Forecasting Love and Weather: Episodes 11-12 Open Thread

The interminable heatwave gives way to something even more dangerous — typhoons — and with it comes a whole lotta drama. Marriages and relationships alike reach the brink, and the storms just keep rolling in.


This week’s episodes start with a cold open: we are in the situation room with our team, who learn via phone call that Shi-woo (who’s on Jeju) has been in an accident. What in the world could have happened? We then step two days into the past — and actually, for the rest of this week’s episodes, we spend most of our time filling in all the events that led to that phone call, and everything that it means.

When we left off last week, Ha-kyung decided to send Shi-woo forthwith to the Typhoon Center on Jeju (where we’re later treated to a Seo Jung-yeon cameo, yay!), and he’s about as confused as I am. They have one of many serious conversations this week, and he asks why she keeps confusing him — did she send him offsite to get some space in their relationship? If so, why is she acting dejected that he’s leaving? Why does she treat him like a kid? Will they have a tryst before he leaves? A team dinner? Or will he just be gone when she wakes up in the morning? (Spoiler: it’s the latter.)

Shi-woo knows what’s wrong with their relationship: he says that Ha-kyung brings Ki-joon into it all the time. Ha-kyung denies (and I kinda agreed with her), until Shi-woo clarifies that it’s her history with him that she’s bringing along. She’s afraid of getting hurt again.

Shi-woo is firm that he doesn’t want a lukewarm relationship (though Ha-kyung knows she’s moderate in all things), and later, this idea wraps into our weather metaphor of the week: Ha-kyung muses about the formation of the stormy weather patterns and how a hot typhoon (Shi-woo) hits cold air (Ha-kyung) and the results are… well, we’ll see later.

For now, they don’t part on the grandest of terms, but it’s nothing compared to Ki-joon and Yoo-jin. Yoo-jin leaves Ki-joon, saying they need space, and high tails it to Jeju — incidentally, this is where her mother and her second husband and son live. Yoo-jin spends most of her time ignoring Ki-joon and simultaneously wishing he would do something to repair their relationship. Then, she runs into Shi-woo and, because of her little brother, harmlessly tags along while Shi-woo and his teammate prep for the coming storms.

Coming storms aside, the light that shines in these episodes is actually Dong-han’s daughter warming up to him, and our adorable Penguin Couple (who knew Seok-ho could be so smooth!?). For Dong-han, man, this guy can’t win. His daughter is visiting KMS and he’s all proud and excited, and she’s impressed and loving having a dad for once — so much that she willfully eats the thing she’s deathly allergic to: ham.

Although the incident ends awfully — Dong-han chewed out by his wife yet again and left beating himself up for being a terrible father — it was nice to see his relationship with his daughter begin to change. Perhaps there’s a chance with his wife, too? I know she has a lot to be resentful for, but she took his paycheck and lived without him their whole marriage… but now that she has to deal with him in her house and life she wants out? My conclusion is that they need to talk more, because blaming Dong-han for everything (and assuming he’s having an affair) isn’t really a solution.

There’s a big focus on marriage overall this week, which I quite like, even though we see it in varying states of distress. In the end, for all her annoyingness, Ha-kyung’s mom is the one that says it best (to Shi-woo over PPL pizza): marriage isn’t about two complete people being together, but about two incomplete people coming together. It hits him, and maybe, about four episodes from now, he’ll change his mind on marriage?

With Shi-woo off to Jeju, Ha-kyung and Ki-joon have a strangely amicable dinner where they finally find some closure on their relationship by way of complimenting each other’s strengths, and concluding that there were important things that they should have said aloud to each other, but never did.

We eventually reach the present-day timeline, and all things converge at the same time — weather and relationships. With the dangerous typhoons sweeping in, and news of Shi-woo’s accident reaching Seoul, all bets are off. Ha-kyung tries to remain stone-faced, but I’m sure I’m not the only one that saw her team watching to see how she would react. Not that they have time to dwell on it, because Shi-woo’s horrible father comes back with a vengeance (and a wristlet) and makes a scene at the KMA.

