Won Bin’s next move: to Chungmuro or Hollywood?
by girlfriday
Last year was definitely Won Bin‘s year: tops at the box office, aces on the red carpet, and well, he’s Won Bin. ‘Nuff said. So it comes as no surprise that he’s got his pick of new projects for the coming year, from dramas to movies…and he might soon be adding a Hollywood film to that list.
He’s reportedly being courted by agencies stateside, which isn’t surprising given how popular Ajusshi / The Man From Nowhere has been in the last year in screenings worldwide. Is it possible that he’ll be the next actor to attempt the very elusive crossover star-making turn in Hollywood?
At the same time, there’s speculation that he might sign on to star in the next film by director Jang Jin (The Recipe, Quiz King, Good Morning President), a Korean-Japanese co-production called Asian Beauty. The director has publicly been wooing Won Bin as his one and only choice for the leading role.
Is it too much to ask for him to return to dramaland instead of sailing away to either filmlandia? I know he’s probably going to be making films for a good long while (as well he should, of course), but I’m just greedy like that.
Via DongA
- U.S. screenings for Won Bin’s The Man From Nowhere
- Ajusshi attracts 1 million viewers in first week
- Movie Still by Won Bin
- Posters for Won Bin’s thriller film Ajusshi
- Won Bin sheds his gentle image for Ajusshi
- Won Bin wraps filming on Ajusshi
- Won Bin interviews about Mother, acting, and future goals
Tags: Won Bin
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1 Beng
March 19, 2011 at 1:36 PM
Yes, kdrama please. would really love to see him again in the small screen with dozens of episodes =)
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March 19, 2011 at 5:10 PM
second the motion! Pretty please hear our plea those in charge out there!
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March 19, 2011 at 6:48 PM
Yeah, I would love to see him in new drama, too. The last time I saw him in drama is in 'Friends' with Kyoko Fukada and Lee Dong-gun, which also the last drama he played. And that was 2002.
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March 20, 2011 at 12:15 AM
I don't really care because
1. he's super hot in everything he does
2. he is MINE :)
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Director Im
March 20, 2011 at 8:20 AM
i hear ya. the big screen is just not the same for fangirl-ing.
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December 29, 2012 at 4:39 AM
yes, healthy doze of won bin's drama will be wonderful. but if I look back at last 2 years drama, none of those good enough for Won Bin.
No offense.
Dude, this man has reputation... a very GOOD one. So, i think it's kind of high expectation waiting for him out there.
Honestly, I'll be absolutely disappointed if he pick drama that can't bring him Daesang Award :)
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2 Ina-sshi
March 19, 2011 at 1:36 PM
what...when did that happen, never heard of him..what did he do...ahhh i know iam slow...
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March 19, 2011 at 2:06 PM
??? I'm trying to pretend that you're joking and being sarcastic, but I have a feeling you're being serious. Truthfully, even I didn't know about him until after watching Ajusshi. Everyone kept talking about him left and right on Dramabeans and I was like "Who?". But now.... Beanies UNITE! We must convert this young one to be just as mindlessly in love with Won Bin. *evil grin*
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March 19, 2011 at 5:30 PM
please don't eat me o.O
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March 19, 2011 at 6:17 PM
I think what they meant was, by the time they finish with me, you'd want to EAT WON BIN instead.
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March 19, 2011 at 6:20 PM
Oops. Logic fail.
I meant, by the time they finish with you or me or Fasiris below (since we don't know/care yet who Won Bin is).
March 19, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Ina-sshi, mary and Fasiris Fay, you'll join the hoards of crazy fangirls and fanboys soon enough. If not. . . Your loss, and three less fans to worry about. XD
March 19, 2011 at 7:14 PM
Heh heh heh. Fear not young Padawan. The conversion process is painless and you won't even feel a thing. mary's right, you'll be fighting all the Won Bin fangirls (some of which would be Beanies) for Won Bin soon enough. MUAHAHAHAHA *cough*.
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Fasiris Fay
March 19, 2011 at 3:35 PM
Um, I also don't know who he is :$
Keep hearing about his movie, but I've never seen anything of his.
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March 19, 2011 at 4:03 PM
you should watch Autumn's Fairy Tale. he's the second lead in there. it'll make you fall in love with him hard.
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March 19, 2011 at 5:11 PM
LOL is this a joke?
