Red Swan: Episodes 3-4

The melodrama lands full force this week in Red Swan! Our leading couple are growing to rely on each other and I think they are going to need this bond in the coming weeks. There are stones thrown at our heroine and while she’s white-knuckling it to survive, our hero is trying to help her while staying under the radar. How long he can keep this up is yet to be seen.


Red Swan: Episodes 3-4

Wan-soo is getting hit from all angles this week. She goes to meet with Tae-ra and suggests that Tae-ra should make herself scarce. Wan-soo tells Tae-ra to take her son and go to Switzerland — basically telling her to not rock the boat and stay out of sight. Tae-ra being the money-grabbing mistress she is, bites back. She throws some nasty jibes about Wan-soo being childless (we learn her son died in a skiing accident, so this is just too cruel). Tae-ra demands Wan-soo get a divorce as she informs Wan-soo that her marriage was a lie from the start.

Tae-ra tells Wan-soo that Yong-kook was previously engaged. Yong-kook was sleeping with an actress, on the side, and she overdosed whilst the two of them were together in a hotel room. Yong-kook’s fiancée at the time found out and called off the engagement. In order to avoid a scandal, Chairwoman Park had given Yong-kook a bag of money to go to Africa and target Wan-soo. Wan-soo had a great image for them: Rags to riches! Angel of charity! Chairwoman Park is so over-the-top diabolical I can believe she did this, but I’m still undecided about Yong-kook. Yong-kook comes across as someone who is spoiled, but I’m not sure if he’s that cunning. He openly admits he doesn’t need to take responsibility for anything – a sad way to live if you ask me.

Red Swan: Episodes 3-4

In addition to Tae-ra, Chairwoman Park is doing her utmost to hurl stones at our heroine, too. Tae-ra visits Chairwoman Park and complains about Wan-soo wanting her to leave the country. Chairwoman Park obviously thinks Tae-ra is beneath her (I suspect she thinks everyone is), but decides to use her as a pawn to try and keep Wan-soo in her place. Chairwoman Park has Tae-ra and her son come to the family photoshoot the next day, to knock our heroine off her stride. Wan-soo is not so easily shaken, but when Chairwoman Park moves all of her deceased son’s things out of his room and replaces them with Tae-ra’s son’s things, it hits her hard.

Chairwoman Park shows Wan-soo the paternity test for Tae-ra’s child and tips the press off about the death of Wan-soo’s son. Wan-soo had wanted to keep it quiet — it seems she carries a lot of guilt for going to work instead of staying with him the day he passed. Wan-soo is getting a little suffocated with the nasty attacks on her and takes off for the beach for breather, with Do-yoon in tow.

At the beach, Do-yoon stays close but not too close, giving her room to breathe. When Wan-soo goes back to the car, Do-yoon dusts the sand off her feet and carefully places her shoes back on. Do-yoon’s respectful yet caring gesture obviously affects Wan-soo — and me. But Wan-soo draws a line between them and tells Do-yoon to stick to his bodyguard tasks, because she doesn’t trust him yet.

Red Swan: Episodes 3-4

Heading home from the beach but avoiding the family prison mansion, Do-yoon takes Wan-soo to her vacation home… where Yong-kook is waiting for her. Wan-soo, as fearless as ever – which I love her for – heads inside and confronts Yong-kook about his motives for approaching her in the first place. Yong-kook tells Wan-soo that those may have been his mother’s motives (Chairwoman Park), but he fell in love at first sight. (Did you though…?) Yong-kook proceeds to say they should have another child and launches himself at Wan-soo. Wan-soo screams because she can’t get him off and Do-yoon swoops in to rescue her. Excuse me while I pause and enjoy this for a moment…

Do-yoon has been making my heart flutter during these two episodes! Do-yoon has realized the link between the CHAIRMAN KIM’S (Jo Won-hee) death, Ju-hyuk’s death, and the attempted assassination of Wan-soo. Do-yoon tells Wan-soo that the incidents are all connected, but she is very untrusting of him. Wan-soo wants Do-yoon to bring her evidence and tries to storm off — but Do-yoon’s greatly-timed wrist-grab and request for her to trust him, stay by him and he will protect her, made my little heart swoon. (He gets bonus points from me just for this scene.)

We also gain a little insight into why Do-yoon and Ju-hyuk were in Manila. Do-yoon has a flashback to when he was appointed to the president’s detail and Ju-hyuk was appointed to the Intelligence Bureau. Do-yoon was told to report every detail of the president’s movements to the commissioner general of the NIS (National Intelligence Bureau), and this made him uncomfortable thinking something was off. Ju-hyuk was told to investigate any conglomerates the president met with and look into their slush fund activities. Ju-hyuk was also ordered to report everything back to the commissioner general and they were both told to keep it top secret. This is all very dodgy if you ask me.

