Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938: Episodes 7-8

Our drama does more genre hopping than usual this week because our latest demon takes our heroes channel surfing. But there’s a theme that ties everything together: brothers — both blood and found. Our fox’s relationships with his half-brother and his fellow mountain god are put to the test, and while one relationship comes out stronger, the other appears unsalvageable.


Lee Dong-wook and Kim So-yeon in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938: Episodes 7-8 Lee Dong-wook and Kim So-yeon in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938: Episodes 7-8

Last we saw Yeon, he and Moo-young had traveled to the Path of the Damned and unexpectedly found themselves on the set of a strange sageuk drama… which turns out to be a twisted playground that their latest demon friend, Jang San-beom, made especially for them. Jang San-beom was once a simple tiger, but his knack for impersonations helped him grow and became a powerful demon with one goal in mind: becoming a mountain god. Among his many worrisome talents are voice mimicry, shape-shifting, and mind-f**kery.

While Jang San-beom’s skillset doesn’t bode well for our heroes, it makes for amusing television — both within our nine-tailed universe and for those of us watching Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938. This strange (super meta) universe that Jang San-beom pieced together using memories plucked straight from Yeon and Moo-young’s time-traveling brains has our heroes battling K-drama tropes and cheesy PPL in their efforts to locate Hong-joo and sus out Jang San-beom.

Hong-joo is easy enough to find, as she’s been cast as the drama-within-a-drama’s leading lady. Unfortunately, she’s under Jang San-beom’s control and has no memory of her childhood friends. She only knows them as Male #4 (Moo-young) and Male #5 (Yeon — much to his annoyance lol). When they act out a scene together, Yeon finds himself on the receiving end of her dramatic slaps, of which there are many because the show won’t go on until they read the script properly. Yeon dials it in — LOL! He reads the stage directions! — and decides he and Moo-young would better utilize their time if they focused on finding Jang San-beom.

Although he has the right idea, he mistakenly assumes that the man behind the curtain is the sageuk’s director/script writer. Moo-young, however, correctly deduces that the young girl they first met is Jang San-beom in disguise — because the first person the hero meets in such K-dramas is always the suspect. I mean, he isn’t wrong — both about K-dramas in general and Jang San-beom’s identity.

Instead of changing into his true form, though, Jang San-beom takes on the appearance of Hong-joo, and Moo-young hesitates, unable to harm the mirror image of the woman he loves. (Idiot.) Yeon, however, is much better at discerning reality from fiction and plunges his wooden stake into Jang San-beom’s back, but wouldn’t you know it? The special, magical stake Moo-young gave Yeon is a fake, and as Moo-young runs to retrieve his real weapon, Jang San-beom uses the delay brought on by Moo-young’s duplicity as an opportunity to change the channel. But not before issuing a challenge: try and rescue Hong-joo within one hour.

After the channel change, Yeon and Moo-young find themselves on the set of a gangster biopic about KIM DU-HAN (cameo by Ahn Jae-mo), which has a new set of tropes and rules for them to follow in grainy, full-screened glory. Although the mountain gods easily fight off Du-han’s minions — not that Du-han’s pre-programmed dialogue acknowledges it — they get their butts kicked by an overpowered Du-han. (Cue: commercial for dental repair).

The scene changes again, and Yeon and Moo-young are now on the set of a talk show. When the host of the show appears wearing the face of Moo-young’s dead brother CHUN HO-YOUNG (Shim Hee-seop), things get spicy. Although Moo-young’s first instinct is to rage-quit, Yeon reins him in and tells him to suck it up and play through Jang San-beom’s little mind games in order to find and rescue Hong-joo. But, of course, once our heroes settle in and agree to play along, the Ho-young doppelgänger goes for the jugular and asks Yeon: Why did you kill Moo-young’s older brother?

Lee Dong-wook and Ryu Kyung-soo in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938: Episodes 7-8

The only thing this bit was missing was a cut to a live-steaming audience with a comments section exploding over this baited question, but overall this was an ingenious way for our drama to reveal our characters’ backstory. Yes, Yeon killed Moo-young’s brother, but he did it to protect Moo-young. In his last moments, Ho-young didn’t appear to be in his right mind, and in his madness he was going to kill Moo-young. Although it clearly pained Yeon, he stuck by his oath to protect Moo-young, and he killed Ho-young even though he had to have known the strain his actions would put on his friendship.

