Reunited Worlds: Episodes 7-8

Not even returning from the dead exempts Hae-sung from the social complications of suddenly being over a decade younger than the friends he left behind. The longer he’s back, the harder it gets to ignore the fact that his relationships have changed, which makes Jung-won’s growing attraction to Hae-sung that much more confusing for her. But luckily for Hae-sung, he finds an unexpected ally who may be able to help him figure out what’s happening to him.

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Hae-sung sees Jung-won crying on Min-joon’s shoulder outside the restaurant, and he quickly turns and leaves. Jung-won only lets Min-joon hug her for a few seconds before backing up and apologizing, looking uncomfortable.

She smiles when she sees that Hae-sung is home, and she finds him making ddukbokki for dinner. He watches her eat, and she tells him about her mother showing up at the restaurant today. Hae-sung asks if she’s seen her mother since the day they went to Seoul, and Jung-won says that today was the first time.

She says that she was angry, but she remembered Hae-sung telling her to get revenge by living a good life, so she claimed to own the restaurant and be engaged to Min-joon. She says that she was grateful Min-joon backed up her story, but also confused as to why he’d do that.

Hae-sung puts aside his jealousy and just says that was nice of Min-joon. He quickly changes the subject to Jung-won’s abysmal housekeeping, particularly the way she leaves her medicine in the sink. Worried, he asks why she takes so much medicine, and he tells her to take better care of herself and not to get sick.

That night, Hae-sung can’t sleep, thinking about how Hae-chul said that Young-joon wasn’t home the night he died, although Jung-won’s report claims that he was. Jung-won goes to the kitchen for a drink, so Hae-sung asks her if she was really at his house that night, and if all his siblings were there.

She tells him that everyone was there but Young-joon, frowning when Hae-sung asks why she told the police he was there. She says that she told the police Young-joon was out, and though Hae-sung thinks that’s strange, he says to Jung-won that he was just curious (like it’s no big deal).

Jung-won can’t sleep either, too busy thinking about Young-joon’s request that she not reveal that he has any siblings. Meanwhile, Hae-sung wonders if there’s any point to looking for Jung-chul’s real killer after all this time.

In the morning, Ho-bang calls Jung-won’s phone when Hae-sung’s still refuses to behave. Since Hae-sung can’t touch the phone, Jung-won obligingly holds it to his ear while he talks. The plan was for Hae-sung to stay with Ho-bang tonight, but Ho-bang says that his dad is visiting unexpectedly.

Hae-sung absently turns around, so Jung-won follows his ear with her hand, ending up with her arm around his neck and his nose inches from hers. Hae-sung stares at her as he tells Ho-bang that he doesn’t mind as long as Jung-won isn’t uncomfortable with him staying with her, acting like the close proximity isn’t affecting him one bit.

It’s Jung-won who’s flustered this time, and HAHA, she keeps looking at Hae-sung’s lips as she says that he can stay. When Hae-sung finishes the call, she runs off to the bathroom to catch her breath. Then she spots her morning hair in the mirror and wails at being so close to him while looking a fright.

As they wait for Jung-won’s bus, Hae-sung says that he’s going to Tae-hoon’s department store today. Jung-won steps away to check his bus schedule, and a trio of high school girls sidle up to Hae-sung to pester him for his phone number.

Jung-won comes back and bristles at the three girls, taking offense when they call her “ajumma.” She protests that she’s not old enough to be called ajumma, only for a little boy to do exactly that as he hands her back her dropped credit card. HA.

She’s saved by the bus, and Jung-won stands at her window to wave goodbye to her like usual. But the trio of young girls is right behind him, peppering him with questions about himself, and even though Hae-sung is clearly uncomfortable and only has eyes for Jung-won, she still hangs her head as her bus pulls away.

Hae-sung finds Tae-hoon at his store directing a couple of underlings, and he beams proudly to see that his friend is so successful. When Tae-hoon comes over, Hae-sung pounds his shoulder repeatedly, which makes Tae-hoon cringe.

While Tae-hoon knows Hae-sung is technically his contemporary, to others it looks like he’s being disrespected by a kid. Hae-sung notices Tae-hoon’s discomfort and understands, and he jokingly lightens the moment by deep-bowing.

Tae-hoon says he has a surprise: Hae-sung’s sister, Young-in (the older of the two girls), works in one of the stores here. He leads Hae-sung to her store, but instead of a happy reunion, they witness Young-in being yanked by the hair by a woman accusing her of seducing her husband.

Hae-sung remembers what a sensitive child Young-in was, and how once he even found her crying in sympathy over a character in a book. Seeing her being abused sparks his protective instincts, but Tae-hoon stops him from going to Young-in and making it worse.

Tae-hoon approaches the women instead, as Young-in protests that she didn’t know the man was married. She cries that she’s a victim too, because he lied that his parents were sick and borrowed money from her. Suddenly her eyes roll back and she passes out cold. Tae-hoon rushes to her, calling for an ambulance.

When Young-in opens her eyes later, she’s in the hospital with Hae-sung standing over her. She doesn’t seem surprised to see him, and she sits up and says that it’s been a while since he came to her in her dreams. Awww.

Young-in tells Hae-sung that she’s never blamed him for not being there to take her side, but today she feels like blaming him a little. She calls herself stupid for relying on anyone who’s nice to her, but adds that she felt it was unfair of that woman to attack her when she really didn’t know the man was married.

Then Young-in asks Hae-sung if he came to her dream because he feels bad that she’s living a horrible life. Hae-sung doesn’t correct her impression that this is a dream and instead just says that he came because he missed her. Young-in says that she missed him too, then lies back down to sleep.

Hae-sung looks up the scumbag who took advantage of Young-in and approaches him at his coffee shop. He orders Cheater to return Young-in’s money and apologize, but Cheater scoffs and says that Young-in was the one who pursued him, then snarls at Hae-sung to get out of his store or get a beating.

A group of students enters, and Hae-sung picks up a table one-handed, ready to hurl it — but a strong hand on his arm stops him. It’s the mystery man, who drags him outside and warns him again not to use his strength indiscriminately.

