Good Partner: Episode 5

The real fight begins for our attorney pair as our indomitable partner’s divorce case, which is making quite a splash already, gets underway. They’ll have to be tough and creative since their opponents show they’re not afraid to fight dirty. And they’ll also have to learn to put aside their differences and work as an effective team if they want to win.

Editor’s note: Good Partner will be preempted due to the Olympics and resume on August 16.

Boy do Sara’s claws come out this week. She’s not content to watch from the sidelines and takes a more active role in the proceedings. The counterclaim about Eun-kyung’s supposed affair? Sara’s the mastermind behind that, convincing a skeptical Ji-sang that it’s very likely they’ve been intimate. Even while he seems unsure and knows there’s no evidence beyond rumor, he goes to the press while Sara files the counterclaim.

Yuri is exasperated, and Eun-kyung’s own advice about not taking a client’s word for it about cheating comes to bite her. Determined not to be naïve about this, Yuri questions both Eun-kyung and Woo-jin. She comes away convinced they’re not sleeping together, but also sure that Woo-jin is and always has been in love with Eun-kyung, something the whole office seems to be in agreement about.

Woo-jin, of course, denies his feelings, but his claims that he merely respects Eun-kyung for her fearlessness and determination as she’s worked her way up in a sexist environment isn’t all that convincing. Even while he’s embroiled in this scandal, his only thought is for how he can help Eun-kyung. Yuri gently but firmly lets him know the best he can do is stay away and not fan the flames.

Despite, or maybe because of, Yuri’s bold questioning of her higher-ups, Woo-jin has confidence in her. Eun-kyung, on the other hand, is frustrated by Yuri’s assertiveness. Yuri is taking her responsibility seriously and treating Eun-kyung like any other client, and it’s clear Eun-kyung isn’t used to not being in charge. Suffice it to say, they’re testing each other’s patience.

With the case going public, Yuri’s profile is raised. The misogynist, money-grubbing CEO – who happens to be Woo-jin’s birth father, although to say they aren’t close would be an understatement – now knows her name, and it won’t be long before she’s known outside the firm too.

At home, Jae-hee is sullen and avoids her mom (likely having seen the article about her “office husband”). She’s old enough to know what’s going on, even if her parents have yet to discuss the divorce with her. Ji-sang doesn’t even appear to be living with them anymore.

Meanwhile, a still awkward Yuri and Eun-ho get sent on an assignment deep in the countryside. They’re surprised when their client turns out to have filed a fraudulent claim and has now remarried her husband after he’s cleared his debt. They’d decided on the protective move together and trip over themselves trying to claim the other did nothing wrong. Yuri is moved despite her claims that she’s anti-marriage. While I would love to see a heroine who is truly uninterested in marriage for a change, it seems like she’s more afraid of it going wrong and jaded about love than uninterested in the concept.

Eun-ho, however, shares none of her jadedness. After their one night together, he readily admits that he likes her and wants to date. Yuri, on the other hand, wants it to be a one-time deal and to continue being friends. He looks a little heartbroken, but he respects her decision.

Returning from their trip, Yuri has an epiphany that even earns Eun-kyung’s approval. For their counterattack, they need to reclaim the public’s attention and win them to their side. They use legalese to their advantage, getting the same reporter who broke the cheating story on Eun-kyung to publicly accuse Ji-sang of “de facto bigamy,” a fancy term for maintaining two households.

Their high doesn’t last long because shortly after their press conference outside the courthouse, Jae-hee goes missing from school. Eun-kyung is livid to find her with Sara. We leave off with the two women in a face-off as Jae-hee watches.

I never liked Sara, but she’s proved to be worse than I thought. Not only is she unapologetic about the affair, but she’s selfish enough to make false accusations and even drag a kid into this. From the discomfited way she looked when Ji-sang said he was filing for custody, it’s clear she was planning on having Ji-sang to herself and didn’t account for being a stepmom. So I think we can safely assume she’s not that interested in bonding with Jae-hee and is now using her to throw off or even threaten Eun-kyung.

