Uncontrollably Fond: Episode 20 (Final)

It’s not how a person dies that defines their life, but how they lived. We can all choose to live with anger and resentment, or to rise above and focus on the people we love. Life isn’t about revenge or bitterness — it’s whether you leave the world with more love in it than than when you found it that is a person’s true legacy to those they leave behind.


Joon-young carries Eul all the way to the hospital, where he dumps her on a bed and harshly asks the doctors to kill her, since she says she wants to die. He stalks to the hallway angrily to wait while Eul is examined, and he looks through the pictures on her phone. He finds a video that she recorded when he forgot about her and she was left alone at the cabin.

She’d pretended to be filming an interview of herself, and said that she wasn’t worried about Joon-young disappearing. Even if he were to collapse, someone would be there to help him, because the whole country loves him.

Eul says that she’s good at waiting, but her voice shakes as she adds that what she’s most scared of is that one day, she may not have to wait anymore. “I might wake up one day, and Joon-young might no longer be part of this world.” Joon-young’s eyes fill up with tears as he watches Eul cry on the video.

So his mood is softer when he goes back in Eul, brushing her hair aside and telling her that the doctor is too busy to kill her today. Since she’s only got mild gastric inflammation, she’s released.

As they walk back to the cabin, Joon-young gives Eul his scarf and coat, while she stands there numbly. He smiles and kneels to piggyback her, but her face remains blank and she walks past him.

Joon-young watches Eul walking away, then turns to face the ocean and screams, “Let me live! I don’t want to die — let me live!

Eul turns back to him, and Joon-young continues, asking who will take care of his mother if he dies. He cries out that he’s never been a good son, and only broke his mother’s heart. He’s fighting tears, and he says that he can’t die like this, with so much he still wants to do.

He continues, saying that all the people he loves are here now: “We’re only just about to be happy. Why do I have to die now? I don’t want to die. I want to live. Let me live… I’m scared…”

At that Eul runs to Joon-young, and throws her arms around his neck. She apologizes over and over, unable to do anything else to console him.

The video of Jung-eun’s confession is aired, and the whole country is rocked by the news that two politicians covered up a hit-and-run death. Jung-eun’s face is blurred, but the media is swift to identify the parties involved.

Ji-tae’s mother fumes to hear that the case will be reopened, and watches as Assemblyman Choi arrives at the police station. He faces a flock of reporters, and promises to answer all of their questions truthfully.

Ajusshi checks on Joon-young’s mom as she’s washing dishes, and he tells her that Assemblyman Choi approved the release of the video personally. He admits that Choi had a shred of decency after all, but Mom doesn’t acknowledge him.

Assemblyman Choi tells the police every single detail about his involvement in the cover-up, even admitting that he demoted the prosecutor who refused to participate. He confesses that he did all this in return for Assemblyman Yoon’s promise to support his political advancement.

Jung-eun leaves for the airport, yelling to her father over the phone that he promised he’d take care of this for her. She shrieks that she always did what he told her to do, asking what she did that was so wrong. Really, you still don’t know? The police catch her before she gets in the car, and Jung-eun is arrested.

Jik cries over the phone to Eul, asking if their father can rest in peace now. After their talk, Joon-young asks her why she gave Assemblyman Choi the video. At first Eul lies that she didn’t and he must have stolen it, but Joon-young accuses Eul of never intending to air it.

At Joon-young’s stern glare, Eul admits that she gave Choi the video because she didn’t need it anymore. She says that it was enough for her that they found her father’s killer, but Joon-young argues that the guilty parties might have gotten away with it, and thought that what they did was okay.

Eul reminds Joon-young that Assemblyman Choi did turn in the video and take responsibility. She parrots Joon-young’s words, saying that this is the world she wants to believe in.

They’re interrupted by the delivery of a dog house, which Eul says is so that Pororo can come live with them. Joon-young looks touched when she says that she’ll just take allergy medicine, and they settle down to paint a sign for the doghouse.

Eul paints Joon-young’s nose green, and he returns the favor, and soon they’re chasing each other around the house laughing and being silly. Joon-young narrates that that night, Eul woke him up to tell him how she plans to live without him — not with heavy ideals like justice and convictions, but with simple common sense. She just wants to live in a way that doesn’t embarrass her father, Jik, or Joon-young.

Eul runs upstairs, but she grows concerned when Joon-young doesn’t follow. She goes back down but he’s nowhere to be seen. Is he having another regression? Oh thank goodness, he’s just playing with her, and he grabs her in a back hug.

Eul isn’t amused, and Joon-young turns her to face him. He holds her face and kisses her, slow and gentle.

Joon-young continues narrating that when Eul fell asleep, he received a text from his father. It’s an echo of Joon-young’s words to him, when a disillusioned Joon-young said he’d be ashamed of his father for the rest of his life. This time, Assemblyman Choi had written that he would take pride and joy in the fact that he’s Joon-young’s father, until the day he dies.

Ji-tae’s mother is furious when Assemblyman Choi arrives home and tells her that he won’t be appealing any of his charges. He says that Ji-tae was right, that they’ve become monsters, and he begs his wife to stop.

Offended, she drops to banmal, and snarls that she made him what he is now. She says that he was in the gutter when she found him and transformed him. Ji-tae walks in to hear her ask if her husband wants to go back to where he came from, poor and powerless.

She even accuses Choi of letting his own mother die when she needed a new heart, and he wasn’t able to stop stronger, richer people from cutting ahead on the transplant list. She reminds him that he’d he wanted power so that he’d never have to lose to anyone else again.

Her words are cold and angry as she asks if he wants to go back to those days, saying that he has to pay the price if he wants to keep his powerful position. She turns to Ji-tae as she spits that to protect her husband, she even manufactured Ji-tae’s car accident.

Ji-tae is too shocked to speak, and his mother tells Assemblyman Choi to get out of her house and go back to the gutter. She storms out of the room, and Ji-tae tells Choi that he no longer has to keep his promise to stay with her.

Ji-tae says that he’ll be the one to take care of her the rest of his life, but Choi answers that she’s his wife, and the mother of his children. He promises to stay, even if it’s worse than living in the gutter, and the two men smile tearfully at each other.

Jik finds Haru hovering outside his workplace, and they go for a walk. They point out each other’s pimples, guessing that they’ve been having a hard time. Haru gives Jik a kiss on the forehead, then asks if he hated it.

Jik says that he didn’t hate it — it made his heart pound. Haru says that she knows Jik lied about being gay, and that he did it because of her father. She hands her phone to Jik and asks him to give her his number again, though she promises not to call or see him again.

She says that she wants it for later, so that if she ever finds a man as good as Jik, she can call him. Jik enters his number and says to call him then, and he’ll answer.

Eul speaks to a vendor on the phone in broken English, angry that a blender she ordered has never arrived. She can’t understand what the vendor is saying, but she turns to find Ji-tae behind her, offering to handle the call on her behalf.

Ji-tae asks where Joon-young is, and Eul hesitates. Before she can explain, Joon-young walks right past them with barely a nod to Ji-tae, no recognition in his eyes. Eul explains that in the last week, Joon-young has started forgetting people, even her. Today he doesn’t even remember who he is, and she’s told him that she’s a live-in helper so he wouldn’t be upset.

Ji-tae follows Joon-young out to a nearby pier. Joon-young finally turns and asks if Ji-tae knows him, and when Ji-tae says they know each other well, Joon-young innocently asks what he was like before.

Ji-tae is honest, and tells Joon-young that he was a self-important jerk. He says that Joon-young would say hurtful things, and always thought he was right. Miffed, Joon-young tells Ji-tae to stop, but Ji-tae continues that although he was rude and hurtful, he was always right.

He says that Joon-young did crazy things that made cowards like him feel small and ashamed. Joon-young asks if that’s a compliment, and Ji-tae says that it is, which makes Joon-young laugh.

He asks if they were friends, but Ji-tae says they weren’t, that he hated Joon-young a lot, and that he wished Joon-young would disappear. But he adds with a smile, “Let’s meet again next time. I’ll treat you really well then. Like a real hyung, I’ll cherish you, and love you.”

Joon-young says to forget it, and walks away sneering that Ji-tae is weird. Ha. Ji-tae watches him go with a tearful smile. And from a short distance away, Eul watches them both.