Hae-sung pleads with the man, saying that he must have a family, too. Something changes in Mr. Mystery’s eyes and he asks darkly, “Which family member?” Hae-sung says it’s his little sister, and a few minutes later, Mr. Mystery walks into the coffee shop and offers the students two free drinks each to leave. Oh, this is gonna be good.

Seeing his store empty, Cheater asks Mr. Mystery who he is. He says breezily that he’s Young-in’s father, then locks the door. With a look, all the lightbulbs in the place explode, then he picks up Cheater by the belt and tosses him to Hae-sung.

Hae-sung and Mr. Mystery play ping-ping with Cheater for a while, then Hae-sung begs Mr. Mystery dramatically not to throw Cheater to him again because he’ll drop him. Mr. Mystery is all, “No! You’ll kill him!” He winds up, counts to three… then drops the shrieking Cheater on his face. Awesome.

Hae-sung follows Mr. Mystery to a hospital, full of questions. He asks how Mr. Mystery knew where he was, and Mr. Mystery says that people like them can sense each other. When Hae-sung asks why Mr. Mystery is so much stronger, he says that Hae-sung will be stronger too, with time.

He says that their senses are keener than most people’s, which is why Hae-sung can sometimes hear extremely well. When He-sung asks how he knows all this, he says that he learned from others like them after he came back.

He shoos Hae-sung away, saying that he has to visit his son, who’s in the hospital. Hae-sung follows him to a room, where an elderly man lies hooked up to machines. The chart on his bed says he’s eighty years old.

Mr. Mystery tells Hae-sung that this is his son, who was Hae-sung’s age when Mr. Mystery died. He says sadly that when he came back last summer, he found his son like this — old, bedridden, and unconscious. He sighs that he wishes he could talk to his son just once, to learn what his life was like.

Jung-won is cleaning the restaurant during their off hours when Min-joon summons her to go to the market with him. While there, he lets Jung-won take the lead in choosing suppliers and purchasing vegetables. As they prepare to leave, she’s nearly run down by a forklift, and Min-joon swings her out of the way only to find themselves in the path of a stack of boxes on a dolly. Min-joon shoves Jung-won away, and the boxes crash into him.

As he falls, a pumpkin smacks him on the head, and he crashes to the floor, unconscious. He wakes after a few seconds and jumps to his feet, insisting that he’s fine. A phone rings, and Min-joon reaches into his pocket, pulling out… a sweet potato.

He holds it to his ear like a phone, but then he sees the owner of the actual ringing phone. Unaware of anything unusual, Min-joon tucks the sweet potato back into his pocket and walks off, HA. He only gets a few steps before he passes out again.

He’s taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a mild concussion, and the doctor says there’s nothing to worry about. Min-joon also hurt his wrist when he passed out, so he’s told to keep it bandaged for a few days. Heh, Jung-won is still holding Min-joon’s sweet potato “phone,” and he whispers that people will think she’s weird.

Jung-won takes Min-joon home and offers to get him some water. While she’s in the kitchen, he rushes to a picture with a small cartoon of a dog tucked into the frame, turning the frame face-down while Jung-won isn’t looking. Interestingly, the cartoon is signed with the initials “JJ.”

He overhears Jung-won muttering to herself, wondering why he has no family to come look after him. He tells her that his mother died and his father remarried, and that he’s only seen his half-brother once.

Jung-won gets a video call from Jin-ju, who’s at her place. Jung-won says that she’s at Min-joon’s home, but only because he hurt himself and can’t be left alone. She says that she may not be home tonight, and Hae-sung’s grumpy face suddenly pops onscreen. HAHA. Min-joon comes back into the room so Jung-won tries to hang up, but she accidentally flips the camera, showing Hae-sung that she’s with Min-joon.

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Hae-sung wastes no time rushing to Min-joon’s house, where he offers to stay overnight to look after him. Jung-won asks why, and Hae-sung takes a very oppa-like tone as he says she can’t stay all night with a guy who lives alone.

Min-joon looks at Jung-won questioningly, so she snaps at Hae-sung, playing the role of his noona. PFFT, his face. Hae-sung drags her to his side and says again that he’ll stay, which is just peachy with Min-joon. The guys send Jung-won home, and Hae-sung won’t even let Min-joon walk her out.

Ho-bang shows up at Jung-won’s place, only to find Jin-ju stepping out of the shower wearing only a towel. She screams and the towel falls, which makes Ho-bang scream, and they just stand there screaming for a comically long time.

They reconvene at a coffee shop once Jin-ju is decent again, and Ho-bang lies that he had his eyes closed the whole time. Jin-ju asks if he saw “it,” and he’s all, “The Brazilian thing?” PWAHAHA. I’m gonna assume he saw it.

Jin-ju threatens Ho-bang with death if he tells any of the guys, then suggests they not speak for a while. She gets up to go, and Ho-bang yells after her, “Is getting a Brazilian wax a crime?!” Jin-ju slaps him into next week.

Hae-sung slips right back into his caretaker tendencies as he helps Min-joon button up his pajamas, which is incredibly adorable. Min-joon asks what he should call Hae-sung, who says he doesn’t care, but it makes him grumpy when Min-joon chooses the form of address that an adult would use with a young boy.

Min-joon then suggests Hae-sung cut some apples. Hae-sung grumbles the entire time, and it’s not until he brings the plate to Min-joon that he realizes that he’s carved the slices into heart shapes. Min-joon gives him a weird look, and Hae-sung scrambles to explain that he did it out of habit because of his part-time kitchen job.

Hae-sung notices the face-down frame and hurries over to right it. He sees the cartoon and recognizes it as Jung-won’s, and he asks Min-joon where he got it. Min-joon tells Hae-sung that one night three years ago, Jung-won was drunk and mistook his car for a taxi, jumping into the passenger seat and directing him to her place.

