Misty: Episodes 11-12 (Open Thread)

odilettante: My favorite scene this week, hands down, was the shot of Hye-ran in her closet (which is definitely large enough for me to live in). My other favorite scene was Hye-ran getting all suited up because it was like she was preparing for battle, so now I’m considering her pantsuits like suits of armor.

mary: Those are very gorgeous and comfy-looking armors. But we need to crowdfund more of them for Hye-ran, because her enemies are piling up, and she might have found something she wants to protect now.

odilettante: Like *gasp* actually falling in love?


Hye-ran finally tells Tae-wook what happened nineteen years ago when Myung-woo found her leaving a loan shark’s place at night looking disheveled. Myung-woo, ignoring her pleas that nothing bad happened, ran in and stabbed the loan shark in anger, killing him on the spot.

In the present, Hye-ran admits to Tae-wook that she still asks herself “Why didn’t Myung-woo believe what I said? Then no one would’ve died, and he wouldn’t have gone to jail, and we wouldn’t have suffered all these years.”

When Tae-wook meets up with Myung-woo, he says he realized while in prison that he killed that loan shark for his pride, not for his love for Hye-ran. Myung-woo approached Tae-wook to observe if he’s protecting Hye-ran or just his pride. But Myung-woo already knows the answer to this, as he told Hye-ran earlier that Tae-wook loves her very much.

Tae-wook visits Hye-ran at work and takes back what he said earlier about regretting waiting for her. He loved her seven years ago and he still loves her now. Hye-ran kisses him back and they end up sleeping together.

Their happiness is very short-lived though, as Hye-ran finds a letter from court the next morning, informing her of her indictment and first hearing two weeks from now. She decides to accept her Vice President’s offer to steal Director Jang’s position and shorten the coverage of Congressman Jung’s scandal. In exchange, Kang Yool Law Firm must represent her AND win in the murder case. The deal is set and she’s immediately reinstated at work while Director Jang gets ignored by the Vice President. Jang begins to nitpick at her during staff meetings and piles work on her despite the looming trial.

Tae-wook hears about the trial and Hye-ran using a different lawyer than him. He asks to be put back on the case and reassures her that he’s fine with handling gossip about her affair, but Hye-ran admits that she’s the one who’s not okay with it. For once, all the accusations that she’s hurting Tae-wook are also hurting her — meaning she might be in love with him after all. She breaks up with him, not wanting to be like her mom who gets hurt over and over because of love.

Hye-ran misses Tae-wook after he moves out but she stays out of contact with him, and even Reporter Yoon is surprised that Hye-ran doesn’t act selfish as usual and hold on to what she wants (aka Tae-wook). But all that doubting is moot since Tae-wook joins Kang Yool instead to work on Hye-ran’s case.

It’s unclear if Kang Yool is trying to screw Hye-ran (and Tae-wook) over, but Kevin’s ex-manager Dong-hyun joins in to give his best effort. Consumed by guilt after his sister’s funeral and Eun-joo’s unlimited kindness towards him, Dong-hyun goes on a rampage and tries to run Hye-ran over. Eun-joo reports these attempts to the police — after being ignored by Tae-wook — and even Myung-woo joins in on hunting Dong-hyun down. But Dong-hyun goes even crazier after realizing Myung-woo and Tae-wook are working together. He ambushes Tae-wook on the morning of the trial, causing Hye-ran to panic in front of Detective Kang and drive like a madwoman to the hospital.

Thanks to Myung-woo’s help, Tae-wook escapes with a minor head wound. But the fear for Tae-wook’s safety is enough for Hye-ran’s composure to crack and hug him and call his name over and over. Myung-woo decides this is where his role ends, and he walks away, but not until Detective Kang gets a glimpse of him. Kang calls his hoobae detective for the timeline of Myung-woo’s release and rushes to tip off Prosecutor Byun about something.

The trial starts with Hye-ran’s side pleading not guilty to murder. Prosecutor Byun opens with his own witness, the one who claims to have seen someone fighting with Kevin Lee that night. Remembering Detective Kang’s tip, Byun asks the witness if Kevin fought with a woman. The witness says no, it was a man. The Dramatic Violins go crazy in the background, and everyone in court is shocked, except Tae-wook who stares intently at the witness and clasps his hands tighter.


mary: How can a simple hand-clenching worry me so much? Tae-wook, please tell us you just ate a bad piece of egg for breakfast, and you’re not guilty of Kevin’s murder.

odilettante: I definitely joined the “Tae-wook killed Kevin” train this week, particularly when the show hammered into my head the parallel of Hye-ran insisting nothing happened and the men not believing her. Teenage Hye-ran (who looks an awful lot like a young Ha Ji-won) insisted she wasn’t raped at the jewelry store, and adult Hye-ran insisted nothing happened between her and Kevin. But Jail Oppa didn’t believe (or care) and killed the jewelry store guy anyway, so maybe history repeated itself with Tae-wook going in all rage-induced to kill Kevin.

mary: Also, what’s up with the prosecution’s witness saying a man fought with Kevin Lee? Wasn’t the indictment based on his statement? How the fork did they manage to get to the trial without asking that important piece of info? This is like the Ji-won-called-Kevin-last all over again! A sloppy case based on non-evidence. No wonder Tae-wook was so confident he’ll win this trial.

odilettante: Is this a real witness, though? Or was he planted by the prosecution? But then why would Detective Jang specifically request the prosecution ask the gender of the person fighting with Kevin, knowing it would reveal it wasn’t a woman? Is the prosecution now secretly on Team Hye-ran or are they really that just inept? I don’t know what to trust anymore!

mary: Speaking of broken trust, I never thought Hye-ran would engage in Noble Idiocy by breaking up with Tae-wook. Isn’t her M.O. Selfish Brilliance instead?

odilettante: I didn’t really think of it as Noble Idiocy. More like she could see that the people around her are getting hurt so in order to protect them, it’s better to distance herself from them. I also think she’s used to doing everything on her own, so it scares her to be vulnerable and need someone else. I mean, the last time someone came to her defense, he ended spending nineteen years in jail.

mary: Tsk… tsk… men and their useless pride. Do you think nothing really happened with the loan shark? Or did Hye-ran just want to forget things and move on to a better life? I feel I’m like Tae-wook. I love her, but at the same time, I keep doubting her.

odilettante: I actually think that while there might have been an attempt at sexual assault, nothing really happened — or Hye-ran managed to fight back enough to get her assailant to stop. I may have doubted Hye-ran’s earlier assertions that nothing happened between her and Kevin, but now I believe her that nothing happened beyond what we saw already (admittedly those kisses weren’t “nothing” but I now believe that’s as far as it went).

mary: I can never be sure how much of it is true. I’m not even sure if Hye-ran really declared war against Director Jang or they just hatched a secret plan to lull their enemies into complacency. Or, knowing this is Hye-ran, it could be a fake war to bring down Kang Yool and Hwanil, but she might be using it to get the Director position at the same time (which she deserves, to be honest).

odilettante: Yeah, I’m not sure exactly what’s going on with that, but I’m totally rooting for her to become the first woman news director, especially one who refuses to be bribed by rich powerful men and who then empowers her fellow news women to carry on her legacy after she smashes that glass ceiling with one of her exquisite stiletto heels.

