Miss Night and Day: Episodes 3-4

The story continues with our prosecutor getting more entangled in the double lives of our heroine. In addition to the killer on the loose and the unsolved twenty-year-old case, we’ve also got a drug distribution ring and undercover assignments popping up this week. How exciting!


It turns out that last week’s car crash was a misdirection. Phew! The raincoat killer did not hit Mi-jin with his car — but he was this close to stepping out with his axe when Mi-jin approached the car to pick up the strewn pieces of investigation files that flew out of Ji-woong’s envelope. Raincoat Killer is forced to drive off when Ji-woong shows up, but Mi-jin is now on his hit list after he hears Ji-woong shout her name — although he’s not sure if the surname he heard was Lee or Im. But what does it matter? Our Lee Mi-jin is also Im Soon!

Speaking of Soon, our ahjumma goes viral after saving Won from the acid attack, and she receives a Brave Intern Award at work. She also receives a dozen thank you gifts from Won — including a car! But since Soon couldn’t possibly put down Mi-jin’s house address in her employee details, the gifts are delivered to the address she has on file: her best friend, DO GA-YEONG’s (Kim Ah-young) house. Not the delivery person mistaking Ga-yeong for Soon’s daughter. Loool.

By the way, Ga-yeong’s dad owns the building, and Ji-woong is the newest tenant — who moved into the “haunted” apartment upstairs. Cheers to an avenue for more run-ins between our leads. *Clinks glasses too hard and spills the champagne at the whole “haunted” stuff*

Soon rushes over to Ga-yeong’s house on hearing about the gifts, and we get another round of the “Ahjumma, who are you?” and “I’m your best friend, silly!” back and forth. Pfft. Soon literally has to transform in front of Ga-yeong at sundown for her best friend to believe that she’s really Mi-jin — but I worry about Ga-yeong’s recording of the transformation even though Mi-jin asked her to do it in order to clear her doubt. For one, Ga-yeong is a YouTuber, and these clips have a way of accidentally making it out of the phone and onto the internet. Anyway, I hope it’s just me overthinking things as usual.

Moving on, Soon returns all the gifts to Won because K-drama female leads are too modest to accept expensive gifts right off the bat. I’d have accepted a coffee shop in my name so I don’t have to worry about money and employment, but our heroine settles for daily coffee from Won. Then again, it’s in her nature to help others without expecting anything in return. Like her subsequent non-pity and Candy of Encouragement for Won after his trauma-induced panic attack on seeing a random man in a mask — which leads to an increase in our resident idol’s gratitude to the cleaner ahjumma. Hmmm.

As investigation into Raincoat Killer continues, Ji-woong learns that the victim was alive when her arm was severed. But that’s the only part of her body that has been found. The detective in charge of the raincoat case — who also put together the missing women’s investigation files — notes that there’s a similar case of dismemberment of a living person among the files he compiled for Ji-woong. But for some reason, the personal details section of the file was ripped out, and the detective in charge of the twenty-year-old case is retired. Yep. Not suspicious at all. (By the way, the dismemberment case in question is likely to be Ji-woong’s mom’s, based on his flashbacks.)

Back to the current case, Ji-woong needs Mi-jin’s help to identify Raincoat Killer’s car from CCTV footage, so he comes over to her house since his number is still blocked in her phone from when she mistook him as a voice phishing scammer. Heh. As the captain of the ship — or at least as a fan of kicking her daughter into the arms of an eligible bachelor — Mi-jin’s mom wastes no time inviting Ji-woong in. I mean, why take their business to a coffee shop when there’s tea and fruits at home? “You can make yourself comfortable [in Mi-jin’s room],” she says, and lol! Mom is so transparent, she might just as well have told them to make her some grandbabies.

Unfortunately, Mi-jin can’t identify the car; neither does she make grandbabies. What she does — or rather, what Soon does — is get assigned to be Ji-woong’s office aide after his previous assistant quits. For Soon, getting a desk job and somewhat achieving her dream of becoming a civil servant is the best thing to come out of her Intern of the Month reward package. And the deal is further sweetened by her Candies of Gratitude when she assumes Ji-woong requested her to be his aide. The man just wanted a new assistant, but the deputy chief prosecutor could not be bothered to hire someone else to deal with his prickly subordinate. Lol.