He’d been instantly smitten and amused, so he’d driven her home. She’d paid him for the ride, and tucked in the stack of bills was the cartoon. The very next day, she’d shown up at his restaurant for an interview, though of course she hadn’t recognized him. Min-joon says she still doesn’t know, and asks Hae-sung to keep his secret.

On his way home the following morning, Hae-sung thinks about the first time he saw Jung-won in high school, after she’d moved away in grade school. He was cleaning the auditorium as punishment for being tardy, and he’d been mesmerized by the beautiful girl walking past the window.

Hae-sung hadn’t seen her in seven years, but he’d known her instantly. He’d tried to wave, but he’s tipped himself off the table he was standing on. Drawn by the noise, Jung-won had found him rubbing his sore butt, and she’d recognized him as well. Awww, their matching grins are gorgeous.

Hae-sung’s nose had begun bleeding, so Jung-won had grabbed a tissue to clean him up. Hae-sung had gone very still to see her so close, and the rest was history.

Back in the present, Jung-won paces her balcony nervously until Hae-sung steps off the bus. She calls out that Hae-chul was arrested, and they hurry to the police station.

Hae-chul is frantic, begging Ho-bang to let him go just for a while, because he has something he has to do. He’s practically on the verge of tears, swearing he’ll come right back, but Ho-bang says that he’s a police officer first, Hae-sung’s friend second.

When Hae-chul and Jung-won arrive, Ho-bang tells them to admit that Hae-chul is at fault so the victims will settle. The two men make a big deal over what looks like minor injuries, as Hae-chul insists that he didn’t touch them.

Jung-won introduces herself as Hae-chul’s noona, bowing so hard that she smacks both men in the face with her hair, hee. She asks them to settle and offers them an envelope of money, which they grudgingly accept.

Hae-chul insists that he’s being framed, begging Hae-sung to check the CCTV cameras. A cop says there are no cameras in that area, but Ho-bang thinks to check the car’s black box. He asks the victims about it, and they grow nervous.

Across the room, Hae-sung’s super hearing kicks in, and he listens as the car’s owner tells the other guy that he hid the black box’s memory chip under the seat. He tells Ho-bang what he heard, and Ho-bang finds the chip, which proves that the men are found to be running a scam. Jung-won marvels at how Ho-bang knew to look under the seat for the memory card, and Hae-sung just agrees that Ho-bang is cool.

Hae-chul is released and runs off without even saying thank you. Jung-won says she’s just glad he didn’t beat anyone up, then her stomach growls, so Hae-sung offers to take her for her favorite meal. She does an excited happy dance, making Hae-sung joke that she looks like a kid.

Jung-won plays the noona card again, but this time, Hae-sung grabs her by the hand and says that if she ever calls herself his noona again, he’ll really get angry. She backs down, flustered that they were practically holding hands, and he lets go.

On their way to eat, they run into a little girl who’s all alone, and Jung-won offers to help her cross the street. The girl says her name is Elsa, though the tag on her backpack says “Gong-ju.”

Not far away, Hae-chul looks panicked as a pair of teachers tell him that Gong-ju disappeared when he didn’t pick her up after school. Wait… is she his daughter? OMG. Hae-chul is a father.

Luckily, Gong-ju is still with Hae-sung and Jung-won, who take her to eat with them. Hae-sung flusters Jung-won again when he casually wipes sauce off of her lips, and Gong-ju asks if they’re friends. Hae-sung says they went to school together, and she asks why Jung-won looks so much older. Lol.

Hae-sung stage-whispers to the adorable girl that it upsets Jung-won to be told she looks old. So instead, Gong-ju says she must have been pretty when she was young, then asks if Jung-won cut her bangs herself. She’s pretty observant, and she notices that Hae-sung and Jung-won smell like they use the same shampoo, making them both squirm. I love this kid.

When they finish eating, Gong-ju frowns again when Jung-won asks if her daddy is meeting her. She says tearfully that she doesn’t think he’s coming, which is when Hae-chul comes running around the corner. Gong-ju calls out, “Daddy!” and he rushes over to hug her gratefully.

Hae-sung is shocked to see his little brother with a child. He remembers when Hae-chul answered that call from someone named Gong-ju, and he realizes now that it wasn’t a girlfriend — it was his daughter.

Gong-ju tells Hae-chul about the nice adults who bought her dumplings, and he finally notices Hae-sung and Jung-won. They all go to the park so the brothers can talk.

Hae-chul tells Hae-sung that Gong-ju’s mother ran off before their daughter was a year old, and that he’s doing his best to raise her alone, though she’s staying in a child care facility right now. He says he wants to take her out of there as soon as possible, but he can’t afford it.

Hae-sung threatens that if Hae-chul ever makes Gong-ju cry, he’ll never forgive him. Hae-chul thanks his brother for getting him out of jail and for taking care of Gong-ju, but Hae-sung just scoffs when Hae-chul says he owes him.

On the swings with Gong-ju, Jung-won asks the little girl why she doesn’t like her name. Gong-ju says it’s because it means “princess,” but she’s not a princess. She flatters Jung-won by saying that she’s pretty enough to be a princess.

Hae-chul says it’s time to take Gong-ju back to the facility, so Hae-sung holds out his arms to hug his niece for the first time. He tells Hae-chul that he knows how to contact Young-joon, Young-in, and their youngest sister Soo-ji, and suggests the siblings all get together.

As they leave, Gong-ju chirps to Hae-sung, “Goodbye, Uncle!” He looks like he just fell in love, and Jung-won and Hae-chul both snicker at his stunned expression. Jung-won teases Hae-sung as they walk home, calling him “uncle” and making him laugh.

Suddenly, Hae-sung gasps and clutches his chest as if he’s in excruciating pain. He drops to his knees then collapses to the ground, struggling desperately to breathe. Nearby, Min-joon stands talking to a strange man, unaware of Hae-sung’s distress.