In the present, Yeon realizes that Jang San-beom is trying to widen the rift between him and Moo-young because the mountain gods are stronger together. After Yeon calms Moo-young’s temper and delivers an impassioned threat towards Jang San-beom, a quaking Jang San-beom changes the channel back to his sageuk production and expedites his wedding to Hong-joo. She is a puppet under his spell, and when Yeon and Moo-young follow a trail of rice puffs and locate her, she’s blank-faced and acting as Jang San-beom’s guard dog.

What ensues is a beautifully choreographed and emotional fight scene. Yeon and Moo-young go head-to-head with Hong-joo, fighting off her attacks even as they try to break through Jang San-beom’s mind control with their pleas for her return. Scenes of their childhood are intermixed with the present fight, and while Jang San-beom’s magic is strong, the power of love and friendship is stronger.

Cheesy sounding, I know, but it’s much more badass in the drama. Hong-joo’s fight to regain control of her mind and body is palpable, and when she finally breaks free and sends her sword sailing through the air and straight through Jang San-beom’s chest, it’s very much a “You go, girl!” moment. And then, when Yeon and Moo-young also stab their swords through Jang San-beom, it’s as though the Three Musketeers have reunited. Except they haven’t… because Moo-young still has his own agenda.

The door to the Path of the Damned closes, but Moo-young stays behind. He delivers the final blow that destroys Jang San-beom and reveals the magic crystal Moo-young needed to heal the parts of his body that were still stone. Yeon, who also lingered behind to see what Moo-young was up to, is unsurprised (but disappointed) to confirm that Moo-young is the man in the red and white mask. And despite their recent alliance and begrudging friendliness, Moo-young hasn’t faltered from his villainous path of vengeance.

Lee Dong-wook and Kim Bum in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938: Episodes 7-8

Although the found brotherhood between Yeon and Moo-young is still broken, the bond between Yeon and Rang has grown stronger, even during Yeon’s absence. You see, while Yeon and Moo-young were traversing dramaland, Rang fought his own heroic battle against the demons coming through the door to the Path of the Damned. They torture his mind and body, enticing him to let go of the string tying him to his brother. At first, even Rang is confused by his loyalty and unwillingness to let go of his brother’s life-line, but the experience helps him realize just how much he loves Yeon.

So, of course, it’s all the more frustrating when Rang survives the gauntlet of demons (with a lot of help from his mermaid) and rescues Yeon in the Path of the Damned, only to have Moo-young plant a seed of doubt in Rang’s mind. Before he runs off to practice his necromancy, he tells Rang that, in the year 2020, he died saving Yeon. Naturally, Rang assumes the time-traveling Yeon has only been nice to him out of guilt. Ugh, of all the dirty, low-down things Moo-young has done, this is actually my least favorite.

Rang hits a new low point, as he second-guesses Yeon’s motives. Was he really used and discarded by Yeon in the future? His doubts trigger an unexpected emotional reaction, which he perceives as a weakness. He spent most of his life building walls around his heart to protect himself, but in such a short time Yeon, Yeo-hee, and his new friends have made those walls crumble. He felt happy and loved, but the doubt that creeped in after hearing Moo-young’s words has shaken him and made him feel vulnerable. His instincts kick in, making him want to push everyone away, even while his heart craves the happiness and support that comes from his new relationships. Ooof! My heart can’t take much more of this, which is why I’m happy when Yeo-hee steps in to give him some tough — but unconditional — love. She’s going to cling to him like a barnacle, so he better get used to it!

Sadly, her love declaration (and marriage proposal?!) can’t silence Rang’s doubts. Feeling recklessly apathetic, he gambles away his life (literally) in a game against one of the many demons who have recently taken up residence at Myoyeongak while Yeon and Hong-joo, under Taluipa’s orders, try to mediate and help the weaker gods and demons with their problems. Although Yeon is concerned about the number of demons who have gone missing recently, his main priority is Rang, so when he learns that Rang only has a few hours left to live, Yeon becomes a gambling man.

