While You Were Sleeping: Episodes 25-26

Okay, now we’re talking. That middle stretch of the show was a bit of procedural hump to get over, but as expected, the final arc brings with it the case we’ve all been waiting for, and we finally start to really dig into the ways in which our characters are connected through that one tragic and fateful event in the past. And some of the answers turn out to be surprising.

EPISODE 25: “Going To See You, Now”

As they look out at the ocean, Hong-joo thinks to herself, “The moment was like a gift, enough to make me thankful for all of the choices that led us here. The choices that seemed childish became clear, and the choices that I regretted became right. Everything was that fluttery and pretty.”

She kisses Jae-chan on the cheek, and then continues in voiceover, “Everything was a relief. Except one thing…” She wonders aloud if the soldier’s brother, Junior Cop, is still alive and well.

Jae-chan says that he’s still alive, thinking of the stacks of letters he’s received from the ajusshi, but that he doesn’t know where he lives or what his name is. Hong-joo is just happy to know he’s alive.

Flashback 13 years. Junior Cop wakes up in his hospital bed and his partner excitedly gets up to bring him food. But he stops on his way out to make sure that Junior Cop isn’t thinking bad thoughts again, and Junior Cop replies that he’s not going anywhere: “My ending isn’t now. There’s someone I have to meet in the far-off future.”

Hong-joo wonders in the present whether they’d be able to recognize each other now, pointing out that even she and Jae-chan didn’t recognize each other at first. He supposes that they could’ve already run into him and never known, and they both agree that they’d like to see Junior Cop again.

Jae-chan wonders if Junior Cop would want to see them though, and takes Hong-joo’s hand for a stroll along the shore.

As Junior Cop writes his resignation letter back in the past, Jae-chan narrates that in the future, the ajusshi would tell them that he wanted to see them much, much more than they did. But he says that for a long time, they weren’t able to recognize him. While he narrates, we see an ajusshi walk through a buffet in a suit, and casually pocket the cell phones sitting on other people’s tables. Uh-oh, did Junior Cop go from cop to thief?

Seung-won’s classmate Dae-gu crumples to the ground with his father’s ashes in his arms, and Seung-won walks up to stand by his friend.

As the waves crash at his feet, Jae-chan narrates, “And the small cases that were separate like small waves began to come together and steadily come toward us and collapse, leading us to Ajusshi’s side.”

Dae-gu says he’s not going to hold a funeral for his father since no one would come anyway, and then notices Seung-won’s oversized suit. Seung-won says it’s his brother’s, who has “needlessly long arms and legs,” and Dae-gu agrees, admitting that he saw Jae-chan in court.

He says it was awesome how Jae-chan destroyed the defense, and that he felt grateful because the defense attorney was the former prosecutor who put his father away: Yoo-bum.

Speak of the devil, Yoo-bum laughs when he sees Chief Choi and Hyang-mi whither in front of the ATMs in the lobby of the prosecutor’s office. He offers to match whatever salary they demand if they come work for him, and Hyang-mi’s hand darts up instantly.

But Yoo-bum’s true interest is in Chief Choi, of course, who still refuses to take the offer. Yoo-bum tells Hyang-mi that she can come work for him if she can convince Chief Choi to come with her.

Chief Choi tells Hyang-mi not to say anything about Yoo-bum scouting him to Jae-chan, and she scoffs that she’s not a gossip.

…Only to go straight to Jae-chan to spill the beans. Jae-chan looks nervous but insists that Chief Choi likes working with him better than working with Yoo-bum, and Hyang-mi deflates his bubble right away, pointing out how slow Jae-chan is and how he creates more work and long hours for everyone.

She advises Jae-chan to be good to Chief Choi while he still has the chance, and to resort to aegyo if he has to. But Jae-chan refuses to rely on such tactics to hold Chief Choi back.

But of course as soon as he returns to the office, Jae-chan is suddenly attentive and kind, grabbing files from the top shelf for Chief Choi, and bending down to tie his shoelaces.

Jae-chan says that he heard everything from Hyang-mi and won’t hold Chief Choi back if he wants to go. But while he’s saying all this in a serious tone, he whips out his phone for cutesy couple selfies with Chief Choi, and then uploads one as his online profile photo with the tag “With my mentor ♡.” Hee.

At her staff meeting, Hong-joo pitches a feature on wearing a pregnant suit and going about your daily routine, to note what public services and workplaces could change to be more accommodating to pregnant women.

Bong sunbae in turn pitches a feature on following prosecutors on the job, and Hong-joo’s wheels immediately start turning. She points out that it would be much more effective for a man to do the pregnancy story, and Bong sunbae agrees.

So their boss swaps their assignments, making Hong-joo quietly fist-pump and Bong sunbae cry out in objection.

She gleefully straps him into the pregnant suit, pretending to be sad that he’ll probably win an award for this piece, and the whole team chants to cheer him on while he grumbles impotently. I love Bong sunbae.

Jae-chan types out a text message asking Chief Choi not to go to Yoo-bum, but goes back and forth on whether to be pleading or assertive or placating… and when Seung-won interrupts him, he ends up accidentally sending the text in banmal. Pfffft.

Seung-won gets a beating for it, but then Chief Choi responds right away saying that he won’t go, and Jae-chan starts dancing in his living room. Must. Replay.

The best part is Seung-won’s deadpan expression, and he wonders with a sigh what Dae-gu sees in his brother to entrust him with this. He hands over Dae-gu’s father’s will, explaining that he’s the IV serial killer who recently committed suicide in prison, and claimed that he was innocent.