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March 19, 2011 at 5:21 PM
I've never seen any of his movies/dramas, but I know who he is because of Google and DramaWiki
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Fasiris Fay
March 19, 2011 at 8:21 PM
I know who Hyun Bin is :D
Binnieeeeee!! <3
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March 19, 2011 at 10:22 PM
He was only in one of the best and most famous korean movies EVER. -eyeroll-
Check out Tae Guk Gi please.
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March 19, 2011 at 5:18 PM
You must be new to kdrama/film land.
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March 19, 2011 at 5:27 PM
I would not call 2 years of addiction new but if i would want to become a doctor that would be new to medical science. So maybe yes I am new. But I will do as you guys recommend since I am happy for every next good actor in my to-marry list x'D
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March 19, 2011 at 6:12 PM
Ina-shi,,, I think 2 years is new,,,,because many people I know addicted in k drama more than 5 years....for me is 10 years ago..just sayyin
And I think u must try watching autum fairy tale,,friends,,,and u will be fallin with won bin :)
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March 19, 2011 at 6:27 PM
haha, aww you, 2-yr newb, you...don't be in denial ;)
Considering the number of K-dramas and films out there, recent, classic and airing...2 years addiction gives an estimate of about 2 handfuls of dramas, approximately. So yeah, definitely "newbie" status. But not to worry, in a few years you'll be up in over your head in k-drama addiction, haha.
Won Bin is the second male lead in Autumn Tale (along with Song Seung Heun, Song Hye Kyo and the then super-young Moon Guen Young)...I'd say that drama along with the film of 'My Sassy Girl' marked the start of K-drama popularity.
Wait, does that make me over the 10-year inch mark of watching k-dramas? Daaaang.
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March 19, 2011 at 7:59 PM
You challenged me so I checked and got 26 dramas that I watched till the end (I didn't finish a lot like Triple, Smile You, My GF is a Gumiho, Athena, Swollow the sun or One fine day of whatever rasons halfway through it)
So 26 - I'm pretty proud of myself, even if its hilarious compared with 10 years. I'm also a big KMovie fan so...
well at least i tried ;)
March 19, 2011 at 9:42 PM
In the Phils, Endless Love-Autumn Fairy Tale is the start of the Drama Craze =). It's the first time i rooted for the second lead to get the girl. After seeing him in that kdrama, i can't get enough of him, so i watch his very first, PROPOSE and learned he's very good in English (he's got glorious hair). Then watched the movies Guns & Talk and Taegugki --- i totally got hooked after those, totally!!!
Somebody got to fix this addiction please, kdrama for Won Bin!!!!
And can we change Beanies to (s)Wonnies so people will not get confused with the Binnies? just suggestin'
March 19, 2011 at 11:26 PM
OMG! you made me count my own addiction--- 11 years and counting! O_O YIIIIIKES!!!!!!!!!!
i miss the days when javabeans was on soompi. heheheh
March 20, 2011 at 11:11 PM
But when I was referring to Beanies I was speaking of the many Dramabeanians who adore Won Bin. It all kind of started for me here (when we were discussing possible nicknames and why we can't use Beaners and what not):
But Wonnie for Won Bin fans it is. XD
March 19, 2011 at 6:52 PM
From the few drama he ever played, I only watched him in Autumn Tale, Ad Maniac, and Friends. Each character he played in those drama are different one from the other. For movies, I haven't seen Ajusshi, but you should try Taegugki. He's one of the best actor in his generation.
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March 19, 2011 at 8:01 PM
thanx that herlps a lot, I'm already writing them down^^
thank you gin (let's see if he is one of the best...)
Director Im
March 20, 2011 at 8:26 AM
maybe also because after he was in the military, he did not do a lot of stuff, so last 4-5 years prolly only 1-2 things he did i think...
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April 3, 2011 at 10:13 AM
I saw him the first time in autumn fairy tale when I'm 17 years old and now I'm 27.. So 2 years is newbie. But is ezcusable because he was in the military for 2 years and never star in drama since 2002. You should watch autumn fairy tale and get a bucket for your tears....
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March 19, 2011 at 5:37 PM
Is it just me...or does he remind you as well of Keanu Reeves....?
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March 19, 2011 at 5:52 PM
keanu "i act with no emotion" reeves? pah!
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March 19, 2011 at 5:59 PM
In the looks department? Sure, they kind of look alike, you know, back when Keanu was skinny/smaller, or if Won Bin put on a bit more weight or something.
In the acting department? Quite an insult to Won Bin.
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March 19, 2011 at 6:31 PM
Maybe it's just this picture, sorta eh.