Why does every episode of this show leave me yelling, “Wait, what was that?!” at my computer screen?? They just throw several upsetting pieces of information at us in the space of five seconds, then expect us to wait a whole week to find out what’s going on? That’s just cruel. And now my head is swimming with more questions, such as who that man was that was with Min-joon, whether his presence has anything to do with Hae-sung’s sudden collapse, and how Min-joon is tied up in all this. Because after that last scene, I have no doubt that Min-joon is not simply Jung-won’s innocent admirer as we’ve been led to believe.

I’m not very surprised to learn that Min-joon has known of Jung-won for years. It would certainly explain why he ditched an opportunity to study in France because of Jung-won, which always seemed strange to me for a guy who only was just her boss. But if he’s been crushing on her for several years, then it makes a lot more sense why he would make such a decision. I just don’t know if I’m buying that story anymore… at the very least, he left a lot out when he told Hae-sung how he met Jung-won. He seems like such a simple, easygoing guy, but now I’m suspicious that his sweet innocent demeanor is hiding something. Not necessarily even something sinister, but considering his reluctance to discuss his past, I think there’s something going on with him.

I’m growing very concerned about the events surrounding Hae-sung’s death, and the death of the bully Jung-chul. There are so many inconsistencies, and none of it makes any sense. Where was Young-joon that night, and why would the police report say he was home when Jung-won told them he wasn’t? It’s also odd that the show made a point to tell us that Tae-hoon’s father’s car was the one that killed Hae-sung, but that someone else was driving. I’m beginning to suspect some serious foul play and evidence tampering surrounding the events of that night, but why? I just think that if Young-joon was involved in Jung-chul’s death, then there would be no reason for anyone to commit a crime just to pin the murder of a bully on another dead boy. So who really killed Jung-chul? Who would go to such great lengths to cover it up? And more importantly, why?

Aside from all that, for me, the heart of the show is Hae-sung’s discovery of how his life and death has affected those he loves. So far he’s found three of his four siblings, and learned how his death has changed them. Young-joon chose to reject his family and seek success on his own, while Hae-chul let the stigma of Hae-sung’s legacy as a murderer change him from a bright, smart, happy child into a pessimistic defeated adult. In a way, I’m glad that he has a daughter to keep him grounded, and stop him from completely sinking into despair. And Young-in has spent the years trying to recreate that relationship she had with Hae-sung, her search for a protector putting herself in the path of people who take advantage of her. At least Hae-sung has the chance to help them, unlike Mr. Mystery, who came back too late (sixty-two years after his death!) to even talk to his son.

Now that we’re a couple of weeks in and the show has found its momentum, I’m really getting emotionally invested in the characters. Hae-chul and his daughter was the big emotional highlight of this episode for me, because it explained so much about why he’s willing to be beaten and humiliated just to make money. The only quibble I have with the show is the fact that nobody — not his family, not his friends — is asking why Hae-sung came back from the dead, or how it works, or what it means. How can they not be wondering how and why this is happening?

Even Hae-sung hasn’t seemed too concerned about it, at least until he got the chance to corner Mr. Mystery to ask a few questions, and even then he didn’t ask the big one… how are people coming back from the dead with superpowers? I lost a friend at age sixteen, and I know that if he suddenly showed up decades later, alive and still a teenager, the first thing I would be asking is What in the world is going on?! But other than that, I think that Reunited Worlds is living up beautifully to its promise of being a mesmerizing, heartwarming show about the importance of love, family, and friendship.


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I love how Min Joon as a "Taxi driver" asked for 2,50$. He didn't say it was free, because he didn't want Jung Won to realize something was wrong here/feel embrassed over her action. And so he asked for cheapest price for a drive.


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1. It is interesting how after every Hae Sung/Jung Won romantic moment show reminds us that the time has passed and things changed (for example girls on bus stop or Ajumma in a restaurant)
2. I find it heartbreaking that no one asks how Have Sung came back, it feels like everyone knows it is too good to be true so they are simply enjoying the moment/are scared to ask
3. I wouldn't hate on writers if Min Joon gets hit by pumpkin again. Dizzy Min Joon was hilarious to watch


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The last scene foreshadows my broken heart ? Please drama gods, let him live!


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I think the man that Minjoon was talking to is probably kryptonite to Haesung. His heart ached because he's too close to evillllll


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The actor has played evil characters for a gazillion times; it's only natural that he's also evil this time.


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I thought that maybe he's the driver who killed Hae Sung


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The scene that header picture is from had me squealing all kinds of ways.
This episode was really interesting and I think Lee Yeon-hee and Ahn Jae-hyun weren't as awkward as they were in the previous episode, they were bad in that. I do have an issue with how jarring the tone of this show gets from melodramatic to slapstick comedy, but other than that it was a good episode. This writer does not play around with how fast they are advancing this story. It's like, who has time for angst and grief, there's a story to be told! Oh, and I ship Ho-bang and Jin-joo so much.


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That Brazilian wax scene is super hilarious! I was laughing out loud the whole. The supporting cast really make me love this drama more.


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I laughed so hard when Jinjoo wound up and slapped him into next week, as LollyPip put it. I wonder if that was her idea or the director's.


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I do have an issue with how jarring the tone of this show gets from melodramatic to slapstick comedy

A lot of shows have been doing that recently and it really makes it difficult to just watch and not be like, wtf?! The best way I could describe it is "mood whiplash." What's really jarring for me is when the music goes from happy to dun dun duuuunnn...or vice versa.


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I love how all the characters are asking about Jung Won's bangs, just like the viewers.


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I loved how they skillfully covered them up in the flash backs!


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Thank you, Lollypip, for the excellent recap. I love the the storyline and all of the characters, but it is Yeo Jin-goo's acting that truly breathes life into it. That smile is irresistible!


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It's such a delight to watch Yeo Jingoo's masterful acting. Boy is younger than me, but there's not the slightest doubt that he's born to act.


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Yeo Jin Goo is such a blend of age ranges that this role fits him shockingly well. The bright, cheerful energetic part of him makes it believable he's a particularly responsible teenager, but his voice and confidence make it believable that he's anywhere up to around 28.

