when it comes to Hae-young and her sisters, and I think her sisters will be key to helping her reconnect and mend her relationship with Mom.

No Gain No Love: Episodes 1-2

As for Ji-wook, I’m a little bored with the recent trend of male leads with secret backstories and mysterious motivations, so I don’t really care about why he’s living in goshiwon or why he has remained as a part-timer for six years. But from the little we know of his backstory, it makes sense as to why he’s empathetic towards Hae-young. He can relate to having a parent in a nursing home because his terminally ill grandmother also passed away in a nursing home. It is alluded that Grandma’s health issue was caused by smoking, as such Ji-wook is not a fan of cigarettes — neither does he want to marry a girl who smokes. But after overhearing Woo-jae bring up her mom’s caretaking, he offered Hae-young a stick because he knows she smokes. And he sat beside her in the silence even though he doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes. Life is full of ironies, right?

Ji-wook’s one condition to be a fake groom is for Hae-young to foster his beloved stray cat for a week. The foster system Hae-young never liked growing up has come to bite her in the ass. But things we do for love, right? Okay, she doesn’t love Ji-wook yet. But look how flustered she was at the wedding dress shop and under the umbrella! By the way, the umbrella thingy was Ji-wook’s test to see if Hae-young was allergic to cat hair because he’s always around cats. I mean, the guy could just have asked, but how else will we know we’re watching a K-drama? Pfft.

No Gain No Love: Episodes 1-2


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So far, I really like this show. It seems like a proper screwball comedy- including the satire, irony, parody and sardonic dialogue which are actually necessary elements to that long-neglected art form.


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Yes to all of this.


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I loved these 2 episodes. I liked the comedy, their bickering and both their characters so far. Let's see how it goes.


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The comedy is a standout. Even the bickering feels like it's grounded in something real not sarcastic or for the sake of 'dramatising' a story. It's clever dialogue. Let's hope it continues this way.


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Yes exactly. Their bickering is very grounded making it more enjoyable. I love he always comes back with replies that makes her speechless 😂


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Their pettiness is delightful to watch. Such good neighborhood frenemies 😍


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I love that description for them.

They seem very comfortable with each other, and their fights aren't particularly childish or nasty.

I also like that she thought of him to become her groom, and he thought of her to take care of his Baby.
And when he comforted her with the cigarette or when he was testing the allergy (was he prepare in case she actually had an allergy??? I'm still wondering about that), she was fine with all of it.

I like that it shows they've known each other for six years. In that time they've build some kind of trust and understanding that makes their interactions so easy to watch.


Yes, so true I love their bickering. My favourite line was '' Aren't you going to get a job you've been a part-timer for ages '' to his reply '' I will when you get married ''


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Thats my favourite too😂


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Hehehe, life is full of ironies for sure and they are aplenty in this goofball of a show, so far. I love that everyone is a dork in their own way and I'm here for this.

What I will not do for now is go into all the reasons I like these two episodes and just enjoy how it made me feel. Unlike some beanies, I loved this pairing and this premise from the get go and I will ride this wave to the end ❤️...hopefully of the show and not a premature death midway through!! For now, I'm in love and enjoying the mostly non slapstick humour (yay for wit for us intellectual girlies) the backstories, themes, entire cast and the leads.


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I feel like I haven't seen Shin Mina in ages! She is lively and captivating in this role, even in the shorter, solemn moments. Her character is calculating, but not cruel. I was totally on her side when she talked about fairness like the girls' dodgeball and boys' soccer games and playing area.

I like that Ji Wook is not a doormat and nice to everyone. His straightforward lines killed me whenever he talked to Hae Young or when he talked to the black suit guy and his terrible breath lol. The bickering was pretty good, not too much.

The reversal of the wedding outfit reveal was nice when it was the lady's turn to be stunned by the man's gorgeous transformation (not that the change was hard, hah!).