Pretending to care about his only son, Shi-woo’s father is clearly only interested in getting a huge amount of monetary compensation for the accident — he doesn’t even make an effort to see how his son really is until Ha-kyung outsmarts him. And soon, she, Ki-joon, and Shi-woo’s dad, are on their way to Jeju.

Ha-kyung is going as the boss and secret lover of Shi-woo, Shi-woo’s dad is going on the pretense of caring about his son’s condition, and Ki-joon has finally put his ego aside and all but begs his boss to let him go. The damage control he’ll do is just a matter of being there; the reason he really wants to go is to talk to Yoo-jin and save his marriage.

As fate would have it, Yoo-jin was there when Shi-woo had the accident — one second she was looking at her phone moping over her husband, and then next there was an explosion outside and Shi-woo was on the ground. Forgive my lack of scientific knowledge, but it looks like they were setting up weather sensors, and they didn’t keep a good look at the pressure gauge. The balloon overfilled and exploded in Shi-woo’s face, quite literally.

And so, it’s Yoo-jin who is with him in the ER, who had called the situation room in Seoul with the news of the accident, and who meets our three travelers when they arrive (and what a frigid meeting it is).

Ha-kyung rushes in to see Shi-woo who’s laying there with a gauze bandage around his eyes (ahh Bulgasal flashbacks!). But their sweet embrace is soon interrupted by his lunatic father, and though our couple might have been heading in the right direction, Ha-kyung’s lack of understanding around his father makes things worse.

Shi-woo and his father have a huge blowout in the hospital and he eventually storms off, with Ha-kyung running after him. Then his father storms off, demanding his compensation. Then Yoo-jin, who has misinterpreted Ki-joon’s presence, also storms off. Poor Ki-joon was being the hero for once (okay, twice — he was great at diffusing the disaster in the situation room too), but it’s all for naught.

The only metaphor for all this mess is a storm sweeping through – and sure enough, a storm is sweeping through. The typhoon is making itself known over Jeju, and to this backdrop, Shi-woo and Ha-kyung have yet another painful conversion… except this one ends with Shi-woo telling her they should break up. As she watches him walk off into the storm, she muses about the hot typhoon colliding with the cold air.


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Thank you, @missvictrix, for another great weecap. I always enjoy your recaps because you are able to articulate how I’m feeling.
Let me start with Dong-Han’s wife. I’ve really had it with her! No matter how you feel about your spouse, you shouldn’t trash him in front of your child. Rather, she should be encouraging the father-daughter relationship.
As far as Ha-kyung and Ki-joon, I’m glad they’re finally getting closure. Seems like they should have always stayed just friends. Their pride and lack of communication was the down fall in their relationship, and now they’re repeating the same mistakes with Shi-woo and Yoo-jin.
Speaking of Shi-woo, I felt so bad for him! The interaction between he and Ha-kyung this week reminded me of Oh Hye-Won and Lee Sun-Jae of Secret Love Affair. I can understand why Shi-woo called it off. Poor guy, he was injured, hurt, and humiliated once again by his worthless father. You could almost feel his misery.
And yes, the Penguin Couple was the bright spot in this weeks episodes.


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Your point about Dong-han's wife and her incredibly in-appropriate behavior in front of their daughter is well taken and perhaps shows us what is really wrong here: Dong-han's wife has been so angry for so long that she has actually become mentally ill- and so cannot even see what she is doing. A divorce may actually be the only way she can ever release that anger and perhaps achieve some sort of peace. I am not a mental health professional, but I do know that therapy cannot fix everything.

I love our Penguin couple too.

As for Shi-woo and his sociopathic father- I know that this goes against core Korean values but Shi-woo needs to disown his father. That may not be possible, but his father is way beyond merely toxic.


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Dong-han's wife got on my nerves this week. I get that she's resentful, but jeez Louise, woman, talk it out with your husband. Isn't that what partners do? It was annoying how she kept making him feel awful, like she took some perverse sort of pleasure in it. Why else would she persist in villainising him? Just had to get that out there.