Won Bin is definitely no Keanu Reeves. For starters, Won Bin's eyes are a gazillion times better at expressing emotion. Personally, Keanu gives me a sort of geeky and sometimes awkward vibe whereas Won Bin is much smoother.
Plus, check out some of Won Bin's T.O.P. coffee CFs with Shin Min-ah on youtube....the man can kiss.
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March 19, 2011 at 7:17 PM
Yo its just the pic
but HA! He can kiss!
and HA! He doesn't look like Keanu at all! HA!
March 19, 2011 at 9:49 PM
He reminded me more of Yoo Ah In. I think they have the same lips =). If Won Bin is the first, Second lead that i wished will get the girl, Yoo Ah In is the second for me to wish that he will get the girl in SKKS =)
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January 4, 2012 at 5:41 PM
He TOTALLY resembles young Keanu Reeves. That was my first thought when I saw him in The Man From Nowhere/Ajusshi. I said, and I quote, "Oohhh me like Korean Keanu." Thank God he doesn't sound like him though. Duuuddde........
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Fasiris Fay
March 19, 2011 at 8:16 PM
Same here, I've been watching k-dramas for about 3 years now and I've heard of him, but I guess by the time I 'joined' the k-drama community, nothing new of his was out. Except for movies, but I prefer watching dramas. So I didn't really see him in the news or anything
I have looked him up on DramaWiki and didn't really find anything too amazing there...so I've heard of him (vaguely) but don't quite get the craze.
But thanks for the drama recommendations, will check 'em out.
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anna hae
March 19, 2011 at 10:21 PM
I pity all of you for not knowing the mightiness of Won Bin.
for starters, might want to check Autumn's Fairy Tale, the much lauded drama of Hallyu along with Winter Sonata.
Then, watch his movies such as Guns and Talk, Taekukgi, Mother, and Ajusshi.
see if you can handle this Won Bin's hotness and charisma.
thank you.
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March 20, 2011 at 6:46 AM
i'm not really familiar with kmovie and i only watch won bin in endless love looong time ago when the 9 years olds me have hideaki takizawa as my ideal man. however, i've HEARD of him sooo many times in everywhere. he's often mentioned as "pretty boys" "ideal man" etc etc in dramas or varieties. tbh, i dunno much about his acting, but he's definitely hot. :3
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3 Ace
March 19, 2011 at 2:04 PM
yeah, even in a 2-episode drama special. =)
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4 mnstpdu08
March 19, 2011 at 2:05 PM
i want to see him in a drama or two as well. i miss him on the small screen.
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5 -_-
March 19, 2011 at 2:12 PM
His hotness is something serious..I'm just saying
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March 19, 2011 at 5:22 PM
for real. Boy hasnt aged.
super jealous
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March 20, 2011 at 2:10 PM
Totally agreed. Not only Won Bin didn't age; he actually looks great at different age. It must be the gene his parents gave him.
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6 polinonae
March 19, 2011 at 2:17 PM
I am in that wagon too.. had been hearing of him for a while in my 4 yrs of drama obsession, but didnt really get to see him acting until i rented "mother", from then on i started googling him and immediatly fallin in lov!!! Sooooo HOT! i woulnd mind seen him in a hollywood movie or a drama, either way if his in it i will watch:D
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7 Kender
March 19, 2011 at 2:19 PM
Nooooooooooooo, do not want. D: I love Won Bin to pieces, but honestly I can't see him doing well in Hollywood. :/
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March 19, 2011 at 4:47 PM
Same....love him but not sure if he speaks English or not.
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March 19, 2011 at 9:55 PM
If my memory serves me right, know that he can speak perfect english.
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March 20, 2011 at 4:42 PM
If he can speak perfect english...... I will just die of happiness... Is won bin that perfect???
I cant believe some drama fans dont know Won Bin's work! Must watch all the recommendations of his dramas and movies... He is not only hot, talented but also he just has that understated quiet HOTNESS!!! I cant really describe it!
I like the wonnies nickname! yes please ..more wonnies love!!!
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March 19, 2011 at 5:26 PM
who knows. LA test audiences LOVED Mother. Like on another level of LOVE. But then again, LA is a whole 'nother universe and that praise was mostly for Kim Hye-Ja...
Then again, many asian stars havent really translated (teehee) well to the Hollywood audience (see: Kimura Takuya, Rain, Lee Byung-hun, Park Joon Hyung) while others have (see: Wantanabe Ken, Daniel Henney, Kim YunJin, etc etc etc)
I guess it depends on the project, huh?
