Formerly known as Fly From Rags to Riches, Kwon Sang-woo (Mystery Queen 2) and Bae Sung-woo’s (Live) new drama Fly Dragon has released another teaser in the run-up to...
In the upcoming underdog drama Fly From Rags to Riches, a problematic duo will stand up against an unjust world. The recently released teaser hints at the comedic potential between...
The cast and crew of SBS's upcoming Fly From Rags to Riches were recently gathered for the drama's first script reading and stills have now been released.
The drama is...
I knew I needed to prepare myself for the finale week of 9.9 Billion Won Woman, but I don't think I was ready for the full heart-pounding extent of these final...
Our heroine finally changes her course, giving up on the tainted 9.9 billion won in exchange for earning the money herself — little does she know she's become part of an elaborate...
One huge operation brings all of our players together in what they think is a final battle -- but really, it's only just another chapter in the 9.9 billion won saga...
It's all about the reveals this week, and the more we learn about the 9.9 billion won, the more we learn about all of our main players. The money turns out...
Our heroine needs to escape with her money before it's too late, but before she does, she has some business to take care of. But clearing her conscience, tying up...
It would be an understatement to say this is an "edge of your seat" drama! As it turns out, stealing the 9.9 billion won was the easy part for our heroine (...
Fighting the odds, Bae Sung-woo and Kwon Sang-woo pair up in legal comedy Fly Dragon
by tineybeanie
Formerly known as Fly From Rags to Riches, Kwon Sang-woo (Mystery Queen 2) and Bae Sung-woo’s (Live) new drama Fly Dragon has released another teaser in the run-up to...
Tags: Bae Sung-woo, Fly Dragon, Jo Sung-ha, Jung Woong-in, Kim Gab-soo, Kim Joo-hyun, Kwon Sang-woo
Fly Dragon
Tags: Bae Sung-woo, comedy, Jo Sung-ha, Jung Woo-sung, Jung Woong-in, Kim Gab-soo, Kim Joo-hyun, Kwon Sang-woo, Lee Elijah, Lee Jong-hyuk, Lee Jung-jae, Lee Won-jong, legal
Kwon Sang-woo, Bae Sung-woo fight corruption in Fly From Rags to Riches
by tineybeanie
In the upcoming underdog drama Fly From Rags to Riches, a problematic duo will stand up against an unjust world. The recently released teaser hints at the comedic potential between...
Tags: Bae Sung-woo, Fly Dragon, Jung Woong-in, Kim Eung-soo, Kim Gab-soo, Kwon Sang-woo
Script Reading for SBS’s Fly From Rags to Riches with Kwon Sang-woo, Bae Sung-woo, and Jung Woong-in
by tccolb
The cast and crew of SBS's upcoming Fly From Rags to Riches were recently gathered for the drama's first script reading and stills have now been released. The drama is...
Tags: Bae Sung-woo, Fly Dragon, Jo Hee-bong, Jo Sung-ha, Jung Woong-in, Kim Eung-soo, Kwon Sang-woo
9.9 Billion Won Woman: Episodes 29-32 Open Thread (Final)
by missvictrix
I knew I needed to prepare myself for the finale week of 9.9 Billion Won Woman, but I don't think I was ready for the full heart-pounding extent of these final...
Tags: 9.9 Billion Won Woman, Jo Yeo-jung, Jung Woong-in, Kim Kang-woo, Lee Ji-hoon (2), Oh Nara
9.9 Billion Won Woman: Episodes 25-28 Open Thread
by missvictrix
Our heroine finally changes her course, giving up on the tainted 9.9 billion won in exchange for earning the money herself — little does she know she's become part of an elaborate...
Tags: 9.9 Billion Won Woman, Jo Yeo-jung, Jung Woong-in, Kim Kang-woo, Lee Ji-hoon (2), Oh Nara
9.9 Billion Won Woman: Episodes 21-24 Open Thread
by missvictrix
One huge operation brings all of our players together in what they think is a final battle -- but really, it's only just another chapter in the 9.9 billion won saga...
Tags: 9.9 Billion Won Woman, Jo Yeo-jung, Jung Woong-in, Kim Kang-woo, Lee Ji-hoon (2), Oh Nara
9.9 Billion Won Woman: Episodes 17-20 Open Thread
by missvictrix
It's all about the reveals this week, and the more we learn about the 9.9 billion won, the more we learn about all of our main players. The money turns out...
Tags: 9.9 Billion Won Woman, Jo Yeo-jung, Jung Woong-in, Kim Kang-woo, Lee Ji-hoon (2), Oh Nara
9.9 Billion Won Woman: Episodes 13-16 Open Thread
by missvictrix
Our heroine needs to escape with her money before it's too late, but before she does, she has some business to take care of. But clearing her conscience, tying up...
Tags: 9.9 Billion Won Woman, Jo Yeo-jung, Jung Woong-in, Kim Kang-woo, Lee Ji-hoon (2), Oh Nara
9.9 Billion Won Woman: Episodes 9-12 Open Thread
by missvictrix
It would be an understatement to say this is an "edge of your seat" drama! As it turns out, stealing the 9.9 billion won was the easy part for our heroine (...
Tags: 9.9 Billion Won Woman, Jo Yeo-jung, Jung Woong-in, Kim Kang-woo, Lee Ji-hoon (2), Oh Nara