Vincenzo: Episode 15

Our leads get thrown a major curveball that calls for a new strategy. Thankfully, our consigliere has a secret weapon that could be a game changer. We get more undercover hijinks from our team – this time involving the impersonation of a shaman – that once again puts Babel in a tight spot and makes the chairman more determined than ever to see his ex-Mafia foe suffer.


One of the hitmen relays Paolo’s message that so long as Vincenzo shows him respect, his death will be painless. Vincenzo shoots that down, and right as the man prepares to shoot, Inzaghi the pigeon makes an appearance. He calls all his birdy friends who rise up and swarm the men. (I swear, I’m not making this up.)

Vincenzo takes advantage of the chaos to grab one of the men and uses his gun to shoot his companion. He uses the second man as a shield when the third shoots, and then Vincenzo shoots the third man dead. With the crisis averted, Vincenzo watches pigeon Inzaghi fly off into the night.

Vincenzo meets Cha-young on the stairs and prevents her from going up. He suggests they drink in the office because of all the pigeon poop on the roof. When she blames Inzaghi, Vincenzo gets all offended on behalf of his bird savior.

Thanks to Jipuragi’s scheme, Prosecutor Jung now has the financial files and makes his way to arrest Joon-woo who’s currently at Ragusang Gallery. Myung-hee encourages Joon-woo to flee the country, so he has Han-seo book him a flight to New York.

Joon-woo’s calm lasts all of a few minutes, and then he’s destroying the beloved “Nothing” artwork in a rage while Director Jung cries. Elsewhere, Vincenzo’s minions clean up the roof and report that Myung-hee’s number was in one of the men’s phones. Vincenzo makes a call to Luca.

At the gallery, Myung-hee receives a photo of the three men dead – they failed again. She apologizes to Joon-woo, ignoring Han-seo’s mocking smile. Before Joon-woo can leave for the airport, Prosecutor Jung and his team arrive with a warrant and take Joon-woo away in handcuffs.

That night, Vincenzo feeds Inzaghi on his windowsill and laughs off the idea a bird could’ve intentionally saved him. He gets an excited text from Cha-young about Joon-woo’s arrest and Prosecutor Jung’s upcoming press conference to announce it.

Later that night, Cha-young takes out the scarf Kyung-ja made her and opens the letter Kyung-ja had asked her to read later. As she reads, Cha-young begins to cry.

The following day, all the tenants gather excitedly at Jipuragi to watch the press conference. Everyone stares in shock when Prosecutor Jung claims that he let his “personal feelings” get in the way and falsely accused Babel. He apologizes to the public and Joon-woo and announces all charges will be dropped and the investigation closed.

Cha-young hurls her coffee mug at the TV and storms out. Vincenzo follows, trying to talk her down. She wants to make Prosecutor Jung pay for his betrayal, but Vincenzo argues they’ll only hurt themselves by reacting emotionally.

Chief Prosecutor Hwang is pleased with Prosecutor Jung’s backtracking and intends to promote him after a short suspension for appearance’s sake. Prosecutor Jung asks for guards for him and his family in case the Mafia comes for him.

In a flashback, he’d offered to make all the charges go away for Joon-woo. He’d been biding his time, waiting until he had enough evidence to present this deal to Babel. Prosecutor Jung asked to be made prosecutor general and even told Joon-woo about the Guillotine file to seal the deal.

When Prosecutor Jung arrives home, he finds the guards incapacitated. He runs upstairs in a panic and sees Vincenzo sitting at the table, chatting with his wife and daughter. Vincenzo even cooked them dinner.

Outside, Prosecutor Jung offers to do anything if Vincenzo will spare him and his family. Vincenzo remarks that you know someone has gone to the dark side when they lose all sense of shame. He yanks Prosecutor Jung to the ground by his tie and vows to let him have all he’s wanted – and then he’ll kill him.

Meanwhile, Joon-woo orders Han-seo to set up a meeting with CEO Oh of Deachang Daily. Joon-woo is planning to publicize their electric car battery (which isn’t complete) to raise Babel’s stock price, and then they’ll back out of making the cars later. Joon-woo also commands Han-seo to make sure Director Jung doesn’t talk.

At Geumga Plaza, the tenants realize that they’ve gotten invested in the Babel case. Before, they were too busy with their own lives to worry about stuff like that. Cheol-wook and Yeon-jin even confess that they’ve changed their minds and are planning to try to have a baby.

Elsewhere, Cha-young takes Vincenzo with her to shop for a purse for Kyung-ja. Cha-young got the okay from the doctor and plans to take Kyung-ja out for a bit. She asks Vincenzo to help her pick something out and smiles as she watches him.

Over coffee, Cha-young tells Vincenzo he should give his mother the purse since he bought it. So she does know. Vincenzo freezes for a second and guesses her father told her, but Cha-young says she worked it out herself from the way he’s been helping Kyung-ja.

Cha-young doesn’t like to interfere, but she’s worried Vincenzo will live with regret. She encourages him to openly talk with his mom and admit he’s her son before she passes.

When they give Kyung-ja the purse, Cha-young makes sure to say that Vincenzo took an hour picking it out himself. Kyung-ja loves it, but she worries taking her out will be an inconvenience to them. Cha-young clarifies that she’s not going – Vincenzo is the one who will be taking her out. Kyung-ja stares at him with wide eyes.

Kyung-ja stops them before they leave: she’s decided she wants a retrial. She’s always wanted a retrial but didn’t have enough courage to go through with it. Now that death is approaching, she finally has the courage.

Cha-young defers to Vincenzo, leaving it up to him whether Jipuragi takes on the retrial. Vincenzo looks at his mom for a long while before agreeing. Kyung-ja lets out a sigh of relief and thanks them.

Meanwhile, Joon-woo meets with CEO Oh who is a long-time partner of Babel’s. CEO Oh thinks what Joon-woo is doing with the stocks is risky, but Joon-woo asks that he just keep doing for him what he used to do for his father.

At Geumga Plaza, Director Jung visits CEO Park’s hot-air balloon operation – Soo-nam gave her a business card – hoping to flee to Taiwan. Director Jung is desperate enough to even risk ending up in some random location because it’s a freaking balloon.