Yeon isn’t very experienced at gambling, and since his opponent is a goblin and a cheat, he has a rocky start — until he cuts off the goblin’s hand when he catches him palming cards. In exchange for getting his hand back, the goblin agrees to reset their life balances and play fairly, but Yeon only has a mere 52 years to gamble away (because he signed the contract that would allow him to die with Jia). The goblin takes advantage of the imbalance, going all in on every hand, causing the cautious Yeon to fold every time. Unfortunately, time is not on Rang’s side, and so Yeon is forced to play his hand when Rang’s candle begins to flicker dangerously. Yeon goes all in, but ultimately he wins the game by taking a page out of the goblin’s book. In short, he cheats.

With his life restored, Rang works up the courage to ask Yeon about their relationship in the future. Yeon — without any concern for the time-space continuum — grabs his cell phone and lets Rang watch the video 2020 Rang recorded before sacrificing himself to save Yeon. While this drama disregards all the rules for time travel — and I still can’t quite wrap my head around how Yeon’s little jaunt to 1938 will play a part in the longer timeline — I’m happy to see that our bromance is back on track.

And now that our brothers are going steady again, their next task is will be taking out Kato and his new team of assassins — the Shinigami Mercenaries, who look like they’ve spent the last decade moonlighting as the antagonists of a popular shōnen anime. As eyebrow-raising as the Shinigami Mercenaries are, I’m curious to see what they will bring to the table — especially the guy with the giant mallet — and how they will play into our remaining episodes. They’re delightfully manic, and I hope we’re in for some more epic fight scenes leading up to a final battle against Kato, who I suspect will be this season’s endgame.

Meanwhile, the story with Moo-young is too complex to resolve in four episodes, so it had better carry over into Season 3 (?!) where it can get the proper attention it deserves. There are so many layers to Moo-young and Yeon’s relationship — and Moo-young and his brother are too good a foil for Yeon and Rang — that it would be a waste for the writers to try and rush through a resolution for that plot line and take down Kato in our final four episodes. After the lackluster romance of Season 1, I think we deserve two solid seasons of bromance, don’t you?

Lee Dong-wook and Kim Bum in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938: Episodes 7-8


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well... uh it is tricky to explain but. if rang doesnt wear a grudge and they make mends in this timeline, then he has no reason to act like a jerk in the next and maybe it will change the future so that imoogi is not released and they all get to live together.

but honestly i dont care, I want a season 3.

I find it a bit difficult this time to find the indigenous gods any believable. they are a little too forced.

but I am still very enjoying it and especially the metaverse. The drama setting commercials were hilarious. is someone angry at forced product placement deals? writer becoming a demon in itself?

heh, that is supposed to be glass shattering screaming? I am much louder on a concert, I set off car alarms.


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one thing im thinking after watching behind the scenes stuff is the LDW / KB are so believable in their roles because it is just another adventure game in your back yard. like, how to say, this fantasy world is something kids would imagine they are heroes in when they play outside all day. so it sort of awakens the inner kid and they get totally absorbed.


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The commercial metaverse was hilarious especially the makgeoli one. I had to rewind that scene at least 5 times.
I found it weird that while mimic guy took away the powers of Yeon and Moo-young, Hong-joo's kinda remained in her. I could tell some crazy energy when the flung those two men across the room in the sageuk set.

You know...I had hopes for Moo-young. I know that the host show would not in any way provide closure for Moo-young but I hoped it would kickstart his journey. I do not blame him for playing hanky-panky to attain to a proper body form. But it was displeasing to see him i) give Yeon a fake weapon and ii) still be on the move to perform necromancy on his brother. After (i), I don't trust him anymore. And then with (ii), I'm done. I'm looking forward to his end and how his actions will be his very own undoing. Seems like the situation with the ghost game taught him nothing.

I complained when angst was sown between Yeon and Rang and wasn't ready for any downward spiral. Kudos to them for keeping it short with just one episode. Once is enough, not again. However, I liked the way they resolved it. Yeon simply showed him his future. "See future you for yourself". Idc if Yeon broke a thousand time-travel rules by doing that cause I freaking support it and love it.

The mecernaries...they're too powerful for me and I don't like it when the bad guys are crazier than the good ones.


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Still very much enjoying this season. When it was first announced I was on the fence, and o believe I read somewhere it was given the green light for season 3!
These episodes made me laugh so hard with all the cheesy tropey tv shows. I love the bromance and they just need to keep it up going forward. I’ll be sad to see it end but look forward to season 3


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I keep marveling at the differences between this season and last. It's like the writer grew by leaps. The humor and the ingenuity. So love this.