Ajusshi finds Joon-young’s mother in the kitchen washing dishes, and without a word, he slips a ring on her finger. He says he found it and she gives it right back, saying that she’s not a beggar. So he admits that he bought it for her and puts it back on, but this time she throws it onto the floor.

She tells Ajusshi to give it to his girlfriend, and he snaps back that she’s his girlfriend. He finally tells Mom that he likes her, and she calls him crazy and tells him to get out. Ajusshi just puts the ring back on her finger a third time, then gets up to go.

Mom stands and throws a pan of water at his back, and screams that he’s crazy. She sobs that her son is dying, but Ajusshi calmly says for her to wear the ring when she goes to see Joon-young, and show it to him. Mom pounds on his chest, asking how he could do this right now.

Ajusshi tells her that Joon-young asked him to take care of her, so she should go show him the ring and say that she’ll be fine without him. He says that he knows she avoids her son because she feels guilty, but she’s his mother, so she has no reason to feel guilty. He tells her to go see Joon-young before it’s too late, and Mom sinks to the floor crying.

Ji-tae visits Jung-eun in jail, and she tells him that she’ll be released soon, still completely unrepentant. She even threatens to get revenge, saying that her father intends to crush his whole family. She’ll have Assemblyman Choi destroyed so badly he can never recover.

She asks why Ji-tae isn’t lecturing her like usual, but he just says, “If I say there was ever a time I’d felt something for you, will you believe me?” He’d even entertained the thought that having her for a girlfriend might have made life fun and happy.

As he explains, Jung-eun remembers their first meeting, when Ji-tae had been looking for an essay tutor and was shocked to have her show up. She had assured him that she didn’t pull strings to get this position, but interviewed properly with his mother and earned this spot.

She’d talked about how smart and talented she is, saying that she was trying to impress him. She’d said that she’d liked him for eight years, and he’d been adorably flustered.

But now Ji-tae looks at Jung-eun with an impassive face, and says that he’d rather she stay in jail and do her time. If she does, he promises to wait: “If you can be recovered, if there is so much as a speck of dust’s worth of hope, I’ll be at your side.”

Jung-eun cries, but when Ji-tae promises to visit her again she yells at him to never come back.

Joon-young’s mom goes to see him at the cabin, but he doesn’t recognize her, and her presence seems to make him nervous. She manages to hold back her tears and says that she’s here to see Eul, so Joon-young invites her in.

Hearing that Eul messed up an attempt to cook spicy beef soup, Mom cooks for Joon-young while he watches from a wary distance. Then she invites him to taste it, and he accepts happily. Eul comes home and sees them, then goes to the upstairs balcony to give them privacy.

Joon-young tastes the soup and pronounces it delicious, while his mother doesn’t take her eyes off his face. He says carelessly that it tastes just like his mother’s soup, then he freezes. Mom thinks the soup is bad and reaches to take the bowl, but Joon-young clutches her hand tightly. He looks up with tears in his eyes, and apologizes for not recognizing her.

Joon-young washes his face then rejoins his mother, back to himself again. He tells her that she looks pretty with his old cheeky grin, and she admits that her earrings and outfit are gifts from Gook-young and Man-ok. She shows him the ring from Ajusshi, telling Joon-young that he proposed, and Joon-young happily congratulates her.

Mom says that now she’ll have two sweet stepchildren in Gook-young and Man-ok, and Joon-young says ruefully that he was a bad son. Mom says that he was a good son when he was little, that he always slept and ate well, and never got sick or cried. She adds that every time he looked at her, he smiled.

Joon-young goes with it, allowing her to think he was a great son. Then he grows serious and says that he doesn’t want her to think that he didn’t do the best he could. He says that he always lived hard, and that if he had it to do over again, he couldn’t do better. But he still feels sorry towards her.

As Joon-young apologizes, tears stream down his face. Mom tells him to visit her whenever he misses her, and that when the flowers bloom and the wind blows, she’ll think that he’s there. Even when it rains or snows, she’ll think that he came by.

She softly thanks Joon-young for being her son, and Joon-young says through his tears that it was a great honor to have her as his mother.

Ji-tae holds a press conference, revealing that the tax audit revealed that KJ Group has many issues to repair. He announces that both his and his mother’s resignations, then he looks over to see Assemblyman Choi watching him, smiling proudly.

Assemblyman Choi leaves, and his assistant runs over to tell him that a warrant has been issued for his arrest. But Choi looks unconcerned, and just asks his assistant to find him a good beef soup restaurant nearby.

That night Joon-young catches Eul taking selcas to send to Jik, and he sits to join her. They don’t have any pictures of them together, so Joon-young takes several, teasing that his good looks are wasted on her, hee.

Later they sit on the patio, and Eul notices that Joon-young seems tired. She offers to let him rest on her shoulder, and he complains that she’ll just wake him up to play. Eul promises that she won’t, and Joon-young lays his head on her shoulder and closes his eyes.

Eul immediately asks if he’s asleep, and he says yes. She asks again a second later, and he says not yet. Eul asks if she’s really not pretty, and Joon-young answers sleepily that she’s so pretty he can hardly look at her.

A short while later, Eul asks again if Joon-young is sleeping, and this time there’s no answer. Oh no. Eul seems to stiffen, heart in her throat as she asks if he’s really sleeping.

Then she says she won’t force him to answer, or wake him to play with her. She says that he’s had a really long day, so he can forget about his mother, his father, and even her. “Don’t think about anything, just sleep. Thank you, Joon-young-ah. See you tomorrow.”

Eul looks up, tears in her eyes, and a shooting star streaks across the sky.

It’s some time later, and spring is in full bloom. Gook-young and Man-ok (who have thankfully gotten better haircuts) are cleaning out Joon-young’s house, and Gook-young stops to marvel at the new leaves on a tree that Joon-young thought was dead.

He sneaks off to take a call from Na-ri, who calls him Oppa and asks if they can go to dinner tonight after they see a movie. Aww, there really is a lid for every pot.

President Namgoong calls them inside to watch a video that he found of Joon-young. It’s the video he made after he found out about his illness, and learned that he didn’t have long to live. He says that he was shocked at first, but then he realized that everyone dies.

Joon-young “What worries me the most is that the people I love might think I was unhappy. I was truly happy. I lived a warm life and couldn’t have asked for more. It could even be that knowing that my time is limited helped reveal my true feelings, and gave me courage. It may even be my final blessing.

“Yesterday marked the end of the three months the doctor gave me. When you find this and watch the video, am I still alive? And my love Eul, how is she living now?”

Eul harasses her work sunbae about some videos regarding doctors taking bribes that she’s been working on for months. He agrees that they shouldn’t cover it up, but then he hands her a fat wad of cash and asks her to turn a blind eye just this once.

Eul does allow that she had a lot of expenses, and gasps when he shows her the key to his new car. Then she points out the camera in the ceiling and tells him to wave, ha. Thanks to him, she can add “bribing the media” to the offenders’ list of charges.

She heads to the bus stop, where there’s a poster of Joon-young with flowers and a giant smile that says, “You have done well today.” Eul smiles back at the poster, and says, “Right? I did really well today, didn’t I?”

She gives Joon-young’s picture a sweet little kiss, and stands back to smile. “See you tomorrow, Joon-young-ah.”


Overall, I’ve really enjoyed Uncontrollably Fond despite the criticism it’s attracted. In my opinion it was an interesting story with real, flawed characters, and it made me feel a lot of things. Yes, many of those feelings were frustration, annoyance, and sometimes even anger, but any of those is better than a show that makes you feel nothing. I was especially impressed by the acting, in particular Kim Woo-bin’s portrayal of Joon-young. He showed more nuance and subtlety than in any his previous roles, and I’ve seen literally every drama he’s done since White Christmas. Im Joo-hwan and Im Joo-eun turned in their usual stellar performances, and I even thought Suzy was better here than I’ve ever seen her.

I was really happy with the way Joon-young’s death was handled, with such simple beauty and dignity. I’ve known from early on that there was really only one way this show could end, but I was dreading a big dramatic death scene with lot of tears and wailing. So I loved that his passing was gentle and easy, just falling asleep next to the girl he’s always loved. It reinforces that Joon-young was more than just how he died — he was the sum of his life, and the way he left this world was only a small part of that. Regardless of whether the choices he made were right or wrong, whether he was sometimes a jerk and made people hate him, he always tried to do what was right. And he always loved fully and without reservation, even when the ones he loved weren’t ready to love him back. He never let that stop him, and always loved with his whole heart wide open.