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Really can't with Dong Han's passive agressive behaviour even more when she is trashing him in front of their daughter...U want your story to end,fine go to file for divorce but don't make your daughter antagonize her father...


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Thanks @missvictrix! These two episodes began to grate for me. I didn't like the way they used the foreshadowing of Shi-woo's accident at the beginning of ep11, but then took till half way through ep12 before revealing it. Foreshadowing when deployed well is excellent; here, the timing was waaaaaay off. The events occurring in between began to feel like an annoyance (when are we going to get to the accident???) and that's not what you need when several pretty important character developments are occurring.

Several characters lack of ability to *literally* speak annoyed me too. Culprit no.1: Ki-joon. Seriously, it was obvious to the world (except Yoo-jin) that he just chucked in that line about coming to Jeju to deal with Dad to diffuse a situation. Yoo-jin directly asked him, "Is that why you came?" I cannot *believe* he just gapes at her at that point, allows her to collect her bag and leave the hospital without saying, "No, I came for you." Seriously, not hard. Don't buy he was speechless at that moment - if he came to fight for his marriage, then fight, you moron!!!! Culprit no.2: Dong-han. Wife lays all the blame for everything at your feet and you just keep apologising but not explaining. Yes, there is guilt and wrongdoing here, but the martyr act is wearing thin now. *Talk* to her and help her to see where you coming from, maybe? Culprit no.3: doctors. Seriously, you have a patient who is deeply distressed by the arrival of his father to the point where he's sobbing (can't be good for the eye issue?) and you don't remove said reason for distress from the room? Further, you have the father slapping the son on the face when he's hospitalised for an eye/facial injury and you all stand and gape rather than protect the patient? Seriously...

Finally, the introductory/concluding voiceover began to irritate me. Some of the weather imagery feels a bit heavy-handed, but fair enough, they're using it as a central thread. But when we start being told that typhoons bring roads with no knowledge of what lies ahead, nope, that's everyday life. We all got up today and didn't know what lies ahead. I struggle when the voiceovers try to make deeply-meaningful-points but end up floundering in their own pretentiousness - and it felt like they fell into this territory this week.

Heheheheh! Rant over - clearly I, too, need to get my internal AC fixed and calm down... :)


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I agree with your assessment wholeheartedly. Everyone appears to have been rendered mute. It’s exasperating.


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I love the voiceovers, but I agree with you about characters losing their ability to speak this week. Miscommunication happen in life all the time, but they really seem to be dragging things this week. I've been enjoying FLAW, and this week's episodes were frustrating, especially the whole hospital scene which was felt like they were trying to torture Shi-woo. I'm disappointed in Ha-kyung not protecting or speaking up for Shi-woo when he was hurt and in distress from his dirtbag dad. Are you in love with this guy or not? Shi-woo spoke up for when Ha-kyung's mom was ranting about marriage. And the doctors are useless.


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Thanks. You are ranting for many of us! Don't fix your internal AC, just replace it with a heat pump, to better vent your responses!


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I agree with all you have said- and that slap on the face of a person with those injuries should have resulted in the father's arrest- but then again so should his bursting into a secure area at Headquarters and raising a ruckus. Why didn't Security handle this? Dad should have been sitting in jail instead of being flown to Jeju Island. Those swings he took at people are worthy of simple assault charges. You can bet that these would not be his first crimes.

I am particularly appalled that Ki-joon went to Jeju to fight for his marriage but then did not do it. Of course, I had long since come to the conclusion that he is indeed a moron so I cannot be surprised at this. I really pity Yoo-jin: First, she wasted years on Shi-woo and then she hooks up with Ki-joon. Maybe she betrayed her country in a previous life?

As for Dong-han? I am not sure that there is anything that he could really say that would make a difference. For all his wife's in-appropriate behavior she did get the basic truth right: Dong-han really did get too comfortable being away from his family and avoiding any real family problems or even regular interaction. His wife may be angry to the point of being sick but the hard truth is that he made a bad choice to continue this when he finally reached the point where he no long had to do. No explanations can change this simple fact.