With our heroine’s blushing, twirling of hair and request for Ga-yeong to touch up her makeup on her first day as an aide, it’s safe to assume that someone has a crush. Ji-woong, on the other hand, is uncomfortable working with older people. But since our prosecutor is extremely talented at making all his assistants quit — lol — an ahjumma like Soon won’t last long according to his investigator, JOO BYUNG-DUK (Yoon Byung-hee). *Snorts*

What Mr. Prosecutor and Mr. Investigator don’t know is that Ms. Aide is not the average ahjumma who shies away from challenges. Typing 1000 WPM? No problem! Creating spreadsheets with advanced functions? Pfft. Easy peasy. Climbing a mountain to hand-deliver prosecution summons to a recluse? She doesn’t break a sweat. Miss ma’am even knows how to code! And best of all, Soon has no idea that these tasks are intentionally designed to make her quit. Lol. I want to be like her when I grow up.

But whatever our prosecutor’s reservations with Soon are, things are different with Mi-jin. To Ji-woong, Mi-jin is a very important woman witness in the raincoat murder case, and he buys her self defense weapons and saves his number in her shortcuts so she can call him right away if something dangerous happens. Awww. Ji-woong’s concern for Mi-jin’s safety sets her heart aflutter, and you know the girl is down bad when she accidentally dials his number while squeeing. Lool. But Ji-woong secretly installs a GPS tracker on Mi-jin’s phone, and even though his intentions are purely for her protection, I’m not so comfortable with this because it’s still an invasion of her privacy.

Back to the raincoat victim, the police find traces of fentanyl in the blood at the crime scene, and you know who else loves his fentanyl patches? It’s Acid Assailant. Not that he was directly involved in Raincoat Killer’s murder since he was already in custody at the time. According to Byung-duk’s investigation, the fentanyl business began to boom in Seohan about a year ago, but curiously enough, there was also fentanyl in Ji-woong’s mom’s corpse. And her murder happened years ago.

To prove her worth to the team, Soon goes undercover into the fentanyl distribution club — as Mi-jin, since club doors swing open at sundown — and she manages to get invited into the VIP rooms where the drug deals go down. Things go south when a sleazy guy finds the hidden camera in her bag, but since she couldn’t check back in with Ji-woong after their agreed ten-minute interval, he fights his way into the club to look for her. Ji-woong bursts into the room just as Mr. Sleaze is about to smash Mi-jin’s head with an ashtray, and the week comes to an end with another cliffhanger.

Tune in next week to find out how Mi-jin will explain her way out of getting caught up in a situation Soon is supposed to be in. Although I don’t expect Ji-woong to find out this early into the show that both women are the same person. It’ll be fun to watch him wallow in confusion for a bit as the similarities begin to hit him — like how he noticed that Mi-jin has an identical backpack to Soon. Won, on the other hand, has become a detective racking his brain and analyzing CCTV footage after spotting Soon riding her bicycle, and then seeing a similarly-dressed Mi-jin on the bicycle after turning around the corner. At this point, bets are officially open on which guy will find out Mi-jin’s secret first.

Bets are also open as to the identity of the new senior citizen intern at the prosecution office. All we know is that he’s a former hospital director — who coincidentally resumed work after the Raincoat Killer tried to piece Mi-jin’s surname together. Someone with his medical training would have knowledge of the human anatomy and amputation/dismemberment skills, but he could also be a red herring. In any case, it’s left for our prosecutor and his transforming heroine to find out the truth. If the former detective intern doesn’t beat them to the punch.


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I don’t love that Ji-ung is trying to make Soon quit or that he installed a tracker on her phone, but I kinda trust that we’ll get more info about him and his overprotectiveness/prejudice against working with people older than him. And I trust that Soon and her overwhelming competence will show him he’s been mistaken. What I did love was Mi-jin absolutely nailing her first real job! It’s almost like she’s been preparing for this moment for the past 8 years! 🤔

I loved her conversation with her mom when she came home exhausted, and how she feels like she’s found something she’s good at after all this time. I loved the pride she takes in doing her work well, and how all her odd jobs are paying off now that someone has finally tossed her a chance.

