Would You Rather #44

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this weekly feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


Although our latest poll results aren’t as dramatically skewed as the previous vote, there is still a clear winner because 70% of you would rather raise a kid with super powers than be a social media influencer for children. Of those who picked raising super powered children, you were all pretty much in agreement that being a social media influencer would suck. (I believe @asianromance used the words “irritating and exploitative” to describe online influencers.)

Raising super powered kids, however, would be more fulfilling (@jillian) — plus, you know, if you had a kid with superspeed who could quickly clean the house (@annegray), all the better! Then again, as @lordcobol pointed out, maybe super strong babies — like the ones featured in Strong Girl Bong-soon — wouldn’t be as fun.

Personally, though, I’m with @marysadanaga, and I’d opt to be a social media influencer for kids. Admittedly, I’m a little less altruistic than @marysadanaga, who was concerned that the world wouldn’t be safe for super powered kids. I, on the other hand, am terrified of kids, but I wouldn’t mind doing videoed story times and science projects to convince kids to buy books and other educational products.




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Ooohhh, now this is a fun one haha
I don't even know because it would depend on the fantasy world as well as what my real life is.

Hmmm, I would go with changing between older & younger because that would be the most like me anyway haha. It would be interesting to see how people would react to the situation. I think the biggest problem would be not having money for a new wardrobe


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This one is easy! Being on the ahem older side of the equation, being in my 50's during the day and my 20's at night would allow me to revisit my youth... except this time with a lot more experience and confidence, so I would have a lot more fun!


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I have spent my whole life splitting my time between my real world and a fictional one.
But unfortunately it was just my imagination...

So of course my pick is clear. I only hope that other world is not too dangerous.


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To me, the choices are the same.

Be in your 50s during the day and 20s at night: this is basically living your fantasy youth over again as a means of attempting to reverse past regrets. But your nights do not carry over into your present days.

Split your time between the real world and a fictional one: this is just like the first option but with no time constraints. The fictional world is just a self-directed dream world: perfect job, perfect spouse, perfect family, wealth, adventure but illusionary memories. Don't we all dream of a better life when we go to sleep?


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Since I'm well into my seventies, switching between 50-ish and 20-something actually sounds pretty good. Where do I sign up?

But although a fictional world *might* be nice, I'd be afraid it would be a fiction written like a kdrama. You know, serial killers, bullying, PPL and a lame ending.


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I loved W and totally wished I could live in a manhwa. I don't want to come back to the real world ever.


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Ditto 🙋🏿‍♀️ to everything you said!


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I'm still a decade and half away from 50 and see no point in rushing there, tyvm. Also hardly any fictional world, even a totally crapsack one, could be worse than the one I live in rn... Option 2 without any hesitation.


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I am not yet ready to experience 50s since that is still a long time away. But maybe when I reach that age I would want to experience my youth again. For now I choose option 2.


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Oh, it's coming for you, your 50s--if you're lucky!! The alternative is far worse.

In all seriousness, though, it's not necessarily that you'll want to go back and experience your youth again, because let's be honest--being young can be a horrible time of anxiety, striving and stress.

What'd I'd rather do is go back and tell myself it's gonna be OK.

Then, if in return, I could get some of my youthful energy back for a while, that'd be OK too. 🤗


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I definitely vote for the youthful energy and wide eyed wonder to the world to be back. I have just become too cynical.

It would be nice to have the knowledge of what we know now to be retained if we can go back to our youth. It will be very helpful in the teens and 20s. 😊


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This is actually a bit tricky. If at night means when I sleep I suppose I wouldn't notice it much excepts for not being as stiff in my joints as age has proven me to be and thus spend my time sleeping comfortably. But still being me.
Living part-time in a fiction sounds really exciting, but that depends on the fantasy. The immediate presence of serial killers, famine, war, abusive relatives and loss of autonomi would be dreadful. But the presence of a mega-rich, super handsome and loving CEO - OF COURSE!


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Sorry but I need my sleep, thank you very much. (And who else wants to relive their 20's??)


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I'd take my 30s again but you can keep the 20s


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Oh I'm in for spending half my time in a fictional world. Let's face it, with all the dramas and books and films I consume, I kind of do that anyway. I hope it's a fun one. Like where I can eat all the fried chicken I want and still be rake thin. I'll also take being able to fly and travel in time.


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I sort of agree if you are already 50, being 20 at night is a no brainer. But, I think it would be more interesting to think about it from the 20 year old perspective. Imagine you are in your 20s but during the day you look like you are 50. So, dating is super hard. Getting an entry level job is super hard. And, you only go back to normal at night. Kinda makes you want to steal your missing aunt's identity and pretend to be an unemployed pensioner looking to get back into the work place.

I would still prefer this to the scenario where I spend time away from my actual busy life in a fantasy world. So little time to watch kdramas as it is... actually, maybe we are all spending a little time in fantasy land currently. I didn't watch King the Eternal Monarch, so I have no snarky comments specifically about that show.


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Edit: I guess the show is W, not King the Eternal Monarch. Another show I didn't see.


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I'm in my 20's and always awake during nighttime. So maybe I'm already switching to a 50yo body during the day but I'm too asleep to notice.

If it is like W, that means it's a fictional world I created. I would know the rules/characters/plot. It sounds fun. I like my imagination.
I would have fun as an extra in a fictional world.


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I vote for fictional world! Adventure, here I come!


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Since I'm already in my 50s during the day, it would be fun to be back in my 20s at night! 🤩

Also I already live part time in a fictional world and have since I was about 6 years old. There's this magical process I have harnessed, it's called "reading."


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Would choose the split age thing because Seoul is a lot more fun now than when I was in my 20s. The only caveat: after partying all night like a 20-year old, do I end up with the hangover of a 50-year old?


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That is exactly my question, too. My 50 year old body could not handle the aftermath of partying like I'm 20. I can barely sit next to one glass of white wine before I collapse into a blinding headache nowadays.


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Being an old soul, I feel like I've been 50 since I turned 12 so the age split doesn't entice me. The fictional world however is brimming with possibilities! And if there is an option to leave the real world forever, I'm all yours and you can do no wrong 🤩


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As a pathological daydreamer, I do not need to spit my time between reality and fiction more than already do. Seriously, my imagination is much better anyway. And I'm completely fluent in Korean in my mind, so why would I want to go back to the real world where I can flirt with a tonne of oppas and unnies for free in my mind?

Instead, I'm thinking of serial killers (surely a favourite in K-dramas, given that they are literally everywhere regardless of the genre). If I wanted to be a serial killer, how wonderful would it be to do all my killings with one face and present my other face to the public world? I would need to be careful about fingerprints and DNA evidence, but when it comes to witnesses, there would be nothing to fear.


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to spLit my time, even... No spitting involved. I'm a daydreamer, not a daydrooler.


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😆 😆


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If the fictional world is completely fictional, it's a bit boring?
But if it affects the real world, and I get to decide what kind of world it is, then ...
It could be pretty cool.


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the thing is im not sure my world is real to start with.


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So this seems like an easy one on the surface: Due to all kinds of aches and pains of my 50 year old body I'd gladly switch the old thing with a 20 year old body and live in fantasy land halftime. I mean, I spent most of my time there anyway, might as well enjoy it fully.


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