Still in flashback mode, Ju-kyuk tells Do-yoon he is investigating the death of Chairman Kim. Ju-kyuk had found out that the Hwa-in Group laundered their money through the “eight star gang,” who sound like a right lot of bandits. Ju-hyuk was heading to their headquarters in Manila, and that’s about the time he was murdered in front of Do-yoon (as we saw last week). After his death, the investigation had been stopped, but Do-yoon pleaded with the commissioner general to re-open the investigation, or better yet just let him investigate alone. However, the commissioner general said there was no evidence and gave Do-yoon a firm no. Wow, that’s fishy in itself.

Back to the present, Do-yoon is introduced to the other security members who are sparring. Do-yoon is challenged by one macho dude who is definitely bigger than Do-yoon. Do-yoon doesn’t even break a sweat! It’s awesome! *Seal clapping* Do-yoon beats him hands down and Mr. Macho wants a rematch. Yes please! Do-yoon gets kitted up and in the octagon he takes a few blows but he is quicker and more skilled and takes down Mr. Macho for a second time – I’ll just be over here with my popcorn getting all bloodthirsty, haha. Do-yoon takes the opportunity after the fight to ask Mr. Park a few carefully pointed questions about Chairman Kim’s death. Mr. Park however, is not about to give up any information, which sends Do-yoon to go and seek it out for himself.

Meanwhile, the nasty attacks on Wan-soo are still going full force. Chairwoman Park has decided that Mr. Han (her right-hand man), will make Wan-soo’s brother the new Director of the NOW Foundation and make her resign. Wan-soo’s brother tells Wan-soo what the plan is, so she asks him to leak Yong-kook’s affair and illegitimate child – hahaha, what a beautiful counter attack. Tae-ra and her mum go scurrying to Wan-soo’s office after the cat has been let out of the bag, to beg her to block the tabloids, but I’m pretty sure she has no intention of doing this. *Snickers behind hands*

Wan-soo is called to see Chairwoman Park, Yong-kook, and Mr. Han for a crisis meeting following the story being leaked. Mr. Han states that the stock prices are plummeting and suggests Wan-soo has the best image to clear this up for them. Wan-soo says she will, but Chairwoman Park needs to rethink her dismissal. (Nicely played Wan-soo!) Chairwoman Park retorts by telling Wan-soo to keep her hands off the foundation and to stay home – ouch! Wan-soo is definitely not as timid as they think she is, and she instructs her secretary to call a press conference for the next day.

Chairwoman Park tries to stop Wan-soo from attending the press conference by inviting her to a meeting with a minister. Chairwoman Park is full of shrill laughter and bum-kissing as Wan-soo makes an elegant break for it — with trusty Do-yoon by her side. Wan-soo makes it to the press conference and surprisingly defends Yong-kook. Along with the press, and Do-yoon, I thought she was going to announce her divorce! Instead, Wan-soo announces that the illegitimate child (Tae-ra’s son) is… the deceased Chairman’s Kim son. Wow, I did not see that coming! Tae-ra is hysterical as she shouts, “She just made me the concubine of a man in his seventies!” *Rolls around on floor*

After that debacle, Chairwoman Park calls Wan-soo for an audience — and no, she doesn’t slap her. But Chairwoman Park does call Wan-soo a bottom feeder, and demands she resign immediately. Wan-soo announces she wants to make the world a better place and doesn’t want Chairwoman Park to sully her life’s work with money. Chairwoman Park has been laundering money through the foundation and trying to manipulate Wan-soo into bribing a Chinese ambassador. Chairwoman Park is trying to help her other son KIM YONG-MIN (Go Yoon) and his in-laws’ business break into China.

Wan-soo stands her ground, awe-inspiringly as always, telling Chairwoman Park in no uncertain terms that she cannot take the foundation away from her. Wan-soo adds that Chairwoman Park may be able to manipulate the prosecutors and police, but not the press — she will protect the foundation at all costs. Chairwoman Park retorts that she has no one to blame but herself for what is about to happen…

Cut to: Tae-ra and her son move into the Hwa-in residence and Chairwoman Park tells Wan-soo as she created this family tree, so she can show them to their room, haha. Wan-soo purposefully calls Tae-in a mistress/concubine to her face, and Tae-ra later has to check with her mum that this is an insult haha and she is not happy. In short, Wan-soo firmly puts her in her place and it seems all of the staff of the house will be following suit.