Over at Jipuragi, after seeing their stock price jump, Cha-young rails about how Babel just keeps getting richer. She thinks Vincenzo should’ve punished Prosecutor Jung for making this possible, but Vincenzo assures her all in good time.

Joo-sung brings up the possibility that Prosecutor Jung is playing the double agent and is a good guy, but Cha-young thinks that’s ridiculous. Vincenzo blasely states they don’t need Prosecutor Jung when he has the Guillotine file.

He’d managed to slip it in his pocket before they’d tossed the gold bars back in the room. Joo-sung is ready to release the file to the world, but Vincenzo and Cha-young have other ideas. Releasing it wouldn’t get any of the corrupt officials punished. They need to use it as the creators intended – as blackmail.

At Wusang, Attorney Han muses that Prosecutor Jung must’ve struck a deal with Joon-woo using more than just the financial evidence. But he and Han-seo can’t figure out what else he might have. Regardless, Joon-woo is consolidating his power which spells trouble for them.

The Jipuragi team opens the Guillotine file for the first time and marvels at the amount of information gathered. Vincenzo’s plan is to focus on getting Babel and Daechang Daily to destroy each other using the intel from the file.

As they start looking into their targets, Han-seo waltzes into their office. He gives this awkward little wave and says he’s likes their shabby office. Pfft. He even bought them expensive coffee as a gift.

While Han-seo crashes Jipuragi, Joon-woo lets Myung-hee in on the fact that Vincenzo has all that gold and the Guillotine file. She comments that whether he’s lucky or talented, Vincenzo is impressive. Joon-woo decides to focus on demolishing Geumga Plaza to get the file and promises to share the gold with Myung-hee.

Han-seo decides to try a different tactic since Vincenzo doesn’t do familial betrayal. Now he’s arguing that he’s just trying to set Babel on the straight and narrow. No more of this killing business. And he knows only Jipuragi is suited to getting rid of his brother so he can run the company all legal like.

Vincenzo and Cha-young grin like Han-seo is being adorable and entertain his unlikely story. Why should he run Babel? Han-seo responds like he’s in an interview, talking about how he’s been studying and reading all sorts of things now.

He even lets Vincenzo quiz him, and although he gets every question wrong, he answers with enthusiasm. Vincenzo tells him to come back once he’s studied more; only smart people can join their team. Han-seo mumbles about the unfairness but clearly intends to study and come back. After he leaves, Cha-young asks if Vincenzo will really accept Han-seo. Vincenzo just smiles.

Over drinks, Joon-woo wonders what he should take from Vincenzo to make him suffer. Myung-hee suggests looking into his family, and she actually has to explain to Joon-woo that for normal people, their families are important. He agrees they should start there, then.

The Jipuragi team has lunch at Hee-soo’s place, and Joo-sung looks a mess. He’s been reading the file nonstop and tells them how awful CEO Oh of Daechang Daily is. Despite being caught on CCTV killing his older brother, he was acquitted; the intelligence agency got ahold of the footage and used it to cut a deal.

Joo-sung also discovered that CEO Oh takes his trusted shaman’s advice on everything from busines to family matters. Unfortunately for him, he’s unaware that this shaman is a former cult leader with a record for sexual harassment and fraud.

Cut to the shaman tied to a chair on the roof with Cheol-wook and Team Leader Ahn guarding him. Vincenzo saunters over with his indestructible lighter while Cheol-wook holds a bottle of lighter fluid.

Next, the tenants hold a vote for who will play the role of shaman in their upcoming operation. To his disappointment, Vincenzo gets voted in unanimously.

The following day, CEO Oh is dismayed when his shaman tells him the gods have left him, and he can no longer commune with the spirits. He refers to him a powerful shaman he knows instead.

CEO Oh walks into Geumga Plaza and finds several of the tenants waiting in line for this renowned shaman. They created a shrine where Vincenzo sits holding a bouquet of white flowers. He looks picturesque, robed in white with a flower in his hair.

Vincenzo angers CEO Oh by telling him to get out – he doesn’t have time to talk to a dead man. He then acts like he’s CEO Oh’s dead brother and starts convulsing. CEO Oh flips out when Vincenzo grabs him and says over and over that he’s cold.

Once he calms down, CEO Oh is ready to listen to whatever Vincenzo tells him. Vincenzo calls him weak and asks if he wants to know what will kill him. In red ink, Cha-young solemnly writes “Babel” on a piece of paper and dramatically holds it up.

Vincenzo warns that CEO Oh will die if he doesn’t cut ties with Babel and “completely trample” them. CEO Oh balks at that, so Cha-young holds up a paper with “5” written on it: the number of his remaining days. CEO Oh is convinced and terrified.

After their little performance, the Jipuragi team goes back to the office, and Joo-sung shares something he found in the Guillotine file. In case he wasn’t psychopathic enough already, Joon-woo apparently killed four classmates before he graduated high school.

For minor infractions, Joon-woo would make kids jump off the roof, hunt them down in the woods, or strangle them. He used to brag about killing them and even kept their watches as trophies.

After Joon-woo was diagnosed as a psychopath, his father sent him off to the States. Joon-woo’s abuse of Han-seo has led to him seeing a therapist for years and likely is what caused him to start doing drugs. Their father covered everything up, naturally.

CEO Oh’s paper publishes a story about how Babel made false claims to inflate their stock prices, and now Babel’s stock price is plummeting. A livid Joon-woo calls CEO Oh who says the paper is going in an honest direction now and berates him for not running his company better.

At the “shrine,” CEO Oh is horrified to discover his days are still numbered. Vincenzo tells him that he needs to relieve the spirits of those who can’t move on because of Joon-woo and expose the chairman’s evil deeds.

Shocked, CEO Oh asks if Joon-woo has killed someone. Vincenzo rolls his eyes back in his head and starts convulsing. He drops to his knees and begins begging Joon-woo not to hurt him. CEO Oh screams in terror.

Cue the news reporting about Joon-woo’s murdering spree in his school years and how he was never held accountable. People are even petitioning online for Joon-woo to be punished.