Jae-chan doesn’t think much of it until Seung-won mentions that Yoo-bum was the prosecutor who put him away, and that he won an award for that particular case. He begins to read the will in earnest.

The pickpocket ajusshi returns to his home, and a team of detectives look on from across the street, waiting until he meets with someone to make their move. He takes out the cell phones he stole and adds them to a bigger stash, but one of the phones has incoming text messages asking him to return it in exchange for ten million won, no questions asked. What the heck is on that phone??

He wonders the same thing and holds the phone up to a lamp to see the finger smudges and unlocks it in one try.

In a dream, Jae-chan and Hong-joo happen to run into each other in a room where a man is lying either dead or unconscious. Someone locks them in and then a fire breaks out, and they have nowhere to go as the flames engulf them.

Someone wakes up from that dream, just as Jae-chan explains to everyone over breakfast that Junior Cop Ajusshi could have dreams about them too, if Woo-tak’s theory is correct.

The boys share the theory with Mom and Hong-joo, that each of them is having dreams about the person who saved them, because of the overwhelming feeling of gratitude and the desire to repay the favor.

I cannot believe you’re only sharing this theory now. But Jae-chan really only started giving Woo-tak’s theory credence once he found out that Hong-joo was Chestnut who’d saved him 13 years ago.

Just as they’d predicted, a man wakes up and writes down the details of the dream in a notebook, including the fact that Jae-chan and Hong-joo will die. But if that’s true, why isn’t Woo-tak having the same dream? These rules, man.

Hong-joo wonders why Junior Cop Ajusshi hasn’t come to see them if their theory is true, but Mom says that he might not want to, because it’s not like they were connected through pleasant events.

The two boys have been peeling apples the entire time, and when Hong-joo finally reaches to eat one, Jae-chan watches carefully and then actually fist-pumps when she chooses his bunny-shaped apple over Woo-tak’s plain one. You dork.

Hong-joo tells them that she’s going to be following a prosecutor on the job for the next three days, and that she plans to stick to Jae-chan like a piece of gum. A montage of Jae-chan’s work embarrassments flash through his mind and he wilts, not wanting Hong-joo to see him like that.

She says that his boss promised to assign her to his department’s most competent prosecutor, and Woo-tak says it’s sure to be Jae-chan.

Cut to: Hong-joo being introduced to Hee-min, while Jae-chan shuffles his feet sadly and glares at the chief prosecutor like an angry puppy. Adorably, Prosecutor Lee and Prosecutor Shin are on Jae-chan’s side, and wonder why the boss overlooked him.

But the chief prosecutor says it’s because he cares for Jae-chan that he’s looking out for him, pointing out that an in-depth story would only reveal how slow he is to whittle down his enormous stack of unsolved cases and shatter his positive image. Ha, poor buddy.

Hee-min, meanwhile, acts like she’s doing a shampoo commercial on camera, flipping her hair excessively and strutting down the hallway like it’s a catwalk.

But she’s impressive in the interrogation room, and Hong-joo is so wowed by her that Prosecutor Lee notes from the observation room that Jae-chan should just consider himself lucky that Hee-min is a woman, otherwise Hong-joo would’ve fallen for her by now. Jae-chan sadly agrees.

Prosecutor Lee offers to let him borrow his car to cheer him up, and then asks for Jae-chan to cover his on-call shift tonight in return. He happily texts someone that he’s free for a date tonight and then skips away down the hall. Who’re you dating?

Jae-chan joins his team for lunch and weakly thanks them both for sticking by his side when he’s so incompetent. Chief Choi snaps at him to stop it, crying that he’s not going to leave, so he can quit it with the mushy talk.

Jae-chan brings up the IV serial killer case and says that the killer’s will left him with some questions, but Chief Choi says that all criminals feel wronged, and insists that it was an open-and-shut case. Jae-chan accepts his answer, but doesn’t look convinced.

The pickpocket ajusshi goes to the appointed place to make the cell phone ransom exchange, and a young man shows up to give him the money as promised. Hm, it’s the same man who looked very dead in the dream earlier…

But one of them has been followed by a team of cops, and both Ajusshi and Phone Dude flee in a panic.

Woo-tak thinks back to his partner jumping in to tell him that the radios were charged when he couldn’t tell, and he tentatively starts to bring it up. But they’re interrupted when Phone Dude runs past them, chased by a detective.

They run after them to help, and the detective gasps for them to go after the one in gray. Woo-tak scans the crowd ahead of him, but panic rises when almost everyone looks to him like they’re wearing gray. Oh, so he’s more than just red-green color-blind.

He’s frozen in place just scanning the crowd, but his partner thinks to tell Woo-tak to look for plaid pants. So he knows!

Woo-tak zeroes in on the pattern and then immediately goes into Terminator mode, taking Phone Dude down swiftly. But before he can be arrested, Phone Dude throws his phone into the river. Seriously, what the heck is on that thing?


The chief prosecutor worries when he finds out that Hong-joo will be filming all night, and that Jae-chan happens to be on the night shift tonight. Jae-chan freaks out when he gets the call and starts flailing around the office, trying to hide the enormous stacks of case files before Hong-joo gets there.

He sniffs his prosecutor robes, remembering that he’s never cleaned them once, but figures that you can’t capture smells on camera.

Unfortunately for him, Hong-joo is already standing in the doorway with his boss waving his arms behind her, and she’s caught his whole embarrassing freakout on camera.

Meanwhile, Phone Dude gets questioned at the police station, and he insists that he’s just a middleman who delivered the money for the real phone owner. It’s obviously suspicious to the cops, since they all saw him throw the phone into the river.