I completely believe that in an age-ranking society the difference between him and his family/friends would be more glaring, but for me I really wouldn't flinch at him staying in their age group. Reclaim his birthdate, just explain that he looks freakishly young. My dad looked like an 18 year old until he was 30, so it's not out of the ordinary.


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I love how both MJ and HS were able to recall the specific date that they met JW. She was that mesmerizing, even when drunk. LYH's beauty without the bangs is just on another level.

MJ probably has something to do with HS' death. I'm guessing that Tae Hoon is his half-brother and that either MJ himself or another person with him was driving the car that killed HS.


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Your theory sets off another crazy thought of mine. Could HS and MJ be half-brothers or cousins instead? That may be why they like the same girl and love/like at first sight too.
I think HS was adopted into the family and not blood-related to the siblings though he sacrifices all he can for them. He could be a rich heir (kinda like Shopping King Louis background) and MJ's dad got someone to kill him. HS's brother (YJ) could be a witness to that night's incident (I originally thought he's the killer, but he was quite young and the bust used to kill the bully was quite heavy). YJ is most probably keeping silent because the rich person ordering the killing sponsors his medical education (we know that doesn't come cheap). Otherwise, how could he have lost touch with the family after the accident and went on to pursue his studies?


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I love the main leads every ep, but this hour I'm giving thanks to the writer for giving Kwak Dong-yeon such an interesting and emotional storyline. He's a powerful actor, but he's so young that he hasn't had many chances to show it in an adult way. He really tugged at my heartstrings this week.

As far as people not asking how/why Hae-sung is back, I see it as the huge unspoken elephant in the room of every encounter in the show. It's like it's *too* big and *too* weird, so everyone is avoiding addressing it directly.

In my opinion, this show bears a lot of spiritual similarities to the British show "In the Flesh," which was about the risen dead (who also had odd powers, as in this) coming back and trying to reintegrate into society. A major theme was denial, the fact that some of their family members acted like nothing whatsoever was strange about it, because accepting the truth that something miraculous had happened required them to actually face their unresolved pain surrounding the person's original death. My favorite scene was a really powerful moment between one of the main characters and his dad, who'd been in total denial for ages, and when his returned son finally pushed him into facing reality, he broke down and confessed that he was the one who'd originally found his son dead from suicide. It was that unresolved trauma that had kept him from processing the reality of his son's return.

I said all that to say, I think there's a similar thing happening here. Hae-sung' return, while wonderful in many ways, is bringing up all the pain surrounding his death, and it's making his friends and family hesitate to bring the elephant into the room out into the open for fear of what they'll have to uncover, on top of just being so miraculous no one knows how to process it.


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I agree about Kwak Dong-yeon. He's a really good actor and he's so precious. The scenes with both Young-in and Hae-chul made me very emotional this episode. I'm the oldest of my siblings and we fight a lot, but I don't think I could imagine life without them and I know they feel the same about me. I love that this drama is doing really well in the sibling relationship category.


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After seeing Kwak Dong Yeon in Fight My Way I was really excited to see him get cast in this show and I'm loving all the work he's putting into this show. I hope he gets lots of upcoming work.
I think you're right about everyone straight refusing to ask more questions because they risk breaking the miracle along with having to bring up all their pain to the forefront.


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I really hope this series has a good ending but worried that HS is back to life to only tie up loose ends and has to return to the land of the dead once everything is settled.....


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I definitely liked this episode more than the other one of this week.

What I'm most in love with this drama is this family, friends and love quest. I'm enjoy every moment...


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1. Is anyone else watching this on Kocowa

2. Do the last five seconds of the episode get cut off for anyone else? It's driving me crazy.


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You're right, it does that on my computer. It plays to the end on my phone.


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Same happens when watching Kocowa (KCW) on my laptop, very annoying. And I'm wondering why the credits are blurred out while using the Taste 24hour feature.


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Me too.The last 30 sec was cut off although I'm watching mine on dramafire. I'm loving this drama more and more. I had many LOL moments and I'm emotionally connected with the characters and their struggles. I like it whenever a drama makes me feel the FEELS.


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Just when I thought that yeo jin gu had his share of troubles in circle and we will be enjoying him here as superman, the drama has to give heart attack to the poor guy and make us wait an entire week to know why and what happens next..... This is insane!!
I totally should have waited for this series to end so that I could binge watch it later..... but then that sweet lil face of his keeps pulling me in... I am doomed!


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Yes.. I hate all the cliffhanger every week (gritting my teeth while typing this).
Honestly, I had a little hard time adjusting to Yeo Jin Gu's cheerfulness in this series. His smile is so bright it hurts my eyes (in a good way). A few of the other series I watched he is usually a very serious and emo guy.


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Okay now I'm interested in Min-joon, not as a romantic option though, but as to how he fits in with the mystery. There was always some doubt in my mind as to whether he was really the only character without a connection to the past, so I'm not surprised at this twist, but I'm really curious now what that connection is. I don't get the sense that he will be a clear villain, though I wouldn't mind if it took that direction either. My guess right now is that the guy Min-joon was talking to is the one who ran over Hae-sung and there's some rule about the people who came back from the dead where encountering their killers triggers sudden pain. I haven't any idea yet how Min-joon fits into this, but there must be something.

I guess I was right about the "ghosts" being able to learn to control and hone their superpowers. Hopefully this means Hae-sung will be able to use his smart phone eventually.

I don't like little kids much in real life, but whenever a drama introduces a cute kid I love it lol. Hae-chul and his daughter are adorable, I hope we get to see more of them.

I'm not really bothered by the lack of questioning from the other characters about Hae-sung. To me it makes sense that they don't want to question his return too much, because that would mean accepting that it's unnatural and therefore unlikely to last for long. Right now I think everyone is just overwhelmed with the happiness of seeing him again and purposely avoiding the "how" and "why".


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It does seem pretty clear that Min Joon's half brother he talked about is Hae Sung's friend Tae Honn....since they share the same surname....or maybe it is just coincidence....but once again.... coincidence in Dramaland??? and for now it's the only character without a connection to the past, like you said...