At first, Joon-woo suspects Han-seo of leaking the info since no one else would know about his childhood, but Han-seo points out the coverage is disparaging him too, calling him a crazy drug user. The only other people who knew were their father, the head detective, and the head prosecutor, all of whom are dead.

Someone photographs CEO Oh as he makes another visit to Vincenzo’s “shrine.” He’s relieved to the point of tears when Vincenzo tells him fate has spared his life thanks to his brave efforts.

That night, Young-woon asks Vincenzo to meet him in the Geumga Plaza parking lot. While he waits for Vincenzo, a car almost bowls him over and a group of masked men jump out to attack him. Vincenzo shows up in the nick of time, and they fight off the three men together. Young-woo guesses Prosecutor Jung sent them.

Meanwhile, Myung-hee shows Joon-woo the photos of CEO Oh at the “shrine” at Geumga Plaza. Joon-woo is again impressed by Vincenzo, but they still can’t figure out how he learned of Joon-woo’s past. Myung-hee is close when she supposes it’s linked to the intelligence agency.

Myung-hee briefs Joon-woo on her findings about Vincenzo’s family, and Joon-woo is thrilled to learn about Kyung-ja’s situation and that Cha-young just filed for a retrial. Myung-hee is trying to find where Kyung-ja is being treated.

Outside the plaza, Young-woon tells Vincenzo that he met Prosecutor Jung through his job at the intelligence agency five years prior. After learning about the Guillotine file, they decided to work together to root out corruption.

Young-woon has been suspicious of Prosecutor Jung’s motives for months, and now he’s betrayed him too. Prosecutor Jung knows where the gold and the file is, so he’ll surely try to demolish Geumga Plaza.

While Cha-young watches over Kyung-ja at the hospital that night, Vincenzo returns to find someone broke into their office. He chases the man up to the roof but loses sight of him. As he looks around, a body hits the ground behind him.

Vincenzo slowly makes his way toward the body and sees it’s CEO Oh. Suddenly, police surround Vincenzo and announce he’s under arrest for CEO Oh’s murder. He’s been setup.


How many times are people going to get arrested in this drama? I probably should be more worried about Vincenzo getting setup for murder, but at this point, I just kind of expect these things to happen and assume he’ll get out of it. Maybe Inzaghi’s flock of pigeons will descend and carry Vincenzo off to safety. I know this drama isn’t what you’d call realistic, but watching pigeons organize and launch a targeted attack was on another level of ridiculous. Speaking of the attack, I need to make a correction. My prediction that I’d at some point mix up characters’ names came true: Paolo, not Emilio, is the name of Vincenzo’s brother, which makes that whole plotline a lot less confusing. Sorry for the mixup!

Rivaling the number of arrests in this drama is the number of betrayals. I was hoping my half-joking prediction Prosecutor Jung would turn out to be an evil boss in disguise wouldn’t be right, but alas. At this point, I expect everyone to be terrible, so it would’ve been more surprising to have Prosecutor Jung as a solid good guy. Like Joo-sung posited, I guess it’s possible he’s doing a double cross, but it seems more likely he’s just greedy like the rest. Honestly, it’d be a bit much if they did the twist of him being evil only to have another twist of him actually being good this whole time. I like a good twist, but when you have everyone constantly switching sides or having fake identities, it gets tiring.

Okay, I know he’s got his issues, but Han-seo is kind of adorable. I so want Vincenzo to let him into the team. I mean, he’s studying and everything! Even Cha-young and Vincenzo struggled to keep a straight face while he tried so hard to impress them. He’s like a little kid who’s desperate for some positive affirmation and just needs someone to keep him on the right track. Joon-woo has kept Han-seo under his thumb since he was a wee murderous lad, so who knows what Han-seo could be like out from under his psychopathic brother’s influence? I had wondered why Joon-woo was out of the picture for so long, but now that we know his father sent him away because he was getting too murder happy, it all makes sense. Why is it that every drama these days has to have a serial killer running amuck? They’ve migrated from crime dramas into pretty much all genres now, and I’m getting serial killer fatigue. You can only see so many violent psychopaths before they start to lose their impact.

And we know serial killers must go after the lead’s family for maximum suffering. I knew Myung-hee, and therefore Joon-woo, would find out about Vincenzo’s mother before long. There’s no way that connection would stay hidden forever. Despite their rocky relationship, we’ve already seen that Vincenzo doesn’t let anyone get away with going after Kyung-ja. They’re finally warming up to each other and starting to heal, so she’d better not die before they have a chance to talk things out. Let’s hope Vincenzo and Cha-young have some protections in place or at least find out what the evil duo is up to in time to prevent them. With all the murders in this drama, it’d be nice if at least one parental figure isn’t offed.


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Hum.. I'm not a fan of this kind of psychopath villain who does thing just because they're crazy... It's not really interesting.

Myung-Hee is the really villain, she was a prosecutor and she completely embraced the dark side of the Force now. She killed Cha-Young's father and now she's after Vincenzo's mother. So if I don't really care how Joon-woo will be punished, I hope she will slowly suffer at the end.

Han-seo is the cutest villain! It's hard to not root for him.

Sungkyunkwan Scandal's Ku Yong-Ha is back! It was so funny to watch him acting as the shaman. Cha-Young dancing at the end, she's so cute.

I'm happy to know that Vincenzo wasn't so stupid and didn't lost the guillotine file! Now, I'm hoping they made a lof of copies!


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Making more copies of the file just increases the risk that one of those might fall into the wrong hands.


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But only one increase the risk to loose the informations too. And even it's fall into the wrong hands, they still have it.


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I also think that Myung-hee is the villain with layers here.
I thought I saw 6 watches instead of 4, not sure if the 6 includes Joon-woo's dad's and the prosecutor's he killed with hockey stick. There might be more stories about our Babo villain.


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I'm surprised it's only 6, like he didn't kill anyone while in the US? Or maybe fewer people wear wristwatches since smartphones became a thing?


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shaman yeorim with the pretty flower has my heart


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I like that the 4 main villains are all a different kind of villain.

You have the crazy "psycho" in Junwoo who is a bit over-the-top, hilarious but also terrifying. A cold blooded killer with an unpredictable temper.

Myunghee is the cold calculating corporate villain. She is Umbridge level of despicable.

