Open Thread #873

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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Do you know what a VIB is?

We are very aware that Korean culture is extremely status driven. Both men and women are serious about beauty standards and latest fashion trends. High end products bring social status and prestige (whether one can truly afford it.)

In the past decade, there has been a boom, especially with young, single women, of “fur babies.” The pet industry in South Korea has exploded with dogs (especially celebrity white Maltese puppies that can be carried in purses) and cats. For many, this is clearly a maternal substitute that does not interfere with their career or social lives.

Despite South Korea’s notoriously low birth rate, there has been a surge in luxury spending on infants and children, thus coining the term “Very Important Baby.” Affluent young parents can spend more than $2,000 US on a Mercedes-Benz stroller. In children’s clothing market , there is a surge of luxury brands meeting the demand of binge spending of parents. Child clothing spending has increased 33% in last two years (while the 0-14 age group declined 9.5 percent). Luxury brands, in particular, have seen noticeable growth in recent years. Monclear Enfant and Gucci Kids were the two children’s wear brands that posted the highest growth rates – 16 percent and 20 percent, respectively, between 2018 and 2023. Some savvy parents in a Korean Herald article indicate that when their children grow out of their designer brand clothes, they can sell them on a growing secondary market.

There will always be the parental instinct to give their children the best. But when is the best too much? There is an socio-economic factor as well: the pressure to keep up with other young parents is driving more spending on less total children. The government would love to have real babies becoming fashionable as a means of increasing the birth rate. The final question would be whether these VIBs will grow up to be spoiled?


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I thought it was said/reported SK had an uptick in their birth rates this year. I saw it joked that celebrities are doing their part to increase the national birth rate (I saw that after a post about Song Joong Ki's wife being pregnant)

When this post started, I thought you were gonna say people are buying their pets luxury items like designer strollers haha

To me, it's weird that people who barely afford having and raising kids are spending all this money on designer names just to keep up with or beat others in the status symbol game. I saw that years ago (maybe it's still true) that a bunch of parents were socially pressured to get their kids North Face coats otherwise the kids risked being teased or bullied for being "poor" or "uncool". I think it was called a backbreaker item since parents were breaking their backs to afford it.

Idols and companies were getting some of the blame for this since they endorse and become spokespeople for luxury brands that their target audience can't usually afford.


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Recent estimate shows the SK birthrate will drop another 5.5 percent to 0.68 in 2024.

Also reported today, 20% of all South Koreans are over the age of 65.


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So where will they get the new up and coming actors/actresses? Is this why all older actors keep wearing school uniforms? JKJKJK!


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It's certainly going against the grain of what I learned about buying clothes for kids - always bear in mind that kids grow FAST so that cute onesie you put on your infant won't fit them in 1 or 2 months' time and regular growth spurts will keep happening through to the teen years. That's why most families I know don't buy expensive clothes and shoes for their kids - decent quality, yes (so that they can keep it for the next baby/toddler/kid in the family to wear), but not designer. Not even if they can afford it.

All I can surmise is that it's over-the-top status-driven consumerism driving SK's ViB trend.


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Your cultural information is always so interesting. Thank you. I’d like to see stats on the income level of those who are having kids. I’d say the rich have kids because they have help or the mom doesn’t work. Then they spend the money they have for the consumer goods. As seen on our kdramas, it’s all a competition to dress, educate and show off the kids


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preparing for next season of events and marking stuff in the room plan. noticed we are going to have 2 groups of koreans in august. no one told me? but they are mostly interested in our work with seniors.
very weird how much interst just recently there was a group of koreans

also great news: the South Korean embassy will move to Tallinn from helsinki which means more events, more cooperation, an archive of DVD-s (yayyyyyyy) and books and whatnot and easy access to TOPIC and other tests and applications.

We are on the map.
Can I hope that the opening of Korean embassy will be accompanied by a kpop concert

otherwise some health problems I think I had bacteria or its something else. felt dizzy all the time and had pain in my ear. no pain today but still a bit dizzy. making tests and booked a visit to dentist also. it could be something from teeth and they are start to many infections. especially bacteria. will be ok.