Super glad Ga-young knows about her transformation. It must have been so lonely going through all of that on her own, and I’m always in favor of having at least one character in on the secret early on!


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Yeah, right now his behaviour just comes off as weird ageism? I'm assuming there's some tragic kdrama ML backstory that explains it, but in the meantime, Mi-jin's crush is gonna dissipate pretty fast if he keeps it up.

Her mom massaging her and her dad being so proud... really wholesome, 10/10.


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"Tune in next week to find out how Mi-jin will explain her way out of getting caught up in a situation Soon is supposed to be in."

Soon did mention a niece that frequents clubs. Maybe Mi-jin could simply say that she happened to be invited into that VIP Room? Or maybe she could say that her maternal aunt (?), aka Soon, asked her for a favor? It will be a difficult-to-explain situation, especially since Soon is nowhere to be seen at this point. I'm sure there will be some hastily-thrown together explanation.


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You can trust that it will be a terrible explanation when there were many more believable ones available! 😂 Kdrama characters never seem to be able to come up with something credible on the spot, so I’m excited to see what nonsense she asks Ji-ung to believe next week!


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Well, I am never able to come up with something credible on the spot, so either I am a kdrama heroine, or kdramas are quite realistic! 😁


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Same, I can never come up with a credible explanation, in fact they become so bizarre that saying the truth would’ve been so much better 😅


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Same in dramas though! Maybe the truth wouldn't be more believable in this case, but 80% of the time I bet it would be 🤭




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I know, when she accidentally called him I was like "just tell him you're making sure the number's right!" but noope


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I don't think the comedy works for me. There's been many times when I see that something is supposed to be funny but I'm just 😐 or I'm thinking about something else such how the prosecutor is said to be so hard to work with and is a jerk yet so far, he hasn't done anything out of pocket UNTIL he was trying to get Im Soon to quit. Or how rather show her parents what's happening with her, Mi Jin wants to hide it because then they would find out she was scammed?
I get that this logic is needed for the show to happen but it's just weird & stupid to me. Priorities.

I still think alot is happening which makes alot forgettable. Even during this recap I was reminded about the fact that the raincoat killer was a thing because the last thing I remembered happening was the idol guy's interest in Im Soon on his video and the situation at the club (which reminds me: what happened to the wig? Soon was obviously wearing a long wig, she gets knocked down and she gets back up as Mi Jin. Is she supposed to still be wearing the wig?)

I also kept wondering if there were another actor who could've pulled off the prosecutor.

The only thing I'm interested in is Lee Jung Eun's portrayal. When she's onscreen is the only time I really like this.


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I loved Soon so much these past few episodes (what can't this girl do??), and I love that people are catching onto the disparities of Mijin/Soon, since I don't think this is a secret that can be kept for long.


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The whole thing with "drug addicts are worse than gambling addicts" irked me too. Specifically the line about drugs ruins everyone around the person while gambling only the gambler because I instantly thought of Yoo Ah In when it was said. His drug use affected no one but himself and he has been treated like the scourge of the society meanwhile gambling can ruin the lives of everyone around a gambler.

I only know of a few Korean celebrities who got in some kind of trouble over gambling/illegal betting/whatever and now they're back to their career. I don't know if people even mention it nowadays meanwhile if you are associated with drugs then you're always linked with the image of being a "druggie".

It just irked me cause it reminded me of Yoo Ah In and the double standards.


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Yeah I don’t know when this drama was filmed but it seems ridiculously insensitive to the tragic events of last year. Do the writers even know how fentanyl and opioids work? The biggest side effect other than pain relief is sleepiness. Yes overdosing is real and dangerous, but the portrayal of drug addicts is seriously problematic, using classic scaremongering tactics without an ounce of sympathy 😒


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I don't think they know how these drugs work even a little and even if they did, I think since drug usage is a "dirty" thing, they would go with the worst and most ridiculous depictions. In The Law Cafe, Yuri ate a bunch of pot muffins or something and they had her acting like she was tripping off of LSD or something.
In the show, the grandma was using the pot muffins to deal with pain (from some illness) so I *doubt* it was enough to elict that reaction but what do I know haha.