I thought that Assemblyman Choi was possibly one of the best antagonists I’ve seen in a drama, because he was much closer to what corrupt people look like in real life. They aren’t mustache-twirling cape-swirling villains whose every action is designed to bring down the pure-as-snow hero. True villains can be good fathers, loyal husbands, and they can even convince themselves that their evil actions are for the greater good. It’s what makes truly evil people so frightening — they’re often convinced that they’re doing what’s right. Assemblyman Choi had a lot of good qualities, and I have all the admiration for Yoo Oh-sung, who showed both sides of Choi’s personality with great skill. And at the end of the day, knowing what a deeply good man his son was, and what he missed out on by refusing to be in his life, was enough for him to make the decision to be a better person. I’m happy that he got a chance to tell Joon-young that he would be proud to remember him as his son.

For that matter, I think that’s one of the things that this drama did very right — it never painted any of its characters into any tropes, never pigeonholed them into “good” or “bad” roles. Jik and Ji-tae’s mother were the only characters who only embodied one side of the coin — everyone else could have gone either way at any given time. At times, I hated both Joon-young and Eul for their actions, and I sometimes even liked Assemblyman Choi and Jung-eun and felt they had the potential to be good people, if only they chose to.

I have particularly enjoyed watching Eul’s journey, because while I didn’t understand her decisions a lot of the time, what’s important is that she never lived her life for anyone but herself. She always stood up for her convictions, and when she loved someone she was loyal to a fault. I loved how her relationship with Joon-young taught her that things like justice and conscience are good ideas, but that what gets us through the day is simple common sense. Just do the best you can at any given moment, and the rest will take care of itself.

Though Uncontrollably Fond had a lot of issues throughout its run, I was always caught up in the story, and was deeply invested in Joon-young and Eul’s romance. They were the very definition of star-crossed lovers, who fell in love early in their lives but just couldn’t ever connect. It took a terminal illness to make them let go of the past and just love each other without any burdens or lingering resentments, but though their time together was short, Joon-young was able to end his life exactly where he wanted to be — with the woman he loves, who loves him in return. In the end, it’s all any of us could possibly hope for.


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Thankyou for the speedy recap Lollypip! My eyes are swollen because I cried so much. This definitely has been KWB's best role yet!


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I thought I was prepared for the death, but still I ended up crying a bucket.
The part when Ji-tae said that he'll cherish him as a hyung started it, and then the part when JY said his goodbye to his mum.. oh gosh.

Overall, I think UF is a beautiful show. The plot may be a bit senseless and frustrating somewhere in the middle, but I've always loved JY and I think he has a beautiful end. KWB really did great in this (and also Im Joo-hwan). No matter what criticism this show gets, to me it's a lovely show.
And yes, wonderful OST!


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Episode 19-20 are good episodes. You feel the emotions of characters.

I told my brother that they will do the time jump and they did. No need to show more tears and misery of the loved ones. Also they couldn't get huge no. of fans for those scenes.

As One song played after another I told my brother looks like they gonna play all 15 OST of the show but how come they play cheery songs and in last few minutes they came up

with Ring my Bell. I was like wow. This show could have been much better.

The scenes, The episodes, The Story dragged for long.

Actors did good job. Characters looked good but whole story and plot was nonsensical.

Script demanded many more revisions and discussion with Director.

Even episode 20 is quite ambiguous and leaves everything open.

Overall if you want to watch the show always watch it in Fast Foward Motion.


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Thanks Lollypip!! Ditto!!! @little-muffin and @obsessedmuch

Cried again just reading Lollypip's recap. This show had frustrating moments, but it was great! I can say it was one of my favorites. Stories and dramas can be so predictable these days and this one had me guessing all over the place. It brought out so many emotions and reflected how a person could be shaped by the choices they make.

The scene with Im Joo Hwan was so moving. Big Bro wishes to love Lil Bro better in the next life.. heart cracked...then Kim Woo Bin goes and breaks it in the scenes with his mother. She alone raised a wonderful son and he was thankful. How many people get say goodbye gracefully and lovingly? I'm glad Papa Choi redeemed himself by acknowledging his son and his own mistakes. He wanted to become that man his son first thought of him as..

The sweet normal happy moments with No Eul were truly lovely to see. That back hug and kiss scene, my favorite. Plans for Porroro. I wish we had a full episode of moments like that, but alas not to be..

I also appreciated the way Joon-young’s death was portrayed. Lollypip's Quote- "So I loved that his passing was gentle and easy, just falling asleep next to the girl he’s always loved." Buckets of tears reading this line because you explained it so heart wrenchingly well. Watching it, I kept questioning is he or is he not... dead? Then No Eul says she won't wake him again.. and that hurt.. I think reading the recap gave me the last little bit of confirmation needed for some closure.

Next drama KWB, do not die, do not cry, do not be sad. I can't take it.. . You hurt my heart in this one big time.. amazing work!!!! I loved everyone.. the main cast did such great work.

Wish it received more support, but I bet its the one people that dedicatedly watched will always remember and suggest to new viewers.


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I'm crying so hard right now I can't even see my screen... What do k dramas have to do this


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Yeah, I watched much of the episode with a veil of tears. My eyes hurt this morning.


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Yes, thanks for faithfully recapping the drama, LollyPip! You worked hard.

Honestly, reading your recaps sometimes improved my perception of the show since you always seemed to find the good lurking in each episode.


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I really feel sorry for those who didn't check this show and missed KWB acting and character development. His moments with his mum and dad were some of the best and most emotional scenes I've ever watched in a drama. This drama is not a funny rom-com and not even a romance, but is about a journey and redemption of a superstar with a fatal terminal illness.


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No need to feel sorry, because we're happy ^_^


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Persian Rose, I agree that this was a truly moving K-Drama. Kim Woo Bin shined and Suzy actually grew on me quite a bit. I also wish that others would give this drama a chance. Despite ratings, this was worth watching and I at least am glad we got all 20 episodes. I disagree about this not being a romance. There was a love story here, it was threaded throughout the plot and it made me feel for everyone even more. I cannot imagine I would have cried quite so much if these two characters had not loved each other so desperately.


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I actually dropped this after the fourth episode. During UF last week, I decided to marathon watch it. I'm glad I did. KWB, I'm sorry for turning my back on you! I loved his scene with his mom. I was crying buckets of tears. Just seeing KWB's picture in the end and with Eul's "See you tomorrow, Joon-Yung-ah!" was enough to elicit another round of crying from me.


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I'm glad i wasnt the only one who stopped watching this drama. i stopped at ep 6 beacause I felt like JY was just awful and violent but i just picked it back up this week. I'm glad i finished it. Kim Woo Bin was amazing! Suzy too


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Got that right, guess who still thinks about this drama every so often and I am here today after I was still listening to the tracks yesterday. Trying to find a track that I can't stop thinking about but because it's an instrumental -- we all know how that goes. I feel like I watched this a year ago but it was only about 4 months since the last episode. Is it me or am I the only one who would rewatch this series just to jot down what tracks I need to find ? Haha, I so much miss my coffee driven commenting time for this show, ahh the good old days.


I'm not going to watch this drama simply because i don't want to set myself up for misery and tears HAHA i hope woobin acts in another drama soon because i really want to watch him


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Yes.... I cried so much too... even though I knew SJY will die.
I love how they make SJY death simple and peaceful, not overy dramatic and full of tears.
I really love KWB's acting here...


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Sorry for ricing your comment and for my comment beng late but.... I liked suzy's performance till the every last 3 episodes. I'm sorry but that isn't just how you look like when someone you love is fighting cancer. I lost someone special to me recently and during our last moments with him, we had no makeup, good clothes, or even hygiene around him.

I just couldn't feel or find the emotions in her face or eyes since the emotions are stil too fresh to me. Her lost of Joon Young just seems unrealistic and planned out. Sorry suzy but I still love you ?


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I totally agree, Wood Bin'a best role yet. Would love to see him make a cross over into American film...if anything this display shows that he has the ability.


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Thanksfor this recap.still in tears though. but a great movie. I learnt alot from this. I hope and pray to always be upright and stand for truth no matter the cost. I just wish he took his Dr's advice to seek a cure. hmmm.... I love d movie and miss it already.