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OMG THESE EPS!!!! thanks for this great weecap--and your thoughts, many of which echo things I was wondering about. (1) Especially: what's with that witness? like, really, why does the prosecution seem surprised (like he didn't know what the witness would say?)--and why is that guy a witness if he saw a man and not HR? I'm so confused and really hoping some beanies will help me understand.

(2) But what I really want to talk about is HR recalling how if Myung Woo had believed her, his life would have been different. That bit got me thinking about how reliable HR is. As a character, as a narrator, as a journalist. Also, is it possible that the reason she got into journalism was because of that high school incident? She was determined to present truths/facts and be believed? Blue House seems to have thought of her as highly credible. AND YET no one in her immediate circle seems able to believe her---not TW, not EJ, not even the director. It's just an interesting set-up....the person (journalist) who is supposed to be so trustworthy is clearly not...even as we watch the show, we can't decide when she's telling the truth. And for someone who claims to want to be believed, she lies/bends the truth a lot. Super intriguing.


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When Detective Kang came to the jewellery shop, he found an envelope of cash on the counter. That means Hye-ran really didn't take the money! Maybe the loan shark assumed at first that Hye-ran knew what she was getting into (because she agreed to come back at 9PM). But when she said no that night, he's like "K, go away, no cash for you."

I'm so sorry for doubting you, Hye-ran.


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she did look disheveled while squeezing out of the jewelry store... so yes, she didn't take the money, but I'm convinced she had to fight him off real hard in order to leave that place in one piece.


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woah! this is a great detail!


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Prosecutor is as incompetent as Detective Kang. He didn’t read the witness’ statement just like Det Kang didn’t check KL’s call records. Funny thing is he just broadcasted his incompetency for all the world to see, ha!


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I knooooooow!!!
so incompetent!
Stop the Witch Hunt!


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ha yes. only i can't decide if the detective and prosecutor are the truly incompetent ones, or if its actually the show's writer. This show seems to have such strong writing, but then there are these kinds of details that make me wonder...


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I'm never sure when to trust what Hye-ran says/does or when all she's doing is because she's playing her enemies.

That being said, am I the only one who hasn't forgotten what her mother said? "I know your secret."

That's kind of keeping me from believing that HR's story of what happened in that shop is the complete truth... bc why would her mother have made it so dramatic? (then again, she was mentally unstable)


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maybe it's the secret about the abortion?
I remember that the hospital scene with HR's mum was quickly followed by TW's mum invading their home with fertility medicine.
maybe that's what it's about?


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I thought that was it, too.


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I'm not even watching Misty but I love reading mary and odilettante's comments about Hye Ran's fabulous fashion. Also, I love mary's new term Selfish Brilliance! Hopefully, we'll have more Selfish Brilliant people and fewer Noble Idiots 👍


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If they do that, they'll have to shorten most dramas by at least 2 episodes.


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hahahaha this is the truth.


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Same here, I don't have enough time to watch the series but the content is so intriguing that I can't help but read the recaps. I'm hoping to wait for the series to end and then watch the whole thing in one go muwahha


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Oh Tae-Wook, say it isn't so!
I've been rooting for Hye-Ran and Tae-Wook to make it through these obstacles and make their way closer to a happy marriage , but this is stressing me out! There are so many unanswered questions: how did the brooch get in Kevin's car if Hye-Ran was the last person to have it? If Ji-Won was the last person to call him why isn't anyone suspecting her? What was Kevin even planning to do with the black box video in the first place? I can't wait until next weekend to see what happens.
Myung-woos character is quite surprising to me in that he was arrested at a very young age but somehow has all this knowledge about digging up information, stalking people, and finding empty warehouses ... surely these aren't things that he has practice with while he was a high schooler and I cant imagine that they would allow this kind of information to pass around in prison, right? Maybe he really was watching too much Healer as someone else suggested ^^'.


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I’ve been waiting for Tae-wook to question Hye-ran about the brooch since episode 1. He’s so confident he can win the case and yet we don’t really see him question HR about her whereabouts the night KL was murdered.
Televisons are allowed inside the prison so that’s a big possibility. Lol.


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I actually REALLY loved how blunt Ji Won was about her affair with Kevin. she even looked smug when asking Detective Kang why he only had 1 suspect.

and yes, watching Healer on repeat for 19yrs could definitely be the answer to how he developed his stealth. HA HA HA HA !


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I'm reminded of 'Forest of Secrets' (same cinematographer) and how it turned out (spoiler alert)... the bad guy was the good guy doing bad things in the cause of good.

As for Myung-woo, I think they're leaning hard on the trope that prisons are virtual 'criminal academies' where the bad guys learn their trade. He's acquired a virtual master's degree in skulduggery.


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I find it hard to believe HR also. In fact I question whether her version of the episode in the shop is what really happened or what she wants TW to believe happened. Would she really admit to him that she let MW take the rap for killing the guy? I don't think so, and I don't think she or MW want that kettle of fish to be reopened. The statute of limitations isn't over yet! All the past scenes lead me to believe what happened back then was a huge cover-up.

The whole thing with that witness is so weird. No way he didn't vet that guy and have every bit of his testimony laid out for the best effect. So something else is afoot and I cannot wait for the next episodes. But....that also means we will be too close to the end of this drama! :( Surely this is the Most Elegant drama I have ever seen. I adore her clothes and I hope we see all of Korea's women sauntering down the streets looking like her and not wearing those stupid looking high water pants!


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I don’t believe Hye-Ran’s version of the story either. I felt like her narration somewhat felt off from the beginning. Is it just me or it seems to not match the snippets of the flashbacks shown in previous episodes?


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But HR story matches what MW told to TW about protecting his pride vs. love! I'm quite sure that HR story was accurate! What we saw from HR so far, she might not tell the whole truth (in order to protect herself and others) but she also never lies and is brutally honest about the facts... she hasn't come clean about KL because she doesn't want to hurt TW (we saw how vulnerable she is when it comes to TW getting hurt)...