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March 19, 2011 at 8:41 PM
Kimura Takuya! I never thought SMAP's very own would show up here. Kakoi desu yo ne?! . HAHAHA. But you're right, part of it depends on the project.
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March 20, 2011 at 6:51 AM
don't forget ninomiya kazunari (arashi)~ <3
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March 20, 2011 at 8:45 PM
Never. How could I forget Nino?! Letter to Iwo Jima (sadly, haven't seen it yet despite my love for all things Arashi).
March 20, 2011 at 9:17 PM
lol, another old school Johnny'sEnt fan?
I liked Kimura's old works (namely Pride) for reasons I cant explain... it's a shame that I dont really find any of his recent stuff inspiring.
I need to take a look at some of the newer movies huh? I havent seen anything since Proposal Kyoudai (Nakamura Aoi was really cute in that btw)
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March 20, 2011 at 10:59 PM
You can't really get into a lot of his other things because you can only play the misunderstood cold type before your fans gets tired (and the ratings don't lie when they say the fans in Japan aren't tired of Kimura yet). He did deviate when he did MR. BRAIN, and I've heard some good things about that show. I've seen a couple of episodes too and it wasn't that bad, I just couldn't stomach Ayase Haruka. She always seemed blank to me, although she pulled off Hotaru no Hikaru really well (either it was her best or maybe I was too busy drooling over Osamu Mukai and Fujiki Naohito to notice). It doesn't help that I know Ayase is a dits in real life. XD
But yes, I've been a fan of some of Johnny's Boys for a while now (I was Jun baited through Hanadan) and although strict youtube copyrights have made it hard for me to find new things from my favorite J-Boys, I try to keep up-to-date every once in a while through livejournal and whatnot.
March 20, 2011 at 9:23 AM
Love Ken Watanabe. I think Inception will not be his last movie with Nolan.
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8 girlatsea
March 19, 2011 at 2:22 PM
I would really like it if he turned to dramaland as well. At least one.
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March 19, 2011 at 4:21 PM
but its been almost 10 years since his been on a drama
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9 win
March 19, 2011 at 2:30 PM
Oh my hot, elusive, mysterious Won Bin...I LOVE you!!! For those who don't know him or just discovered him from his most recent films...google, watch & catch up! :)
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10 nikkyp28
March 19, 2011 at 2:42 PM
YES PLEASE!!!! Mr. Ahjusshi do come back to dramaland....I really misssssss him on the small screen.....
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11 jeankaycee
March 19, 2011 at 2:44 PM
won bin! liked him before but after watching mother and ajusshi i love him!
especially in ajusshi! he's great in the movie!
will join GF in wishing that hope to see him back in k-dramaland!
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12 jomo143
March 19, 2011 at 3:07 PM
How's his English?
Movies that play here are fine with me.
Then he can return quickly and do more Kdrama.
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13 Severine
March 19, 2011 at 3:15 PM
I have been MIA from DB for a while, and what do I see when I make my return? This squee-inducing picture of Mr. One Look With Dem' Eyes and Fangirls Turn Into a Puddle of Goo! Yay! Thanks, GF! You always know how to make my day.
Also, kind of disappointed to hear he's considering an American project...I really, really hoped he might return to dramas, but alas I wish him luck! My greedy fangirl self should just be happy that he's lining up a steady stream of projects. *sigh*
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14 Lilian
March 19, 2011 at 3:26 PM
I would love to watch 20 eps of Won Bin, but honestly dramas will just be a waste of his talent.
So yea, I'm gonna be a beezy and say he's too good for dramas. Any drama he lands in will just turn into a fan service show with 20 eps of Won Bin eye candy. *cough* Jang Geun Suk *cough* Moon Geun Young *cough*
He's such a rare diamond, I doubt commercial dramas are looking for a serious actor. They just want his name.
Same thing goes for cinema, but the filmmaker actually holds his end of the bargain.
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15 Soua
March 19, 2011 at 3:27 PM
I loved him in Autumn Heart already... How I hated how he didn't end up with the girl... And when he cried... made me want to hold him forever... LOL.
So handsome!!!! I'm so excited for him! YAY!
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16 SteamyBun
March 19, 2011 at 3:37 PM
He's too good for Hollywood! (no offense Hollywood)
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17 Mia
March 19, 2011 at 4:03 PM
I don't want him in Hollywood. He's far too lovely to be placed in a 12 minute cameo where some English is strangled out of him.