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I agree that the voice overs are now really irritating and annoying and also about the foreshadowing.

But I find it a bit disappointing how much Dong-han's wife is made into a villain. It is almost impossible to not dislike her. Why should we feel sorry for My Joong-yo with her 'studying' husband, but not for her? Both their husbands pursue their careers single minded and expect the rest of the family to pick up the pieces by themselves. Dong-han has been an absent husband and father for 10 years - that is a very long time. The pay cheque alone is not enough to sustain a marriage, he has very obviously not made the effort to have a family life. His wife's fault may have been to allow him to be this way and hiding from him the damage he is causing and her anger about it. Now it is all sadly blowing up in an ugly way and he is made to look as the victim.


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I so agree about Dong-han's wife! I understand people are frustrated with her, but she did calmly and clearly articulate her feelings to her husband back in ep. 2 or 3, and then he decided to leave rather than work to hash things out. And that has obviously been his default all along. So I can't blame her for her anger and her hurt, and although it seems like writer's sympathy is resting more with Dong-han (because there are more emotionally poignant scenes of him being lonely or, conversely, joyful to connect with his daughter), I struggle to understand his actions. Frankly, I have no idea why these two didn't separate years ago; how can you have a marriage--or any relationship--when you're this physically and emotionally distant?


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Yes, he just leaves and is not trying to rebuild bridges. Also with the daughter. He only engages with her when she turns up at his work place, he did not take the first step, ask her to go for a meal, shopping (what daughter would say no to that?) or the cinema or else, probably because his initial attempts at home were swiftly rejected. It needs to be made easy for him!


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I believe that if he had made real efforts to, first, listen to his wife and then stuck around to show her and his daughter that he's truly committed to being there for them, that they would have been receptive. Might he have been made to feel uncomfortable or rejected from time to time? Sure, but that's to be expected considering his actions in the past. It bugs me that he doesn't seem to get this.


You just about summed it up for me. I found this week's episodes quite frustrating, with most of the characters grating on my nerves...seriously hoping for some quick resolutions next week in a more straightforward time line.


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I've been enjoying the work camaraderie as well as the progression of Ha Kyung and Ki Joon's post mortem of their relationship. What is killing me- nearly every conflict in this show is based on people who won't listen and people who won't explain. Seriously, 90% of the conflict in this show could be solved with a conversation between characters that would take an hour max. They are torturing themselves needlessly. What make this worse is that they keep discovering that communication is important. If they were truly intelligent, they could apply this knowledge by having a candid conversation with the person they care about. Worst offenders- Si Woo, Ha Kyung, Yoo Jin, Hyang Rae (Dong Han's wife).

My current MVPs- 1.) Ki Joon oddly. He's turning it a round a bit. He's also analyzing and explaining. Good start! 2.) Dong Han and Bon Mi. Thanks for giving it a go, guys! 3.) Team Penguin. Both are terrible communicators but they are doin the best they can, unlike everyone else.

Final thoughts as I shout it the void- the parents on this show are awful. Ha Kung's mom is crazy and controlling. Si Woo's dad should be in prison for how many crimes he commits during this show. Myung-Joo's mother in law and husband are ridiculous. He's a dad. He needs to dad and study. MIL needs to tell her son to parent.

And with that, I note, I'm still watching and waiting for these crazy kids to get their acts together.


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Thank you, @missvictrix, for the weecap. Yes, I love Mom describing what a marriage is: two people working together to make it work. And the key to that is what Ha-kyung and Ki-jun learned: communication, learning to describe your feelings instead of just taking it all in and then blowing up!


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I don't know how many time I said Shi-woo please just Grow Up!
There are times when work related stuff become top priorities, and there are times when family and your self are the top priorities.
Knowing to differ which one is at each time is the sign you are an adult.