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I'm with you! I trust HyeRan's words! She believes in the power of truth, she may use truth to her advantage but she never twists them enough to distort them into outright lies.


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@acacia Lying by omission is "twisting them enough to distort the truth]", in my opinion.
While I love Hye-Ran, let's not be blind to the fact that she's no saint. She lies, lies and lies.

but I have to concede with you and @persianrose : her story and MW's version do match.


I agree with you: she omitts crucial facts, but nothing that comes out of her mouth is a lie. Therefore she distorts the truth and makes everyone connect the dots in the way she wants them. However, I would still keep in mind all of the things she said so far as facts, as pieces of a broken puzzle


I feel like the flashbacks match and all, but my question is more, "Where did that knife come from???"
I mean, young MW wasn't a thug and neither was Hye-Ran. And the jewelry store owner was obviously not trying to kill Hye-Ran... so, where did that knife pop up from? the altercation didn't even last 1s...


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omg yes. i did not think of this, but this is an excellent point.


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its pretty common for highschoolers to carry knife or something that can protect them, i don't think it has to do anything with being thug. lets not forget MW didn't have any parents around too, he lived with his grandmother which I think he took upon himself to protect his grandma as well.


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Who microwaves a wagyu steak? Such atrocity!

This couple needs to talk. I wanted Hye Ran to tell Tae Wook about Kevin. Not so much about what transpired between him and her recently but her past relationship with Kevin. I'd thought she would open up to Tae Wook about Kevin at the same time she told him about Myung Woo. Does she simply erase nasty things from her memory? I'm not sure if she was sexually assaulted by the loanshark but I think there was surely some attempt. I have little sympathy for Myung Woo because he didn't even kill the man out of protecting Hye Ran or in a sort of self defence. I cut him slack because he was just a boy then. Now, if Tae Wook had killed Kevin in the same rage then it's really a pity, isn't it? He could have just talked to Hye Ran. Hye Ran should also come 100% clean with TW. Half truths and selective memory dont' cut it.

The prosecutor will never be on Team Hye Ran. I can understand why he feels so frustrated because as dumb as he is, he at least knows he doesn't stand a chance against Hye Ran and Tae Wook if things are played fair. I can't really tell about the detective though. I just don't get why is he so emotional about the case. So what if he was on Myung Woo's case 19 years ago? Maybe he just cannot stand that Hye Ran wears pants better than he does?


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Re;Who microwaves a wagyu steak? Such atrocity!

indeed it is a crime!


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Tae-wook is 99.9% husband goals.

The microwaved steak is the 0.1%


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the microwaved steak, for me, is grounds for divorce... couldn't he at least sous-vide them?

but then, Tae-wook is just so delish... maybe i'd give up steak for him.
; )


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Forget steak when you have a man like Tae Wook. Now, how would you like him? Raw, medium or well done?


@outofthisworld—Tae Wook? Raw. No shower.


I dunno... Tae-Wook knowing about the affair (he s a w it !) and not saying anything is a very scary trait for someone who sleeps next to you in bed...


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Because TW knows very well that the kiss was fake! If he watched dash cam, he's aware of KL blackmailing HR and thus HR hating him so much! Therefore HR kissing KL indeed hurting him, bu he doesn't consider it as love/affair


except I don't think that her wiping her lips was on that dashcam. Kevin took the card somehow and I 'presume' he took it when he got out of the car that night. Of course, if he didn't, he had to come back to get it. But why did he in the first place? Just more stuff to threaten her with? This part of the story seems a little too convenient to me I guess...as a plot device.


@persianrose I'm not sure why people persist with refusing to call what Hye Ran had with Kevin Lee an affair. They made out on 2 occasions and she was daydreaming about him at the beginning of the show (before she ran into him at the airport). What do you call that, if not infidelity, and thus, an affair?


@outofthisworld and @akikoz
I saw the steaks spinning in the microwave and was horrified !


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We had a WTF moment too when the microwave scene came on. Was the steak even on a proper plate?


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I was kind'a hoping it was a convection oven with a turntable. At least that's what I'm telling myself.


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Hye-Ran wears them pants like nobody else! Pants wearing goals! Ha ha.


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That's microwave? Gosh I thought it was oven and then got annoyed since he cooked it without dish and straight to it.
Yes, WHO does that??
Maybe this is all to store the balance in the world. Smexy hot ahjussi with poor judgment when it comes to wagyu steak.


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It could be a microwave convection oven which means that steak could be grilled. Still, like you said, who throws two pieces of steak onto a turntable like that?


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I'm LOL that we're discussing even the steak in detail


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I suspect I am projecting my feelings for Tae Wook onto the steak. So tragic, so sad. Give him more love, Hye Ran!


I want to say, "Tae Wook, the turntable is not a plate." then I thought about all the ramyun eating scenes where I would say "The pot is not a bowl" and the "The lid, the lid....ah, forget it! I give up." At least Tae Wook sets up a nice table...unless I missed something. Dang, now I need to rewatch just for that. Haha!


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**Reading at work, quietly cackling **


He said the meat needed another 15 minutes, wow they like it hard and WELL DONE.
I love this drama.


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I recall in the series 'Pasta' a customer ordered a steak 'rare' and the kitchen staff paused in stunned disbelief. Someone asked "Are they westerners?"


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I feel these two episodes are quite slow (little happening) compare to before, maybe the calm before storm?


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If this is calm, I don't know what kind of storm we're in for ._____.

I did notice they made Hye-ran wear the same dress in the office 3 times in 2 weeks. The wardrobe person must be busy preparing some bombass suits for the final showdown.


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That's true. I was so confused with the time frame during all those scenes. I've never seen her wear her dresses twice but then I saw it worn by her three times here. Maybe we're in for some reveal with the newsroom later. Do they have some meaning behind that black dress?


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i noticed the dress, too---is it supposed to signify a softening on her character's part (im against using dresses to mean that--and i LOVE wearing dresses), but i think sometimes costume people do that---equate pantsuits with a toughened character and dresses with a softer, more traditional feminine one. (EJ is always in a dress-looking thing, right?)


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But they repeated the dress :O

I feel like it's just a bit of messy production. Maybe they filmed the scenes intending to have them all happen in 1 day in the timeline, and then decided a bit later to spread out the events (that weird "1 week later" time jump).


I think HR wearing the same BLACK dress was intentional. After breaking up with TW, HR was depressed, gloomy and cheerless. She might even stayed in the News station for few nights in row... She was wearing mainly black till the day she went to KY law firm


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Thoughts on these episodes:

(1) I agree with odilettante that HyeRan has not caught Noble Idiocy. HyeRan is upfront about her reason for leaving TaeWook and lays her reasons down. Therefore, I would like to coin a new term:

Idiotic Upfrontery: n. the foolish act of leaving a loved one by laying one's reasoning down, expecting them to understand your reasoning for leaving them.