And though it's too much to ask that he be in a drama again (a romantic one would be a chunk of heaven) as long as he DOES act (and not stay in hiding for five years at a time) I'll be beyond thrilled.
*Sigh* By far (by far by far) my favorite actor.
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18 theedie
March 19, 2011 at 4:53 PM
I don't really like Korean movies. Of the ones I've seen, they always leave something to be desired. I don't know if it's just because I'm used to Hollywood movies, but Korean movies feel like their stories aren't being told as well and as such I feel a plateau in the middle of the movie and no climax. I think the one movie that came closest to westernized story telling was 100 Pounds of Beauty, but even then I'd give that movie a B+. That's why I'm always a little baffled to see some really big name Korean stars devote their careers to movies once they've made it when I feel like dramas are a much better use of their talents. So I would definitely prefer it if Won Bin went back to dramaland, but that's just me and my tastes. Ah well, best of luck to him =T
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March 19, 2011 at 5:45 PM
I am sorry to disagree with you!!!!!!!!
I will not put you down for what you have said, but the fact is this;
Asian movies, specially Korean ones have been hail as some of the most influentials world wide in the last 15 years. There have been scores of Asian and Korean movies that they have had a remake in Hollywood, to the detriment of the originals.
I have stop watching Hollywood movies, for the most part, but I can say that Koreans movies have become equal if not better than what Hollywood is doing right now,
Last but not the least, I do not know your "Ethnic Background" but having a bit of "knowledge" about Asian, and Korean philosophy of life may help you understand better where are they coming from, but maybe Korean Films are not your cup of tea, but that does not mean that Korean movies are of a substandard quality, in writing or cinematography!!!!! : O }
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March 19, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Yeah, have to agree with Amg1 on that. Korean TV often gets bashed for its formulaic plots and endless triangles. Korean music often gets bashed for idols and ripping off American music. HOWEVER, Korean film currently has big critical darling status in the world.
A lot of Korean film resembles how Hollywood movies were made in the 70s. Very situational, very character driven, and the narratives are more discursive. There's also likeness to French New Wave, in the focus on the absurd and bizarre, which is completely different than the soap opera-driven style of Korean TV.
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March 19, 2011 at 7:01 PM
Also forgot . . . mainstream Korean films can be intensely socially driven in a way that mainstream Hollywood has mostly avoided since the late 80s (outside of historical films.)
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March 19, 2011 at 9:15 PM
Amen!!!!!! Sister!!!!!! :O }
March 19, 2011 at 10:22 PM
Well, here's the thing. I'm not dismissing the merits of Korean movies. Some of them can be very powerful and Asian movies in general do have very good themes and stories that cannot be found anywhere else. The problem that I have in watching most of them is that the execution is not always there and I'm left feeling a little dissatisfied. Let me make it clear that I'm not saying Korean/Asian films are horrible, far from that. I just feel that with these films, I'm only getting at most 90% of their potential. Just because Korean/Asian films are very influential and stir inspiration in other film makers, this doesn't necessarily mean that these films are the best either. And I'm not saying all Hollywood movies are flawless either, but there's something to the way movies are presented in the States that makes these feel more developed. Yes, there are some very terrible films from Hollywood, but on average I say I get a better experience from them.
As for my ethnic background, I'm Vietnamese and am well versed in Asian cultures and have spent time in Korea. Again, I'm only commenting on storytelling ability in the Korean films I've watched. I'm sure there are some excellent films through and through from Korea though I have yet to see one (I have a couple that come really, really close though). Cinematography and all that are not really part of this conversation either btw.
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March 20, 2011 at 2:36 AM
Oh for me, Korean movies are the best. Sometimes, after watching a certain movie, i'll say to myself "only the KOREANS would be able to think or come-up with this kind of story" that's why some are being re-made. One movie that really shook me up is "THE SCARLET LETTER". Yes, sometimes they kept you hanging, but those hanging storyline gave way to more questions that leads to really intelligently thinking it over more. Making the movie stuck in your mind.
Wow, now i'm missing LEE EUN JOO =(. Her movies are all great, i think =)
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March 20, 2011 at 7:51 PM
I wouldn't say one is better than the other. I feel as if both industries have delivered their fair share of good films as well as shitty ones. They are their own entities and trying to compare them is like trying to compare Apples and Bananas. Maybe if they were two different types of Apples sure . . . I just feel that giving up on Hollywood is just as sad as people never giving Korean Films (or international films in general) a try. Maybe I say this because I love watching movies, but there is merit in finding that gem in Hollywood, underrated it may be.