Excited to see the sister trio and their relationship bonding and healing. Also their adult conversations were a plus. I hope Ji Wook isn't a total newbie when it comes to love and lust.


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Everything you said 🥰

And oh my goodness, you're so right about the subverted wedding reveal scene 😂😂 I didn't see it before. That's funny.

The humour is really funny and not stupid or shock-factor funny. It's refreshing.


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@unit: Thanks for your recaps- they are as funny and well-written (possibly more?) than the show! I am now looking forward to the next eps just for more of your writing :)


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Thanks for the recap @unit
This drama has presented itself so far as the Ronseal of K drama world ‘it does what it says on the tin’. It is a rom com so it gives us ridiculous Ally McBeal style imagined scenes, a secretary/boss love hate relationship and conflict scenes that are all laugh out loud funny. It gives us heartwarming scenes with the male lead doing acts of kindness to the elderly and unloved animals. I really loved the genius strategy for information sharing in the community. They promote products by having them blatantly on sale in the convenience shop . Kopiko with the instant hit of refreshing energy is back front and centre alongside some in your face cigarette sales. Only Doona was this bad for cigarette PPL but at least in this drama it does artistic shots of smoking so it’s not so annoying. There is only one other person we see Jiwook show disdain for and he also smokes.

These two opening episodes really reminded of Be melodramatic which is in my top ten K dramas because it mixes laugh out loud funny, and in your face PPL with well developed characters with realistic backstories and a beautiful found family. I am really hoping that next week’s episodes will confirm that we are going to be given what we signed up for and not find ourselves blindsided with another mystery romance selling itself as a rom com.


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Ah Ally McBeal... wow what a nostalgic throwback! We used to gather around the 1 TV in our dorms and religiously watch it as it aired. Though the only thing I now remember about it distinctly is that weird Dancing Baby(?)

There is a sort-of mystery in this show, with ML reading a text that said "I miss you" or something? I'm sure they'll call back to it later- they wouldn't have focused on it otherwise.


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Ally McBeal was my joy until they changed Billy’s character and it was an instant drop. Yes I am still bitter🤣 Standout memories are the remote control toilet flush, the theme song therapist and the ridiculously short skirts for court wear.


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Yes, I also really appreciate her imagination vs. “how it really went down” scenes. 😂 Hilarious. This really feels a little bit like Ally McBeal. I just wish the wedding scene would have been the real thing… That “pull out the tablecloth without disturbing any dishes” was a top notch move. *chef’s kiss* 😂


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Should we expect a dancing baby? 🤔


I wonder if you made it to Jon Bon Jovi as Aly McBeal’s love interest. He was just about perfect.


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I seriously can’t remember now 🤔 I just know there was a massive hole in my watch schedule and I missed the joy it brought each week. I had forced a friend to watch it with me and in the end they loved it too and stuck it out until it finally finished. They tried to get me watching again but the show was dead to me after it messed with Billy’s personality so there was no going back.


@kdramajoy...I remember almost nothing about the show except that it was about law, and of course, the dancing baby.
But (TW) talking about Bon Jovi, did you read the latest news about him? He talked a woman out of jumping off a bridge in Nashville this weekend. Hero.


@nivar Yes, talking the woman down from the bridge is yet another reason Bon Jovi approaches perfection!


Oh, you are so spot on about the comparison to Be Melodramatic! It's in my top 10 kdramas too precisely for those reasons you mentioned and No gain, no love, gives me similar feelings. It's giving rom comy but also slice of life vibes. It's perfection when done well. Next week can't come any faster so I stop stressing about whether it's going to be another disappointment 🙃


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I know 😬. The need for this to overcome the four episode challenge is causing major stress for me too. I was excited about the female lead in Wedding impossible in the first couple of episodes and then I felt they messed her character about and added unnecessary elements into the story so I badly need this to avoid those kinds of issues.


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Finally! A rom-com that I actually find really fun, and that I think has interesting storylines and characters. I've had absolutely no luck with rom-coms lately, so this one really feels like a breath off fresh air.