(2) I may be in a different camp than most people but I now want to hang onto the writer's words that the ending is unexpected. I believe she wants us to think TaeWook is the killer but he unexpectedly isn't! I haven't figured out who can be the possible alternative yet but we have SIX episodes. Surely we can get more info on another suspect! *please don't crush my hopes writer-nim!*

(3) Another not-so-popular belief, I believe HyeRan's words are true. I feel like she's the heroine version of Lee Chang Joon from Secret Forest in this drama. He only said the truth but no one believed him until the end. HyeRan seems to be in the same boat. I TRUST YOU M'LADY!


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But there's only four episodes left because it's a 16 ep drama. :(

(Maybe if we try as hard as Hye-ran we can make it a 20-episode drama by the sheer force of our will?)


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(3) DONT SAY THAT we don't want a tragic end. Please, Show!


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The comparison is just to state that I trust the lady! Not for a tragic end, I swear!! 😬


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Ohhh, I love your definitions and also your theory about Tae Wook. I think he was indeed with Kevin that night after Hye Ran left and they likely had a fight. But I don't think Tae Wook killed him. Hope there is a surprise and Tae Wook is innocent because I want the couple to end happy and together!


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(3) i like this comparison -- HR to Lee Chang Joon (who is really one of my favorite characters of all time in anything). There's a masterful level of complexity to both of them.


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I totally agree with you! Hey-ran is like the new age Cassandra! I believe she is saying the truth. People are suspicious because she uses the truth so cleverly to her advantage, but I think her MO is still not to deal in lies.


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Alas I have typed so much but my boss peeked at my computer so I quickly closed the whole tab.

Going back, the last two episodes wanted us to think that TW is the suspect but I don't think they'd hand the answer easily to us.

I hope that Director Jang and Hye Ran were just secretly working together to bring the baddies down. And if they do succeed, Director Jang could be the new VP and HR the Director.

I must admit that EJ is kind, except for that evilness accompanied with the sadistic Knocking on Heaven's Door. It seems that she knows a lot about HR but doesn't spill everything. Perhaps, she really cared for HR in Highschool? Or maybe she's HR's fan?

HyeRan reminds me so much about the female protagonists in Sydney Sheldon's novels. Said women would and did everything they could to get what they want. That being said, maybe something did happen 19 years ago, maybe it wasn't rape but a deal that HR made with the loan shark? Either way, it isn't good at all.


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EJ is the most unfortunate & pitiful character in this show. When she was crying about not having anyone on her side, I really felt for her. The Knocking on Heaven's Door revenge bit was mean, but I don't blame her. If it hurt Hye-Ran, it's only because Hye-Ran and Tae-Wook haven't been communicating about ANYTHING and therefore, it's the couple's fault for not discussing their past.


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I just had a thought reading this - all we saw of that scene in the jewelry shop was HR and MW - so how did EJ know about that song? How is she connected to his death?
Too many questions, but only two days to Friday.
Thanks so much for the wecaps and giving us a place to talk about this awesome show!


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Good point!
or maybe HR confided in EJ about the event? Which doesn't sound like something older HR would do, but maybe younger HR did? she seemed so young and trusting back then, so maybe she told EJ the truth + the song in the background?


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I really think Director Jang and Hye Ran are working together. I think they are both way too intelligent to fall into the Evil Villans' plans for Hye-Ran's downfall. It also seemed like they were waiting in that one scene for the Prosecutor's wife to walk by so they could purposely have her overhear their conversation. It also seemed like Hye-Ran left her file on the desk on purpose because she knew her colleague would try and peek through it. I am sure they are at least two steps ahead of everyone else at this point!


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I also thought they staged their conversation for the Prosecutor's wife. I definitely think they are working together; HR knows how to play the game and she's playing to win just as she always has.


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yup! i think so too! i get the impression that they are both waaaaay more savvy than that vice president. he seems kind of doofy.


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All these men killing off nasty people for Hye-Ran. I need her pheromones!!!


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Her pheromones must be killer.


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No, seriously! Her phermones are so strong that she has me infected too hahaha


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Waaah! That last screenshot of Go Hye Ran is <3 .
I believe that this drama wants us to show how easy it can be to imprison someone for murder through circumstantial evidence.
From one murder, this drama is able to branch out the topic into political corruption, media manipulation, gender equality and even marriage.

By the way, here are my favorite quotes here:
Once you try to protect love, it is no longer love. It is pride.
-Myung Woo
Even the most practiced lie will fall flat in the face of truth.
-Go Hye Ran

What I like about Misty is that it doesn't give us all the details of the things that happened before, thus we are left to believe who has the most believable version of the truth.


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I love that Myung-woo qoute. <3


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Love this show!

The way the scenes are lit is gorgeous and can we all grow up to be like Hye Ran? All that intelligence and steel-will wrapped in one exquisite, elegant package. Oh, and please throw in her wardrobe too.

The writer has hung all the tension on each character's emotion which drives their motivation to do the things they do. The plot weaves between private and public spaces, cleverly merging the otherwise boring corporate/political maneuver arch into the story.

The cops though, are really starting to grate on my nerves. I know cops are usually written like keystone cops in dramas but do they really have to be this incompetent? Why can't they do a thorough check on suspects? The fact that the cop got the prosecutor to insist that it is a man who fought with Kevin Lee...is the cop again going by "instinct" due to his, as yet unproven, suspicion of Myung Woo or has he actually found some evidence at last? Will his mistaken suspicion shake up more skeletons?

It will be interesting to see this story to the end. Hopefully a satisfying end too!


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One thing that's stopping me from jumping on the Tae-wook killed Kevin train is that in the beginning, he acted as if he didn't believe Hye-ran's innocence re Kevin's murder. If he was the killer, he would 100% believe Hye-ran, even if he didn't tell her aloud.

Maybe Tae-wook did get into an altercation with Kevin (bruises), but someone else killed Kevin? During the trial, Tae-wook may have been misled into thinking his actions caused Kevin's death...

My mind's all Misty right now.


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You make a good point and I'll cling to that because I don't want Tae-wook to be the killer. :'( They deserve a happy ending more than anyone else huhuhu


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I know this theory is unlikely but remember that, at the time she 1st got accused, he was still SUPER mad at her. Maybe he wanted her to take the fall? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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Yep! And also, the only motive TW has to kill Kevin is the "affair" with HR, but he only knew that after he watched the camera recording in EJ's house. His reaction is too much which means he didn't know the state of their affair before.