The pickpocket ajusshi is being questioned at the next desk over and surreptitiously puts a tiny thumb drive in his sock. The detective is surprised when he asks to be questioned by the prosecutor in person rather than over video conference.

The chief prosecutor hovers over Jae-chan so protectively that he can’t do anything but smile awkwardly at the camera. But as soon as the boss steps away, the first thing Jae-chan does is fall out of his chair trying to look suave while answering the phone, and Hong-joo tries not to cringe.

The pickpocket ajusshi is brought to Jae-chan’s office in handcuffs, and when he sticks his gum on the doorframe before going in, the chief prosecutor notes it curiously and wonders where he’s seen that man before. Then he overhears Jae-chan say that he shares a name with the chief prosecutor, who now remembers him as the man who sullied his good name.

Ajusshi tells Jae-chan that he was once a government employee too, but because of something his younger brother did, he lost all his money trying to clean up after him and his wife left him too. He says that his only daughter hurt her back in a traffic accident when she was nine, and he can’t hold a steady job because he has to take care of her, which is why he resorted to stealing. He says through tears that he’ll comply with the investigation, and pleads not to be imprisoned so that he can go home to his child.

Jae-chan seems to believe him, while his boss clucks from the hallway and bursts in to say that the thief’s repertoire hasn’t changed in ten years. Jae-chan seems reluctant to just have him imprisoned without checking on the daughter first, while the chief prosecutor tells him privately that his supposed daughter was nine years old ten years ago too. Ha.

The chief prosecutor lights into Jae-chan for being so naïve and spending too much time on basic things, likening him to a doctor who’s letting trauma patients die because he’s taking so long administering a band-aid.

Jae-chan trudges out after the lecture, shoulders slumped, and Hong-joo asks if he’s okay. Chief Choi assures her that he’s not always getting yelled at, but she just asks what’s so wrong about being fooled by someone, pointing out that it’s not a bad thing to trust people.

Woo-tak finally finds the nerve to ask his partner, “You know, don’t you? That I can’t distinguish between colors very well.” His partner says yes, and when Woo-tak asks why he hasn’t said anything when it’s grounds to be kicked off the force, he simply asks if Woo-tak lied to pass the vision test.

Woo-tak says he didn’t—that it was a mistake in the testing—and his partner waves it off as no big deal then. Woo-tak isn’t as sure, but his partner points out that Woo-tak was the one who caught the culprit today, arguing that his huge belly is more grounds to be fired than Woo-tak’s eyes.

Jae-chan goes to the ajusshi’s house anyway, just in case the daughter is really at home alone. But a neighbor tells him that the man lives alone, and Jae-chan deflates. Hong-joo finds him, having guessed that this is where he’d be, and he asks her to edit out his footage tonight because he doesn’t want to be an embarrassment to his department.

But Hong-joo says she just asked the grandma selling hotcakes on the corner about the ajusshi, and learned that he really did have a nine-year-old daughter who was injured from an accident. Ten years ago, he was arrested for a similar crime and imprisoned, and his daughter died while he was locked up.

Hong-joo says that if that man had met Jae-chan as his prosecutor ten years ago, his daughter might still be alive today. Jae-chan finally smiles a little at that, and Hong-joo assures him that she’s going to cut all of his footage out of her report, because she doesn’t want other women chasing after him.

He leans in and kisses her all of a sudden, and then notes cheekily that the hotcake she’s eating is really sweet. Kyaa.

He only now notices that she’s wearing his ring and thanks her, and they shyly steal peeks at each other.

Jae-chan goes to see the ajusshi down at the police station in the morning, and tells him that he’ll be imprisoned. The ajusshi scoffs that they’re all the same, but then his expression changes when Jae-chan says he went to his home last night and heard about his daughter’s death. Jae-chan says that he knows it’s no use to apologize now on behalf of the prosecutor’s office, but does so anyway, bowing deeply.

Ajusshi is moved and says that he’s told that sob story to six different prosecutors, but Jae-chan is the first to ever go check on his daughter. He decides to give Jae-chan a reward, and digs out the thumb drive from his sock. He says he doesn’t know what’s on it.

Oh man, I’m beginning to think that Junior Cop isn’t the thief, but the serial killer…

With Chief Choi and Hong-joo looking on, Jae-chan starts going through the thumb drive, which so far consists of photos of food and dogs. Jae-chan wrestles with Hong-joo to prevent her from filming his screen, and that’s when Chief Choi gets to a series of photos that drains the color from his face.

They’re photos of hospital patients, and Jae-chan wonders if the cell phone owner was a doctor. But Chief Choi says, “They’re victims… of the IV serial killer,” which sends chills up everyone’s spines.

They find 19 patients’ photos on the cell phone, but Chief Choi says there were only 11 victims in the IV serial killings. They wonder what that means for the remaining people, and whether the owner of the phone could’ve been an accomplice… or the real killer.

Meanwhile, Phone Dude calls the real phone owner and assures him that he threw the phone into the river and told the cops nothing. Huh, so he really was just a middleman. He’s still talking to the friend when he enters the storage container where he lives, and is surprised to find him there, waiting for him. Ack, run!

Jae-chan takes the photos to his boss, who yells at him for digging into a closed case and listening to a con man. But Jae-chan tells him that the thief really did have an injured daughter, and that she died ten years ago because the prosecutor back then refused to believe him. Jae-chan says he doesn’t want to be that kind of prosecutor.