You have the naïve villain in Hanseo that slowly grows on you and for whom you feel some kind of sympathy. It might seem that he is the villain more out of circumstances than by choice. A part of you can't help rooting for him even though you know deep down that he is also bad news.

And then you have the helpless villain in Seunghyuk. The one that is only concern with his own survival and success but doesn't have a backbone. He follows people that are more powerful, ruthless and dangerous than him in hope that by being loyal to them, they will spare him and he'll collect the rewards. He is the first to jump off the ship if things go wrong, but he doesn't really have the strength or courage to swim to shore by himself lol


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i love how each of the villains has their own personality! and yet they somehow all end up being despicable and evil.

i think han seo is a villain by circumstance, but that doesnt excuse his actions. hes done some pretty terrible things and seems to be almost as ok with getting people killed as his brother. his reasoning is also extremely selfish. that said, i do think that if you remove him from these circumstances, he can be taught to be a decent human being, but that doesnt mean he shouldnt face the consequences for his actions.

kudos to kwak dongyeon once again for making a comical dumb villain sidekick like han seo feel so layered to the point that we almost feel sorry for him


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Spot on analysis about the villians. Another good point about the writing. Really creepy how jun woo and myung hee are getting on so well.


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Joon-woo is more violent and is a psychopath, but Myung-Hee, who has the understanding of human feelings that Joon-woo doesn't have, knows exactly how to torture you and knows how to exploit weaknesses. She's more dangerous. And together, they're just too evil.


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Our feathered friend has his own mafia crew at the ready!


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"I like a good twist, but when you have everyone constantly switching sides or having fake identities, it gets tiring."

THIS. I so agree with you, @quirkycase! And yes, Inzaghi saving Vincenzo was ludicrous! (even though some beanies jokingly predicted this last recap). If these turned out to be bird robots developed by that IT/Piano tenant girl, that would be more believable but my goodness... city pigeons having their own mafia group is too much.

I'm disappointed by how dumb Han-seo really is. I would have expected him to be as crazy as is bro, but he's just a dimwit. But then again, if he was indeed fooling us all along, I wouldn't be surprised.

Show has lost its shock and awe value for me. But the news that Joongki and the director was nominated for a Baeksang! For this hot mess of a show! That is more shocking!


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I still can't believe that opening scene despite joking about it.

Inzagi the MVP of ep.15...

...but also just found out that it's CGI!!

So once again, life is a lie.


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inzaghi's mafia is too good to be true... or at least too cool to be tamed.

but i still love and accept the cgi birds and i will enjoy the cgi pigeon crew on my screen. i hope they make a comeback~


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I loved how Joon-woo was like "this looks like something out of Home Alone" since in the second Home Alone movie, the pigeon lady saves Kevin from baddies by throwing bird seed on the baddies and they were attacked by pigeons.


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I seriously love how the PDnims use all these references


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I actually LOVE how blatantly unrealistic this show is. They know their entire plot is ludicrous. They know the characters are unrealistic. And they know how to use this to just make it SO MUCH FUN every week.

I expected this show to be funny and dark, but what I didnt expect is to get this invested in our heroes and their sidekicks. Somewhere along the way i started wishing this show would be bold enough to let us have our cake and eat it too. I want our anti hero crew to get their best revenge and i want them to come out unscathed and live happily ever after. I dont WANT them to face the consequences of their actions anymore. I just want to keep having fun.

But even though this show clearly takes place in an alternate reality, I don't doubt that they will keep reminding us what a dangerous game our geumga plaza residents are playing to keep the stakes high. All I hope is that if they fall, they take Babel and Wusang with them.


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This! For me, it doesn't matter how ridiculous it all gets, it's so much fun. I looooooooved Inzaghi saving the day - don't really care that it's preposterous.


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Same, it's ridiculous but so stylishly, awesomely ridiculous that it's impossible not to love it.

That's in everything from the pigeon rescue (Inzaghi mansae!!) and Vincenzo literally shooting two hit men with the same bullet, to the portrait of Inzaghi that Cha-young is drawing in the fake shaman act.

(lol @ the "predictions" Vincenzo made to CEO Oh coming true though!)


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Yes! I loved the portrait.

So happy for the pigeon flock scene even if I didn't get my full on fantasy of Vincenzo being the damsel in distress (dandy in distress?) being saved by Cha-young. 😁


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Oh also a huge thanks to @quirkycase for the super fast recap. Im having Vincenzo withdrawals and this helps to keep me (somewhat) sane.


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No Vincenzo this week T_T

(thank goodness for BangBangCon on Saturday but that's just me)


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How about a certain winter soldier with his own series + falcon? Bucky is all kinds of awesome.


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And he will smile in the next episode!


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Yay, we may need to hijack a winter soldier squee thread lol.


Even I was baffled at the pigeon attack scene. It was ridiculous! But I think the show knows what it is doing!
Also, I absolutely hate Myung Hee, more than Junwoo. She is so despicable. Ugh!


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This is supposed to be a ridiculous show! That is why the pigeons were there. The writer and the director clearly knows what they are doing. I am LOVING it to be honest. This writer has a track record of writing ridiculous and funny scripts. If you would like I really suggest you to watch 'The Fiery Priest' and 'Good Manager'. Both of them are both hilariously ridiculous.


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Thanks for the suggestions! I will check them out.


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I loved how there has been build-up for the pigeon. Like Inzaghi clearly had a crew of fellow pigeon friends when they broke into Vincenzo's bedroom and took over it like a much of mafia, so it seems almost natural Inzaghi and friends would play a bigger role. I think this drama really gets at being surreal without being messy and too unreal. Even the premise of a korean adoptee becoming the consigliere of an Italian mafia family is a bit fantastical.


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There's just enough of a grain of plausibility in the story to make Vincenzo's background work - I assume the Cassano family, like most Italians, were Catholic, and Vincenzo was adopted out of a Catholic orphanage in Korea at a time when children were still effectively being 'exported' even if they had living family (though Vincenzo's mother gave up her rights). As for the Korean consigliere part, I didn't find that super unrealistic either, since from what I remembered of The Godfather, Don Corleone initially has an Irish consigliere - it's remarked on as unusual, but not impossible. (Of course it's unrealistic but it's not completely so...and in a weird way, it fits the tone of the drama).