While Ji-sang isn’t a bastion of integrity, I do think he’d draw the line at involving Jae-hee in this. That makes me think Sara is going rogue here or that he’s unaware of Sara’s intent. He may not be a fan of Eun-kyung’s calculating nature – which had they dated longer than three months (!) before getting married, maybe he would’ve been more clued into – but at least she’s straightforward about who she is. I’d wager Sara is just as calculating, even if it’s hidden beneath a warmer exterior.


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Thank you @quirkycase for the recap. Jisang is plenty calculating himself. He has been having an affair, undermining Eunkyung e ery which way and trying to professionally destablise her over a period of time. If this isn’t calculating, I don’t know what is. He isn’t a long suffering partner.
And, while I don’t condone child neglect because of demanding jobs, globally, generations of men have neglected/continue to be absent parents (RL: just read about the revolting Elon Musk’s attacks on his daughter and her response about his lies about her because he was a largely absent father), Jisang’s claim of having raised Jaehee despite having a nanny/housekeeper is not credible.


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Elon Musk's daughter? Isn't that his son? The richest man in the world involved in Space X, X, and other enterprises is not terrible involved...shocking! Back to the subject at hand, Ji Sang is devious and manipulative whe excusing himself as a "victim."


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Elon Musk has many children from more than one mother. In many ways he is a very admirable man who has real vision- but in other ways he is a terrible human being.


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Elon Musk is a terrible person, and not an admirable man in any way, sorry. This business with his trans kid is just gross. Why? Because she has already legally changed both her first and her last names! If he hadn't insisted on publicly attacking her for being transgender, no one would have known anything about his connection to her. Why couldn't he just keep his mouth shut if he's so busy?


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You said it. The responder to my comment has also previously written homophobic comments so am not surprised but still appalled at the transphobia.


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He is so busy he goes on that other waste of space Jordan Peterson’s podcast to say “he [Wilson] is dead now” and to blame the transition for his embrace of the fascist Trump and all that he stands for to the tune of $45M per month. But, oh yeah, let’s talk about Kdramas afterwards /RME/.


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We have had some K-dramas with transgender and gender-nonconforming characters in the past few years. I just thought you had a good point here, with your comparison, on the issue of parents not protecting their children. In this fictional case, neither parent is processing how harming their spouse in the public eye will be received by the child. In the real life case you mention, the unethical behavior of the parent is in attacking the child publicly.

Even when our children become adults and begin establishing their independence, we continue to have a relationship with them. That's one reason why the traditionalism of K-dramas resonates with a lot of us. Since we do have that ongoing relationship, we have an obligation not to do harm.


@toomuchtv: I agree with you. My point about watching KDs was not directed at you so I hope it was obvious! I just meant that when a commenter makes bigoted comments, it is hard for me to accept the “and now, off to comment on KDs”.


Right? Not to mention Eun-kyung is a woman, who has to work twice as hard to prove herself. While Ji-sang says he cares for his daughter, he’s the one who okayed the article, making all the divorce mess public, not caring if his daughter yanno read’s the article? Also Jae-hee’s friends and whole school will know, did he not think such a scandalous article won’t hurt his daughter?


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I know Eun-kyung retaliated, but Ji-sang is the one who first made this mess public, regardless of Eun-kyung’s divorce attorney ‘celebrity’ status.


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Thank you for the recap @quirkycase. I hate it when they involve a kid in these situations. I wonder if she'll understand EK, I know she did a lot of mistakes by not being there for the kid especially now.
Waiting for the next eps till Aug 16 is hard.


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I had unexpected bouts of laughter this week. Yu-ri will be the death of Eun-kyung😂. All I could do was laugh, surprised at how Yu-ri held Eun-kyung and Woo-jin's jugular. I felt so sorry for Woo-jin at the restaurant. Yu-ri didn't even give him a chance to get off easily.

I don't know what happened to the man who took a backseat on his career to raise his daughter. And I don't want to believe this rut has been on for a very long time. Something definitely happened at Ji-sang's celebratory dinner cause I'm sure that's where it all began.
I want that man back.