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Believe me when he started making issues about why he is the one going to Jeju I made some solid reasons in my head as to why he had to go.
1. Assistant Director Oh can't go as she as to deal with her family.
2. Same as Senior Forecaster Um.
Asking Assistant Director Shin is like pleading to a rock and Kim Su-jin clearly knows it's stress. Besides it looks like they have been there before for the same role. So when he began making it about himself and their relationship, I rolled my eyes over and over.


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I was cheering when I see the preview Ha kyung is asking for break up. 😆
Nothing wrong just being supportive noona and dongsaeng


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I am desperately rooting for them to break up and never make up (my very first time of being especially pro break up in a movie).
I really wish and hope they introduce a new casted character as a possible romantic interest for Jin Hae-Kyung. MUF did it for Chu Ja-hyun's Eun-joo and I loved it.


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I can't believe Ki-jun was the best part of these episodes up until the moment when mysteriously lost his ability to talk to his wife after travelling all the way to Jeju. Smh


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This is a pretty bad show. Love everyone in it, but yikes - I thought it was a script that had been inexplicably shoehorned into a setting (the weather center), but now I’m thinking this whole thing got sold as a show that had a few strong storylines but the writer hadn’t actually thought much about how they would braid together.

So now we have a wildly off-pace script with painful weather metaphors sprinkled in. I’m going to drop for a while, come back when I can FF-binge the end of this.


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What a relief to know I'm not the only one who feels this way 😔. This week's episodes were particularly egregious. I'll probably also FF-binge the last 4 episodes.


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My feelings exactly! Smh! I trusted PMY tho but it'a just overall a bad show, bad writing all-around. Sad.


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While it may be true that senior forecaster's wife should have brought these things up earlier, or tried to divorce earlier, I feel so bad for her. That's her only mistake. I have no sympathy for senior forecaster. It seems like the only thing he puts effort into is his forecasting. Lousy in everything else. I have grown so annoyed at him, I don't care for this story line anymore. Poor daughter. It is so frustrating to see everyone hate on the wife. She's been harsh, but I can't imagine living through the decade she had to live through. And then have her husband, a stranger at this point, walk in through the doors acting as if this has been his home all along. Sitting around shirtless as if anyone wants to see a stranger in their home behaving like that. He wants the happiness of family without listening to what his wife and daughter actually want.


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I’m fine with the mom divorcing him. I’m fine with her telling him to live somewhere else.

I’m very NOT-fine with her telling a daughter to avoid her her father, when the kid clearly wants to know him. Especially as it’s pretty clear the mom is going to frame it as the daughter’s “choice”.


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I definitely agree that forcing her daughter away from her father is not okay at all. As long there is no abuse between the father and daughter she has no right to do that.


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That is true in the case of Dong Han marriage...I still consider a two ways fault and not just him even when anyone can see he is far from innocent in all this...

I also have a friend in a somehow similar situation where her husband is beraly at home because of his work but guess what,they talked it out and she moved to the city he will be staying for the upcoming years because she cares about her marriage that much...


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Waow, the last episode was really bad.

I didn't understand the choice of telling the story with flashbacks, it didn't bring anything, it was quite the opposite. I don't like flashbacks in the flashbacks neither.

The couple of Dong-Han : both of them are responsible for what happened. They let the situation becoming like this. My issue with the wife is like she acts with the daughter, telling she doesn't want her to go to KMA, etc. Her and her daughter are 2 different things. I dont' know if it was her plan, but the daughter had a bad idea to think if she ended up in the hospital, her parents would reconcile. It was quite the opposite.

Shi-Woo's father : everything with him was completely stupid. I don't understand why Ha-Kyung could think it was a good idea to take him see his son? I mean if she really wanted to help, she should have call the Police because the guy entered in a restricted zone in time of crisis.

The couple is boring... I don't know why their issue is the marriage when they just started to date after one night stand and a long previous relationship. They should take things step by step, but they're rushing and it doesn't make any sense.