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This drama is a feast for the eyes. The actors look so good in their costumes.

The story is not really important, the writer just have fun with them.


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I love this show so much, I'd watch it without subtitles.

The only thing I did not quite understand was the remaining lifespan in the gamling scene: Lee Rang has a remaining lifespan of 82 years, which is consistent with episode 1, as he died/will die in 2020.

Lee Yeon however has a remaining lifespan of 52 years, which is not only totally inconsistent with S1 (how will he be alive in 2020 if he dies in 1990?) and somehow illogical. How is he supposed to die on the same day as his wife when he will meet said wife 30 years after his death?!?

Maybe I should watch without subtitles......;)


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I mean, I’m no expert here, and have been watching happily with only half-a-brain, but I had decided that it meant that Yoon will die in 52 years in his current timeline. So, not from 1938, but 2022 or whatever. That would be a super-long human life, but not outrageously impossible.


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remaining lifespan is not connected in any way to the time difference of the past and present timelines it just indicates the number of years left for this or that indivdual there


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Yeon tied his lifespan to Jiah's, so both of them have 52 years left each. He successfully returns to the future - we know this from Season1 flashforward when Yeon meets reincarnated Rang as a kid - and that's the amount of time they're gonna live together then. No need for any complex math here.


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Count from his timeline which is 2022 or 2023, not 1938.


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Thank you guys for the clarification!

The copious amounts of fun and male & female goodness in this drama obviously impaired my reasoning skills.😂😂


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Ah, I should have guessed JSB's identity by the name - beom literally means tiger - silly of me. It is funny though how weak he ended up being - I suppose with his specific set of talents being also good at fighting would've been too much, so they were able to off him easily after he used up all his tricks. PPL was lmao indeed - and gangster movie meta! Kind of wished this would go on for a bit longer. Rang saving the day with kitty's help was awesome - be nice to cats, people, they are magical!

Parade of indigenous gods keeps coming, show is really committed to promote k-mythology, I'll give them that. Mean girls turning into lonely toilet spirits no one gifts flowers to is a genius concept, I might use it as a cautionary tale when dealing with my bratty niece))) Racoon couple is a waste of breath, how many times drama intends to bring them up? Everyone else is delivered in just right doses, but these two... *sigh* Still idk what Kato wants to do with them - if he can enhance spirits somehow to create a super soldier army, why not just doing so to his own lackeys? Is '38 Japan lacking yokai and kami? Or there is some dark sadistic irony in the fact that he wants to wipe out Joseon completely though local gods' hands? Also idk why he wants to marry Eunho - and why her dad mentions "divorce" when Eunho claims her sis is dead. Does father not know the bad news and simply thinks his daughter eloped or something and that's why he's so chummy with his shady son-in-law? This bugged me before, but things look darker with each new ep.

So now Rang knows and accepted the inevitable, good for him. That's still 80+ years of life, more that many people get overall, treasure what you have, boy! Yeohee was amazing this week, I like her more and more. Didn't sound like a proposal tho, more like a marriage declaration lol))) But since Rang doesn't seem to mind - you go girl! She'll rock it as a gangster wife - they're such a noir couple, if you think about it, aww! - if her and wolf gang manage to survive what's to come despite all the bed omens ofc. I'd really love to see that, pls make it an independent parallel universe where everyone lives, drama! Enough with fictional funerals, ok? *cries*

Didn't expect THAT with Mooyoung's brother. Was he talking to his real ghost in that mirror? Seems like late bro is the real villain here, not just a victim of some spell or manipulation. And man, guy is both pitiful AND nasty - you knew why Yeon did that all along and you're still this angry? And didn't even bother to conduct an investigation to find out WHY bro wanted your head before going on a revenge rampage? Rang, pls give the hyung's simp crown back, we have a new winner in this category! Agree that him tipping off Rang was LOW. Oh, and why Hongjoo needs Yeon's treasures suddenly? For her own dead siblings? This trio has no chill whatsoever.


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I think there is a lot of anxiety in them all, of times moving on, not accepting the past, not living in the present and putting your skills into maximum use bc hello there is a violent japanese occupation going on here, and you are stuck in your complexes.
It could be steering into that direction though, where they have to join forces to destroy the real evil which is the reign of terror ordinary people are living under. They might be fantasy characters but there is a real world around them they cannot keep ignoring.