Chief Choi’s head is swimming with the memory of Yoo-bum saying that it takes so little for a prosecutor to falsify evidence. He marches over to Yoo-bum’s firm and asks him straightaway if he falsified evidence on the IV serial killer case, and screams at him to answer.

Yoo-bum falls silent, and all he says in reply is, “You were there too.” Ugh, is that an admission? It’s so vague!

Hong-joo can barely suppress her laugh when she finds Bong sunbae with his pregnant suit on, and while they’re talking he drops a stack of papers. Every time he fails to pick them up, he grunts out a promise to treat his wife better. Aw.

Hong-joo asks him to call in a favor with a detective to get Phone Dude’s address, and then heads there that night. Jae-chan heads out to do more investigating as well, telling Hyang-mi that he has to do it in his off-hours because the boss refused to approve it.

When Hong-joo arrives at the storage container, Jae-chan is already there, just like in the dream. They’re surprised to see each other, and then she’s further shocked when he shows her Phone Dude’s dead body.

Just then, a figure dressed in black padlocks the door behind them, and begins pouring gasoline into the room. He drops a lighter and the container is ablaze in seconds, and Jae-chan tries throwing things at the windows, but they’re all barred. He hugs Hong-joo close, not knowing what else to do.

A man runs furiously near the river. We only see him in shadow, but could this be Junior Cop, coming to save them? As he runs, the events of that fateful day 13 years ago flash by, as young Jae-chan and Hong-joo pulled Junior Cop out of the water.

Jae-chan and Hong-joo huddle close together surrounded by fire, while the ajusshi arrives outisde the container. He kicks and yanks at the door in futility and then finds a rock nearby, and uses all of his strength to hammer it at the padlock over and over, until it finally breaks.

As this is happening, Woo-tak’s theory about seeing the future of the people who saved his life plays over the scene in voiceover. The ajusshi opens the door and runs inside… and it’s Chief Choi.

OHMYGOD, Junior Cop is Chief Choi!

He runs over to them and gets everyone out safely, and even goes back for the dead body. Outside, he stumbles over to them and asks if they’re okay, and if they can recognize him.

They only recognize him as Chief Choi, of course, but he breaks down in tears, beside himself with relief that they’re alive. Chief Choi hugs them both and sobs uncontrollably while saying over and over that it’s a relief. Oof, that made me cry.

Flashback 13 years. The night that Jae-chan got caught for the motorcycle and for forging his grades, Junior Cop and his partner had been standing by as Dad yelled at him.

Junior Cop had tried to defuse the situation by offering to take over the case, and chided Jae-chan for forging his grades when his father had been so proud of him.

Then the camera pans down to his nametag, which reads: Choi Dam-dong, aka Chief Choi’s full name.


Okay, you totally got me. That was a great twist. I thought that the pickpocket ajusshi was a red herring, but I was preparing for some horrible reveal that Junior Cop had grown up to be a serial killer or something. It’s those past-tense voiceovers from the future—they fill me with so much dread, and then I’m always assuming the worst. I never imagined that Junior Cop would be so close to them, and it makes me wonder if he saw into the future and purposely positioned himself to be in their lives, or if he was just as surprised to end up working with Jae-chan. It can’t be a complete coincidence that he left the police force for the prosecutor’s office and ended up on Jae-chan’s staff, right? (Random thought: Could Woo-tak quit the force to be an investigator at the prosecutor’s office too? I don’t know if color-blindness is a deal-breaker there too, but maybe not.)

The serial killer case is particularly sticky now, because if Yoo-bum did fabricate the evidence, there’s no way he’s going down without Chief Choi. I’ve always thought that Yoo-bum’s fixation with Chief Choi is that he feels validated and in the right when Chief Choi is on his side, so recruiting him would somehow make his side right again. He has the habit of missing the point—that you’d be on the right side if you were in the right—and reaching for the trappings instead. But today I also began to wonder if maybe he thinks Chief Choi knew that he falsified evidence and was under the impression that they were alike all this time.

I wonder how long Chief Choi has been having dream visions of Jae-chan and Hong-joo, whether he’s been dreaming about them for the past 13 years, or if it started recently like it did for Jae-chan. The show has made it clear that Woo-tak’s theory is the one to go on, but they still need to explain why Jae-chan’s dreams were triggered now in adulthood if Hong-joo saved him all those years ago. The rules are definitely inconsistent, since technically Jae-chan should’ve dreamt of the fire if Hong-joo’s life was in danger, and Woo-tak should’ve dreamt it because Jae-chan’s life was in danger. Maybe there’s a quota on how many times you can save a person. Or maybe the dreams are just a plot device and we were never meant to think this hard about it. Unfortunately, I think the latter is the case.

But I’m very happy to see the show return to the overarching mystery, and finally start to bring all of our characters together. There’s definitely an excitement that builds when the show focuses on these seemingly loose threads that slowly reveal themselves to be part of the larger picture after all. I already loved Chief Choi as a character, but this backstory adds such dimension, and in hindsight there’s a consistency between the young cop who’d offered Jae-chan advice that he’d heeded his whole life, and the mentor who patiently guides him through his toughest moments on the job. It hurts my heart to think of the possibility that Jae-chan might see him differently once he learns the truth. Right now Chief Choi is a father figure to him, but he’s also the brother of the man who killed his father. Ultimately I don’t think Jae-chan will let that change things, but I do think it will be a painful road for them both.

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plot twist of the month!!!!!never ever have imagined it.


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Me neither


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Thank you for the recap, @girlfriday!

I didn't expect that plot twist at all!

This show is getting better every episode and I can't wait to see how the mystery unfolds next episode! No words can describe how I reaally love the show and its writer!