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of course I insolently just wrote to the coming embassy to bring Taemin with them if they "want this to become a serious relationship" (with my country)
I think Im doomed. but maybe not? I have met the ambassador once, he does know I am insolent and feisty


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It sounds like a perfectly reasonable expectation that the Korean Embassy will lead to a kpop concert...eventually 😅

It's great that you're getting all this interest.
And you can put your fiestiness to very good use! 🥰 Hope you feel better soon.


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Wow, so much Korean-centric activities for you! That will be cool.


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So jealous. South Korea needs to establish ties with New Mexico;


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Happy Friday, Beanies! Hopefully yall have better luck with staying cool, because we are being pretty much fried here))) Now with an established excuse let's get crazy... joking, it's a tiny bit too hot for that. I've been thinking about having a relaxing mood theme for once, can we? To cool down a little, yunno.

Ofc, the word relax doesn't exist in LYN's dictionary, which means we got a few new OSTs out of nowhere. Fine, not entirely, but I really know very little about these dramas, esp about INTERLACED SCENES – it's a thriller, I think... Whatever. Song itself – titled “Author” - is quite nice, tho I'd love to know the meaning and purpose of those weird noises in the intro. No subs yet, but with such title and dramatic delivery that's probably not a romantic ballad...

… unlike “You are the one” from A BEAUTIFUL LIE romcom (?). Must admit, this is not the kind of a ballad I enjoy – too bland and generic, down to the title. MV:

And lyric video with subs:

That's all soundtracks for now. Let's get back to online concert I talked about last time – I like many tracks from then, but if I had to choose just one (AJTL stuff is above any competition, that's without saying), “The night in Ulaanbaatar” would be it. Not very often he gets to cover a song this good on its own, and combined with his soulful delivery the effect is absolutely devastating. Lyrics are about missing an important person (a lover?), who's been long gone (99,9% dead, given the wording), on a quiet, windy night in Mongolian desert. Must say, it was NOT FUNNY of him to perform something like that a day before AJTL finale. Yes, the theme fits all too well, but still, why are you gleefully rubbing the salt in our wound, dude? Straight to the “Mood: lie face down and weep” playlist:

Sometimes I just cannot with his troll attitude, honestly. You never know what you'll get clicking on a certified tearjerker's video – heavy emotional trauma in music form or a goddamn circus. Like here, in “Thinking of someone” (Taiwanese drama KO ONE RETURN's OST) - he's jumping back and forth between these two moods until it becomes borderline annoying. But hey, neck veins in HD (I promised yall!) can excuse a lot of things:

Overall, he just looked sooo good that day – esp the hair, super soft. Maybe it's just me lamenting the fact he's been doing these “too lazy to shower prior, here's a hat/hood/wig to keep things proper” livestreams for ages now... I appreciate the effort, I really do, but come on, dude, throw us a bone or two! You still look very nice even all unstyled, I swear! Song is aptly called “Asking”, heh:


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Looking pretty, singing sad, take 3 – nothing is sadder than Mao Buyi's repertoire lol, so we'll move on somewhere else after this before the mood sours too much. But first, let's angst some more about separation and longing with “Northeast folk(tale)/Northeast ballad”. This time Ning-ge is doing it fully seriously, btw – probably out of respect to his own Northeast heritage. Or maybe the theme of working husband missing going back home for holidays...

This part of playlist got redone last minute because I stopped liking songs I initially planned to include next. Idk, just didn't feel them anymore – maybe they weren't sad enough))) Replacements totally are, though – even the titles alone hurt! “Left” by Rainie Yang (feat eyeliner thicker than mine in my worst teen years, whoa! does he have videos of doing his own makeup? I need that, for research purposes):

And “Be apart” - hardly needs any subs, you can HEAR what's it about, right? Big meh to the cap, plus I think he forgot to shave that day. I mean, for a second time – poor thing struggles quite a bit with his natural, uhm, abundance of testosterone. Almost as much as I am struggling rn to not continue this suggestive topic... But since we decided to have a chill night for once, no more innuendos!