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Given the time period I'm 100% sure we're getting some kind of big epic scuffle in the name of liberation. And likely horrible bloodshed while at it. The fact that Season2's exclusive characters are not even mentioned in Season1 makes a room for writers to easily finish every single one of them - and I doubt they'll restrain themselves from making it ultra dramatic and patriotic. It is expected ofc, but still... *sigh* Why watching dramas lately feels like building a cemetery?


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it is the same with Estonian historical movies, they kill off everyone and then there is the noble message that kids can be free today but da fuq I invested my time in these characters for then.


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I think it's roughly the same for the most of the world in the last 100+ years...

Well, we knew since the start that SK is - understandable - not getting over what they went through back then anytime soon so technically shame on us for starting a historical show about one of their most depressive periods ever while not being emotionally ready for what it comes with. Comedy of this drama really got us fooled into temporarily forgetting harsh reality)))


Episode 7 is my favourite so far, it was brilliant and so cleverly executed. It's like a breath of fresh air after watching some disappointing shows lately.
The actors are all really outstanding and believable, it obviously helps that the script is good.
Long may the bromance reign.
The costumes are fabulous, special shout out for Hong-Joo's costumes and makeup, they are just sublime.
Rang, that kiss....no dead fish to be found here.


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Hong Joo make up is really on point. Her eye shadows are their own character.


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Clever way of putting the PPL, I do wonder if the knife/sword sharpening was a real one xD


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I enjoy the gumiho brothers and their gang every week. The PPL parody must be my fave ala shopping channels! There are still a lot to unpack with the Moo Young storyline as they face Kato and his evil goons. I am happy that Yeon and Rang distrust were resolved quickly, not in the mood to go through that again when there is only 4 episodes left and a lot of storyline to cover. I am looking forward to the mountain gods and their friends kick some Kato butt.


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This one quite fun and love the diversity with the k-mythology...Dind't expect that Jang San Beom to be quite a weaklng considering he was quite creepy when he was presented at first,well in the mythology as well....i confess i'm already quite curious who is the other being hinted by King of Five Paths & Taluipa and what is his big scheme ad why he needed Moo Young...It's also quite fun with the entrence of the Shinigami in trying to figure it out who they are,well the old man we know already based on his name and the Girl as well somehow hinted yet still fun trying to puzzle their identity....Curious who is their misterious leader that didn't show his face yet...A bit sad about Moo Young being totally played by what seems to be his older brother...

Might need to hide in a corner but confess i might be among the very few who prefer Rang without his romance with that mermaid...Too mushy/cutie for me...


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I think the purpose of the mermaid is that she will provide Rang with immortality (one of her powers) to continue on with season 3.


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Oh,didn't think about that one at all...That would be a nice twist...


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That’s interesting!
I really don’t know how this will tie up to the future. Because Rang is single then.


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1. I finally finished my recap/ review of episode 6
2. who's been giving less than 9 stars for this drama?????
3. I'll be good and watch episode 7 & 8 again now


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Episode 7 – this is one trippy ride in the first half!

1. Let’s talk about them being “trapped” in the Jang San-Beom movie set:
- The bewilderment of both MY and LY, particularly after they woke up after being beheaded and then watching the PPL for the Magic Sword Sharpener with a ergonomic design that ensures a secure grip with no slippage.
- The cast member “Is this a TV series or a damn commercial? The script is crap and its not even complete!” LOL
- All that PPLs, I can’t …. Just hilarious… I feel MY and LY’s bewilderment at what’s happening.
- HJ is so hot in her tight tee and jeans 😉 and trust LY to get his priorities right even at times like this
LY: Why are you #4 when I‘m #5, huh
MY: Does that matter now
LY: Of course it does!
- Did LY punched HJ in that particular scene where LY can’t escape from HJ slapping him on repeat mode LOL
- LY, my hero when you said “Don’t torture my friend with that face!”
2. We learnt a little more about MY
- He died in the Josean era, but woke up in an unfamiliar future, with no friends or family by his side. So depressing ☹
- He was such a sweet boy, I wish to protect both of you without slaying anyone or anything and “don’t make Hong Joo cry”
- Oh MY, why are you such a villain now ☹ Such a jerk too for taunting Rang with that “funny story”
3. Poor Rang, being tricked, stabbed and tormented in the room, while hanging on to the spool of thread for dear life.
- Rang is such a sentimental sucker too *sob* “Ages ago, the hand that held mine, who was abandoned by a human mother, was annoyingly warm”
- When are you arriving, Yeo Hee, to protect him? I need to see your battle scream in action soon!
- How come only Yeo Hee can see those maidens?
- Poor darling, that hurt in her face when Rang turned away from her. I hope that kiss made up for that momentary disappointment and hurt.