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Girlfriday, thank you for the recap.

Jung Jaechan, thank you for making me laugh so hard with your antics.

Chief Choi, Thank you fo saving Jaechan and Hongjoo. Oh, so you're the junior cop. I didn't see it's coming so it's a nice twist.

Officer Oh, thank you for keeping Wootak's secret and become a good senior and partner for him.


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Jae-chan's antics are hilarious! He's so awkward and funny. I've really enjoyed how the writer balances the humor from moments like that with all the dark murder mystery and dirty lawyering.


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First, I didn't expect Go Sunghee to speak English. Did she study abroad? Or was she raised abroad?

Second, Chief Choi!!! Wooooah! There's a reason why I like you so much. Thank you for not disappointing me until now.

Third, Wootak's colorblindness is surely going to be a big deal one of these days. He's lucky he always has his sunbae by his side. What happens if he gets entangled in a huge case and sunbae is not there to guide him with colors?

Fourth, Yoobeon just continues to stoop to the lowest of lows. I hope there's no happy ending for you.

Fifth, finally, this show is starting to pick up its pace. The previous four episodes felt so dragging and unnecessary,


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I believe you must have foreign language proficiency to even attend law school in Korea. And English is likely the most common language used since the modern legal education is based on western law. Some of the Korean law schools teach primarily in English.


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I was surprised at her good English so i did some research on dramawiki and found that she's born in United States.


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No the case is 1 year old not 10 years. I went back and checked when the news about his death was announced they said he was imprioned in may 2015


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The ajusshi pickpocket case was the one which had happened 10 year ago and not the IV serial killer case.


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PLOT TWIST that I never expected... All my predictions are wrong.

I love Chief Choi and Officer Oh who secretly guiding/protecting Jae Chan, Hong Joo and Woo Tak.


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Same! Was pleasantly surprised with the twist that I ain't even mad that my theories are not coming to be.


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Before i thought this is repetitive ,every time the lead is danger and someome will save him or her but now i know the story is all about it .Actually the story is not having dreams but repaying the debt of saving ones life and the feeling of guilt but offcourse they could done so much in fantasy but park hye run is not writer who throws everything to twist the plot and make it impossible to solve but her writting is more heartwarming so i felt fantasy element is bit not upto mark but its definitely a good show!!!


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I really like this writer. There are no small or throw-away characters in their stories/dramas. Love it, love it.


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This drama twist is mother of all twist.😎 Woohoo🤗
Definitely 😍 this drama is damn perfect 😍... Never ever let his viewers get bored for evn 1 single second😘😘
I mean no one will evn realised that SWBDS 'ahjushi' will be that person...Omo I love the ahjhussi evn more 😘
After song dong ll ahjhussi this ahjhussi is my favourite😘😘...


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I did not see that coming! Got blindsided by the phone thief Ahjusshi too - but near the end it was all up for grabs. And ever since the reveal, I've been trying to go back and see if Chief Choi was in any of the earlier situations to save either of them. He was there in Jae Chan's first dream about Hong Joo dying on the rooftop, and he was the one who showed most concern about Jae Chan running into danger etc, but there was nothing to show that he had any foresight about those incidents. Plot twist well done, and since we already love their mentor-protege relationship, this additional bit if knowledge makes it more touching.

The rules really haven't been defined well, they keep repeating the explanation of wanting to repay the other person for saving their life as the reason for the dreams - but don't really try to make sense of how it works. Or maybe it's just us fans who want so many details, they're just thankful that they get the dreams at all? And if there's a quota on the number of dreams each person can have, does it get filled if you feel like you've already saved them, so the debt is paid? Note that there are side characters who have been saved who don't seem to be dreaming - maybe they just don't feel grateful enough. And we still don't know how Hong Joo started getting her generic dreams in the first place.

I still love the comedic scenes in this show the best, be it Jae Chan's dance when Chief Choi says he won't go over to Yu Beom and the look his brother gives him, pure sibling (exactly like those I've got from my own sister!), Shin Pro's glam routine, or Jae Chan's matter-of-fact selfies with Chief. Looking forward to the last sprint!

Thanks for the great recap, @girlfriday!


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Just a thought - Junior cop and his sunbae in the hospital scene from the past seem like Woo Tak and his partner in the present. So sweet!


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I agree with what you're saying about the rules. Of course, outside of these four characters who dream the future, there must be other instances when people are thankful and want to repay another for saving their life. Perhaps because they were not saved by someone who had these dreams. However, at the time only Hong-Joo had the dreams when they saved Mr. Choi yet he dreams of them both? The only real connect for these four is Hong-Joo but as you say, we don't understand where hers come from. Also, there are other characters like the sister of the chicken guy who killed their brother for insurance money. Hong-Joo and Jae-Chan saved her, yet she doesn't have those dreams. Could it be because she didn't feel the same level of gratitude and a desire to repay that debt? Or was it because she wasn't in as much immediate danger (mid-drowning/in the road vs. he probably would have had to kill Hong-Joo first)? I think the other inconsistency would be understanding what they dream and how often. Hong-Joo seems to dream everything from getting coffee to deaths. Jae-chan mostly sees life/death or case-related dreams, but he also dreamt that kiss early on in the show. Woo-Tak seems to have stopped dreaming as much recently and mostly about bad things about to happen to Jae-Chan. But why!?

I'm not sure if this will ever be completely explained as this ability really has just been a device to forward a plot. I think is writer likes to put elements of fate in her dramas, so while the plot twist with Mr. Choi is shocking, it is very like her to have her different character histories and storylines conveniently converge together. Like how in Pinocchio, the girl's mother is coincidentally the reporter the guy hates/ destroyed his family.