OK, maybe just a little bit – look at him, in his pink (?) shirt and cutesy hat, with his pink drink, collecting all the fanboys! Seriously, that person in comments wondering why he's surrounded by grumpy looking dudes and not squealing fangirls nailed it, lmao! What can I say? His siren-like appeal doesn't discriminate))) On a more serious note, he was very sick at the time – his vocal cords, I mean. This is a long, dramatic and utterly unfunny story (but with HE!), which can summed up to “don't be a stubborn mule and get proper treatment asap when you're sick”. With all the love and care, while “The wind rises”:


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Thank you for our weekly dose Gikata. I wonder what I did for weekends before this. 😂

Heat = crazy times sounds legit. 🥵

Your advice to get proper treatment is more and more relevant after *ahem* a certain age. 😅


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Probably something more productive?)))

There's still half of summer left - plenty of time for me to do an unhinged heated entry... wait for it^^


Kol!! You promised. 😂
Music makes all things better even tragic + circus ones.


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Remember - you asked for this!^^


Happy Friday, and thank you for the new osts! I was going to ask on your fan wall if you heard "Author" and "You Are The One" yet, but I decided to be patient. 😁 "Author" is going straight to my faves.
Anything related to AJTL gets me in the❤️💔. I hope to hear more songs from the north. Isn't he and Mao Buyi North Easterners? I am confident that I can pick out Mao's songs from how Yuning sings them. ❤️When I want a good cry, I'd listen to "Someone Like Me."


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If there is a brand new song of his, you bet I'd hear it)))

I like "Author" much more too. It has personality.

I read not so long ago that there's currently a surge of celebs from northeast - probably because boys there are generally TALL and c-ent is into that more than ever - which made me chuckle. "Great joy and great sorrow" duo made a trend, it seems)))

There are more of MBY's songs he covered, ofc - plenty, actually. I'm just afraid collecting them all in one entry, because that'd be too much of depressive karma in one place at once - what if some disaster happens as result?^^


I was loking forward to your new video links. Thanks so much!😊


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Continue to be impressed with the breadth of your interests.

First one, ''Author", why does this remind me of the great midcentury songstress Peggy Lee? That's a great arrangement.

Does anyone know, is he recording these songtracks with a full orchestra? IDK how this works. Soulful.


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Thanks) I also embroider and make jewelry from beads, but that's nowhere near as interesting - or high artsy - topic, to be honest...

Yes, very retro feeling. He has quite a few songs like that - probably because his voice suits a lot for those Republican drama OSTs. Maybe I should do a full retro entry someday...

Occasionally, perhaps - with his hectic schedule he must be mostly working with pre-recorded instrumentals, often past midnight after other appointments. Full orchestras hardly stay at work this late)))

He does perform with them once in a while though. I particularly love this one of "Satellite lover/Sputnik sweetheart" (like Murakami's novel):


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Good grief. That live performance is incredible, what stagecraft! What a great experience for this young man, singing with a big orchestra just a few years after his street performances. And, he just nails that song. Thank you! So enjoying your posts and learning so much.

I love embroidery, it's so precise. Me, a needlepointer. It calms me down.


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You're welcome))) Btw he's about record another music variety show, so we'll certainly see him performing with live band(s) there.

I used to embroider a lot when I was younger, it calmed me down indeed - aside of a few handkerchiefs I did not achieve much in that field otherwise. Have been tempted to try a whole traditional shirt, but that's VERY time and effort consuming, not to mention that my knowledge of such patterns is just so-so... Lately my needlework has been mostly limited to sewing out of necessity, thanks to 3 poorly mannered very sharp-clawed cats^^


Monday is a big day, I'm leaving for South Korea \o/

Now, I'm hoping I didn't forget anything important, I kinda regrouped my stuff outside the suitcase.