Notes and Questions:
1. Rustic Period! I didn’t watch this but I know of it through a variety show, think it was Suzy Bae who talked about her dad liking this show.
2. Does that mean HJ is technically a widow now?
3. I need more air time about the bro-tri-mance between Jae Yoo, Doo Mok and Shin Joo!


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Episode 8

It’s like a good night sleep drives all the nightmares or horrible things of the past away. And the first emergency drill of this episode is to make kimchi!

All that whining by the males (except Jae Yoo who is faithfully doing his best), followed by the chopping competition between SJ and DW, that shouting match between the 4, and the newly widowed HJ showing her frustration 😊 I’m loving the vibe!

Barely 5 minutes and then the mood changes. The Shinigami Mercenaries have arrived in town and Yeo Hee is identified as food and she’s oblivious to it all☹ and what’s the backstory of Akira? That short interaction between Yuki and Akira piqued my interest.

MY is lonely, isn’t he? He was so happy to see Ui-Ong, and the nonchalant way he answered where his brother is now (stewing in the pot) showed that they had such a close and open relationship. Ui-Ong is such a big softie - he put clothes on a stone statue when it was snowing, because MY had always been sensitive to cold? And he left MY sweet potatoes because he shouldn’t skip meals? Excuse me, I need to go and grab another box of tissue.

So many thoughts for this episode, so many lines to follow, and that’s for ONE SINGLE DAY OF THEIR STORY.

How the 2 friends are just partners in each other’s lives and business:
#1 Scene
LY: You. Be sure to protect yourself too.
HJ: I want a hug.

#2 Scene
HJ: We made kimchi today, so we are exhausted. I’d like to avoid violence, if possible.
LY: Make your story short and brief. Within a 20 word count.

The 3 supporting male leads:
DM and SJ ganging up on Jae-Yoo? Paw! Bang! LOL
I want more interaction between these 3, bring it on!

Rang and Yeo Hee – I inwardly sighed at his angsty turn and twiddle my thumbs while we try to move past it. Please less of those angsty bits, don’t go down that lovelorn path, and more of such:
Rang: Were you always this rough spoken?
Yeo Hee: Don’t stop me. I’ll be Mrs Bandit Gang soon.

I know that this show is a fantasy/ thriller/ action/ horror but in this episode, the horror parts start to be more prominent. MY talking to his dead brother, the Shinigami Mercenaries (with the MIA boss) beating the deities into senseless deaths, deities/ gods being imprisoned (with an empty bloody bed scene) … and we only have 4 more episodes to go. I’m fearful.

My wishes for the ending
(1) No senseless and meaningless deaths for HJ and MY (don’t even try to kill them off)
(2) I want my mermaid alive and married to Rang (and with whatever possible combi kids they might have – 100% human, 50% human, 25% fox 25% mermaid, 50% fox 50% mermaid. Maybe just a very furry merperson with a bushy tail). Please do not turn her into seafood for any of the gods, demi gods or demons.
(3) MY to wake up his senses – you already have a family and friends.


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Ep 7 was brilliant. The PPL placement meta was just the icing on the cake.

Ouch. Rang. It hurts. This puppy Fox can’t catch a break. I hated what Moo Young did, but in a way it’s better for Rang to know that Yeon isn’t from this timeline. Though I wish he didn’t know he would die. That was just cruel.

Also, I warmed up to the mermaid character.
But how will all this make sense in the future?

This drama is just gorgeous to look at. Everything is just gorgeous. Costumes, cinematography, set etc. I am enjoying this a lot.

P.s where do I get that makjeoli ? I was instantly sold. That PPL worked on me.


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I was sold the moment they say no hangover 😆


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anyone else loved the transition from Rang on the verge of death from all the mimics to the happy talk show with Yeon & Moo-young? That was comedy gold omg


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