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no no no!! he kneeeeeww about the affair! Long before he saw the car video!
He has been suspicious from day 1! remember Thailand? His conversation with Kevin Lee and TW drinking himself to a crying sleep? I mean, this man followed HR to her rdv with Kevin Lee and watched him get in her car!
that's PLENTY of motive!


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Yes, TW thought he knew about the affair. He followed her and watched Kevin get in her car and windows steam up, etc. I think that he imagined much more until seeing the dash cam video. Maybe that's why he was so devistated. He realized that they didn't have sex and that HR was not into it and he killed him (like MW with the jeweler) because he didn't believe her. I think this also makes a nice bookend with the broach. Remember, Kevin returned it to him and not to HR. I could see TW throwing it in his face. TW probably hated that broach anyway since it represented the baby HR aborted.


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I hate that you're making sense. *rides the Tae-wook-is-the-killer-train again*


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I'm so impressed how 'misty' this drama still is! Every time I think I have an idea about what's going on the next scene reveals something unexpected. It doesn't help that I can't trust Hye Ran about telling the truth. Normally I would hate this kind of character, but Hye Ran is so badass that she is now my favourite female lead character I've ever seen. She is perfect in carefully selecting those information which aren't harmful to her and which draw a totally different picture. So, was it really Myung Woo who killed the man in the past?
On the other side, I like Ha Ji Won more and more. She is actually thinking as reporter and asks the right questions. It was so good to see her questioning the detective's intention. And she was asking herself why Hye Ran is going after the director position, without jumping into conclusion. Nice done! You did better than all your male colleagues!
But I also want to know what Hye Ran's bigger plan is. She wouldn't let herself be used by the baddies, she is too smart for this. And so is Director Jang.

Also, the conversation between Myung Woo and Tae Wook was totally on point and I was questioning myself: when I'm hurt, am I hurt because of my boyfriend or because of my pride? It isn't always easy to be this honest to yourself. My respect for Tae Wook grows more and more with each episode. So please, dear writer, don't make him the killer in your unexpected ending!!


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Yes! I'm so proud of Ji-won lately. Cutie hoobae is all 100% blind trust in Hye-ran, but Ji-won actually tries to figure out Hye-ran's power play.

Plus look at everyone's scandalized looks when she said, "what's wrong with supporting Hye-ran? Maybe if she becomes the Director, she'll pave the way for me too" They probably expected (are used to?) women fighting for the small opportunities available, so they can take their pick based on looks or age or whatever. It didn't occur to them that these two strong women could team up too. Mwahaha


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Yesss!! I love this author because she surprised me too!! Really loving Ha Ji Won's character trajectory :D


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My theory for Unexpected Ending:

The brooch killed Kevin Lee. It's like The One Ring. It keeps trying to get back to its original owner.


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Brooch belongs to HR but TW gave it to her so KV still died because of TW. :D*


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That Prick!


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This is my favorite theory so far!!


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I’m not saying HR is lying about the past but I feel like it’s not the complete version of what really happened that night. She is used to telling half-truths only, which makes me doubt her version of the story.
Tae-wook crying after HR told him about MW and how she wished he had believed her makes me more suspicious of him as the killer. And it also seems like Detective Kang is also suspicious of him now.


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This is why we need weecaps: I would never have started this drama without them, but I caught up last week and now I cannot wait for the next episodes!
I particular, I want to see Hye Ran wiping of the smirk of Dumb Prosecutor and his Obnoxious Journalist Wife's faces. Hye Ran is superhuman for keeping her cool in front of their nastiness.
But this week's ending did leave me scratching my head: I hope the writer is building up something with this witness, because it would be bad writting if the ultra secret mysterious witness were not an actual threat to Hye Ran and her defense.
And does the hospital hug means that they are getting back together? Please pretty please, even Hye Ran sees that the separation is pointless when she cannot bear to hurt him and he just refuses to go out of her life.


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Well, they also have the video recorded by Hye Ran assistant where she was having an angry exchange with Kevin. I guess they will imply that Hye Ran wanted to get rid of Kevin and hired someone to do it? The other option I see is that they are actually targeting Tae Wook in an attempt to get rid of the two of them.


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I was thinking they could be framing it as Hye-ran hiring someone, but still, they're charging her with murder in particular. That charge should be for the hired killer. It's so confusing. I'm not sure if the writer intended it to be like that or they're just not good at writing cops/legal stuff.


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this is kinda where i am now -- wondering if maybe the writer's strength isn't with the cops/legal side of thing.


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I can't WAIT for Hye-Ran to sink her vengeful teeth into that Dumb-Prosecutor-Obnoxious-Journalist-Wife couple !!!


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I loved these episodes, the tension and how the story is shaping up. I bet Hye Ran and Director Jang are up to something, they are too smart not to see how the higher ups are trying to play with them. And it would be too naive on Hye Ran to trust her defense and protection to Kang Yool lawyers.
As for the baddies, could it be possible that they are targeting Tae Wook instead of Hye Ran here? Leaving her without her only support would be a way to get rid of her, also because of the scandal that would be created...I can't wait to see what happens with the trial and how the detective makes some progress and finds the truth in the end. My bet is that Tae Wook fought with Kevin but left him alive, and something happened after that. Maybe Kevin had an accident or there was intervention from someone else...
Well, I'm crossing my fingers here for the couple to end up together. The moment when Hye Ran run to the hospital and hugged him was so sweet, the poor guy was in heaven seeing how his beloved wife cared for him. Misty has made me discover a new standard for husband, haha!! I definitely want one as invested in the marriage as he is, and if possible as handsome as Ji Jin Hee :)


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I think HR lies by omission. She doesn't tell all the truth and it makes people doubting her but not about the exact things.

Honestly, I don't really like the love between TW and HR. He seems more obsess than in love and she never convinced me that she has genuine feelings for him. Their scenes together as couple are the ones that interest me the least.


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When you look at the scene when she found out that he was hurt, she rushed to the hospital and hugged him. That was LOVE. That scene was 100 times sweeter than the kissing scenes and bed scene shown in this drama.


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My favorite is when the camera focuses on their hands when they hug each other. It's always a bit tentative. The first person hugs with confidence and the "hugged" one always takes a moment to hug back. Like they can't believe they're getting a hug or they're warring with themself if they should hug back because it's so painful but they love this person too so dammit *hugs back*


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falling in love with your husband of 7yrs will do that, yeah. lol


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I think HR was always in love with TW unconsciously. She just never believed in love (as she told to TW she never believe in love because of her mother) and never believed that TW really loves her (as much as I like TW but he did wrong too, give this impression to HR that he doesn’t love her. Staying in a marriage but giving a cold shoulder to you wife for 5 years is like living in hell for both of them.) They both had such a lonely life for the past 5 years that they forgot how much they loved each other and how much they cared for each other. I think MW talk was a waking ring for TW. For the past 5 years he only stayed in the marriage to protect his pride rather than loving his wife…


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I totally agree. That hug was everything. and so much more meaningful than any of the bed scenes they shared.
(*cough* but Thank you, Writers, for being mature enough to include those rare gems of married life in Kdramaland *cough*)


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Yes!! Omg my heart was in my throat as she drove over. And that hug! I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY TOGETHER FOREVER. Is this too much to ask?