Woo-jin being the chairman's son? Now that I didn't see coming. I really wished he had moved on from his affection for Eun-kyung. Not only did she get married, she had a child too. What exactly is he expecting? I don't find anything endearing, appealing, knightly, honorable, or admirable in him putting his love life on a likely indefinite pause for something that's one-sided and can only wish for from afar.


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I totally agree with you about Woo-jin and even understand his father's frustration. His dad may be one tough customer and there is a backstory there regarding his mother, but his father's tough mindedness is undoubtedly part of the reason they have a top firm. His son may believe that his father does not care about him but most likely that is not the case- rather what we see here is a demonstration of a simple truth: You never stop being a father but at some point, you become helpless to do anything for them or keep them from making a mistake. His father may be expressing anger at the possible damage to the firm's reputation- which is even to some extent true- but the main reason he is angry is because he is 100% in agreement with you.

Wo-jin throws into his father's face the "fact" the father was the reason why he grew up without a mother. My ears always perk up when I hear something like that: Most of the time in a K-drama such a statement will ultimately prove to be at least partly false.


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Sara may be the worst, but I think Ji-sang is a bit more interesting. He may not exactly be a good person, or a good husband, but he may actually be a decent father. Granted, we haven't really seen that, so this is just an assumption, and I could be totally wrong here. But from what we know, I can definitely see father and daughter having a good relationship. The same can't be said for mother and daughter though, and they definitely need to work on that.

As expected, Woo-jin is totally in love with Eun-kyung. I do wonder if he'll ever confess this to her or not. Now is obviously the worst time for that, but we may be in a totally different place 10 episodes from now, but that really depends on how long this divorce takes. That being said, she'll most likely reject him, and this might change their relationship, so maybe he should stay silent.

As always, I love the Eun-kyung & Yuri dynamic, and it remains an absolute blast to watch. And now begins the real struggle: waiting 3 weeks for episode 6. I hate it already.


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Ji Sang is a good parent. When Eun Kyung went to tell her daughter they were getting a divorce, but couldn't. Jae Hee looked at the pictures of her and her father for comfort. Unfortunately, EK just wasn't there. As for the rest of JS, he is trash and so is Sa Ra. She has audacity too. I don't think JS realizes how nasty SR is though, she seemed genuinely startled when he said he wanted custody. I don't she thought of JH in her little mind delusion about what would happen. That makes sense because JS obviously didn't bring JH around on his little love rendezvous. Smh


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Very good points. I too noticed Sara's reaction to the custody idea. Looks like trouble is brewing in paradise.


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I was finally getting into this show and now we have to wait for the next episode for several weeks! How disappointing.

One thing I found really revealing was how smitten Eun-Kyung was with Ji-Sang after only a few weeks of dating. Woo-jin's flashback shows how oblivious she was to his crush and how out of left field it was for her to suddenly marry. We know why Woo-jin thinks that as long Eun-kyung doesn't notice he's in love with her, he's in the clear. It's because, as his terrible father said, he grew up without a mother. But Eun-kyung doesn't notice anything! How can someone who understands the trends in divorcing people's behavior not understand the people in her own life?

Let us not forget when she told Yu-ri "I'm consoling you," after saying something completely critical and not at all consoling!

We now know a little about the childhoods of Yuri and Woojin, but I think we need more about Eun Kyung.


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More than obivious, is there a chance that Eun Kyung knew about Woo Jin's crush and stayed away after knowing he is the director's son? She is way too sharp to miss the signs of a crush.


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You would think, but I wonder whether it's the case based on her behavior.


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At around Episode 1.5 (halfway through Ep. 2) I had to put this on hold for a few weeks. Blitzed through the episodes this weekend and. . . I guess I will watch when it resumes in two weeks, except that when two dramas that I am anxiously waiting for (Love Next Door with Jung So Min and Romance in the House) will be front and center by then.