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Been wandering around on trope/cliche websites so I can't help but see them everywhere. However I had to laugh when the "breaking up in a rainstorm" trope was next leveled to "breaking up in a TYPHOON". Pretty sure the writing team did not intend for the audience to laugh. Maybe they should?
Also harrumphed at the use of hydrogen in the weather balloon. There are two gasses that are lighter than air and will allow the balloon to rise up through the atmosphere. The other is helium, which if it leaks just makes people talk funny. Hydrogen is extremely explosive and, while it's used every day in launches from weather stations, it is an obviously dangerous choice when lightning is present (think Hindenburg Disaster).
Have to agree that the last ep was pretty weak but I can't give up on the show..., yet. Wish PMY would channel her inner sparky snap and cease looking so wobegon.


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Thanks @missvictrix for the recap and all the great comments.
First I am still convinced FL&W should have been a 12 episode drama. There is just not enough (certainly based on the lack of communication between the characters so far) to justify 16 episodes. Maybe we should be grateful we are in today’s kdrama world because 5 or 6 years ago this might have been a 20 episode drama. For a cable drama FL&W’s ratings are decent and holding. Overall I am still enjoying it.

@kate88hammond, FormAnOrderlyQueue, may I concur in your excellent analysis?

A positive thought: I think the conversation between Ha-kyung’s mom and Shi-woo during the pizza dinner may have been the best dialogue the writer has given to Kim Mi-kyung (mom) in the whole drama. Lol for once KMK was having a heart-to-heart with a young man rather than a daughter. She may be pivoting and seeing the handsome Shi-woo as a potential son-in-law. If anyone (based on her own experience) had a right to be jaded on marriage it is her but she still believes.
A negative thought: I agree with @oldawyer, Shi-woo’s old man (I don’t even want to look up his name) should never been brought to Jeju. After the ruckus at the KMA he should have been sitting on his butt in jail. Yoo-jin was right in calling out Ha-kyung on bringing that guy.
Since he made it to Jeju, after assaulting his son in the hospital he should have been sitting in jail in Jeju. No intervention by multiple witnesses! No calling the police!
(In pre-production a fat red line should have gone through the Shi-woo/father plot line imo.)


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FLAW is hitting the wrong spots. The two couples are nothing to root for at the moment.
Senior Forecaster Um needs to sit his wife down and discuss them. She is angry with her husband, but is insensitive to the feelings of her daughter. The girl wants to be with her dad and enjoy his love despite his age long absence. I definitely saw her eyes beam with pride as she witnessed her father being praised as Korea's Best Meteorologist. However,he didn't have current information which lead to a fatal situation and she just plain told him not to even try to be a father. That's unacceptable.

You find sending a message to your girlfriend when she's having a national meeting okay but you say she's drawing a line with you at work when it's her turn. I for one would have given a scold immediately the meeting ended, but no, no consequences for you. But then you make a back and forth about an official duty you decided to do. Behaviors of this sort is why in the medical field, Attendings don't date Residents, and why I find their conversation about his going to Jeju as superficial. Chu Min-ha and Jang Gyeo-ul in Hospital Playlist dated their immediate work superiors, and never did they display this level of 'i can't even name it' Shi-woo did this week. Even if you're my boyfriend, there's a rank we cannot both erase or hierarchy is destroyed and we'll both be in deep shit with authority, get that into your skull.

That said, our third couple is goals. A win for Seok-hu and Tae-kyung.


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'Attendings don't date Residents' 😄 They do it after they are both not the attending and the residents anymore ha ha ha or ....... finding one from other departments 🤣


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They date when the resident becomes an attending as well. The rank becomes the same. Or different departments as you said.

I watched a movie where a character (resident) was complaining to a fellow doctor about the decisions his girlfriend(attending) made professionally and it's quite kinda similar like what Jae-kyung did in FLAW, the response he got was 'She is your attending and you should not forget that'.


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Honestly, they complicate things that are pretty simple. He's one going to Jeju because he's the last member in the team. But after, she was doubting and sending weird messages... He was leaving for a short period of time too, why they made a big deal?
Sending messages during the reunion was so stupid. It wasn't his first time neither.