I'm really excited! It will be my second time over there.


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Wish you a great time there!


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That's great!!! Have a nice trip and lots of fun!


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How exciting! Have a marvellous time.


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@claire2009 @isagc @sunnyboo

Thank you! I will try to post pictures!


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How awesome!! Have fun!! And hopefully you get to meet some of our actors too!


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Wishing you a wonderful trip! I hope you'll share some of your experiences when you get back 🤗


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Wishing you a happy trip ❤️❤️


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Have a great trip! Safe travels!


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How long will you stay? Hubby and I are going for 2 weeks in September. Safe travels!


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From the 15th July to the 2nd August (with the plane).


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Exciting, hopefully the weather will be lovely, not too hot and you and your husband will have a fun packed holiday completing your itinerary, enjoy.


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Wow! Hope you enjoy your trip to SK! Have lots of fun and eat lots of great food! 🎉


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Exciting!! Have a great trip!! Enjoy all the food and hope you see some Oppas or Oppa look alike 😇
Can’t wait to hear more about your travels when you return.


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Very exciting news indeed. Take care, have fun and make many many happy memories. ❤🥰


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Have an excellent trip!

I hope I can make it to SK someday for a visit. It looks awesome for a holiday trip!


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So excited for you! Have a fun and safe trip!


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My hope for you is to have safe uneventful travels and to make many happy memories and travel buddies,


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What a dream. Have a great trip✈️✈️


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My interested article of the week was an update to Korean actor Kim Ji-soo who made 2021 a headlines about his controversial bullying incident. I am shocked and surprised that after Kim Ji-soo dropped from 2021's River Where the Moon Rises due to bullying controversy and his own military enlistment, he was now went into Philippine entertainment industry after his military discharge, I guess. He was now in GMA's Black Rider as half-Filipino, half-Korean Adrian Park and of course, he will soon launching his own musical career for the Filipino market. I can't believe why Kim Ji-soo just discharge, then landed into Philippine entertainment and I think I don't know if he still no longer returning to K-entertainment soon.


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I would like to see him return. I thought he was a good actor and now has more introspection and experience to go on.


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Would like to remind people that the allegations against him included a lot of truly horrific sexual violence. Sometimes I feel like Westerners hear "bullying" and think they said some mean things to their classmates and that's it. No, some truly batshit crazy stuff happens to individuals who are then left to deal with that trauma for the rest of their lives.

I'll be happy to never see his face again. There are enough (CONVICTED!) rapists on Korean TV, we don't need more, thanks.


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There are some disturbing allegations for sure. These are not just minor lapses in public relations management. These men are predatory, violent and are serial rapists/abusers. The Korean entertainment world just like elsewhere has an underbelly of male predators. - young and old. What protects them even further is a criminal justice system which has operated as a hostile/useless/corrupt and predator friendly systems. So few of these idols/actors are convicted for what they’ve done. They get away with so much including trying to resurrect their careers. They are scum.


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That's why the movies "Hope" and "Han Gong-ju" were created. These men are evil, but the worst is Korea's justice system. They are still trapped in the Joseon era.


So that's how he's returning to the entertainment world? Hmm


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Good luck, I guess? For the sake of everyone involved I hope he did take some acting classes during his "hiatus".

Genuinely doubt (aka "don't believe it for 1 second") he's ever making a comeback in SK though.


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Once again you made me chuckle with your acting lessons remark haha


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I'm confused by the "standard" on which some celebrities are allowed to come back and others are villified to hell and back.

I saw there was once a SK actor who actually killed someone while drunk driving, tried to hide the body, and after some time after his case, he got back to work as an actor for another 20 years or so. During that time he even did an ad for car insurance or something until it was discovered by the modern public (oh someone should factcheck me cause this seems so crazy to me that this could happen)

Vs the actress who drove into the power thing and knocked out power to a bunch of businesses and traffic lights (I think). The public turned on her INSTANTLY as well the loss of her career.