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anna hae
March 19, 2011 at 10:29 PM
OH really?
may I know what and which k-movies have you been watching??
I'm speechless and DITTO to Amg1's and belleza's replies.
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March 19, 2011 at 11:28 PM
I know text is sometimes difficult to gauge emotions from, but I'm sensing a bit of rage on your end. For one thing, my comment was never meant to incite some sort of anger from anybody and I regret my wording if that was the case. At any rate, I don't see why I have to prove anything to you since it's just my opinion but if you must know here's some of the films I've seen:
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Tale of Two Sisters
Bungee Jumping of their Own
The Way Home
Hwang Jini
100 Pounds of Beauty
The King and the Clown
The Host
Innocent Steps
Welcome to Dongmakgol
My Sassy Girl
High School Girl Got Married
100 Days with Mr. Arrogance
My Little Bride
Some of these films get a ton of praise from people. While I certainly like a few of these films, I just personally feel these films were just okay. I just don't see what other people see. I apologize if that offends anyone.
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anna hae
March 20, 2011 at 6:48 AM
First of all I would like to apologize if you feel offended by my post up there.
And by looking through your k-movie lists, I see that 6 of the movies were my all time favorite and also the one getting rave reviews.
I guess you need to widen your selection to see what's worth of k-movies. However, I'm in no way insulting your preference of k-drama over k-movie it's just that I would like to share the gems of good k-movies. You can go here to read reviews from others.
once again I apologize to you.
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March 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM
theedie, I'm here for you! I can definitely agree with your sentiments, at least partly. I initially LOVED the atmosphere of Korean films and saw (and loved, and still love) several of those you listed. But once the newness wore off I started noticing something about "typical" Korean filmmaking that, like you said, is not bad or amateurish at all but can leave something to be desired. I'm not knowledgeable about the evolution of the Korean film industry versus others, but there is something different that makes them, to me, simultaneously superior to other films and lacking in something that makes all the best films "important". I'm still charmed by them though. Also I can't stand Hollywood films of any era.
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March 19, 2011 at 11:06 PM
I happen to be a huge fan of Korean and Japanese movies, and not so much of Hollywood, but for the noobs and young 'uns around here - here's a quick cruise around from an old obasan.
Most countries have a movie making style that is their own - or are developing their own. Korea has several directors with a unique style and an industry that tends towards genres that do well in country. Technically, Korean films tend to really excel at cinematography and scoring. I happen to be a huge fan of Korean action movies. Stylistically, those tend to be spare, dark and very violent. Ajusshi is actually a fairly classic example of the style.
As it happens, Won Bin has been in 5 movies - 3 of which are outstanding in different ways - Taegukgi, Mother and Ajusshi - and all of which have been box office successes in Korea. I believe Taegukgi is still in the top 10 box office hits in Korea.
Oddly, my favorite Won Bin film is his first film - Guns and Talks. I am insanely fond of that movie - which is a comedy about hired killers.
It's hard to know what type of film to recommend to a noob in Korean film without knowing their tastes. For instance, my sister happens to detest a couple of my favorite films because she cannot stand the violence in them. To each their own. All it would take is a quick google around for "best Korean movies" to find lists from various critics.
If you do not happen to enjoy the particular styles that come out of Korea, than such is life. But Hollywood is not very likely to be making films like Taegugki, King and the Clown, or Duelist. Heck, Hollywood has bought the rights to many Korean and Japanese films for remakes, and IMHO, the original versions are almost always better.
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March 19, 2011 at 11:17 PM
I don't deny that cinematography and scoring is amazing in Korean films. On those grounds they are on par with any film in the rest of the world and in some cases even better. But like I've been saying, my main gripe is just story telling. Some of these films feel a little muted in development and I don't feel like I'm getting enough. It may be the style or I don't know what, but it's just not to my taste so perhaps it's not something I'm getting. In any case I didn't think I would be getting such a response since my comment was not to incite some sort of outrage from Korean cinema fans, I was only saying that I felt like Korean dramas seemed to offer a little more for actors than movies. That's just my opinion, nothing more.
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March 20, 2011 at 5:03 AM
I don't think anyone is out to get you, they're just trying to get to know why you prefer Dramas over Movies...? Or at least from my standpoint that's what I wanted to know.