Continuing the chaos, Wan-soo and Chairwoman Park attend an opening event for the foundation – and unfortunately they’re both wearing the exact same tomato red outfit! Wan-soo and Chairwoman Park are forced by reporters to link arms and put their cheeks together. This was absolute gold for me lol. Chairwoman Park can not hide the uneasiness on her face and is in a foul mood when she gets home. She decides to go to the sparring area and practice her judo with the security team, and it’s so strange to see this grey hair bobbing about throwing all these huge guys. Chairwoman Park picks Do-yoon as her next opponent, and all credit to Do-yoon as he doesn’t let her win — unlike the others. Chairwoman Park is surprisingly pleased he didn’t, and comments on knowing everything about her opponent from their smell. Chairwoman Park starts questioning him about his smell which I just found creepy haha.

In her next move, Chairwoman Park calls for Wan-soo, and her parting shot this week is to gleefully tell Wan-soo her mum is in a locked ward of a secure psychiatric hospital and doesn’t have much time left. Huh? The next day, Do-yoon drives Wan-soo and her brother to the facility and Wan-soo comments it’s like a prison. Wan-soo’s brother tells her it’s the best he could do under Chairwoman Park’s orders. Wan-soo goes in to see her mum alone (with Do-yoon nearby), and we hear her scream as Do-yoon goes running and the episode cuts. Talk about a cliffhanger!


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To say I screamed and cackled when she said her husband's baby momma was his dad's baby moma. Hilarious, 😂🤣🤣. These last two episodes were more entertaining than the first two. I would like them to kill the Africa thing though, hopefully that is done. Also when they both wore the same outfit, the writer is ha ing fun and I love it.


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When she said it I had to think about it for a moment, to do the math 😂

I suspect they will milk the Africa mistake for all its worth 🙄


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As we discussed last week I'm only watching this for the 'hot mess' comedy vibes because let's be honest there is nothing of quality here except for Rain oppa's physique 😁

The other scene that had me 🤣 was the matriarch judo😮.
I mean, who among us hasn't had a really frustrating day and thought - what I really need now is a circle of well-built men who I can hurl to the ground, whilst also complaining about their smell. That will perk me right up!

In a slightly more serious aside, I think the one person on this crew who deserves a raise is the action/stunt co-ord. The bodyguard sparring and judo scenes were nicely done...


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Agreed to all points. The judo match was so absurd and nary a fabulous gray strand out of place, lol.


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Thank you for the 🚩🦢 recap.

Ah! I love me a smart FL. Sadly Wan-soo is not that but in a brilliant piece of writing she made her husband's son his uncle. 😂

The plot is just Rain. 😍


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This is true, lol.


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Not that I'm complaining but maybe a little something to chew on in terms of the plot would have been nice. 😊😅


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Kikiki...yes, Cera. Yes.


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😊🤭 It is all the more stark because even Full House - 20 years ago - had so much more happening in terms of plot even if we exclude the troublesome plot points.


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One would think that all KD writers and PDs would have learnt at some point that using “Africa” as an undifferentiated mass way over there is disrespectful, ignorant and hence unacceptable but no, they keep disgracing themselves.


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So complicit too, isn't it? To know and yet keep actively perpetuating false and harmful narratives. No excuses there.


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Why is it so? I could replace the sentence with, we met while in Europe, and no one would blink. We met while travelling in South America. Why is it disrespectful not to mention the specific country?


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While Chairwoman Park was creepy when she said that Do-yoon smelled sweet, I think she was flirting maybe she couldn't resist the Hotness🤔


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@starrygazer Thank you for the recap.


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Right?? That was weird. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to feel...attraction or creepiness. I felt both which was confusing. But maybe that's what the writers were going for.


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Maybe they took inspiration from K2 again to balance the lack of charisma of the FL??!! 🤔


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I won't forget the press conference in a hurry. I shed tears of laughter.

Episode 4 in particular was full of absurdly funny moments.

No matter how messy the script is, it's worth it for these scenes alone, the best entertainment.


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Totally agree, this is too fun


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Thank you for the recap @starrygazer. It's more fun than the show 🙈 I think I'm going to drop this one or I might do a passive watch. Again, it got me interested right at the end with that scream but before that, I cringed my way through most of the scenes. Never say never though. I've been known to give shows a thousand chances before I give up.


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I was a bit disappointed, the first week was so howlingly funny in how serious it was while simultaneously be so very very silly, but this was just old-school Makjang - complete with the frenetic violins, which admittedly was the funniest thing about this for me.

*Everyone swaps meaningful looks, violins desperately tries to tell me this look swapping is actually action packed*
More looks are swapped. Female lead has one expression, which is constipated martyr-hood.