There were probably about 50 subplots introduced in these first 2 episodes, and while the show could easily become overwhelmed with them later, so far I think this is a good thing. It makes it feel like all these characters actually have a part to play, and aren't just there as window dressing.

Also, is that spicy scene from Ja-yeon's romance story the kind of thing we can expect from the spin-off? Because I could get on board with that. Interestingly, that scene was apparently too spicy for the censors, because I've seen a slightly different version float around on Twitter, which has a few additional shots that were somehow missing from the episode I watched.


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You're not alone. A number of us have been struggling with rom coms lately because every single one has been falling apart somewhere. So we are very, VERY cautiously optimistic about this one. No guarantees that it will hold but maybe we should just enjoy it while it lasts. Fighting!


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Pretty sure Ja-yeon’s web novel IS the spin-off


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Shin Min-Ah is back!!! She's perfect for this kind of role.

I liked the motivations of her character and her big imagination. I could understand her frustration as a kid, it wasn't the kids the issue but the way her mother didn't really include her.

For Kim Youn-Dae, I think this role is perfect for him because he doesn't really to act big feelings for now, just dry humor.

Clearly, it won't stop just to one wedding :p


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I have a friend who is very much like the FL's mother who's kindness to others can sometimes come at the expense of her own children and they can not help but feel neglected.


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It's very believable. I know people like this too. I wonder if we'll get an explanation in this show about the mother's specific circumstances.


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It was just supposed to be him walking down the aisle, but he is so thoughtful he has already accompanied her to the dress fitting 😍
Bring on more!!


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I died when he offered. What a sweetie. You can almost feel the fact that they've known each other or been aware the other exists for a long time so nothing feels creepy or put on.


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@kurama, that's a fair point about KYD's choking points. Supposedly, we'll have to see him act out some big feelings because it is a romance so I'm curious how he'll handle in this show. I have a feeling this dynamic might work out better for him. Fingers crossed.


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He handled big feelings just fine in The Forbidden Marriage.


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@Leola I haven't seen that. I'll have to check it out.


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It wasn't a good drama...


@unit thanks for the great recap! Show is shaping up to be super fun with genuine laugh out loud moments while still managing to keep it real and well balanced.


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Thanks for the usual witty recap, @unit. These episodes did have a sort of rollicking, uneven humor to them that made these episodes a lot more dynamic than a few of the other recent rom-coms I watched.

I like the triumverate of women, although I wish the one I assume to be the second oldest, Cha Hee Sung, didn't have a cheating boyfriend, since there was already one too many of those for my tastes. The younger innocent Nam Ja Yeon writing soft core porn was pretty funny, as was her rich Mom fan.

I found Son Hae-young a somewhat more complex character than the usual FL. Her Mom trauma, caused by jealousy of the foster children, supposedly generated too great a fear of "missing out" and has made her at times unpleasant to been around. But we've seen in fact this "fear" is in fact a legitimate sense of unfairness of some of her circumstances. So she's not really that loveable, but at the same time, you know that she will be.

I find Ji-wook a little less interesting, and a bit more cliched as the sensitive male lead who looks after stray cats and I think his "mystery" is probably that he is the half son of Chairman Bok or something like that. Still, I loved that transition from a nerdy convenience store clerk to a model that makes women swoon. It was a fun ending to that episode! I like the triumverate of women, although I wish the one I assume to be the second oldest, Cha Hee Sung, didn't have a cheating boyfriend, since there was already one too many of those for my tastes. The younger innocent Nam Ja Yeon writing soft core porn was pretty funny, as was her chaebol Mom fan.

I found Son Hae-young a somewhat more complex character than the usual FL. Her Mom trauma, caused by jealousy of the foster children, supposedly generated too great a fear of "missing out" and has made her at times unpleasant to been around. But we've seen in fact this "fear" is in fact a legitimate sense of unfairness of some of her circumstances. So she's not really that loveable, but at the same time, you know that she will be.