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I adore Han Seo. He just wants to be an everyday Chaebol villain, but his brother won't let him be great. Myung Hee is probably the worst of the bunch because she enables Joon Woo's shenanigans. As for the fact that the pigeons are unrealistic, so is a Korean Italian consigliere to the Italian mob. Of the two I think the former is more likely to happen. So all the shenanigans I take in stride. 😁


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"He just wants to be an everyday chaebol villain"

You nailed it - our boy Han-seo might be pitiable (for being abused by his psycho hyung) and laughable (he's really too dumb to live) and also layered (because Kwak Dong-yeon).....but he isn't good , he's just not as ott terrible as hyung.

Like if he didn't have awful hyung, he'd just do garden-variety chaebol privilege abusing, like doing drugs or getting into DUIs and screaming at his staff/minions, and bribing everyone to make it go away. Not...beating prosecutors to death with golf clubs or ordering hits on people (he's really too dumb for that and he's also self-aware enough to realise it)

I mean, he still tried to get Vincenzo and Cha-young hurt, it's just that he's recognised them as superior adversaries now. The quiz scene though...I'm still dying. I love how none of the Jipuragi crew are having it!


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The quiz scene was hilarious! I was expecting to be surprised with a twist of having him be booksmart, especially since we've been treated with Geumga Plaza folks having all sorts of unexpected talents. Then was surprised with the twist of the show confirming that he's really a dimwit. To quote Vincenzo's scathing assessment of Han-seo in that Inzaghi TV segment: his brain is a buffer for his skull. I almost feel bad for him.


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Lol. I almost feel bad for him too.


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I love the sly blow - "bench press!"
Callback to their first "serendipitous" meeting at the gym when Vincenzo plays dumb spotter to the gym-ing Han Seo


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Yet another Easter Egg
Please explain this one, I beg
Here it is - it's from The Birds*
That's it, in the simplest words
But this time, it's pigeons, not crows
Also now they're friends, not foes

(three cheers for our Inzaghi - without you, where would Vincenzo be?)

*Alfred Hitchcock - 1963


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I give you another Easter Egg:

Wondering why Vincenzo always play with his Zippo when working? If you know enough Hongkong Gangster movies, you may have come across a movie series called Young and Dangerous, in which the main character Chan Ho Nam (played by Ekin Cheng Yee-Kin) (and sometimes with his gangs) will flip a Zippo everytime he's going to work, either killing people or deciding something difficult ... I know Zippo is being used in several movies, but this may probably the most direct reference.

One of those scene (start at 20s): https://tw.iqiyi.com/v_19ru32ztik.html


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second that.
Besides Young & Dangerous series, Vincenzo is replete with references to John Woo triad films, and Stephen Chow's Kungfu Hustle (the entire Geumga Plaza practically).

John Woo utilizes Catholic symbolism copiously in his films, notably using doves especially in times of shooting lol. So I thought it was a lovely parodic touch in comic deflation - to swop white doves out for pesky pigeons in Vincenzo.

I also read somewhere that Inzaghi is actually the name of a famous Italian football player who is very strategic in positioning, and strikes a lethal blow when needed. LOL


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lol I love that even our easter eggs have so many layers <3


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I don't care how unrealistic the pigeon saving man be I love this show and will continue to no matter how crazy it becomes. How adorable is han seo being quizzed hope vincenzo cha young bring him to their side. But it is true that he is not some innocent sidekick. I love how everyone writes their own version of vincenzo's name but vincenzo's heart really belongs to cha young. 😛


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It’s still makes me snort to think a badass mafia like Vincenzo got saved by a bunch of pigeons. I guess all characters big and small have there purpose, even a feathered friend. The glistening in Joong Ki’s eyes when he realised that Inzhagi had saved his life and was a friend all along was just plain adorable and hilarious. yes to more absurdity.

On another note, to the person that pointed out about prosecutor Jung betraying our guys which sounded crazy initially had me throwing hands. It’s seems you really can’t trust anyone in this show, a hidden mafia indeed.

Han Seo on the other hand is kind of...cute. I actually prefer that he isn’t some scheming chaebol who wants to backstab his brother for his own greed but wants to regain control of his life. Ofc he has done bad shit but I actually want to see him win and take over Babel with the help of Cha Young and Vinnie, because let’s face it, he is loads better than his psychotic older brother.


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I love the subtle indications that Han-Seo is still itching to get rid of big bro, like the fact that in his meeting with Han-seok to manipulate the stock prices, he starts unconsciously scratching at the name plate on hyung's desk.

(If you notice, the part he's trying to scratch off is the ㄱ - the k- of Han-seok's name. Which would leave his own name....Jang Han-Seo!!)

He's still greedy and a bit cowardly but at least he's self-aware enough to know his hyung's level of depravity is too much for him lol. And smart enough to appreciate that the Jipuragi crew are capable of bringing down his enemy, even if not to have actually learnt anything in his business studies 😂)


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I noticed the scratching too and LOLed. I love how the show has little details like this. I was also worried that Han-seok would notice though and threaten him again. Han-seo really really wants to get rid of Han-seok, but just doesn't have the guts or smarts to do it. Like a spoiled rich kid, he hopes someone can do it for him so he can just sit pretty.


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I don't think he's even trying to do it on purpose (not that that would stop hyung from threatening him), it's just unconscious/a tic, which makes it even better!

Han-seo being an actual dimwit (though still morally mostly bankrupt and not totally psycho like hyung) is my favourite part of his story. The lights are on upstairs enough to appreciate Vincenzo and Cha-young's magnificence, but not enough to actually follow in their footsteps, and certainly not enough to be a decent person. Like you said - he really is the spoiled rich kid who wants it all done for him, and Jipuragi seeing that and not having it makes perfect sense - they know he's not as bad as his bro, but also that he doesn't have enough of a moral compass to be *good* (stock manipulation bad, murder only just kinda sucks because it ruined his holiday home!).


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I was trying to figure out if the scratching was a nervous tic. Wow...nice catch.


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It's just too good a detail to not be appreciated!