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Finally! Thank God it's ended.

LKH you just need go to hell with the KBS BoD.

What is the next drama btw?


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IM sorry. but what is BoD?


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I think it means Board of Directors. I'm not really sure what Next Drama Please's reference is, though. I don't know who LKH is.


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haha..you're right..

btw LKH is the writer of this max-melo drama :)


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Kim HaNeul's on the way to the airport.


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A drama called On The Way To The Airport starring Kim Ha-neul.


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Oh, thanks Mary.

Completely forgot to check this time slot out.


Melo after melo? I am not excited. (Even though Kim HaNeul joins long lines of actresses who came back to small screen after a long while)

Thanks for the recaps! The only thing I loved from this drama is Kim Woo-bin (and Im Joo-hwan) acting.


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omg I was scrolling through the comments quickly and I totally read this as a sentence rather than a drama title, as in "Yeah, Kim HaNeul's on the way to the airport right now...." and I was like "okay but... what's the next drama" and then it hit me. Gah I'm dumb.


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Hahahahaha... I thought so, too... for a second there I thought about Yayyy...another Na PD's Friend Over Flower new episode!!! LOL :D


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Lol. As soon as I read this what came to my mind was KANG Ha Neul heading to the airport on his award show suit on his way to Iceland. With his wet laundry still inside his washing machine. Call me crazy but it's been a tough week.


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LOL... Me, too.. :D


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such a petty comment.


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Thank you for even bother to leave comment here


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Can't we have a crossover with W so that Joon Young can rewrite his fate?

When I watched him die, I felt as though I was saying goodbye to someone I've known closely.. like an old friend. I cried so hard that even til today.. I continued to tear up seeing the screencaps.

Thank you Kim Woo Bin for making Joon Young such a wonderful and memorable character.


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Exactly, i was so attached to Joon Young i felt the same thing as yours. And i'm not even a WB fan..


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Joon Young went away without any regret. He did his best in life. He loved hard. He made mistake he paid for it.


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I really enjoyed this drama. Kim Woo Bin was outstanding. It is a shame his performance will probably be overlooked because of a drama that I thought was not all that great, Descendants of the Sun.

I had no idea what to expect when I started this drama. I was looking for something lighthearted and fun. But this was totally not that. Still I was intrigued by the characters and the performances, and I am glad I stuck with it to the end.


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Well after losing my interest in this show a few episodes I hung on through the recaps to get to the finale and I must say - I cried more than once. It was a lovely send off and at the end of it all, I'm glad that Joon Young and Ji Tae's father chose to do the right thing. I thought the last 2 episodes were the best, particularly between Joon Young and his father.

I was disappointed by Ji Tae's mother, she was simply nuts (she and Queen SimplyPsychotic over at Moon Lovers could Pow Wow about their terrible mothering) and I hated that she didn't have any consequences for her many actions.

I can't say I loved the ride but Uncontrollably Fond ended the best way it could have and for that I'm grateful.

Well done to Kim Woo Bin on his first leading man role, he was really good.


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I understand why you lost interest, I think a certain part of my ability to watch this show in spite of it's flaws was because I had nothing else to watch. But back to Ji Tae's Mother, madam Lee. She did have consequences, as she certainly lost the respect of her son. In fact, it would seem that he probably pities her more than anything, and she lost the love of her husband, and possibly his place in her life, if he has to go to jail for his crimes. She also had to step down from running JK Enterprises as if they were her own personal fiefdom where she could control everyone.

Still, I know what you mean, she won't be doing time in jail. But certainly, she'll be doing time nonetheless. Every time her son looks at her will be painful. Her husband will care for her but she knows that it's only out of duty and not out of love. That will be her prison.


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I like to hope that her son and husband's loss of respect affects her, but I don't think that will be the case at all. :/

Maybe for someone who cares so much about power and the illusion of it, her suffering will come from the fact that her corruption was exposed to the public?

Imagine knetz roasting her online for as long as she lives. If that's not hell, I don't know what is...


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I think I'd prefer a public shunning, but I'll take the loss of respect from her son and love from her husband. :)

But really, they both plan to stand by her side so I still feel robbed.


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Ah... I don't really care about JE and Evil Mom...

SJY went away at his dream house, beside the girl he loved... and NE can smile again and start a new life just like what SJY always wanted for her...

That's enough for me...


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My thoughts exactly.


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There was a scene with Chairwoman Choi sitting all alone in her stark white living room. She wanted power and respect/love from her family. She went to any means necessary to get what she wanted and ended up with nothing. Her power is gone and her family may stay by her side, but they all see her for the monster she is. Surrounded by possessions and people, she is alone.

Chairwoman Choi's story arc is the opposite bookend to Shin Joon Young's character development, which Lollypip summarized so beautifully. All of his loved ones rallied around him and showed how much they loved him (despite how much of a jerk he may have been at some points in the past). They came to his side because at his core he was a decent person who loved fully. Chairwoman Choi ended up losing everything because she was a hollow, selfish, crazy person.

On a separate note, I had thought that it was possible that Chairwoman Choi sent the car that hit No Eul after Shin Joon Young stole the flash drive. It especially seemed possible after she almost had Jik hurt and had Ji Tae hit with a car. Unfortunately, the show never confirmed that deed (unless I missed through my tears). I still think it is likely, and would have liked to see it revealed.


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I can’t say I loved the ride but Uncontrollably Fond ended the best way it could have and for that I’m grateful.

Well said and I agree...with one exception: Madame Choi.

She willfully endangers her son's life and is unrepentant, yet there are no legal consequences, and both her husband and Ji Tae will stick by her? What the...?! It's hard to be satisfied with this, even if she lost their respect or is publicly humiliated.

On another note, even just reading about Joon Young's meal with his mother and his dying moment at Eul's side, tugged at my heart. Both moments are so beautifully done. I know he's just a character but I'm so relieved that he died peacefully and wasn't alone.


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Writer LKH is now in my blacklist along with Suzy. I watched it for KWB's sake. Woobin! Please choose carefully your next drama well . I want to forget this drama. Looks like this drama is really bad spot for his career. Wait! Is he already a hallyu star?


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Even though UF is quite disappointing in some ways (mainly the writing), I think Woobin can be proud of his work here. He was great, I liked him before but I was still pleasantly surprised by his acting in UF. I dont think this is a dark spot in his career at all. If anything, he proved to people like me that he is a capable actor and hopefully he can build from here.

Hopefully he chooses a lighter drama for his next project because UF is honestly too angsty for me.


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It is true that he can act well and show that he is a capable actor. But, it is a different story with his popularity and star power. After the heirs finished, even though he was just a second lead, his career was sky high and called him one of four hallyu kings with other familiar names. Now with UF's failure, I just hope it won't ruin his name.


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Let me give an honest opinion, as I am like a 'stranger' because I'm not really following this drama (just watching KWB's parts and second leads' parts) but KWB was really good in this drama. As his first leading roie, it was actually a very good choice for him. In fact, I think he is very lucky to be chosen because with this kind of role, he actually got to show his capabilities.

LKH's drama was knowingly a cliche plot and emotional driven but most of the actors from her previous drama have been acknowledged. Even the rating was not a hit, I think the number is still OK, at least UF's rating didn't suffer the rating below 5%.


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Yes, this writer is now on my blacklist too. As for Suzy - it's funny because I liked her in Dream High and Gu Family Book, but I didn't like her in this. I didn't believe her acting, and wonder how much more I might have appreciated her character if a better actress had played Eul. Who knows. Anyway, Suzy is not on my blacklist unless she plays in a melodrama.


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Suzy should try side character. polish her self well first. Not main lead. many drama has show flaws. if she want to grow take side character first, not let us watch her as lead and we have to bear with her through her leads.


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If we look at the Joon Young or even Eul, it's clear this writer knows how to write compelling characters. That's why it's so hard to excuse the weak, cliched story she tied them to.

Thankfully, the actors and director elevated this drama and kept it from being totally tired and tiring. (I was able to hold on for 18 episodes because of them.) I give them full credit for making it watchable and affecting; no easy task. As for the writer, she should take a hiatus and reflect on what she did wrong.