Both of them are unable to separate their professionnal and private life.


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If it weren't for miscommunication, misunderstanding and jumping to conclusions, it wouldn't be drama. :) That's what I keep telling myself. So instead of getting frustrated, I just wait to see what comes next.

As far as meddling moms and such, the worst mom is from Something In The Rain. Bar none, IMO. Parents meddle. I detested it when my parents did it to me and vowed never to do it to my kids. Well, I have to admit that these thoughts have crossed my mind "Gee, she seems sweet, smart, ..., comes from a good family. We get along with her parents, ... Why doesn't he date her?" It's just human nature.

I'm officiating a swim meet all weekend so I'll binge the last 4 episodes next weekend. Personally, I wouldn't mind if there were more episodes because this is more reflective of life. So many dramas are about the chase, which admittedly is exciting. This is refreshing because it shows the couples (trying) to work out issues (not very well, at the moment).

All in!!


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DEFINITELY agree about the Mom in Something in the Rain being the absolute WORST!


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But the same actress played a very understanding mom in One Spring Night!!


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Shi Woo is just ANNOYING. He should be aware that he is the most at convenient and hoobae in the team,of course he should go.To relate it to Ha Kyung not going all in the relationship?hah! His passive aggressive behavior really getting on my nerves.I just roll my eyes throughout the episode.It never about you,like what the hell.Its a job,its an order from your superior.go and stop sulking!I am totally annoyed at him and seriously don't care about him anymore.Ha Kyung is spot on calling you a kid because you are!
Another one is about senior forecaster's wife.I know you had it hard,practically alone throughout your marriage.But your daughter needs her father in her life,and apparently she wants him too.why are you trying to sabotage their relationship?End things with him all you want but leave your daughter to bond with her estranged father.You just let your daughter became collateral damage in your dying relationship,and it is such a shitty thing to do as a mother!


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I do not understand why both these episodes made it seem like everything was Ha Kyung's fault when clearly Si Woo is the one who is being clingy and pathetic.

In ep 9-10, Si Woo revealed he has no belief in marriage and so Ha Kyung reassessed her end goals in a relationship and decided to take it one day at a time, but he is so insecure that he get enraged over Ha Kyung's professionalism of drawing a clear line between work and romance, when clearly she had been doing from episode 1.

I am beginning to feel these two people are at crossroads and won't work out as a couple because their emotional maturity is totally different. He is young, wants to flaunt his romance and not settle. Ha Kyung has seen more in life, is level headed and wants a support system.

If anything the drama is doing a good job of, it is the romance between Seok Ho and Tae Kyung and depicting asians as close to real life as possible, which is nagging their kids about marriage and wives being at the receiving end of short stick called "marriage" ( Myung Joo taking care of both her home and office, Forecaster Um's wife Hyang Rae etc.,)


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I feel like it’s because she doesn’t even seem sad about it. It’s the script. At least say why you’d send him (cuz he does good work and it’s good for career) and how she’ll be very sad about it. But she didn’t do that.


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I continue to love this drama because it’s about adult relationships. I like how he always shares what he feels. And they talk it out.

The ML says he goes all in. And that nicely contrasted with the older guy who always runs away fr his problems. It’s no wonder his wife wants to divorce him.

But the drama is starting to drag a little. I wish they’d make progress on the dad sub plot.


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The ounce of hope that I had that this show might still somehow get better are all gone now with this set of episodes. The writing of the characters is confusing as heck, I am confused at the leads, the dad had me roll my eyes, the plot in itself is scattered and feels disjointed, I had said it previously but this set of episodes took the cake: the voice over and their attempts to parallel the weather and the story were frustatingly inconsistent: I literally cound not understand anything about what they meant. It such a waste of potential! I trusted PMY with choosing her scripts though. I just wish I had not started it, because now I feel like I have to finish it. Sometimes I wonder what really happens to those writers. A drama or documentary should explore that. I would love to hear about this writer and the one from do do sol sol la la sol. I have the same feeling I had with that one and I nvr ended up finishing!