Man this thread has exploded in the last few days. Thanks for sharing your thoughts theedie. :)
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March 20, 2011 at 8:15 AM
Theedie, I understand and know what you felt. I feel the same.
I just happen to sleep in almost all 'great' movies, like Hollywood oscar-winning movies, and K-movies. Except Taegukgi, I cried for 2 days. And in the end, I just can't love Taegukgi as much as I love 'crappy' chick-flicks.
19 Alvina
March 19, 2011 at 5:29 PM
It'd be interesting to see him (or an asian star) in something like Paris, Je t'aime but... international version haha.
How awesome would that be?!
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20 Arhazivory
March 19, 2011 at 5:46 PM
Ok...that pic just kills me. How can he be so sexy?
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March 19, 2011 at 6:03 PM
Seriously - I can't look at it too long or else I'm 5 minutes into the future and drooling.....it seems surreal that a face that beautiful exists, or at least exists without making everyone around spontaneously combust from blushing (though that is still debatable).
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March 20, 2011 at 1:09 PM
True...its dangerous.
I think putting it as a screensaver for my phone was a mistake. Now I keep staring at the screen and it may not be good for my heart. -_-'
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21 DDC
March 19, 2011 at 7:10 PM
Check out his CF at youtube. He is just amazing ... not only have a handsome face ... he also has a killer smile that will make everyone falls for it. Even my mom said that she never saw a guy so handsome ... no matter what age you are ... you'll easily get attracted by him. I miss him very much since his last drama and I am hoping that he will pick one in the near future. Movie is good, but it takes a long time to shoot a good one and I am sure everyone wants to see him more in acting. Just a short 16 ep drama will be good ....
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March 20, 2011 at 3:01 AM
Just watched the CF over in youtube.. thanks for recommending. Damn HOT Won Bin.. and the kiss.. wish I was Shin Mina.. but IMO, the CF was cheesy hehe. Not complaining though, as long as I can see Won Bin in there, I'll readily swallow the cheese :)
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22 ahjumma
March 19, 2011 at 7:35 PM
I love Won Bin... if he enters Hollywood I would definitely go watch his movie and probably be one of the only ones who is going to freak out when he comes out.... I want to see him on dramas, if he comes out on dramas my computer screen will be filled with finger prints from me trying to touch him.... if I see him in movies I would be able to watch him act different characters....
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23 ????????
March 19, 2011 at 8:40 PM
I know this is not a contest, but I've watched hundreds of dramas and at least a thousand movies. Its all I do, all day, most of the night. Korean dramas and their triangles and mean mothers in law are a tribute to lazy writing and a formula that works, sorry to say. But, Korean film is great. Korean film has definitely earned its place in my film library. I haven't watched an American movie or American broadcast TV in at least 12 years.
In Autumn Tale, I'd definitely have taken Won Bin over Song Seung Hun and still would. For anyone who hasn't seen it, Mother is a worthwhile watch. Won Bin did a really good job here.
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March 20, 2011 at 2:07 PM
I am the same. I like Song Seung Hun especially at "My Princess", but no doubt Won Bin shines more in the Autumn Tale.
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24 Cha
March 19, 2011 at 9:00 PM
won bin drama please!!!!!!! would anyone know why did not make any drama for the past 10 years?
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anna hae
March 19, 2011 at 10:38 PM
Well he's known as movie actors, A-list actors like Jang Dong-gun, who once step into the Chungmuro world, it's rare to see them to step back into small screen.
Case in point, Ha Ji-won (ALSO a movie actress, A-lister) recent 'comeback' to small screen with Secret Garden after her last successful drama, Hwang Jin-yi in 2005.
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March 19, 2011 at 10:44 PM
Easy, because Won Bin has a very successful career in movies. He may act in a drama (if there's great script) one day, but I think he will focus in movies in his career. Look at those Hollywood and Asian top stars they are mostly acting in movies.
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25 Laeah
March 19, 2011 at 10:20 PM
I want to see him in a Hollywood movie. He can always do a drama - but if he makes it into a HW movie it can open doors for more Koreans and Asians to enter HW. That = good.
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26 gin
March 19, 2011 at 11:06 PM
I recommend everyone to see his latest movie "The Man From Nowhere". AWESOME movie! Won Bin's acting was AMAZING!
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March 20, 2011 at 4:54 PM
Agree !! In case some of you dont know it ... 'The man from nowhere' or otherwise known as 'ahjussi' are one and the same.