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I was really emotional reading the recaps for episode 19 yesterday, and I really am crying like forever because I know that will be his fate.
I am really attached to Joon Young's character and he will always be remembered. Like him someday, I would like to die with someone I really love.
Joon Young only wanted one thing in this world: It is to be loved back by the people he loves.

Thank You Uncontrollably for every tears and feels.
Right now I'm really crying in tears! Thank You Joon Young-ah!
Salute ! Salute !

Maybe this not everybody's cup of coffee, but for me It's quite a better show.


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As much as this drama frustrated me, I really did enjoy how nuanced the characters were and all the emotions that the show gave me. Thank you for looking at everything in a positive not, and your statement about Suzy's acting is so true and I wish more people understood. She has improved so much and I stopped being bothered by her acting and instead was immersed in her characterization as Eul. It broke my heart when Joon Young "fell asleep" on her shoulder and she wouldn't directly acknowledge it. Her chemistry with Kim Woo Bin was off the charts and I enjoyed their performance together. Of course Kim Woo Bin was INCREDIBLE in this role and I wish more people gave this drama a shot to see just how amazing of an actor he is, not just some good looking guy that can play mean well.

Also I completely agree with the congressman thing. I LOVED HIM AS A VILLIAN. Often times kdramas are too one sided and while it can be fun, it also tore at my heart strings (and my conscious) more with his realistic characterizations and portrayal. Not many corrupt people are ever truly corrupt because humans are often times more complicated than that.

Overall I just want to give a huge round of applause to you Lollypip and your amazing writing, commentary, and dedication to this drama. I look forward to the other dramas you recap!!

(Also im so glad Eul ended up taking care of his dog. I was so sad before that she wasnt, so I was happy when it ended like that <3)


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"Kim Woo Bin was INCREDIBLE in this role and I wish more people gave this drama a shot to see just how amazing of an actor he is, not just some good looking guy that can play mean well." Yes glad that although he didn't earn any award he deserved for this role at least he's proved to ppl who watched this that he really is a versatile actor.


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While I had my complaints about this show, it was enjoyable. I did stick it out until the end. The writing was frustrating as hell but Kim Woo Bin and even Suzy kept me invested in the outcome of the show. Although it was sad to see Joon-young pass away, I'm glad he died and didn't have some miraculous recovery. That would have been too unrealistic.

Assemblyman Choi redeemed himself in the end and really that is more than I hoped for. I'm glad Joon-young touched him in such a way that he really reflected on his bad choices and made a very hard decision to right his wrongs.

Even Ji-tae had his moment. I'm glad he realized how he treated his brother was hateful and selfish. We missed out on a really good bromance!

One thing I found an issue with is Joon-young's Mom. She found out her son was dying and she waited to go to him. I get she felt guilty but that is why she needed to push that aside and go to him! It was too much time wasted already.

Overall, not a bad finale. Everything was wrapped up in a nice way. Here's hoping I get to see another awesome performance from Kim Woo Bin soon!!


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Oh man, that scene between Joon-young and his mom was heart wrenching. Kim Woo-bin and Jin Kyung were so good in that scene. Made me tear up.
Hope to see KWB in dramaland again soon! Please don't disappear for a long time and hopefully stay alive in the next show. Maybe a comedy.


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It's sad that she didn't say sorry to JY till the end though. I want her to say thank you to SJY for becoming the righteous man she always wanted him to be by deciding not to become a prosecutor... that he didn't disappoint her. I want her to say sorry for ignoring him the past five years... for not trusting his choice... for not trying to understand and just shut him out.

But she didn't say it till the end. Instead, SJY requested her first to recognize his hard work and she just replied with subtle nods.


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Oh finally i'm not the only one thinking YO should've said lots of things and didn't. includimg astrong and clear apolog about all that u mentioned. he felt bad cuz he thought he'd been breaking his mom's heart and all she did to point out he was a good son, was to say he was a good child cuz he never got sick or cried as he was a baby???


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* a strong and clear apology


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Honestly I never thought I'd hold on to this drama til the end after being frustrated with every single character. But the last 2 episodes just got me uncontrollably weeping. This was Joon-young's story and Joon-young's happy ending. Because if it weren't for his illness, he would have been trapped in guilt and misery for the rest of his life.

Kim Woo-friggin'-bin made my heart ache on his first leading role in a drama. Looking forward to his next project.


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Thanks for the recap!

Was completely dehydrated after this episode. AHH! It's done! You are so right on how the characters arent really purely good or purely evil. (Except for Ji Tae's Mom who's like Evil Incarnate) Love love love KWB's acting and his scenes with Mom, and their simple thank you - goodbye. Not everyone will get a chance to die this way: simple, quiet and thankful. Though SJY took a difficult route going there, with the whole confession / revenge plot he did, Im happy he still got the ending he deserved. Which was with Eul.

Also, from the previous episode, I thought it was wonderful when Choi called Eul to ask why she gave him the usb - didn't she know what kind of man he was -

Yes, you're SJY's father.

That was super moving for me, because no matter how evil he thought he was, what kind of monster he viewed himself to be, Eul was forgiving enough to acknowledge that there was something good in him. (Except Madam Lee, like DAYMMMM EVIL INCARNATE)

All in all, I thought it was a beautiful drama. I had a really bad cold this morning and now its gone after an hour of bawling. Ahaha.


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That moment was really moving. I remember I choked when I heard her say that. I thought the last 2 episodes of this drama were really nice. Made me cry quite a bit. (understatement) I will remember this drama as a good one. Though admittedly I didn't watch much of the episodes from 12 to 18 and mostly only read the recaps for those. Still, the show was a good one for me all in all.


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How come I always end up crying when I saw anything about mother and son moment. I read 5 recaps and watched this episode 3 times and I still sob like an idiot. Maybe because acting in that part was so good, it felt like real deal. For a moment I beloved, that KWB and JK really mother and son, while KWB is dying. Now I can't shake it off.


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I mean "belived". Auto-correct, sorry.


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I think the main tarnished relationship here was mother and son. Because they had a clear relationship before the first accident. That relationship was already on the rocks before said mishap occurred.

Joon Young became more grateful to his mother, despite not having his father around and wanted to be a good son on learning that Eul And Jik had been completely orphaned through their fathers death.

That was what the full circle of this drama was, in a small way. Which is why it had a big impact when she cooks for him in the end and he remembers who she is.


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I thought first that the title is UNFORTUNATELY FOND? ? Silly me. Yes, it was really unfortunate. I feel bad for woobin since it's his very first drama leading role. He and his buddy, LJS shouldn't compete each other in the same timeslot.


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"Uncontrollably Fond" sums up my feelings for this drama and especially my emotions for Shin Joon Young and No Eul. Despite the frustrations, I really enjoyed seeing the characters grow. I knew there would be heartache, but the show's ending was satisfying for me. It may not be my favorite melo, but I will remain "Uncontrollably Fond" of it.


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I loved all the family scenes, from the mother/son to the father/son to the other father/son. They all had me so emotional despite the fact that I didnt like the mother for a majority of the drama. My feelings for the father were so complex, I don't know how I feel. (closer to hatred but still some sympathy ya feel)

Also who else, loved Eul's story arc? I loved how in the end she exposed her boss. I was so worried she was gonna accept the money like she would in the past (I was screaming dont do it Eul!! Remember what Joon Young and everything else in the drama taught you about justice and life and stuff!) so I was so happy to see that she turned it around and now refuses to sacrifice justice for money. I'm actually sad now to see this drama go despite all the problems it had. Contrary to belief I thought all the acting was good and it all really moved me. I hope to see them all in dramaland soon!!


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When I think of Eul, I wonder just what happensd to JoonYoung's wealth.


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I hope it went to his mom, who then sorta adopted Eul and Jik. (They badly need a family, and Ajusshi seemed as doting and warm and supportive as their real dad.)


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That would be perfect. Although if that happened, I'd expect a LOT of bickering between Ajusshi's kids and Jik, since two of them are very immature for their years while the other one is much too mature.


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I remember reading a post of earlier summary of UF. JY left all his image rights to NE.


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Really? Well I don't really read summaries, heh. I just take whatever the drama gives me. Why didn't they put it in?


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Because for. LKH it's not that important lol


I can't find that post. It's a prequel to UF. It was written in LKH's pov as a fellow colleague to NE. NE went missing and leaving all her documentary vidoes unedited. SJY leave all his image, videos rights to NE. LKH found that videos and get shocked at the extend of JY and NE's love. Something like that..lol
Seriously i have goosebumps reading it at first.