I find Ji-wook a little less interesting, and a bit more cliched as the sensitive male lead who looks after stray cats. and I think his "mystery" is probably that he is the half son of Chairman bok or something like that. Still, I loved that transition from a nerdy convenience store clerk to a model that makes women swoon--it was a good laugh to end the episode.

Overall, I'm looking forward to seeing how this one moves forward!


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But I find interesting that SHE KNOWS her boyfriend is cheating in she isn't doing anything about it.
Hae Yeong said that break up and make up all the time. So this is not the first time he does it.

This story line sounds more interesting than 100% of the same "successful woman needs the same basic cheating husband" trope we've had this year, imo. And it also sounds better than the typical "tiger mom needs a loser husband, because if the man in the house was competent (and not scared of her) then why would she be the one leading the house" trope.

I find interesting that the middle sister is staying in that relationship even though it's obviously hurting her (for once, it's a "conscious" choice). I feel like there most be a lot to unpack about her relationship with herself.


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Yes I think it may be a case of her own lack of self-love and perhaps abandonment/trauma from childhood that makes her remain in an unhealthy relationship. It's love not perfect but love?


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Yes. We don't know much about her history before—and after—becoming family with Hae Young.

Also, I have the feeling all her relationships are usually like this. She was the one hurt by Hae Young's words but then she apologized. And apparently that happened many times before.

Maybe she thinks that's the only way to keep them in her life. Maybe she thinks that's what love looks like. Who knows. But I feel a juicy story coming on.


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I liked it so much I'm scared. LOL


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😂😂😂 @tabong! Me too, me too!!!


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Yay, @Unit recaps! *hilarity ensues* 😂👏

We really started with some truth bombs here. I shortly wondered where the “boys are allowed to play football, what about the girls” + the interview questions about sexual harassment at the workplace were going, but I liked the outcome of both scenes: setting up both characters well, leaving not many questions about their motivations and beliefs.
I must say I was also a bit surprised by the boldness of some of the jokes, paired with the obviously steamy romance novel scenes presented by her author sister. Is this really a kdrama? Well, yes it is, since I already spotted both Kopiko and Subway PPL. (And capsule coffee makers.) Moving on!

The three sisters already have all my attention, and I especially love seeing Joo Min-kyung here again. She always stands out to me in any drama she appears in - maybe because of her beautiful voice. How fitting she gets to play a voice actress in this!

I don’t see yet how they will likely tie up every possible plot they kicked off in the end, but I’m really intrigued to see! There are just so many characters already, and even though their relations were already laid out, where does the current CEO come into this right now? What about his secretary and the youngest sister? Will sleazy ML neighbor reappear as a running gag? Cannot wait to continue with this show. 👏👏👏

Ps: how come the convenience store’s doorbell always chimes in exactly the right moments to deliver the perfect comedic sound effect? It’s magic. 😂


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I love the sisters too!! Great choice of casting. The maknae is adorable and is one of my favorite young actors. And elder one definitely has an awesome voice. I can’t wait for her to dump the scum of the producer.


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The ppl for the sandwich shop was interesting where I'm at. The Subway scene had all the signs blurred out.


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JMK's voice is sublime. I could listen to her all day. I too thought it fitting that she plays a voice actress in this.

And I adore the sisters! Especially that their connection is not the conventional one ie sisters by birth etc. Curious to see how this plays out.

I didn't think about it before but you are right, this show has thrown quite a number of balls in the air, hasn't it?


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I'll be the first to admit I had grave doubts about the lead actors together (and about Shin Min-ah), but those were gone by the end of these episodes. These two can keep grumping and snarking and showing unexpected, hidden thoughtfulness toward each other for the next 10 episodes and I'm here for it.