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It's really getting hard to watch this drama at this point. The writing is terrible. The voiceover only makes the story more confusing. Nobody is communicating so nobody knows about anything. Since when sending si woo to jeju is about ha kyung trying to put distance in their relationship? She told si woo that she is reconsidering about needing to get married which should align with si woo's views. And that point of ha kyung putting her past relationship into her current one is just bonkers. There's nothing in their relationship that can be considered just loving moderately. And she acted like she was caught red handed. I'm just very frustrated with the writing in this drama. They started strong but it keeps going downhill afterwards


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Thanks for the review--really like your entertaining style.

Can't believe that Lee Si-Woo's long bangs didn't get singed in that hydrogen balloon explosion! ;-)


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"Ha-kyung brings Ki-joon into it all the time. Ha-kyung denies (and I kinda agreed with her)"

I agree completely, instead, but also realize that he is doing the same with his own ex. To be quite clear, there is literally zero reason for either of the traitors to be in their lives, or for their victims to want them to be there. I agree completely with the point about the hurt he caused tainting her next relationship. I would say that they both were scarred by their past, however, and I find this hesitation on the part of the female lead perfectly understandable, even though it's clear that the male lead is not the same kind of bottom feeder scum as the second ML and second FL


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"Ha-kyung and Ki-joon have a strangely amicable dinner where they finally find some closure on their relationship by way of complimenting each other’s strengths, and concluding that there were important things that they should have said aloud to each other, but never did."

And this is where her strong female character goes to die. Trash writing. She witnessed him having sex with his mistress in front of her, in their own home and their own bed. He betrayed her physically, emotionally and financially. He stalked her and acted like a jealous, violent man-child. The fact that they might have had issues is besides the point (and the things she is taking onto herself as "issues" wouldn't be seen as issues if their roles were reversed... she was doing his job for him, and paying for most of what they had, he couldn't stand the fact that she had a career and couldn't always be available? Please, we see how he treats his current wife -no concerns for her desires, he pretends they don't conflict with his wishes, in this case is male ego's insecurity-.

I can't stand the female lead having no self respect, morally equivocating and talking about the relationship at large, rather than his betrayal. Particularly after the step forward she did in the first episodes to show that he had no right to mistreat her the way he did.

This is victim blaming. Cat calling should not be addressed by dressing more conservatively. One's dress might be appropriate or not, but that's besides the point. Same with his physical/emotional/financial betrayal, self entitlement (expecting her to help him with his job, and at the same time gaslighting her), stalking, etc. The main point is not whether they were compatible. Maybe they were not, but they did not part amicably. And that's the point: did she deserve the horrific betrayal he put her through, his attempt to take her house and appliances (which she mostly paid with her money), even attempting to scam her, his stalking and meddling? No. Full stop. Him being unhappy != him betraying her. Her not being perfect != her not deserving love and != her getting hurt/humiliated/betrayed... and no, he did not do this to be with his current wife. He had the intention to cancel the wedding, so he could have broken things off and *then* gone out with his current wife. He chose to betray someone he knew for 10 years and was abut to marry, instead. Even blaming her for acting like a victim (she is) and people calling him two-timing scum (he is). And certainly her having a relationship with whoever she wants does not change this.


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These episodes were a mess, and both the writer and director were at fault. Setting up the narrative in flashback just made the whole thing muddled and confused. And exactly why are they breaking up? Its not at all clear. I know we will eventually find out more about what they are both thinking, but again, the writer/director choosing to keep us ignorant here just throws us out of the story. Very sad, as I was enjoying it till now. The weather/environment stuff remains good. Impressed that they had actual footage of a sonde launching. I can't read the credits, but they must have had cooperation from the actual KMA, they are doing so well with the details. But sigh-of-the-week is- No PPE (personal protective equipment) while dealing with a hydrogen launch? And they are launching off a tossing boat that has aerial obstructions? And of course, its K-drama, so it explodes in his face but no visible burns, and no bruises from being knocked about on the boat


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