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FWIW, I think we're not supposed to agree with the sleazy gambler who lost his cancer patient wife's money to fuel his addiction. the investigator guy even calls him out on it during the scene.

It's interesting that fentanyl is cropping up in kdramas. U.S. cop shows have been stoking fear and hysteria for a while now, and this seems to have crossed over into kdramaland as well.


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I do like this drama a lot - the romcom aspects are working for me! - but does anyone else feel a little bit overwhelmed with the pace? Like a lot of things happen each episode? like there's wave of plot details, but it all washes off me like water off a duck... tortured metaphor aside, I don't even remember the killer knowing her name & being confused about her name. or Mr. Hot Prosecutor noticing her bag.

or maybe I'm just not paying enough attention 😅


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I noticed MHP noticing the bag but the name detail was news to me too. Still, since I’m also watching Scholar Who Walks the Night right now, which might be the slowest drama I’ve ever seen, the pace feels really refreshing to me!


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New Intern (former hospital director) is the raincoat killer.
New Intern/Raincoat killer made the former intern (soldier with bad leg) disappear, so New Intern could get the job (they say former intern 'hasn't been to work for two weeks'- and is not contactable)
Detective Intern will be former Raincoat Killer detective. People will probably be suspicious that detective Is Raincoat Killer himself, for a while.
Prosecuter is ageist, but they are probably going to explain it away as some 'older people trauma' that will go away with our heroine's True Love (tm) (splutter)
Idol is going to value FL for who she is, with a Pure Love (tm). Note that the presents he gave Ahjumma are not ageist in any way (No plastic surgery vouchers, or expensive supplements) Fast cars, electronic goods- these are presents he would give a 20 y.o.

(On a personal note- Yes, I watched this with the sound off for all the scary scenes. )


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“Prosecuter is ageist, but they are probably going to explain it away as some 'older people trauma' that will go away with our heroine's True Love (tm) (splutter)”

You made me laugh! It’s either this, or no explanation. Hopefully we’ll get an apology at least, but damn I didn’t like the ML in these episodes. And not that this is acceptable at any age, but neither he nor his colleague are spring chickens either.

(I’m not even mentioning the illegal spyware, which will no doubt help him become the knight in shining armor and perhaps help him figure out the double identity. Still dude, so wrong.)

He also has mom trauma. Why can’t we have more MLs who value women/humanity more because of this, smile bravely despite their pain?

In some ways this feels like the classic tusundre male lead and lovely 2ML setup. Let’s see how they get me around to liking ML again cos right now…

I did enjoy Im Soon rising up to the challenge tho. (I will not question the logic of this tho, cos magic!) If the show’s goal was to make me love her more, success.


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We know that FL would have refused the spyware because of her identity issues/body swap. But Prosecuter does not know this, and had No Reason to put it on the phone secretly. He could have asked! He could have said ' Lets do this for added security!'
The drama makes it a secret because it wants the spyware their for plot development. It is poor writing.


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Yeah, he didn’t even attempt asking. But I guess his underhanded behavior with Mi-jin was consistent with his attempts to undermine Im Soo in the office. (I grant him that he also gave Mi-jin tools to protect herself, but again, still, it’s at least worth a task.) It’s odd character development for a character who’s been shown cold but principled and caring under the cracks. We better get that age-related trauma. 😂

And as much fun as I had watching Im Soo best him, there were times tho I wish she’d put her foot down even tho I know she’s supposed to be desperate for work. The previous assistant was awful, but let’s not encourage toxic managers and work environment. I’m hoping she puts him in place next episodes.


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"He also has mom trauma. Why can’t we have more MLs who value women/humanity more because of this, smile bravely despite their pain?"

Han Yu-hyeon from Hello Me lost his mom (albeit I don't think it was traumatically) and was just a ray of sunshine.