I'm enjoying the intrigue and the messy relationship stories, but the only character I care about is Woo-jin and after completing all 5 episodes, I really don't like his 15 year crush on the FL. I have more sympathy for Ji Sang (he was honest about wanting a divorce) than Eun Kyung (who apparently never loved him to begin with).

In the end, Sa-ra will get everything she deserves, whatever that may be, and that will be worth something.


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The lack of communication with their child is really sad. She was the first person they woud have talked to before starting their public "show". She's a teenager and they don't hesitate to make their affair or false one public. None of them is thinking to the repercussions in her life at school. Eun-Kyung has so much things to catch up with her daugther.


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I agree. Not good parenting from either of them. Ji-sangn is taking the moral ground- claiming and/or insinuating that he is the better parent but he isn't. Not really. I hate when kids get caught up in foolish adults shenanigans.


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It is extremely unpleasant to watch all the adults around Jae-hee failing her. She is very smart and observant and likely sees no one near her who she can trust completely. Worst of all, the parents cannot find a way to talk to her about the divorce and how it will affect her even though her parents story is all over the news already.

The father may have brought her up, but he is now hardly at home and lives with the mistress.
For the mother work always comes first. She employs a nanny and uses sometimes her staff, including Sara as I understand, to look after her and to collect her from school and other activities. Jae-hee calls Sara 'Auntie Sara' and seems to know her well.
Sara does take an interest in Jae-hee as the daughter of her boss and of her lover, but is obviously not planning to live with Jae-hee as a stepmom.

Things are going to turn even more nasty, now that Jisang has lost his job in the hospital. He will need money - from the spouse he is cheating on (and is no push-over). Will Sara still love him jobless and with a live-in teenage daughter?

Yuri will have to navigate through all this and I am sure she will turn to kind Eun-ho for comfort. She will not have a 3-weeks break as we do!


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I've been enjoying this one. Three weeks off seems like forever. I might have to rewatch the first 5 when it comes back on just to refresh my memory.


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I will admit was wrong. In last week's recap I had predicted that, in age-old K-drama tradition, Yuri and Eun-ho had not really had sex and it was all the usual drunken misunderstanding. But it turned out they actually had and, despite the regrettable lack of flashbacks, apparently remembered doing it too. Not exactly J-drama levels of intimacy but we'll take what we can get.


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I'm all caught up now. What a delicious mess this is. I enjoy flawed characters who are not oblivious to who they are and so far, both women have won me over. They both have blind spots but are not too egotistical to pause and reflect when a mirror is held up to their faces. They may resist at first, but are not above yielding either. I love that.

I despise the fact that children get caught up in their parents/caregivers mistakes but such is life 😔

Woojin is lovely. I appreciate male leads who are not the typical tough, closed off, blah blah blah. There are so many personalities out there and it's refreshing to centre a softer male character. His manhood is definitely not in question in my opinion. And the fact that he's been in love with Eun-kyung for so long? Well, I think it will mean different things to different people depending on your frame of reference. For me, it makes me smile to think Eun-kyung has been loved and *is* being loved by a man who seems loyal, dedicated and kind. She deserves that.

Thankfully, I have the Olympics to distract me from the wait for the next episodes 🥰


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Thank you for the recap @quirkycase!!


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Jung Woo Jin has a crush on Cha Eun Kyung for 15 years.

According to psychologists, crushes often last a few months, with a minor percentage developing into a relationship.

How Long Does It Take to Get Over a Crush? Mild crushes can fade within a few weeks. Serious crushes are generally limited to the early stages of a relationship, or two years if no relationship develops. If your crush lingers for longer than two years, it's technically classified as limerence.
I know for sure that many scriptwriter write about so many things and they have no idea what they are writing. For example Trolley about the Trolley dilemma but in the Serie there's no Trolley dilemma. Love to hate you 2023 they say she's a freespirit person. Sorry she's not.they don't even know what a freespirit person is. Search the internet if you are not sure.

Search for limerence please and you will understand what I'm talking about.
Don't let them fool you.


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