Okay, maybe it's a timing thing. There's recently been a case with some singer who again drank & drove and I think he got into an accident. He tried to make his hoobae take responsiblity (I think; geez these sound so crazy I feel like I'm mixing stories)

I just mentioned these particular instances cause they came to mind first but drug offenses and sex offenses also seem to have their own standards that differ amongst people


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It's complicated indeed, but the rule of thumb is that NO ONE bounces back from bullying scandal specifically, unless it was debunked completely, harsh and fast. Some with unclear resolution to their cases still try, ofc, but we can see on UNCANNY COUNTER ML's example how it generally goes - you can continue get roles for a while, but public just won't be thrilled to watch you anymore.

Actress case you mentioned - of former star child actress Kim Saeron - was particularly bad because of how terribly she and her company handled it: tried to flee the scene, denied everything, refused to take alcohol test, was aggressive to police and people around, gave a half-assed apology statement too late, then also lied about doing her court ruled community service properly, iirc... It was a whole another level of mess. Her reputation wasn't that good already, btw - these years she's been known more for her smaller scandals related to drinking and dating rather than acting, which probably attributed to a quick fallout.


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I swear, I would never want to be a korean celebrity. The scrutnity and fragile career they have because all it takes is accusations to torpedo their lives. Or not having the ideal reputation or look or hobbies or interests.

And also, they're forever linked to their scandals even when the accusations are debunked. Like the idol guy who was accused of cheating. Even though it was debunked, people still call him a cheater.

Oh and then there was the budding actor who lost his career because of cheating accusations (and I think he didn't follow some lockdown rules or something)

I genuinely wonder what he does with himself these days (the guy from the uncanny counter)


Korean society has shifted; previously it was contrition over punishment. But after a young honor student was killed by a drunk driver (which devastated the victim's poor family), Korean version of M.A.D.D. lobbied for harsh penalties so that today drunk driving is equated to attempted/actual murder.

Korea's cancel culture is extremely strong because the country is the most socially/technology wired place in the world. Advertisers, entertainment producers, networks, etc. are more concerned about their reputation than a career of a scandal plagued actor.


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I mean, they aren't wrong about attempted murder-y nature of drunk driving...


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Then where is the heavy lobbying when it comes to sex crimes? I've seen different standards for that too.

The old guy from Squid Game has apparently lost his career because he harassed or touched someone (I don't know specifics)

There were some others celebrities who did commit assaults and lost their careers and I think they did jail/prison time.

Then there's the actor people in the comments keep calling a rapist yet he continues working. (I don't know the specifics of that case either)


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I’m with you. I couldn’t bear his “acting” as was pathetic.


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I've seen the guy in like 5 shows, and found his performance nothing to write home about in 3 of them and genuinely awful in 2 other (his turn in MOON LOVERS still gives me shudders) - not the good statistic for sure. This is one of the cases where I truly do not understand how the actor got this popular to begin with.


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I think some get in through connections without any talent and continue to get lucky as some viewers like their looks and don’t care about anything else. Voila. They become ‘actors’.


@dncingemma you're right. Sad reality.


Happy Friday, Beanies. Hope you've all had a lovely week. We had rain nearly everyday here. It's a wet, cold and moody winter for sure. The excuse to drink bottomless cups of tea and wear sweaters all day is an upside. And the sky. We get the most breathtaking winter skies. The blues, purples and pinks, especially at dusk, are flawless shades that don't seem to repeat. It's magical.

Anyway, I spent most of my work week doing mental health fist aid training. The number of things that can go wrong with the mind are astounding. From stress that can lead to pyschosis to depression that can end in suicide. The spectrum of mental illness is varied as we know. Not that we should live in fear of things going wrong. No. More like we shouldn't take our mental health for granted. It's not guaranteed it will always stay the same. The good news is that if we take care of the mind, heart and spirit with the same interest and vigour we pour into our physical appearances, our mental health can improve and thrive. It just takes a little work. Cheoncheonhi cheoncheonhi.