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Yes! A shining exception to the rule.


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Is Jung Eun Ji known for looking older than she is? Is that why they keep bringing up her age?

Also, is there a hidden context for being born in 1996? This is the second time they brought it up. (The first was in the job interview for the young Min Ji, where everyone was shocked she was born in 1996) Is this kdrama short hand for being a gen z person? Thanks in advance.


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The drama is overwhelming in terms of how it packs into one episode. It's too busy. It's funny at places, especially with Mi-Jin, who continues to be adorable. I wish they would give her a love story too - turn ML into a 50 year old as well?

Btw why does she not tell her parents? It would be a riot if the parents were in it too - like the Mom would try to hold off her future son-in-law until the sun set or something.....

Am the only one who think the ML is one note? I somehow keep reimagining Lee Min Ki in this role....


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Mi Jin was very endearing. It was sweet seeing her smile and laugh. She was giddy about her crush and happy that she has found something she's good at. Seeing her tackle and beat each challenge Ji Woong threw at her was a little fun. This direction is better than him being loud and mean or critical at everything she does. I would think things will change next week and he has to admit she has done well. I hope the undercover mission isn't a total fail and Mi Jin/Soon doesn't get scolded for being in danger, not communicating, etc.

From the premiere week, I wasn't sure if she had worked while she studied for the civil servant exams. I assumed her parents supported her financially so I'm glad the show mentioned she has been supporting herself.

Ji Woong won't find out her secret this time, but I hope it happens earlier than later.

Soon's makeup scenes are cute! We don't see these makeovers often. It's good that Mi Jin has Ga Yeong to confide in. The BFF scenes were great. ^^

Parts of the show did seem to move fast as Soon's typing (heh). I don't care much about the mystery, but letting it unfold for now.


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I did understand why he wasn't happy with his new aid, she was cleaning the building and now he has to think she has the competences to help him to catch villains. But it's not her fault, so he should be mad against the chief and not making her life impossible.

I'm the only one who suspected the new old guy being the killer? The actor is good for creepy roles 😅


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I get why he doubts her competence, but those doubts should disappear as she proves herself.


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Or, even if he doubts her competence without any direct evidence either way, he could start her off with small tasks, and as she knocks those out of the park, he could offer her more and more responsibility until she's doing the job fully and deserves a raise and a promotion and all the good things.

Ya know, like managers do. 😱


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I liked these two episodes much better than the first ones. But that may also be because I could hardly concentrate on them last week and was constantly distracted.

In any case, the humour worked wonderfully this week.

However, I still have the problem that Mi-jin and Soon don't seem like one and the same woman of different ages to me, but like two different people. But the discrepancy isn't quite as clear as it was in the first two episodes. As Mi-jin becomes more self-confident and more at peace with herself, I hope to see more similarities with Soon.


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Oh! Is Soon supposed to be what Mi Jin will look like when she's older? I was surprised when she mentioned a scar (that was not visible) as proof she was the same person.

The actresses don't look alike enough for that
Then again, I guess we're suppose to suspend disbelief for the show


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Well this was averagely enjoyable. I did think maybe Won is the one who will figure out about Mi Jin seems maybe it's likely. Humour was okay. But the mystery on the other hand just bores me


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So the actresses are not playing the same character. It is fine, but they aren't even attempting to, lol. That being said I love they chemistry between our three leads, how adorable are they. I look forward to the romance part of this drama.


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Is that typing speed even possible? I won a contest once with 118 and that was seen as amazing. But are the standards different with the Korean language?

The ML was really, really annoying me this episode. I did not find him remotely charming. At least show some guilt, dude. And maybe he has age-related trauma or something else that explains his ageist behavior (eye roll emoji) but what about the other guy who works in his office? This is giving me Dr. Cha flashbacks.


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He (the investigator) waffled between looking at her life she was an alien and his whole day was ruined because she was there.