Oh wow. Now that sounds interesting Nino23. Where and when did you read that?


Where did you read the prequel? i would love to read it too


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I think the house is going to be sold since Manager Oppa, the stylist unnie and CEO are packing up SJY's things.

Whatever... I'm glad that the show didn't even talk about it since I'm not sure what I want for NE. Sometimes I don't want her to accept money from SJY. I want her to be successful and well-known PD and make a living on her own. But sometimes I feel like she's been through a lot and she deserves the money.

I'll just assume that at least CJT paid for her debt. She got the debt because she lost at the court against his mother... so The Choi should be the one who responsible for it


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I haven't cried buckets in a while and i found myself sitting for 60 minutes doing the ugly cry complete with a runny nose.

I wasnt in love with the show but this episode brought me in. And KWB gave it his all for the role and i believed every emotion he went through, be it horrid or not.

His final confrontation with his fear of death really hit me hard. How realistic is it that a person who is terminal has their doubts and fear prior to accepting that the end is near. It was so real and so well felt by him. He was scared. He didnt want to die. He begged to live. It was so raw.

His passing, though a cause of my gut wrenching sobs, was absolutely beautiful. He was quiet and at peace and with the love of his life. One could only be so lucky to be able to move on to the afterlife this way.


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joonyoung ah joonyoung T.T


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Joon Yoong ah
He must be one my most fav character of lee kyung hee drama. omo. Before i'm not even a fan of Woo Bin. And now I must follow all of his next project. Hope he doesn't dissapoint me like So Ji Sub after Misa. Always end up with wrong project and it's decreasing his performances since.. Glad he pick this kind of project on his drama come back.


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LKH male leads are always great. I love them all.


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I reread your final thoughts and I agree with what you said about Assemblyman Choi and not to mention the actor himself. Watching him in ep 20 made me reflect on the earlier episodes when he displayed that arrogance. The aura certainly felt different in the last 2 episodes when he broke down in front of JY and the way he looked at Ji Tae.

JY's little speech when his mom came over really made me think about what kind of a daughter I am to my own parents. His concerns and guilt of disappointing his parents really gets to me. It makes me wonder if I had done a good enough job to make my parents proud and that if I die earlier than them, would I leave them with fond memories and pride as much as JY did.

Also, it was so fulfilling hearing him say that he had done his best in his life and that he couldn't have done better even if he had another chance. I'm glad that he is able to live his last moments with happy thoughts.

In a way, the show reminded me of a few things said by the late Randy Pausch in his Last Lecture series - that if we wait long enough, we will get to see to good side of the people around us. Although it may not be the case with some of the characters.. it rang true with Choi and Ji Tae.

Anyway, sorry for trying to sound philosophical despite my incoherent thoughts. Hope to see KWB in another drama soon! And thanks for the recap Lollypip


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I'm glad that it's over, I'm probably one of the few that was disappointed with this drama early on, because of the plot and never ending angst, but I stayed until the end. Ep 19 and 20 is better, but I wish they instill the love a little deeper between Eul and Joon Young. I'm not too sold that they love each other deeply because they have not shown it to one another aside from when he is courting her and she finally said lets date in one episode. Though i congratulate Kim Woo Bin for a job well done, Suzy is better on her quiet moments, I don't like it when she's shouting and making that screeching sound.
I like Jik and haru as well, they are cute and their ending is cute. All in all those that can be redeemed, redeem themselves and those that can't, well they stays the way they are (chairwoman Choi).


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I love that LKH didn't force NJ and HR to end up together... their closure is also satisfying...


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Well there it was. I really did have that big cry that I wanted at the end thanks to that wonderful last mom-son scene. I wish the whole show had more of that stuff. So much pure heart in that scene. Sigh.

Well, bye show. Thank you LollyPip for the wonderful recaps, and the DB team for just giving us space to let stuff out. This site is truly my kind of party.

Satan's Spawn Madam, yeah I wish I could unpollute my mind with the thought of you just existing as you are. You really did disturb the heck out of me, and I pray you never cross my mind ever again.

Congressman Choi, you poor guy. C'est la vie...

Ji Tae, I'm happy (?!?!?!) to hear that not only did you choose not to run far faarrrrr away from crazytown banana pants Jong Eun when you had the chance, but that you'll seriously wait for her to change too (??!?!!) Man the Truck of Doom is surely something else.

Pororo, I miss you and I'll miss you the most. ?

Eul, you were so strong in the last quarter of the show that you are my MVP here. It's so wonderful how you made peace with everything and stuck with what really mattered to you in the end. I hope you find a Lee Min Ho type eventually and love again.

Joon Young, I'll trust what you said and take comfort in knowing that you were happy all along. Really, I don't know what else I could take away from you here. You were so freakishly self-sufficient and persistent in doing what you wanted to accomplish on your own that they may as well retire the phrase 'No man is an island' because of you. I'm just glad you went knowing you were truly loved though.

I watched UF because of KWB, stayed for KWB, and in the end, I'm even more grateful for KWB.

Woobs, I'll follow you anywhere you'll go. Please stay healthy, strong and happy. Will always root for you and wish you well.


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On everything you said, especially the last paragraph.


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Although the story was draggy. I was really surprised how i was able to hold on to this drama. I watched this week by week without fast forwarding. This is a decent story. I wouldn't call it terrible. Tbh, i was more attached to each character that i was with W. I cried, swooned and laughed with them.

I was never a fan of KWB but he had the capacity to make me cry. I was bawling during his goodbye with his mom. Same thing with his last video. I will definitely watch him again on his future dramas.


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sad scene always make me sad but I hope the drama team doesn't rely on that alone.. I need some hope and mesage than just cry and get dizzy after it,


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Well. This was not the best drama ever, but I watched all 20 episodes of it and enjoyed it a lot. I cried for most of episode 20 and enjoyed it as well. The cinematography, acting, and directing was great! The dialogue was good, and the characters were well-drawn mostly. The plotting used too many of the same ol' things "crooked politicians, powerful chaebols, evil mother-in-law, the truck/car of doom was used way way too many times. Noble idiocy reared it's head all over the place, and much of what happened was predictable.

I said originally, that Congressman Choi would take one for team Ji Tae, and he did. However, after the part where he got Joon Young arrested I was sure he wasn't going to go down with the ship. That was a little twist. The biggest surprise for me was the fact that the truck o' doom that put Ji Tae into the hospital was sent my dear ol' Mom. I had expected that it was just the following car that was sent by her, not the truck o' doom. Actually the most biggest surprise was that Ji Tae survived the truck o' doom. I was sure that he couldn't possibly survive it, although I think he was driving a Mercedes, which are definitely very safe cars. I'm guessing the air bags saved his life.

Anyway, thanks for the recap Lolypip and I have to admit I liked Suzy's acting, and I like her. In this last episode she's wearing quaint overalls over cheap clothes and yet she looked gorgeous. I don't know how she pulls it off. It's no wonder why they call her Korea's first love. Now I wonder what to watch on wed/thurs -- I've enjoyed the ride these past 10 weeks, now which of the new dramas should I try, if any?


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Finally we've arrived at the end. I feel a little dehydrated from crying buckets and buckets of tears watching the last episode and then again the recap.

This show was such a mess sometimes (for lidgitmate reasons that have been talked about to exhaustion), but I have to concur with Lollypip when she said that it made her truly care and connect with its characters. Furthermore, It ultimately delivered a statisfing ending, so much so that I think this last episode was my favorite of the whole season.

Joon Young was such a frustrating character who I was amazed to learn that I absolutely loved. It's to Kim Woo Bin's credit that I felt like I joined with JY in his all his suffering and the little bits of happiness he experenced in the end. Because of KWB, I always felt invested in JY's life.

All the scenes with JY and his parents touched me the most. The actors that portrayed the parents were phenomenal.


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Thank you Kim Woo Bin and Im Jo Hwan for make me cried. Thanks all the supporting character for you crying party. The last 2 episode is the best. Omgggg thank you Lee Kyung Hee. After Misa I've never cried this much over an ending of drama. I will be mourning JY's death in upcoming weeks from now on. I can't work properly now I swear.