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I believe Hye Ran too. I think he killed the creepy man, however I do believe he assaulted her, but she talked her way out of it. Initialky I wasn't sure why Myung Woo was always helping her, but I realize he felt like he was doing penance to her. He knew she felt miserable because he was in prison and he felt this was the only way to make it up to her.

As for the death of Kevin, I think both Tae Wook and Myung Woo are false flags. I think he may be it was Dong Hyun or someone equally random. At the end of the day the murder of Kevin isn't important, it is Hye Ran and Tae Wook's love for each other that is the story.

That being said if Tae Wook did it the test is if she will stay with him, despite her ambition to get to the top ranks of her career.

*To add to why I think it may be Dong Hyun, he called Kevin a bad dude. He may have killed Kevin because Kevin threatened to leave Eun Joo after his car liason with Hye Ran. Afterall Hye Ran kissed him to keep him off her back, maybe Dong Hyun got tired of Kevin treating Eun Joo with such disrespect. Just a theory. Lol

I love this show. I love Hye Ran's make up, her pantsuit armor, her boss stilleto heels, but mostly I love the writer for giving us one of the best written female characters in a long time. Cheers


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I like your hypothesis best... that Dong Hyun was the one who killed Kevin! Coz I believe Hye Ran didn't and I sure hope with all my might that Tae Wook didn't. Does anyone think the wife did it? ie. Eun Joo??

Whatever the ending may be, I am loving this show! The week can't pass fast enough for me. I am only hoping that Writer-nim can keep up the great story and not derail the plot at the eleventh hour by putting in some random villain. Integral to mystery thrillers like these is MOTIVES. If we are not convinced that the killer had a compelling motive, the whole story falls flat.


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*fingers crossed*


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Oooh, it does make sense. Also explains why Kevin had the blackbox chip. Maybe they were supposed to blackmail Hye-ran further that night. But Kevin was in lurve and didn't want to continue with it, while Dong-hyun is worried about the $$$$ they'll lose from Hwanil. So Kevin hid the chip, and Dong-hyun killed him and planted the brooch?


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I liiiike this theory a lot!!!


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But how did DH get the brooch? This drama is messing with my brain cells, I honestly cannot even remember now how KL died. 😅


So if that is the case, how did DH get HR's brooch?
What happened to the theory that Hwanil steel had something to do with his death?
What was the purpose of the meeting between the Prosecutors wife and Director Jang?

Finally I think that Director Jang and HR have some plan cooked up together. He always had so much respect for her and it surprised me that he turned on her so fast when she said that she might take his seat. It is just a thought, but with these writers, I can't tell - but I want to think that they have some plan to take down Hwanil Steel together rather than hate each other.


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im on board with this. that line about Kevin being a "bad dude" really stuck out to me too.


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Indeed the best written female characters! I love HR


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Correct me if I'm wrong but did Det. Kang suddenly recognize Myung Woo and remembered the whole murder case years ago? Does he now suspect Myung Woo of killing for Hye Ran like how he supposedly did before? Doesn't Det Kang recognize Hye Ran from before? Her face is plastered all over the news. I'm sure her name would have rung a bell also. Did he really not remember her, or the reason he's so intent on her is because he does remember and believes that history is repeating itself?


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He believes that History is repeating itself and knows that what she said 19 years ago was a lie and she has some connection with the murder back then. He believes that she is the one who killed the shop owner and he also believes that she can repeat what she has done before to Kevin Lee. This was all true during the first half of the drama but now, the detective seems to waver with all the observation he's seen especially from Tae Wook.


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I have to say the weakest part of this drama is definitely the law. Not sure how a random witness' testimony of what he "saw" can prove anything without proper evidence. What evidence does the prosecutor even have against Hye-Ran? Pretty much everything at this point is just hearsay with the exception of her having seen him the night he was "murdered" and the brooch that was in the car. It was ridiculous that she got arrested for the brooch and now that this has even gone to trial...


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The drama wants us to see the REAL world, how easy it is to incriminate someone, and how incompetent cops lead the way for the powerful people to manipulate everything to their favor.


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I agree. If the prosecutor had a witness and heard who he saw, wouldn't he have KNOWN that the witness saw a man instead of a woman? That part is really weird. I mean, why would he be surprised the farmer saw a man instead of a woman?
When they showed him asking if he saw a man or woman all I could think was "What - you didn't ask him this before?"
So something is off or the writers didn't think clearly about this plot bump.


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yes!! so i've been thinking about this A LOT. (too much. here i go :P) i'm wondering if (1) does the korean language differentiate between male and female? like in English we saw "he" and "she," but some languages just say a neutral word for a pronoun. Essentially, you're talking about "the person" without ever clarifiying gender. (2) is the witness even a real witness??? or is he a Kang Yool plant? did he change his story at the bequest of Kang Yool? HR made that deal with Kang Yool wherein they had to win her case. after that, did Kang Yool got in touch with the witness, tell him that instead of "seeing" HR, he will now have "seen" [MAN]. (AND ARE THEY GOING TO TRY AND PIN IT ON TW SOMEHOW in a twisted revengeplot against HR?) OR (3) are the writers really bad and we all just have to roll our eyes and focus on the pantsuits and awesome force of energy that is HR a little more intensely?


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I can answer at least one of those! The Korean language in general does not have pronouns like we know of in English, which does lead to a variety of situations where gender is unknown unless specifically stated (or inferred based on the subject matter).

This can sometimes lead to bizarre situations in dramas where mistaken identity is important (such as a girl disguising herself as a boy) but translators are trying to make things understandable in English, so reference the gender via "he/she/him/her" even though no one is supposed to know.


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Thanks for that clarification Odilettante, and I've noticed it in many subtitles. However shouldn't the prosecution been more careful in it's questioning the witness before they had him take the stand? I mean, the whole time it sounded like they had a witness that placed her with Kevin Lee. This seems to be the whole basis to 'nail' her at the trial.
I'm so confused - but maybe that is what the writer is doing.