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I agree with your views. Even I have many doubts. At first woo tak had dream about hong joo being injured. Jae chan wad not even in that scene. He only dragged him in that to change the plot. But he is known to have the dream of jae chan. And jae chan started to dream about hong joo only after seeing her. But choi seems to have those dreams and know about their address details even before meeting them in person.

I guess there is a reason behind that sister of chicken guy. Because other three knew that they were saved by one and be thankful to them. So they started having those dreams. But the cafetaria girl dont even know that she was saved by someone. So she may not have those dreams because of that.

Only choi's dream is mysterious whether he started to have those after meeting or not. If it so, the plot seems somewhat logical as choi may dreamt only about hong joo but jae chan was with her as a coincedence.


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The dreams only happen to the person whose live was saved from near death experiences - like you almost died and was brought back to life. Jae Chan's bro, the piano girl and other side characters were saved from making bad decisions, the situations were not near death experiences. Also Chief Choi dreams of situations where both Jae Chan and Hong Joo are together in the same situation. Such as Woo Tak dreams of Jae Chan and Jae Chan dreams of Hong Joo.


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Yup, never would have guessed it in a million years about the twist!
Thank you @girlfriday for the speedy recap - you never disappoint!

So good! Now I have to re-watch previous episodes to see if there are clues that I have missed 😆 #anyexcusetorewatch

I think this is my fav Lee Jong-Seok's character portrayal. I have watched him previously in Pinocchio, I Hear Your Voice and W but somehow I enjoyed this one the most. He's dorky but earnest, childish but also mature at times, he's funny yet serious when he needs to be - he seems very relatable. And it helps that I love his family dynamics - although he lost his loving parents, he is still cheerful and I credit this mostly to his younger brother.

Enough gushing 😍😍 waiting impatiently for tomorrow!


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I'm with you, I like LJS the most in this drama big thanks to the writing of Jae-chan. LJS is so perfect as Jae-chan.


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I'm with you too. Jaechan take over the highest place in my heart from Park Sooha who made me a fan of Lee Jongsuk.


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I rewatched the scene with Junior Cop in episode 1 and noticed that if you look carefully, you can kind of read his name tag. At least "최담" quite well and "동" almost. :o


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Hmm, interoffice romance between Prosecutor Lee and Prosecutor Sohn?


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Yeah, I thought that they both were going on a date too.


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I do think Officer Oh (WT's partner) is the fat young junior officer who was Investigator Choi's friend and waited for him to wake up in the hospital.


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I mean this drama is worth watching nd waiting for a week.....
I was wondering tht the Third person too must have been dreams about them but then forgotten for a while 😇....
The last scene had me goosebumps mann....
Even the ost was so good nd concentrating with the scene😍 'Its you' (I love this ost 😍😘)nd tht patting him on the back...seeing they were doing it together was so heart warming 😍


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I was on the verge to leave the show but lee jong suk and mr choi grabbed me (love it)!!!!!


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Ya! One of his best dramas too😍 he's so natural here 😍 I love him here evn more .... Clumsy but soo cute 😘


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Ya! One of his best dramas too he's so natural here I love him here evn more .... Clumsy but soo cute


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So I hope Woo-tak's inability to differentiate color was the big secret his close friend had threatened him for to reveal to police. Then I can breath knowing he doesn't keep anything disastrous. And I'm really glad that prosecutor Choi is police ahjussi. Questions: If the dream theory goes as Woo-tak's hypothesis, one starts dreaming about the person who saves one's life from seconds to death and they quite sure police ahjussi must have been dreaming about Hong-joo and Jae-chan. So Hong-joo did save Jae-chan back then, why did he only start seeing premonition of her now?


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Probably it starts when they meet Hong Joo ( both JC and Chief Choi). But it might a wrong guess. One thing for sure, HJ is the main key in the dreams. But, GF was right...we might not need to think in depth about the rules on how those dreams work and who is in control of true dreams


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Maybe JC did not dream about HJ earlier because she was not in a life threatening situation before?


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That was one hell of a plot twist!
Chief choi is my hero! Love him!

Jaechan trying to make sure he doesn't lose chief choi was hilarious!


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It was a bit weird to hear the OTP love song, It's You, as the accompaniment to Chief Choi's relief at saving them. Sure, it was "the right time at the right moment" but I don't think "I'm falling too fast, deeply in love" is perhaps the right sentiment at that moment.


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Or maybe the dreams were triggered only after they met in the present.


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I'm so glad that Mr Choi was the young cop but sad that this show is coming to an end. I've always like Mr Choi as a character but that plot twist makes everything even better!


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Before i started watching this ep i didn't think deputy choi would have been junior cop but the moment they started discussing about junior cop early in this ep i immediately went ITS DEPUTY CHOI HE FITS THE CRITERIAS so i was a bit happy when it indeed was him XD.

As for woo tak i also thought his colour blindess was limited to only red but i guess its not :(


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though this year there this year has been a drought condition for me except some outstanding dramas but this year the brotherly love has really captured my heart in Circle and now in WYYS everything seem so perfect love them but LEE JONG SUK AND SHIN JAE SSHI ARE THE BROMANCE OF THE YEAR FOR ME !!!!!1


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This episode was really good, especially after the last few good but predictable episodes, this felt like a reward!