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(A) I twisted my RIGHT ankle while walking home from Aerial Yoga (or rather limping because my LEFT ankle is only almost just back to normal but still a bit sore.

And now if all the measures I am taking to deal with my newly-twisted ankle don't work fast enough, I will have to cancel Aerial Yoga classes for the coming week.

FML! Eff the uneven roadsides with mini potholes and zero pedestrian sidewalks in the country I reside in. And eff my tendency to be randomly clumsy kicking in right at the point where I have just about mastered doing the Hip Lock and Hip Key at Aerial Yoga.

Currently consoling myself with the fact that RM from BTS is way clumsier than me:


(B) This Week In Korean Women's News

1. ‘Selfish’? South Korean woman who promotes unmarried, childfree life becomes YouTube star

South Korea has declared its super-low birth rate a “national emergency” but one YouTuber has found happiness and success promoting the opposite ideal.

At her home in rural South Korea, Seen Aromi practises yoga, sleeps in as long as she wants and encourages her more than 200,000 YouTube followers to not feel afraid, ashamed or guilty about being single.

“Not getting married is my greatest achievement,” says Seen, adding that she had never considered becoming a “good” wife or mother as the ultimate purpose of her life.


2. South Korea politician blames women for rising male suicides

This week in "OH FFS!!!":

A politician in South Korea is being criticised for making dangerous and unsubstantiated comments after linking a rise in male suicides to the increasingly “dominant” role of women in society.

In a report, Seoul City councillor Kim Ki-duck argued women’s increased participation in the workforce over the years had made it harder for men to get jobs and to find women who wanted to marry them.



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A. Oh no! I hope it heals quickly. That must be so frustrating and painful for you. Also, why does it make me feel better that there is at least one thing at which Kim Nam-joon is not a genius? 😆

B1. HAHAHAHA! But that's bitter laughter. Make women's lives miserable when they marry and they'll find another way, because we do actually have logical faculties and the ability to weigh the the effects of a decision on our lives. 🙄 This is not good news for women, for Korea, or for humans in general, but good for her nonetheless.

B2. I think "OH FFS!!!" really captures it all. What an @#(*@8$. I despair of the whole human race, really.


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"Also, why does it make me feel better that there is at least one thing at which Kim Nam-joon is not a genius?"

Oooh - BURN! LMAO!

But seriously, he is objectively so talented/gifted that I don't blame you for thinking that LOL!

Right now I'm just glad I'm a petite woman who doesn't have his brute strength. At least I don't break things just by holding/touching/picking them up HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


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Oh gosh, poor you I hope the pain goes soon and you heal well. So many achievements in Aerial yoga🥳 it feels like you only started a couple of months before your Sabbatical break so you should be proud and know an injury or missed sessions won’t prevent your continued progress💪


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I can do the more complicated variations of the plank now as well. Improvement is noticeable class by class and I now attend class twice a week, soon to the thrice a week.

Hopefully my ankles heal up by Monday because the next class is Tuesday. Otherwise I'll need to take a week off. FML!


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Very impressive. It really is a wonderful way to de stress and build up muscle tone. Still not getting over my bitterness that it’s not an option available to me😬


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It's good for helping me focus as well. After class, my mind is clear and I can concentrate on anything I'm reading, writing, listening, or watching.

3 classes means about 2 hours x 3 times a week but it's well worth it to get fit and strong and help with alleviating stress and improving memory and attention. After all, it's not any more time that most gym-going people spend on gym attendance.


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Only actors with commercials attached to them are preferred by broadcasting stations. This is pretty clear since the same faces keep getting cast for all the big dramas.


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Actors tied to product endorsements have been around for a long time, but now it appears to be more critical to bring in revenue with direct PPL advertising in TV series. The drama recession is also part of the Netflix/Disney large production budget bubble that has burst as the foreign OTT Korean channels have lost subscriber share this year to local OTTs.
It is because of competition for entertainment consumption has grown from the old days of a 3 network monopoly.