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Wow... that's a great point. That didn't even ring any bell for me, but now that I think about it, you could be right.


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It's like how Haesung and Haechul are the real siblings and young jun and young in too. I'm guessing their parents remarried with children from previous partners and then had jinjoo.


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Oops, I mean Sooji


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Wonder what is the significance of that cat who lives near jung won's apartment. They always show him. And how old is Hae Chul? was he a teen dad? :D i was shocked to see that he is a father! Can't wait to see the youngest sister!


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I did wrote sth about that cat too... :) maybe there's a story behind him/her...


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Ha, you can tell who are the cat people on Dramabeans, we're all talking about that cat. It must be significant somehow. My theory is that it also came back from dying and is here to heal his family and take revenge on the person who ran him over, just like Haesung.


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I was also curious about the cat and it's prominent appearance. Maybe the cat will be Hae-sung's spirit familiar, that's unlikely but just a thought.
And the actor portraying Hae-chul looked about 11, so perhaps Hae-chul is about 23 or 24 years old.


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He was 19 when Elsa was born and the mother left them one year later. So now he probably 24/25.


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The cat is bugging me too.. He should be playing a role later. Maybe he's there to watch over HS hahahaha....


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and no wonder they call this a healing drama! Yeo Jin Goo's smile has such incredible healing powers! <3 :D


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Wild guesses time:
1. I bet the man Minjoon was talking to in the ending scene is evilllll and he's kryptonite to Haesung's existence.
2. I'm guessing the puppy drawing in Jungwon's wallet actually came from Haesung. He gave her something cute, she hung on to it for years even after his death, and he's shocked to find it at New Guy's pad.
3. I'm feeling a loveline between Taehoon the Chaebol friend and Haesung's little sister. Too soon?


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I'm pretty sure the puppy drawing is Jung-won's drawing. I think she doodled something similar back in episode 1-2.


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Eek I missed that.


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No. 3 I ship it!


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Ooo, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who felt that. I mean, the holding onto her and calling out for an ambulance made me feel like he was very worried, and not just in a normal bystander way. Anyhow, I would love to see a loveline between them! :)


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Am I the only one that noticed that black cat??!! I think it was shown in ep 7-8 and once during 5-6 idk but definitely foreshadowing. Don't black cats usually mean bad luck too??


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I like Min-joo and hopefully he wont turn into a villain later. Maybe he does not know anything about what happened.
About Hae-sung's sudden return into the people that knew him, I just think that his friends are happy to see him again. I would be happy too if I was in their place. My older sister died two years ago and it has been hard on my mom. Sometimes when I talk to my mom she says that if my sister were to comeback one day she would be happy.
I also dont like the cliffhanger, waiting to see what is going to happen next week.


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This drama is doing so good in far in terms of making me feel(?!). I laughed and rewinded a lot of scenes this episode (all of them have such great sound effects!):

1) Hae-sung and the ajuhssi used that cheater to play ping-pong.
2) Min-joon got hit by the pumpkin and the sweet potato-phone.
3) Ho-bang and Jin-joo: hahahahahaha, esp. when she turned to slap him.

Other favorites:
1) The reveal that Princess is actually Hae-chul's daughter: nice surprise. but KDY looks very young here :). I can't imagine he already had that big daughter.

2) HS and JW's date with Princess. I love that she called HS "big uncle" at the end and HC called him "big hyung" again.

3) The scenes of both couples are cute and fluttering. They all have nice chemistry with each other. Lee Yeon-hee looks beautiful in the scene when she came for the interview! Hope to see more bromance between HS and MJ.


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I am just marveling at Yeo Jin-gu's acting prowess; I am completely sold on his love stories from both the timelines. Kudos to the women too! And how cute is Elsa <3


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I noticed a strange thing about this drama: Everyone is nice..Particularly, the second lead seems like a kind and mature guy who would match quite well with the heroine. Ahn Jae-hyun is charming; Alas! I ship the Hae Sung-Joong Won couple..they're just too adorable <3 <3


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Let's hope for the second lead to keep being that way


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Did I mention...Grumpy-pants Oppa Hae-Sung is my favourite :P :P


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You are not alone. I am endlessly amused by the ironic juxtaposition of him looking like a baby angel and acting like a choleric cranky Oppa.


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Did you see his face when Elsa called him Uncle?? He is so floored by the pure innocent love. Yeo Jin gu is so great in this role!


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Yeo Jin-gu is a modern day marvel. I was telling my sister yesterday that Yeo Jin-gu is one of the few actors, young or old, that I would definitely consider sexy. He has this oppa-like feel and charisma but he's as cute as he is smouldering.


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Yeo jin gu is a blessing to mankind.I'm always in awe whenever I see him on screen.


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He looks so adorable but at the same time he really does have the charisma of an oppa. It's really no wonder he always gets comments like. "Full Name: Yeo Jingoo Oppa" in Korea.


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My theory is Tae Hoon is involved with the death of the bully and Young Joon is a witness. Mybe he was offered money to keep quiet which he used to pay for his medical school tuition. I am totally making this up ha.
It pains me to see how the family members have splintered off on their own. I think after buckets of tears, it will be beautiful to watch how Hae Sung will bring them all back together. Hopefully he will also help Jung-woon find closure and healing that she will be confident enough to accept and love Min-joon. And in the end, Hae sung will be able to move on happily with the little black cat.
Anyhoo, I am fine with whatever happens to the main love triangle. Coz I am definitely rooting for the Brazilian Wax couple! Woot woot!


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I agree with your theory on YJ cos I have been thinking the same ever since I set my eyes on him as a young kid. The adult him looks much better than the younger version - too bad i think he's a bad egg. To be successful and ditching your siblings is terrible.
On another note, the young Jung Won is very sweet and pretty. I don't recall seeing her in any other dramas (maybe I didn't watch that many).


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Jung Chaeyeon, the actress who plays the young JW, was already in Drinking Solo. She's an idol currently with the girl group DIA. She was formerly with I.O.I., a project girl group. She has been impressive so far in this drama and I hope she gets more acting projects in the future.