When it was made clear that phone thief is not the junior cop (hong joo said he had worked as a mail man), I started to think who else could it be. I wondered if the drama would bring in a new person as i couldn't think of a likely candidate among the people we already know. I did briefly think of chief choi but dismissed it since he had been unwelcome to jae chan in the beginning. But, once the show revealed that it was indeed him, it felt like a few things fell into place.

Like in the first case, when we all thought chief choi would investigate in favour of yoo beom but instead he brought out the truth and all the times yoo beom asked chief choi to do something that would help him win the case but chief choi stood resolutely in helping jae chan to bring out the truth.


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"Just as they’d predicted, a man wakes up and writes down the details of the dream in a notebook, including the fact that Jae-chan and Hong-joo will die. But if that’s true, why isn’t Woo-tak having the same dream? These rules, man."

But wasn't Hong Joo supposed to die in the rain? I'm so confused now...


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They dont always dream everything. none of the three dragons had this dream only Mr. Choi did for some reason. And i think there are different future since woo tak's dreams are always of alternate fulture and different to hong joo's dreams. In the same way this was also an alternate future which would have happened if they werent saved


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Or maybe they were meant to be saved from the start since deputy choi didnt exactly see them die


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I really somehow feel Lee jong suk and Suzy have good chemistry and its so real perfect couple of the year after BtOFl and liar and his lover


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Wow, that was a great plot twist! Didn't ever expect Junior cop to be so near Jae Chan and Hong Joo and none other than Chief Choi! I'm speechless, the last scene was so heartwarming.

This episode did wonders. My heart raced so much when trying to figure out who Junior cop was.. I too at first thought oh no...he became a phone stealing ajusshi? And then, I later suspected that Junior cop was the mystery man in black, the one who set the fire....

Maybe just my theory, but maybe the person who has the dreams is the person who is meant to save the other person (or change what would have happened) in the given situation. I'm so curious for more details in the next episode. Did Junior cop (Chief Choi.) know who Jae Chan and Hong Joo were the whole time? Was this his first dream about them after all these years and hence his thankfulness that he saved them from the fire in time? Will he reveal to them that he remembers who they are? I can't wait for the reunion scene!


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He obviously kept track of Jae Chan over the years, because he was sending money to him. And as a police officer, he probably could easily have found out who Hong Joo was, since she was the child of the bus driver who died that day.

Looking forward to hear his story. Worried that something might happen to him next time he tries to save them, especially if he gets in Yoo Bum's way.


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Thank you the plot twist drama!!!!! I really was about to stop watching and only follow the recaps......
Back on track... YEY!!!!! Now waiting for JC to accept Cheif Choi and unfold new mystries about the past.....


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My theory is that the dreams are triggered by danger. Jae Chan only recently started dreaming about Hong Joo because her suicide was the first time she would die. She was never in danger herself, she only dreamt of other people dying. Since Choi's saving was a joint saving, maybe he didn't have any dreams yet because his trigger is needing both Jae Chan and Hong Joo to be in danger together? That may also explain Woo Tak. Since it doesn't involve only Jae Chan, he doesn't see it? Overall "time skip" plots are very hard to maintain and that's why I don't like them. Still to this day I have a bit of trouble understanding the Bran/Hodor GOT time cycle. I think the writer is just changing minor details as she pleases in order to move the story along and make the show interesting. We shouldn't think too hard about it.


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The rules are definitely inconsistent, since technically Jae-chan should’ve dreamt of the fire if Hong-joo’s life was in danger, and Woo-tak should’ve dreamt it because Jae-chan’s life was in danger.....Or maybe the dreams are just a plot device and we were never meant to think this hard about it. Unfortunately, I think the latter is the case.

Probably not supposed to think so hard... but maybe Jae-chan & Woo-tak didn't dream because the dream machine knew Hong-joo & Jae-chan weren't actually in danger because they guy who had been saved by both of them would have it covered.
And, as Mikey said, it may matter a lot that HJ & JC saved Junior Cop together and were both in danger together.


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OH MY GOODNESS. That plot twist. MY HEART. I had all the warm fuzzies when the two kiddos were patting Mr Choi on the back at the same time. There were a lot of false leads and mysterious hints like Woo-tak's secret colourblindness. Props to the writing for managing to throw us all so well. Perhaps it's a little convenient but I think it's believable enough.

This drama and this writer has managed to keep exceeding my expectations. Although this writer often uses a lot of the same themes, settings, etc, in her dramas, she's always able to keep it fresh and compelling with likeable, though often flawed, characters.

Now that we know who Mr. Choi is and given his role in this serial murder case, I'll excited to see where this will go. Man, I can't wait for them to take down Yoo-beom. That sneaky asshole, pardon my language. I know there will be a lot of strife in the meantime but knowing this writer, usually everything works out in the end! And I can't wait!


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i am shock when i found out that junior cop is mr. choi. i didn't expect this one


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Hee-min, meanwhile, acts like she’s doing a shampoo commercial on camera, flipping her hair excessively and strutting down the hallway like it’s a catwalk.

All she needs is a scarf to return to somebody :)


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Okay, that is unexpected! Good job, show!
I really glad that the junior cop is still someone who mentoring Jae Chan all of the years..
I just give up the dream rules for now, maybe it just happen all over for the drama shake, whateva for the dream!!


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I really think lee jong suk has outdone himself again and 2 mins silence for those who think wyys is not worth watching becoz it is good


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Ya!! True 😂...But maybe it's used as 'Its you' Mr. Choi it's youuuu 😂


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A lot of things don't add up. Surely junior cap knew JC's name since he was the son of his senior. And if the junior cap the one sending money to the brothers, he knows JC all along. There was no indication from the very start that he knew JC. I'm hoping that there will be an explanation for this next episode.