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I might me wrong, but isn't this show supposed to be ridiculous? I mean I knew from the get go that the show is gearing up to make Inzaghi save Vincenzo at some point. So, I am not understanding the bashing this episode is getting. I am loving the ridiculousness of this show as it is giving me all the laughs among all the serious dramas.


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Yes you are right. This is meant to be farcical, ridiculous and fun. And show does not pretend that it is not unlike a certain time travel show. My advise to bashers, dont look for any bit of realism here, because, well, it is fun.


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The farcical and stylised ridiculousness was built into the story from episode 1 when Vincenzo destroyed that entire vineyard lol. It's been there in almost every classic film reference Easter egg the writer chooses to drop on us, including, notably, the Carrie one last ep.

imo the show hangs together really well in terms of tone in these moments even without getting the references, but if you do it's just another layer of enjoyment added to the already rich tiramisu that is Vincenzo!


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(Which is the way Easter eggs like these are supposed to work).

We don't actually need to know Carrie to enjoy the pig's blood christening of Han-seok last week, or the origins of the line "an offer you can't refuse".....or Hitchcock, or any of the other stuff....but is it entertaining? YES!!!


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How can anyone make it this far and not know that? This show never takes itself seriously.


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Exactly. It takes panache to do it, and frankly the premise of the show would never work if it was meant to have the same tone as, say, Secret Forest. Or, in SJK's own filmography, Nice Guy (another antihero with initially-shady motives).


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I loved Inzaghi and his pigeon mafia coming to Vincenzo's rescue. The thing I love about this drama is that it embraces the ridiculous.

Speaking of ridiculous, I love how the Jipuragi team really gets into their operations.

This episode kind of made me like Han-seo and want Vincenzo to keep giving him quizzes and turn him into a proper businessman.


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Wanted to ask since ep 1/2, but is Inzaghi a play on Inaishingi?


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It maybe, @asterell, but Filippo Inzaghi is a real Italian footballer who may not be talented of his technique, but famous for his ability to read the match, so he can stand at the right place in the right time to kick the ball into the net.


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Lol, this brings up memories of my football fangirl days... You're right that Pippo Inzaghi had a gift for being in the right place at the right time, but that doesn't happen by luck. He was incredibly talented and efficient. He was fast and lethal. And have you seen how he controls the ball and can casually slide it into the goal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4fGN_IipEc

Vincenzo is a true football fan for naming his pet pigeon Inzaghi. We already know he has an eye for good players, since he noticed that the Chief Prosecutor's son was a terrible player.
*sorry for the football digression*


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I love your digression, please do more, @wishfultoki!!


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Thanks for clarifying!


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nah pigeon-Inzaghi is named after the Italian footballer Filippo Inzaghi.


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Interesting, but I don't think so. One of the plants in the office is called Eunseom I think (the little cactus maybe?), but other than that and the cameos of Magic Horse and Kim Sung-chul I haven't spotted any other ARTHDAL references.


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Yes it is interesting since Inaishingi was a clan leader but they wouldn't change his name if it was meant to be a reference to his character.

I'm waiting for a "Triple" reference beside the plant. I want Vinnie and the Jang brothers to duke it out on the ice rink.


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Speaking of SJK on ice.....no spoilers but YES.


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Apparently another Easter egg is all the names of the plants in the office are named after SJK's previous characters in his dramas. cute fan service. LOL


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Ok so I googled it and the first answer is: "According to 3 people from all over the world, the name Inzaghi is of Italian origin and means "Bird"." (https://www.names.org/n/inzaghi/about). Can anyone knowing Italian confirm this?


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Not even five minutes into this episode and all our hopes and dreams came true. Inzaghi's superhero-esque departure (with Vincenzo looking like Lois Lane) left me in tears. Not all heroes wear capes.

Everything about the shaman!Vincenzo scene, including Adrenaline played with traditional instruments, was pure gold. This team truly goes above and beyond the call of duty.

Han-seo is such a derp. His awkwardness at Jipuragi reminds me of the "Zuko turned good" scene in Avatar. Study hard, my prince!


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It's the absolute best. I already know it's getting alllll my beans (or nearly all - it's early in the year!) at end of year bean count, if I live that long.


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This show and Beyond Evil have all my love so far!


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the shaman was also apparently named after SJK's character in the first period drama that shot him to fame. Gosh, how many cross-drama references can you get in one show??


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im so upset with the pigeon scene. it's so dumbbbbb


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I think it's awesome tbh. The Birds but with friendly pigeons instead of angry crows!


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to each there own! i'm glad at least some people enjoyed it!! i really wish i could have liked it, but it just felt too cheap? felt like some really lazy writing for me. :(


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I understand that it feels absurd, but it's not out of nowhere - as @asianromance said above, Inzaghi and his pigeon mafia have already been shown trolling Vincenzo with the bedroom takeover in ep 9 (so clearly sorta-intelligent birds), now they help out when he's in danger (ridiculous as it seems, it's a classic Chekhov's gun principle being followed here). And it's absolutely deliberate - they could have written Vincenzo's rescuers as human, or just had Vincenzo himself fight them all off since we know he's got moves even when cornered at gunpoint with no weapon, but it's a choice and I personally enjoy it.


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First things first: Inzaghi to the rescue is genius, and is also the writer+PD having fun with us by dropping yet another classic film reference - this time it's Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds (1963)! Is it absurd? Yes. Is it also stylish, witty and 100 percent in sync with the tone-switching of this drama? Also yes! imo.

This episode has had me screeching with laughter irl way too many times to count (and don't even get me started on Mr Song Joong-ki as the fake shaman😂)


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I feel like it's also a reference to Home Alone 2 with the pigeons coming to save Kevin from the baddies, though those pigeons were not as sentient or violent as the birds from The Birds.


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I thought so too, since Han-seo mentioned that the pics of the dead mafia guys looked like something out of Home Alone, with all the feathers.


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I'll have to rewatch Home Alone 2 to jog my memory but I suppose I was biased towards The Birds because the writer's/PD's reference box so far (at least the ones I caught) were mainly darker/horror movies.


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Forgot to mention that the shorter guy with the gun was played by Joe Pesci who was in the mafia movie, Goodfellas.