Hae-young may be scrupulous in her gain/loss calculations but she's got just enough of an out-of-control side and enough self-doubt for each fantasy sequence to be believable almost to the end. Ji-wook is hiding something (besides a whole Kim Young-dae) under that wig. I wonder if there’s going to be a Dal-ja’s Spring-style revelation about our convenience store angel. The flashback to grandma (yay, Kim Hae-sook!) doesn’t suggest that, but it doesn’t rule it out either.

I don't know if the way the lenses in Ji-wook's glasses keep appearing and disappearing from one shot to the next is supposed to be funny, but it kept me amused. The callbacks to other shows and movies are fun, too - like Woo-jae turning into an animated octopus the way the same actor's character was a squid in Business Proposal. Twisted tropes are the best tropes and I hope the show can keep subverting them in style.


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Twisted tropes are the best, I agree. Since we can't seem to invent new ones, subverting them is the next best thing.

Shin min-ah is humanising Hae-young so well and that makes the character feel relatable even when I've never met anyone as exacting as her. But her hidden out-of-control-ness and self doubt all "me too, girl!"


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Sometimes the best dramas are the ones you watch without great expectations. Apart from Sh**ting Stars, every other drama with Kim Young-dae more or less disappointed me. Fortunately, he seems a bit more lively and motivated here.

FL is right up my street. I love that she doesn't take any crap.

The funniest bits are the spats between FL and ML and the little nasty things from both sides (the handprints on the freshly cleaned door, the cigarettes, ...)

Refreshingly, it is shown that couples do more than just holding hands. I hope NGNL keeps this up until the end.


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"KYD seems a but more lively and motivated here"
I couldn't agree more! The last thing I watched him on was Moon in the Day and my goodness was he stiff. It was almost painful to watch. I've always suspected he *can* be a good actor, he just needs a leading lady. So far Shin Mina seems to have that positive effect on him and he's inhabiting his character with a little more oomph. It's nice to see because I like him! And I want him to do well.

Let's hope the drama gods hear our collective 'desperate' hope to keep this show this way to the end 🙏🏿


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Loved it!! Loved it all!!! I rewatched the episodes already and it’s such a delight. If a right mix of quirk and heart. I loved all the characters and their interactions.
I could watch an entire drama in the convenience store!! Their banter was such fun especially knowing they have been at it for six years!!
Funny that he is aware of all her exes.
Please let him not be a chaebol secret child 😂

And thus the dashing broom, aka groom arrives, fully backlight to a BGM of gasps!!! he’ll yeah, I gasped too!!!


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@Blue, I hate to burst your hopeful bubble but he is a chaebol secret child for sure 😂 Or at least all signs point to that. Here's hoping they'll surprise us. It was such a delight! I'm going to rewatch the episodes this weekend too 🥰


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I suspect he is Chairman Bok's son, hiding from his father's side of the family.


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@unit This is an expected great recap of an unexpectedly funny drama. I was 100% confident that I would drop this drama midway through Ep 1 because I had 0% trust in the ML's acting, but this turned out to be the best rom-com among recent releases. KYD looks good in the shabby hairstyle with or without glasses. It reminds me of OG kdrama hairstyle from old days. Glad that Lee Sang Yi will not repeat a love triangle with SMA and his relationship with his secretary is everything.

I was angry with the message the drama was sending to the young generation in th scene where the ML gave the FL a cigarette when she was down like its the trendy version of "holding an umbrella when raining or handing a hanky when crying". It is clever that the drama is getting money for the smoking PPL even if it is for making jokes on it, but I hope the drama addresses the ill effects of smoking more sternly.


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They definitely were more anti smoking than for it. You will die, you will get erectile dysfunction etc. I like that it’s part of the story and it will have to end with her giving up smoking.
I definitely didn’t see him giving her the unlit cigarette as cool but rather as him understanding her even if he doesn’t agree. We never saw anyone actively smoking which is good. Soju is far more dangerous in dramas.


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Agreed. I wished these messages would be balanced in these dramas. The amount of drinking that happens in most dramas is alarming and needs to be addressed in the same way strong stances are made about say drugs for instance or other social ills.