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That’s what makes it so icky, Day Min-jin already proved her competence by doing all those ridiculous tasks. So if they don’t want a highly skilled worker, I can only assume they want a young aide/assistant for the looks. Which is downright sleazy if that’s the case


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We have similar complaints but for different reasons haha. For me, it's just not funny how it's coming across and for you it seems to be offensive.

In the world of the drama, I think it's jarring for the guys because not only is she an ajumma but she was also the cleaning lady just the previous day or so.

There does also seem to be ageism at play, both for Soon & Mi Jin, but I don't think it's meant to be cruel but maybe reflective reality.

Though I do wonder why Mi Jin hadn't been hired in all that time if she's so qualified in different things.


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Well, they were pretty explicit about it. Yes, they didn’t want a former cleaner working for them, but Mr Prosecutor and his minion also said out loud they don’t want old people working in their office. Both are true. And the latter *is* offensive.

They set her up for failure, even sending her to a dangerous situation (mountain climbing). And then they gloat and high five each other over their petty behavior. Is that, umm, kind?

Of course, racism, sexism, any discrimination on the screen is reflective of reality. At the same time, it is no surprise folks are having a hard time getting behind a lead who exhibits such behavior. He’s acting more like a high school jerk than the upright, principled prosecutor we’re supposed to be rooting for.

I’m here for Im Soon. She was incredible (if unrealistic for any one of any age). I’m hoping she really tells them what s**theads they were. But equally likely she’ll win them over, and the show will move on.


For my part, I think their behavior was both cruel and reflective of many people's reality.



Of course, racism, sexism, any discrimination on the screen is reflective of reality........it is no surprise folks are having a hard time getting behind a lead who exhibits such behavior. He’s acting more like a high school jerk than the upright, principled prosecutor we’re supposed to be rooting for.

This. 👏👏👏


@indyfan I've already said he was a jerk and I wonder if another actor could've played him. I also said that I was only interested in Im Soon's character.

My point was having similar complaints for different reasons.

They didn't send her moutain climbing, she chose it vs hiking but yes, I get the point is they were trying to set her up to fail.

We already know she's gonna win them over and be a valuable member of the team. That's pretty much the only place for this to go.


And because they gave her such an insane deadline to get up the mountain, she chose the quicker but riskier way rather than fail.

I really thought it was cruel of them. And as @attiton said, a cruel reality many older workers face. We could only laugh cos Im Soo is so kickass, and she sure did kick their…


He just had a pretty but incompetent young woman quit on him because he was mean about her being incompetent! I don't think he's only mean to older workers. I think he's just a mean guy.


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But the young aide/assistant wasn’t incompetent tho, she just defended her right to clock of work, otherwise she’d be doing overtime without the extra pay and was happy to complete the task the next day. I’m not defending her awful behaviour to the interns, but that seems irrelevant to why she quit, she shouldn’t be overworked.

I understand the whole arc of the ML being a workaholic and putting those expectations on his employees, and therefore making their work-life miserable. But then he met Day Mi-jin who met his criteria and then some, and he still wanted to make her quit? So at this point does he just enjoy the power-trip?


He also fired the young assistant *after* she didn’t meet his high standards. But he’s been trying to make Im Soon fail *before* she did had a chance only because she’s a former cleaner and because as they say themselves, they don’t like old workers.

He’s a mean guy, but this meanness has a different flavor to it wouldn’t you say?


The younger receptionist quit, she wasn't fired. He just hounded her into leaving. She wasn't the first either. I do think her work ethic was lacking, since he came upon her on her phone eating snacks and asked her to do one thing in a whole day! But he has a track record of hounding people out of that job. (Or so I recall reading in the subtitles.)

I think if he weren't a jerk, he would have begun to appreciate Im Soon's worth as an employee pretty much immediately. But he is a jerk who has forced out many employees.

I'm not saying that he's not ageist here! I'm just pointing out that the ageism isn't the factor. He's not trying to get someone young and pretty in the job. He's trying to drive out everyone in the job! But he has to mention that he doesn't want to work with an elder, because that makes him (I would argue) a bad person.

Anyway, as usual, the character has to start out somewhere bad to improve.