My mom loves him in "My Cousin Vinny." His character is an Italian American.
I guess I need to watch this old movie.


ooh I can see it! Now the scene reads like a 2-in-1 reference to me - pigeons from Home Alone, the fact that they're attacking (as opposed to just going after the bad guys for food like the HA2 pigeons) from The Birds.

I'm still blown away that it was CGI though (obv from the practical angle it's impossible to control a whole flock of pigeons). Kudos to the actors for that!

Side note: this drama has some pretty decent CGI, I thought the Italy part at the beginning was sets (and that too only because the buildings looked spanking new) but no, all CG! Good job, special effects department!


One of the best moments for me - the tenants unanimously voting for Vincenzo to be the shaman. Hilarious - because every single one of them would be far more adept at being a shaman than a rather quiet mafia killer, but they just wanted to drop him in it. I love that they're his family, setting up their brother for laughs...


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The cutesy variations on his name and his embarrassed squirming just made that scene. And yeah, literally anyone else in that room would have made a more suitable shaman than Vincenzo given he's Italian and idk how much familiarity he'd even have or retain with Korean shamanic customs, but it was perfect.

I love the Geumga motley crew, I'm almost going to be sad when they get the gold if it means they have to leave the plaza and split up (unless they just move to that new plaza)


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actually you're so right - thanks for pointing that out. The joke in that scene is that just about everyone in the room (even on a bad day) would have made a better shaman than Vin.

and I love the comic irony cos that voting scene was prefaced by a very serious "game-show-face-on" Agent An gravely reading everyone their sacred duty to vote right, and the criteria for voting ("he must be able to play a shaman convincingly").

Then....CUE TO: everyone voting Vincenzo 🤣


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How does the writer come up with all these great moments and lines and details?

I have to comment on the whole Shaman scene. I noted the name on the sign and thought it was a cute reference to the famous singer Park Hyo Shin. I smiled, and then little did I know, it wasn't just
a random reference - they went all in on it. When Team Jipuragi said they worshipped the Park Hyo Religion (Shin), I nearly spit out my food. Even CEO Oh had trouble containing himself! Park Hyo Shin does have god-level singing skills. And then Chief Nam singing part of a Park Hyo Shin's song. And there was Cha-young painting a portrait of Inzaghi during the scene!

I've done a few Chief Kim rewatches and each time, I find additional humorous touches I've missed in other watches. Probably the same with Vincenzo.

Looks like Cha Young was right the first time....CEO Oh really did have 5 days to live.

I loved how Vincenzo visited Prosecutor Jung's house and even made his family food. I had wondered if Prosecutor Jung was maybe playing the double/triple cross game for a moment, but knowing that when he takes his family out to eat, he only picks his favorite type of food - you know he's a jerk! He was also dumb if he didn't think he would get a visit from Vincenzo after double-crossing Team Jipuragi.


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Yes Vincenzo visiting Prosecutor Jung's family and cooking food felt like a classic Mafia move. Very frightening to be honest.


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Classic iron fist in velvet glove move. I love how they revealed Vincenzo in that scene, like this sweet-faced man is basically the devil in human form for Prosecutor Jung and he knows it.

(Same with the tie strangling - not bloody, not messy but very neat and very strategic)


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Everything about the fake shaman setup is pure gold, from the kidnapping of the fraud-shaman (I didn't catch the actor's name in the special appearances at the end) but I was absolutely losing it over him trying to blow out the lighter and the flame before they doused him in it 😂 to the voting ( all those cute nicknames for Vincenzo from the Geumga plaza crew asfhkkfgjkllknmm - and it kills me that Vincenzo himself voted for Cha-young, the little smack she gave him for it 😂) to the act itself 😂. Cha-young's super serious calligraphing of 'Babel' was the icing on the cake!

Side note: I LOVE that Vincenzo's shaman name is Yeo-rim aka his character's nickname in Sungkyunkwan Scandal (all the SJK filmography callbacks ❤). I remember watching it back in 2010 and thinking "why is that guy not the lead" and "why is that other guy not the lead, they're both better than the lead" and well, look at them now*.

*"that guy" was Yoo Ah-in. "That other guy" was Song Joong-ki.


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Yes - the return of the fan from Sungkyunkwan... hahahahah!


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i loved sjk as gu yong ha so much! i was sad he didnt get a plant named after him, but theyve made up for it by making yeorim a pretty shaman


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Same, that was the role that made me a fan!

(I think only SJK's drama roles where he was leading man got the plant namesake privileges though - I noticed they named his Arthdal plant Eunseom and not Saya lol)


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gu yong ha was his best role until vincenzo. actually it still might be his best role.

also, he wasnt a lead in triple either but poongho got a plant

now i want to see vincenzo on ice skates


@saturtledaisy - seriously, it was SO GOOD. One doesn't expect to be that thoroughly charmed by a supporting character who's like fourth on the credits, but let's just say his promotion to leading man couldn't come fast enough!


"That guy" was my fav from SKS (I'm a sucker for the bad boy with a cause trope + mane of glory) and "That other guy" was my damn close second fav from same. (SKS=>my first Kdrama.)


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Let's just say I had major Second And Third Lead Syndrome for that drama 😉


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Oh and the Park Hyo Shin reference - same here! I just thought it skated close but when the actual words "Park Hyo Shin" came out, I lost it for about the 1000th time this ep. Flawless execution all around!


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For some reason two scenes had me ROFL, both about the museum art director.

1) How Han-Seok trampled "Nothing" in a tantrum while the poor lady cried over the destruction of her beloved piece of "art". I really don't know why I laughed so much at someone's pain. Maybe it's because I've stopped seeing Taec as a serious villain. He's too much of a cartoon now.

2) Bye Bye Ballon's marketing strategy worked! Last episode they gave the director their card in case she needed to leave the country, and sure enough, she showed up to see if she could hitch a ride to Taiwan. She may end up Cebu or Hawaii for all we know. 😂😂


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"The wind is very strong and you could even land in Cebu". I laughed like anything at that line. Bye bye balloon scenes are some of the best.


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LOL! I was like "is that a selling point?". On the one hand, Cebu sounds more vacation-y and you're getting more distance for the cost of the flight. On the other hand, would you go on a balloon whose destination is so uncertain that you end up 1000+ miles off-course in a different country?