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"I will be mourning JY's death in upcoming weeks from now on. I can't work properly now I swear."
oh heck same thing happening to me now T_T


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I cried my eyes out and I can't believe he died yet. The ending hit too close to home. I have lost one of my family members to cancer and although it hurt, you move on and life goes on, you try your best to get by. It had its flaws but the ending made sense, it left me feeling raw. Thanks for the recap.


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so sad it's over. i have no complain about UF. it's taught about life hope and love. WB you are daebak


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With some dramas, you watch and forget about them. But despite its flaws, I think I will remember UF for a long long time.

Thank you Woobin, Suzy and all the supporting cast. It may be a frustrating ride at times, but I'm glad I stick with it till the end.


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I remember kbs said that this drama was gonna be lighter than LKH's previous works. Apparently they didn't lie. We got the female lead survived the tragedy and didn't follow male lead to his grave. Hey! That's definitely lighter. lol.

UF gave me so many feels. Yes sometimes It made me frustrated and emotionally exhausted... but at the same time UF managed to make me emotionally invested with its characters even though I don't necessarily like them all or approve what they do. Thank u LKH for writing a bunch of interesting characters here. I have no regret watching them all.

I hope KWB and IJH will get more great and challenging roles in the future. They deserve that.

IJE played the one of the most bad written character in this show... but it didn't stop her to shine through her role.

The actor also did a good job. His character is well-written but it's not gonna work without his amazing acting skill.

Suzy has improved a lot... but sorry I can't say that her performance here makes me looking forward for her next project either.

Bye UF thank you for the beautiful kdrama-watching experience.


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The Ending is so beautiful but also sad ..

I cried so much watched Sjy and her mom. It's heartbreaking .Good job Woobin. He really nailed it.

Also I really adore Eul's character in here. She's became so mature in here , I love her character and her way to love Woobin , I can feel her sincerity. And I think Suzy is portraying Eul character well. Good job Suzy . For me her acting is natural and I've enjoyed it .

And I love all other cast in Uncontrollably Fond. I send my support to all of the Uncontrollably fond's casts .Keep fighting and see all of you in next movie / drama.


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overall, i've enjoyed UF. some episode more than the other. it wasn't the best, but it was good enough for me to finish it, and to shed tears in the final episode (which i really wasn't expecting)

i don't understand why the writer had to write jitae to be such as good person? when i say 'good person' is that he tries to take all the burdens of others and tries to handle them all on his own. the amount of secrets he kept from the beginning is too damn high! and now hes open minded with having yoon hung eun back? i hope when he said 'i''ll be by your side' meant he can forgive her and be a 'friend'. and not romantically. cause he sooo deserve someone better!

i have been a fan of writer LKH's work (will it snow for christmas will always be one of my all time fav kdrama) but, yes drama wasn't my fav. at the same time i can't really point out what is its real problem. its probably better of with 16eps rather than 20. so the problems in the middle can be condensed shorter and more intense.

as far as acting and directing goes, i actually liked it. or maybe im just bias with winter settings. everything from houses, island, scenery, clothes somehow feels soo cozy.


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JT was not a totally good person. The times when he told JY to just go die was purely out of spite. He was envious and jealous of JY, his rival for NE's love. Being supportive of Jik and NE when he knew the circumstances of their father's death was deceitful. That deceit prevented the early closure of NE's grief, and justice for the hit-and-run incident. So he's flawed, even if he's otherwise a 'good' person.

JT's willingness to wait for JE was only if she accepts her punishment for the wrong done and not use her father's influence to wriggle herself free. That would be the start of her redemption, accepting and paying for the crime she committed. At one point in her life JE was an upright person, dissuading JT from taking the easy way out by cheating to gain admission to college. It is unfortunate that only in the last ep did we see that JE wasn't all bad, in the beginning. Had that side of her char been shown to us in the earlier eps and the show explored what went wrong, we could perhaps relate to her instead of finding her a delusional, psychotic char as we did. Whether JT waits for her as a friend or a lover, I'm ok either way. Everybody deserves a chance to change for the better, and to find love.


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First and foremost, thanks LollyPip for the recap, I have always loved your take on the dramas that you were recapping before and was really grateful that you were the one recapping UF :) I was a crying mess last night when I watched this but would definitely rewatch it again tonight just because I want to see this episode on TV and enjoy the great acting. It was a long and heart-breaking 10 weeks but it is definitely an eventful journey. Looking forward for more great work from Kim Woo Bin. 안녕히가세요 UF, I am forever a fan :)


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I was sobbing like crazy.. from start to finish.

I am thankful nevertheless for this beautiful drama.. KWB was incredible he deserves every dam award this year internationally. The visual, the scenery, the songs r perfect. Bae Suzy n KWB r simple gorgeous. I am glad the ending was made such as so i was able to calm myself for a little bit.

Lastly.. i cant help but wish to see KWB n Suzy in another drama/movie.


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I have always been a lurker here for the longest time. I just couldn't contain my emotions, I had to comment.
I gave up on this drama a long time ago, but I always read the recaps to check up on it. Thank you for this speedy and beautiful recap. This made me cry so much. KWB was so on point in this drama. The passing scene was beautiful and heartwrenching (even though I didn't watch and only read it here).


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wow. you cried by merely reading the recap?


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Yes, I did. I seriously did. T.T


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I don't remember the last time i cried this hard watching drama. I'm glad I stayed till the end. It has flaws but i still like it. Shin Junyoung is really well written and well executed by Kim Woobin. Good job! I won't say much as everyone above already doing a great job praising him.
Suzy who keep surprising me. She's doing way better job as NoEul than people give her credit for. Eul who are strong till the end. I love her character. She's so tough and loyal. Her chemistry with Woobin is really good. Sad that they don't have many couple scenes together. I love that scene when they painted Pororo's house. So comfort and natural.
I love the final episode. I think it was beautiful in every sense. The acting, the dialogue, the cinematography, the OSTs.
I wish people can give this show a chance. Forget all those controversy and watch it with an open mind.


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I dropped UF after episode 16 because at that point I wasn't enjoying the show at all anymore and it would have just been masochistic to continue. That being said, I always thought that everything in this drama looked beautiful and Woo-bin's acting was a cut above.


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Thanks Lolypop for the recap. I never needed to read recaps so badly cuz i could barely focus while watching the episode.
and i finally know what ugly crying means I'm still bursting into rivers of tears with the mere mention of JY's name

cried ugly the entire episode, i was screaming along with him from the inside and saying please, let him live. it was so hard to watch him while he had lost his memories, he was so innocent, so pure, so heartbreaking. and tho i think in the last scene with his mom the wrong person was apologizing, i was so touched. not everyone gets to say their last words to their loved ones before they die..
the death scene was beyond well done. i always wondered which ost they'll pick for it and they picked the best.

I really can't find enough words to describe NE, and how strong and honorable of a character she is. unlike all the other kdrama girls that i've watched, she wasn't a crygirl, she stayed strong until the very end. and ppl keep bashing Suzy but i think we're the ones misunderstanding the character. she didn't need to cry and express all her deep emotions because that's who NE is. a strong mature women.

As for WB, i can't find enough words to describe his great work either. JY will forever stay and be loved in my mind and that's due to WB's flawless job of bringing JY to life. I'll mourn JY for my entire life and will follow WB in whatever he does. I just found him!

and special thanks to the rest of the cast and crew for this lovely drama.I'll miss u big time , I lived with it, cried and smiled with it and above all learned from it. never been so moved by a movie or drama. this is now probably my second favorite drama. if not the most favorite already.


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I want to have kim woo bin poster like the one posted in bus stand.. He's Holding a big flower bouquet.. saying "You have done well today.”

That will get me through during bad times

Woobin has done a great job in UF.. well done! Can't wait for your next drama


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Thanks Lollypip for seeing the drama through in the end and the apt recaps.

LKH should really do a psychological thriller, next. There was a couple of times before Jung Eun got the whiff of suspicion on her that it could have become her show as the master mind, yet crazy villain.

But what is a melodrama build-up without some contrite characters? You even get the sense that Jung Eun Has changed. Im Joo Hwan and Im Joo Eun were excellent this episode and could have been a great lead couple.

I am glad SYO came around, such a wonderful scene with Joon Young.

Even Haru and Jik surprised us with their scene. Future OTPs of a drama?

I will know for a next time to not watch a "romcom" that in its premier turns out to be a melo. Ironically I wanted a melo. Becareful what you wish for...