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as you said @irochka and @stpauligurl, the Law is the biggest flaw of this show. Too many loopholes covered up in dramatics coming left right & center.
- How can you have a witness, one that you're hiding from the whole world as your ACE, your WINNING CARD, and NOT know what he has to say????? HOW???
- a brooch is truly not sufficient for dragging someone to court. What proof do they have that it wasn't dropped DAYS before he died? there's nothing about it that indicates it wasn't there long before Kevin Lee died...
- oh and what terrible police work !!!!


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love this note about the brooch!!! *WE* know HR was wearing the brooch shortly before Kevin's death, but how do the cops know that? For all they know, it had been in his car for days. In fact, if I did not know what I know about the brooch, I'd go back to wondering if Kevin's death was really an accident after all. I mean, there was all that uncertainty originally. Maybe the detective's prejudice against HR made him push everyone toward calling it a murder, when really it wasn't...and now he's starting to wonder if maybe it WASN'T murder... but then i remember the brooch and i can't get my head around that.


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Just to point out something, News Nine is a live broadcast. Hye-ran was wearing the brooch on tv just hours before Kevin's death.

The police and law stuff still sucks though.


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ahhh okay. this helps--thanks!


thanks for pointing this out. Maybe I was hoping for Hye-Ran to contest and say, "Is this the only brooch of its kind in Korea???"


The writer seems to make us believe that Tae Wook is the murderer during the recent episodes but with them saying that the ending is unexpected, I believe he isn't the one.

(1) There's more to know about Kevin Lee's manager
(2) He seems to like Eun Joo. His concern of feeling very sorry for her is too much to be just a pity.
(3) Eun Joo seems to know that the manager can do dirty things seeing that she worries what he might do to Hye Ran.
(4) The manager has blackmailed Hye Ran. (with the pictures).
(5) He needed a lot of money for his sister before.

My theory is that Kevin Lee's manager might've also blackmailed Kevin Lee. He knows a lot from him (being his manager) and probably figured out that he can make more money by using Go Hye Ran. Things went out of hand and he accidentally killed Kevin Lee that night.


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Agree +1000000000000!
Kevin Lee's manager is very suspicious. However is he still alive after attacking Tae Wook, then being attacked by the other Myung Woo?


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The brooch is still a BIG question mark and no one knows if it has a role to play witht he murder
What do we know so far?
(1) When Hye Ran came back home during the night Kevin Lee died, she was already holding her blazer (where the brooch was pinned) along with her bag and blue gloves. She was still wearing it before when she met up with Kevin Lee and Eun-joo.
(2) When she laid down the couch, her watch showed that it was 1:10am (several hours before Kevin Lee died).
(3) In the picture the detective showed to Hye Ran during the investigation, the brooch is on the vehicle mat along with the shards of glasses from the car.


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thanks for those details!! ive been wanting to go back and watch all the eps again to try and get a timeline in my head, but i havent had time. this is helpful. the brooch is sort of the thorn in every theory, isnt it? every time i think i might know what's happened, i remember the brooch and can't figure out how it plays into things.


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My theory is HR met Kevin one more after meeting EJ. Maybe she found that KL had the dash cam chip and therefore she met him again. He might told her he’s divorcing EJ to come to her and tried to kiss her again, and this time she struggled to make herself free and thus she lost the Brooch.


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The brooch is definitely the one factor that seems to either point things in a certain direction or the one thing that makes all of our theories not work.

I'm now at the point where I'm wondering if there's more than one brooch. It may sound silly, but we assume it's the same brooch Tae-wook gave Hye-ran, but how do we know it's not a copy of it? ..... I'm not saying it is a copy, but can we discard the possibility that it isn't?


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If it's a copy, Hye-ran would've already whipped hers out from day 1. :(

If it's a copy and she didn't do that right from the start, this writer sucks. Haha


Months not watching any kdrama and this finally dragged me out of my cave. Misty is messing with my brain and I am loving every second of it.

Thanks for making weecap, Mary and Odilantte! I definitely love everytime you gushed about Hyeran and her wonderful wardrobe room. Btw, Mary, did you watch The Good Place or it's just my brain forking with me?

Anyway, what's with the law people here????? How come this show has sucessfully convinced me that Hyeran is multifaceted character, but also that every one in law enforcement is stupid?

Det. Kang with his "gut" but digging this totally in the wrong place.
Prosecutor for not asking that question BEFORE trial.
Taewook, the defendant who makes sure he defends Hyeran but never question her alibi, or discussing any possible defense with his client.

I mean....

But the mystery is definitely good. My theory is, Myung woo is the killer. I don't know why, I don't know how, I don't even remember if the timeline matched LOL. I just don't want Hyeran or Taewook to be the killer. Eunjoo is way calmer now so idk. The manager seems fishy but I am not sure either. Hwanil probably my second theory, maybe they killed Kevin out of problems with whatever dirty deal they have and just happy the blame shifts to Hyeran. Maybe that's why that Kang lawyer seems wanting to destroy both TW and HR with his evil smile.

Two more days until Friday, guys. Hang in there, and we all shall be blessed with the wonder of Hyeran's armor suit.


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Sorry for spelling the name wrong, Odilettante! 😂


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It's okay, I know it's a weird one to spell. "Odi" is fine too because sometimes I also get tangled up in all the t's. ;-)


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hahaha yes THIS!!!: "How come this show has sucessfully convinced me that Hyeran is multifaceted character, but also that every one in law enforcement is stupid?"It's like two different writers wrote these characters.


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I love Tae Wook but so far, he's proven to be a crappy lawyer. Exactly as you said @azkaa, he hasn't asked Hye-Ran aaaany of the relevant questions a normal lawyer should ask. none! and that's exactly how he's gonna be caught unawares in court for every time someone finds a new piece of evidence against HR, etc. Watch him look shocked every time... *sigh*

I honestly wish that he hadn't take HR's case. he's not objective at all.


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KDrama Fact:
The Law and the Police are only competent if the Show's Main Characters are part of either organization. Otherwise, forget it!


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Okay, I was waiting to watch the last episode before I write the comment. If the timeline is right, I think it is Ha Myung Woo who killed Kevin Lee and Tae Wook knew about it. Otherwise it is back into the net for everybody's guesses.

The preview for the next episode is really a suspense but I think it has come down to Hye Ran on one side and the Golden Door on the other side. For this, I believe both Hye Ran and Director Jang are in cohort.

A lot of them was asking why the crucial details like the gender was not checked out before the trial. I believe it comes down to presumption. Because everybody is so bent to make Hye Ran guilty for their own personal and collective motives that they did not see this tiny important fact. Coupled with confidence that they can twist the opinion and ultimately the law to their advantages, they got complacent. The prosecutor did not bother with facts at all because he is out to make a guilty person out of Hye Ran even if he flouts the truth and the law for it. Such is a making of corrupted man and corruption. Besides he is given the backhand support by Kang Yool.