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I mean if the ride is with Vincenzo and Cha Young, I would mind at all. It would definitely be entertaining but the sexual tension maybe too much for me to handle and I will have to make an exit to leave the lovebirds alone.


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Yeah I don't actually want to be a third wheel to those two lol. Speedy exit from the balloon (parachute?) would be ideal.

I actually did watch a movie which had two people in a Victorian-era air balloon and it got dangerous pretty fast....The Aeronauts.


He really is a cartoon and so is the gallery director lol. I can't take them seriously, Myung-hee is the one who's really got to be defeated anyway.

Bye Bye Balloon though 😂


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If I were Myung-hee, I would use Joon-woo for his resources, influence, and violent temperament to get rid of Vincenzo and co. Then once they're out of the way, get Joon-woo locked up. Then use that dummy Han-seo as my puppet CEO.


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If this was a sageuk she should absolutely be a scheming minister looking for a dummy king to control. (character-wise that is. I don't think they let women become ministers in the Joseon era..)


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Would you believe me if I say, when I saw Vincenzo feeding Inzaghi I thought they are not going to later save Vincenzo by Inzaghi's help, are they? Then I laughed at how nonsense my thought was only to watch Vincenzo being saved from death not only by Inzaghi but his friends also. About Prosecutor Jung also, I was going to say I was so happy to see in this drama writer made a character, who's not the main character and works for the government, but is persistently good, until he betrayed them and us all. But still, who knows, maybe it's part of the plan, but the look in his face after Vincenzo's visit told me other vises. I'm still worried about Mr. Choi's ultimate motives, I can't trust him, but I sincerely hope he stays good. Thanks for the recap ^_^


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apparently the writer Park has a pigeon cooing outside his own office - the real life inspiration for Inzaghi. And yes, I really like how this running gag that feels like nothing much, actually slyly builds up to a long game payoff. In a way that makes me do a double take. well played.


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I just can't get over how perfect Song Joong-ki is for this drama and this role, and to a degree that's actually glorious.

Sure he doesn't look the image of a brawny mafioso, but he's not a capo but a a consigliere. Which really is about strategy/intelligence first, and when it comes to portraying a modern-day Machiavelli whose mind goes a million miles a minute while giving very little or nothing away, SJK is second to none.

Side note: I'm also beyond delighted by the return of SJK to comedy, the man has a gift for it and we haven't seen him in properly funny mode for a literal decade now and we were robbed because he's so versatile! And it's a joy because he really looks like he's having fun with it, it reminds me of So Ji-sub doing Master's Sun after a decade+ of melo/action roles.


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Inzaghi bestest pigeon ever!

But I'll have to survive one more week before Vincenzo airs!


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I cannot stop laughing watching this show - the director of the Museum who is prepared to take an escape balloon with an uncertain destination is priceless! And how could you doubt for a moment that the pigeons would come to the rescue - they've been setting that scenario up from the beginning. But despite all the farce you cannot stop getting attached to all the wacky side characters. And you are right, the villain's brother is absolutely adorable, thick as two short planks but absolutely engaging. I think he was the psychiatrist in Radio Romance? This is one of the few dramas where I re-watch the episodes (hurrying through the violence) because there are so many jokes going on in the background.


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I think this isn't the end of the betrayals, Choi Myunghee pointed to an inside source when she killed Cha You g's father - I bet on Mr Nam the paralegal playing dumb all this while.

Adrenaline ost being played in traditional instrument style had me wheezing 🤣 🤣 🤣

The drama is not being serious at all - from using the geymga plaza & it's people again & again to a lack of guards/lackeys at important places...

The pigeons though, they reminded me of Maine Pyar Kiya, a Bollywood film from the 90s. HILARIOUS.


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Yeah we haven't heard from her 'source' in some time, but I think it someone Vincenzo already got rid of? (not Mr Nam nooooo)

Adrenaline, Sageuk ver. had me wheezing too. Perfect accompanying soundtrack for Song Joong-ki's beauty in any era! (I love the OST/bgm for this drama in general, it's not the usual kpop ballad-heavy stuff and I love it).


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Same. The PDnims really uses the music well in this show and who knew we would need the traditional Korean instrumental of Adrenaline. Our lives are blessed.


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I really hope they release a full-length version of that track! (it's too good not to).

I applaud PD Kim Hee-won, she's killing it with the visual and music choices (like Vincenzo's hair being half-down even when he's at work in the second half of this drama, that and the fact that he now wears turtlenecks instead of button-up shirts under his suits except when he's threatening Prosecutor Jung. And the bgm every time Vincenzo & Co. pull off a heist).


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While I'm not enthused about the turtlenecks, I'm still okay with them. Whereas the hair? I wish it'd stay up. I can do without the bangs down = good guy & hair up = bad guy trope of kdrama land.


@maybemaknae - it's not so much good guy/bad guy as off duty/on. The hair, when it's down, is down only on one side, and only fully down when he's at home. And he did shoot three mafia hitmen with two bullets just an episode ago with hair down, but I like that Mafia Vincenzo's hair being slicked back is his game face.


I thought her "source" was the two guys that are now playing as Vincenzo's shadows when he needs things covered up?


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Oh yeah, after he scared the life out of them.

But seriously she was a prosecutor, how does she know so many thugs?


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She let the thugs go or worked a deal on reducing their sentence if they did dirty work for her in return.


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Oh my god I would have missed the sageuk adrenaline ver if not for you mentioning it here. Thank you so much guys. I was rolling on the floor after I realized it. How does the writer and director come up with these things


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You're welcome lol.


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Not Mr Nam, nooooooo


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At this point, I'm realizing this show will be one I rewatch again and again in the future. So much going on, and it will be interesting what I remember and what I totally missed!

I'm a bit confused because I saw a note about the delay to "improve" the show...and I'm all...wait, what? I don't follow ratings much, but cripes I hope whatever they're pausing for doesn't wreck what's been working well so far.


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Once again, VINCENZO gives us a scene of comedy gold in that shaman vote. I laughed so hard then rewound and played it again. And I can't believe they actually went there with the Inzaghi attack but it was nonetheless perfect as was the hilarious Shaman scene.


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