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I was so frustrated by so much of this drama as it aired that all the while watching there was a running side question of "Why am I still watching this?" Then, for the last two episodes, that turned into "Why am I crying so much?"

I see that I wasn't alone in being more invested than I realized!

There were a few great episodes, and consistently good performance by KWB. In the end, that's the impression that will remain.

I was most frustrated with his mother throughout the drama, because I just couldn't fathom her keeping him at such a distance and dwelling in her own pain.

He wasn't a bad person, which would have made her behavior more understandable! Then again, I was also emotionally moved by their scenes in a way no other relationship touched me. Again, more invested than I thought!


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Just because the drama made me cry doesn't change what I think and feel about it. No doubt Kim Woo Bin did a great job portraying his character despite the stupid lazy writing. If I could do this all over again, I would watch the first 8 episodes, then skip to 19 and 20.


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I wish I hadn't started it to begin with, but your first 8, then skip to 19 and 20 sound about right to me. Because I actually felt emotion in 19 and 20 - cried heavily - when I not once felt it before these episodes.


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Anyone knows what does the writings on the very last minute of 20th episodes say?


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"We hope the world you live in is like the world JY and NE believe in. Thank you for watching Uncontrollably Fond!"


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Thanks! I wondered what it said too.


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thanks @ toast. very nice. I really wanted to know what it meant. thanks, lollypip for the recap.


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SJY and his mom really mad me cried. I did not cry, i wailed. although his mom frustrates me to no end, in that moment when they tell each other that they were honoured to have been mother and son, and when she tells him to visit whenever he misses her, I cried like never before. I just wished I got to see a conversation like this between Eul and SJY so that the few happy moments that they had together would feel (my feeling as a viewer) more precious.


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I don't have much to say. The past 2 episodes took a turn from angsty to soft. There were lots of tears but I didn't cry; I may have felt like crying once though and it wasn't even JY's scenes.
JY's circumstance was sad, and I would've been more invested if I actually liked the guy. He could've done things in a better way and had a better send off but of course not because he was so busy being angsty. There was just a better way for this whole story to unfold, and it all lies within JY. Oh well.
Eul's ending was okay, I guess. She now values morals and justice over money but I'm guessing JY has only one part in that. Eul probably has sufficient money to afford being able to seek justice now, while still being able to support her and Jik.
Speaking of Jik, his story with Haru was nicely wrapped. I didn't expect them to go over all their familial issues and end up together within the span of 2 eps, which were both focused more on a dying JY and its reality.
Choi was redeemable after all. That wasn't very surprising but it was nice to see. He's a human that succumbed to the allure of money and power and seeing him snap out of that was really pleasant. His wife, on the other hand, was a pure witch. Justice's served so I have nothing to say on that. This applies to JE, too.
JT.... I was happy to see that he said he'd wait for JE, that he still has hope for her despite everything. I love that he also took the blame for his mother's actions, even though it was none of his doing. He's undoubtably admirable. I wish he had gotten more of the light especially when I saw that his ending was just neutral. He did get his justice, but he deserved much more. Sigh. A secondary character truly does have the short end of the stick.
All in all, UF was a pain to watch. The story was interesting enough to keep me watching, but I really did not enjoy scenes with the mains. I was much more interested in the minor stories. The writing dragged on and on with the mains, and I can't help but to go "ughh" when the mains (mostly JY) do something that could've been avoided or done in a better way. It wasn't that bad of a drama, but the mains (and the whole story, really) could've been written better. Sigh. If only.


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I'm glad that they handled his death this way. I didn't watch it since I have already other dramas consuming my time, but I did read every recap on this drama. And I'm really glad they stood to the melo genre and didn't miraciously resurrect him in the last episode. I'm not sure if he really passed away the moment he fell asleep on Eul r later being taken in hospital (which they didnt had to show), but if he did passed away in that moment it's really beautiful that he was with the one he loved the most.


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I am relieved that they handled it the way they did.

I thought I lost out on two scenes though, one where we see KWB/KWB as JY/KWB in something else, walk through a path with trees and he is wearing a black jacket and he looks up. Wasn't that the afterlife scene? Or was that the actor, KWB, in something else? Or was it just me watching too many OST videos of footage that may have been cut? Hehehe.

Lol, there was another scene where he is hiding behind a wall of probably his house from Eul and Eul says to him that she loves him. But it looks like he didn't want her to see him collapse and he hyperventilates in the anticipation of wanting her to leave, but she is crying and can hear him struggle???

But I am basically glad these scenes did not occur, perhaps they did but I somehow missed them. But those two scenes would really have really have brought me to some more tears, if I am correct that they were supposed to have been included in the drama.


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don't know about the first, but the second scene you mentioned did happen on episode 16. it's after he passes out and NE find him on the floor.


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I honestly thought that scene would play out somewhere after he got released from the bogus narcotic charge.

I think it is included in a Thai fan video of the New Empire song: Across the ocean.



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Thank you for your reviews.
I hated and loved this drama so much.
Such a strange feeling.
But with your reviews I've understood and enjoyed even more the plot.
This drama was so delicately and beautifully made.
Even if it doesn't have a completely happy ending, its final is the best we could wish for, given the circumstances of Joon-Young


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I cried so much for episodes 19 and 20. I actually liked this kdrama because of the great actors. I hope to see KWB in kdrama land again because he's such a great actor!


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All I can say this morning is that I feel like a dear friend has passed. I guess I am just a hopeless romantic who always yearns for the happy ending. UF was so exasperating throughout its run. But it felt like family. (Aren't we all flawed and exasperating, even to ourself, at times?) I will miss JY. His flaws made him real to me, like a friend that I want to embrace, at times, and kill, at times. Or both at the same time. I wonder how often my thoughts will wander to thinking, "how is NE doing?" And, in those moments I miss JY and NE the most, I know I can come running to dramabeans to check in on them again. Thanks!!!


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The feeling of loss is still lingering here~

I didn't really like the first 19 episodes because it was draggy and I expected so much from it. I mean I was so hyped up by the teasers and suddenly when shoved down with the slow pace, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

The final episode made me want to re-watch UF from the start.

It was bearable and I understood the writer's intention better. UF was made with a more artistic approach. This drama is meant more matured audience. Maybe KWB and Suzy's casting sugar-coated it to cater to the younger audience. So on the surface, it seems outdated but if you cast aside all your expectations and prejudices and just watch the drama as it is, you will learn to appreciate it better. You will definitely be uncontrollably fond of it.  

While I agree that it could have been packed to a 16-episode to make it more intense, UF is indeed a masterpiece , a rare treasure koreans have overlooked.


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Im 36, not a child here, a lot of doramas watched on my back, and I just didnt like the end and the over dragged drama on this. I was watching this with my wife and daughter and thank God I did read this recap before they watch the last 2 episodes, then I never allowed my daughter to watch it, my wife said she will avoid to watch it too.
There are nothing "artistic" in just giving up, I thought after Joon-young realizing in cap 19 he wants still to live, that something could happen, not something magic, but an operation that can at least save his life but lost his memories or something. But no, he gave up his own life in order to fullfill Eul vengeance and "justice" over her father death. I think if anyone here were Eul and if asked about Joon-young helping her to get those who covered his father death to jail or him getting treatment for his cancer and fight for his life and think she would be choose the second.
Now it seems the trend between these new "artistic" doramas is to someone to die, because dying is "artistic" and "dramatic" and childish people will never understand the "big vision of the writer". I dont agree with you that young people "dont get it", its quite simple Joon-young dead was quite unnecessary but the writer wanted to give the end an "artistic and deep" twist. There was no "twist", that is what is kinda stupid, you expected from the 4-5 chapter(once its revealed he is sick) to Joon Young because he was so sick of his cancer, then in the last chapters, they play with the feelings of the viewers giving a glimpse of hope when he decided to live because Eul and his mother, but a BIG middle finger in the very end. Yeah, Korea is right when they say they hate this dorama.
If you were Eul,


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Not edit button so...
There was no “twist”, that is what is kinda stupid, you expected from the 4-5 chapter(once its revealed he is sick) to Joon Young TO DIE at the end because...


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The "twist" WAS the death of Joon Young. I and many others assumed there would be a miracle and JY would live. But that's predictable considering it's a K-Drama.


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