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One of an unexpected but totally welcome twist. The reveal of the policeman who gave Jaechan an advice that he heeded through life and also the brother of the soldier.. turning out to be his current best helper in the office and also mentor figure. brilliant. i was snoozing a lil at the romance part of the drama. and interested in all the supporting characters and the cases. And now this reveal.. finally got me excited. and Kim Won Hae ahjussi is such a brilliant actor who has both charisma and acting chops- hes such a scene stealer in most of the dramas he is in.
I too keep wondering when they would show woo tak dreamin of both Suzy and JaeChan in the fire. He should have dreamt of them based on his hypothesis.. unless he stopped feeling thankful? which seems unlikely.. so i wonder at this inconsistency ..that writer ignored so that she can write choi as the one who saved them.


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i forgot to shout out.. Prosecutor Lee and Prosecutor Shin are dating! ive thought of that possibility ever since he first found out about her son.


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I think prosecutor Shin is the young female prosecutor, the older female prosecutor (mother of the sick boy) is prosecutor Son. And I think that Lee is dating Shin because he had naturally his hand on her shoulders during the trial until she stopped him.


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love woo tak and his sunbae omo omo!!!!


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I cried at the end of the episode. Didn't see that coming, what a great plot twist!


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disregarding all else, thank goodness for some tolerable english at last. and them picking a female prosecutor as the most competent. yay!


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I was surprised that the policeman is Mr. Choi. He was here all along with Jung jae chan Nam joo.. But i did figured it out before the revelation was made, because, we saw a guy running towards the container house, and i knew that was Mr. Choi, because the figure totally looked like him. And i connected the dots, and figured that Mr. Choi is the Polieman whom Jae chan and Nam joo saved. Nice twist.


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I think, where JC felt grateful for HJ and WT for JC, Choi feels grateful to BOTH JC and HJ. Thus, his dreams can only work if they include both of them. And perhaps the "second-generation" prophets can only dream of them if they are already in their lives again. HJ is the patient zero, so we don't know quite how her rules differ (honestly, it feels like so much effort is going into the male lead (again...) that the female lead's more intruiguing or unique situation is forgotten), but it could be that the others have their own rules because they "got infected" by her. I mean, technically WT is a "third-generation" since he was infected by an infectee, but still.

I loved that plot twist, and I'm excited to see how things change from now! Though I hope the falsely accused murderer's son gets proper money/support back, since if there is one thing we can take from this show, is that Dramaland's people hive-mind into anything they don't like and practically ruin their lives, then pretend nothing is wrong and instead feels wronged when the person maybe *gasp* holds a grudge?! I hope that will be more talked about as well.


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Shout it to Officer Oh!
Greatest senior cum colleague ever!

The plot twist really kills all the speculation about Woo Tak. However, I’m glad he didn’t cheat but rather something went wrong on the test. Although that really don’t absolve him of all blame. Seems like his colorblind is pretty serious. He can’t always have a sunbae to cover his ass always..
but.. since he is top in criminal law.. why don’t he join the prosecutors instead or be a lawyer...


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good idea for Woo Tak to cross over and become lawer or prosecutor. it is pretty bad indeed, how will he follow leads? how will he describe a suspect? (can Robin please be a dog with superpowers and help him out? I have been waiting for the doggy sidekick to play a bigger part since forever!!! Cmon!)


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Just thinking outside the box; Colour blindness can't be woo tak's only secret right? Anyway,
Dear show please don't make woo tak the serial killer😪. Like I just can't stop thinking about that 😟


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The thought did cross my mind for a second but it can't be. Why would Woo-tak save JC only to kill him later?Still I think that the serial killer is someone we know because they haven't shown his face. If it's a new character they could just show him to us.


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Gotta give it to the writers, that was completely unexpected. Did not see it coming at all. I was so sure Woo Tak's secret had something to do with the police ajusshi that the color blindness semmed a bit disappointing, but Chief Choi makes up for it.

The only thing that bothers met right now is the fact that no one is asking where Hong Joo's dreams fits into their theory since she dreams about strangers and has been having these dreams since she was a kid.

The dreams seem to have taken a back seat the last couple of weeks episode, when was the last time Hong Joo had a dream about a stranger or Woo Tak even had one at all? I wish they had defined the rules when it comes to their dreams more. Still a lot of loose ends left, let's see how the last three episodes ties it. Fighting!


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I make an assumption that Hongjoo still dream about strangers but she doesn't know when and where those events in her dreams will happen so she can do nothing about it. Why those dreams aren't showed? Because it has nothing to do with the plot.


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Aaaand, Chief Choi reeled me right back in! The show seemed to have slowed down its pace in the past couple of weeks but that could also be due to the fact that I wasn't emotionally invested in the cases of the week.. this new plot twist and a case that could end up being sticky for Yoo Bum (yay!!) And chief Choi (naw!!)??? I'm hooked people :)


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Having the dreams be "unreliable" is probably a good thing overall. HJ is apparently the master dreamer but her curse is that she cannot affect anything that she sees. The other's dreams are more targeted but also appear to be mutable by their own actions. It seems that the dreams don't follow any specific rules - ie it could be about things like JC's morning route to work all the way to life and death situations.

Anyway, this series has entered it's climactic phase on a great note. I trust that they will tie WT back into the main story line soon. All that foreshadowing and mystery about his secret(s) and to have it be revealed and then unresolved would be a minor let down.

Still, this is a very welcome change from the halfway point doldrums. All of last week's episodes were cute but felt like filler.


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