Come Friday and Saturday... I want to see the showdown!


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I know that I was late jumping on the bandwagon but better late than never right? What a waste of DF premium acc of mine 😅 (no time to watch). I was hoping JBL would be offline premium too (best drama 2018 so far).
I really loved Hyeran character, she is so me ( in terms of thinking). She's not a bitch but I preferred super strong female character despite she fell in hell of bottomless pit. Why always people in marriage always concern about others opinion/ pov rather than their partner in the first place? I like JJH oppa alot, but him as Taewook are so pathetic ( in first 4 eps, I guess). He should fight for his love ( thank dramagod) and honour his marriage vow just like 7yrs ago.
I marathoned in overnight for this drama, glad that I pick it up quickly (oppa JJH- saranghae) and Hyeran is one badass lady (😍😍😍😍😍 her wardrobe is impressive with her stubborness). Can't wait for next eps 😉


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Finally able to catch up. What a busy week for me. New episodes tonight! I can't wait. Agree with your takes on inept prosecutors. I mean, didn't they do questioning before the trials? A bit of prodding will reveal that a man fought with Kevin Lee and therefore making GHR a defendant void. I don't want either Tae Wook or Myung Woo as the killer. Pleasssseee show😢. Let my super girl has her happy ending😟


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Ahhhh, I finally caught up with all the episodes and this show has my brain fogged. All the clues are hinting towards Tae-Wook but I have a feeling he's a red herring and the culprit is someone else.


I just really don't want Tae-Wook to be the murderer but if I look at the show with the context of him being the culprit then all his actions make sense. If we had seen the story from Tae-Wook's perspective, it would've been a paranoid man who doesn't trust his wife, proceeds to make a bad one-off decision, then regrets and goes mad over his mistake throughout the show.



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I'm sorry to offend anyone, But I watch it out of curiosity, until episode 5, for me one major flaw in this drama is the acting... seems less on fire compare to mother for example. It's not it's bad, they got the job done. but it's just lack subtlety and passion, which is a must in a drama like this who is suppose to be about drama full of passion and dark aspect of each character nature . It makes drama behind drama less engaging and the feels is abit lacking. The only important character who give the character depth is the actress who act as Seo Eun-Joo. I don't know if it's come down from the writing. But the script feels engaging and cohesive so far.


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If I were to compare, I'd say that the acting in Misty is less subtle and gets overly dramatic than compared to Mother. It's kind of weird because Mother is the type of drama which can easily become overly dramatic in execution and acting.

As much as I like Hye Ran and Tae Wook, there are times when I get frustrated. I'm not sure if it's the actors' fault or the writing. Hye Ran can be unnecessarily cold in instances which I'd rather see her being more natural. Tae Wook on the other hand seems too emotional.

The two actors who I find no fault in are the actresses who plays Seo Eun Joo and Hye Ran's friend. They seem to rise above the writing. I think it does come down to that more than acting itself and probably the directing also lacks the subtlety. Just compare the two detectives from both shows. In Mother, I had hope that the detective will fail in capturing Soo Jin and Yoon Bok but I can totally see where he's coming from. Here, the detective is the worst. I am not sure if a veteran like Ahn Nae Sang could have done anything about it.

I haven't watched the latest episode. I'm suffering a bit of fatigue over this "Did Tae Wook do it?" which the show is pushing too much. It also doesn't help that the court scenes aren't on par.


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I think 'Misty' is being played as 'grand opera', the sweeping musical score indicates this is deliberate. The only past drama I can think of this 'operatic' is 'Secret Love Affair' from 2014.


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I don't understand how the acting can lack subtlety and passion at the same time .______. Unless you meant one actor is too passionate/overacting while another is too subtle as to look bland?

For me, Kim Nam-joo is doing well holding all these boiling emotions in check. If I had a brush with sexual assault and murder and am now being framed for a crime I didn't commit just because I'm fighting corruption in the government, I wouldn't stand there thinking dark thoughts in my gorgeous pantsuit. I'd be screaming bloody murder and holding all sorts of press cons to expose everyone (but then, I'm not a good strategist).


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euw @mary and @outofthisworld, I'm sorry if this time we are not in the same shoes. Their acting make it abit hard for me to engage with their character fully. Kim Nam Joo is doing better though. Maybe I'm too grumpy. But I expecting too much from them with intriguing plot like this... That's why I've said, might be the character is written that way, there is lack of layer behind those facade. I'm in episode 8 right now, Thanks God, Kevin Lee is out of the picture and Myung Woo join the conflict (he is more fascinating so far ). I'm watching it for "Seo Eun-Joo" Jeon Hye Jin. Man, She is so good so far.. Adding layer to the character. That's acting I'm expecting from juicy role like this. I won't be surprise if she is a murderer! She is showing a hint!


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I was saving this for the Misty 13-14 thread but maybe I owe @outofthisworld a bit of explanation. I think the actors are doing okay. It's the writer that's a bit lacking which doesn't get obvious until later. The director (though makes gorgeous shots) tends on the dramatic side too, so everything gets this epic flavor even if it's just two characters staring at each other.


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The director (though makes gorgeous shots) tends on the dramatic side too, so everything gets this epic flavor even if it's just two characters staring at each other


You've hit the nail on the head. I was trying to articulate the problem and I couldn't put a finger as to whether it was the writing, directing or acting.


It's possible to lack both subtlety and passion at the same time. Subtle is different from bland although the line can be thin at times. Same with passion. The acting can be very passionate but it's not the same as overacting. Not sure if I make sense. Anyway, I am not referring to any actor in Misty. Although I nitpicked on Kim Nam Joo and Ji Jin Hee in my comment, I still think they are doing a great job.


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My reply was for missjb.


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Episode 9 take a big turn in episode 9. Now I know why they cast Ji Jin He. Now his character take a big turn into the story. He is being an angry person inside though he is still denying his other side of him and he is become more interesting to watch as a character and acting! This writer is so good so far...


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I don't believe Hye Ran much either, her nothing happened could mean 19 years ago I wasn't raped but I did get money for sexual favors (the ledger the detective found with various sums of money over a period of time) Hye Ran was desperate to get out of the situation of poverty. Again ,nothing happened with Kevin Lee but she did kiss and make out with him, we didn't see what fully happened in that car.
Hye Ran hasn't really come clean about a lot of things she hasn't even told Tae Wook that she dated Kevin Lee ten years earlier (even as her attorney). Hye Ran is a survivor, I just hope the ending of this drama is consistent with the characterization we've got so far.


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