You're right. The young assistant did quit on her own. As JW says to the mayor(?), good, process her resignation and send another assistant. What's interesting is that during the meeting, JW also says, you can teach what [assistants] don't know and they'll gain experience with time. And I think most of us were with him at that point.

But his first objection to Soon's hiring is, how could you hire an old lady?, and not, how is a cleaner qualified for the job? As his colleague says, JW is uncomfortable working with older people. Then the two come up with a plan to make her quit because as they say, surely the mayor wouldn't hire someone older in her place. And despite JW's supposed management philosophy, they give her tasks designed for her to fail because as they say, she's past her prime and won't last even a week.

Given all that, how are we not supposed to think ageism isn't a factor? That he's awful to all his subordinates is fair, but before she even starts, it's Soon's age that influences JW.

Yes, the tsundres have to start at the bottom to go up. So I'm sure we'll see that. I’m just waiting for the age-related trauma! But for now, this was particularly unappealing characteristic and behavior. It'll be quite a climb up.


The only age related trauma I think that would explain (but not justify) his deplorable behaviour would be if Day Mi-jin looked liked his dead mother. And the investigator dude can fall off a cliff, tho I did enjoy the karmic retribution of him getting kicked out of the club cause he was too old


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Even then....in that case you would think he would treat her better.

Honestly, already the romance was meh, and now it's uninteresting. For the highlight was Won discovering his ajhuma changing into a young woman while biking 😂


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I wonder if there's gonna be more instances where he catches her changing


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I am so enjoying this show! I am interested in the plot and I like seeing the romance and trying to figure out the gruesome murder mystery. (I wouldn't be surprised if the bad guy chopped up Mi-jin's auntie that she thinks is the person she becomes every day.) Yet--why am I really here?

I'm really here to learn from Lee Jung-eun how to look like I'm in my 20s even though I'm in my 50s. It turns out that happy dancing, vigorous bike riding, an open, goofy smile and a lot of enthusiasm can make you look like a younger person! I 100% believe that she's really Mi-jin all the time. Sometimes I forget that there are two actresses. It's amazing. I love it.

I predict that Mi-jin won't have to explain why she isn't Soon in the next episode, because Ji-woong likes her and is just going to be concerned about her being in danger.


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I love it. It's not perfect (where did the wig go?) and not yet into the romance. But I enjoy every second and kept looking at how much time is left on the episode. Too little!


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I thought I was the only one wondering about the wig.


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I was totally hung up on it. Where did it go? But I don't mind.


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You are not alone. I guess it was a magical wig? ;)


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Eps 3-4 are decisively better than Eps 1-2.

Genres: I came for the rom-com, but stayed for the serial murders (I love serial murders, it appeared left of the field in this series, so now I get a "buy-1-get-1 free genre bundle!)

Actors: I came for Choi Jin-Hyuk (our Darcy-esque prosecutor), but stayed for Lee Jung-Eun (Miss Day)

Male (Persons of Interest): Again, I came for Jin-Hyuk, but seriously the person I really enjoy our FL's interaction with for this week is Won (the idol boy intern). It's disarming, earnest, and poignant.

As for ML....well, just read the rant from other more eloquent Beanies. Only reason I don't bristle watching it is cos I can just see hilarious karmic come-uppance on the horizon. The greater the pride and prejudice, the greater his humbling fall.
It will be delicious. Bon Appetit.


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this sort of reminds me of the fairy tale of the princess who was disguised as an old lady after comparing her dad to salt. and who is discovered removing her disguise


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Unit, thanks for the recap. I made it through 2 episodes. Dismemberment, serial killer , youth momma trauma.

I was looking for a comedy . Will have to bail on this one.


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I’m really enjoying this drama, and I am glad I gave it a chance after seeing some negative reviews after the first two episodes. Lim Su’s character is great! I love her energy. I see her as more of an alter ego to our FL.
Funny enough as I was listening to the OST the main song “she’s back” sounded very familiar to me. I may be showing my age but back in 2004 there was a comic called “there she is” set to music for each chapter and the first song was called “there she is” by Witches ( a ska band) it’s the same song just remade! I guess the song made an impact on me


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