There is still a glut of pre-produced series (another negative effect of Netflix binge model) that have not been sold to either a network or OTT. Most top tier actors are pushing more into films because (a) more people are going to theaters and (b) they get paid up front for their work.


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@lapislazulii I can’t believe how excited I am to be 1 sleep away from finally seeing all your hard work in preparing for the DB book club discussion on The sense of wonder by Matthew Salesses. I know you are going to compose a reminder on this post sometime soon but I just couldn’t hold back any more😊I hope we have a lively discussIon on your fan wall as there are a few beanies who expressed an interest and said they were going to join us.


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I have so many questions lol. I understood everything related to kdrama (and chuckled at the PINOCCHIO reference) but almost nothing related to sport. Looking forward to the discussion 😊


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Me too, soooooooooooooo many questions🕵️‍♂️


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Not sure why the post did not go ahead as planned on 14th as @lapislazulii has not commented for a couple of weeks so something must have come up and whatever time zone they are in Sunday is well and truly over now. If the post is not put out between now and next Sunday I will post the book club post next Sunday as I am sure we are not the only ones who wanted to discuss the book.


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@db-staff When I clicked on the Atypical family thumbnail under Recently completed at the bottom of the main page, it took me to Frankly speaking posts. Can you please fix that? Thank you.


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Completed The Good Bad Mother! I was hooked and binged watch it. Sacrificed my sleep in the past week to finish it! The characters are very well written!!

Currently watching Perfect Marriage Revenge! This is makjang daily drama level of acting haha! So much angst! 😂


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I read the book The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo thanks to a recommendation from @indyfan. It was great! You know the first love/knew each other as children trope? I loved how it showed up here. Very refreshing version of many things I'd seen in dramas. I think the POV character's voice was what made it so good.


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Thanks for doing a mini book review on this one, hopefully the beanie readers will see this and add it to their list if it’s their genre.


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I recently watched a youtube video about The Burning Sun scandal, Sulli, and Koo Hara and it made me wonder why Koreans are so hateful to women but not men. I know the simple answer is misogny and partriarchy and all the historical stuff but seeing that video reminded me of watching a drama (I don't remember what it was) and the discussion here about why do women continue the cycle of mistreatment. A young woman becomes a wife -> the mother in law is super hard on her -> young woman becomes a mother in law -> she's super hard on the daughter in law. And it just kinda baffles me because the mother in laws KNOWS what it's like to be in those situations and rather than not be monsters in law, they continue the cycle.
Sidenote: as I was writing this, I think the drama was Divorce Attorney Shin

Back to the burning sun and the female idols. Around the time that all went down, the female idols were being SKEWERED by netizens. Just all the nasty mean comments for no reason. Like even if you didn't like them, the level of hate was ridiculous. Meanwhile the burning sun guys, to this very day, still have fans who show up for them meanwhile female idols are still scrutinized to hell. Why does nothing change? I don't understand the logic behind this. And these are women! Women supporting predatory guys while hating on female idols.
And then y'all have folks who will invoke those idols to make a point to the point it almost cheapens their loss.


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In 1992, Mike Judge introduced the world to a comedic duo known as Beavis and Butthead in a short film in an animated film festival of films designed to shock and repulse the audience. This duo became a series for MTV and many pearls were clutched. Many articles were written about their popularity among youth because they thought that these two idiotic, antisocial characters were being idolized by the youth.

Its creator's original intent was to mock the stupidity of middle aged boys. But, in doing so, became a vehicle for mocking society at large for its misunderstanding of the creation and its subsequent response.

Many people have similarly mocked Extraordinary Attorney Woo for being exploitative and mocking autism. However, they are missing the point of the show. Regardless of her flaws and limitations, it is the main protagonist who is the normal one in the show and her strangeness only serves to highlight the "normal" behaviors of normal people. Whether it is the rigidity of the legal system, or the romantic failings of her coworkers, Attorney Woo constantly questions the status quo as being strange and highlights its weirdness and hypocrisy.


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"middle school aged boys"


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