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I am so glad that there are consequences, the only thing I couldn't get my head around was the fact that everyone around HS were so normal about his coming back...I appreciated it in the last
episode when JW finally said something about enjoying this dream while it lasted. It was too unrealistic but the last scene created a balance for me. Hooray there are consequences! I want HS to be more of a fish out of water, he is just so used to everyone, too good at coming back to earth ,recognizing people so easily and not asking the right questions at all.
I need rules and consequences and a clear purpose for him coming back.
I wouldn't even be mad if JW & MJ got together in the end, becAuse as sweet as it all seems he still came back as a teenager.
He has bigger adult problems that he has to think about, I.e career, education and so on.
Lols I will stop now but I just need rules


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I dont know if its the tone of dramas, when yeo jin goo acts sad, there is always something positive about him. While Yoo Seung Ho act sad but its more on depressing side. YSH cries a lot, YJG is very control of his crying, he doesnt need to cry to show that hes sad. In both circle and here, YJG is perfect acting in any scene. I would put YJG as the best actor of 199x.

Its somehow funny to think KDY has a kid.


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"YJG is very control of his crying, he doesnt need to cry to show that hes sad." — I absolutely agree on this. His eyes alone could already tell so much of the emotion that he is trying to convey. He is really amazing.


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YES to the Brazilian Wax couple!!! We had such a good laugh when Jin-joo slapped Ho-bang after he blurted it out.?

Part of me wants to believe that Min-joon is a returnee as well but it's too obvious. I can't wait to see how future episodes slowly unfold the significance of his character to the plot.

And at least I'm not the only one thinking there might be a possible loveline between Tae-hoon and Young-in. I wonder what happened to their youngest sister? Was she perhaps the most damaged by Hae-sung's death before??


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Wow, interesting theory, Min Joon being a returnee... that would change the game....but if so....there would be some trace about his past... you couldn't hide it so well....my opinion of course.


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Can we have Yeo Jin Goo and Kim Min Jae playing brothers in a drama? pretty please?!


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Hahahahah Do you know how hard it was going from Circle to The Best Hit because they do remind me of each other so much? YJG had me crying and then next was KMJ laughing..I had a small adjustment period.
But PLEASE dramaland put those two together!
Have you seen KMJ do impressions of YJG? It's great!


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min joon seems too kind and perfect to be real... has the second male lead even gotten the girl in the history of k-dramas? just curious.... as I can't think of any prior example... What is min joon's connection with the two deaths?


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Dream high, baker king, prosecutor princess... The second lead got the girl. There are plenty others I don't remember.


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Don't think KSH was the second lead... his name is listed before TY....


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I really enjoyed everything in this episode!
- The phonecall thing with Jungwon holding the phone for Haesung was adorable
- I'm glad Young-in is one of the siblings who never blamed Haesung after his death. ; - ;
- The part where Minjoon got hit on the pumpkin was sooo hilarious along with the sweet potato phone thing.
- Minjoon making Haesung choose how to address him, but eventually picking the one that points out he is Young Haesung LOL. And then there's Yeo Jingoo unintentionally slicing heart shaped apples for him... now I want more bromance scenes from these two!
- The taxi scene between MJ and JW is definitely cute.
- Hobang and Jinju ship lives on! "Is Brazillian wax a crime!?!" I died ???
- I'm glad Haechul finally and fully came around now. And he now has an adorable kid as well. When Gongju called Haesung uncle aww...
- But of course they just have to end the show like that and give me the same heart attack as Haesung! My poor precious Haesung...


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I think MJ may hire HS to be a chef's assistant later due to his skills in slicing heart shaped apples (that was such a 'gay' moment and very hilarious).


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And I forgot to add— Yeo Jingoo is just so, so, so awesome! There's just really something with his eyes that speak so much. When he's sad or happy or stunned or angry he shows all these emotions so amazingly well. He's got talent beyond his years that is only set to improve even more in the future.

That scene at the end where he got some sort of heart attack! Gah my goodness it just felt so realistic. Even his veins were popping out in that scene. It hurts how there is not even a teaser for next week.


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First of all, thanks for the awesome recap, @lollypip!

There's a few things I'd like to comment.

"They just throw several upsetting pieces of information at us in the space of five seconds, then expect us to wait a whole week to find out what’s going on? That’s just cruel."
That's what makes good cliffhangers, which this show has constantly given us. Finally, a Kdrama with great cliffhangers! That's sure hard to come by. But maybe I'm a masochist, bcs my heart tells me that waiting for a whole week for a new episode is not good for my well-being.

I've been thinking a lot about Jung Chul's death and Min Joon's mysterious past. Young Joon, while very suspect since his alibi wasn't confirmed, seems a very obvious red herring. Min Joon, on the other hand.... I have a nagging suspicion that he's actually that kid from the art (extracurricular?) class who was seen talking to Jung Won and got Hae Sung all jealous. The kid Hae Sung bumped shoulders with? What if he had anything to do with Jung Chul's death? What if his dad was a powerful man that could've gotten the police report manipulated? What if he's the one who killed Jung Chul?


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I mean Min Joon, not his dad.


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This episode give me so much feels. I agree with the comments here.

Anyway, I'm kinda interested with child care facilities that lil Elsa go too. So she live there and his dad can visit her everyday or what. Any link to read more. It's not like she go to orphanage or foster care right.


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I was super interested in that as well. It is a short term facility? Or year round? Does she have a bunk with other children? She can makes calls to him but how often can he visit.


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I am loving this drama. I love all the characters already. I just don't want it to have a sad ending . And it is sunshine whenever HaeSung smiles. I could watch him smile all day. :)


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Hmm I didn't associate the guy MJ was with ti have had anything to do with HS's collapse. i actually thought it was because he was able to resolve the conflict with 1 sibling!

I still think he's MJ's half brother! But yeah maybe MJ is also linked to the past of what happened to HS. Things are getting much more interesting.