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I loved it. Laugh out loud comedy, with a side of romance was a great start. Of course, I think it's pretty obvious whose son the ML is going to turn out to be, but I'm okay with it.


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Ha, I know right? 😂 We are all so clever and have figured it out or it's a dead give-away that the philandering chairman is the ML's dad.


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…her two-timing ex says he will only pay back the congratulatory money she spent at his wedding at her own wedding.

But that is NOT paying her baaaack! He was going to be socially obligated to give her that money anyway! She wants a refund for her money, not just to play the social game as normal!!!!! This illogical interchange was too much for me and threw me right out of the story.

Deifying Kim Young-dae in a wig in glasses, however, makes tons of sense.


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That ex's reasoning was so faulty, but...this is the same man who was secretaly dating/courting two women at the same time!! So loose screw somewhere? I think so.


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I actually found this kind of dull, I am giving it the 4 episode watch, but it hasn't done much for me. I seem to be the only one, lol.


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You're not alone. I couldn't make it past the first half of the first episode. I might go back and watch it again to see if I missed something, but I think this one is a pass for me. I'm a bit sad about that, because I love both male leads and Shin Mina.


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Surprisingly fun, occasionally laugh-out-loud funny, full of charming actors, and not afraid to advocate for the female orgasm (yes, if he gets three, you should at least get one). What's not to love? Right now, this one is ticking all the boxes for me.


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Uh...are you sure about that math? What is she, a day spa?


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I actually felt a little sorry for the ex-boyfriend, on his knees before her after another bedroom failure. What if it was a genuine physical or psychological problem, and not just a neglecting of her needs?

Another funny scene along the same lines was the ML squirming after reading about testing not just for STDs but also ED. Finally a realistic portrayal of male sexual anxiety in a kdrama! (Now, if in later episodes they show him running away because he is imagining her lips, or because the FL might see him without a shirt, I'll take back what I said.)

By the way, I got married so long ago that I did have to take a test for venereal disease to get a California marriage license--that requirement has now been dropped in all U.S. , but maybe not in Korea. Are the tests he was reading about actually required in Korea before getting a marriage license?


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Mmhmm. I totally should have considered that. And here I was thinking she mainly dumped him due to a crippling lack of imagination.

As for your question about the logistics of a Korean marriage license, I sure hope they were representing how it really works or the writer should really reconsider their calling.


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Dang I want to watch this so much, especially after reading everyone's comments about how good it is but I don't have Prime so I really hope it will pop up somewhere on the dark side.


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I like it alot so far.. Super funny and relatable.. I am glad because Kdramas have been dragging a bit lately so its nice to get a fun show.


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I’m loving it so far. Love the chemistry between the leads and the writing is great.

Also loved the cameo by the ‘UNNNIE’ guy altho he wasn’t in the same scene as her 😄


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The rave reviews here made me check this out and wow, I am really loving it so far! Still on ep 1 though


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I am looking forward to hearing if you will be joining the fan club after you finish episode 2☺️


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Actually stopped reading @unit's droll recap, looked into availability and started watching. Lurking hubby called from another room, "What are you laughing at?".
It has been a long time coming - me laughing out loud at a Kdrama. I'm getting nervous that the screwball writing will run out of steam but am willing to hang in for wherever we go with this goofy bunch of characters.


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I was laughing out loud! I thought so called "angelic" plot would be so cringe but it is seen as endearing and believable. Both the ML and FL are soooo good at playing the goof and comedy it just clicks. Cant wait for more episodes! Hope they keep it up!


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I will go and read everyone's comments, but just had to say- that this is the show that got me out of my kdrama slump.

I loved the first 2 episodes, and I love love Hae-young. I don't know why but I felt so much for her younger days when all she wants his her mom's love and attention and mom is busy looking after everyone but her.

Love the sisters dynamics, and the writer and her fangirl so much.

Please please don't have a disappointing ending.


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