I wonder how Rain feels about signing up for K2 and getting World of the Married?

Anyway, this interlude was briefly fun but is now tedious for me - as most Makjang is, frankly. Half the time I agree with the Chairwoman - what are you even doing here being self-righteous while spending someone else's money? Why waste your time punching down on your husband's idiot mistress? That scene from any other drama would have had her in the role of the villain.

I don't feel she's trapped or playing the game well. She's no Choi Yoo Jin that's for sure. She was the villain but I wanted her to win. Instead, we have a female lead that should just walk away from all this nonsense instead of wading around in its filth but seems more than happy to get dirty as far as I can tell.

Anyway, it's not the gleeful mess I signed up for but is just across the board crappy. Is it weird I'm more disappointed in that than I am that the drama itself is so bad? Oh well, guess I'll have to find another trash burger to enjoy.


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Also anybody wanting to make a show that's this much about Princess Diana should remember that when Princess Di married Charles she was an actual child and nobody bothered to tell her that he was in love with somebody else and being forced to marry her by his parents. This show's characterisation of the Prince makes little sense in comparison. He's not in love with anybody. Not even himself.


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Yes, the FL’s fixation on the charity makes no sense. It wasn’t hers to begin with - it was the family’s. Does she see it as some weird “blood money” that the family owes her becoz they kept her working when her son died? It still doesn’t make sense. If the show had shown that she herself suspected her son’s death was no accident, but orchestrated by someone close to the family or foundation, then it would make sense that she is sticking with this filth to avenge her son (writers, giving you all a lifeline here - please grab hold of it!!)


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For all that I ragged on the first two eps of Red Swan, it's become the only show atm that I even care to look forward to. I'm so exhausted by end of day, nowadays, that I fall asleep almost at once- didn't last even 10 minutes into the accounts show before nodding off, but never through this one!

Don't know if it's the MIL's screeches or the overwrought background music or just looking at Rain do his silent-but-deadly thing, that's keeping me awake. But whatever it is, it's super fun!!

Have only seen this kind of overacting (or non-acting by the FL) in local soaps, but those go on for years on end.
10 eps is just right to get my fix of ridiculousness to make up for the sh*tshow that's the rest of my day.

Hot bodyguards are exactly what every woman going through a tough time needs. I sure wish I had my own version to see me through mine!!


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It is the 1st time, I want the wife should never divorce the cheating chaebol husband. If the reason you married is not love, then you should not divorce because lack of love.


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I almost dropped - and then didn't, because I am surprised how much I liked the 4th episode.

The leads have no chemistry, and honestly, their scenes together have as much appeal as milk that has gone sour and you wonder if you can make cheese with it. Normally hand-touches make me swoon.

This one creeped me out, I have no idea why.

The FL is so uncharismatic that it's hard to focus when all she does is mop around with just one expression.

However, the 4th episode was engaging. The twists and turns were pretty nice, and hey, I actually like the bad boy husband. It's almost like there is something waiting to break free, something that's not really as nasty as the show would have us believe. But then it could just be the actor, or my weakness for long hair.

However, it's making me wonder if Rain is watching this and thinking - wtf am I doing in this show....


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I feel the same about the husband. And it's not the long hair. There is something about him that speaks of learned helplessness. In the first scene with the mistress, he passively lets her get her way. He just refuses to kiss her, which speaks volumes. In the scene at the beach house, he complains that his wife never lets him touch her. There is yearning there. I think he meant it when he said he married for love. And he still loves her.
I think he was just broken by his mother, or maybe the family. And he acts out, like a little boy that never learned how to behave. I like the way you said it, something is trying to break out.

I doubt the show will have them reconcile in the end. But maybe there will be a redemption arc at some point.


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You touched a point.

He loves her and he is indeed broken by his mother. The marriage might have happened due to 'good optics' but he probably fell for her hard and fast. But he might have taken her for granted, and strayed, and she never forgave him.

On the other hand, probably for her too the marriage was the easiest way to achieve her goal as well so she didn't come in with that emotion either. As far as she was concerned it was transactional. The death of their son killed whatever little she felt for him, while he strayed more and more. Disrespect could have a lot to do with it. I strongly feel this drama could have done really well without the romance between the leads, much like Connection (where I feel it was done really well, especially considering there was a wealth of repressed feelings in both the leads for each other they never voiced and perhaps would be buried forever, unless they are planning a second season which I hope they do).


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Let me tell you, that Judo match had me in tears. ! The hair alone should get an award. I haven't seen anything that stiff stand the test of time since Aquanet 🤣🤣


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