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27 Keylye
March 19, 2011 at 11:49 PM
Ah, that picture is amazing. Personally, I'd be happy to watch him in anything, as long as it comes out SOON. He's such an amazing actor. I think I need to go rewatch Ajusshi right now.
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28 Banu
March 20, 2011 at 2:23 AM
It's was his year indeed.. The Man From Nowhere is awesome.. truly masterpiece but not to Hollywood please asians are better off them.. Just a couple would be great but don't waste your life in hollywood.. I also want to see him in drama's =) cause that way we see him more than a couple hours ..
Thanks for the info.. WON BIN FIGHTING...!!!! ^__^
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29 Q
March 20, 2011 at 3:24 AM
I want to see him in new DRAMA!!!!!!!!jaebal!!!
I want to see him in more hours!
Movie are too short for his hotness!
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30 jyyjc
March 20, 2011 at 4:20 AM
i want him to pair up with ha ji won in a drama.
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March 20, 2011 at 5:37 AM
...oh yes why not!...the best comment so far...love you for that...oh goodness its so obvious I'm not done with my addiction to SG...LOL...
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anna hae
March 20, 2011 at 6:54 AM
My thoughts exactly.
thank you. :)
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March 20, 2011 at 9:34 AM
But i want him to be paired with lee dae hee.. and they should make romantic comedy!!=p
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31 janna
March 20, 2011 at 5:23 AM
Ok, the whole will he make it big in America or not: Not if his English is bad. I don't just mean speaking it, I mean comprehension. Actors are big in America if they can throw themselves around the press junket crap whether they are wanted there or not. You can't sit there with a translator on a late night talk show. It goes for anything, you can be the hottest sh-t anywhere and be a nobody here.
I think the lack of English understanding is what gets you in the horrible movie project club. It's like the managers are some slick used cars salesmen. "Cartoon Movies are big! You so wanna be in one. . ."
I'd like to hear some of Won-bins English before I gave him the go ahead, but for now I say stay away. You'll just have better projects to choose from being a big fish in Korea than a small fish in America's crap infested movie pool which either has Oscar contenders, film-circuit darlings or just time-wasting junk to rake in date dollars. Oh man that was long I apologize.
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32 Ashnia
March 20, 2011 at 9:06 AM
OMG!! He looks gorjess in the above picture.
Park Shi Hoo is a type of actor that you have to watch a project of his and than you get all the hype surrounding him.
But WONBIN is the type of actor who you just see and fall in love without ever seeing any of his work. Which I mean after you see his work its like you fall hard for him.
I loved him in Man from Nowhere like NO JOKE. He was sooo GOOOD.
I really want to see him in a drama especially a rom-com. Imagine if "Discovery of Affection" was given to WONBIN instead ahhhhh <3
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33 Kuging-RN
March 20, 2011 at 9:29 AM
Oh please be a in a drama..Hes so Hot and talented.
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34 cancerb
March 20, 2011 at 3:52 PM
MY OH MY that pic is hella hot, this is the problem with Big Chungmuro star, they hardly seen to do dramas,.
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35 enna
March 20, 2011 at 5:09 PM
I watched him and Friends and autum in ur heart. Luv him since then...too bad someone has not returned my Friend's DVD otherwise I'll definitely watch again tonite
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36 junga
March 21, 2011 at 7:28 AM
I want him to appear in a drama...I think the reason he doesn't want to appear in drama is because he's shy...if he's in drama...most probably he'll taking the love role acting beside an actress...
He mentioned before that he will not be doing anymore drama.....that's so sad...I miss him in drama...
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37 naquia
March 23, 2011 at 2:11 AM
NO to Hollywood!! Won Bin is a shy and a very private person. I love him in Guns N Talks, TaeGuki, Mother n Ahjusshi..He's so hot n so mega talented..
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38 milan1010
April 18, 2011 at 9:25 AM
i think he is too big of movie star to do a drama...but who knows?
is illegal to be that handsome and be so good at acting...
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39 Monifah l'apartheid
April 29, 2013 at 8:47 AM
I lové won bin hé is béatifions i Watch his movie Thé man From Nowhere every day
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40 nuriucup
April 27, 2016 at 6:08 AM
Stuck in this article because I miss won bin so bad at my screen ☹. Wonder what took him so long to pick his next project after The Man From Nowhere.
TMFN is a really great movie and worth watching. Love the last scene, really feel his emotion. *I will hug you Ahjussiii* ?
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