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Hae-chul and his daughter, too cute. And then we had to have that crap happen. When I first saw it, I thought the attack Hae-sung was having was probably caused by the guy Min-joon was talking too, and not Min-joon himself. Some of these suspicions have me thinking now.

I was trying to figure out how best to describe this drama, and I think the best I could so at the moment is silly with some serious mood swings. Aside from that, one other things that irked me was Mr. Mystery just threw his own rules out the window when it comes to family.


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Highlights of this episode:
*Hae Sung reuniting with Young In even though she thought it was a dream
*Sweet potato phone
*Ho Bang deserving getting slapped by Jin Joo lol
*Hae Sung being called Uncle by his adorable niece

I find the tone of the drama awkward at times but overall there's enough heartwarming moments with a bit of mystery thrown in, to keep me watching.


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There were moments I really enjoyed from 7/8 but Hae-sung and Young-in meeting in the hospital devasted me. There's so much reality to that moment. My sister died and then it was maybe 15 years after and I still had a dream so vivid that she seemed alive.
It's important (and I appreciate it so much) how the show is showing the physical, mental, financial, etc effects that his death had on each member of his family. Our lives are precious and they have giant impacts on those who love us. Just today I saw a physical therapist for my jaw pain who said it actually was a neck pain caused my childhood trauma. I told him I've never broken anything and he said any kind of trauma. I told him my sister died when I was 8. Apparently that could do it.
I'm glad Reunited Worlds is on. It's not perfect but it's a show I really needed. Every week it helps me explore my feelings and ideas about life along with the characters. I love entertainment but when you can also encourage soul searching ya got me.


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Hae Chul with his daughter, and with HS and JW was just...UGH. It explains a lot of the characters' motives, and makes me love them even more. HS's interaction with his siblings is both beautiful and painful to watch. You know how much HS meant to all of them, which made his death all the more terrible, and its effects in each of the siblings' lives are so evident. I can't imagine the whirlwind of emotions HS is experiencing as he sees the little kids being very different as adults.

There's also a pretty huge mystery as to how he died. I agree, there are too many inconsistencies, and there's definitely more to MJ than just a love rival. Each of our characters, even the happy-go-lucky ones have sooooo many layers, and I can't wait to discover more of them next week.

But really, I'm a little nervous when HS told HC about eating with his siblings. Hae Chul obviously hasn't told HS everything, especially what happened to their family and how they all ended up separated. As much as my heart wants to see them all in one table, happy, I think it'll be a while before we get to see that.


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HS seems to be the 'glue' that holds everyone together. When he was gone, I think his grandma got too sick to do much. Other siblings are too young to fend for themselves, let alone look out for the other. The second eldest dumbass brother is a selfish guy who only look out for himself. No wonder the younger siblings hated HS for dying. It's like he threw them to the wolves when he died prematurely. So sad....


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i wont mind if at the end jung won and min joon are end game,he is soo caring ,funny,charming and more at par with jw
wouldnt mind bromance too and the brazillian wax couple


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I wouldn't mind either Especially since we don't know what's going to happen to Hae Sung


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I have a feeling they may end up together. HS cannot be here forever in a 19yo body. He may be here to smooth the path for JW to accept MJ because she doesn't seem to be moving on. I think HS came back to life because JW wished for it when she went to visit him on his death anniversary/birthday.
My wishful thinking is for this series to have a twist in the end where everything returns to the night of the incident and HS did not die.


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My sister and I were also thinking about this too the other day. What if HS is "returned" to the past wherein he survives the accident and wakes up from a comma? He'll be able to somewhat change the past by catching the culprit, still be there for his family and develop an actual relationship with JW.


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Super loving this drama!! It already got me in its 1st ep. And the noona romance!! if that's what we can call it haha


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Can't Wednesday come faster! :(


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I wonder if the metor like thing in the sky in the beginning was some returnees (from the dead) leaving the earth again giving chances to some other dead people to return! and that's how hea sung came and eventually he might also leave like that. like a comet. OMG i'm crying already! :'(


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OMG that makes a lot of sense. ? The ahjussi who's helping Haesung out only arrived the previous summer so we still have no idea yet if their kind can stay forever.


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And there were three lights so i was thinking if it was three people. anyway i'm not sure if that's the case


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if i can guess the story, that night jung chul was killed by tae hoon, young joon was the eyewitness, and tae hoon's father covered it up


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Yoo Jin gu gives always a great impression on its acting even he is younger. I like the plot first, for me it is new because the dead person was return physically with some power and same age. The plot get deeper in last two episodes. I am so sad about sibling separation. I just need happy ending about it.


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What if min joon's half Brother is the bully who died? What if he was the one who had a fight with his Brother and was driving the car of their Father that night? Just a Guess.


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I'm loving this drama more and more its very light yet interesting no dull moment on each episode, it always hangs you in every end of episode and would wonder and my mind keeps on blowing of many why, how's and what.

I believe the cat has connection with the mystery, mysterious ahjussi already revealed who he is and would become a mentor to heasung

The hilarious ahn jae hyun pumpkin and fainting wow what a sight and also the Brazilian wax.. Hahaha so much fun, also the ❤ shape apple of heasung and how he took care min joon.

Jinjoo never ceased to amazed me in all his drama

I give also the credit to all the supporting actors/actress they fill this drama with so much love and kindness.. I love how they focus on family affairs and friendship but I think theres going to be a betrayal in the end..

If my assumption is right hae sung was hit intentionally but who is the real killer?

This drama is so broad there are lots of things that is still in gray area but hopefully the writer and director will give us answer why dead people need to comeback, the static, the cat, minjoo and the killer.. And lot more

I wanted to end this drama first before I begin to watch but I failed and now waiting each week for more overwhelming episode


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It's kind of cute t see Haesung to be called uncle... Gongju is really cute. But at the end why do you think Haesung fainted?


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Oh my.... i feel the same.
"Every episode leaves me yelling, “Wait, what was that?!” at my computer screen?"...
Oh yes. Me too! Crazy....
This drama has me hooked and loving it!
I am crazy


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